Soldier of satan said:
I did not know spiritual satanism was a political party, or should I say a part of the Republican party. You are obviously a maga trump supporter, homophonic, putin supporter, believe Tucker Carlson's lies and misinformation, covid denier, anti vaccines, and wrapped up in baseless conspiracies. Sadly you have the platform as a high priest to spread your bullshit. ( What qualifies one to be a high priest) father Satan and the gods must be asking the same question. Your words would drive away anyone who has a interest in being a spiritual satanist.
As HP.Cobra personally replied to you, in essence the NS/SS Organization JoS accepts anyone and everyone of this kind of sexual technology. If your technology is leaning towards homosexuality, gay or lesbian, or your bi- or a spectrum it's okay nothing wrong.
The problem you fail to understand is you speak from a perspective of someone who didn't study history between the 1800s and leading right up to about 1930s.
Dr. Magnus Hirschfield look him up. Look up his Frankfort School precursor to LGBT+AIWTFBBQ technology. This person was one of the BIGGEST theorycrafters or brainstormers that existed on the field of sexual shifting technologies. If anything you can make the argument that Fraud's psycho-babble was more saner than Magnus. At least Fraud wasn't wanting you to bottom/top surgery your ass albeit I wouldn't be surprised if as a fellow judiac paizano he'd probably create an entire field of LGBT+ technologies.
We've been at this since the collapse of the Jacobin/Frankists and their hiding and reemergence later with Communism and Comiturn.
Sheer fact is I'm reminded of Hitler's time in Vienna stating certain things he learned in fact Hitler not living in Vienna would have behooved him. I'm very much interested in specific principle of Viennese history that Hitler mentioned a very interesting thing I'm sure other people noted in history.
If I can somehow download this data to my databanks. I'd probably associate it with something I call Project America. If anything Vienna seemed like it was on the cusp of creating the doom and gloom of Communism in places around the World. Especially America. Like for example Styx recently mentioning Commie blocks are coming 15-Minute Cities create a Communist enslavement cities in Neo-Lib/Neo-Con style, in other words softer communism i.e. termite communism combined with capitalist dupeism.
Sheer fact is Magnus would have adored the internet and LGBT+ and the chaos ensued. LGBT+ is a W.P.S. or Weapons Platform Systems. LGBT is gonna get wiped out, most lesbians are fine as biblically speaking lesbianism is seen as a slap on the wrist, a woman is not a man and a woman cannot lie with another like woman to see it as basically a lesser crime. But men on men action is seen with utter fury and hatred of annihilation. Same goes for Bi and same goes for T.
In fact funny enough T-people have been so annihilated by their own hands and by the hands of people like black people especially it seems whites are more comfortable interacting with partial or full transition people that they rarely if ever kill these people. But time and time again you see some black dude waste a person with their bare hands in some cases.
Sheer fact is this is the SAME exact bullshit occurring since end of the 19th beginnings of the 20 century. Man posses 300 undecillion genders. No look at the enemy. The only difference is in today's time we have the internet.

Billions of Genders. Genders Genders everywhere like the Buzz lightyear meme.
(((Them and their Cohorts))): Only a few things Man and Woman and if we are feeling particularly nice two or three more.
I'm sorry why should we believe there are 380 billion genders in reality.
As you can see if the National Socialist didn't burn Dr. Hirschfield's technological creations we'd have another 800 billion genders added and then people will create a good 80 million more flags for things.
As for the rest.
We've seen enough on the stage of reality that certain people and certain actions have proven to be a good rather than bad. Unfortunately it seems like with many people they listen and don't care about the action.
Yeah you can say a lot of shit but if your doing stuff and it's good. Okay cool.
Fox is a dupe system it's utterly stupid it's an echochamber even Styx hell I wouldn't even surprised if Tim Pool and others have agreed that Fox is just terrible. And Tucker isn't innocent it's good he got fucked over at Fox. He can always do like O'Keefe and make his own system and run it.
Tucker can pull in hundreds of thousands and make those 80-100 million+.
Sheer fact is it's waiting to be seen. Especially being off the leash of Fox.
