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"Sorry for Ruining Economies and Lives Over a Fake Pandemic; Let's Forgive Each Other and Move On"


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
Satan's earth

After running a global fake pandemic, gaslighting genuine concerns, calling people crazy antivaxxers, printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, shutting down jobs for millions of people and everything else they have done, they now want us to shake hands and forgive "each other" for how "we" reacted to the fake pandemic.

In jewish law, a jew can do whatever they please to the Gentiles and not be held accountable. It is actually a dishonor for them to be held accountable for this. This is why after what they have done, they want us to let it go and resume as if nothing has happened. Anyone with half a brain and any basic research into the pandemic knows that most if not all of the pharmaceutical companies involved in the pandemic are owned or led by jews like Albert Bourla in Pfizer.

There is no remorse for the lives ruined, those who died from vaccine injuries, none at all. There is even no compensation. The above article isn't even an apology.

Do you see why we have to do our rituals and hold them accountable? Because we're dealing with criminally insane people who only limit their insanity when there is retaliation.

How long until the next time we get jewed? The climate change agenda is already well underway, together with some war in Europe.

Sorry but no thanks. We don't want any "reconciliation" or "forgiving each other". We want justice and we will not stop until we get it so you pay for all your crimes.

To our Satanic warriors, the above is their own admission that the pandemic and whatever they were trying to do has failed. Let's keep up our struggle. It was hectic but we have at least defeated one head of the jewish hydra.

Hail Satan!
I saw this bullshit article too and it enraged me. The enemy is one thing, but the most delusional sheep and enablers with blue checkmarks and such really need to be taken to task. In the past few weeks they've initiated a campaign on twitter of pretending they never said to lock everyone down, force-jab everyone, force-jab kids, the vax had no side effects, etc. and in many cases got clowned by screenshots of their account. SCREENSHOT EVERYTHING. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.

This is along with the 'moving illegal immigrants is trafficking when a conservative does it' crap and other vile PR campaigns from the left.

I'm not saying to distance yourself from people who are vaxxed or panic yourself over being vaxxed but I don't want anyone talking about 'forgiveness' towards the fanatical mask and vax pushers, or tolerating their attempts to revise history. Their stupidity caused many horrendous side effects (blood related and sexual) that I saw from the event chart of the first vax and they deserve nothing. And much like the war since March, they're ready to fanatically jump onto the next division bandwagon.

The next incident on the horizon is probably climate/vegan related. HPS Maxine already warned about food. Be careful about the meat you consume especially ground/minced beef. Make sure it's sourced properly, don't go consuming McDonalds. Be careful with mass produced chocolate and things known for causing salmonella/ecoli outbreaks too because they may target dairy.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=397163 time=1667397146 user_id=19170]

After running a global fake pandemic, gaslighting genuine concerns, calling people crazy antivaxxers, printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, shutting down jobs for millions of people and everything else they have done, they now want us to shake hands and forgive "each other" for how "we" reacted to the fake pandemic.

In jewish law, a jew can do whatever they please to the Gentiles and not be held accountable. It is actually a dishonor for them to be held accountable for this. This is why after what they have done, they want us to let it go and resume as if nothing has happened. Anyone with half a brain and any basic research into the pandemic knows that most if not all of the pharmaceutical companies involved in the pandemic are owned or led by jews like Albert Bourla in Pfizer.

There is no remorse for the lives ruined, those who died from vaccine injuries, none at all. There is even no compensation. The above article isn't even an apology.

Do you see why we have to do our rituals and hold them accountable? Because we're dealing with criminally insane people who only limit their insanity when there is retaliation.

How long until the next time we get jewed? The climate change agenda is already well underway, together with some war in Europe.

Sorry but no thanks. We don't want any "reconciliation" or "forgiving each other". We want justice and we will not stop until we get it so you pay for all your crimes.

To our Satanic warriors, the above is their own admission that the pandemic and whatever they were trying to do has failed. Let's keep up our struggle. It was hectic but we have at least defeated one head of the jewish hydra.

