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Very beautiful ritual! I have a question, what are we trying to do with this ritual? Open a door for Astarte to act here on this earth right?
I have replied above, please read the questions. Feel free to post further questions and experiences. Do not forget to meditate on this Ritual and enjoy it.
Dypet Rod said:
Is the affirmation that follows these 10 names also meant to be repeated on each of these 3 rounds?

No, just the affirmation once, not after each round.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
Thank you dear Cobra We shall begin right away.
A question though,
The void of course moon for today starts at 6 AM and ends at 8AM. Should we avoid void of course moon? Or will it not matter?

Void Moon does not matter, as the ritual has already been started as a group.

8ScintillantSol8 said:
Whew just finished Astarte's Power and would like to request some guidance and respectfully point out a possible error.

1.)After the first set of runes, when we call out to the Goddess by her names, if one looks to the sigil for comparison it seems there is an issue of proper order. On the sigil from top to bottom it reads A,NNA,ASTR,ASTAR...etc. On the ritual guide it reads "I call you by your Name: A, ASTR, NNA, ASTAR,...etc" . NNA and ASTR are swapped.

2.) Is the pronunciation of ASTR (AHH-SSS-TRRR) and NNA (NNN-NNN-AHH)

3.) What is the intended/proper way to pronounce Lagur/Odthal. Stay with me. I see on JoS every other rune we are vibrating for this ritual is written in terms of Germanic origin. The only ones that aren't are these two. On JoS I see Logur in Germanic is Laaz/Laaguz and Odthal is Utal/Othala. I usually just vibrate Odthal as its spelled, like for Race Awakening ritual but I'm not really sure of what is most powerful.

4.) Finally just to be sure, we are repeating the whole process 10x right? I'm not the only one doing 1800 vibrations right? :twisted:


1. It has been corrected, it should be fixed by now or very soon.

2. Yes

3. However works best for you. I use Icelandic for all, and a few other SS do too. Go with what feels strongest for you.

4. NO! Only 10x all runes, you only do the process once. But don't worry, you are not the only one who did it like that, another SS did the same with Satan's ritual. There is a mistake in the "After the 10x of repeating this" line, it needs to be changed and is possibly changed by now, it has been brought up in email discussion.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Is the affirmation that follows these 10 names also meant to be repeated on each of these 3 rounds?

Yes, I do hope this is clear. Like this below in the quote:

ASTARTE you are:
1)The Queen -> The Birth Of All -> The Mother -> Harmony -> Beautiful -> The Serpentine Power -> The Power of Starry Heavens -> The Heavenly -> The Most Powerful -> The Queen of Time
2)The Queen -> The Birth Of All -> The Mother -> Harmony -> Beautiful -> The Serpentine Power -> The Power of Starry Heavens -> The Heavenly -> The Most Powerful -> The Queen of Time
3)The Queen -> The Birth Of All -> The Mother -> Harmony -> Beautiful -> The Serpentine Power -> The Power of Starry Heavens -> The Heavenly -> The Most Powerful -> The Queen of Time

Andromedus117 said:
Fantastic work as always H.P. Cobra., this post, the motivation and encouragement, all the insight into what's next and what we're doing, and all the love support wisdom and protection you show all of us as your Brothers and Sisters.

Thank you for all that you do in supporting us as a vast family and community. Thank you for keeping us informed and close to Lord Satan and the God's/Goddess's of Duat. You are beyond invaluable, and beyond loved.

For the kingdom of the South

Thank you for the kind words, during trying times, it is valuable to hear.

slyscorpion said:
So it doesn't matter if the moon is waning to start prosperity workings. 🤔

We are continuing, not starting. We have started these Group Rituals a very long time ago.

Re-doing a working or any Ritual, can be done at any time when this type of Ritual is concerned.

Anything that is continued in this way, is not liable to beginning things. The moon's position for this type of Ritual work is when you first begin something.

tabby said:
How do we vibrate Lady Astarte's name in this part?

I call you by your Name:

I am going to make an audio to clarify that. Read exactly what the letters are. The "E" on Astart-e is a double EE sound.

SeekerOfTruth666 said:
HP Cobra, the link provided for the protection ritual is actually the wealth and prosperity ritual. Is that a mistake or shall we do the wealth and prosperity?

