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Who was Azazel in the Egyptian Pantheon?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
Amon Ra
There's a strong connection between Amon and Amon-Ra but they are 2 different deities but strongly connected.
It's truly hard to explain and we don't want to leave it as 'it's hard so therefore , never will be any explications, there already are and more will come, in soon time , but yet, so far, many has to go trough what already is instead of complaining of what it is not yet , in order to fully understand].

I wouldn't say that those two Beings are one and the same such as how Satan and Beelzebul are but they are deeply similar and mostly then that, very connected as They both are , Deities of the Sun.

An example to connection as per attributes , abilities and the very own existence I would say GOD Hades and GOD Osiris , are deeply similar in what comes to ALL , as how Azazel and Amon are .

"Amon" is the Egyptian Sun God Amon Ra [This is a connection between Amon and Amon-Ra #Azazel] aka Merodach and the Babylonian God "Marduk"

  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 Degrees of Taurus
  • April 20th-24th
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Pentacles
  • Candle color: Red or Gold*
  • Plant: Nightshade
  • Planet: Sun*
  • Metal: Gold*
  • Animal: Lion*
  • Element of: Fire and Air*
  • Rank: Prince*
  • Amon rules over the Western Region of Hell*

Amon is a Day Demon and Governs 40 legions of spirits
He discerns the past, foretells the future, reconciles friends and enemies, procures love and causes love to flourish.
He is one of the most beautiful beings I have ever seen. He has very light blonde hair swept back; he is strongly built and has an enormous amount of positive energy. He is attended by a strong and aggressive falcon. He is literally radiant like the Sun. He is one of the 7 Sons of Satan. He is extremely proud, beautifully built, and very tall and strong.

— High Priestess Maxine
Link : https://joyofsatan.org/DEMONIV/index.html

AZAZEL aka ZAZEL, APOLLO (Greek; God of Shining Sun), Mithra (Roman), Mitra/Surya (Vedic Period), LUGUS/LUGH (Irish/Welsh), SHAMASH (Babylonian), UTU (Sumerian; The Shining One),* SAMAS (Akkadian), BABBAR (Sumerian), Ashur (Assyrian), SHAMIYAH (Hathra), SAMYAZA, SEMJAZA, SEMIHAZAH, SEMIHAZAI (As he appears in a lot of enemy literature, taken from Middle Eastern names and titles of the God)

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees), for Spiritual Work, Ophiuchus Degrees of Scorpio**
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords
Planet: Saturn, the Lunar South Node (Dragon's Tail)
Candle Color: Blue, Black
Metal: Lead
Element of Air
Symbols: The Eagle and the Scorpion; the Faravahar (see below)
Number: 20, also 5, 7, 36**
Rank: Chief Of Security In Hell, works directly with Father Satan

Azazel is the GOD of


Link : https://joyofsatan.org/Azazel.html

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMON-RA #Azazel Connections with Amon
If you read upon Lord Azazel connections and names They will meet with the Deity Amon-RA

Yes, there is a connection between Amon-Ra and the gods you mentioned, as they are all associated with solar worship and divinities of light, justice, and cosmic power.

1. Amon-Ra and Apollo (Greek)

Apollo, in Greek mythology, is the god of light, the sun, and prophecy. Although he was not originally a solar deity (this role belonged to Helios), during the Hellenistic period, Apollo became identified with the sun. Amon-Ra, as the supreme god of Egypt, had similar functions, and during the Ptolemaic period, he was sometimes equated with Apollo.

2. Mithra (Roman) and Mitra/Surya (Vedic)

Mithra was an Indo-Iranian god of contracts and light. In the Roman Empire, the cult of Mithras became a mystery religion associated with the invincible sun (Sol Invictus). In Vedic tradition, Mitra and Surya are solar deities with characteristics similar to Mithra and Amon-Ra.

3. Lugus/Lugh (Irish, Welsh)

Lugh is a Celtic god associated with the sun, light, and skill. In Irish mythology, he is called "Lugh the Shining," sharing many traits with other solar deities.

4. Shamash/Utu (Babylonian, Sumerian, Akkadian)

Shamash (Babylonian) and Utu (Sumerian) are gods of the sun, justice, and divine light. This god was seen as a cosmic judge, similar to Ra and Apollo.