Hail Satan!

what will be the next target and attack of the worms?
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=397163 time=1667397146 user_id=19170]

After running a global fake pandemic, gaslighting genuine concerns, calling people crazy antivaxxers, printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, shutting down jobs for millions of people and everything else they have done, they now want us to shake hands and forgive "each other" for how "we" reacted to the fake pandemic.

In jewish law, a jew can do whatever they please to the Gentiles and not be held accountable. It is actually a dishonor for them to be held accountable for this. This is why after what they have done, they want us to let it go and resume as if nothing has happened. Anyone with half a brain and any basic research into the pandemic knows that most if not all of the pharmaceutical companies involved in the pandemic are owned or led by jews like Albert Bourla in Pfizer.

There is no remorse for the lives ruined, those who died from vaccine injuries, none at all. There is even no compensation. The above article isn't even an apology.

Do you see why we have to do our rituals and hold them accountable? Because we're dealing with criminally insane people who only limit their insanity when there is retaliation.

How long until the next time we get jewed? The climate change agenda is already well underway, together with some war in Europe.

Sorry but no thanks. We don't want any "reconciliation" or "forgiving each other". We want justice and we will not stop until we get it so you pay for all your crimes.

To our Satanic warriors, the above is their own admission that the pandemic and whatever they were trying to do has failed. Let's keep up our struggle. It was hectic but we have at least defeated one head of the jewish hydra.

Hail Satan!

Over here they covered up mass immigration during the plandemic. Apparently the numbers have risen quite a bit higher as well as that now the "immigrants" have to sleep outside in the cold wet rain and wind because theres no more place for them in the centers.
And Rutte refuses to close the borders.

I have no pity for those sleeping outside. Bunch of morons shouldnt even have come here in the first place. By law they are required to file for asylum in the first safe xountry they arrive at yet they illegally keep travelling to the NL.

They get everything for free people complain.

Speaking about food, due to rising electricty costs companies have been selling things for the same price but a smaller quantity, which isnt really helping at all and one of the "politicians" said that companies should stop that but thats just another flick on the wrist; it doesnt really do anything theyll prob just continue this nonsense.
The awkward moment where literally half of doctors of the planet were constantly reiterating even as early as 2 months, that is only a fucking low danger flu like virus and to move the fuck on, but you impose a total jewish dictatorship, ruin the economy and the planet over it [exactly as Klaus Schwab and gang commanded], talk about chipping people while you are at it, leaving most of humanity mentally maimed and damaged during this, lie with no recourse, force vaccination with a random vaccine that left some people fine and others with side effects nobody wanted to even entertain addressing and with zero state responsibility on this forced decision, all while turning most governments into full fledged communist dictatorships, and in most Nations you still have draconian measures in place forever neither removed as of current, with most people having PTSD over a virus less deadly than the flu, but you still insist they have forced shots, all while you just entered the world in to some sort of 5-10 year old recession....

But you just kike it like "forgive everyone and move on" and "enjoy your 10 year old recession because of the imaginary flu, lol.

Now they prepare a quasi surveillence, Islam, poverty, infinite migration, energy/crisis and "Muh Vegan Revolt" type of shit, but hold tight goys, we have a lot of forgiveness to practice, oy vey.