Yes, that is the correct one. The affirmation has in it the pointer for both protection and for people to be able to be helped in the material aspects too. That is absolutely necessary.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you dear Cobra We shall begin right away.
A question though,
The void of course moon for today starts at 6 AM and ends at 8AM. Should we avoid void of course moon? Or will it not matter?

The beginning of the Ritual was before the void and on a very much powerful date. Therefore, do not worry. Even if someone accidentally falls into the void moon, that will not affect anything badly and it will work. Just make sure to follow along for all the days given, because these too have powerful dates.

slyscorpion said:
Is this ritual going to further wreck the Vatican by destroying the mother marry thoughtform that was put up in place of Astarte even has some of the same phrases used for it such as queen of heaven etc?

Yes, very correct. The "holy mary" is just a ripoff. It is a cheap copy-cat that is based on broken knowledge and stolen epithets. Even the word "Virgin" is literally stolen and has been another title of Astarte. Virgin as explained in the Joy of Satan has to do with the purity of the soul. They ripped down this term and desecrated it.

Demeter from which the evolution of the word "Die Mutter" and then "The Mother" arose in English, has been Astarte's Epithet since Sumeria and before.

Astarte is the Queen of Heaven what a jew has written in their dross is of zero importance. They also call her both "Mother Earth" and "Queen of Heaven", which are powerful statements for the Base and Crown Chakra.

What the enemy says should leave us uninterested, we are going to wipe them out, and take back what was stolen from our Gods.

BlackOnyx8 said:
I would like express my gratitude for all the tireless work you have been doing keeping everyone safe and informed specially our Brothers and Sisters who are in Ukraine and Russia. Your Name will be remembered for all eternity for guiding the Battalion that put a permanent end to the jewish beast.


I appreciate this, thank you for the valuable replies and the positive comments.

8ScintillantSol8 said:
Whew just finished Astarte's Power and would like to request some guidance and respectfully point out a possible error.

1.)After the first set of runes, when we call out to the Goddess by her names, if one looks to the sigil for comparison it seems there is an issue of proper order. On the sigil from top to bottom it reads A,NNA,ASTR,ASTAR...etc. On the ritual guide it reads "I call you by your Name: A, ASTR, NNA, ASTAR,...etc" . NNA and ASTR are swapped.

4.) Finally just to be sure, we are repeating the whole process 10x right? I'm not the only one doing 1800 vibrations right? :twisted:

3.) What is the intended/proper way to pronounce Lagur/Odthal. Stay with me. I see on JoS every other rune we are vibrating for this ritual is written in terms of Germanic origin. The only ones that aren't are these two. On JoS I see Logur in Germanic is Laaz/Laaguz and Odthal is Utal/Othala. I usually just vibrate Odthal as its spelled, like for Race Awakening ritual but I'm not really sure of what is most powerful.

1. That is a small editorial mistake, I think we updated this, but I need to check again. No worries about this, it is nothing really that important, but good catch.

4. No!!! You don't have to do 1800 vibrations for each Ritual. You do x180, and this can go as low as x90 vibrations. It is stated on the instructions you can reduce this number to as low as 5 for each Rune, although, that is not the best.

3. LAGUR should be vibrated like the word AUGUR, but as in LA-GUR. LA as in LAsso and GUR as in GURu. Odthal as it's read.

luis said:
Very beautiful ritual! I have a question, what are we trying to do with this ritual? Open a door for Astarte to act here on this earth right?

In this case, yes. That is explained why in the introduction of the post. But there is more into it.

Meditate on the paragraphs and understand them. Would like to also hear your experiences and everyone else's.

Astarte will be glorified.


thank you for the clarification
What are those events that are unavoidable? From what you write it seems like certain things are set for us.

What’s going to happen with East Europe?
We are right next to Ukraine and Russia. We will get affected next.

Are those predictions of the Gods from last year are becoming our present? I am sure you know what I mean.

If you know something please share High Priest!
EasternFireLion666 said:
Someone please post ASTARTE's RITUAL as an image! The link won't load and I want to get into this ASAP!


Try this link too. The strange events surrounding this have been really weird to say the least. Also included this link on the original post.
A very beautiful ritual. After doing it, I felt extremely positive. Thank you HP Cobra for your hard work and for providing knowledge and wisdom to us.

Hail Satan!
Hail Astarte!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Someone please post ASTARTE's RITUAL as an image! The link won't load and I want to get into this ASAP!