5. Ashur (Assyrian)

Ashur, the supreme god of the Assyrians, was sometimes associated with the sun and divine power, sharing common elements with solar gods.

6. Shamiyah (Hatraean)

Shamiyah is a deity from the city of Hatra in Mesopotamia, linked to Shamash and other solar divinities.

7. Samyaza/Semjaza (Apocryphal Jewish Mythology)

Samyaza is a fallen angel [This is where the Jews tried to hide things as they always been done]mentioned in the Book of Enoch. His name likely derives from the Semitic root "Shem" (meaning brightness, name), which may symbolically associate him with solar deities.
- Of course everything that represents true justice, light , power , enlightenment and Sun itself is a 'fallen angel' everything that is related to freedom and knowledge is translated in their language and meaning as 'evil' this is just bullshit to keep people away from the truth. Their own existence, language and literal everything is new comparing to the civilizations and religions and the deities of the past which are and forever be , present , in our day to day lives , just that their name changed.

It is somehow a strange 'coincidence' how those ancient languages which were existing long before the other ones have meant LIGHT , Freedom , Knowledge , Power and the illegal alien enemy has proclaimed those with their newer words the opposite of what they truly meant and mean, this will change , in time, enemy can go fuck themselves , this would be their best release because once the Gods will put their hands on them , oh boy , they will suffer EXTREMLY before they will be fully erased from all the possible existences .


All these gods are part of a common archetype of solar divinity, which appears in almost every ancient culture. Solar worship represented the source of life, cosmic order, and justice, and solar deities were revered for their protection and power.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMON-RA aka Lord Azazel Connections Part 2
Yes, there are certain parallels and possible connections between the Babylonian solar gods and Amun-Ra from Egypt, but the exact names I mentioned do not appear directly in your text. However, there are some interesting points of connection:

1. Utu / Shamash – The Mesopotamian Sun God

  • Utu (Sumerian) / Shamash (Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian) was the sun god in Mesopotamian mythology, worshipped in Larsa and Sippar.
  • In Egypt, Ra is his counterpart, also being the god of the sun and justice.
  • The temple E-babbar ("House of Light") in Larsa is similar in name and function to the Egyptian temples of Ra and Amun-Ra, which were centres of solar worship.

2. E-dur-an-ki – "House of the Bond Between Heaven and Earth"

  • This name resembles Amun-Ra’s celestial mediator role in Egypt.
  • The connection to the sky is essential in Amun’s worship, especially in his form as Amun-Ra.

3. The Names "Ararwa" and "Aste Azaga"

  • "Ararwa" (which supposedly means "heavenly light") is similar in meaning to Ra/Amun-Ra, who symbolised divine light.
  • "Aste Azaga" (sacred/shining/pure throne) has a meaning similar to the Egyptian titles of Amun-Ra, which included concepts of kingship, purity, and brilliance. - Brilliance has to do with Aquarius which Lord Azazel has , beside the other many things.

4. The God Shamiyah

  • The name "Shamiyah" may be linked to the Semitic root ŠM (Shamash), meaning "sun" or "light," just like Ra.
  • In some interpretations, Shamash was seen as an "eye of the heavens," similar to how Ra was perceived in Egypt.


Although Amun-Ra is not directly mentioned in these Mesopotamian sources, there are thematic and linguistic similarities between:

  • Utu/Shamash and Ra/Amun-Ra as solar God[s] and deitieS of justice.
  • E-babbar ("House of Light") and the temples of Ra.
  • Ararwa/Aste Azaga as terms indicating light and divinity, similar to the epithet "shining" used for Ra.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Connections
UDDU [Apollo #Azazel] mantra - can be meet at the Complete Solar Chakra as mantra - https://satanisgod.org/Solar666Chakra_Meditation.html
MARDUK [Amon] mantra - can be meet at the Complete Crown chakra in the Necronomicon version - https://satanisgod.org/Crown666Chakra.html
Those two mantras are a straight connection to those two deities and therefore , our own very chakra and soul and connections which Is hard to explain are existing Due to those Gods as per many many other things but this is Them.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Connections Amon-Ra Azazel
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees), for Spiritual Work, Ophiuchus Degrees of Scorpio**