Article written by one Emily Oster, an Economics Professor at (((Goldman Sachs))) University, married to one Ben (((Shapiro))). Hmm, really makes you think, doesn't it? One wonders about the timing of this laughable shit take, given even the vaccinated sheeple have been questioning why companies like Pfizer are hiking their prices and are now focused on raw profits above all else even on the surface level? Considering this article is coming from an economist, it seems apparent what's happening here. Considering money always rises to the top, and now people are questioning the money, certain people are starting to feel eyes on the back of their neck.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 WHat the actual fuck...!? LOL I AM NOT!!! going to shake hands....!!! with some fucking Jewtard..who? IN THE FUCKING HELL!!!? Do these people think they are? They spend decades and centuries starting war and causing war! Using us as their scapegoat! Every time something comes up! They're always figuring out 1 1,000 ways to fucking destroy the planet!? Killing people off and killing off innocent men women and children just because! Destroying nature and killing off animals just because! And then forcing their Bible and their religion and their opinions on us! And expect us to bow down to them and worship their asses like their fucking golden statues! Jews are not that fucking clever! And they know very well they're not going to get away with this much longer! I don't consider them God's laugh out loud I don't care how smart and clever they think they are! They're nothing but a bunch of fucking hateful evil terrorists! Who has created religion to turn people against themselves! And brought forth war and hatred between the people around the world because of religion! And we're supposed to bow down to these! Fucking Jewish cake eating kikes!!!!??? Lol... they have killed off so many innocent men women and children! Sexualized everything about women and brought forth more discrimination than any woman or child deserves on any planet! For whatever excuse! Whatever he or she did male or female gay or straight rich or poor! The fucking Jews have no business making decisions for other people telling people where to go and how to get there! And using all different kinds of bombs and vortactics just to get us to Bow down! And accept their fucking slimy asses! Especially when they know they're not that cool! Jews do it because they're An Empty Soul and because they're jealous! Jealous of who and what we are and because they don't have the time or the patience or the want to or the know-how to learn! Anything at all! Other than the fact that they take from others and fucking lie and make a bullshit stories making people crazy! Practicing genocide! And the list goes on and on and on and on! With the Jews have done to this world and many other living planets! And human beings all over just because! And the centuries and the eons of damage brought on by hundreds and millions and zillions of innocent human beings! On every fucking living and breathing planet! And these stupid Jews expect us to get on her knees and give them a hearty fat fucking handshake? And accept them and welcome them into the fold or someplace? Where they think they're going to be fucking cool and fucking worship like a fucking nuclear weapon of some kind!? And that it is our job and her duty? To be afraid of the fucking Yamaha kosher eating a fucking jew? And their fellow Muslim friends and the Islamic rules who destroy buildings and kill the innocent lives of their own families and their own people! Set out to destroy people! Along the side of the fucking Jews and Christians!? And they're all in on it and they're proud of it and they fucking know it laugh out loud and they won't even fucking admit it! But then again they are in their own subtle Ways by the way they get out there and announce their shit? Making threats and plans and Promises to use against us!? And against their own kind it just because! What they have done to the planet and what they have done to the world? Not to mention the fact of United States alone as it is? Turning it into a fucking world of zombies! Killing off Europe and the old world values in the old world ways of the European people! Taken away the Beauty and the rights and the freedom of European people? And what they have done to America alone as it is? Is a crying shame! And these fucking wealthy ass fucking punk ass fucking Jews and Christians and muslims? Expect us to look up on them like they're Satan and his gods and demons? When all they are just a bunch of fucking terrorists who don't even know what the fucking hell they're doing? From one second to the next but when it comes down to what they will blame anybody like us at the drop of a hat? And walk away Scott free and go jump into their pile of money! Knowing that they're getting what they want? When they know very well laugh out loud it's going to come back and slap them in the face? The gentile people are aware of the centuries of crimes against humanity! And the Jews are being held accountable! And the Jews are being punished for these crimes and many more! HAIL SATAN!!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The awkward moment where literally half of doctors of the planet were constantly reiterating even as early as 2 months, that is only a fucking low danger flu like virus and to move the fuck on, but you impose a total jewish dictatorship, ruin the economy and the planet over it [exactly as Klaus Schwab and gang commanded], talk about chipping people while you are at it, leaving most of humanity mentally maimed and damaged during this, lie with no recourse, force vaccination with a random vaccine that left some people fine and others with side effects nobody wanted to even entertain addressing and with zero state responsibility on this forced decision, all while turning most governments into full fledged communist dictatorships, and in most Nations you still have draconian measures in place forever neither removed as of current, with most people having PTSD over a virus less deadly than the flu, but you still insist they have forced shots, all while you just entered the world in to some sort of 5-10 year old recession....