Try this link too. The strange events surrounding this have been really weird to say the least. Also included this link on the original post.

It works! THANK YOU!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:



Thank you greatly for the response commander!!

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=328390 time=1645792492 user_id=57]


Thank you Lydia! I just checked and the ritual page looks perfected!
Okay, I'm not boasting, but my senses/spiritual senses helped me know Astarte's Ritual was next, yet I had no ideas of the details. Well I could sense this due to my very strong resonating pineal gland and the recent empowering through the Jupiter square [which made me pause the PTAH meditations after 44days because I couldn't take the pain].
Yesterday, in honor of Queen Astarte, I coined a word "eyesis", and named my operation after her. Because I feel I know Her before even from childhood. My whole soul honors her and I found rectifications just by looking at her sigil that I do not understand.
I'm Joining the Ritual and must relay my experience.
Today I had the strangest dreams and it seemed like I stumbled upon strange entities that were shocked to see me, I felt their force and how the intended to banish me. As soon as I woke up and got internet access, JOS was on my mind. I'm glad we are doing this.
The first Ritual of Satan's absolution was powerful, and I feel that was just for absolution and not an intent as this present Ritual. I saw physical manifestations and I wonder how this will go. Oh, I feel for the enemies of hell, they're just gonna suffer.

This ritual seems quite long, but I look forward to doing it! :)
Reading the affirmations it reminds me of the Orphic hymns.

I have one question about this.
At your sermon you said that we should imagine all SS being protected. Do we do this throughout the entire ritual? If that's the case, to be honest, I'm certain that I'll be having quite some difficulty visualizing so many things at once (focusing on the Sigil, seeing it white/bright/as the ritual says, feeling intensely the affirmations, visualizing all SS especially those in war zones being protected)...

Is there any advice for being able to focus in so many places at once, or should we give our priority on one specific visualization?

Thank you for your time.

Hail Satan!
Hail Astarte!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Is the affirmation that follows these 10 names also meant to be repeated on each of these 3 rounds?

Yes, I do hope this is clear. Like this below in the quote:

ASTARTE you are:
1)The Queen -> The Birth Of All -> The Mother -> Harmony -> Beautiful -> The Serpentine Power -> The Power of Starry Heavens -> The Heavenly -> The Most Powerful -> The Queen of Time
2)The Queen -> The Birth Of All -> The Mother -> Harmony -> Beautiful -> The Serpentine Power -> The Power of Starry Heavens -> The Heavenly -> The Most Powerful -> The Queen of Time
3)The Queen -> The Birth Of All -> The Mother -> Harmony -> Beautiful -> The Serpentine Power -> The Power of Starry Heavens -> The Heavenly -> The Most Powerful -> The Queen of Time

Andromedus117 said:
Fantastic work as always H.P. Cobra., this post, the motivation and encouragement, all the insight into what's next and what we're doing, and all the love support wisdom and protection you show all of us as your Brothers and Sisters.

Thank you for all that you do in supporting us as a vast family and community. Thank you for keeping us informed and close to Lord Satan and the God's/Goddess's of Duat. You are beyond invaluable, and beyond loved.

For the kingdom of the South

Thank you for the kind words, during trying times, it is valuable to hear.

slyscorpion said:
So it doesn't matter if the moon is waning to start prosperity workings. 🤔

We are continuing, not starting. We have started these Group Rituals a very long time ago.

Re-doing a working or any Ritual, can be done at any time when this type of Ritual is concerned.

Anything that is continued in this way, is not liable to beginning things. The moon's position for this type of Ritual work is when you first begin something.

tabby said:
How do we vibrate Lady Astarte's name in this part?

I call you by your Name:

I am going to make an audio to clarify that. Read exactly what the letters are. The "E" on Astart-e is a double EE sound.

SeekerOfTruth666 said:
HP Cobra, the link provided for the protection ritual is actually the wealth and prosperity ritual. Is that a mistake or shall we do the wealth and prosperity?

Yes, that is the correct one. The affirmation has in it the pointer for both protection and for people to be able to be helped in the material aspects too. That is absolutely necessary.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you dear Cobra We shall begin right away.
A question though,
The void of course moon for today starts at 6 AM and ends at 8AM. Should we avoid void of course moon? Or will it not matter?

