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When The Joy Of Satan Is Always Right, Maybe It's Time To Listen...

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It might be difficult for some people to not understand that the Gods themselves are behind the Joy of Satan. For those who follow closely, they understand the meaning of this, and get to also experience this in their own life. It should be obvious to the observant people, but others will purposefully neglect this fact.

Everyone is welcomed to use the search feature in the forums, and find for themselves how the JoS, members, etc have unveiled many conspiracies. It is of great benefit to listen.

Think for yourself: Hasn't this place predicted all things as they came? We have. Why? Because there is a very necessary reason to do so, and the Gods do issue warnings. Our job is to listen and to make things better.

There are many knowledgeable people and so on on the earth. They know numerous things. Economics, sciences, the list goes. The Joy of Satan ever since the start of the Pandemic, we have been more vocal on certain aspects. The reason we have been doing this is because of a dangerous precedent for the future of humanity, and the need to raise awareness.

HPS Maxine's warnings have been issued way before any "Public" ones. The same goes for mine. One just needs to observe how the economy is performing, to understand what is going on with all this. We have explained to you how it's all going to unfold every step of the way, and unfortunately for everyone on the world, it has been.

The above is understandable when one realizes how the enemy behaves and what their goals are. With the help of the Gods, then one can see reality for what it is. The last two years were not to protect you from a "pandemic". If this was to any percent, it was less than a double digit percent in the context of a full 100% bar.

The proof of this is that many Nations are done with this, without having to engage into not even as 10% of measures of coercion and abuse as others, which, if we are to be frank, are literally stalling still because of this very lizardine approach.

The rest 90% or so of it, was control expansion and Great Reset preliminary implementations for many Nations.

When these people literally write these books and tell you their "Agenda", it takes to have the mind of a retard to not take this into any consideration, given the extensive financial and political power these people possess, but also seeing that many heads of States for example were sitting on Klaus's lap since they were 20, and now they are appointed to Great Reset you. Trudaeu is one of his students among many others.

Stripping your freedoms away over soft-core pandemic used as a proxy, transferring debts on you on the Jewish Year of Semitah through incessant "Energy Crisis" and other factors, agendas being enforced on artificial scarcity - it doesn't take a lot of a mind to understand where this is all going or where this has come from. But one must have read specific things to understand how it all ties together. For the rest, it will just be "Difficult times".

One must however be a little smart here too. So, the moment we are moving out of the Pandemic, suddenly the world's powers are ruffling feathers to start a war. It's almost as if they want to give the people literally no rest.

Most people will decide to live in a bubble. Those who have spiritual knowledge and the help of the Gods, you will fare through these times with far less damage than others or closely none. Many people will endure devastating inner and outer damage. You won't.

The meltdown of the enemy and their attacks have been intensifying the more people have been understanding them and slowly gathering strength to change things. A revolution of both values and understanding of the world is taking place within the last years. There are sides to this.

As we approach the end of the Age of Pisces, which was an Age that was made by the enemy into one of delusion and brutality, the enemy who sits on positions will start behaving as they did in the Middle Ages, in a form of a repeat.

It doesn't take much to understand what the above means if you look at Canada. Trudeau's government has threatened people of taking their children away for supporting the Truckers. Trudeau's acting like a mad "dictator" now. The "Pandemic" and all these measures were way worse than any "Authoritarian" government has instated in the past.

When I was growing up, we were being told about "Evil Nazis", and everything else. Everyone here knows the claims. Now, there is one particular thing: everything people say "Nazis did" has happened x100. Arguably, a holocaust of both pandemic negligence and lying has occurred. Freedoms are out of the window, with citizens requiring a "Vaccine passport" to even go shopping.

You couldn't go out of your house. The "Bastions of Democracy" like Australia and Germany literally did built "Concentration Camps" for the unvaccinated and "vaccine deniers".

Given the unsuccessful results of the vaccine, that has nothing to do with our failed 2 year investment in a mostly bogus one, but about one's political beliefs and if they want to ascribe to this Agenda or not. Primarily, these "camps", that's for anyone who didn't comply with their measures.

Even Politicians are currently divided over this, some Nations who actually respect anything about their people and existence have stopped. They were wise. The current of the Age of Aquarius will rest better on them and their Nations. Those however that insist in the lizardine ways of the previous era, will receive punishments both on a National but also on an individual level.

