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Humbling The Warmongering Israel - RTR Schedule - Oct 18 to Oct 30 [Schedule Extended]

Soldier of satan said:
Do you actually belief father Satan condones the massacre of infants (beheading), raping women, burning people alive, and killing the disabled and old people. Hamas does not represent the Palestine people. The Palestine people are loving , caring, and peaceful people who have suffered from Jeh apartheid and suppression for decades. They must have a independent country, governed by palestine's, and complete freedom Hamas is no different than isis, a terrorist group who is evil and only through death and fear controls people and takes away freedom and self determination. for those of you who do not condemn Hamas and their actions do not express the beliefs and values of father Satan and have no right to call themselves satanists. You are just hateful disgusting people. If there was a place for people to suffer for eternity that is where you belong. That includes you master and controller, hphc. If you think Hamas is right then why do you not go over join them. You will not do that because you are cowards who always talk the talk but never walk the walk. You are so cowardly that you hide being a Satanist to people and hide it in a closet. Father Satan desires his followers to be strong, just, and loving and you completely fail father Satan. Just pretenders.

I don't get why you're so damn upset about civilian casualties in a war that was supposed to be a part of Israel's plan to pull a false flaggie so they can have their greater israel, but that backfired to their grunts overextending upon them and causing those reptile aliens more losses than for humanity.

This entire 2000 year spiritual war for earth which that physical war is a part of was started by the kikes, dear Soldier of Satan. Therefore whoever dies in it should have all the blood spilled in it seen on their damn lizard claws.
Soldier of satan said:
Do you actually belief father Satan condones the massacre of infants (beheading), raping women, burning people alive, and killing the disabled and old people. Hamas does not represent the Palestine people. The Palestine people are loving , caring, and peaceful people who have suffered from Jeh apartheid and suppression for decades. They must have a independent country, governed by palestine's, and complete freedom Hamas is no different than isis, a terrorist group who is evil and only through death and fear controls people and takes away freedom and self determination. for those of you who do not condemn Hamas and their actions do not express the beliefs and values of father Satan and have no right to call themselves satanists. You are just hateful disgusting people. If there was a place for people to suffer for eternity that is where you belong. That includes you master and controller, hphc. If you think Hamas is right then why do you not go over join them. You will not do that because you are cowards who always talk the talk but never walk the walk. You are so cowardly that you hide being a Satanist to people and hide it in a closet. Father Satan desires his followers to be strong, just, and loving and you completely fail father Satan. Just pretenders.

I say it again, even if gentiles might have been included in the casualties of that hamas group, I feel for those innocents who might have unfortunately ended up dead or injured from this whole war but the thing is, the jew parasite species responsible for so much more than all this are having it worse so that's what's better; their own militant islamic slaves being turned against them became our opportunity to hopefully put those genocidal reptiles in their place for all the shit they did on our planet.

Aren't our RTRs trying to ensure that the kikes get maximum damage and casualties while gentiles get as minimal losses as possible already? Smile and have open-minded faith in that instead.
angramainyu said:
The Beelzebul ritual,,,, Is Beelzebul the God of Thunder ? . '"Your Thunder is felt by all."". stated in the ritual.

Yes, he is Zeus/Thor
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satan is not pro all of this, Israel is. They are triggering this and they have started this. Reality is however that since they start a never ending wave of atrocities that is their choice, and that every choice has consequences.

In regards to Satan, the wars and other pitfalls of humanity is what they are trying to get us out of. However cases like Israel do show that these things won't change and trigger more of the same situation.

Nobody here is in "agreement" with any Hamas. On the contrary, we believe all of this should stop. But since the parties involved can't solve it in any other way, it appears it will go that way between them. Israel is conducting mindless genocide and invasion constantly. That's not the first time.

Israel is also an invasion built occupation state even if Hamas might be more equally brutal as them. Israel is in a state of invasion in the territory they exist in.

Thanks for the speech about peace and everything, please go write this in all Hamas and Israeli forums to tell them to make peace or something. Then if they kill you or something don't worry it wasn't Satan's fault or anything like this. Thank you.


What is your opinion on Trump? If Trump was re-elected in 2020? or in his current existence 2024?

Sheer fact is your right it should stop. It reminds me of Salty Cracker's video on Brian Dowling murder in NYC. Salty: "We are trying to help you stupid lefties by not shutting down our rights to guns, we don't want more of you fools dead".

I agree it should stop look at Ukraine vs Russia, neither the Ukrainians nor Russians give two shits about themselves nor their own fellow volk. Look at the scumbag shit Russia does to their own mercs and soldiers, blasting them with attack copters who knows how bad the Russians massacre their own to capture territory.

