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HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
Just focusing on the sigil, I can feel the calm, beauty and bliss in my head. I feel my 6th Chakra. Today I'm filled with so much love, that I ignored most bullshit. I know there's more to my experience as time goes.
I've a question,
When just focusing /meditating on the sigil, is it okay to visualize myself in the sigil, or is just focusing on it ok. Do I still confer any benefits on myself if I do the latter. Thank you.
Beautiful, blissful and powerful. I seem to have more unity within myself.

From all your comments, you are on the path of steady and great progress. Congratulations on your achievements. Keep going.

Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666, I'm happy to hear this too. I would never have thought that I'll be in the presence of the Gods and in the treasure of these knowledge. I'm truly grateful.

Last night after doing the rituals I found myself just laughing and having a good time watching a youtuber who has a good comedic side. I'm usually aggravated or kind of "numb" with mostly just being content and nothing more to where I just do a small chuckle if something is really funny but I seemed to just let go and like I said have a good time with the video. I felt happy-happy and not just content.

Thank you so much for bringing this beautiful ritual to us High Priest.

Hail Satan

Hail Astarte
HP, could you perhaps expound on Astarte’s role as “The Queen of Time”? Does this mean literal time manipulation or is more like being an overseer of the ages?
Well atleast your guys ritual for wealth and protection has worked for one of you I got a pay rise today and my job let me keep working unvaccinated I'd call that protection and wealth thanks guys keep up the good work
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The ritual should be updated with the images of the runes, to increase its power. Thanks for your work HPHC.








Othal - 40 or 10 times. [OOOOO-DH-AAAAAA-LLLLLLLL]


Ansuz- 10 times [AAAA-NNNN-SSSS-UUUU-ZZZZ]
It would be also good, to pin the Ritual Schedule again next to board index/quick links so everybody who visits the forum has to see it.
I feel now is a good time to share the Aura of Protection that I do that I got from the Yahoo groups where a member said they got the idea from Lady Astarte. Good for any newbie or other members who want to switch up their AoP.

SATANAMA (vibrate 4 times),

AUM SURYA (vibrate 111 times)

SATANAMA (4 times)

Affirmation 4 times: I am at all times spiritually, physically and mentally safe, secure, protected and healthy at all times and in every way.

SATANAMA (4 times)

ALGIZ SOWILO (111 times )
(Again ALGIZ SOWILO in one sequence, so you vibrate them together 111 times)

SATANAMA (4 times)

Affirmation 4 times: I am at all times spiritually, physically and mentally safe, secure, protected and healthy at all times and in every way.

AUM (just once)

And then I personally always thank Astarte for the ritual and a Hail Astarte.
hailourtruegod said:
And then I personally always thank Astarte for the ritual and a Hail Astarte.

Typo. I meant I thank her for the AoP.
Ramses said:
Well atleast your guys ritual for wealth and protection has worked for one of you I got a pay rise today and my job let me keep working unvaccinated I'd call that protection and wealth thanks guys keep up the good work

Awesome :D Congratulations!
I missed the first two days of this ritual but I plan to work them in along with days I have the time. Naming all that Astarte is... and empowering Her brought me to tears of joy and filled me with proud energy and a deep feeling of love. I will be sure to raise my energies extra for the days I missed.
Thank you for organizing this HP.
Hail Satan! I am so very proud and blessed to be a child of Satan! Hail all the children of Satan!
Hail all SS and our Gods!
Hail Astarte!
It sounds like everyone is receiving very positive, tangible energy sensations from doing this ritual, and even feeling closer to Astarte herself. I'm so happy to hear that for those of us.

But why can't I feel anything at all? I simply commit to the duty of performing the ritual, visualizing and directing energy as intended, but I sense nothing similar to what others mention. The same happened with father Satan's Absolution ritual.

All I feel is the drainage afterwards from the energy expenditure. At least I know I dedicated it to an important purpose.
OhNoItsMook said:
But why can't I feel anything at all? I simply commit to the duty of performing the ritual, visualizing and directing energy as intended, but I sense nothing similar to what others mention. The same happened with father Satan's Absolution ritual.

All I feel is the drainage afterwards from the energy expenditure. At least I know I dedicated it to an important purpose.
You need to open up more, meditate more.
In my example, before I only felt drained after doing RTRs for example, but now I feel so much more.
Keep advancing.
OhNoItsMook said:
It sounds like everyone is receiving very positive, tangible energy sensations from doing this ritual, and even feeling closer to Astarte herself. I'm so happy to hear that for those of us.

But why can't I feel anything at all? I simply commit to the duty of performing the ritual, visualizing and directing energy as intended, but I sense nothing similar to what others mention. The same happened with father Satan's Absolution ritual.