Possible Connections with Amun-Ra and Shamash
A. Solar and cosmic symbolism
In some interpretations, Shesha is associated with the cosmic cycle and world order, just as Amun-Ra and Shamash represent divine order. - Both Satan and Azazel having Capricorn [Saturn] Saturn being Sat - Truth - Satan , Our GOD
Ra is often depicted with a serpent (Mehen) protecting him in the solar boat. This image recalls the role of Shesha, who protects Vishnu.
In Vedic texts, Shesha is sometimes identified with the sun, although this role is more strongly linked to Surya.
B. The serpent as a symbol of divine protection
In Egypt, the serpent was both protective and chaotic (e.g., Apophis, the serpent of chaos, whom Ra must defeat).
In Mesopotamia, snakes appear in legends such as Enki and Utu/Shamash, and are linked to knowledge and protection.
In India, Shesha protects the universe, just as Mehen protects Ra on his night journey.

Vishnu in Egyptian Mythology:
In Hindu mythology, Vishnu is the guardian god of the universe who maintains the balance between good and evil, protecting the world.
In Egyptian mythology, a god who might play a similar role is Amun-Ra.
Amun-Ra is the supreme god of Egypt, associated with the sun, and is considered the creator and protector of the universe, with the role of maintaining cosmic order.
Ra (the sun god) also has a similar role in maintaining the universal order as Vishnu, in that Ra ensures that the cosmic order is protected and that the world remains stable.
Shesha in Egyptian Mythology:
Shesha is a cosmic serpent in Hindu mythology, often symbolizing the stability of the universe. It supports Vishnu in many iconographies, often being present in the form of a bed for Vishnu, who sleeps on it on the cosmic ocean.

In Egyptian mythology, a deity with a similar role could be Apep (Apophis), who is a god of chaos and darkness, often depicted as a giant serpent. Apep was considered the enemy of Ra, and the whole battle between Ra and Apep symbolized the maintenance of order in the cosmos, in contrast to the forces of chaos.

However, in terms of the role of a protective cosmic serpent, a god closer to Shesha might be Mehen, a protective serpent god who in Egyptian mythology is often associated with the protection of the Sun and light. Mehen wrapped himself around Ra's ship to protect it from the forces of chaos.

Look at the symbols and how much they connect with Azazel Sumerian Sigil , the second symbol of how it starts , also the one of the bottom of the balance[ Which is Azazel ORDER] who looks like a bow , it's also the middle of the Sigil , the other first end bottom one , look with your spiritual eyes.

Azazel and Amon Ra are two different Gods.
He asked which one was Azazel in the Egyptian Pantheon , I have answered the right answer.
I am not saying that I am all-knowing or try to convince people to absolute believe me at all , everyone , especially the Clergy can jump on and contradict my answer, there's many things that need discussing , I have come with this , guided.

Although on the Rituals name is put as Amon Ra , I refer to Amon-Ra as Azazel aka Apollo ,and I would had named that Ritual God AMON instead , I am not saying that is a mistake , it is not , as those two names and deities are very close connected to each other and would not be a mistake either way around , so this is fine.

Azazel is "Atum".
Amun-Ra-Atum - Associated with Atum, the Egyptian primordial god.

Apollo and Amun-Ra - Mystical and Solar Associations
In the religious syncretism of the Hellenistic period (after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great), Greek and Egyptian gods were often assimilated or combined. Thus Apollo could sometimes be associated with Ra or Amun-Ra in syncretic contexts.
Amun-Ra, as god of light and creation, had a similar aura to Apollo, in the sense that both were the source of light and cosmic power. Amun-Ra is often seen as 'hidden' or 'unknown', while Apollo, in his role as prophet and god of light, is seen as a representative of universal truth, similar to Ra's solar vision.

Apollo and Atum - Primordial God
Atumus is a primordial creator god who is often associated with the first sun god in Egypt, as he was believed to have given birth to the universe and also to have a connection with 'light' and 'creation'.

