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Ritual Schedule Feb 29 to March 15

From the first day I did the ritual program especially after the Man ritual I felt such power that as unbelievable as it sounds I left behind old ugly aspects of my lower self. Of course this is primarily due to and a result of the daily routine I have been doing every day for the past four years, but this ritual program from the first day I did it completely ended some ugly things I have struggled with all my life. Already from the next day I have to say that I am a completely different person with a lot of strength, joy, confidence, etc. That's all as a personal reference, on the collective level on the other hand we see that every day more and more people are awakening, while the Jews with their agenda and programs are being exposed worldwide. A big thank you brother HP Hoodedcobra666 for all the rituals you have given so far to the community you are a role model for all
Anyone else think that Lord Andras is strict?
I in no way feel so. I am sorry here, but I also have to put my two cents for the sake of testimony and justice towards the God, and it always happens so that those Gods everyone says are strict, feel extremely tender and carrying to me. Maybe I am totally dumb astrally, maybe I am not that important to be strict with (who cares to be strict with anyway useless andrapoda for example?), case is I never felt more tender Gentlemen than these Gods, including and especially Lord Andras.

Long story short. Even physical pain feels smoothed and going down when feeling his energy. I literally can’t stop giving him my energy every time I have one. Every time I sink into this energy I feel amused thinking of how kikes fantasized about him that he were somehow angry. Such a horrid lie. Just read kikes and learn that everything is the exact opposite. I never saw more kind person.

I think there is something wrong with kike view at all as if they were all just mentally sick and saw different reality than we do. Maybe it is because this is absolutely useless to be strict with some people like me, because they are hopeless. But what I felt all the time with this ritual was extreme gentleness and nobility. Unworldly beauty of the unworldly soul. Real Man of the highest dreams about whom most say «this does not exist»…

For me this ritual is not a duty, it is a dream. It feels like a warm hearth or a loving father. Very comfortable and very father-like. Also they say there is beautiful playful dog around him for SS to kiss and caress. I usually sacrifice all other things to do Gods rituals, they are a seduction to me and I feel missing and tempted to do them, trying to force myself to do other things instead.
I will complete the rituals from March 1st to March 15th. I hope the Gods will protect me and my loved ones, because I woke up again this morning with a nightmare in which the enemy attacked me and my loved ones, and now I am desperate to seek protection.
I will complete the rituals from March 1st to March 15th. I hope the Gods will protect me and my loved ones, because I woke up again this morning with a nightmare in which the enemy attacked me and my loved ones, and now I am desperate to seek protection.
You can protect yourself and loved ones by yourself by doing aura of protection.
Dharma , it's Self Perpetuating. To challenge that which doesn't change and you can't separate from is futile,but they still do it anyway. It is THAT which has necessary existence,has never come into being and will never go out of being. Sects and civilizations have been founded on it. These have beginning and end. Brotherhood of the Snake for example was based on It,Ma'at (Dharma) they called it. The Brotherhood is not here but the need for Self Realization (Ma'at, Dharma) is still here. Unchanging as it was then and now. It will still be there ,when we have evolved past this level onto higher ,better realms and planets and other souls come to use the earth for purpose of Self Realization. It will be there when this Universe is fully absorbed into IT and another one is created. Who Know ? No one has ever known not even the Gods. Brahma , Vishnu,Siva (Creation, Preservation, Dissolution) are often depicted in the Siva Linga with the Eternal Flame in It sustaining them not fully understanding the mystery of the Eternal Flame. They can destroy all the sects, Temples to the Gods based on IT. Souls will reincarnate and restablish it in the Maya again. It's inevitable , unstoppable. In India to mark the start of a new era ,on 22nd January I think ,they opened the Temple to Lord Ram,this is the date also Pluto had entered into Aquarius. This Temple had been razed to the ground some time back by Muslim invaders and a Mosque built in it's place. This has now been corrected. The Hindus say when Lord Ram was present physically on earth and ruled ,no one died ,people would get Self Realized and move on higher planets and realms. Which only accommodate Self Realized souls. The Temple site is said to be the birth place. It was the Capital of the whole world at the time,in the previous Yuga, before this one. That's Dharma,Ma'at,Sat or whatever name you want to call it. It needs to be understood in this Light.

