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Blessings: Mini-schedules (now until February 12)

Until we get a new God ritual, we will do this series of mini-schedules for blessings for all members. Some of you have reported feeling lost without doing the FRTR daily, so focus on this schedule to get into a mindset of blessing yourself and other members for spiritual and material growth and prosperity.

Our Gods want us to prosper and advance, and to find fulfillment in life. They don't want any of us to be depressed or stagnant in life, so open your mind and heart to this schedule, and look for ways to improve your life in whatever way is best for your individual path. Even making a small step, a small win, will put you ahead of where you were before, and lead to more growth :)

You can check our SS Calendar in your location to see the exact Moon timings. Our JGs and myself will be in Element to lead the rituals, but you can do them at any time that is convenient for you yourself, offline. Don't worry if you can't synchronize with the rest of us, your efforts will still be 100% effective.

Today (January 31) and tomorrow (February 1) - Moon in Pisces - Community Blessing for all SS

February 4 and 5 - Moon in Taurus- Blessings for Employment, Financial Safety and Protection

February 8/9/10 - Moon in Cancer - Community Blessing for all SS

February 11 and 12 - Full Moon in Leo - Blessings for Employment, Financial Safety and Protection

Note: on the 10th, Moon enters Leo at 17:00 UTC, so the Blessings for Employment ritual can be done after that time.
卐 There have been so many times where I had just hand written or screen shot rituals even years ago knowing either I could get online for a certain length of time or without tech at all, so wanted just to say that even if not having pushed the 'complete' buttons I have still been steadfast and now especially since the Dedication ritual in October last year. Will be more punctual though & like to better archive my actual actions & show dedication so can also learn more & be of better quality in my self in which to give back for TRUTH!
Thank you so much for these! I love this so much! I want to be financially even more stable and am going through a sort of phase right now which is clearing away the dead branches..and so foresee better donations eventually & more regularly.
卐ᛏ⛧Hail Sa⸸anamas!⛧ᛏ卐

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
