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After November 10 - We Continue FRTR Until New Release

Can't wait :)

Hail Satan!
Looking forward to it good sir

Hail Satan
Necroconsecrator said:
New here, been reading threads on this forum and have been familiar with the JoyofSatan site for at least several years now. I know every fucking religion out there says there right, but the Spiritual Satanism that is preached on JoS makes the most sense to me.

I've been wanting to do some final RTR's. I just want to know how to go about it the right way. Can it backfire on me? Is there any repercussions? I've seen the links for chanting RTR's, it's basically torah scriptures in reverse if I'm not mistaken. I just want some advice on how to do this right. We know these are crucial times for obvious reasons, I want to join the spirtual war in taking down the jews(zog) I just want to make sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I refuse to live in a Marxist socialist/communist state, I want to crush the jew controlled media. I feel that it's time to start doing my part. The freedom that America is known for was founded on satanic principles, it's time to uphold that.


Just make sure you do a good aura cleansing and aura of protection after doing RTR. Don’t forget to do it, this is very important ;)

I moved during this last war. I’ve been working 11 hrs a day and doing RTRs twice a day, no matter how tired I am, I do it. My son and I have been kicking butt. I always clean and protect my aura afterwards.

We where attacked a few nights ago while we slept. Not sure how that happened because I did my aura cleansing and protection. I wonder if my son didn’t do his, hmm. Anyway, I’m one of those annoying morning people and woke up dark and ugly. I couldn’t understand why and I couldn’t shake it. My son woke up dark and ugly. My dog isn’t allowed in the room when I do RTRs, not sure if it matters or not, but he was attacked too. He vomited in the night and pooped on the floor, which he never does. When I woke up, he was sleeping on my pillow which again, he never does.

Sun was very bright that morning so we went out and did a major aura cleansing and aura protection. I just sucked up the sun’s energy and when I was done, I was my old self again. My son did some healing on our poor little dog. That angers me more than anything. Our dog is so sweet, only 6 lbs and is 13 years old.

This is the first time something like this has happen to me. We had a few weird things happened before and during our move; my son thinks these were attacks on us. We still did our RTRs, doubled them a couple of times just to show them they can’t discourage us.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There will be an update soon with an additional Ritual that will be extremely potent against the enemy. The basis will be the already flattening FRTR.

Until this is released [it may take a few days - we will not write exactly], we continue doing the Final RTR daily and without fail.

These are extremely crucial times. We have to do our part and what it is our duty to do.

We have been doing monumental progress. Stay strong and focused.


Bumped. Can't wait to see what's new.. if this is really more powerful than the Final RTR I have a feeling this is what I've been waiting for.

Let's crush them for good.

Hail Satan!

Welcome Brother/Sister.

HP HoodedCobra is absolutely right, you should start by meditating (unless you already have). This will indeed make you aware of your level of advancement in previous lives, sensitivity to energy, personal power and so on. Do ask if you have questions, although the forum itself is by now an almost complete library including all that one may look for. Just use the "search" option and try various combinations of keywords (sometimes it's not easy because the same word can be repeated for an obscene amount of times and it's not easy to find where the answer you're looking for is located).

As for the Final RTR... I've only formally started RTRs and group rituals this year in January as I've had lots of 'hangups' and spiritual dross making me unaware of some answers I would have otherwise seen much before.
The Final RTR, in my humble opinion, isn't just an excellent weapon to destroy the jewish alphabet and put a stop to this invasion of OUR Planet, but it's also a VERY powerful way to lift the jewish curse on each of us, you'll definitely feel this vibrating in your Soul the first times you'll do it.

To further motivate you, I can state that since I have decided to start doing the Final RTR every day I have discovered my dominant Element, understood how I need to act to balance my Soul, learned how some abilities (Telekinesis especially, in my case) work and had success with them, and most of all I have finally felt my Guardian Demon and learned their name. All of this in one year (I Dedicated my Soul back in 2003).

That said, if you're not familiar with the RTR and want to take it easy at first that's perfectly fine. I started by repeating each letter after listening to it in HPS Maxine's audio, explaining the correct pronunciation. One repetition at first, plus three affirmation. Then I used three repetitions for each letter and managed to do this is like 5 minutes at most, every day.