The beginning of the Ritual was before the void and on a very much powerful date. Therefore, do not worry. Even if someone accidentally falls into the void moon, that will not affect anything badly and it will work. Just make sure to follow along for all the days given, because these too have powerful dates.

slyscorpion said:
Is this ritual going to further wreck the Vatican by destroying the mother marry thoughtform that was put up in place of Astarte even has some of the same phrases used for it such as queen of heaven etc?

Yes, very correct. The "holy mary" is just a ripoff. It is a cheap copy-cat that is based on broken knowledge and stolen epithets. Even the word "Virgin" is literally stolen and has been another title of Astarte. Virgin as explained in the Joy of Satan has to do with the purity of the soul. They ripped down this term and desecrated it.

Demeter from which the evolution of the word "Die Mutter" and then "The Mother" arose in English, has been Astarte's Epithet since Sumeria and before.

Astarte is the Queen of Heaven what a jew has written in their dross is of zero importance. They also call her both "Mother Earth" and "Queen of Heaven", which are powerful statements for the Base and Crown Chakra.

What the enemy says should leave us uninterested, we are going to wipe them out, and take back what was stolen from our Gods.

BlackOnyx8 said:
I would like express my gratitude for all the tireless work you have been doing keeping everyone safe and informed specially our Brothers and Sisters who are in Ukraine and Russia. Your Name will be remembered for all eternity for guiding the Battalion that put a permanent end to the jewish beast.


I appreciate this, thank you for the valuable replies and the positive comments.

8ScintillantSol8 said:
Whew just finished Astarte's Power and would like to request some guidance and respectfully point out a possible error.

1.)After the first set of runes, when we call out to the Goddess by her names, if one looks to the sigil for comparison it seems there is an issue of proper order. On the sigil from top to bottom it reads A,NNA,ASTR,ASTAR...etc. On the ritual guide it reads "I call you by your Name: A, ASTR, NNA, ASTAR,...etc" . NNA and ASTR are swapped.

4.) Finally just to be sure, we are repeating the whole process 10x right? I'm not the only one doing 1800 vibrations right? :twisted:

3.) What is the intended/proper way to pronounce Lagur/Odthal. Stay with me. I see on JoS every other rune we are vibrating for this ritual is written in terms of Germanic origin. The only ones that aren't are these two. On JoS I see Logur in Germanic is Laaz/Laaguz and Odthal is Utal/Othala. I usually just vibrate Odthal as its spelled, like for Race Awakening ritual but I'm not really sure of what is most powerful.

1. That is a small editorial mistake, I think we updated this, but I need to check again. No worries about this, it is nothing really that important, but good catch.

4. No!!! You don't have to do 1800 vibrations for each Ritual. You do x180, and this can go as low as x90 vibrations. It is stated on the instructions you can reduce this number to as low as 5 for each Rune, although, that is not the best.

3. LAGUR should be vibrated like the word AUGUR, but as in LA-GUR. LA as in LAsso and GUR as in GURu. Odthal as it's read.

luis said:
Very beautiful ritual! I have a question, what are we trying to do with this ritual? Open a door for Astarte to act here on this earth right?

In this case, yes. That is explained why in the introduction of the post. But there is more into it.

Meditate on the paragraphs and understand them. Would like to also hear your experiences and everyone else's.

Astarte will be glorified.



I couldn't help to notice the similarities between Afrikaans about Die Mutter. In Afr its "Die moeder"which means The Mother and in German it also means de moeder i think,the mother but in Dutch its something else.

Im going to start with this ritual soon im just preparing some things.
I just want to share these i found. I was actually hoping it was a piece of Godly advanced technology that has something to do with hidden science stuff that i could figure out and build but its a sigil.

I collect any material that looks like ancient advanced technology.And i have been wondering about the jet pillars and the staff with Jackel head that splits in two at the bottom of the staff,the ankh and some other interesting things. i have my own theories but from everything in the world i trust the information of JoS above my own so i will go with it instead.






ChaosBringer666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Big Dipper said:
The Queen
The Birth Of All
The Mother
The Serpentine Power
The Power of Starry Heavens
The Heavenly
The Most Powerful
The Queen of Time

No, you do say these in that order:

The Queen -> The Birth Of All -> The Mother -> Harmony -> Beautiful -> The Serpentine Power -> The Power of Starry Heavens -> The Heavenly -> The Most Powerful -> The Queen of Time

The above 10 words in this sequence are repeated 3 times.