Apollo, in his mythology, is also a creator god through his prophetic acts and his connection to divine wisdom and music. Both Atum and Apollo are also connected to cosmic concepts of order and harmony.

From all the mantras of the Sun, Suryae is the strongest one and this is APOLLO/AZAZEL , Amon-RA [Apollo] is the perfectionate of the SUN and THE SUN which is Him , Azazel.

' Even the Sun will say when He sees you: Behold, for Lord Apollo is coming!' ☀️☀️

I hope I had luck and I have been guided well , please , anyone , be free to comment or disagree , I am not stubborn and I want truth and this is what I hope I did.
May the Gods bless you all and since this is a topic about Azazel then HEIL HAILL APOLLO! Hail AZAZEL💪

Final Note: Every God is special in His way same as we are , we can't truly compare Their level of power against each other as this would be totally wrong and disrespectful , I have respect for all of the Gods , including Amon and Amon Ra and the Rest of Them. We can't even comprehend what they even are but we know we are their descendants and we are trying to discover , know and evolve in order to be able to understand more. They will actively guide as they guided me across my many lives , for as long as one wants to know the Gods and wanting and doing to become one then One should and would eventually be as Them.

Stay Blessed , Stay strong and may the God's release all of us from the darkness and make this world a great and perfect world as They have done with many other Worlds.
We've got the strongest and most powerful beings in the Universe with Us, we cannot fail, we are winning, WE HAVE WON!
The Greeks, most notably Herodotus, equated Horus with Apollo. Therefore, Azazel would be Horus in Egypt.
Azazel is "Atum".
I think he would be Ra. Not Amon Ra who’s a God of his own.

I was researching this so I found this which I think is accurate for God Azazel

And your comment on the God ritual of him confirmed this for me.

It’s good to note that in the Greek equivalents to Azazel found on the Wikipedia page, is Helios. Which is one of the Divine names of Azazel.

I think this one hits the spot the nearest.
It is like the question of Zeus, Beelzebub and Satan in some ways.

In this case, in the Egyptian phanteon, the Deities are merged into one, which is why one can find names of Deities that “identify” the same God, and can create confusion.

Nevertheless, Amon Ra, Horus and Azazel are different Deities, but in some cultures for “simplification” they are merged, because of “similarity.”

[...]Helios is the solar body on the sky [the literal sun][...] Source: AZAZEL - APOLLO
It is like the question of Zeus, Beelzebub and Satan in some ways.

In this case, in the Egyptian phanteon, the Deities are merged into one, which is why one can find names of Deities that “identify” the same God, and can create confusion.

Nevertheless, Amon Ra, Horus and Azazel are different Deities, but in some cultures for “simplification” they are merged, because of “similarity.”
Perfect thank you
There's a strong connection between Amon and Amon-Ra but they are 2 different deities but strongly connected.
It's truly hard to explain and we don't want to leave it as 'it's hard so therefore , never will be any explications, there already are and more will come, in soon time , but yet, so far, many has to go trough what already is instead of complaining of what it is not yet , in order to fully understand].

I wouldn't say that those two Beings are one and the same such as how Satan and Beelzebul are but they are deeply similar and mostly then that, very connected as They both are , Deities of the Sun.

An example to connection as per attributes , abilities and the very own existence I would say GOD Hades and GOD Osiris , are deeply similar in what comes to ALL , as how Azazel and Amon are .

"Amon" is the Egyptian Sun God Amon Ra [This is a connection between Amon and Amon-Ra #Azazel] aka Merodach and the Babylonian God "Marduk"

  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 Degrees of Taurus
  • April 20th-24th
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Pentacles
  • Candle color: Red or Gold*
  • Plant: Nightshade
  • Planet: Sun*
  • Metal: Gold*
  • Animal: Lion*
  • Element of: Fire and Air*
  • Rank: Prince*
  • Amon rules over the Western Region of Hell*
View attachment 5732

Amon is a Day Demon and Governs 40 legions of spirits
He discerns the past, foretells the future, reconciles friends and enemies, procures love and causes love to flourish.
He is one of the most beautiful beings I have ever seen. He has very light blonde hair swept back; he is strongly built and has an enormous amount of positive energy. He is attended by a strong and aggressive falcon. He is literally radiant like the Sun. He is one of the 7 Sons of Satan. He is extremely proud, beautifully built, and very tall and strong.