Last month I normally did 3 or 4 every day with the standard 9x repetitions. Since the last group effort I haven't done less than 4 every day, peaking with 10 in a day (tried more but really couldn't find the time).

'Backfiring' in the RTR simply doesn't exist in my opinion (unless one is a jew and will be damaging himself). The only thing I can add is, the RTR may feel occasionally like it's 'too much' perhaps.. this only means it's working and it's effectively ridding you of the jewish curse that makes you run on a lower vibration and opens you to attacks. Chances are you'll still get attacked (as an active Warrior of Satan) but this will definitely be less intense and lose power the more you do the RTR, and in time you'll notice how these so called 'attacks' are not even worth shit, as you'll have increased your power noticeably. Also, Satan favor a Warrior and you'll feel Him closer, this I can guarantee. Our Gods love Warriors.. that much is very clear to me by now.

Hope that helps. The more you empower yourself the more you'll thank yourself later that you did.

Oh, if you're confused about what meditations to start with (again, unless you already have), I suggest going for the basic ones like the Foundation Meditation (that will eventually teach you how to feel energy and work with it), Void meditation (absolutely, as it will sharpen your mind like a sword... in my opinion this is also the hardest thing you can learn), and you could do some chakra awakenings.. there's more versions of this, the Necronomicon one (with NANNA, etc), the JoS one (with THAUM, etc), and you can even Chant Runes to get your chakras vibrating to a specific wave and empowering them, this helped me a lot when I couldn't even feel my head chakras, and only slightly felt my third eye.

And IF you have troubles feeling energy at all, I used to be like that for a long time until I came up with a few solutions (focused on Yoga) that solved the problem: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=44239

Well, that's a lot for you to get started already. :) Just try a little of everything, see what works, and prioritize the Final RTR and basic meditations to start getting used to the Spiritual part of yourself.

Hail Father Satan Forever!
"Monumental progress" doesn't come close to expressing it. More and more people are noticing and all the attempts at censorship are also failing more and more. I'm excited and hopeful to see what happens next.
Necroconsecrator said:
New here, been reading threads on this forum and have been familiar with the JoyofSatan site for at least several years now. I know every fucking religion out there says there right, but the Spiritual Satanism that is preached on JoS makes the most sense to me.

I've been wanting to do some final RTR's. I just want to know how to go about it the right way. Can it backfire on me? Is there any repercussions? I've seen the links for chanting RTR's, it's basically torah scriptures in reverse if I'm not mistaken. I just want some advice on how to do this right. We know these are crucial times for obvious reasons, I want to join the spirtual war in taking down the jews(zog) I just want to make sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I refuse to live in a Marxist socialist/communist state, I want to crush the jew controlled media. I feel that it's time to start doing my part. The freedom that America is known for was founded on satanic principles, it's time to uphold that.

The RTR will not backfire on you, it will actually help open your chakras and make your soul more powerful. It helps remove the enemy curses. What you can do is the dedication ritual, if you feel ready and then start by doing some small meditations. Start slow, first try some breathing exercises for low reps, and then when you feel ready do the opening chakras meditation. After this is done you can create a routine for yourself, for example, you can start to do Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga (both routines are on the Jos sites) for low repetitions or more if you feel like you can, follow the instructions on jos, add breathing exercises, a bit of chakra empowerment with low reps, cleaning, and the F-RTR. If it feels like a lot do not worry, you do not need to do high reps right away in anything of these meditations, start slow and work your way up. Of course, if you have a busy life then make a routine you can keep every day.

The most important things are Hatha yoga for flexibility (it helps open up blockages and circulate the energy on the soul), cleaning (super important, you can do the one called Returning curses which is pretty powerful, this will help make your life better because it will remove negative energy from your soul and this will make you advance faster), the F-RTR and empowering chakras (to keep them open and make you have more "spiritual" energy to do spells and to advance spiritually). Now look on the Jos and the library, there is a lot you can learn there. If you have any questions you can ask here, don't worry about asking stupid questions, we will help you.
Necroconsecrator said:
New here, been reading threads on this forum and have been familiar with the JoyofSatan site for at least several years now. I know every fucking religion out there says there right, but the Spiritual Satanism that is preached on JoS makes the most sense to me.