We are updating the instructions so that these are clear. Please ask any question further if necessary. There is an issue with cached issues probably due to Cloudflare, pages don't seem to update instantly for some weird reason.

ummm February has no 29/30. we go till the seventh then??

errr I meant the fifth... Too excited :lol:
Yagami Light said:
This ritual seems quite long, but I look forward to doing it! :)
Reading the affirmations it reminds me of the Orphic hymns.

I have one question about this.
At your sermon you said that we should imagine all SS being protected. Do we do this throughout the entire ritual? If that's the case, to be honest, I'm certain that I'll be having quite some difficulty visualizing so many things at once (focusing on the Sigil, seeing it white/bright/as the ritual says, feeling intensely the affirmations, visualizing all SS especially those in war zones being protected)...

Is there any advice for being able to focus in so many places at once, or should we give our priority on one specific visualization?

Thank you for your time.

Hail Satan!
Hail Astarte!!
You do not need to do it during all the ritual. First it's just for the protection and wealth ritual not for the Astarte one, second when you do your vibrations you do not need to immagine anything just vibrate it while focusing on raising energy then after when you are doing the affirmation you need to feel/will and be 100% sure that every SS (and now especially the Ukraine SS) are protected and prosperous now. After the affirmation you can feel and visualize this for a minute.
Yagami Light said:
This ritual seems quite long, but I look forward to doing it! :)
Reading the affirmations it reminds me of the Orphic hymns.

I have one question about this.
At your sermon you said that we should imagine all SS being protected. Do we do this throughout the entire ritual? If that's the case, to be honest, I'm certain that I'll be having quite some difficulty visualizing so many things at once (focusing on the Sigil, seeing it white/bright/as the ritual says, feeling intensely the affirmations, visualizing all SS especially those in war zones being protected)...

Is there any advice for being able to focus in so many places at once, or should we give our priority on one specific visualization?

Thank you for your time.

Hail Satan!
Hail Astarte!!
You can visualise the Globe and see rays of golden light going down everywhere an SS is. Use your immagination, it doesn't have to be a fixed visualisation on just one image.
I just want to share these i found. I was actually hoping it was a piece of Godly advanced technology that has something to do with hidden science stuff that i could figure out and build but its a sigil.

I collect any material that looks like ancient advanced technology.And i have been wondering about the jet pillars and the staff with Jackel head that splits in two at the bottom of the staff,the ankh and some other interesting things. i have my own theories but from everything in the world i trust the information of JoS above my own so i will go with it instead.







Sorry never mind i had it wrong. The Sigil is inside the Shen ring that protects it. :oops: am i correct? Is the sigil the Greek letters inside the sigil?I have no Idea! Or is the whole thing a sigil with everything in an around it?
i clearly need to learn more about sigils please help
I just did Astarte's Power Ritual, and the energy buzz is beautiful.
I started to feel very strong and beautiful energy enter my room when I finished saying "I call you by your Name:
Literally, just after the last word, I felt this energy coming, it's beautiful.
Hail Satan! Hail Astarte!
For our Lady of Liberty and our precious Motger Earth we must and we are!🌻

P.S.: Could we use Astarte's Ritual to protect loved ones, as well?
If say, they are in a dangerous geographical location, or so on.

And perhaps picture the Shen Ring encircling the loved one?
One more thing, I received a few e-mails considering the link to the Protection Ritual is wrong.

In fact, both Rituals [both the Wealth and the Protection Ritual] are protection Rituals. The first one however [the one linked on the schedule] is about safeguarding people from harm.

Both Rituals will be done. After this schedule is concluded, we will do another one with the other Ritual [and a new schedule after this].

There is no mistake in this. Maybe the misunderstanding arose from naming it as "JoS Members protection Ritual".

Both Rituals are for the wellbeing, protection and empowerment of everyone.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
tabby said:
How do we vibrate Lady Astarte's name in this part?

I call you by your Name:

I am going to make an audio to clarify that. Read exactly what the letters are. The "E" on Astart-e is a double EE sound.

Thank you very much, HP Hoodedcobra.
When I woke up this morning it felt as if there had already been SS performing the rituals. The energy was wonderful.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
25th: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
26th: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
27th: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
28th: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
29th: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
1st: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
2nd: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.
3rd: Astarte's Ritual, JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual, FRTR.

