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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
The more one advances and becomes mature from both an intellectual point of view as well as spiritually advancement, the more one recognizes the importance of society and common goals. What one does affects someone else one way or another and individualism remains a poor vision for mentally weak characters.
Sure, we all have individual goals, but such goals would not even be possible if we were not part of a society with at least a decent degree of rules and laws as to not be defined as an anarchy.

Therefore, true leadership remains a mission of selflessness as most exceptional people do not see leadership as a means to fill their own egos or to gain power for the sake of power. Many of them would rather not even lead, but the circumstances in which the world affairs put us right now, makes many of us feel that we might not have a choice, but to jump in, replace the rotten leadership of the current system at any level possible and avoid a possible racial extinction event and an economic and social cataclysm.

A leader’s most sacred mission in our times is to lead others to advance as well for those purposes. In order to achieve the well-functioning of society, most if not all of its members must understand what this means. People must understand and get involved in the affairs of civic duty, selflessness, economy, legislation, moral common sense, security and have consideration for others. The last element is the most important as it creates good relations between people and therefore working together towards all other common goals comes easier. Consideration must be thought from a young age and most importantly in schools. People must be dragged out of this toxic environment of the enemy based on endless ideological and animalistic conflict and come to work together to advance society as the advancement of society and the individual walk hand in hand. There will always be lesser elements of every race, in some more in others fewer, that will not have the natural predisposition to learn and be educated. Where education fails, it is the duty of a healthy system to impede such individuals to have high positions in society or be able to harm others. Eugenics and other methods must be applied in order to decide and encourage who breeds more. The enemy’s definition for “tolerance” has made the lesser elements breed like flies and their system has given them enormous advantage over the normal individual. This is where our sacred mission of leadership must step in and train the educated to develop their minds, muscles and emotional balance as their whole set of abilities will need to be used at maximum capacity. This category of people is vastly outnumbered at the moment and will need to work together in order to not go extinct.

The average office guy will have to also know fighting and self-defense, but also know the legislation and the articles of self-defense from the penal code in order to make the best decisions in dangerous situations. The politician and the sponsor will have to also work on the system and improve the legislation as to give an advantage to the innocent and hard-working individual over the thug or parasite which totally dismisses the notion of “society”. To achieve this, fear of the enemy’s social validation norms must perish. This takes maturity, integrity and courage. Many dismiss the notion of courage, but without courage and bravery, the enemy will prevail. The exact individualistic mindset is that which puts us in such massively collective situations, when one thinks he will not make a difference and either hopes others will do so or even supports and appeases the scum of society in order to be left alone, but evil always expands and finds its ways to every person, the first victims often being the perpetuators themselves. Progressive thinkers do not wish to have enemy labels put on them and therefore support the exact policies which in turn put them in an environment of weak law, high criminality, inflation, economic havoc, lack of property and poor salubriousness.

The more and the quicker people wake up and take this path and in higher numbers, the more all of us will have the chance at a prosperous and safe life and get out of the madness of the enemy. But as long as there will be high numbers of compliers to the enemy’s agenda, our lives will keep flying over us and we will miss great opportunities.

Again, I requote Thucydides on his most important vision: “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” Add the enemy’s ill will to this equation and we get the formula for total disaster.
Tolerance for the guilty is injustice for the innocent. So, when leftists, Christians and other groups brag about forgiveness and tolerance and how good it is, they willingly dismiss the injustice they do to others, in most cases innocent people.

When the ones which have the natural capacity, see this vision and get involved into applying it, there will inevitably be a degree of conflict as the ones who cannot perceive this will drag them back to that level. Depending on the degree of decadence and stupidity, this will determine the nature and height of the conflict. This is why the laws of the universe make it that war is often equivalent with advancement and evolution. No pain, no gain. Again, one must trim his garden in order for the good plants to flourish, there is no other way and denying this leads to one’s own destruction. Nobody, not even the Gods, can change the laws of science. One either plays by them or falls into delusion and perishes.