I've been wanting to do some final RTR's. I just want to know how to go about it the right way. Can it backfire on me? Is there any repercussions? I've seen the links for chanting RTR's, it's basically torah scriptures in reverse if I'm not mistaken. I just want some advice on how to do this right. We know these are crucial times for obvious reasons, I want to join the spirtual war in taking down the jews(zog) I just want to make sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I refuse to live in a Marxist socialist/communist state, I want to crush the jew controlled media. I feel that it's time to start doing my part. The freedom that America is known for was founded on satanic principles, it's time to uphold that.


Hello and welcome!

You can either do this on paper or on a computer, both are equally effective. Just vibrate the letters as best you can "practice makes perfect".
It cannot "backfire" on you, since it is an RTR (short for Reverse Torah Ritual), it only reverses the Enemies curses back at them. Just start first off with 1 a day and as you grow more stronger and can give more energy into your rituals, your able to do much much more. But as always, PATIENCE, is the key to everything in Satanism. Everyone advances at their own pace.
Shael said:
The enemy has made gigantic missteps with their actions during this election. They cant recover from it anymore. Now is the time to push as hard as possible with the Final RTR so that we extend our victory even further. Every RTR that is done now will explosively speed up our victory and do great things for the world as a whole. Spam the RTR as much as you can.

ur signature is fire. lmao
Necroconsecrator said:
New here, been reading threads on this forum and have been familiar with the JoyofSatan site for at least several years now. I know every fucking religion out there says there right, but the Spiritual Satanism that is preached on JoS makes the most sense to me.

I've been wanting to do some final RTR's. I just want to know how to go about it the right way. Can it backfire on me? Is there any repercussions? I've seen the links for chanting RTR's, it's basically torah scriptures in reverse if I'm not mistaken. I just want some advice on how to do this right. We know these are crucial times for obvious reasons, I want to join the spirtual war in taking down the jews(zog) I just want to make sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I refuse to live in a Marxist socialist/communist state, I want to crush the jew controlled media. I feel that it's time to start doing my part. The freedom that America is known for was founded on satanic principles, it's time to uphold that.


As Cobra has said, others will guide you. Here is 40 days mediation program.

So, the main aim of this program is to advance you spiritually to wherein
40 days:

 You will establish a strong aura of protection that will actively
protect you.
 Your Aura will be more powerful and you will be able to feel
energy better.
 Your chakras will be far cleaner than they ever were.
 Your chakras will be awakened and open, which is necessary in
working magick.
 The levels of your bio-electricity will be far more powerful.
 You will be competent enough to join in the fight of fighting the
enemy, if this is what you will, in the shortest time possible. It’s
advisable that you should.
 You will feel far better in terms of how energetic and how healthy
you feel.
 Other effects include you will have a sense of strength and feel
 Psychologically you will have proven to yourself how capable you
are and how you can stick to a program.
 You will have made the Gods of Hell and Satan proud in your
obvious attempt and dedication to grow spiritually. Lazy
bummers, fearful people and those who want to sit back and watch
the world burn…

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will assume that you also read joyofsatan? if not, there is that, https://www.joyofsatan.org/, but there is also this, https://www.satanisgod.org/, for a library that included a link to this forum and joy of satan among other stuff.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This is great news HP Cobra. Thank you.
I've been feeling extremely anxious lately, i have this feeling that something big is about to happen. A bittersweet feeling. Haven't figured out what it is yet.
Thank you HP for all that you do for all of us.

I appreciate everyone's feedback, a lot for me to process. I'll have to carefully dissect everyone's posts lol. This is the path I want to trek. Thank you!

Hail Thee all, and , Let's keep it up and not cower at any moment.

For those of you have not the power to follow Satan's path shall be treated with no respect

Hail Thee Manowars

Keep up the good work

No mercy.

Hell hath no Wrath for he who has no fear. Heck, I ll make this my signature

Hail Satan
I have been quite stressed these last few days, including negative thoughts haunting my mind from time to time, meditation has helped me to a great extent. Strength for all the other members, we are on the right track!!
Greetings from Spain.
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra, this is very exciting. It's like I can feel the enemy growing weaker and weaker lately, and this will be even more devastating.
Trump is going to need a massive amount of spiritual backing to succeed. He's hinted fruitful findings, actually has a base for his arguments, and if everything goes right he'll do much more than win the 2020 election. This is why it didn't hit me too hard when seeing the election results. The gods have definitely not lost interest here, in fact, this whole thing may be bigger than we think. Even if things seam otherwise do not lose hope.