But you just kike it like "forgive everyone and move on" and "enjoy your 10 year old recession because of the imaginary flu, lol.

Now they prepare a quasi surveillence, Islam, poverty, infinite migration, energy/crisis and "Muh Vegan Revolt" type of shit, but hold tight goys, we have a lot of forgiveness to practice, oy vey.


To be honest, if I were a leader in a country, I would make Christianity, Islam, and Judaism illegal religions to practices just because they were involved in the lies about vaccine adverse reactions and having a hand in destroying freedoms. Yes, I would actually do that. Because even before COVID, i already had s low opinion of them, and now I hate them even more for this. Some people would consider that's going too far, but these fuckers have weaseled their way into a lot areas, have a massive influence in politics, and enforce draconian laws so no one would oppose them. Fuck Christianity, Fuck Judaism, Fuck Islam. These religions are the feces of this world, and I won't lose sleep over their destruction. Yes I would badically PERSECUTE those three religions because they lied over a deadly flu.

Fuck this theocractic dictatorship and HAIL SATAN.
Maybe it's due to growing up sadistically abused and having complex PTSD, but I do not understand the concept of forgiveness.

I have a basic understanding of it, but me forgiving someone means, time has passed and they are a shitty person, and I'm glad I wouldn't treat a child nor another person like they did, and that I don't give a F about them.

That's forgiveness to me, and I will show no mercy to these idiots that directly and indirectly helped destroy my business and livelihood.
Then Gentile world is fully aware of the years and the centuries of Jewish crimes Community against humanity! The Jews and their Gentile lackeys are being held for their crimes and many more! And they will pay dearly for these crimes that they have committed! And for the many innocent lives that they have taken and destroyed! And they will suffer just the same! And every one of those Hebrew and Jewish names will be destroyed! And never to return! As of though they never existed to start out with! Right now the Jews think they're God and think they're so invincible? Doing whatever they can and thinking that they can get away with it when Satan and his gods and his demons are aware of everything and all that is going on! And we gentile people have been brought up with it throughout the centuries! And we definitely have plenty to say! And we will not back down! We have the right to be angry and we have the right to fight back and stick up for what is right Satan is our God! And he is aware of everything!! The serpent is rising the serpent is risen the serpent is exalted! HAIL SATAN!!! HAIL AZAZAL!!! HAIL ASTROTH!!! HAIL BEELZEBUB!!! HAIL ABRASAX!!!
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=397163 time=1667397146 user_id=19170]
There is no remorse for the lives ruined, those who died from vaccine injuries, none at all. There is even no compensation. ...
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
others with side effects nobody wanted to even entertain addressing and with zero state responsibility on this forced decision,
I recently had an accident,therefore required(needed) a doctor duty,where that gave me tetanus(Of course, first I had to buy the tetanus,which roughly has gone up 20x in price since I last received it,LoL,Btw).And I didn't have to sign any papers, as with all the covid vaccines.

For the covid vaccine, you have to sign the papers because whoever signs them acknowledges that the vaccine companies are not liable to the person who receives the vaccine,if who have any health problems,including also death.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Over here they covered up mass immigration during the plandemic. Apparently the numbers have risen quite a bit higher as well as that now the "immigrants" have to sleep outside in the cold wet rain and wind because theres no more place for them in the centers.
And Rutte refuses to close the borders.

I have no pity for those sleeping outside. Bunch of morons shouldnt even have come here in the first place. By law they are required to file for asylum in the first safe xountry they arrive at yet they illegally keep travelling to the NL.

They get everything for free people complain.

Speaking about food, due to rising electricty costs companies have been selling things for the same price but a smaller quantity, which isnt really helping at all and one of the "politicians" said that companies should stop that but thats just another flick on the wrist; it doesnt really do anything theyll prob just continue this nonsense.

