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  1. Valkyrie

    New to the group

    Welcome to Zevism and the community here who is aligned with the spiritual beliefs and values of Zeus and the eternal Gods. It's good to hear that you have a sincere attitude to learn, because it is through learning that we discover what to do on our journey of opening and empowering the soul...
  2. Valkyrie

    Bitcoin problem

  3. Valkyrie

    Bitcoin problem

    Crytocurrency has to go through a blockchain before approved. This is a combination of security service and it cuts out the middleman, therefore making it more convenient, cheaper and safer. It can only take 20 minutes or hours depending on a number of factors: what country, what cytocurrency...
  4. Valkyrie


    HPS Maxine is still here, though not physically anymore, but with us spiritually and knows what we have now become as Temple of Zeus. She will always be a part of us here and we owe her an enormous debt of gratitude that we can only hope to repay by making it here as she envisaged. The Gods love...
  5. Valkyrie

    Donating to ToZ (my thoughts)

    Yes, I did my thing today for the Gods. Input out flyers for them.
  6. Valkyrie

    Satanas - Zeus Meditation

  7. Valkyrie

    how do you post media here

    ...Correction, "Forum Guide"
  8. Valkyrie

    how do you post media here

    I asked a similar question when I came back here. After putting in title of topic go down to the message box where you put your thread in. You'll see the (bold type, image etc.). Go along to the second three dots and you'll see the sub-menu. It's the fifth icon along. Most information is in the...
  9. Valkyrie

    Donating to ToZ (my thoughts)

    Yes, I should've gone to the donor's site. Thanks 😍
  10. Valkyrie

    Donating to ToZ (my thoughts)

    That's the right link: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-joy-of-satan-donor-platform-is-now-live-update-10-sacred-rituals-section-tier-progression.291094/#post-1083677
  11. Valkyrie

    Donating to ToZ (my thoughts)

    I donated too HP Cobra. I sent you email with transaction number. I read your donor sermon: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/free-donor-article-my-mission-the-great-dragon-of-the-joy-of-satan.93930/#post-488007 But what do I do? Keep sending you the transaction numbers?
  12. Valkyrie

    Day demons and Night demons? what is the difference

    Look at the list below of Demons and it will tell you which ones are day or night. https://templeofzeus.org/AllDemons.php https://satanisgod.org/DEMONOLATRY.html There are literally hundreds of threads posted about Demonology. Get used to using the search function :)
  13. Valkyrie

    I need your help, I feel bad.. / undecided.

    Time is relative when it comes to spiritual development. It can seem to be slow when someone is trying very hard to open up the soul and not seeing the results they expected or hoped for (this is what happened to me at first). Whereas, some have fast progress and are excited with the results. We...
  14. Valkyrie

    Hatha yoga

    The mantra for opening the third eye: "THAUM" https://templeofzeus.org/OpeningChakras.php https://templeofzeus.org/Yoga2.php
  15. Valkyrie

    Curonian Kings

    There's surprisingly a lot of information about them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curonians
  16. Valkyrie

    Is it really Sunday ☀️

    Atomic clocks are now used and the most accurate. All time zones are measured from Greenwich, England (GMT). https://www.sciencealert.com/quick-animation-shows-two-ways-to-measure-a-day-on-earth-ours-is-4-minutes-longer
  17. Valkyrie

    Strange Dreams

    I like conversation about dreams, it's a very interesting subject. There are other stories about dreams in the search function. https://templeofzeus.org/HELL_PAGE.php
  18. Valkyrie

    ZEVISTS: Our New Name, Zeus & Thunder Power - Sat & Zev

    These are very exciting times! I welcome these changes as necessary. We must show to ourselves and all humanity that it's not new, but simply an unadulterated revival of the ancient truth of Zeus (Satya), the Gods, us and the spiritual meaning of creation. A suggestion would be to put in a Mp3...
  19. Valkyrie

    Donating to ToZ (my thoughts)

  20. Valkyrie

    Donating to ToZ (my thoughts)

    Sorry, glad you're laughing about it. I didn't wish to upset you😢 You're a valued member here, and I like you, as I think so many others here do too.
  21. Valkyrie