As for Republicans or Repbulicucks as they should be called. If someone does good it's not a bad thing. Sheer fact is you make it seem like we are an active political party.
I like to call ourselves a platform for theory and theorem. We classify as NatSoc we are an all-wing system including a new political technology of Proactionaries. Pro act against negativity.
You make it seem like JoS just recently came in. We've been around since at least late-2001, early-2002. I mean we are prime Web 1.0 site just before the golden age of gaming and the beginnings of the golden age of RTS games.
If anything HP.Cobra is simply being rational and using his brain. Coof is a fucking scam and so is the vaccine. What is the vaccine gonna do? Why should I take it?
I think the vaccine at some point is just "muh feels". I don't want coofy, just avoid getting sick. Like Dr. Luc Montague said, you don't lockdown, vaccinate, nor do mandates like that during a pandemic.
No one gives a shit of coof. I mean I live in a part of the World where like 90% of the people give two shits about this. The only ones that care are people who are fear based perspective.
Oh and baseless conspiracies. Explain to us very carefully why like BCP(Black Conservative Patriot) states a lot: "Conspiracy fact".
Why is it all the lunatics that state these ebil, debil conspiracies come out completely correct. OR if incorrect they have a technical correctness which sometimes if not more often then not technical correctness is better than being correct.
How come people who are on alt media tech sites are being proven correct? Why is youtuber or bitchuter or odysser or rumbler person correct?
How come MANY people who talk are being proven correct. What makes HP.Cobra's limited Human perspective I mean hell for all intents and purposes HP.Cobra could have probably gone to journalism school and make a name and career out of alternative medias.
But he decided to stick with JoS and funny enough he not only see the forest and the trees nor has shit on his knees. But even his limited Human body and schedule allows enough freedom to peer into this gargantuan thing called the internet and give rational and even in incorrectness he is pretty dead on. Or at least presents a person of I "Can" make mistakes.
But funny enough you make it seem like HP.Cobra is Jesus Christ who can somehow peer into the billions of telecommunications systems used by humanity daily. I mean hell some people are lucky to even get 10 views on their channel.
You make it seem like JoS is the end all be all of information. Okay people the buck stops with us.
JoS like any Human or any entity requires a mass population to feed it data. Like an AI machine it requires eyes and ears on the internet. One person can't do it alone.
Hell it's just like the video Styx put out. I'm limited to my Human functions and technological limitations. I would LOVE to spread my message across the internet but I'm Human guys I have limits.
Cobra is simply a limited person. He is not a machine. I'm sure some people point things out for him and he has his emailing system with certain information people provide to make him look ahead and study a bit. Which funny enough people do that with alternative news casters in various -tube platforms.
Like I said you make it seem HP.Cobra is a God incarneth he has limits he just has a good bullshit detector and a good perspective at typing.
Look at my post above does my pathetic crappy typing style sound like I posses his insight or the aptitude to better my typing. No if anything I'm always impressed with HP.Cobra's style as he remarked a while back I'm impressed by Klassen's style of wording. Hell when I read Collected Writing by Gottfried Feder. I deeply enjoyed his typing style.
Anyways think before you post you seem like the people who tell you those ebil, debil Nazim killed people. SO WHAT! People have killed people before that doesn't mean you can't learn. It reminds me of the Linux community abandoning for the most part the filesystem in which the person murdered his wife. That's not a reason to abandon technology hell that brings forth the same argument Open-Source vs Libre-Source.
Our words would probably drive people towards NS/SS because precisely we don't want bullshit lies. Look at the media how the hell can people believe some of the mainstream non-sense. Coof is the debil has come, coof is just some sniffles it's mortality rate is sub-1% for most of the age ranges. Hell if anything we should be more concerned with other diseases due to immigrants and other people around the World who carry some really freaky shit out there, ebola, monkey pox, etc.etc.
How come all the places without any lockdowns and mandates did great. Look at Sweden mask if you want no pressure nor anything. Sweden is doing spectacular. Look at some of it's neighbors. You seem to have forgotten history from 2019-to-Now. Do some research look back.