Our spiritual efforts are going to play a considerable factor in this, the whole process has exposed the jews in many different ways and this is just the beginning. Trump isn't going down without a fight, he is going to damage the enemy severely in the process. Looking forward to the new RTR.
Specter said:
Trump is going to need a massive amount of spiritual backing to succeed. He's hinted fruitful findings, actually has a base for his arguments, and if everything goes right he'll do much more than win the 2020 election. This is why it didn't hit me too hard when seeing the election results. The gods have definitely not lost interest here, in fact, this whole thing may be bigger than we think. Even if things seam otherwise do not lose hope.

Our spiritual efforts are going to play a considerable factor in this, the whole process has exposed the jews in many different ways and this is just the beginning. Trump isn't going down without a fight, he is going to damage the enemy severely in the process. Looking forward to the new RTR.

The MSM/Judenpresse calls it.

...But constitutionally Trump has every legal right to fight till November 20th(I believe this date is the final tally of votes) and Electoral College December 14th. Funny enough Trump did perform lawsuits before November 3 and through a judge could garnish more victories.

And believe it or not some Trump supporters filed lawsuits to cast out 1.25 million ballots.

Trump has a fighting chance. Watching some of Tim Pool's videos he states it's slim but he has every right to perform lawsuits. It could even be a first, a president elected by the House or even a new election.

You never know. Every retard is like "orange man is bad". Yeah Trump isn't a Hitler but he is better than Biden. On top of that many people googled can 'I change my vote' which is illegal of course but a new election is fine.

I'm sure our rituals will expose more not just the F-RTR but even the previous multiple rituals we've been performing since 2014 have provided a basis. I recall even Trump began to ponder the presidential elections as early as 2012 even buying the registered name for his campaign, according to Tim Pool.

A lot of impropriety and ballot curing and fraud occurring. But in the end whomever wins riots will be the problem. It'll persist I wonder what a Trump victory come December is with riots.

I do have hopes this first time election history something weird happens and Trump wins it. It's gonna be funny how little people understand the constitutional process of electing a president. News flash the news isn't deciding the winner.

Even Biden visited World leaders which is illegal under the Logan Act. He can't do that it's what got flynn. He thinks he is president.

Let grandpa joey like BCP says dream of presidency cause his American nightmare is about to start with Trump's fighting to the end. Hell like I mentioned before Trump 2024 if he loses, he ain't going down.
Micnight said:
high priest, would rituals of race awakening and welfare and prosperity in the following days be useful?

We will do soon, so worry not.

After strong deconstruction of the enemy, everything we do will be far easier.

After some obstacles are withered out, one race awakening ritual will count in the power of ten times more compared to what it was before after removing certain obstacles. Which we are and we will remove entirely.

Some things have to be evened out first.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There will be an update soon with an additional Ritual that will be extremely potent against the enemy. The basis will be the already flattening FRTR.

Until this is released [it may take a few days - we will not write exactly], we continue doing the Final RTR daily and without fail.

These are extremely crucial times. We have to do our part and what it is our duty to do.

We have been doing monumental progress. Stay strong and focused.


Is new RTR coming? I mean, after few days, will we do a new RTR???
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After some obstacles are withered out, one race awakening ritual will count in the power of ten times more compared to what it was before after removing certain obstacles. Which we are and we will remove entirely.

Some things have to be evened out first.
So I assume the final rtrs and probably the new ritual will open the way for the race awakening ritual just like the past rtrs have made the enemy weaker for the Final ritual to be stronger
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Is it the thing Maxine talked about here?
Removing the barrier?

It sounds like it does the same thing as the RTR. I’ve been thinking about what it will be like. Maybe it will be something that’s completely different. I just hope we get it soon.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

Welcome Brother/Sister.