High Priest, it's not leap year.
Even for someone who has stayed savvy and aware of everything that's going on, and has kept their ear to the ground, there's a certain amount of distance between you and the happenings, if you live in the West. Covid has been a bit of an exception to this, of course, and people have had their lives ruined on the supposed account of the less-than-flu, but when it comes to actual war, no matter how much empathy you have, it's hard to truly feel it, unless you're living it, or are affected by it. This is human nature, to an extent, as you cannot go through life feeling the full effect of sorrow for every atrocity.

For me personally though, in the grand scheme of actual conflicts as they've happened in the years since I dedicated myself to this path, this is the first time I've found myself with something to lose, the first time I've had personal stakes in the day to day outcome of a war. My best friend is a Russian, one who sees no wisdom in this conflict, or has any loyalty to Putin and his cronies. I am thankful he is not too close to the bloodshed itself, but given the livelihood of both he and his father is dependant not only on Ukraine, but the ability of foreign money to continue coming into Russia, these are tense moments. I'm watching with baited breath, really, hoping and praying that western leaders don't do something incredibly stupid. The sanctions, he can most likely survive. But the constant threatening of cutting the nation off from SWIFT right now is the true worry. Biden, the demented old fool that he is, has surprisingly, at least, said he most likely will not pursue this action. Hopefully, this stays true. Beyond this the secondary worry is Russia being isolated from the rest of the world. We've both taken some comfort in the idea of him being able to flee the country, but the other countries may choose to make this impossible at a whim.

Honestly, the situation itself is ridiculous. The fact that these other leaders are considering options that will not hurt Putin and his Jews whatsoever, but simply bring pain to the Russian people, the majority of which have already stated they have no desire for this war. The fact is, Putin WANTS the West, to perform these measures, he wants the Russian people to suffer due to the choices of Western leaders, so he justify his stance and prop up their loyalty in his tyranny. In years previous he has already made steps to try and tie Russia off from the rest of the world with internet restrictions and the like. He said it himself, he wants Russia to be its own self contained little world, with him as king alone. Beyond that, he also wants Russia to restore itself to the Soviet Empire, and has said as such himself. You can really tell, as he's reopened the Communist playbook and is utilizing old techniques. For instance, their attempt at justifying the war was claiming that Ukraine is "nazi occupied" and are genociding ethnic Russians "like the nazis did", and are planning to invade Russia "like the nazis did". And that he himself, is a noble peacekeeper, intent on "restoring democracy to evil nazi occupied Ukraine", so they can live in "freedom and happiness". Of course this is quite hilarious considering Ukraine is lead by a Jew, but here we are. All this makes sense when you remember Putin's puppetmaster is that Jew Dugin, who was likely the one who convinced him to act on the astrologically relevant 22nd. But I digress.

For now, all I can do is hope for the best. I'm bringing my friend more into the fold, teaching him how to do these rituals, take part, and be one of us. He is a beginner, of course, but I pray he can make the difference for himself, and that the Gods are watching. I find it fitting, that we are doing this new ritual in service of Astarte. My Guardian, and the Goddess I know best. I, we, and us all, need her more than ever. To anyone else affected by this, my heart goes with you.

Hail Satan, Hail Astarte, Hail all the Pagan Gods and Goddesses.
The energies of this ritual are truly amazing and powerful! I would like to share something for the first time cause i suggested to do it, even though i keep my experiences for myself and my black book

Right after i finished the Ritual i felt this energy full of beauty, like a soft wind on springtime and in my mind there was a voice, strong yet feminine. "In the times that is to come events will occur but even if they will seem frighten enough you all will be protected and the enemy will be thrown out of every place. This has to be in that way for our cause''

I was thinking enough if i had to share this and i decide to do it in the end. Keep your faith strong Brothers
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=328253 time=1645771074 user_id=57]
Hail Astarte my Mother, my Queen! <3

Wonderful ritual. My soul feels filled with beauty and flowers, Her beautiful energy is so incredibly strong, feminine, and exalted.

Women will benefit very much from this ritual.
Men will benefit very much from this ritual.

I will do this daily. I love Queen Astarte more than I ever thought possible, until doing this sacred ritual!

I can agree and relate with what you said. Her energy feels so unique.