"Truth will be the final victor in this struggle ,Truth however is with us." - Hitler.
Near where I currently live, every morning and evening I can hear the sound of soldiers jogging and shouting slogans over and over again.

The enemy's army is exercising every day. It would be humiliating if I couldn't complete these rituals. We are soldiers too, and we must not be inferior to the enemy.
I'm feeling the energy here 🔥😀

There are a couple errors, the first one is that it is "28 Jan - 5 Feb", the second one is about the rituals, today we have restoring justice RTR and Marbas's Power Ritual.
Quit complaining.it is your duty

Goldenxchild1......your post tickled me pink. You are so special that Lord Andras singled you out because he knew you would pass on his message to our family. It was indeed something I needed to hear as I also like to take the easy way out when I’m tired. May you continue to pass along messages when you feel like sharing them. I enjoyed doing rituals. I am now a warrior in Hell’s Army too!

Hail Satan!
Hail All the Gods!
Anyone else think that Lord Andras is strict?

Not in a bad way, but more like a "No Bullshit" way.

I was getting the rituals done and it's about 1130 pm, so I am tired. I was thinking to myself how tired I feel and wishing I could skip the end (feeling sorry for myself).

Anyway, I believe he spoke to me, he said "Stop complaining, it is your duty."

I actually straightened out quickly after His orders haha
There is a method but it is not among the best. The day ends and begins at dawn, so it is possible to do the rituals early in the morning after sleeping, so that you can rest and not skip your duty.

This can be difficult and you need good willpower to do it, but at least you do not miss the day.

However, you need to learn to organise your day so that you do not put everything off until the last moment, especially as the nights get shorter and dawn comes earlier.
There is a method but it is not among the best. The day ends and begins at dawn, so it is possible to do the rituals early in the morning after sleeping, so that you can rest and not skip your duty.

This can be difficult and you need good willpower to do it, but at least you do not miss the day.

However, you need to learn to organise your day so that you do not put everything off until the last moment, especially as the nights get shorter and dawn comes earlier.
I appreciate your thoughts. However, be doing RTRs at night IS me organizing my day haha. Work, school, family, gym, and my own routine makes it tight.
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanic Family and to our Spiritual Army,

There are many things going on at the very same time. For one, we have Israel's usual warmorgering and genocidal tendencies. The United States under it's current president is very weak, unable and not willing to stop the situation from unfolding. We are observing a large scale genocide during a war under the usual pretexts the enemy always uses. Bloodlust has overtaken their minds. Ongoing tragedy. Ukraine is another situation still ongoing; not to mention the situation with tempting China and calls for "being prepared for war".

As anyone here knows, the enemy does what they do. Wars, destruction, perils, after coming out from global pandemics. The unrest is consistent. They want to rule with fear, that's a well known fact. As I have stated in other topics, this subject should not be dwelt upon. We are just being aware of the situation. If a situation has been that consistent and constant, one knows after a point that dwelling on it is not a proper Spiritual Satanic approach. One must keep their mind and energy pure and clear.

The Rituals are a call to Justice, and one then returns to their life. We call the Gods and the ultimate powers, and then we have to allow them to act and disengage. The enemy wants to waste everyone's life, existence, nation, time and energy, because of the constant dummy wars and incidents of terror they are creating. That's their strategy. Bad news, insanity, manipulation, darkness. Fear and distraction is how they control.

The spiritual progress of ourselves and humanity is the most important and central topic of existence; the enemy is a harassing pollutant that tries to impede this process through the above methods all the time.

It is by our existence and progression that the enemy will be halted and reversed. One cannot have the hope of winning and applying justice if they themselves are not strong first. The natural evolution of the Spiritual Satanist is the highest ranking task; it's the natural light that emits itself outwards, fixing one's self and the world. Darkness has it's place, but the above cannot be replaced, ever.