Every border of every country should have at least the same protection as the average prison.

Razor wire, electric fences, sniper towers. Add in some Browning 1919s or Maxims. Cameras everywhere. Motion and temperature detecting cameras.

By any standard of any country in the history of this planet, the European countries and America are experiencing the largest military invasion in the history of this planet.

China produces all of the Fentanyl in the world, and they give it to the mexican cartels to import into America as a purposeful military plan to kill as many Americans as possible. The highest cause of death of all Americans age 18 to 49 is being poisoned by fentanyl. There is no other thing that is even a fraction as deadly.

There was a lab recently busted in Mexico only a few miles away from the border from California where they were making more than 70,000 pills every day. Which has been producing this many fake pills every day for years, and immediately into America.

All of these pills are exactly identical to real pills from the pharmacy. 100% of them were made from fentanyl and lab tests estimated that at least close to one third of them have such a large dose of fentanyl that even a small piece of one pill will certainly kill whoever eats it.

Also Operation Fast and Furious directly created and authorized by Barack Obama and Joe Biden and also signed and authorized by Eric Holder. Where the US Government gave Millions of guns directly to the Sinaloa cartel in Mexico. Including hundreds of thousands of machine guns that even American citizens are not allowed to have. Entire warehouses of military storage directly emptied into Cartel property. They didn't even sell the guns, they gave them for free. And they said the official excuse for this to be done was they would track where the guns go after that, except they forgot to do the part where they track where they go. Many of these guns have already crossed back over the border and been used to murder American border patrol agents and police.

Then Biden had to out-do even this enormous accomplishment by giving about 2.5 Billion dollars of weapons directly to the Taliban. All of the highest technology weapons that American military has have been given for free directly to the Taliban. So of course both Chinese and Russian governments were there immediately to buy all of America's greatest technology from the Taliban. Buying 30 Million dollar stealth helicopters and fighter jets for only about $5,000 each and the Taliban were more than happy to take it because that is still more money than they ever saw before. How will we do in WW3 when both enemy countries have all of our "secret" technology?

Taliban were selling American M4 rifles for less than $5 each to whoever wanted to buy them. The M4 rifle is illegal to have even in America because it is both fully automatic, it is a short-barrel rifle because the barrel is less than 16 inches, and they have sound supressors on them. Any of these 3 features would be an instant Felony in America and the M4 rifle has all 3 of them.

Never underestimate how far jews will go in their crimes against all of humanity.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I do hope all the unawake masses of gentiles are going to stampede knowing that their (((master’s))) scamdemic was all for nothing. This is just like a whacky cartoon villain of a kids stupid film trying to apologize to the entire crowd of what they did right there.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The awkward moment where literally half of doctors of the planet were constantly reiterating even as early as 2 months, that is only a fucking low danger flu like virus and to move the fuck on, but you impose a total jewish dictatorship, ruin the economy and the planet over it [exactly as Klaus Schwab and gang commanded], talk about chipping people while you are at it, leaving most of humanity mentally maimed and damaged during this, lie with no recourse, force vaccination with a random vaccine that left some people fine and others with side effects nobody wanted to even entertain addressing and with zero state responsibility on this forced decision, all while turning most governments into full fledged communist dictatorships, and in most Nations you still have draconian measures in place forever neither removed as of current, with most people having PTSD over a virus less deadly than the flu, but you still insist they have forced shots, all while you just entered the world in to some sort of 5-10 year old recession....

But you just kike it like "forgive everyone and move on" and "enjoy your 10 year old recession because of the imaginary flu, lol.

Now they prepare a quasi surveillence, Islam, poverty, infinite migration, energy/crisis and "Muh Vegan Revolt" type of shit, but hold tight goys, we have a lot of forgiveness to practice, oy vey.