I felt like I am comunicating with a close friend, not with a being that is so far from us. I felt that she is really close and understands us even she is more advanced than I can image

Hail Astarte!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Big Dipper said:
The Queen
The Birth Of All
The Mother
The Serpentine Power
The Power of Starry Heavens
The Heavenly
The Most Powerful
The Queen of Time

No, you do say these in that order:

The Queen -> The Birth Of All -> The Mother -> Harmony -> Beautiful -> The Serpentine Power -> The Power of Starry Heavens -> The Heavenly -> The Most Powerful -> The Queen of Time

The above 10 words in this sequence are repeated 3 times.

We are updating the instructions so that these are clear. Please ask any question further if necessary. There is an issue with cached issues probably due to Cloudflare, pages don't seem to update instantly for some weird reason.

did you see their inexcusable reason for invading Ukraine, it was muh white supremacy an muh nazi oh lets not forget antisemitism, now i wonder why? inexcusable the reptilian jews are probably laughing, as they use the russian an people of unkraine as human sacrifices for their messiah.
I felt weighty sensation yet pure. The power is felt like the way I feel the earth element yet this one goes with ecstatic feeling. Because I can feel ecstasy in my head, right in my 6th Chakra. It's beautiful and powerful. Harmonized earth feeling with ecstasy.
This is how I feel after the ritual and this is so dense. Satan's ritual made me airy, light and pure.

Performing this ritual was a very special feeling.
The energy of astarte was very powerful and I felt it immediately after performing the first 3 runes With the respective affirmation.
Then even more so as I focused on the seal.

Beautiful feeling and also very motivating for the war.
I just performed the ritual and around right in the middle i felt extremely happy and couldn't help smiling. Up until now i can feel this overwhelmingly soft and calming energy. It felt so amazing that it caused me to tear up.

There was a time last year when there was someone i lashed out on in the astral out of extreme rage. While this was happening, it suddenly was stopped by me feeling overcome by the same calming and serene soft energy that i do now...it lasted then for almost 30 minutes.

I saw a womans face smiling at me in a dream about 2 years ago. She had a kind and friendly expression, soft long blonde hair and blue eyes and there was immense light about her all over. Just now during this ritual i saw a woman's face in my mind that projected also that same expression and energy.

As someone who comes from canaanites/phonecians, at the end i visualized one of the temples they had built for her being inside it sitting down. I felt a warm welcoming feeling.

This ritual is amazing! Hail Astarte! :)
This is probably the best ritual I've done. I felt the love of Ishtar while doing this ritual. I also felt that I truly love the Gods and want to be with them for eternity.

666/10 :lol:

Hail Ishtar!
I must say Astartes Power Ritual was really powerful, same as Satans. I could see and feel the vibrations from the Shenu and the powerful bright light it was surrounded with. It was a very rewarding and a beautiful experience! I really connected with it, I even felt a shift in my mind at one point. I'm not sure what it was. But very positive. I felt even stronger after doing the wealth and prosperity ritual. I just feel so very blessed. And I felt at ease and an incredible peace after the FRTR as well.

Long story short. This makes it easy to continue and complete this schedule with excellence :cool:

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=328253 time=1645771074 user_id=57]
Hail Astarte my Mother, my Queen! <3

Wonderful ritual. My soul feels filled with beauty and flowers, Her beautiful energy is so incredibly strong, feminine, and exalted.

Women will benefit very much from this ritual.
Men will benefit very much from this ritual.

I will do this daily. I love Queen Astarte more than I ever thought possible, until doing this sacred ritual!

Hehe.. I hear ya, Sister. Astarte is probably the Goddess I felt the closest of all, Her love, Her beauty and power... She's like a female version of Father Satan, so perfect in every way.

I'm so glad we're doing this.

Astarte is one of the Godsesses I really like and respect btw. She is kind and sensitive yet warrior like. This is much like me. I felt a warm positive feeling of love from her when looking at her sigil one time. I think she knows my girlfriend and appeared to her when she was younger she called her the moon goddess. So yeah I am happy to do this ritual. I also saw one of her planets a long time ago in an astral experience (though not intentional) it was really beautiful and nice energy too. I read up on the site from the star I believed this was around from the energy and it said this planet was run by her.

Just wanted to share this.
Astarte's ritual is powerful! I definitely recommend to newer members asking your guardian for help in directing the energy. I noticed the energy concentrating powerfully on that shenu ring.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