They of course think they will get away with it, because they had a temporary victory now with all this. They feel high that for two years they locked in people like chickens and that this whole situation half baked walked it's ass out of the door. But that's not enough. Despite of this failure, they are continuing.

It is not a coincidence that the continuing "Nations" are those that HAPPEN to also be, somehow, be ruled by people that are Klaus Schwab's students...

Tyrannical governments have also been frequently been blamed on fiscal mismanagement. This wasn't really true for any of the actual Nationalist "Authoritarian" governments, but one just needs to do at where the US economy is heading, or how the Stock Market goes, to understand how all of the enemy's works in the last 3 years are reflecting on people's livelihoods and pockets.

I have a difficult time in the last 3-4 years to understand what the "Nazis", even based on the enemy's claims, have done so much more than the modern "Free Western World". Even twitter, cancel culture, banning free speech through mobs, everything ties into the literal blueprint of Communism.

We live in such a "Free World" that literally all it's "Freedom" has vanished in just two years, and the rest of it is hanging from a thread. We have to literally worship a Jew such as the owner of YouTube to express our opinion or dislike online.

At the same rate, Youtube allows financial scams on the platform ad nauseum, costing people hundreds of millions, but they indeed found the way to ban all the "Evil Nazis" as early as 2017. But they can't stop all the fake "Donate to this Bitcoin" frauds that are all over Youtube. Stunning.

For us who know the underlying occult reality here, but also know history, we know that not even 10% of this happened in any so called "Germany".

It's just because the Jews have had a beef with the Germans, they just projected their whole insanity and schizophrenia on claims of the "Nazi Government". It could have been anyone else. We know, that as this day, they own the media like they do today.

As Hitler called them for hoaxing in his day, they hoaxed incessantly now and multiplied the focus on a Pandemic, or they praise a full blown war with Russia. Israel of course will be involved nowhere but just looting the gold from the corpses of what this might produce.

At this point where we are at, the theory that China is that much worse than the "Western World" in regards to "Rights", or the idea that "Centralized Authority" is something that doesn't exist in the West, has been blown the lid of as a lie of the past that is not proved by the present. There are still layers of defense to this in the United States, but the purposeful erosion of these is clearly on the accelerate function.

People react now because many are seeing that we'll be Communist China in no time. It takes a QR code first, then a "Citizen Grading" platform, then to link everything to this QR, and then to stamp this QR on your forehead. It doesn't take a lot of IQ to understand that any Government, let alone the Globalists who motivate State leaders to act in these manners, would want this dystopia which they also have the nerve to present as an "Ideal World".

Clearly, people in the Western World do not want this, which is also what is being purposefully suppressed by repressing the news on the Yellow Vests or the Truckers, calling them crazies, lunatics and "Anti-vaxxing terrorists", while they indeed just want to promote certain values that used to be the defaults for the Western World. By extension, this reflected also on other Nations who progressively adopted the same road to National wellbeing.

Everything Soviets and others did, they blamed onto Hitler, sort of how the Vatican does all the "sins" yet has named "Satan" as the "Father of Sin".

Slowly, people will universally understand that the real haters of freedom are actually the "Liberals", or those that strongly have tried to shill that they were 'Pro Freedom', yet lo and behold, when the Great Reset is not followed with, they attack humanity and any human integrity from all sides.

Their actions speak for themselves. Actions speak louder than theories here.

As they of course have their own plans, the Gods and the side that wants to do the good thing, has other plans. The above think they might succeed, they are in fact pretending to be certain. But are they succeeding? Doesn't look like it.

So we entered the "abuse them" phase, hoping that they get the outcome they want.

Needless to say, the above direction with "Pandemics" and all, was pre-planned and laid out situation is known to many as early as 10 or 15 years ago. Maybe not with all the predicted details we give or all the depth, but closely enough.

We were about the same amount of people 5 years ago. Where was all this talk about the super pandemics and all? Now, we almost have to behave that since Billy opened his mouth, that's going to be our life forever.

What changed? Well nothing really, but that they decided to start on with putting certain plans in motion.