All I feel is the drainage afterwards from the energy expenditure. At least I know I dedicated it to an important purpose.
I had the same issue with the drained feeling. What helped me was a yoga session that most conveniently conformed to my schedule for the day and sun/moon breath before the ritual and again after the ritual. https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Alternate_Nostril.html
I hope this works for you. Hail Satan and keep up AOP and regularly cleanse the aura. I wish you the best of Satanic energies! ᛋ ᛋ
Hail Satan!
this is very helpfull for me, thank you!!
Henu the Great said:
balo666 said:
i love this kind of rituals, they dont only make you feel amazing in alot of sences but also it give me the oportunity to see on first eye what real level magic is about, this is tremendous for having a great idea of how use the runes

also by the way, in the section of how to use runes in JOS it says you have to first say the sentences and then vibrate the runes but i see that is always first using the runes and then sentences, that information should be changed i think
Affirmations can be stated at any point, pre, mid or post vibrations.

oh ok got it, thank you!!
OhNoItsMook said:
It sounds like everyone is receiving very positive, tangible energy sensations from doing this ritual, and even feeling closer to Astarte herself. I'm so happy to hear that for those of us.

But why can't I feel anything at all? I simply commit to the duty of performing the ritual, visualizing and directing energy as intended, but I sense nothing similar to what others mention. The same happened with father Satan's Absolution ritual.

All I feel is the drainage afterwards from the energy expenditure. At least I know I dedicated it to an important purpose.

you might be focusing too hard on the vibrations. do you normally have a lot of trouble sensing energy?
OhNoItsMook said:
It sounds like everyone is receiving very positive, tangible energy sensations from doing this ritual, and even feeling closer to Astarte herself. I'm so happy to hear that for those of us.

But why can't I feel anything at all? I simply commit to the duty of performing the ritual, visualizing and directing energy as intended, but I sense nothing similar to what others mention. The same happened with father Satan's Absolution ritual.

All I feel is the drainage afterwards from the energy expenditure. At least I know I dedicated it to an important purpose.

Have you sufficiently opened your third eye? This should be affected by one's level of feeling energies in general. The degree of empathy to energy is majorly at work here.
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The ritual should be updated with the images of the runes, to increase its power. Thanks for your work HPHC.








Othal - 40 or 10 times. [OOOOO-DH-AAAAAA-LLLLLLLL]


Ansuz- 10 times [AAAA-NNNN-SSSS-UUUU-ZZZZ]
Excellent idea! I already made that:

HP Cobra linked the old version.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=330119 time=1646171021 user_id=346]
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The ritual should be updated with the images of the runes, to increase its power. Thanks for your work HPHC.








Othal - 40 or 10 times. [OOOOO-DH-AAAAAA-LLLLLLLL]


Ansuz- 10 times [AAAA-NNNN-SSSS-UUUU-ZZZZ]
Excellent idea! I already made that:

HP Cobra linked the old version.

Thanks, do you think like we intend to do the chinese translation, is enouth safety or do you have a idear to improve the safety for our chinese SS see this thread last post:


1. i got a fine raise.

2. someone i owed to money told me the debt is clear! WTF!

3. my AC company admit that they make mistake in numbers. ill get money back.

holy fucking shit, i feel hopeful.

ps no money working done done at this time!!!

for once in life...

siatris666 said:

1. i got a fine raise.

2. someone i owed to money told me the debt is clear! WTF!

3. my AC company admit that they make mistake in numbers. ill get money back.

holy fucking shit, i feel hopeful.

ps no money working done done at this time!!!

for once in life...


Beautiful, I hope others too from more trying situations will be helped from this. Very happy to hear the good news.
FuckYu_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The New Ritual will work with Goddess Astarte. Astarte, rules over war and peace, battles and reconciliation. She will bring protection and beauty for our own in these trying times. Our own are a top priority here.
On JoS it says that Beelzebub also rules war and peace, would we have such rituals for him too?

I think Azazel and Hitler need one as well. Those are the two main Gods the Jews attack right now.
I was going to ask if anyone else got money from this working, and apparently others did as well which is nice. I found money on the floor... two times. I hope our Brothers and Sisters both in Ukraine and Russia are having benefits from this working as well. I will use this money to buy food that will be sent through the military, to help people who ran away from Ukraine.
BlackOnyx8 said:
I was going to ask if anyone else got money from this working, and apparently others did as well which is nice. I found money on the floor... two times. I hope our Brothers and Sisters both in Ukraine and Russia are having benefits from this working as well. I will use this money to buy food that will be sent through the military, to help people who ran away from Ukraine.

This will push others too. The idea is that others who are more stuck, get accelerated into this area. Clearly, that will take a while depending on individual tastes and how people see things.

But the end result should be that people get things for comfort and safety, and also this might not manifest "immediately" or "during", but also within one's life.