HP HoodedCobra is absolutely right, you should start by meditating (unless you already have). This will indeed make you aware of your level of advancement in previous lives, sensitivity to energy, personal power and so on. Do ask if you have questions, although the forum itself is by now an almost complete library including all that one may look for. Just use the "search" option and try various combinations of keywords (sometimes it's not easy because the same word can be repeated for an obscene amount of times and it's not easy to find where the answer you're looking for is located).

As for the Final RTR... I've only formally started RTRs and group rituals this year in January as I've had lots of 'hangups' and spiritual dross making me unaware of some answers I would have otherwise seen much before.
The Final RTR, in my humble opinion, isn't just an excellent weapon to destroy the jewish alphabet and put a stop to this invasion of OUR Planet, but it's also a VERY powerful way to lift the jewish curse on each of us, you'll definitely feel this vibrating in your Soul the first times you'll do it.

To further motivate you, I can state that since I have decided to start doing the Final RTR every day I have discovered my dominant Element, understood how I need to act to balance my Soul, learned how some abilities (Telekinesis especially, in my case) work and had success with them, and most of all I have finally felt my Guardian Demon and learned their name. All of this in one year (I Dedicated my Soul back in 2003).

That said, if you're not familiar with the RTR and want to take it easy at first that's perfectly fine. I started by repeating each letter after listening to it in HPS Maxine's audio, explaining the correct pronunciation. One repetition at first, plus three affirmation. Then I used three repetitions for each letter and managed to do this is like 5 minutes at most, every day.

Last month I normally did 3 or 4 every day with the standard 9x repetitions. Since the last group effort I haven't done less than 4 every day, peaking with 10 in a day (tried more but really couldn't find the time).

'Backfiring' in the RTR simply doesn't exist in my opinion (unless one is a jew and will be damaging himself). The only thing I can add is, the RTR may feel occasionally like it's 'too much' perhaps.. this only means it's working and it's effectively ridding you of the jewish curse that makes you run on a lower vibration and opens you to attacks. Chances are you'll still get attacked (as an active Warrior of Satan) but this will definitely be less intense and lose power the more you do the RTR, and in time you'll notice how these so called 'attacks' are not even worth shit, as you'll have increased your power noticeably. Also, Satan favor a Warrior and you'll feel Him closer, this I can guarantee. Our Gods love Warriors.. that much is very clear to me by now.

Hope that helps. The more you empower yourself the more you'll thank yourself later that you did.

Oh, if you're confused about what meditations to start with (again, unless you already have), I suggest going for the basic ones like the Foundation Meditation (that will eventually teach you how to feel energy and work with it), Void meditation (absolutely, as it will sharpen your mind like a sword... in my opinion this is also the hardest thing you can learn), and you could do some chakra awakenings.. there's more versions of this, the Necronomicon one (with NANNA, etc), the JoS one (with THAUM, etc), and you can even Chant Runes to get your chakras vibrating to a specific wave and empowering them, this helped me a lot when I couldn't even feel my head chakras, and only slightly felt my third eye.

And IF you have troubles feeling energy at all, I used to be like that for a long time until I came up with a few solutions (focused on Yoga) that solved the problem: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=44239

Well, that's a lot for you to get started already. :) Just try a little of everything, see what works, and prioritize the Final RTR and basic meditations to start getting used to the Spiritual part of yourself.

Hail Father Satan Forever!

I guess I should just start with the typical meditation. Sit down indian style, close my eyes. And how long should I do it?

I have listened to the audio of RTR's before. I can try to go that route, but should I do perform RTR's in a circle or should I have an altar or a designated place to do them. I currently live up in a loft with a dog up here. Might there be an issue with a dog being present while I do them?

I've also been hearing about the dedication ritual. Would that involve me signing a contract on blood and then burning the paper? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh and I'm very familiar with the Necronomicon book, have read several times. I know Nanna comes from Sumerian texts. I know the book is widely known for being fictional, but has a lot of Sumerian texts and deities contained in it.
Necroconsecrator said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

Welcome Brother/Sister.

HP HoodedCobra is absolutely right, you should start by meditating (unless you already have). This will indeed make you aware of your level of advancement in previous lives, sensitivity to energy, personal power and so on. Do ask if you have questions, although the forum itself is by now an almost complete library including all that one may look for. Just use the "search" option and try various combinations of keywords (sometimes it's not easy because the same word can be repeated for an obscene amount of times and it's not easy to find where the answer you're looking for is located).