The central point through all this is that no matter what goes down, our own to be protected. The rest of the world can sleep upon it's bed past a point, if they want to take it all down, then so be it. We will help as ordained by the Gods, but they deserve the vortex of death they are creating and we do NOT.

We must stay focused and positive, away from their attempts that are so earnest to cause everything else. One must know the Gods are supreme, no matter the external circumstances. Life is still ongoing everywhere else in the world. We have to be moving on and place ourselves as the highest importance group in our existence. Therefore, this schedule will be divided evenly between sorting out a part of the above situation, but also about taking care of ourselves.

Below is the schedule:

[February 29 is actually an extra day for whomever will see it in time and to give translators the time to translate, therefore if this day is lost do not worry about it. Those who see in time can engage in time of course!]

29. FRTR, Andras Ritual, Reverse Blood Sacrifice RTR
1. FRTR, Andras Ritual, Reverse Blood Sacrifice RTR
2. FRTR, Marbas Ritual, Restoring Justice RTR
3. FRTR, Marbas Ritual, Restoring Justice RTR
4. FRTR, Orobas Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
5. FRTR, Orobas Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
6. Beelzebul's Ritual, Blessings For Employment Financial Safety & Protection
7. Beelzebul's Ritual, Blessings For Employment Financial Safety & Protection
8. Beelzebul's Ritual, Blessings For Employment Financial Safety & Protection
9. Neberius's Ritual, Wealth And Prosperity
10. Neberius's Ritual, Wealth And Prosperity
11. Neberius's Ritual, Wealth And Prosperity
12. Azazel's Ritual, JoS Protection
13. Azazel's Ritual, JoS Protection
14. Satan's Ritual, Astarte's Ritual
15. Satan's Ritual, Astarte's Ritual

Links to the Rituals:

FRTR: https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/final-rtr
Astarte's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/astarte-power-ritual
Satan's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/satan-absolution-ritual
Andras Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/andras-power-ritual
Marbas Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/marbas-power-ritual
Neberius Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/neberius-power-ritual
Orobas Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/orobas-power-ritual
Beelzebul's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/beelzebul-power-ritual
Reverse Blood Sacrifices: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.html
Restoring Justice: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/I5417.html
Curse Israel: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.html
Blessings For Employment Financial Safety & Protection - https://josrituals.org/ritual/blessing/blessings-for-employment-financial-safety-protection
Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Spiritual Satanists: https://josrituals.org/ritual/blessing/wealth-and-prosperity
JoS Protection Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/blessing/jos-protection
Do we repeat the ritual everyday?
literal lightning, colossal strength, eccentricity in pure form, brilliant darkness, majestic, sharp and immediate.
I felt his energy yesterday when I was performing his ritual. Such a powerful demon indeed, he filled my whole being with confidence and made me so calm. His presence was very pleasant.

Now everyone should focus on asking our great BAAL for protection and pray to him for the safety of our families. The enemy seemed to be very angry.
I was very exhausted yesterday and fell asleep without doing the rituals, and did yesterday's rituals early in the morning. Is that acceptable? I'm always worried when something like this happens
I was very exhausted yesterday and fell asleep without doing the rituals, and did yesterday's rituals early in the morning. Is that acceptable? I'm always worried when something like this happens
this can happen to anyone, don't beat yourself up about it! Maybe next time, when you feel like you are going to have a long and exhausting day ahead of you, you could do the rituals for the day early in the morning instead of letting them for the night,just to be sure.
Many of our own are messaging me with both positive effects but also needs relating to the schedule; if anyone is encountering problems or even if your condition is good, do participate to solve or improve all situations. This is an attack and blessing schedule. Let's bless ourselves.
I was very exhausted yesterday and fell asleep without doing the rituals, and did yesterday's rituals early in the morning. Is that acceptable? I'm always worried when something like this happens

