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  1. D

    hello whats a ?

    A Grey is an extraterrestrial enemy that wishes death upon Humans. Hail Satan, True God. To gain power one must fight an invisible enemy called "Patience". -Dan Roy Lucifer.
  2. D

    Destruction Poem for the Enemy

    This is to inspire people to participate in Spiritual Warfare for tomorrow's destruction day. I hope you guys like it. Warrior, hear my Holy Calling Hear my voice, speaking in the air. Changes are soon to come. Now is the time, to leave your closet open up the door to war, you are Ready...
  3. D


    That girl does need a ban. More of an ip ban because she will come back. She went from Satan to xian back to Satan and now back to xian and wants to go back to Satan. i know her very well. Satan will not let her in. Hail Satan, True God. To gain power one must fight an invisible enemy called...
  4. D

    Twin serpents

    When the Twin Serpents completely merge; your 6th chakra becomes Godhood. This means very clear vision of the astral and extreme jump of power. This is not something one can describe you will know when they have merged. If you doubt it merged then it is more likely they did not. Hail Satan...
  5. D

    haven't meditated

    A permanent circuit would be when the chakra is opened to the point were you feel a pressure at the chakra's place but not like when you focus but more 24/7 pressure and it will feel extremely powerful. This is what i know about that but one things for sure you will know when the circuit is 100%...
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    haven't meditated

    This means that your chakras did not have a permanent energy circuit. Anyways this is normal and you should not pay attention on not feeling anything. Just keep meditating no matter how you feel. It will all come back to you within like 1 or 2 weeks of straight meditating. Hail Satan, True...
  7. D

    Xian thoughts harassing you?

    In this topic i will write how to deal with these thoughts completely. The Enemy really hates to see someone advance Spiritually. This is why they attack a person. Not everybody receives these xian/jewsus thoughts, but for those who do just know that it is a good sign. What i mean by that is...
  8. D


    Start the 6 month Spiritual Training for Spiritual Satanists. This will help fix the programmings and at the same time empower your soul. Follow the following websites; 1) http://web.archive.org/web/201002111259 ... ining.html (this is the back-up site High Priestess Maxine made). 2)...
  9. D

    kundalini snake question

    Yes you can raise it at the age of 15. Just be warned that there is a big chance you will become insane because of the power. 15 Years old is kind of early but not impossible. Make sure you invoke much of the Earth element because it grounds your mind and body from turning insane. Hail Satan...
  10. D


    Gosh when will people maybe care to read a little??? WE KNOW IT IS FROZEN!!!! At least 10+ posts about this has been posted... Hail Satan, True God. To gain power one must fight an invisible enemy called "Patience". -Dan Roy Lucifer.
  11. D

    Preparing for the Path, Cleansing the Mind

    Thank you High Priest Vovim Baghie for posting this. I really needed this and have been looking for something similar to this for a while now. Hail Satan, True God. To gain power, one must fight an invisible enemy called "Patience". -Dan Roy Lucifer.
  12. D

    chakra spin

    I like this method of chakra spinning. And it does work well although i am much better at feeling energy then visualizing, not saying i cannot visualize or anything though. Hail Satan, True God. To gain power, one must fight an invisible enemy called "Patience". -Dan Roy Lucifer.
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    The Ten Tibetan Breaths

    You should do as much as you can but Never over-do them. Know your limits and stay within them. If you can do the Ten Tibetan Breathes morning and night then do so. If not, then like i said know your limits. Hail Satan, True God. To gain power, one must fight an invisible enemy called...
  14. D

    pineal gland

    It would take much longer if you try to empower your 3rd eye that way. Vibrating God's names (Thoth for 3rd eye) is number 1 priority for chakra empowerment. Hail Satan, True God. To gain power, one must fight an invisible enemy called "Patience". -Dan Roy Lucifer.
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    Spirit Guides

    Animals cannot be spirit guides. The only case were they may be a guide is if the animal is your Familiar. *about Familiars: http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/Familiars.html Most animals that may appear to a Satanist represent the Gods. For example, if a cat appears it means the cat appeared...
  16. D