Those that know even more knowledge in regards to how the fabric of the world works, and how vibration affects reality, thought power shapes everything and so on, will understand beyond any doubt why the Joy of Satan is given this mission by the Gods to act to do this important task of taking on them the spiritual undoing of this whole thing.

Over the years, I have seen how many waste their time trying to prove the Gods wrong or whatever, or the Joy of Satan this or that, focusing on rather trivial matters. Of all times, that's the biggest waste of time to do now.

The enemy is currently going for full on implementations, yet you have many fools who still question if Klaus's Agenda or the Jewish Agenda do exist, eventhough, both are written down and you get to see these everyday. That's the definition of being a fool. That level of sleep is not what one can have and reasonably call themselves a "woke" individual.

The Joy of Satan emphasizes on listening. There is no coercion to accept anything that we say, nor violence, nor you have to have a QR code and ascribe to our beliefs or you'll go to eternal hellfire or Australia's "anti-vaxx" camp...For...Rehabilitation.

Ancient Religions didn't forcibly convert, coerce, or attack people. They were based on Truth and understanding. If you wanted to join the side of the Gods, that would be of great benefit to you. If not, then you are free to that choice. The enemy however does not recognize this right at all.

Not listening can have some bad outcomes. Even if certain people don't want to ascribe to "everything" here, just at least take the things that matter for the future and try to do the right thing.

It's clearly NOT right of us to exist in a dystopia, NONE of the people on earth. If anyone thinks that is right, then we cannot reconcile our direction as we are opposite.

Considering the future and how everything is going, that doesn't look like it's really the best thing to do. Living in bubbles and ignorance, don't seem anymore to be the best policy. Neither does it look like the best policy to life right now is to deny all that could potentially be of help to you.

That is not the first time many "humans" as a society at large blocked help from the Gods either when it was available. It has happened before. Never ends well for these people.

Finally, for those who want to remain strong, positive and also come out stronger through these times, in contrast to the world who might get flattened en masse on it, use what knowledge the Joy of Satan gives, adapt this to evolve your mentality, and prosper spiritually, materially and physically. That will come as a result of discovering inner strength which is not available anywhere else.

We have nothing to fear and we are supreme.

Keep calm, stay strong and HAIL SATAN!!!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

good article, high priest, thank you but we can't express our thoughts freely and safely in places like social media and even here we can't express it fully because everyone is looking for so called faults to accuse and slander JoS and how are they going to listen to us when this is the case ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

amazing post dearest high priest. this really pumped me up. the imbecile NPC's are always preaching about how one " can believe in their own truth" bullshit, and yet they are the most uneducated people of this planet. we are indeed lucky to have the gods on our side. Hail Enkidu
https://youtu.be/0ufGLJIeHos . This video @ates that these people last reacted by having 4000 people not going to work on 9/11. I don't know if this is a real threat. But, you were right about 9/11.
jbkbmz said:
https://youtu.be/0ufGLJIeHos . This video @ates that these people last reacted by having 4000 people not going to work on 9/11. I don't know if this is a real threat. But, you were right about 9/11.

Jew York nuked? Nah. If a country is nuked it will probably be Russia.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy however does not recognize this right at all.

''Of course you have free will but we are sending you into the fire if you don't join us.''
Baroness Blossom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

good article, high priest, thank you but we can't express our thoughts freely and safely in places like social media and even here we can't express it fully because everyone is looking for so called faults to accuse and slander JoS and how are they going to listen to us when this is the case ?

I was talking to two friends about well-known conspiracy theories and one of them suddenly said ''I hate jews''. My friend is not Satanist or into the occult, I was shocked. You can never know when someone is open to listening.

There are a lot of things you can mention related to spirituality but won't put you in the danger. Yoga, meditation, Greek and Egyptian Gods, Atlantis... A lot of people would show interest in these topics.

A Guide To Internet Activism & Spreading The Message:
Keep Calm, stay Strong!

Hail Satan!!
An amazing sermon. Thank you HP Cobra. Especially on days like these, we must cling even more firmly to the knowledge of the Gods, for the moment we let go of the spirit and meditations, the enemy lurks in wait to descend upon us and devastate us. I have experienced this painfully in the last few days.

The enemy is really not as invincible and strong as one might think. They know this very well, and the increase in Satanic energy and satanic consciousness makes them more aggressive. Moreover, they can no longer hide their lies from their own slaves.