As for the Final RTR... I've only formally started RTRs and group rituals this year in January as I've had lots of 'hangups' and spiritual dross making me unaware of some answers I would have otherwise seen much before.
The Final RTR, in my humble opinion, isn't just an excellent weapon to destroy the jewish alphabet and put a stop to this invasion of OUR Planet, but it's also a VERY powerful way to lift the jewish curse on each of us, you'll definitely feel this vibrating in your Soul the first times you'll do it.

To further motivate you, I can state that since I have decided to start doing the Final RTR every day I have discovered my dominant Element, understood how I need to act to balance my Soul, learned how some abilities (Telekinesis especially, in my case) work and had success with them, and most of all I have finally felt my Guardian Demon and learned their name. All of this in one year (I Dedicated my Soul back in 2003).

That said, if you're not familiar with the RTR and want to take it easy at first that's perfectly fine. I started by repeating each letter after listening to it in HPS Maxine's audio, explaining the correct pronunciation. One repetition at first, plus three affirmation. Then I used three repetitions for each letter and managed to do this is like 5 minutes at most, every day.

Last month I normally did 3 or 4 every day with the standard 9x repetitions. Since the last group effort I haven't done less than 4 every day, peaking with 10 in a day (tried more but really couldn't find the time).

'Backfiring' in the RTR simply doesn't exist in my opinion (unless one is a jew and will be damaging himself). The only thing I can add is, the RTR may feel occasionally like it's 'too much' perhaps.. this only means it's working and it's effectively ridding you of the jewish curse that makes you run on a lower vibration and opens you to attacks. Chances are you'll still get attacked (as an active Warrior of Satan) but this will definitely be less intense and lose power the more you do the RTR, and in time you'll notice how these so called 'attacks' are not even worth shit, as you'll have increased your power noticeably. Also, Satan favor a Warrior and you'll feel Him closer, this I can guarantee. Our Gods love Warriors.. that much is very clear to me by now.

Hope that helps. The more you empower yourself the more you'll thank yourself later that you did.

Oh, if you're confused about what meditations to start with (again, unless you already have), I suggest going for the basic ones like the Foundation Meditation (that will eventually teach you how to feel energy and work with it), Void meditation (absolutely, as it will sharpen your mind like a sword... in my opinion this is also the hardest thing you can learn), and you could do some chakra awakenings.. there's more versions of this, the Necronomicon one (with NANNA, etc), the JoS one (with THAUM, etc), and you can even Chant Runes to get your chakras vibrating to a specific wave and empowering them, this helped me a lot when I couldn't even feel my head chakras, and only slightly felt my third eye.

And IF you have troubles feeling energy at all, I used to be like that for a long time until I came up with a few solutions (focused on Yoga) that solved the problem: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=44239

Well, that's a lot for you to get started already. :) Just try a little of everything, see what works, and prioritize the Final RTR and basic meditations to start getting used to the Spiritual part of yourself.

Hail Father Satan Forever!

I guess I should just start with the typical meditation. Sit down indian style, close my eyes. And how long should I do it?

I have listened to the audio of RTR's before. I can try to go that route, but should I do perform RTR's in a circle or should I have an altar or a designated place to do them. I currently live up in a loft with a dog up here. Might there be an issue with a dog being present while I do them?

I've also been hearing about the dedication ritual. Would that involve me signing a contract on blood and then burning the paper? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh and I'm very familiar with the Necronomicon book, have read several times. I know Nanna comes from Sumerian texts. I know the book is widely known for being fictional, but has a lot of Sumerian texts and deities contained in it.

Start by reading sermons by the clergy and the 40 day meditation program listen on this site.
Also about the dedication ritual, this is a must. Meditating and trying to advance without doing it is dangerous, it is not only a formality towards Satan and the gods but you are also acquiring their protection from the enemy as a confirmed satanist and it is the first step of deprogramming yourself from enemy bullshit. As stated in the Final RTR FAQ thread it can be done by newcomers, but this requires you to clean your aura and do the aura of protection afterwards
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Is it the thing Maxine talked about here?
Removing the barrier?