    Spirit Guides

    Animals cannot be spirit guides. The only case were they may be a guide is if the animal is your Familiar. *about Familiars: http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/Familiars.html Most animals that may appear to a Satanist represent the Gods. For example, if a cat appears it means the cat appeared...
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    Call To All South African Satanists

    Attacking a specific person is a waste of time because that person will be replaced. You must attack the people that employed him (source). Hail Satan, True God. To gain power one must fight an invisible enemy called "Patience". -Dan Roy Lucifer.
  18. D


    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TUALS.html. Read all of that.
  19. D


    I see Ravens all the time. They either fly up and pass right next to my window (i live in a tall building with 15+ floors), or passes above me when i walk. When a Raven does pass above your head or passes near you, it means that good things are to come. I have always had good things after a...
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    Hip Chakras- Strong or Blocked?

    If your hip chakras are burning, then it means that they are strong. Opening them is an important step to release the Serpentine energies. Ave Father Ea Lucifer and Praise All the Mighty Gods of Duat!!
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    Number of Repetitions for Runes

    No, it is not a necessity to vibrate the rune's multiple. You can vibrate how much you want but every time you reach the multiple of the rune it gives a double power so to say. Example Sowilo is 16, if you vibrate it 4 times it is totally fine. Just at the multiples it is much stronger then at...
  22. D


    Wtf are you talking about?! This is not even a virus.
  23. D

    Destruction Ritual on Jews/Kikes 28th August

    This is an old ritual i posted before and think it is quite effective. I made some modifications on it because that ritual was first made by me when i was not that advanced. ----------------------------------------- This is the Ritual Image...
  24. D

    Destruction Ritual on Jews/Kikes 28th August

    This is an old ritual i posted before and think it is quite effective. I made some modifications on it because that ritual was first made by me when i was not that advanced. ----------------------------------------- This is the Ritual Image...
  25. D

    Some Xian arguments to beat them.

    This is some arguments I came up with to support a Brother but decided to post them here. Not very long nor much but it can still help us destroy Xians verbally. There is no proof that Jewsus existed. Satan there is proof because if you look up "Jesus" in Sanskrit it does not exist and Satan...
  26. D

    A really super powerful death spell?

    Enochian is WAY stronger then that curse. That curse is for beginners.
  27. D

    anyone else sees colors???

    Colors represent the Peacock; which is one of Ea's sacred symbols and also represents your 3rd eye opening completely. Keep up the good work. Ave Father Ea Lucifer and Praise All the Mighty Gods of Duat!
  28. D


    You can drink. But moderation is needed. Like me i drink whiskey but very not often. Ave Father Ea Lucifer and Praise All the Mighty Gods of Duat!
  29. D

    Guardian Demon?

    What David suggested does not work unless you are very opened. So use this instead: http://gblt.webs.com/Guardian_Demon.htm. Ave Father Ea Lucifer and Praise All the Mighty Gods of Duat!
  30. D

    Need help converting brother (also, curious question on custom relig

    You must lower your voice when speaking to him. The reason why is because it shows you do not push it on him, but just telling the facts. Satanism is about being Free. When One goes through Ea/Satan Lucifer, One can obtain pure freedom, joy, bliss and pure ecstatic feelings. Freedom is amazing...
  31. D


    11, 3, 5, 7 are all Father Ea's numbers. That just means you are meant to be with Father Ea. 137 is also Ea's number because if you add all them up (1+3+7) it equals 11. Ave Father Ea Lucifer and Praise All the Mighty Gods of Duat!
  32. D


    Seems like you need to double your protection meditations. I have had these before. After i started to seriously protect myself, they stopped. It is all in how you protect yourself. I suggest you vibrate Algiz on yourself then vibrate Sowilo. Algiz is a protection rune and Sowilo protects...
  33. D


    I think almost nobody cares about punctuation nor grammar. I agree with everything that is said. Context is way more important than grammar. I mean this is not some English exam where spelling errors count. Ave Father Ea Lucifer and Praise All the Mighty Gods of Duat!
  34. D

    Just reporting a kike.