That is not a problem at all. Be careful with exhaustion and make sure to do proper spacing out to avoid exhaustion.
I have been struggling with a lot the last week or two but after having done the ritual for King Beelzebul I feel so reinvigorated his energy is simply incredible its divine even by the standards of divinity its honestly like a tidal wave of energy just looking at his sigil after the ritual I didnt need to meditate on it all I felt the energy immediately the moment I scrolled down, I always love doing the God's rituals but when it comes to Satan, Beelzebul, Azazel and Isis the energy is simply something else its almost overwhelming in the best way possible, I must say the same is also true of all of Satan's children their energies are all so unique and distinct their impact on the soul must be profound.
If anyone is on the fence about diving into spiritual warfare I strongly suggest to start by doing the God's rituals it helps the cause and it helps you.
Just wish all this Jewish shit will end
Hi HP! Unfortunately I had to work a lot in the previous weeks and couldn't do the rituals. Can I start the rituals today and continue for 15 days ?
Hi HP! Unfortunately I had to work a lot in the previous weeks and couldn't do the rituals. Can I start the rituals today and continue for 15 days ?
Of course you can!
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanic Family and to our Spiritual Army,

There are many things going on at the very same time. For one, we have Israel's usual warmorgering and genocidal tendencies. The United States under it's current president is very weak, unable and not willing to stop the situation from unfolding. We are observing a large scale genocide during a war under the usual pretexts the enemy always uses. Bloodlust has overtaken their minds. Ongoing tragedy. Ukraine is another situation still ongoing; not to mention the situation with tempting China and calls for "being prepared for war".

As anyone here knows, the enemy does what they do. Wars, destruction, perils, after coming out from global pandemics. The unrest is consistent. They want to rule with fear, that's a well known fact. As I have stated in other topics, this subject should not be dwelt upon. We are just being aware of the situation. If a situation has been that consistent and constant, one knows after a point that dwelling on it is not a proper Spiritual Satanic approach. One must keep their mind and energy pure and clear.

The Rituals are a call to Justice, and one then returns to their life. We call the Gods and the ultimate powers, and then we have to allow them to act and disengage. The enemy wants to waste everyone's life, existence, nation, time and energy, because of the constant dummy wars and incidents of terror they are creating. That's their strategy. Bad news, insanity, manipulation, darkness. Fear and distraction is how they control.

The spiritual progress of ourselves and humanity is the most important and central topic of existence; the enemy is a harassing pollutant that tries to impede this process through the above methods all the time.

It is by our existence and progression that the enemy will be halted and reversed. One cannot have the hope of winning and applying justice if they themselves are not strong first. The natural evolution of the Spiritual Satanist is the highest ranking task; it's the natural light that emits itself outwards, fixing one's self and the world. Darkness has it's place, but the above cannot be replaced, ever.

The central point through all this is that no matter what goes down, our own to be protected. The rest of the world can sleep upon it's bed past a point, if they want to take it all down, then so be it. We will help as ordained by the Gods, but they deserve the vortex of death they are creating and we do NOT.

We must stay focused and positive, away from their attempts that are so earnest to cause everything else. One must know the Gods are supreme, no matter the external circumstances. Life is still ongoing everywhere else in the world. We have to be moving on and place ourselves as the highest importance group in our existence. Therefore, this schedule will be divided evenly between sorting out a part of the above situation, but also about taking care of ourselves.

Below is the schedule:

[February 29 is actually an extra day for whomever will see it in time and to give translators the time to translate, therefore if this day is lost do not worry about it. Those who see in time can engage in time of course!]