It sounds like it does the same thing as the RTR. I’ve been thinking about what it will be like. Maybe it will be something that’s completely different. I just hope we get it soon.

I might be wrong but I recall a posting that mentioned the Astral Grid is based on something like hebrew. The enemy uses it for everything.

But like SWG states we'll have to wait and see. I can't forsee it being hebrew as final splashes on everything. But we are only killing the alephbet not creating scenarios. In previous multiple RTRs/RNTRs, they generated alternative scenarios in comparison to the bible which passages program the energy to affect reality.

Not that I'm saying Final is weak just it doesn't really "create" realities through affirmation like say 72NoG, 42NoG or R.Shema.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Is it the thing Maxine talked about here?
Removing the barrier?

It sounds like it does the same thing as the RTR. I’ve been thinking about what it will be like. Maybe it will be something that’s completely different. I just hope we get it soon.

I am confused on this too. How can a new ritual be based on the final rtr. Wouldnt it be something different. Maybe there is some secret Hebrew letter or addition to their alphabet that we couldn't take down until their power was down enough that rules this barrier thing from what Cobra and Maxine said i think that is what we will work on. Not sure though.
This is excellent news and I have been waiting impatiently for months for the release of the next ritual, but this suspense is slowly and surely killing the man. Choose when to release it or better not announce anything. Of course, you only do it under the guidance of the Father, but this expectation becomes useless, often a vain hope. FRTR does its job anyway.
Necroconsecrator said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

Welcome Brother/Sister.

HP HoodedCobra is absolutely right, you should start by meditating (unless you already have). This will indeed make you aware of your level of advancement in previous lives, sensitivity to energy, personal power and so on. Do ask if you have questions, although the forum itself is by now an almost complete library including all that one may look for. Just use the "search" option and try various combinations of keywords (sometimes it's not easy because the same word can be repeated for an obscene amount of times and it's not easy to find where the answer you're looking for is located).

As for the Final RTR... I've only formally started RTRs and group rituals this year in January as I've had lots of 'hangups' and spiritual dross making me unaware of some answers I would have otherwise seen much before.
The Final RTR, in my humble opinion, isn't just an excellent weapon to destroy the jewish alphabet and put a stop to this invasion of OUR Planet, but it's also a VERY powerful way to lift the jewish curse on each of us, you'll definitely feel this vibrating in your Soul the first times you'll do it.

To further motivate you, I can state that since I have decided to start doing the Final RTR every day I have discovered my dominant Element, understood how I need to act to balance my Soul, learned how some abilities (Telekinesis especially, in my case) work and had success with them, and most of all I have finally felt my Guardian Demon and learned their name. All of this in one year (I Dedicated my Soul back in 2003).

That said, if you're not familiar with the RTR and want to take it easy at first that's perfectly fine. I started by repeating each letter after listening to it in HPS Maxine's audio, explaining the correct pronunciation. One repetition at first, plus three affirmation. Then I used three repetitions for each letter and managed to do this is like 5 minutes at most, every day.

Last month I normally did 3 or 4 every day with the standard 9x repetitions. Since the last group effort I haven't done less than 4 every day, peaking with 10 in a day (tried more but really couldn't find the time).

'Backfiring' in the RTR simply doesn't exist in my opinion (unless one is a jew and will be damaging himself). The only thing I can add is, the RTR may feel occasionally like it's 'too much' perhaps.. this only means it's working and it's effectively ridding you of the jewish curse that makes you run on a lower vibration and opens you to attacks. Chances are you'll still get attacked (as an active Warrior of Satan) but this will definitely be less intense and lose power the more you do the RTR, and in time you'll notice how these so called 'attacks' are not even worth shit, as you'll have increased your power noticeably. Also, Satan favor a Warrior and you'll feel Him closer, this I can guarantee. Our Gods love Warriors.. that much is very clear to me by now.

Hope that helps. The more you empower yourself the more you'll thank yourself later that you did.

Oh, if you're confused about what meditations to start with (again, unless you already have), I suggest going for the basic ones like the Foundation Meditation (that will eventually teach you how to feel energy and work with it), Void meditation (absolutely, as it will sharpen your mind like a sword... in my opinion this is also the hardest thing you can learn), and you could do some chakra awakenings.. there's more versions of this, the Necronomicon one (with NANNA, etc), the JoS one (with THAUM, etc), and you can even Chant Runes to get your chakras vibrating to a specific wave and empowering them, this helped me a lot when I couldn't even feel my head chakras, and only slightly felt my third eye.