— High Priestess Maxine
Link : https://joyofsatan.org/DEMONIV/index.html

AZAZEL aka ZAZEL, APOLLO (Greek; God of Shining Sun), Mithra (Roman), Mitra/Surya (Vedic Period), LUGUS/LUGH (Irish/Welsh), SHAMASH (Babylonian), UTU (Sumerian; The Shining One),* SAMAS (Akkadian), BABBAR (Sumerian), Ashur (Assyrian), SHAMIYAH (Hathra), SAMYAZA, SEMJAZA, SEMIHAZAH, SEMIHAZAI (As he appears in a lot of enemy literature, taken from Middle Eastern names and titles of the God)

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees), for Spiritual Work, Ophiuchus Degrees of Scorpio**
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords
Planet: Saturn, the Lunar South Node (Dragon's Tail)
Candle Color: Blue, Black
Metal: Lead
Element of Air
Symbols: The Eagle and the Scorpion; the Faravahar (see below)
Number: 20, also 5, 7, 36**
Rank: Chief Of Security In Hell, works directly with Father Satan

Azazel is the GOD of

View attachment 5734
Link : https://joyofsatan.org/Azazel.html

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMON-RA #Azazel Connections with Amon
If you read upon Lord Azazel connections and names They will meet with the Deity Amon-RA

Yes, there is a connection between Amon-Ra and the gods you mentioned, as they are all associated with solar worship and divinities of light, justice, and cosmic power.

1. Amon-Ra and Apollo (Greek)

Apollo, in Greek mythology, is the god of light, the sun, and prophecy. Although he was not originally a solar deity (this role belonged to Helios), during the Hellenistic period, Apollo became identified with the sun. Amon-Ra, as the supreme god of Egypt, had similar functions, and during the Ptolemaic period, he was sometimes equated with Apollo.

2. Mithra (Roman) and Mitra/Surya (Vedic)

Mithra was an Indo-Iranian god of contracts and light. In the Roman Empire, the cult of Mithras became a mystery religion associated with the invincible sun (Sol Invictus). In Vedic tradition, Mitra and Surya are solar deities with characteristics similar to Mithra and Amon-Ra.

3. Lugus/Lugh (Irish, Welsh)

Lugh is a Celtic god associated with the sun, light, and skill. In Irish mythology, he is called "Lugh the Shining," sharing many traits with other solar deities.

4. Shamash/Utu (Babylonian, Sumerian, Akkadian)

Shamash (Babylonian) and Utu (Sumerian) are gods of the sun, justice, and divine light. This god was seen as a cosmic judge, similar to Ra and Apollo.

5. Ashur (Assyrian)

Ashur, the supreme god of the Assyrians, was sometimes associated with the sun and divine power, sharing common elements with solar gods.

6. Shamiyah (Hatraean)

Shamiyah is a deity from the city of Hatra in Mesopotamia, linked to Shamash and other solar divinities.

7. Samyaza/Semjaza (Apocryphal Jewish Mythology)

Samyaza is a fallen angel [This is where the Jews tried to hide things as they always been done]mentioned in the Book of Enoch. His name likely derives from the Semitic root "Shem" (meaning brightness, name), which may symbolically associate him with solar deities.
- Of course everything that represents true justice, light , power , enlightenment and Sun itself is a 'fallen angel' everything that is related to freedom and knowledge is translated in their language and meaning as 'evil' this is just bullshit to keep people away from the truth. Their own existence, language and literal everything is new comparing to the civilizations and religions and the deities of the past which are and forever be , present , in our day to day lives , just that their name changed.

It is somehow a strange 'coincidence' how those ancient languages which were existing long before the other ones have meant LIGHT , Freedom , Knowledge , Power and the illegal alien enemy has proclaimed those with their newer words the opposite of what they truly meant and mean, this will change , in time, enemy can go fuck themselves , this would be their best release because once the Gods will put their hands on them , oh boy , they will suffer EXTREMLY before they will be fully erased from all the possible existences .