Most of us which are awake to this truth understand this at least on an instinctive, subconscious level and try to make others wake up and join us. It is for this exact reason as we love our close ones and don’t want them to be left behind. We want them with us in this inevitable process. I for one, could not care less about some random thug or drunkard if they don’t understand my vision and wish to continue being a parasite that bothers others.

I have also had a few situations where people have asked me why haven’t I told them about a certain spiritual knowledge or why didn’t I tell them more about Jews if I knew those things all this time. Those were people who were at the border of being normal and lacking integrity. We used to talk about such topics, but only at a certain limited level. Those people often had friends that could snitch on me, some of them even had acquaintances in the system or a political party. Cousins which were activists or uncles which were working in the secret services. Their friends obsessed over progressivism, anti-racism and “not voting for the wrong party”. I told them “How could I trust you with such information when you hang out with such individuals?” One can find endless excuses for such actions, but will miss other opportunities and later cry and whine on a victim mentality.

This is why I put emphasis all the time on only focusing our efforts to educate the ones that have the capacity to assimilate our vision. The rest will only constitute a waste of time or worse, a danger.
We must also understand that when someone does not understand a vision, strategy, plan or tactic, this will create resentment inside their minds towards the strategist. This applies in any situation, military, business or a life situation. Leadership comes with the additional mission of being strong and not letting others set one off course based on emotional attacks. The leader must carefully think his strategies and tactics and be mentally ready for the consequences. A life of leadership is not a quiet and peaceful life. One must contemplate carefully on this before embarking on this journey.

The fundamental difference between a leader and a boss is that the leader must lead by example while the boss will only give orders. A true leader must give examples and inspire others to act the way he wishes them to. It is best to earn and maintain a strong degree of respect and lead based on loyalty and not fear. Communists ruled by ways of fear while the National Socialists inspired and earned the loyalty of their followers. The truth remains that, no matter how people view Hitler and the NSDAP party, they entered parliament by means of vote with a strong popular basis behind them.
They managed to maintain that trust further throughout the upcoming difficult years.

While the exceptional individuals will see the resolves of such a vision, there will always be a certain element of society that will either reject advancement on their own, by the pressure of an internal subverter or because of both factors. This is why further leading based on authority is necessary. In our fallen state democratic means might not achieve us the way towards our vision, even worse, there can be situations where the democratic vote does say “yes” to our vision, but the enemy might choose to dismiss the vote through fraud, especially where there is a vote based on machines connected to the internet.

In such grave circumstances, playing by the enemy’s rules just for the sole reason of appeasing them and convincing them they are not what they say they are, is a losing game. Modern conservatives often waste years and years trying to convince the leftist establishment that the labels they put on them are not true therefore reducing conservatives to their level. A true leader must work on implementing his vision or contributing to it regardless of the pressure he is under and be ready to fight the opposition, if necessary, by any means. The enemy will also use any means necessary to win and survive, if they are losing and are desperate. This is why there may be situations in our global circumstances where one must acknowledge the fact that he may not be able to gain and maintain power solely by democratic means. History was not always bound to democracy, but survival remains the highest purpose.

This is why leadership is not an easy journey. In such extreme situations, one will inevitably feel enormous resentment against him. Only the exceptional will join such leaders at the beginning when the resentment is high and the path is difficult, the rest, if later allowed to, will pretend to have understood the path when enough people will have joined in and the norms of validation and comfort have shifted from the enemy to us. This is why I reiterate the fact that we must be careful who we make friends with as there are many who only follow with the comfort zone and power wherever they may reside, not necessarily believing in that path.

Spiritual training opens up the psychic centers which gives us a way better perception of the world affairs. One’s mind becomes a vast array of general and natural understanding. This also gives us an impulse to get involved and implement what we see. On the other hand, sports and especially physical combat gives us courage and confidence. Those two elements added above a vast intellect, amplifies those characteristics and makes for a deadly combination.