To be honest, if I were a leader in a country, I would make Christianity, Islam, and Judaism illegal religions to practices just because they were involved in the lies about vaccine adverse reactions and having a hand in destroying freedoms. Yes, I would actually do that. Because even before COVID, i already had s low opinion of them, and now I hate them even more for this. Some people would consider that's going too far, but these fuckers have weaseled their way into a lot areas, have a massive influence in politics, and enforce draconian laws so no one would oppose them. Fuck Christianity, Fuck Judaism, Fuck Islam. These religions are the feces of this world, and I won't lose sleep over their destruction. Yes I would badically PERSECUTE those three religions because they lied over a deadly flu.

Fuck this theocractic dictatorship and HAIL SATAN.

It's more effective to lead people to the truth to understand with their own consciousness. You would be opposed on principle by freedom defenders for trying to tell people what to think and believe. If you banned the organized religions themselves and forbid its practice in public places, you'd still be opposed but it's easier to justify somewhat.

I think it would be better to just strip them of their tax exemptions and legal protection. If they commit treason against the state then they don't deserve to be an officially recognized religion, the logic of it would go.

Of course, I'm thinking based in US law which I'm familiar with. If you happen to seize ultimate authoritarian power in some European country or whatever (something not even the organized jews can pull off) then by all means ban the Torah and all its offshoots, and make it a law that if anyone is caught with a jewish spellbook in their possession then they will be sentenced to capital punishment or life imprisonment.

Good luck, and in the meantime let's do lots of RTR's :)
Forgive us,,,, so we will not be harmed by you in revenge,,, and,,, so we can continue to abuse you, and get away with it. /////// ... I curse these Jews and their guilty babies and followers , JCI, to their lake of fire.. Burn them.!
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=397163 time=1667397146 user_id=19170]

To our Satanic warriors, the above is their own admission that the pandemic and whatever they were trying to do has failed. Let's keep up our struggle. It was hectic but we have at least defeated one head of the jewish hydra.

Hail Satan!

Very well said!
Each inch we all gain is worth the effort.
It's not like they aren't exposed, they are, there has been a tremendous amount of disbelief of the common folk (unfortunately a lot is due to the Christian Church naming that the evil (((satanists))) are in charge)

(This meme of (((satanists))) is a joke on its own)

But we are moving forward, as HPHC stated, these RtRs are meant to help us advance, cure our souls and auras and you name it, same time, causing this mass turbulance worldwide.

Seriously, I wish I could see in the astral to see the RtR damage and what precisely does to our enemies hehehe

Hail Satan
Damn straight brother from another mother. Blackdragon666 {JG}. Every day I meditate and get my energy up and do the RTR with a passion too crush these parasite kikes from the planet.

HAIL Morchasias!
HAIL the Demon's of Hell.
Funny thing is some useful idiot xians were,saying no don't forgive or forget,but xians it's in your teachings what would jewsus say

(oy vey goyims please forgive our trys to enslaveses you we bes victims goyims really jews nots try to vaccinated you an if you refused take yous job really forgive goyims forgive while wes jews plan our next plan to enslaveses you)
Karnonnos said:
The next incident on the horizon is probably climate/vegan related. HPS Maxine already warned about food. Be careful about the meat you consume especially ground/minced beef. Make sure it's sourced properly, don't go consuming McDonalds. Be careful with mass produced chocolate and things known for causing salmonella/ecoli outbreaks too because they may target dairy.
They are pushing the climate change agenda HARD in Europe. Together with the Kalergi plan. This too will backfire on them.

nebu said:
what will be the next target and attack of the worms?
We're taking it all down with our rituals.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Over here they covered up mass immigration during the plandemic. Apparently the numbers have risen quite a bit higher as well as that now the "immigrants" have to sleep outside in the cold wet rain and wind because theres no more place for them in the centers.
And Rutte refuses to close the borders.

I have no pity for those sleeping outside. Bunch of morons shouldnt even have come here in the first place. By law they are required to file for asylum in the first safe xountry they arrive at yet they illegally keep travelling to the NL.