Sheer fact is it'll never stop. Neither the jews will stop nor Hamas as Blinkin put it we want forever war. Apparently stocks for Raytheon, Northrup-Gruman, Lockhead, and Boeing is up.

I've been thinking how far this situation has been going and there is evidence on the internet that as far back as a year ago the Hamas group has been preparing for this.

Sheer fact is this conflict IS going to go to WW3 and Humanity like NPCs is gonna do it. Wonderful 2,000+ years of judeo-bolshevism rammed up people's asses preparing for a "Doom and Gloom" scenario.

We had our chance with Hitler 80+ years ago but Humanity said "Fuck Hitler and fuck peace and prosperity". Apparently all of that is ebil, uppity, and debil quote the Goyim.

As Abyssos put it since he is so gungho on Command and Conquer. Tiberian Sun Kane from C&C "Peace through power".

Apparently for Gentiles it's Peace through being NPCs.

Is this what the Gods have to deal with? I feel sorry for Satan and the Empire of Orion dealing with perpetual, pestilent children not even children no outright retarded Humans going for a borging process.

Anyways what is your opinion further on this?
Do you actually belief father Satan condones the massacre of infants (beheading), raping women, burning people alive, and killing the disabled and old people. Hamas does not represent the Palestine people. The Palestine people are loving , caring, and peaceful people who have suffered from Jeh apartheid and suppression for decades.

I know the others have come on strongly but I do understand where you are coming from. I understand you are angry, traumatized and frustrated. Trust me when I say nobody here WANTS our own to die or be tortured. Understand it is INEVITABLE while the jews have power. Look at Ukraine!!
We KNOW they have been under oppression their whole lives, we KNOW there are gentle Satanic people and we KNOW pisslam is excrement of the jews!

That includes you master and controller, hphc. If you think Hamas is right then why do you not go over join them. You will not do that because you are cowards who always talk the talk but never walk the walk. You are so cowardly that you hide being a Satanist to people and hide it in a closet. Father Satan desires his followers to be strong, just, and loving and you completely fail father Satan. Just pretenders.
If you truly understand this war you will understand there is no point to it and it has been stoked by the jews themselves to feed SHITHOVAH BLOOD[funding Hamas, YOM KRAPPUR].
Why should we [or HP] feed this monstrous thing more, when we can stay alive to fight this goddamn monster for the rest of our lives?

As Satanists, as much as it sucks and seems cowardly, we cannot allow ourselves to be known. This is dictated by Satan himself in the Al Jiwah. Do you think Satan himself a coward?
It is a logical, strategic step to remain anonymous. Jews have systemically tortured and snuffed out anyone publically opposing them [as you can see]. This will not be forever. The jews WILL GET what's coming to them.

I give and take away; I enrich and impoverish; I cause both happiness and misery. I do all this in keeping with the characteristics of each epoch. And none has a right to interfere with my management of affairs. Those who oppose me I afflict with disease; but my own shall not die like the sons of Adam that are without. None shall live in this world longer than the time set by me; and if I so desire, I send a person a second or third time into this world or into some other by the transmigration of souls.
The books of Jews, Christians and Muslims, as of those who are without, accept in a sense, i.e., so far as they agree with and conform to my statutes. Whatsoever is contrary to these, they have altered; do not accept it. Three things are against me and I hate three things. But those who keep my secrets shall receive the fulfillment of my promises. Those who suffer for my sake I will surely reward in one of the worlds.

It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them. Now, then, all ye who have followed my commandments and my teachings, reject all the teachings and sayings of such as are without.

I have not taught these teachings, nor do they proceed from me. Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do.

ISRAEL SHALL GET WHAT SHE DESERVES! I reject your claims of cowardice. If I ever die to these awful jews, I will come back again and again and again until they are gone forever! Hail Satan!
Dear HP HoodedCobra, thank you for creating this rituals for the community of JOS and for the Gods of Hell, during this rituals i can feel how all the negative energy disappear, my mind get clear and my goals are easy to target.

Thanks to the Gods of hell and to the God of Gods Satan for making my life and the life of our community members meaningful and beautiful.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Should we prolong the schedule over the 20.10?
I'm glad to see that the schedual has been extended! :D
I know a lot of people have been focusing on this coming war but for those of us in the USA I wanted to tell something.
Last month it was announced that California is suing the top five oil companies!
They are being sued over Climate Change damages and for holding back information in reguards to the damages to the environment. They have been sitting on this info for decades and lying to the public about this. it's a great step forward and i hope one day soon to read about other states either doing the same thing or adding their name to this lawsuit.
Just thought I would share something positive.