Everyone has to be on at least a "I have what I need" level, and nobody must be beneath it that is a Spiritual Satanist.
BlackOnyx8 said:
I was going to ask if anyone else got money from this working, and apparently others did as well which is nice. I found money on the floor... two times. I hope our Brothers and Sisters both in Ukraine and Russia are having benefits from this working as well. I will use this money to buy food that will be sent through the military, to help people who ran away from Ukraine.

ill donate to jos in BTC.

this war affects the world. and jos.

dont forget jos.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
I was going to ask if anyone else got money from this working, and apparently others did as well which is nice. I found money on the floor... two times. I hope our Brothers and Sisters both in Ukraine and Russia are having benefits from this working as well. I will use this money to buy food that will be sent through the military, to help people who ran away from Ukraine.

This will push others too. The idea is that others who are more stuck, get accelerated into this area. Clearly, that will take a while depending on individual tastes and how people see things.

But the end result should be that people get things for comfort and safety, and also this might not manifest "immediately" or "during", but also within one's life.

Everyone has to be on at least a "I have what I need" level, and nobody must be beneath it that is a Spiritual Satanist.

The idea kind of came to my mind that why can't we do one like this for Hitler. I think it would benefit our side a lot and remove some of the fear people have about National Socialism and Hitler. This may cause a lot more people to look into our site or even the political beliefs of Nazism if they can see him as a good person this would defeat the Jews a lot. The Jews are constantly cursing and defaming him.

Just an idea. I thought I should share it with you.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
I was going to ask if anyone else got money from this working, and apparently others did as well which is nice. I found money on the floor... two times. I hope our Brothers and Sisters both in Ukraine and Russia are having benefits from this working as well. I will use this money to buy food that will be sent through the military, to help people who ran away from Ukraine.


Thanks for sharing. Ask the Gods and they will explain details as to why not.

People like this, do not get affected by these curses. This issue will be dealt with through other things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thanks for sharing. Ask the Gods and they will explain details as to why not.

People like this, do not get affected by these curses. This issue will be dealt with through other things.

I was thinking about average people on earth who are effected by these curses not Hitler. I know none of the Gods can be effected by these curses. I will try to ask the Gods what these rituals are about I am not sure I fully understand. I assumed this removed curses placed on the image of these Gods and sent them back to the Jews and others who are attacking them and empowered the image of the Gods in the eyes of others. You would think this would be beneficial. That is why I thought that idea was cool. If not ok.

We should do something for awakening whites (the intent behind the idea i shared) soon though we are being killed like crazy in this war (many who are innocents as well) I do not like the direction of this right now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
OhNoItsMook said:
It sounds like everyone is receiving very positive, tangible energy sensations from doing this ritual, and even feeling closer to Astarte herself. I'm so happy to hear that for those of us.

But why can't I feel anything at all? I simply commit to the duty of performing the ritual, visualizing and directing energy as intended, but I sense nothing similar to what others mention. The same happened with father Satan's Absolution ritual.

All I feel is the drainage afterwards from the energy expenditure. At least I know I dedicated it to an important purpose.

Have you sufficiently opened your third eye? This should be affected by one's level of feeling energies in general. The degree of empathy to energy is majorly at work here.

I have only empowered it to the extent of being able to sense energy generally and comprehensive ability; no sight yet. I can still greatly feel energy from Kundalini yoga and rune workings, or even when meditating upon a Demon's sigil.

I always expected to feel energy automatically, but you helped me realise it actually requires focusing on trying to feel it. That seems to be what was causing trouble for me this time. Because, it was after today's ritual when I really tried to resonate with the energies, that I began to experience the familiar fuzzy feeling of energy, rather similar to the kind one experiences following a Yoga session.

It was even accompanied with a reassuring sensation, the kind one feels from the Gods. I intend to continue empowering my third eye, as I did not know that it contributed to feeling energy, too. I am grateful to you for this new information.

SagittarianMage said:
I had the same issue with the drained feeling. What helped me was a yoga session that most conveniently conformed to my schedule for the day and sun/moon breath before the ritual and again after the ritual. https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Alternate_Nostril.html
I hope this works for you. Hail Satan and keep up AOP and regularly cleanse the aura. I wish you the best of Satanic energies! ᛋ ᛋ
Hail Satan!

You were correct, indeed. I hadn't done these kinds of breaths for a long time, and it had given me a rather replenishing sensation. Not to mention, I had kind of replaced Hatha yoga with Kundalini for a while, but now I realise I actually really need both.