They get everything for free people complain.

Speaking about food, due to rising electricty costs companies have been selling things for the same price but a smaller quantity, which isnt really helping at all and one of the "politicians" said that companies should stop that but thats just another flick on the wrist; it doesnt really do anything theyll prob just continue this nonsense.
Please make sure you do a couple of Jupiter squares for money. Things are bad in Europe.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Arcadia said:
Article written by one Emily Oster, an Economics Professor at (((Goldman Sachs))) University, married to one Ben (((Shapiro))). Hmm, really makes you think, doesn't it? One wonders about the timing of this laughable shit take, given even the vaccinated sheeple have been questioning why companies like Pfizer are hiking their prices and are now focused on raw profits above all else even on the surface level? Considering this article is coming from an economist, it seems apparent what's happening here. Considering money always rises to the top, and now people are questioning the money, certain people are starting to feel eyes on the back of their neck.
Yes it's a jewess who wrote the article. Same jewess was part of the terror campaign against people who refused vaccination. People have pulled old tweets and articles. Now she's acting like 'we acted that way because we didn't know better'.

CandiceLee1313 said:
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 WHat the actual fuck...!? LOL I AM NOT!!! going to shake hands....!!! with some fucking Jewtard..who? IN THE FUCKING HELL!!!? Do these people think they are?
They have a very psychopathic mindset. Kanye's jewish trainer, for instance, was like "I will fry your brains permanently with drugs and ruin your relationship with your kids but I also love you".

Drecomancer said:
Maybe it's due to growing up sadistically abused and having complex PTSD, but I do not understand the concept of forgiveness.

I have a basic understanding of it, but me forgiving someone means, time has passed and they are a shitty person, and I'm glad I wouldn't treat a child nor another person like they did, and that I don't give a F about them.

That's forgiveness to me, and I will show no mercy to these idiots that directly and indirectly helped destroy my business and livelihood.
I think you're just fine. And yeah they deserve no forgiveness. They are paying for crimes spanning thousands of years and they know it.

Wildfire said:
I do hope all the unawake masses of gentiles are going to stampede knowing that their (((master’s))) scamdemic was all for nothing. This is just like a whacky cartoon villain of a kids stupid film trying to apologize to the entire crowd of what they did right there.
The enemy has fucked up big time. This is like pulling out a gun in the middle of a mall and firing up ten times. Then putting the gun back in your pocket and expecting everyone to resume as if nothing has happened. They have went overboard the past two years and now that it backfired they're trying to scoff it off as nothing major while everyone heard the gunshots.

It's more of a question of what the people will do now that they are aware to one degree or another. Some know it's the jews, some blame their governments, some say big pharma just wanted more money, and there's also a segment of the masses that is totally dumb unfortunately. But generally people are more aware that there was an agenda behind covid. One thing for sure is that the enemy can't pull another major psyop after this mess. But knowing these psychopaths and the pressure from the lizards, they will continue anyway.

NitrateOsfatate666 said:
You are right. It is the lizards gang that is always in search for a "forgiveness" for something deadly loke the plandemic and then continue to abuse us with new techniques.

This exactly looksike my situation in Romania, where I listened to a lot of local scientists that say, that after all these years with vaccine promotion, the vaccines are not made to be administered to humans in any form. Who could basically do the vaxx thing totally experimental and to Gentiles, except for the igly lizards themselves.

It is interesting that China begins another putrid Covid-19 testing campaign where citizens in China are closed in parks to be forcefully tested f Covid-19, right after this.

Huh, and let's not forget about monkeypox as they are clearly wanting us dead.

I mean, come on who would create a disease which has sexual contacts as spreading method, and mostly only that method. Plus, it infected sever babies, mostly to their six years. Perhaps the virus exists in the surfaces just like the Covid-19 one.
But, :lol: oy vey the jooish scientists don't know about it and they are continously researching the monkey pox at the JHO (jooish health organization) :lol: .