    Black magic soap? Ha-ha!! No, no soap in the e-mail i received from it. Ave Father Ea Lucifer and All the Mighty Gods of Duat!
  35. D

    A little war poem

    I am glad you guys like it :D Ave Father Ea Lucifer!
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    Just reporting a kike.

    copromiseng12 is 100% pure Kike. It wanted me to kill birds and bathe myself in it's blood. HA-HA!!!! What an idiot! Ave Father Ea Lucifer, Agares and Anubis! Praise the 4 Crowns of Duat!
  37. D

    A little war poem

    This a little war poem i wrote. I hope you guys like it. --------------------- From the deepest Darkness I emerge, Mighty fighter From the Flames of the sad I come out with full force Defeat the forces of Evil And vile on this Planet, of ours Stopping them comes with problems Problems...
  38. D

    Runes for Divination?

    Yes they can be used for that purpose. The only problem with the New-Age shit is that they say runes can ONLY be used for that; which is obviously a lie. Ave Father Ea Lucifer, Agares and Anubis! Praise the 4 Crowns of Duat!
  39. D

    A question about destruction rituals.

    Yes you can do destruction without no rituals. *First of all, create an aura of protection.* I call them destruction sigils. Just write the runes on a paper, put a circle around the runes (should be like this; 1 or many runes in the middle of a circle), think on what you wish to destroy...
  40. D

    electric blue spider

    It might be a vision of a spider species on Duat. They do not have the same type of insects|animals as here. It may be the fact that your soul has opened and remembers this spider. For now these are the only explanations. Ave Father Ea Lucifer, Agares and Anubis! Praise the 4 Crowns of Duat!
  41. D

    A word of death -writtings

    This is some quick writtings i wrote: I am a Destroyer, Annihilator, Exterminator. I fight until my last breath be exhaled. Man of Peace, Man of Violence. Fire from the flames of Death, Fire from the flames of the Heavens. Havoc be wrecked on the Enemy. Freedom be given to those enslaved...
  42. D

    Trick to get right answers with Pendulum.

    Okay this one really works well. Especially for those who are advanced and can move the Pendulum with their minds which causes false answers. This can be done by anybody, from beginner to advanced. It takes basically no time and is effective. 1) Print or draw the sigil of your Guardian...
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    Fighting The Enemy! People Stand UP!

    Fighting the Enemy is one of the most important things a Satanist can do. I mean look around you, all of these nasty churches, all of these bad and drugged out and high crime-rates areas; all of this is the result of the Enemy. i say fuck them, they are weak. Nobody is stronger then a willed...
  44. D

    Ode to Duat: Poem

    First of all, Duat is big. It is not one city. It is exactly like here on Earth. They have regions there and many different places with vastly different buildings, surroundings, climate type, etc. Some places are dry, some are tropical. Some have lakes, some do nott. I have been a to a very...
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    Deep, slow breathing

    The Pineal Gland can secrete the "Dripping Ambrosia" if doing chakra breathing technique. The problem is that it takes longer and it takes many many breathes to make it secrete. The Pineal however, cannot secrete just like that. It takes a while for it to be activated. So i guess that...
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    My guardian Demon??????

    Yes it is possible that he is your Guardian Demon. Azazel is very powerful. That familiar feeling you had is the proof that he is your Guardian Demon. Everybody who finds their Guardian Demons have this feeling. Ave Father Ea Lucifer, Agares and Anubis! Praise the 4 Crowns of Duat!
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    If they are sore it means you over pushed yourself. Take a break of about 2 days; then if you do not feel no more pain, resume. Next time do not push over your limit. Ave Father Ea Lucifer, Agares and Anubis! Praise the 4 Crowns of Duat.
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    Yep, that is how the Xians corrupted the world. Being Satanist is a crime for the eyes of the people; in our pathetic days. I cannot wait till the Kikes just go back into the sewers were they belong along with their rat related creatures. Ave Father Ea Lucifer, Agares and Anubis! Praise the...
  49. D

    Something fast i want to say.