The spiritually mature individual sees the correlation between his own advancement and the goal to advance others as well, as he knows we are all interconnected. The "how does this affect you?" rhetorical question is the indicative of a weak mind that does not perceive or refuses to acknowledge the endless links between people and their actions. Their weak characters refuse to admit the simple principle of cause and effect. Power for the sake of power is a shallow vision for egocentric, weak-minded people. Power must be accompanied by a vision or a collective mission. Most people reside in a fallen state of spirituality and only want power and money for the sake of feeding their inflated egos. Money and power, until a certain level fulfill the basic needs, whatever exceeds those must be accompanied by a vision or a mission.

Spiritually advanced individuals do not desire power for such purposes, but only desire it to heal the world from its current state. Most of us despise power, mostly because of the toxic circumstances the enemy has created around this layer of hierarchy. In the House of Cards TV series, Frank Underwood, the main character which is also the president of the United States, has a famous quote that is very important in my opinion "I have no respect for the ones who do not see the difference between money and power"

A leader must first and foremost care for his own people. By “his own people” I am not referring to caring for all elements of society if the case is such that some will impede others form advancing or living a normal life. A society, nation or race must be carefully managed in order for the good citizens to prosper. But regardless of each of our own predispositions, people must have the chance to a good education and proving ourselves and this will minimize a lot the number of people who will, so to say, “enter the next step of selection” where legislation may judge them.

It does not matter what state a group is in, if a leader takes on himself to care about that group, he must look towards the overall prosperity and future of that group.
In my country, I often hear tired, demoralized and weak-minded people say it is not that bad being assimilated and replaced by foreigners as there are many segments of our society which they don’t like. This is a cowardly mistake as one must care for their own, correct them and not abandon them. If the people in question are not critically lost, they must have the chance to be corrected and lead out of the dark path they are on. One cannot say that a Pakistani immigrant for example, is better than a European because he comes from an area with a way smaller average wage and is more fund of working than a native which may be prone to emigrate out of his country in turn for the same reason. If the natives do not have heart towards working, a smart leader will find ways to create better job opportunities, reduce taxes based on the newly created revenue, reduce government spending, reduce the financial pressure on housing and launch campaigns of encouraging the idea of being a hard-working and prosperous citizen, rather than replace his own population with non-whites for quick and selfless goals. That is the Jewish agenda of white replacement which they dismiss it from happening on the media while at the same time they are praising it. This only further demonstrates that the main issue of leftists and weak conservatives is not stupidity but the lack of integrity. Such people can at any time shove a knife in your back when you least expect, so be very careful with whom you make friends.

Leadership and friends are two concepts who complete each other as no one can take on the world without a strong support from others. This is why one must be careful to make friends of the highest intellectual and integral caliber. The ones that support you also define you.

There is an excerpt from the Star Wars book “Thrawn” by Timothy Zahn that really highlights the definition and traits of a leader:
“Military leadership is a journey, not a destination. It is continually challenged, and must continually prove itself anew against fresh obstacles. Sometimes those obstacles are external events. Other times they are the doubts of those being led. Still, other times they are a result of the leaders' own failures and shortcomings.
Political power and influence are different. Once certain levels have been reached, there is no need to prove leadership or competence. A person with such power is accustomed to having every word carefully considered, and every whim treated as an order. And all who recognize that power know to bow to it.
A few have the courage or the foolishness to resist. Some succeed in standing firm against the storm. More often, they find their paths yet again turned form their hoped-for goal. But such a turn does not always mean that the victim has lost. Or that the victor has won.”
The book also has a very significand definition for friendship:
“It is said that one should keep one's allies within view, and one's enemies within reach.
A valid statement. One must be able to read an ally's strengths, so as to determine how to best use them. One must similarly be able to read his enemy's weaknesses, so as to determine how to best defeat him. But what of friends? There is no accepted answer, perhaps because true friendship is so exceedingly rare. But I had formulated my own.
A friend need not be kept within sight or within reach. A friend must be allowed the freedom to find and follow his own path. If one is fortunate, those paths will for a time join. But if paths separate, it is comforting to know that a friend still graces the universe with his skills, and his viewpoint, and his present. For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone.”
EasternFireLion666 said:
his present. For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone.”

Hadn't even realized you pulled a book together and in the progress of another one.