And IF you have troubles feeling energy at all, I used to be like that for a long time until I came up with a few solutions (focused on Yoga) that solved the problem: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=44239

Well, that's a lot for you to get started already. :) Just try a little of everything, see what works, and prioritize the Final RTR and basic meditations to start getting used to the Spiritual part of yourself.

Hail Father Satan Forever!

I guess I should just start with the typical meditation. Sit down indian style, close my eyes. And how long should I do it?

I have listened to the audio of RTR's before. I can try to go that route, but should I do perform RTR's in a circle or should I have an altar or a designated place to do them. I currently live up in a loft with a dog up here. Might there be an issue with a dog being present while I do them?

I've also been hearing about the dedication ritual. Would that involve me signing a contract on blood and then burning the paper? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh and I'm very familiar with the Necronomicon book, have read several times. I know Nanna comes from Sumerian texts. I know the book is widely known for being fictional, but has a lot of Sumerian texts and deities contained in it.

You definitely don't need an altar to do an RTR, focus is more important than props. I'm not sure what the consensus is on doing ones around a dog, but I know that HPS Maxine has said that we shouldn't clean our auras (or inhale energy) around pets and humans.
Gear88 said:
Specter said:
Trump is going to need a massive amount of spiritual backing to succeed. He's hinted fruitful findings, actually has a base for his arguments, and if everything goes right he'll do much more than win the 2020 election. This is why it didn't hit me too hard when seeing the election results. The gods have definitely not lost interest here, in fact, this whole thing may be bigger than we think. Even if things seam otherwise do not lose hope.

Our spiritual efforts are going to play a considerable factor in this, the whole process has exposed the jews in many different ways and this is just the beginning. Trump isn't going down without a fight, he is going to damage the enemy severely in the process. Looking forward to the new RTR.

The MSM/Judenpresse calls it.

...But constitutionally Trump has every legal right to fight till November 20th(I believe this date is the final tally of votes) and Electoral College December 14th. Funny enough Trump did perform lawsuits before November 3 and through a judge could garnish more victories.

And believe it or not some Trump supporters filed lawsuits to cast out 1.25 million ballots.

Trump has a fighting chance. Watching some of Tim Pool's videos he states it's slim but he has every right to perform lawsuits. It could even be a first, a president elected by the House or even a new election.

You never know. Every retard is like "orange man is bad". Yeah Trump isn't a Hitler but he is better than Biden. On top of that many people googled can 'I change my vote' which is illegal of course but a new election is fine.

I'm sure our rituals will expose more not just the F-RTR but even the previous multiple rituals we've been performing since 2014 have provided a basis. I recall even Trump began to ponder the presidential elections as early as 2012 even buying the registered name for his campaign, according to Tim Pool.

A lot of impropriety and ballot curing and fraud occurring. But in the end whomever wins riots will be the problem. It'll persist I wonder what a Trump victory come December is with riots.

I do have hopes this first time election history something weird happens and Trump wins it. It's gonna be funny how little people understand the constitutional process of electing a president. News flash the news isn't deciding the winner.

Even Biden visited World leaders which is illegal under the Logan Act. He can't do that it's what got flynn. He thinks he is president.

Let grandpa joey like BCP says dream of presidency cause his American nightmare is about to start with Trump's fighting to the end. Hell like I mentioned before Trump 2024 if he loses, he ain't going down.

The hate against this "fascist nazi" is largely an overreaction from individuals who are not well studied regarding Hitler and Nazi Germany, for those that are will see who these aggressors for what they really are, and it's despicable.

Anyways I've had proportionate disagreements with some of Trumps actions, with the amount of bending he's done for the enemy it doesn't become more obvious to know what's going on and you can't blame him, but hands down the better pick is him because I feel that in some way he truly wants to do something for the American people.

And yeah many haven't realized he can still run again in the next election. But hopefully there will be a better candidate selection. We really need another John F. Kennedy and it's BS that his family line literally got wiped out, they call it the "Kennedy curse" but it's obvious who brought this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