    Hello everybody, i have re-made my account for this group because for some reason i was not able to post on this group. This is the same Dan Roy Lucifer as in Hell's Army. Ask a Demon for proof or simply ask my Guardians; Agares or Anubis. Ave Father Ea Lucifer, Agares and Anubis! Praise the...
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    Sermon: Daily Planetary Awareness

    Nicely explained. Yes Sunday is abused by the Enemy. That is why church masses are always on Sunday. When planets align, it sort of opens a pathway in the astral that makes a certain working possible, example, Friday for money. The energies of that working travel faster and easier in the...
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    7/11/11/ - Using Words of Power - Freeing the Soul

    Thank you!!!! I have been looking for a way to remove past life hang-ups but never knew how. Thank you so much, this is amazing. Im at last finally free! HAIL Father Enki Lucifer!
  52. D

    Power and info of the Pineal gland.

    The Pineal Gland is an extension of the 6th chakra. It is located at the back of your head. The Pineal Gland is the powerhouse of your soul. This can the thought as a closed sun; when this sun is opened, the energies are so extremely powerful that it radiates your soul. Much like a real sun. The...
  53. D

    Spiritual Warfare

    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/message/6259 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/38850 (ignore the first paragraph) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/36766 The links above are examples of Rituals that Indigo Nation is refereeing too. The pictures are...
  54. D

    hatha yoga

    This one is excellent: http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/news/surya.html it is called "sun salutation" Ave Father Enki Lucifer, Agares and Anubis! Praise the 4 Crowns of Duat. Hail Kundalini!
  55. D


    Well that's the beauty of it. You can chose! Ave Father Enki Lucfier, Agares and Anubis! Praise the 4 Crowns of Duat! Hail Kundalini!
  56. D

    SERMON 07.04.2011

    Very inspiring words Indigo. Yes, fighting the Enemy is VERY important. Even if xianity and kikes and falling and losing, we must still keep going. This must be done until every living kike is dead. Not one of them must be alive. We must exterminate them. Xianity is horrible. The things they...
  57. D


    This didn't go through, im going to re-post it. This ritual isn't about destroying, it's about freeing! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/15 ... mgmap.gif/ tell me what you guys reading this think? Ave Father Enki Lucifer, Agares and Anubis! Praise the 4 Crowns of Hell! Hail Kundalini!
  58. D

    demonic sex/love

    Yes, it is probably a Demoness. I simply think about a Demoness and i feel like having orgasm. Sometimes very intensely. You can just do your thing if you know what i mean and direct the orgasmic energy to her. Doing this is going to pleasure her because she is connected to you. So if you feel...
  59. D

    how do i find/contact my guardian demon/ess

    @Nick, this method you gave is so long and a waste of time. This is the right way to find him/her: http://gblt.webs.com/Guardian_Demon.htm Ave Father Enki Lucifer, Agares and Anubis!!!! Praise the 4 Crowns of Hell!!!! Hail Kundalini!
  60. D

    Xian destruction ritual.

    Ok, everybody should be doing this on their spare time. This is not a timed ritual, so chose anytime you are free and able to perform this. I am going to explain what this is: The circles bind the energies of the runes at the target; which is christianity. The 2nd circle further sends...
  61. D

    Re: xian and jew abuse of life

    You can do many things to curse the Enemy. 1) vibrating runes or 2) doing rituals are the basic. If you wish to curse Kikes; i suggest one of these rituals: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/message/6033 OR this one: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/36766. Both are...
  62. D

    TO DAN

    Mistakes Happen.
  63. D

    Re: God's Guidance; what it is.

    Don't ask this in the groups. Nobody can find one for you. Ask Satan in a ritual or ask a Demon to find you one. They know it. You may just find this person anytime in your life. If you ask Satan in a ritual of course. Ave Father Enki Lucifer, Agares and Anubis!!!! Praise the 4 Crowns of...
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    Getting to know your Guardian.