29. FRTR, Andras Ritual, Reverse Blood Sacrifice RTR
1. FRTR, Andras Ritual, Reverse Blood Sacrifice RTR
2. FRTR, Marbas Ritual, Restoring Justice RTR
3. FRTR, Marbas Ritual, Restoring Justice RTR
4. FRTR, Orobas Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
5. FRTR, Orobas Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
6. Beelzebul's Ritual, Blessings For Employment Financial Safety & Protection
7. Beelzebul's Ritual, Blessings For Employment Financial Safety & Protection
8. Beelzebul's Ritual, Blessings For Employment Financial Safety & Protection
9. Neberius's Ritual, Wealth And Prosperity
10. Neberius's Ritual, Wealth And Prosperity
11. Neberius's Ritual, Wealth And Prosperity
12. Azazel's Ritual, JoS Protection
13. Azazel's Ritual, JoS Protection
14. Satan's Ritual, Astarte's Ritual
15. Satan's Ritual, Astarte's Ritual

Links to the Rituals:

FRTR: https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/final-rtr
Astarte's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/astarte-power-ritual
Satan's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/satan-absolution-ritual
Andras Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/andras-power-ritual
Marbas Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/marbas-power-ritual
Neberius Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/neberius-power-ritual
Orobas Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/orobas-power-ritual
Beelzebul's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/beelzebul-power-ritual
Reverse Blood Sacrifices: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.html
Restoring Justice: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/I5417.html
Curse Israel: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.html
Blessings For Employment Financial Safety & Protection - https://josrituals.org/ritual/blessing/blessings-for-employment-financial-safety-protection
Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Spiritual Satanists: https://josrituals.org/ritual/blessing/wealth-and-prosperity
JoS Protection Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/blessing/jos-protection
Azazel's Ritual is missing: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/azazel-power-ritual
Well their counter-attack have been unfortunate for me...
My lovely brother, take care of yourself, yeah I know man, well it's natural when you put an "animal" in the corner with life or death situation, they will be acting crazy or something ( sorry to all the animals in the world to liken them to the Jews).

You maybe say that I am being fake but you came to my mind recently I was thinking about you, yes we are not close friends or something but you are one among many in the forums that I like and care about.

Be safe my brother and if you want support I can do extra ritual for you today 😉
To All New members who haven't do any rituals yet.This is a golden chance to experience the love of our father.

Don't be afraid of that you don't know how to vibrate the runes, just write the pronunciation on a paper and try to do your best.

Satan won't get mad of you for mispronounced some runes, no he will look at you as a father looks to his Newly walking baby, also you will feel your soul and you will receive blessings 🙏
My lovely brother, take care of yourself, yeah I know man, well it's natural when you put an "animal" in the corner with life or death situation, they will be acting crazy or something ( sorry to all the animals in the world to liken them to the Jews).

You maybe say that I am being fake but you came to my mind recently I was thinking about you, yes we are not close friends or something but you are one among many in the forums that I like and care about.

Be safe my brother and if you want support I can do extra ritual for you today

Thank you, this is very kind from you. Don't worry though it's not that big of a thing. :)
I've done all the rituals on the list.

Just now, after completing the rituals on March 15, I completed the rituals on February 29, which I had missed earlier. Now, I can say that I have completed this schedule.

I have met all kinds of people in my daily life, most of them disgusting to me, and I have communicated with these people only in disguise and concealment. But only in front of our Gods, I can show my true heart, and I can truly feel warm. Only they can help me, make me better, and make the people I love better.

Although I know that my ability is insufficient, it may not be effective when performing these rituals. But I have developed a good habit of doing the ritual every day, and I believe I will gradually get better at it.
I thank everyone who participated in the rituals, I am sure it was a time of blessing and evolution for everyone, as it was for me.

Now that the ritual schedule is over I suppose I will continue with the RTRs and Rituals of the Gods for other personal purposes, or I can do other rituals to prepare for blessings to come in the future, if HPHC can leave some advice on this I would be grateful.

I will certainly look forward to the next ritual schedule and new rituals and updates.

Thanks and Hail Satanas!!!
You can tell me, why we can't see the Gods, I'm confused and if we do rituals and meditations it takes a very long time to be able to communicate with them, I don't think there is any shortcut to be able to talk and see them. I'm not able to do rituals because I'm staying with parents and it's hard for me and I find it complicated, can you help me with an answer why rituals and meditations are so complicated and communication with the Gods, sorry I wrote you so much.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