Congratulations brother, keep it up, this is really inspiring
CowboyfromHell said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
his present. For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone.”

Hadn't even realized you pulled a book together and in the progress of another one.

Congratulations brother, keep it up, this is really inspiring

Thank you brother! I will do my best to keep this up ;)
EasternFireLion666 said:

Brother, I had downloaded your book and noticed that it says "Joy of Satan Library". This is confusing because it would imply your writings had been approved by the Clergy or the Head Librarian and published through Satan's Library, giving the reader incorrect conclusions about the origins/backing behind your words.

If you had been given this permission then it is fine to state this, but otherwise I would change this to reflect the source of the book, which as far as I understand is like tangential to the words of the Clergy, but not the words of the Clergy, or what they have personally reviewed and approved.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=477693 time=1702722926 user_id=21286]
EasternFireLion666 said:

Brother, I had downloaded your book and noticed that it says "Joy of Satan Library". This is confusing because it would imply your writings had been approved by the Clergy or the Head Librarian and published through Satan's Library, giving the reader incorrect conclusions about the origins/backing behind your words.

If you had been given this permission then it is fine to state this, but otherwise I would change this to reflect the source of the book, which as far as I understand is like tangential to the words of the Clergy, but not the words of the Clergy, or what they have personally reviewed and approved.

It is currently pending approval. I have not yet shared it with any external users. I understand the Library has some ongoing organizing and recruiting and I want to have the PDF complete for review and if it does not get approval, I will replace it with a version that does not state JoS Library. Do you know if a librarian has been appointed so I can make a direct request?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=477693 time=1702722926 user_id=21286]
EasternFireLion666 said:

Brother, I had downloaded your book and noticed that it says "Joy of Satan Library". This is confusing because it would imply your writings had been approved by the Clergy or the Head Librarian and published through Satan's Library, giving the reader incorrect conclusions about the origins/backing behind your words.

If you had been given this permission then it is fine to state this, but otherwise I would change this to reflect the source of the book, which as far as I understand is like tangential to the words of the Clergy, but not the words of the Clergy, or what they have personally reviewed and approved.

UPDATE 2: I will edit it out once I get home to not create confusion and replace this version. Then I will await the decision and if the case is such I will reupload the previous version.
EasternFireLion666 said:
It is currently pending approval. I have not yet shared it with any external users. I understand the Library has some ongoing organizing and recruiting and I want to have the PDF complete for review and if it does not get approval, I will replace it with a version that does not state JoS Library. Do you know if a librarian has been appointed so I can make a direct request?
You can send the file(s) to [email protected] for processing.
Henu the Great said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
It is currently pending approval. I have not yet shared it with any external users. I understand the Library has some ongoing organizing and recruiting and I want to have the PDF complete for review and if it does not get approval, I will replace it with a version that does not state JoS Library. Do you know if a librarian has been appointed so I can make a direct request?
You can send the file(s) to [email protected] for processing.

Thank you brother! I will send the files for review to this address.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=477693 time=1702722926 user_id=21286]
EasternFireLion666 said:

Brother, I had downloaded your book and noticed that it says "Joy of Satan Library". This is confusing because it would imply your writings had been approved by the Clergy or the Head Librarian and published through Satan's Library, giving the reader incorrect conclusions about the origins/backing behind your words.

If you had been given this permission then it is fine to state this, but otherwise I would change this to reflect the source of the book, which as far as I understand is like tangential to the words of the Clergy, but not the words of the Clergy, or what they have personally reviewed and approved.

UPDATE 3: I did the edit and replaced the link.

What happened to JrVan? Wasn't he the head librarian and have you taken over these responsibilities? Just curious.
Umun said:
What happened to JrVan? Wasn't he the head librarian and have you taken over these responsibilities? Just curious.
I do not know what is with him, but he is not responsible for the task any longer. He has not been on the task for at least six months, as far as I know. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=449583#p449583

I will let the clergy take care of the rest of the information sharing when it suits them.
This is AMAZING!! 🔥 you definitely hit home base with this one! And you are right on with everything! What you have written here is the truth and what we are about to face! And what we need to do and pay attention to!❤️ I thoroughly enjoyed reading this!
The more one advances and becomes mature from both an intellectual point of view as well as spiritually advancement, the more one recognizes the importance of society and common goals. What one does affects someone else one way or another and individualism remains a poor vision for mentally weak characters.
Sure, we all have individual goals, but such goals would not even be possible if we were not part of a society with at least a decent degree of rules and laws as to not be defined as an anarchy.