Hail Father Satan

does anyone else feel that this war is very sincere and dense? i had to ask Lilith for help to clean myself up and give me the strength to continue on Curse Israel, i have never felt something so heavy on our schedules.
When i do curse Israel ritual I focus on many influential people, one time something rare happened, I felt the presence of a very negative and evil energy, i was doing this on Saudi Crown Prince، looks like those bastard in power have some kind of grays protection or something.

I encourage you all to choose some people from the media or politics, and do this on them, and visualize them being Psychological distress or even die.

Also choice some good people who supports the palastinean to bless them.

Can you HP tell us, is it right to focus when doing this curse Israel rtr on the thoughtform the jew did, and to do something like reprogramming it instead of erasing it.
When i finish the Gods Rituals i feel my aura dirt, this is because of jews sending the negative energy back or are the slanders and attacks i have done to the Gods in previous lives?
nebu said:

does anyone else feel that this war is very sincere and dense? i had to ask Lilith for help to clean myself up and give me the strength to continue on Curse Israel, i have never felt something so heavy on our schedules.

I felt stronger enemy attacks on my side, enemy mages(crypto kikes) I sensed got involved to try crazy funny shit on me but this is all nothing to me anymore. They're all going to get nuked to death with our RTRs. The reptile kikes are getting really aggressive now knowing they're losing, wahoo! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yay, extended schedule! :D :D :D LET'S KEEP FIRING TILL THEY'RE ALL DROPPED!!!

nebu said:

does anyone else feel that this war is very sincere and dense? i had to ask Lilith for help to clean myself up and give me the strength to continue on Curse Israel, i have never felt something so heavy on our schedules.

Actually for me, i felt like it was much easier doing these rituals now compared to previous times, my mind was more focused and relaxed.

But i did have a little bit of backlash in the form of unprecedented attacks from other ppl bothering me.

Definitely do strong cleaning and returning curses yall.
Pages down!
Use Wayback machine!
The Enemy CANT stop us no matter HOW much they'd want to! :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:
Wildfire said:
They're all going to get nuked to death with our RTRs. The reptile kikes are getting really aggressive now knowing they're losing, wahoo! :lol: :lol: :lol:

well, at this current stage, the level of power involved is very strong.

gods are on our side, literally in cases like this.

fuck them.
Artanis said:
Pages down!
Use Wayback machine!
The Enemy CANT stop us no matter HOW much they'd want to! :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:

i can't access curse israel or azazel ritual, the pages didn't actively save, damn
nebu said:

does anyone else feel that this war is very sincere and dense? i had to ask Lilith for help to clean myself up and give me the strength to continue on Curse Israel, i have never felt something so heavy on our schedules.

I literally had to stop at the first day of Astarte's ritual. I got sick, and now I feel like I have a hole in my aura at my back extension of the 6th chakra. I also felt extreme fatigue from them with a 20x SATANAMA energy rise before them.

I cured myself in 2 days with sage tea and all sorts, so everything is good.
AFODO said:
nebu said:

does anyone else feel that this war is very sincere and dense? i had to ask Lilith for help to clean myself up and give me the strength to continue on Curse Israel, i have never felt something so heavy on our schedules.

I literally had to stop at the first day of Astarte's ritual. I got sick, and now I feel like I have a hole in my aura at my back extension of the 6th chakra. I also felt extreme fatigue from them with a 20x SATANAMA energy rise before them.

I cured myself in 2 days with sage tea and all sorts, so everything is good.

After RTR's always do Retunring Curses 1&2 maybe before, do raise your energy with 111 x SURYA" SUUU-RR-YAH or raum :

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It might be not crazy important, but on the JOS Ritual page the prolonged schedule is not updated:


It just says do the Final,Tetra, Shatter when one clicks it.
Felt really great after completing the schedule until the 20th, afterwards I noticed it is extended.

Stay powerful army, we are closer!

Stay motivated, stay strong!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in the SS Family.

Yes, Israel is at war again. We knew this would happen and HPS Maxine has wrote about this as well, and here we are now. It's therefore a very good opportunity to do some work to make sure that Justice is applied. Knowing Israel, they will simply try to invoke the United States to fight and kill itself for it's war, and yet other issues from jewish incompetents such as Zelensky are still costing us monumental things as it is.

Israel needs to be cursed right now as this insolence against the Gods and everyone else is simply too much. Some people after the 9/11 events, do also postulate that Israel did another fake attack on itself to just trigger a progression and re-starting of the violence in the Middle East, just so that they can create the Greater Israel via a series of endless proxy wars.

They are renown to do things like that so doubting them is nothing out of the ordinary. Of course, that could even be a kabbalistic spell to evoke global mercy and other nonsense which we are all here aware for.