It is thanks to you that I am reminded of the importance of some meditations and practices I had left alone for a while. You have my gratitude, alongside the others who responded to me with advice.
Most of the time we do these rituals I always get results immediately, in the form of successful selling some products, and this time it wasn't different. This feels more powerful than when I do individual wealth workings.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
I was going to ask if anyone else got money from this working, and apparently others did as well which is nice. I found money on the floor... two times. I hope our Brothers and Sisters both in Ukraine and Russia are having benefits from this working as well. I will use this money to buy food that will be sent through the military, to help people who ran away from Ukraine.

This will push others too. The idea is that others who are more stuck, get accelerated into this area. Clearly, that will take a while depending on individual tastes and how people see things.

But the end result should be that people get things for comfort and safety, and also this might not manifest "immediately" or "during", but also within one's life.

Everyone has to be on at least a "I have what I need" level, and nobody must be beneath it that is a Spiritual Satanist.
Thought I would also drop my experience with this schedule. Recently been going through a rough patch after heavy cuts to welfare however literally as soon as I finished doing the ritual on the first day heard back from an employer I had applied to and I am now within the final stages of selection. Again quite often struggle to feel energy, something I still need to work on, but I still felt energy and a calming presence over me. The Gods are truly beautiful.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why do we say

All sins and hostile energy sent against you Astarte, is now sent to your enemies and those who attacked you.

What sins, I thought sins were a fictitious notion invented to keep humans busy ?

I understand curses, but sins wtf :?
Immortal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why do we say

All sins and hostile energy sent against you Astarte, is now sent to your enemies and those who attacked you.

What sins, I thought sins were a fictitious notion invented to keep humans busy ?

I understand curses, but sins wtf :?

The enemy does curses with the "Sins", such as the "Giving the sins to the Goat of Azazel". Astarte is also in the same category.

This is one more perverted term by the enemy. "Sin" comes from the Ancient Greek "Amartema" which has to do with deviation of the correct path of Truth. Of course, it lost it's meaning and now it means "transgressions" based on the moral code of the enemy. During certain "Holidays", jews transfer their "sins".

All words like "Queen of Heaven", "Lord", etc, are all stolen and their meaning has been perverted, but they have important foundation.
Everyone must still of course do personal money workings. The two practices affect other levels each. I am glad to hear all the good news, I have heard a lot of good news.

Even people who are in very difficult situation, are being affected by the Rituals considerably.

Egon said:
Most of the time we do these rituals I always get results immediately, in the form of successful selling some products, and this time it wasn't different. This feels more powerful than when I do individual wealth workings.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
I was going to ask if anyone else got money from this working, and apparently others did as well which is nice. I found money on the floor... two times. I hope our Brothers and Sisters both in Ukraine and Russia are having benefits from this working as well. I will use this money to buy food that will be sent through the military, to help people who ran away from Ukraine.

This will push others too. The idea is that others who are more stuck, get accelerated into this area. Clearly, that will take a while depending on individual tastes and how people see things.

But the end result should be that people get things for comfort and safety, and also this might not manifest "immediately" or "during", but also within one's life.

Everyone has to be on at least a "I have what I need" level, and nobody must be beneath it that is a Spiritual Satanist.
Bawulf said:
Thought I would also drop my experience with this schedule. Recently been going through a rough patch after heavy cuts to welfare however literally as soon as I finished doing the ritual on the first day heard back from an employer I had applied to and I am now within the final stages of selection. Again quite often struggle to feel energy, something I still need to work on, but I still felt energy and a calming presence over me. The Gods are truly beautiful.

Hail Satan!

We have a close watch over the situation, that's why we are doing all of this. Many people are on the edge. We want to help everyone, both those who are rich [who will benefit from this too] and others who are fighting in this area will be helped too. Wish you the best and quickest resolution. Stay strong.
Are we considering a schedule extension, given the current progression of events? I was thinking about continuing on after the end regardless, but I figured I'd ask first and see where we're at.

Personally, my main apprehension at the moment would be seeing Russia cut off from internet access, so hopefully the work we're doing will avoid this as an inevitability. At the very least, hopefully the means my own Russian friend has, VPNs and such, will allow him to continue accessing the internet. By my own confession, I'm not entirely clear on the technical details.
Immortal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why do we say

All sins and hostile energy sent against you Astarte, is now sent to your enemies and those who attacked you.

What sins, I thought sins were a fictitious notion invented to keep humans busy ?

I understand curses, but sins wtf :?

It deals with transgressions against nature or against other people which can create negative energy and karma when the Jews say it. They try to transfer this off them and onto their enemies.

To us it may not mean a lot but we are reversing what the Jews are doing.
Arcadia said:
Are we considering a schedule extension, given the current progression of events? I was thinking about continuing on after the end regardless, but I figured I'd ask first and see where we're at.

New schedule up soon - despite of whatever is happening, everyone needs to recharge for everything to be effective. Stay strong during these times and don't allow energies etc to drop.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