Either way, as you said, I will mot show forgiveness for the jews and their horrendous crimes against humanity, both past and present.

I mean, there are a lot of non-jewish people who I don't agree with in Romania befause of brainwashing by xianity, but I cannot balme them as resources aren't that good in Romania in order to.find the truth. We even worry about what is going ti happen in winter as we don't have heat in our radiators based kn water.

But, with the help of the RTRs, I am sure thst we will cut another hydra's head in Romania and elsewhere.

And, before closing this message, I want you to kindly answer my questions, when you have time of course:

1.You see, I have a book which is from the 90s, regarding Chinese Astrology, but I don't know that much about Chinese Astrology and I want to know if Chinese Astrology is original, or is it stolen from other cultures and astrological concepts like vedic, and druidic? I don't know about this and I need your help :)

2. Is it okay if I update the things presented in the book, like astrological concepts, decans etc., with modern information? Or not? I ask this because I don't want to enter jooish information by mistake of course, when I will write posts regarding Chinese Astrology.

3. Final question,... is it okay to post the images of zodiac signs, just like you did on the Astrology Lessons topics? I mean, for example, we have the zodiac sign of the snake, I post an image with the letter of the respective zodiac sign, and then an image with, I don't know, a white snake. And I would do the same to other zodiac sign, the letters and representative images changed accordingly. :)

Please take your time and when you will abswer, I will tell what should I do.

But, as a personal note: I may not answer immediately as I have a lot of studying in the IT security, so, I may not ve active always.

Hail Satan, dear guardian! ⛧
I absolutely believe Chinese Astrology has some gems in it. I was reading about how the constellation of Aries is called something like the 'white sheep' in Chinese Astronomy/Astrology. Aries is identified as a ram which is basically a male sheep. So you can see Chinese Astrology was also closely related to Babylonian and the later Greek one.

Traditional Chinese culture and mythologies are a treasure of spiritual wisdom from the Gods. Baalzebul is the Jade Emperor.

Feel free to read it and share what you find. I plan to study Chinese Astrology in depth in the future.

Yes it's okay to do that. We only don't allow things that are blasphemous to our Gods, promote the enemy, criminal things etc.

paul_691 said:
Damn straight brother from another mother. Blackdragon666 {JG}. Every day I meditate and get my energy up and do the RTR with a passion too crush these parasite kikes from the planet.

HAIL Morchasias!
HAIL the Demon's of Hell.

Keep it up, the Gods are happy with those who do these rituals.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=397863 time=1667693010 user_id=19170]

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Over here they covered up mass immigration during the plandemic. Apparently the numbers have risen quite a bit higher as well as that now the "immigrants" have to sleep outside in the cold wet rain and wind because theres no more place for them in the centers.
And Rutte refuses to close the borders.

I have no pity for those sleeping outside. Bunch of morons shouldnt even have come here in the first place. By law they are required to file for asylum in the first safe xountry they arrive at yet they illegally keep travelling to the NL.

They get everything for free people complain.

Speaking about food, due to rising electricty costs companies have been selling things for the same price but a smaller quantity, which isnt really helping at all and one of the "politicians" said that companies should stop that but thats just another flick on the wrist; it doesnt really do anything theyll prob just continue this nonsense.
Please make sure you do a couple of Jupiter squares for money. Things are bad in Europe.

Thanks I will keep this in mind.

Also, in case that you get sick from a harmful virus Ive recently been told that aromatherapy helps. Many essential oils have antibiotic or antiviral properties (or both) in more or less strength.
Even those that theey refuse to acknowledge that eccisst like Q-koorts (koorts = fever) which leaves many with limited energy levels to do stuff on a day. Think half a day or productivity max.

NEVER apply essential oils directly onto the skin and NEVER consume oils without a proper medium.
You count in drops not milliliters when applying.
They can cause blisters and other adverse reactions if used inappropiately!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