For those who might be wondering, yes, Israel is fucking ruined already and they are not going to stop this. That's how ruin will arrive for these unrepentant ones who are constantly dragging the world in the state of their own perdition.

What remains for a fact is that Israel has very bad aims and goals for the future of humanity and that it's simply not worthwhile to leave them to keep tormenting everyone without a reason.

Those of their own who don't agree, are essentially out of the fold. Overall, the situation is to where the Gods must break them once more as they have done before [and they will] to show them a few things. As Israel keeps remaining unrepentant, this situation with wars and everything else will just continue and never decrease until they are ruined or ultimately hated at a maximum. Their full on purposeful denial of this is only making this worse for them, which for all intents, it's not bad news.

The bad news is that innocent Gentiles are others will have to be carried into this, yet practically speaking that is unavoidable when you have a collective that is so hate oriented such as the jews having increased power on the face of the planet. This is how its going to go. Fate cannot be stopped, it can only be partly mitigated.

Below is an RTR Schedule & Demonic Ritual Schedule to keep them at bay, as they will go into red alert soon and they will start cursing and going warmode. Yes they will certainly try to draw as many cannon fodder Goyim Nations into this as possible of course. So that has to be stopped.

That schedule in that regard reflects a defensive and offensive stance towards this at the same time.

Links to Rituals: https://josrituals.org/ OR https://old.josrituals.org

9. FRTR, Satan's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
10. FRTR, Satan's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
11. FRTR, Satan's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
12. FRTR, Beelzebul's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
13. FRTR, Beelzebul's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
14. FRTR, Beelzebul's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
15. FRTR, Astarte's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
16. FRTR, Astarte's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
17. FRTR, Astarte's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
18. FRTR, Azazel's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
19. FRTR, Azazel's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
20. FRTR, Azazel's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
21. FRTR, Satan's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
22. FRTR, Satan's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
23. FRTR, Satan's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
24. FRTR, Satan's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
25. FRTR, Satan's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
26. FRTR, Beelzebul's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
27. FRTR, Beelzebul's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
28. FRTR, Beelzebul's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
29. FRTR, Beelzebul's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
30. FRTR, Beelzebul's Authority Ritual, Curse Israel RTR

I honestly started doing this before hand, before you made this schedule tbh I was doing a whole bunch of rituals but I am discourage now after putting in a lot of hard work.. feeling the joy and commitment in fighting this war and the blessing... the feeling it provides one is extreme bliss. I was having dreams for a couple days tho... I was getting attacked, and no matter how much meditation I did I struggled with transmuting it a man kept appearing in my dreams with webs shooting from his hands and. Remember the whole dream world folded in on me, i wws bound floating in darkness until a lady appeared and put her hands on my head and set me free. My throat is extremely sore and now I'm discouraged because I would like to participate but I can't even speak much to even utter a chant. Is there anything I can do? Or should I wait till I feel better to pick things back up?
Just wanted to pop in and say that the Gods rituals and this schedule in general has been helping me quite a lot in real life. Things are finally moving in a positive direction physically, just have to deal with mental blocks.

Thank you!!
There is no active schedule in the "New rituals site"!
The_bloom_of_darkness said:
I honestly started doing this before hand, before you made this schedule tbh I was doing a whole bunch of rituals but I am discourage now after putting in a lot of hard work.. feeling the joy and commitment in fighting this war and the blessing... the feeling it provides one is extreme bliss. I was having dreams for a couple days tho... I was getting attacked, and no matter how much meditation I did I struggled with transmuting it a man kept appearing in my dreams with webs shooting from his hands and. Remember the whole dream world folded in on me, i wws bound floating in darkness until a lady appeared and put her hands on my head and set me free. My throat is extremely sore and now I'm discouraged because I would like to participate but I can't even speak much to even utter a chant. Is there anything I can do? Or should I wait till I feel better to pick things back up?

You can try to gargle with sage herb tea + honey. It even helps to just take some water and put your head back und just let your throut revitalize.
AFODO said:
nebu said:

does anyone else feel that this war is very sincere and dense? i had to ask Lilith for help to clean myself up and give me the strength to continue on Curse Israel, i have never felt something so heavy on our schedules.

I literally had to stop at the first day of Astarte's ritual. I got sick, and now I feel like I have a hole in my aura at my back extension of the 6th chakra. I also felt extreme fatigue from them with a 20x SATANAMA energy rise before them.

I cured myself in 2 days with sage tea and all sorts, so everything is good.

I feel exhausted after the rituals too.