    Donating to ToZ (my thoughts)

    Actually, are you bi-polar? You are exhibiting a lot of the symptoms? Very long posts, fixating, with over explanation of things. It's alright, we will understand 😊
  22. Valkyrie

    Donating to ToZ (my thoughts)

    It's always good, and very interesting to hear your views, but donating, as so many here do, it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with your personal opinion!!
  23. Valkyrie

    My Kundalini (throat)

    I'm sorry, I thought you were aware of this, otherwise I would've mentioned it 😕 https://templeofzeus.org/The_Chakras.php
  24. Valkyrie

    My Kundalini (throat)

    It sounds like it could be a blocked, or misaligned chakra to me. Have you looked at all the meditations, intermediate and advanced? To circulate energy, what I do is: With my index finger I lightly touch my crown chakra and chant the "AUM" mantra directing the energy down to the base chakra...
  25. Valkyrie

    The stupidity of some Satanists and my stereotypes

    Yes, I have read the title. You blatantly insulted everyone here! Can you understand that much English?! Look, I came here and acted like an ass with emotional problems last year and the members of the community told me to read the Joy of Satan website (what it was called back then). I went...
  26. Valkyrie

    Power and Need

    This sounds like a form of Void Meditation (shutting out distractions of people). I understand how it works for you, and could be appealing to others here. This is a good example of mind meditation by HPS Lydia...
  27. Valkyrie

    The stupidity of some Satanists and my stereotypes

    That's OK, If you don't think he's a troll (you have a right to your opinion), but all evidence to the contrary. If you go through the history of the OP's posts you'll see he doesn't have respect for the SS community here or our spiritual values and beliefs. He first came here 3 months ago...
  28. Valkyrie

    The stupidity of some Satanists and my stereotypes

    He starts by apologizing (old troll tactic), to play on our sympathy, then says a pile of steaming shit about about how Nazis are basically to blame or the war (jewish apologist). Basically runs down all Satanists as stupid, penniless and incapable of having a relationship! Topping it all off...
  29. Valkyrie


    This is great. Well presented and easy to understand. Mustn't forget the universe is created energy. What we see as solid objects is an optical illusion of the brain's subjectivity to be able to interact and and make sense of it. Newton's three laws of motion, also found in "The Principia,"...
  30. Valkyrie

    Can enemy pretendent to be SS ???

    There is some type of Xian revival going on in my area. I've had the "Jehovah witnesses" and Xians knocking on my door. I said to them, "Where is jewsus? Where is heaven? How do you know the gospels were written by those people? They always change the subject, as they've been taught to do. This...
  31. Valkyrie

    Can enemy pretendent to be SS ???

    Let's talk about this. But the Earth is moving and I'm really tired. I want to talk about this!
  32. Valkyrie

    Contacting with demons

    If this happens again, come back and explain it in more detail. It might be a Demon or something else. It's difficult to tell with the information you have supplied.
  33. Valkyrie

    Lol, poor dope francis

    I hope he gets nurse Ratched's ward at the hospital 🤫
  34. Valkyrie

    Lol, poor dope francis

    As they used to do in the Colosseum...👎 to the asswipe😁
  35. Valkyrie

    Contacting with demons

    It is not common for a Guardian Demon, or any Demon for that matter, to get in contact with someone new to Spiritual Satanism. But it is not unheard of if you are psychically open from previous lives. The nose bleed was probably caused by high blood pressure due to the mental stress of the...
  36. Valkyrie

    Just an experience that might help others...

    All sounds good. Just concentrate on finishing the 40 day empowerment program at the moment. This might help explaining a bit more about chakra problems: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/75619-chakra-alignment.295027/
  37. Valkyrie

    Transferring bioenergy

    Your friend needs to acquire more spiritual knowledge of the Gods before he can make an informed decision to do the dedication ritual to Satan: https://templeofzeus.org/ Dedicatoin ritual: https://templeofzeus.org/Dedicate.php When this is done the next step is to do the 40 day empowerment...
  38. Valkyrie

    On doubts and what is to come

    My apology then. But the way it was worded left it open to misunderstanding.
  39. Valkyrie

    On doubts and what is to come

    "drama queens"? And exactly who are you referring to?! I suppose you are comfortable with someone coming in and making an overt attack on JoS spiritual knowledge passed down by the Gods (Temple of Zeus)? Someone who is obviously a troll, trying to cause confusion, division by directly making...
  40. Valkyrie

    Is HPHC also Ningishzidda/Thoth/Emanu'El?