Therefore, true leadership remains a mission of selflessness as most exceptional people do not see leadership as a means to fill their own egos or to gain power for the sake of power. Many of them would rather not even lead, but the circumstances in which the world affairs put us right now, makes many of us feel that we might not have a choice, but to jump in, replace the rotten leadership of the current system at any level possible and avoid a possible racial extinction event and an economic and social cataclysm.

A leader’s most sacred mission in our times is to lead others to advance as well for those purposes. In order to achieve the well-functioning of society, most if not all of its members must understand what this means. People must understand and get involved in the affairs of civic duty, selflessness, economy, legislation, moral common sense, security and have consideration for others. The last element is the most important as it creates good relations between people and therefore working together towards all other common goals comes easier. Consideration must be thought from a young age and most importantly in schools. People must be dragged out of this toxic environment of the enemy based on endless ideological and animalistic conflict and come to work together to advance society as the advancement of society and the individual walk hand in hand. There will always be lesser elements of every race, in some more in others fewer, that will not have the natural predisposition to learn and be educated. Where education fails, it is the duty of a healthy system to impede such individuals to have high positions in society or be able to harm others. Eugenics and other methods must be applied in order to decide and encourage who breeds more. The enemy’s definition for “tolerance” has made the lesser elements breed like flies and their system has given them enormous advantage over the normal individual. This is where our sacred mission of leadership must step in and train the educated to develop their minds, muscles and emotional balance as their whole set of abilities will need to be used at maximum capacity. This category of people is vastly outnumbered at the moment and will need to work together in order to not go extinct.

The average office guy will have to also know fighting and self-defense, but also know the legislation and the articles of self-defense from the penal code in order to make the best decisions in dangerous situations. The politician and the sponsor will have to also work on the system and improve the legislation as to give an advantage to the innocent and hard-working individual over the thug or parasite which totally dismisses the notion of “society”. To achieve this, fear of the enemy’s social validation norms must perish. This takes maturity, integrity and courage. Many dismiss the notion of courage, but without courage and bravery, the enemy will prevail. The exact individualistic mindset is that which puts us in such massively collective situations, when one thinks he will not make a difference and either hopes others will do so or even supports and appeases the scum of society in order to be left alone, but evil always expands and finds its ways to every person, the first victims often being the perpetuators themselves. Progressive thinkers do not wish to have enemy labels put on them and therefore support the exact policies which in turn put them in an environment of weak law, high criminality, inflation, economic havoc, lack of property and poor salubriousness.

The more and the quicker people wake up and take this path and in higher numbers, the more all of us will have the chance at a prosperous and safe life and get out of the madness of the enemy. But as long as there will be high numbers of compliers to the enemy’s agenda, our lives will keep flying over us and we will miss great opportunities.

Again, I requote Thucydides on his most important vision: “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” Add the enemy’s ill will to this equation and we get the formula for total disaster.
Tolerance for the guilty is injustice for the innocent. So, when leftists, Christians and other groups brag about forgiveness and tolerance and how good it is, they willingly dismiss the injustice they do to others, in most cases innocent people.

When the ones which have the natural capacity, see this vision and get involved into applying it, there will inevitably be a degree of conflict as the ones who cannot perceive this will drag them back to that level. Depending on the degree of decadence and stupidity, this will determine the nature and height of the conflict. This is why the laws of the universe make it that war is often equivalent with advancement and evolution. No pain, no gain. Again, one must trim his garden in order for the good plants to flourish, there is no other way and denying this leads to one’s own destruction. Nobody, not even the Gods, can change the laws of science. One either plays by them or falls into delusion and perishes.