Though, it’s been better recently the more days that I’ve been doing them the less tired I become and the more familiar I feel with it.
nebu said:
Artanis said:
Pages down!
Use Wayback machine!
The Enemy CANT stop us no matter HOW much they'd want to! :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:

i can't access curse israel or azazel ritual, the pages didn't actively save, damn
It makes always sense to create your own offline versions of all important rituals. This way you can continue working even if the skanks manage to take down our servers :ugeek:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in the SS Family.

Why don't we prolong the RTR schedule given that Israel is still at war, killing thousands, threatening all the neighboring countries, and trying to create its greater empire?
Would you look at that, Russia did start rounding up the mosques for compulsory military service material, but for the Ukraine fiasco as of now:

WiseDragon said:
Egon said:
Now imagine this:
>Putin has given many freebies and goodies to the muslin population in Russia and helped Syria, earning their "loyalty"...
We know muslims. Muslims are extremely violent, mean, vindictive, destructive and they hold grudges for a very long time. They are very obsessive and united too.
Hugo Man said:
Its hard to read Putin and what he really stands for. But if turns into a wild card then the jews will definetly try and flatten the earth. Bring us down with them.
Satya Mahadev said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in the SS Family.

Why don't we prolong the RTR schedule given that Israel is still at war, killing thousands, threatening all the neighboring countries, and trying to create its greater empire?

The Schedule is extended until 30 so far, or do you mean longer then that?
greetings! i have been lurking there for quite some time and it looks like it's really time to show myself, finaĺly decloaked...this is the perfect period to do this indeed...

considering the situation, i would say that it would be a good idea to also do the anti-war rituals, here's the "flow" version

i did notice that in the "Q" circles there are some individuals mentioning syria and especially damascus a lot in regards to negative prophesies, and in the anti-war ritual n2 there's this reference "damascus is being restored" ... i wonder if it's just a coincidence or if there's some kind of connection..if yes, then i expect that to be a positive aspect, i guess, possibly preventing some negative event related to that from happening.
I think this is a RTR win:

UN secretary-general: Hamas attacks on Israel "did not happen in a vacuum"


"United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that Hamas' October 7 attacks on Israel “did not happen in a vacuum” during his remarks to the Security Council on the Middle East Tuesday.

“It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation,” Guterres said, adding that Palestinians “have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence.”

At the same time, Guterres noted that “the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas.” He added that Palestinian people should not be collectively punished for Hamas' attacks, either.

Therefore, according to Guterres, all parties of the conflict should “take constant care in the conduct of military operations to spare civilians” as well as “respect and protect hospitals and respect the inviolability of UN facilities which today are sheltering more than 600,000 Palestinians.”

Guterres called the intensified strikes on Gaza by Israel “deeply alarming” as “the level of civilian casualties, and the wholesale destruction of neighborhoods continue to mount."

At least 35 of Guterres' UN colleagues working for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees were killed in the bombardment of Gaza over the last two weeks, according to the secretary-general.

He said “the clear violations of international humanitarian law” are witnessed in Gaza, offering Israel's order for more than one million people to evacuate earlier this month as an example.

Guterres emphasized that the aid delivered to Gaza does not correspond to its enormous needs, including the fuel supplies that are about to run out “in a matter of days.”

He reiterated his appeal for “an immediate humanitarian ceasefire,” a two-state solution for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and an immediate release of all hostages “without conditions.”"


i'm curious to know what you people think about those Anti-war RTR's
https://josrituals.org/flow?rituals=preventing-another-major-war-1+preventing-another-major-war-2+preventing-another-major-war-3 ,

considering the situation , it could be useful to do said rituals aswell , right?
they seem to be quite fitting for this specific period ^
Fuchs said:
Satya Mahadev said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in the SS Family.

Why don't we prolong the RTR schedule given that Israel is still at war, killing thousands, threatening all the neighboring countries, and trying to create its greater empire?

The Schedule is extended until 30 so far, or do you mean longer then that?

I didn't notice that because in the war room it shoes no active schedule
Glad to see this!

We shall send our best spiritual artillery to them.

HS :twisted:
Israel is indeed receiving major bad press irrespective of decisions by the major governments which as we all know here they definitely don't control and run because claiming this would be anti-semitism.

2 more days for the schedule and then we will all rest.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Israel is indeed receiving major bad press irrespective of decisions by the major governments which as we all know here they definitely don't control and run because claiming this would be anti-semitism.

2 more days for the schedule and then we will all rest.

If we would just keep on going, as exhausting as it is, would it bury them quicker, save some lives?

We waited a long time for them to go down, now is finally the time, they can loose it all. All there precious holy land finally destroyed and taken from them forever, because off there own stupidity.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