    I'm not surprised to hear this. I suspected HP Hoodedcobra was somehow special. No ordinary man could've put in the unbelievable amount of time, energy and amazing devotion to the Gods as he has. It's about time he got the recognition he deserves. Hail Satan!
  41. Valkyrie

    On doubts and what is to come

    You lost access to your account - was it banned? Nice try rabbi_onelasttime88! Go back to the synagogue and suck the little kike dicks, "Oy Vey"!!
  42. Valkyrie

    Excess energy, loss of consciousness (some alcohol in the background)

    You lost consciousness? How many drinks did you have? Alcohol (ethanol) is a powerful drug, don't let anybody tell you different. It acts on everything in the body. Prolonged use causes damage to the liver, brain and pulmonary/nervous system. It effects cells in the cerebellum (primitive...
  43. Valkyrie

    Hours of chakras

    Chakra hours: https://mega.nz/file/ftd0hRKK#rKJ_646EkUH59hfMMTbFMEPxVzgW8QFh8ahpHDq5b_E https://jos-astro.com/#/planetary-hours-form
  44. Valkyrie


    I apologize to members for the Yahoo add😒
  45. Valkyrie

    How can I find out my guardian demon?

    As has been said on the forums, your guardian demon is appointed by Satan according to who you are and your stage of spiritual development. It has nothing to do with the gender or whether you have a liking for a particular demon. You can have more than one GD guiding you through different stages...
  46. Valkyrie

    Relationship problem..

    When you're young these things can seem so important and take up a lot of emotional energy. It's difficult to find someone who isn't religious in some way. Some say they're not, but when you get to know them they will quote something from the bible, or mention that "jew-on-a-stick". All part of...
  47. Valkyrie


    If Mega Link doesn't work: Palmistry by HPS Shannon » Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:52 am With further information coming to surface, it is understood that the hand is like a microcosm of the entire human. Palmistry is a study on its own but still a subdivision of Astrology and other occult sciences that...
  48. Valkyrie


    This is a bit dated by Shannon (2018), but is very informative with good reading references. I hope it helps. 😊 https://mega.nz/file/P5lDxTLZ#pIQmo88oe6_ZMdPKanXoNhRcq7n2oGk1lQcA17iWiBQ
  49. Valkyrie

    A huge and well deserved thank you to Father Satanas and a wonderful SS

    Yes, it's amazing how help comes in the most unexpected ways when you are aligned with the Gods. I bought an old A6 Audi which I've spent a lot of money restoring and noticed the windscreen wipers were getting worn. I was recently in an op shop looking around and right there amongst the...
  50. Valkyrie

    What do I do?

    That's so great...just not so hijacking 🙁
  51. Valkyrie

    What do I do?

    I've been thinking to make a topic of something like this. I will think about it.
  52. Valkyrie

    Why don’t all whites have blond hair blue eyes?

    Hi, I hope your are well. I'm anglo mix of, going back to my actual family.: English, maybe Norman.
  53. Valkyrie

    I read one book on the grail 4 months ago and here I am.....

    It's great you've come here, but it seems you've come here, so: Templeofzeus.org
  54. Valkyrie

    What do I do?

    Read his posts. There is a pattern of emotional disorder here.
  55. Valkyrie

    What do I do?