Most of us which are awake to this truth understand this at least on an instinctive, subconscious level and try to make others wake up and join us. It is for this exact reason as we love our close ones and don’t want them to be left behind. We want them with us in this inevitable process. I for one, could not care less about some random thug or drunkard if they don’t understand my vision and wish to continue being a parasite that bothers others.

I have also had a few situations where people have asked me why haven’t I told them about a certain spiritual knowledge or why didn’t I tell them more about Jews if I knew those things all this time. Those were people who were at the border of being normal and lacking integrity. We used to talk about such topics, but only at a certain limited level. Those people often had friends that could snitch on me, some of them even had acquaintances in the system or a political party. Cousins which were activists or uncles which were working in the secret services. Their friends obsessed over progressivism, anti-racism and “not voting for the wrong party”. I told them “How could I trust you with such information when you hang out with such individuals?” One can find endless excuses for such actions, but will miss other opportunities and later cry and whine on a victim mentality.

This is why I put emphasis all the time on only focusing our efforts to educate the ones that have the capacity to assimilate our vision. The rest will only constitute a waste of time or worse, a danger.
We must also understand that when someone does not understand a vision, strategy, plan or tactic, this will create resentment inside their minds towards the strategist. This applies in any situation, military, business or a life situation. Leadership comes with the additional mission of being strong and not letting others set one off course based on emotional attacks. The leader must carefully think his strategies and tactics and be mentally ready for the consequences. A life of leadership is not a quiet and peaceful life. One must contemplate carefully on this before embarking on this journey.

The fundamental difference between a leader and a boss is that the leader must lead by example while the boss will only give orders. A true leader must give examples and inspire others to act the way he wishes them to. It is best to earn and maintain a strong degree of respect and lead based on loyalty and not fear. Communists ruled by ways of fear while the National Socialists inspired and earned the loyalty of their followers. The truth remains that, no matter how people view Hitler and the NSDAP party, they entered parliament by means of vote with a strong popular basis behind them.
They managed to maintain that trust further throughout the upcoming difficult years.

While the exceptional individuals will see the resolves of such a vision, there will always be a certain element of society that will either reject advancement on their own, by the pressure of an internal subverter or because of both factors. This is why further leading based on authority is necessary. In our fallen state democratic means might not achieve us the way towards our vision, even worse, there can be situations where the democratic vote does say “yes” to our vision, but the enemy might choose to dismiss the vote through fraud, especially where there is a vote based on machines connected to the internet.

In such grave circumstances, playing by the enemy’s rules just for the sole reason of appeasing them and convincing them they are not what they say they are, is a losing game. Modern conservatives often waste years and years trying to convince the leftist establishment that the labels they put on them are not true therefore reducing conservatives to their level. A true leader must work on implementing his vision or contributing to it regardless of the pressure he is under and be ready to fight the opposition, if necessary, by any means. The enemy will also use any means necessary to win and survive, if they are losing and are desperate. This is why there may be situations in our global circumstances where one must acknowledge the fact that he may not be able to gain and maintain power solely by democratic means. History was not always bound to democracy, but survival remains the highest purpose.

This is why leadership is not an easy journey. In such extreme situations, one will inevitably feel enormous resentment against him. Only the exceptional will join such leaders at the beginning when the resentment is high and the path is difficult, the rest, if later allowed to, will pretend to have understood the path when enough people will have joined in and the norms of validation and comfort have shifted from the enemy to us. This is why I reiterate the fact that we must be careful who we make friends with as there are many who only follow with the comfort zone and power wherever they may reside, not necessarily believing in that path.

Spiritual training opens up the psychic centers which gives us a way better perception of the world affairs. One’s mind becomes a vast array of general and natural understanding. This also gives us an impulse to get involved and implement what we see. On the other hand, sports and especially physical combat gives us courage and confidence. Those two elements added above a vast intellect, amplifies those characteristics and makes for a deadly combination.