In addition, contrary to what is written and said in other places than jos; Satan and the Gods are the most patient, kind, and understanding towards us. They really want to work with us like a family and are always there to help and teach us as long as we behave respectfully. Even if we forget sometimes, they always hear us.

I was madly thinking about all of this just today, and then seeing it in jos.. it didn't make me feel lonely.

That's right, as the children of Satan and the Gods, we are more valuable and superior than the cowardly Jews and their henchmen.

jbkbmz said:
https://youtu.be/0ufGLJIeHos . This video @ates that these people last reacted by having 4000 people not going to work on 9/11. I don't know if this is a real threat. But, you were right about 9/11.

The Chasidim are generally a very superstitious and insane bunch of jews. They stand above the German rooted Ashkhenasim which are also similar but a bit tad more "logical". Chasidim are quite close to a mental asylum but on a sub-clan level.

However quite a few of them are really divulged in the Kabbalah and they know a lot of internal knowledge. They are also very insane, definitely not vaccinate, hate modern science, disallow their kids to go in normal schools and other things like that.

But one must also bear in mind that they are quite mentally unwell. A lot of them are literally schizophrenic but because they are jewish nobody really does anything about this.

That crazy nonsense could be them doing a large curse on the city, and then hoping it manifests, so they move out of it. A mass exodus is worrisome but it's not that certain they do it for "Nuclear" fears. They just probably know New York might turn into a jungle as they have insight of the financial downturns that will definitely occur. New York has been rather besieged as of late years.

They must have internal info for other affairs if these news are true, not really only about "Nuclear war". Anyway in any scenario of war, the US would more than likely win. Going Nuclear is not an option for any Nation as everything will be flattened. Like nothing will remain. There is also a mutual destruction system in place since the 70's, so if Russia even bothered to do something, nothing would remain whatsoever of it or China or even the world, even if nothing remained from the United States. Weaponry is simply too advanced to fuck up now with it.

They do this for a very long time. Despite of Jews overwhelmingly populating it, they have a hateful relationship with the city going as far as to call it "Whore Babylon". Of course they are there to loot you on each jewelry shop and all, but were this nuked they'd enjoy it.
siatris666 said:
a little clickbait title but one of the best sermons :lol: :lol:

love you High Priest <3 the jos has saved my life. i owe you and jos

Past what you might refer to as "Clickbait", the important factor to understand is that the Gods do indeed warn about everything. Russian situation/Energy crisis? Yes. Co-vid lockdown bullshit? Yes. Situations like Canada and dictatorships? Yes.

Use the search function and tell me if you see anything that has been otherwise.

We have to understand this and move along in the proper way. Why the title is as is because it's factual. We have to listen as a society and not allow these things to happen.

The facts the Joy of Satan has said have always been real, insight into the future has come to be, and by all means, the solution our Gods give us has been working and saving our ass too.

It might sound a bit weird to use this word but I am personally very glad the Gods are showing what we can borderline call "mercy", as without their loving hand, humanity would be fucked up down the way we are going.