    What do mean "emotional abuse?" Is it something you've done? Or is it unnecessary abuse for no particular reason? You've been here 5 months and posted a lot of unusual messages ie: claiming abuse, you're not human but in the form of an animal and threatening to do self harm. You don't seem to...
  56. Valkyrie


    We've, all of us here at JoS, changed from what we were when without Satan. It took Rome hundreds of years to become the world power it was. And It took the enemy hundreds of years to bring it down, to get humanity to where it is now. The enemy's patience is almost as great as it's hatred for...
  57. Valkyrie


    Don't be so hard on yourself, we all do stupid and embarrassing things when we are young. It's part of the learning process. One of the good things about society is it has a certain amount of patience and understanding with you when you are young, you don't get when you're older. The main thing...
  58. Valkyrie

    any truth information about this Gods

    Satanisgod.org will take you there, but appropriate link is templeofzeus.org
  59. Valkyrie

    any truth information about this Gods

    Satanisgod.org is fantastic. It has all the information on the Gods in the "Temple of Zeus", "Library of Thoth". Enjoy 😊
  60. Valkyrie

    any truth information about this Gods

    Just read some of our truth joyofsatan.org
  61. Valkyrie

    any truth information about this Gods

    Well, you've come to the right place, if you are searching for the truth. "Truth",? what does that mean to you? How has your life been? What has been stopping you from being truely yourself?
  62. Valkyrie

    Dreams and Experiences

    This is interesting, let's talk about this?
  63. Valkyrie

    Hello I am Eos - My current spiritual understanding (pantheism)

    As in my answer to Viego - (Who was Azazel in the Egyptian Pantheon?) "Actually, after thinking about it, what you are describing is Pantheism: stressing the identity between God (Beelzebul) and the universe. Panentheism: (Greek en, “in”) that the universe is included in God (Satan) but that God...
  64. Valkyrie

    Who was Azazel in the Egyptian Pantheon?

    Actually, after thinking about it, what you are describing is Pantheism: stressing the identity between God (Beelzebul) and the universe. Panentheism: (Greek en, “in”) that the universe is included in God (Satan) but that God is more than the universe. The actual working relationship between...
  65. Valkyrie

    Leaving JOS and my reason

    All I see is a pseudo reference to "JoyofSatan". Where is HPS Maxine's supposed comments? Where is any reference to her? Take this away and all you have is the racist unsubstantiated drival of actually anybody...the rabbi from the local synagogue?? Leave if you want too, but as already said, if...
  66. Valkyrie

    Who was Azazel in the Egyptian Pantheon?

    A lot to think about. Thanks very much Viego😊
  67. Valkyrie

    Throat chakra sensation

    Yes, I think so. I know it's an obvious thing to say to many here, but the chakras all have their own particular nature and function, all working together, male-female. The throat chakra is feminine in nature, the air element, ruled over by Venus, communication and emotions. We would not be able...
  68. Valkyrie


    It's OK, I'm not gender case sensitive 😁
  69. Valkyrie

    Higher Self

    That sounds what might be going on with crown chakra. It feels sometimes like it is fully open. My spiritual knowledge is still very limited, and although I sense it, I can't always understand what is happening. Thanks NEMA😊
  70. Valkyrie


    They have already laid down their own fate. Everything they have said will happen to us will be dispensed opon them by Satan.
  71. Valkyrie

    Who was Azazel in the Egyptian Pantheon?

    Outstanding post, heaps of great information. One question: You say Satan and Belezabul are one and the same. Does that mean they are not two separate beings, but the one God?
  72. Valkyrie

    Higher Self

    I want to stipulate that there is no open communication going on..."Hi, how was your day?"...nothing like that. I just sense it's there sometimes, mostly when I'm in a semi-conscious sleeping state, and rarely after a big meditation session, I fell something.
  73. Valkyrie

    Higher Self

    OK family I'm not going weird on you here, just something happening that I don't understand. Sometimes when I'm asleep, I wake up into a semi-conscious state and there is the undeniable sense of another will or presence ie: the other night I wasn't sleeping in a good position, my right foot was...
  74. Valkyrie


    The slave race of Jews is a "Method of Conquest" (modus operandi) for the conquest of many planets by those ETs. It's very probable that the reptilians have this as their winning strategy to first install a "fifth column" to infiltrate, disrupt and sow confusion on the planet they wish to...
  75. Valkyrie

    The Absolute Truth

    Talk to me 🤔
  76. Valkyrie


    Dreams (nightmares) can be caused by a number of things. Look up the similar threads here, it's very interesting 😊
  77. Valkyrie