All these gods are part of a common archetype of solar divinity, which appears in almost every ancient culture. Solar worship represented the source of life, cosmic order, and justice, and solar deities were revered for their protection and power.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMON-RA aka Lord Azazel Connections Part 2
Yes, there are certain parallels and possible connections between the Babylonian solar gods and Amun-Ra from Egypt, but the exact names I mentioned do not appear directly in your text. However, there are some interesting points of connection:

1. Utu / Shamash – The Mesopotamian Sun God

  • Utu (Sumerian) / Shamash (Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian) was the sun god in Mesopotamian mythology, worshipped in Larsa and Sippar.
  • In Egypt, Ra is his counterpart, also being the god of the sun and justice.
  • The temple E-babbar ("House of Light") in Larsa is similar in name and function to the Egyptian temples of Ra and Amun-Ra, which were centres of solar worship.

2. E-dur-an-ki – "House of the Bond Between Heaven and Earth"

  • This name resembles Amun-Ra’s celestial mediator role in Egypt.
  • The connection to the sky is essential in Amun’s worship, especially in his form as Amun-Ra.

3. The Names "Ararwa" and "Aste Azaga"

  • "Ararwa" (which supposedly means "heavenly light") is similar in meaning to Ra/Amun-Ra, who symbolised divine light.
  • "Aste Azaga" (sacred/shining/pure throne) has a meaning similar to the Egyptian titles of Amun-Ra, which included concepts of kingship, purity, and brilliance. - Brilliance has to do with Aquarius which Lord Azazel has , beside the other many things.

4. The God Shamiyah

  • The name "Shamiyah" may be linked to the Semitic root ŠM (Shamash), meaning "sun" or "light," just like Ra.
  • In some interpretations, Shamash was seen as an "eye of the heavens," similar to how Ra was perceived in Egypt.


Although Amun-Ra is not directly mentioned in these Mesopotamian sources, there are thematic and linguistic similarities between:

  • Utu/Shamash and Ra/Amun-Ra as solar God[s] and deitieS of justice.
  • E-babbar ("House of Light") and the temples of Ra.
  • Ararwa/Aste Azaga as terms indicating light and divinity, similar to the epithet "shining" used for Ra.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Connections
UDDU [Apollo #Azazel] mantra - can be meet at the Complete Solar Chakra as mantra - https://satanisgod.org/Solar666Chakra_Meditation.html
MARDUK [Amon] mantra - can be meet at the Complete Crown chakra in the Necronomicon version - https://satanisgod.org/Crown666Chakra.html
Those two mantras are a straight connection to those two deities and therefore , our own very chakra and soul and connections which Is hard to explain are existing Due to those Gods as per many many other things but this is Them.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Connections Amon-Ra Azazel
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees), for Spiritual Work, Ophiuchus Degrees of Scorpio**

Possible Connections with Amun-Ra and Shamash
A. Solar and cosmic symbolism
In some interpretations, Shesha is associated with the cosmic cycle and world order, just as Amun-Ra and Shamash represent divine order. - Both Satan and Azazel having Capricorn [Saturn] Saturn being Sat - Truth - Satan , Our GOD
Ra is often depicted with a serpent (Mehen) protecting him in the solar boat. This image recalls the role of Shesha, who protects Vishnu.
In Vedic texts, Shesha is sometimes identified with the sun, although this role is more strongly linked to Surya.
B. The serpent as a symbol of divine protection
In Egypt, the serpent was both protective and chaotic (e.g., Apophis, the serpent of chaos, whom Ra must defeat).
In Mesopotamia, snakes appear in legends such as Enki and Utu/Shamash, and are linked to knowledge and protection.
In India, Shesha protects the universe, just as Mehen protects Ra on his night journey.

Vishnu in Egyptian Mythology:
In Hindu mythology, Vishnu is the guardian god of the universe who maintains the balance between good and evil, protecting the world.
In Egyptian mythology, a god who might play a similar role is Amun-Ra.
Amun-Ra is the supreme god of Egypt, associated with the sun, and is considered the creator and protector of the universe, with the role of maintaining cosmic order.
Ra (the sun god) also has a similar role in maintaining the universal order as Vishnu, in that Ra ensures that the cosmic order is protected and that the world remains stable.
Shesha in Egyptian Mythology:
Shesha is a cosmic serpent in Hindu mythology, often symbolizing the stability of the universe. It supports Vishnu in many iconographies, often being present in the form of a bed for Vishnu, who sleeps on it on the cosmic ocean.