Reviewing the technicalities of the enemy's plans etc, it is by miracle the people have been waking up and society has not been turned into a dystopia yet. With the power of the Gods, not only this will not occur, but we might live to see a very great era ahead of us. Still, we have to fight and to listen to attain this.
It may seem strange, but I have a question, Do the gods in addition to providing moral support to the site admins, also give them money ?
And another question: The story of the creation of Adam and Eve is a lie and we were created by the Nephilims for slavery, Satan and other gods married us and had children and improved our genetics. But Yahweh, the Grays, the Reptiles, the Angels, etc were opposed, so they started a flood to kill us. What happened after that? I do not know exactly
Perfectly purrrring cats chariot Freya, Lilith doeth blosom in the moon of your night cloak..your star holds ..tethered the ethered disc's of bringer of truth. PERFECT TITLE and article written for it also IS ABOUT TIME I FOUND MEIN OWN EARS TO EVEN LISTEN AND MEIN EYES FOR THE SIGHT OF YOUR BLADE Shine.
thank you High Priest HooodedCobra666 for everything every breath your glowing words more than gemstones or treasures of tangible hold. Find freedom through Satanic heights of a magnetic pole pull Irminsul-like
at the flesh the bone beyond blood wrapped song tone tomb I woke death seeth in hatred for the same the same the same enemy and immortal we in the breathing of Satan and your song that he sung back as you gathered us kindly to only truth will you bind me..Satan sings back as Lillith brings dew morning fire reflections on burning roses for incense, I'm glad I found You..ITS ABOUT TIME 🖤
What is the difference between Satan and Lucifer? I did not see much about this on the site
Perfectly purrrring cats chariot Freya, Lilith doeth blosom in the moon of your night cloak..your star holds ..tethered the ethered disc's of bringer of truth. PERFECT TITLE and article written for it also IS ABOUT TIME I FOUND MEIN OWN EARS TO EVEN LISTEN AND MEIN EYES FOR THE SIGHT OF YOUR BLADE Shine.
thank you High Priest HooodedCobra666 for everything every breath your glowing words more than gemstones or treasures of tangible hold. Find freedom through Satanic heights of a magnetic pole pull Irminsul-like
at the flesh the bone beyond blood wrapped song tone tomb I woke death seeth in hatred for the same the same the same enemy and immortal we in the breathing of Satan and your song that he sung back as you gathered us kindly to only truth will you bind me..Satan sings back as Lillith brings dew morning fire reflections on burning roses for incense, I'm glad I found You..ITS ABOUT TIME 🖤
I am a flat earther and when I become a professional in meditation I want to commit to Satan and communicate with him and ask him questions about the earth. Has he ever said anything in these cases ?: The core of the earth, the lands behind the poles, the creation of the earth, the black mountain, the tree of life and ...
Sorry I left so many comments and thank you for answering me. As a child, I had the ability to and divination and to see inspiration for the future. I was even known as a witch at school. I was always looking for new things and facts. But now that I think about it, I see that all that time the angels were trying to put my knowledge in their desired direction, they were showing me terrible inspirations and encouraging me to do things that were approved by the Jewish unseen. Maybe father satan took care of me and brought me here, I'm happy anyway. hail satan
siatris666 said:
a little clickbait title but one of the best sermons :lol: :lol:

love you High Priest <3 the jos has saved my life. i owe you and jos

It would be really nice if you could further elaborate.

My take on this is the title is making a statement of fact.

It's objective and HP HC explained how so but it would be clearance for any newbie or lurker you might have cast doubt on or pushed away with your subjective opinion and said people will be able to make up their minds if its that or not.

Please don't take this as an attack on you.

I'm just "holding your feet to the fire", as the saying goes, for that statement. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion. We're just in a place where these type of opinions matter more to the topic than what one might think so some elaboration would be nice to hear (read).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Over the years, I have seen how many waste their time trying to prove the Gods wrong or whatever, or the Joy of Satan this or that, focusing on rather trivial matters. Of all times, that's the biggest waste of time to do now.

The enemy is currently going for full on implementations, yet you have many fools who still question if Klaus's Agenda or the Jewish Agenda do exist, eventhough, both are written down and you get to see these everyday. That's the definition of being a fool. That level of sleep is not what one can have and reasonably call themselves a "woke" individual.

Keep calm, stay strong and HAIL SATAN!!!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Lol, if someone like me from a very distant country like Nepal where the presence of jews is minimum can see them clearly for their wrong doings then you guys should definitely be able to see it more clearly. To this day, I might not have met or seen a single jew in my lifetime but I know by heart that all the problems plaguing mother Earth and human beings(gentiles) is definitely due to these aliens. Perhaps it might be arrogant of me to say this but I can see the truth to at least this extent.
Lovely sermons HP HCobra :p

Just realized Satanism is like a DIY religion while xianity like a self-help book full of crap :lol:

Be normie

Covid breaks, freak out wear 2 masks wash hands and all products with sanitizers until your hands dry out
Get first shot, feel sick but proud to have helped the others
Get covid from holiday
Find out the virus is airborn then no point to sanitize everything, ignore this and continue doing it anyway
Freak out cause delta variant
Get second shot
Feel more sick this time, but also more proud for protecting the elders
Get delta from grandma
Feel real sick
Get realeased from hospital, panic about omicron
Get booster
Feel really-really sick, but also mega proud for protecting the weak ones
Get omicron from kid attending school
Get in hospital and be also a weak one occupying a bed
Miss the irony
Feel really-really-really sick, but think how worse would have been without the booster
Get back from hospital
Get bad side effects from the vaxx
Go to reddit, covid section ask about side effects
Account banned, spreading disinformation and hate speech
Cry in disbelief
Go to an alternate site to tell your story
Mention reddit and how you checked it for infos about the vaxx and there was no bad story
Find out all reports on side effects got deleted mfw
Cry more, find jesus go back to MSM
Panic about the war with Russia
Mfw no boosters for this yet
Go to bed stressed out, dream about armageddon


Covid breaks, don't care laugh when seeing chinese folks wrapped in plastic
Really like hand sanitizers for a quick use now and then, nowhere to be found the shelves are empty
Use soap
First shot appears
Don't care, have immunity
Do some FRTRs
Get the flu, be done with it in a few days
Go on reddit, make fun of normies, get banned
Delta appears
Don't care, just do more AOP
Do some more FRTRs
Get the flu again, be done with it in a few days
Friends freak out and say you had covid
Don't care, don't test cause PCR tests are fake anyway
Go on reddit, make more fun of normies, get banned again
Omicron appears
Find out is really minor
Don't really care anyway
Get the flu, sneeze a bit
Go on reddit, make more fun of normies, get banned for the nth time this month
Don't care new account takes 2 mins
Find out about the war with Russia
Laugh when muricans say they have solid intelligence that the war is imminent, remember Irak
Do some more FRTRs
Go to bed relaxed, have nice dreams about Orion
i have to be true here... i just say this in a bit hot head.

i have no proof to say otherwise.

its true. jos has predict everything. im just playing a bit with comments. :lol: :lol:
Username said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Over the years, I have seen how many waste their time trying to prove the Gods wrong or whatever, or the Joy of Satan this or that, focusing on rather trivial matters. Of all times, that's the biggest waste of time to do now.

The enemy is currently going for full on implementations, yet you have many fools who still question if Klaus's Agenda or the Jewish Agenda do exist, eventhough, both are written down and you get to see these everyday. That's the definition of being a fool. That level of sleep is not what one can have and reasonably call themselves a "woke" individual.

Keep calm, stay strong and HAIL SATAN!!!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Lol, if someone like me from a very distant country like Nepal where the presence of jews is minimum can see them clearly for their wrong doings then you guys should definitely be able to see it more clearly. To this day, I might not have met or seen a single jew in my lifetime but I know by heart that all the problems plaguing mother Earth and human beings(gentiles) is definitely due to these aliens. Perhaps it might be arrogant of me to say this but I can see the truth to at least this extent.

People from Nepal, Tibet, the older Dalai Lama's and others could definitely see what was going on. They didn't even allow these places untouched which were for aeons considered holy, the program of Communism that led Mao to subvert the sacred grounds in Tibet was penned by Jews. He wasn't the only one.

The communist program was used as pretext to exterminate the people of Tibet in major famine. I know you more than likely know all of this [as thus your mentions in the comment] but I write this for those reading the comments who might not be aware.

This would be unheard of in any Ancient history. People did not touch places like this, regardless of earthly war circumstances and so on.
The Librarian said:
Stop using Australia as your whipping horse!


As I said, I've been to the USA, and couldn't believe the ignorant impressions that people had about Australia. I was drinking in a bar in New York one night, and I literally was laughing so hard I had tears running down my cheeks! I told them the truth and they sat there in respectful silence, like little children listening to a bed time story. They ended up shouting me drinks!

Now you know where the term, "The Ugly American" came from! -- It should be the "Ignorant American"!

Are you in a bar again posting your recent nonsense or with a bottle hanging on the side? And you feel like attacking people and putting words in their mouth is what will make you feel better this night?

I know how Australia is and how good of a Nation it is. If this wasn't the case, I wouldn't feel so personally attacked that this creation is besieged to the point it's politicians are creating camps to put free people inside.