    "No comprendo", do you speak English?
  78. Valkyrie

    Climb the steps of Life

    This doesn't sound like a spiritual problem. Going on what you've described, It could be a neurological problem. Have you been to see the doctor?
  79. Valkyrie

    The Absolute Truth

    There used to be a testimonial thread here for any SS to give their story before and after coming to Satan...this is my story. I was fortunate enough to be born and brought up in the suburbs of a large city in a western democratic country. But that's where my luck ended. My grandparents were...
  80. Valkyrie

    Opening the chakras

    He didn't clearly explain if he was opening the chakras (as in "Opening the Soul" - or asking about a blocked chakra after opening it?? I guess we sorted it out 😁 https://joyofsatan.org/Open_Blocked_Chakras.html
  81. Valkyrie

    Hitler aviation and pollution program

    This might be interesting to some members here 😊 https://nymag.com/news/features/conspiracy-theories/nazi-vril-society/ https://mega.nz/file/u9dSSCxS#_pKZSFFSXS5tmkLC0tf5xuyDO5CylFSEiMLoMxb8Ksg
  82. Valkyrie

    Opening the chakras

    No, unblock the crown chakra. You must unblock all of them in sequence ie: crown, 6th, throat, centre, solar, sacral, base. If one becomes blocked after opening them all (inactivity, sickness), then specifically concentrate on unblocking that one. Opening the Chakras...
  83. Valkyrie

    Satanic Rosary

    Really appreciate the heaps of wonderful information. I'll go for the mala beads online, and bless them. Thanks Impetigo😊
  84. Valkyrie

    Question about meditation?

    Right! Can't understand why I didn't see that!😕 Thanks Way-Seeker666😊
  85. Valkyrie

    Cursed for Eternity

    "Demon's watching and waiting, angels not helping, heroes of your childhood..." It sounds like you are still engrossed in the mental crap we are all brought up with. Delusional rubbish pushed upon us from Abrahamic religion, jewish movies, media-controlled, influenced society. It's all part of...
  86. Valkyrie

    Satanic Rosary

    Very informative! Much thanks Silverfire😊
  87. Valkyrie

    Satanic Rosary

    Hello Satanic Family, I want to get my hands on a good Satanic rosary that's going to last a long time. Is it best to buy one or go into an Art/Craft shop, buy the beads, string etc, and make my own? Do I also have to do a blessing ritual for it?
  88. Valkyrie

    Question about meditation?

    Some of those I haven't got, but didn't see Vril/Ki? Is this a breathing exercise? Thanks for your help 😊
  89. Valkyrie

    Question about meditation?

    Greetings SeguaceDiSatanas, I very interested in Vril/Ki breathing exercise but can't find it. Would you please give me the link?
  90. Valkyrie

    Christianity: A Cult of Human Sacrifice

    Outstanding!! Thanks 😊
  91. Valkyrie

    Opening the Soul. Which one is most correct/effective?

    THAUM is for 3rd eye. I've turned off predictive typing on my keyboard (causing spelling mistakes).
  92. Valkyrie

    Why am I not the best version of myself?

    Yes, as I said I recently heard about it. I didn't say it was true, and you make a fair argument against it. But I did stipulate how many times a week, in my opinion, is healthy. Men are very confused about sex; it has been twisted into something "dirty" by xianity, and a lot of women use the...
  93. Valkyrie

    Opening the Soul. Which one is most correct/effective?

    Yeah, sorry, got that mixed up. Meant to say YAUM is for 6th chakra, YAUM is 3rd eye. I do GAUM for pineal gland, but will take a look at king and queen meditation. Thanks SeguaceDiSatanas😊
  94. Valkyrie

    Why am I not the best version of myself?

    A good analogy to use is that we are like rough diamonds when we are without and don't know our true nature as created by Satan. When we come to JoS and hear the truth about Satan all that changes. The spiritual process of cutting back that rough diamond of all the ignorance starts and...
  95. Valkyrie

    Why am I not the best version of myself?