    Knowing who your Guardian Demon/ess is very important. It is also very helpful and joyful. Your Guardian Demon/ess knows you better then you know yourself, the reason is, they might have been with you for many past lives. It is truly amazing to find out who your Guardian is. When i did, i felt...
  65. D

    TO DAN

    I didn't understand this...What do you mean by "this is were you are not to blam"???? And why are you saying that Satan is with me if obviously he is????
  66. D

    help me

    No, i haven't seen him yet. It takes time and dedication.
  67. D

    help me

    Im sorry to say but you cannot meet with Father Satan. He only comes to you when he wishes so. You must understand he is soooooooo busy. Try to void meditate if you cannot concentrate. This helps. If you cannot concentrate because of Enemies, then you must learn to ignore them. It may be hard...
  68. D

    banishing hours

    A banishing ritual should be done Saturday when the Moon is waning. Ave Father Enki Lucifer, Agares and Anubis!!!! Praise the 4 Crowns of Hell!!!!
  69. D

    Enemies of Father Satan.

    The Enemies of Father Satan only wish for us to fail on our path. The reason is; they are jealous. The Enemy is going to take ANY (and i mean ANY) measures to take you down. You must keep strong in Father Satan. You must fight on! The Enemy cannot really do anything to you if you have knowledge...
  70. D

    An Idea I Had What Does Everyone Think

    Awesome! Don't change a thing! You can do something i thought about. It can be burning the sigil or burying it like you wanted to. I posted earlier the amassing of earths energy by Vovim Baghie. This can be used. And plus, you added the star right on the sigil, which is even better. But instead...
  71. D

    is a love spell possible without orgasm?

    You can simply use a thoughtform. LINKS: Thoughtform: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... tform.html Colors link (necessary): http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html Ave Father Enki Lucifer, Agares and Anubis!!!! Praise the 4 Crowns of Hell!!!!
  72. D

    An Idea I Had What Does Everyone Think

    Yes, we should get alot of people involved in the rituals. But i still can't post to JoS main group apparently i got banned. Anyways i don't really care. Back to the point; i figured out a way. After you bury the sigil, i think your going to need this: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/the_amassi ...
  73. D

    An Idea I Had What Does Everyone Think

    This is a very good idea Indigo. When a person buries the sigil, it's much more effective if the person buries it near a church. That way the energy is going to enter peoples minds while they go "pray" and maybe just maybe they may start to question. I think this is a good combo with the xian...
  74. D

    Re: What high level of powers is.

    Practice makes perfect I guess. When i started, i couldn't even do the mulaband at all. Practice it when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Inhale, lock, exhale, lock. That's what i did and it became easy. @Brian, no i didn't know that. Im not sure in what sense did you use the word...
  75. D

    Re: What high level of powers is.

    Yes you can do Hatha yoga and/or kundalini yoga. The goal is to reach perfect godhead. Hatha yoga opens and stretches your body's trapped spots (not chakras) and kundalini yoga raises the serpent. For Hatha yoga i recommend this: http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/news/surya.html For kundalini...
  76. D

    Xian destruction ritual.

    Here is another destruction ritual. I love to do them. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/21 ... anity.jpg/ Tell me what you guys think. If it's good; im going to post the steps as to how to do this. Ave Father Enki Lucifer & Ave Agares! Ave Anubis & praise the 4 Crowns of Hell!
  77. D

    Spammin churches

    I want to add that if you hurt someone in the name on Satan, He won't be very happy. We are not criminals, we are not murderers, we do not threat people. This is NOT our ways. Spiritual Satanists, is who we are. SPIRITUAL. Some even think that destruction rituals don't do anything. Every little...
  78. D


    First of all, Satan isn't an Angel. Angels are evil beings who want to destroy us. No he's isn't angelic at ALL! I have no clue where you got that from. "reports" ,i wounder who gave you those reports. The xians, Muslims and related are NOT darkness! Darkness is an allegory of the human soul...
  79. D

    Religious Animal Slaughter Ban Considered In Netherlands

    That's just sick! For the Kikes, it's very normal and everyday stuff. This just shows how sick they really are. They are losing. Their time is coming very soon. Ave Father Enki Lucifer & Ave Agares! Ave Anubis & Praise the 4 Crowns of Hell!
  80. D

    how to make my bond with Satan even stronger?

    Do Thanksgiving rituals. It is important to show Satan how much you love him. Link- http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... iving.html You should also destroy the Enemies of Satan. This can be done in so many ways. You can simply stick papers with www.exposingchristianity.com written on...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