That is the whole point here, we must not allow our creations and good Nations to fall apart because of these criminals. And Australia is not the only one, but creating camps and being borderline threatening to use them is a crime.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Kind of a bold statement to say we are always right 🤔
When were the Gods and the HPs wrong?
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Kind of a bold statement to say we are always right 🤔

It's bold because it's true and Satan has secrets that can't be revealed because we're in a war right now
They of course think they will get away with it, because they had a temporary victory now with all this. They feel high that for two years they locked in people like chickens and that this whole situation half baked walked it's ass out of the door. But that's not enough. Despite of this failure, they are continuing.
:lol: :ugeek:
I personally knew the concept of freedom had another meaning, mah.

Everything Soviets and others did, they blamed onto Hitler, sort of how the Vatican does all the "sins" yet has named "Satan" as the "Father of Sin".

I admire the way the Catholic church gains the trust of its believers, that is, by abusing their children.

We were about the same amount of people 5 years ago. Where was all this talk about the super pandemics and all? Now, we almost have to behave that since Billy opened his mouth, that's going to be our life forever.

Excellent observation. :cool:
erick_erick said:
I am a flat earther and when I become a professional in meditation I want to commit to Satan and communicate with him and ask him questions about the earth. Has he ever said anything in these cases ?: The core of the earth, the lands behind the poles, the creation of the earth, the black mountain, the tree of life and ...

The Earth is not flat. It is round, and even Greek and Egyptian scientists have proved that the Earth is round many thousands of years ago.

All of the stories that say the Earth is flat were created by jews. It is to purposefully confuse people and make them dumb. A person who is spending time believing lies that Earth is flat is distracted and is not able to spend any time paying attention to what is actually happening in the world.
There is one question that makes me sad

I often hear that people need to wake up, but among my circle, I would not see people completely asleep, absolutely everyone understands that they are being lied to, and that their whole life is built on deception. But what can they do about it? A military coup? In my country it is almost forbidden to own guns, and the government has surrounded itself with a huge private army, or do you mean those who serve as their private army must wake up, they are awake, they are literally BEGGING humanity for an extra ration of food and a bag of money, they are LIKE it, they have no conscience!

Rallies and protests, it seems to me, only bring a smirk to the face of the governments and it has no effect on them whatsoever.

I want to believe that in the future, our efforts will open up ways to solve this problem.
Love this post, satan is love, beauty, abundance and good fortune, are his qualities.. etc.
Please! Who is from Africa here, the person should live me with an email, specifically Nigeria, I will be in Nigeria Lagos by next month, if father Satan permits.
No, I was wrong though, people are asleep.
Literally in 1 day they changed the topic from covid, to Ukraine, literally in a week all restrictions related to covid in my country were canceled, and I have not heard a single news item about it, although before it was 99% of all news.

And no one even wonders.....
Recycler1337 said:
No, I was wrong though, people are asleep.
Literally in 1 day they changed the topic from covid, to Ukraine, literally in a week all restrictions related to covid in my country were canceled, and I have not heard a single news item about it, although before it was 99% of all news.

And no one even wonders.....

"It's just a flu now goy, let's forget that."
Recycler1337 said:
No, I was wrong though, people are asleep.
Literally in 1 day they changed the topic from covid, to Ukraine, literally in a week all restrictions related to covid in my country were canceled, and I have not heard a single news item about it, although before it was 99% of all news.

And no one even wonders.....

They are so used to people doing whatever shit they say, that they don't even care anymore, lmao. That, or we are going for civilazation collapse, and tha whole war is just a big distraction, so that they can prepare to pack up and leave. Both probably.
I am new here and I am quite intrigued with much I have read so far. I do understand and believe that much of religion is perpetrated by Jewish Kabalistic scriptures written thousands of years ago to subvert the people of many nations. I understand Jewish Supremacy is behind much of the human suffering of the world. I came across this website from a link I found on "BitChute" which had to do with some documentary, so I clicked it not knowing it was about Satanism. I do believe people have the ability to exercise both bad and good in them. I am all about TRUTH and I am actively on that search for the remainder of my time on earth. I am fully aware of much of the deception in our world and have chosen a path to expose as much as I can that I believe to be truth and lies. I found much of what I read on your site to be truth but have a bit of personal reservations because of the demonic imagery and color choice of this site. If you are professing Satanism to actually be the real good, the true light, then why with all the scary imagery and black and red color scheme to make it all seem so dark, demonic, and fearful?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