    As most know here orgasm is spiritual in nature and the sexual energy is vital for raising the serpent. But I recently heard that male masturbation regularly is essential to keeping the prostate gland healthy. When the orgasm occurs it flushes the prostate out of dead matter, guarding against...
  96. Valkyrie


    Unfortunately, xians don't know realise how screwed up they are. Humanity has been progressively and forcebly brain washed since the 3rd century. I walked away from it as a teenager, as a lot do now, but we are all "conditioned" shortly after birth (baptism). Then the sad brainwashing starts...
  97. Valkyrie

    Opening the Soul. Which one is most correct/effective?

    I had the same problem when I came to the meditations: "AUM" is the mantra for the centre chakra (it's not referred to as 4th chakra anymore). "THAUM" is the mantra for the 6th chakra. A great meditation for the chakras is to start at the crown chakra with AUM and progress down to the base...
  98. Valkyrie

    A question about Ong and kundalini mantras.

    The mantras as laid down in the power meditations (all 7 chakras) were formulated by HPS Maxine under the guidance of Lord Azazel. There is a choice of either Sanskrit, Runic or Necronomicon mantras. Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages, therefore less liable to corruption. As HPS Maxine...
  99. Valkyrie


    I said some stupid, ill considered remarks here in the past, and was rightfully corrected by other members here. You do have freedom of choice, and what you decide to do is ultimately up to you. But everything we say and do does have a consequence, whether in private or public. The universe came...
  100. Valkyrie

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Greetings brother, I sent an email, but in case you didn't get it, I'm volunteering for this. I feel a urge to do something really beneficial for Satan in my life at the moment (explained in email). Much thanks for considering me. All the best in your outreach for the Gods. Hail Satan!
  101. Valkyrie

    Question about meditation?

    Enormous thanks to everyone who contributed here. I can't wait to see what things will be like as I move down my path to enlightenment. The godhead is a gift given, that mere words of gratitude can't convey. I have seen just a glimpse of the truth here at JoS, which is both overwhelming and...
  102. Valkyrie

    Question about meditation?

    I have a lot of different breathing exercises, but I'll check out Veil/Ki, not sure if I've got that one. Thanks brother 😊
  103. Valkyrie

    Question about meditation?

    Hello Satanic family, When I first started breathing exercises/meditating, some time back, I had the sensation of a buzzing of energy actuating in the head region, probably the 6th chakra. Now that I have started up meditation again, and really revving it up, I clearly sense this buzzing...
  104. Valkyrie

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hi, I'm not familiar with this format and I'm having a problem posting images. Could you please help?
  105. Valkyrie

    I've returned to my family

    Hello HP Cobra and family. I've been away for a long time and returned. I've been lonely and sad because of my stupidity of turning my back on Father Satan and my brothers and sisters, but I never forgot you. I don't want sympathy or hugs. I just want to be here again. To belong to the best...
  106. Valkyrie


    "It's not the evil and diabolical that will be responsible for the demise of human kind, but the obvious necessary and indispensable" - Voltaire
  107. Valkyrie

    Getting their just desserts

    Thank you Blitz (if I can call you that). Hail Satan
  108. Valkyrie

    Getting their just desserts

    I take your point, and acknowledge that I misunderstood and overreacted. I will respect people's opinions if they post intelligently. Everyone stop mentioning my past. I have moved on and aren't that person anymore. Move the fuck on!
  109. Valkyrie

    Getting their just desserts

    Well, us women suck cock, so I don't see the big insult there. But I shouldn't have said "spreading legs for favours - that was unwarranted. Sorry! My point was (and it has always been a problem that lowers the forums) is that people jump in with both feet and say fucking stupid shit. If they...
  110. Valkyrie

    Happy Women's Day - To Our Women

    Thank you HP, this uplifted me at the right moment, which you always do when most needed. Hail Satan Hail Astarte Hail Azazel Hail Beelzebul
  111. Valkyrie

    I would like to say I'm back, and have missed you all 😢

    We here, are now with the "Morning Star", and the Gods...and we shall never be the same again!
  112. Valkyrie

    Change of Username - Valkarie-to-Valkyrie

    Letting the Clergy/Forum know I have changed username account from Valkarie-to-Valkyrie. This was a simple misspell with registration last year when I was on the forum, and coming from an academic background I can't abide with it. Everything else is the same.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