The spiritually mature individual sees the correlation between his own advancement and the goal to advance others as well, as he knows we are all interconnected. The "how does this affect you?" rhetorical question is the indicative of a weak mind that does not perceive or refuses to acknowledge the endless links between people and their actions. Their weak characters refuse to admit the simple principle of cause and effect. Power for the sake of power is a shallow vision for egocentric, weak-minded people. Power must be accompanied by a vision or a collective mission. Most people reside in a fallen state of spirituality and only want power and money for the sake of feeding their inflated egos. Money and power, until a certain level fulfill the basic needs, whatever exceeds those must be accompanied by a vision or a mission.

Spiritually advanced individuals do not desire power for such purposes, but only desire it to heal the world from its current state. Most of us despise power, mostly because of the toxic circumstances the enemy has created around this layer of hierarchy. In the House of Cards TV series, Frank Underwood, the main character which is also the president of the United States, has a famous quote that is very important in my opinion "I have no respect for the ones who do not see the difference between money and power"

A leader must first and foremost care for his own people. By “his own people” I am not referring to caring for all elements of society if the case is such that some will impede others form advancing or living a normal life. A society, nation or race must be carefully managed in order for the good citizens to prosper. But regardless of each of our own predispositions, people must have the chance to a good education and proving ourselves and this will minimize a lot the number of people who will, so to say, “enter the next step of selection” where legislation may judge them.

It does not matter what state a group is in, if a leader takes on himself to care about that group, he must look towards the overall prosperity and future of that group.
In my country, I often hear tired, demoralized and weak-minded people say it is not that bad being assimilated and replaced by foreigners as there are many segments of our society which they don’t like. This is a cowardly mistake as one must care for their own, correct them and not abandon them. If the people in question are not critically lost, they must have the chance to be corrected and lead out of the dark path they are on. One cannot say that a Pakistani immigrant for example, is better than a European because he comes from an area with a way smaller average wage and is more fund of working than a native which may be prone to emigrate out of his country in turn for the same reason. If the natives do not have heart towards working, a smart leader will find ways to create better job opportunities, reduce taxes based on the newly created revenue, reduce government spending, reduce the financial pressure on housing and launch campaigns of encouraging the idea of being a hard-working and prosperous citizen, rather than replace his own population with non-whites for quick and selfless goals. That is the Jewish agenda of white replacement which they dismiss it from happening on the media while at the same time they are praising it. This only further demonstrates that the main issue of leftists and weak conservatives is not stupidity but the lack of integrity. Such people can at any time shove a knife in your back when you least expect, so be very careful with whom you make friends.

Leadership and friends are two concepts who complete each other as no one can take on the world without a strong support from others. This is why one must be careful to make friends of the highest intellectual and integral caliber. The ones that support you also define you.

There is an excerpt from the Star Wars book “Thrawn” by Timothy Zahn that really highlights the definition and traits of a leader:
“Military leadership is a journey, not a destination. It is continually challenged, and must continually prove itself anew against fresh obstacles. Sometimes those obstacles are external events. Other times they are the doubts of those being led. Still, other times they are a result of the leaders' own failures and shortcomings.
Political power and influence are different. Once certain levels have been reached, there is no need to prove leadership or competence. A person with such power is accustomed to having every word carefully considered, and every whim treated as an order. And all who recognize that power know to bow to it.
A few have the courage or the foolishness to resist. Some succeed in standing firm against the storm. More often, they find their paths yet again turned form their hoped-for goal. But such a turn does not always mean that the victim has lost. Or that the victor has won.”
The book also has a very significand definition for friendship:
“It is said that one should keep one's allies within view, and one's enemies within reach.
A valid statement. One must be able to read an ally's strengths, so as to determine how to best use them. One must similarly be able to read his enemy's weaknesses, so as to determine how to best defeat him. But what of friends? There is no accepted answer, perhaps because true friendship is so exceedingly rare. But I had formulated my own.
A friend need not be kept within sight or within reach. A friend must be allowed the freedom to find and follow his own path. If one is fortunate, those paths will for a time join. But if paths separate, it is comforting to know that a friend still graces the universe with his skills, and his viewpoint, and his present. For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone.”
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