In Egyptian mythology, a deity with a similar role could be Apep (Apophis), who is a god of chaos and darkness, often depicted as a giant serpent. Apep was considered the enemy of Ra, and the whole battle between Ra and Apep symbolized the maintenance of order in the cosmos, in contrast to the forces of chaos.

However, in terms of the role of a protective cosmic serpent, a god closer to Shesha might be Mehen, a protective serpent god who in Egyptian mythology is often associated with the protection of the Sun and light. Mehen wrapped himself around Ra's ship to protect it from the forces of chaos.
View attachment 5736View attachment 5737
Look at the symbols and how much they connect with Azazel Sumerian Sigil , the second symbol of how it starts , also the one of the bottom of the balance[ Which is Azazel ORDER] who looks like a bow , it's also the middle of the Sigil , the other first end bottom one , look with your spiritual eyes.

He asked which one was Azazel in the Egyptian Pantheon , I have answered the right answer.
I am not saying that I am all-knowing or try to convince people to absolute believe me at all , everyone , especially the Clergy can jump on and contradict my answer, there's many things that need discussing , I have come with this , guided.

Although on the Rituals name is put as Amon Ra , I refer to Amon-Ra as Azazel aka Apollo ,and I would had named that Ritual God AMON instead , I am not saying that is a mistake , it is not , as those two names and deities are very close connected to each other and would not be a mistake either way around , so this is fine.

Amun-Ra-Atum - Associated with Atum, the Egyptian primordial god.

Apollo and Amun-Ra - Mystical and Solar Associations
In the religious syncretism of the Hellenistic period (after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great), Greek and Egyptian gods were often assimilated or combined. Thus Apollo could sometimes be associated with Ra or Amun-Ra in syncretic contexts.
Amun-Ra, as god of light and creation, had a similar aura to Apollo, in the sense that both were the source of light and cosmic power. Amun-Ra is often seen as 'hidden' or 'unknown', while Apollo, in his role as prophet and god of light, is seen as a representative of universal truth, similar to Ra's solar vision.

Apollo and Atum - Primordial God
Atumus is a primordial creator god who is often associated with the first sun god in Egypt, as he was believed to have given birth to the universe and also to have a connection with 'light' and 'creation'.

Apollo, in his mythology, is also a creator god through his prophetic acts and his connection to divine wisdom and music. Both Atum and Apollo are also connected to cosmic concepts of order and harmony.

From all the mantras of the Sun, Suryae is the strongest one and this is APOLLO/AZAZEL , Amon-RA [Apollo] is the perfectionate of the SUN and THE SUN which is Him , Azazel.

' Even the Sun will say when He sees you: Behold, for Lord Apollo is coming!' ☀️☀️

I hope I had luck and I have been guided well , please , anyone , be free to comment or disagree , I am not stubborn and I want truth and this is what I hope I did.
May the Gods bless you all and since this is a topic about Azazel then HEIL HAILL APOLLO! Hail AZAZEL💪
View attachment 5738

Final Note: Every God is special in His way same as we are , we can't truly compare Their level of power against each other as this would be totally wrong and disrespectful , I have respect for all of the Gods , including Amon and Amon Ra and the Rest of Them. We can't even comprehend what they even are but we know we are their descendants and we are trying to discover , know and evolve in order to be able to understand more. They will actively guide as they guided me across my many lives , for as long as one wants to know the Gods and wanting and doing to become one then One should and would eventually be as Them.

Stay Blessed , Stay strong and may the God's release all of us from the darkness and make this world a great and perfect world as They have done with many other Worlds.
We've got the strongest and most powerful beings in the Universe with Us, we cannot fail, we are winning, WE HAVE WON!
Outstanding post, heaps of great information.
One question: You say Satan and Belezabul are one and the same. Does that mean they are not two separate beings, but the one God?
Outstanding post, heaps of great information.
One question: You say Satan and Belezabul are one and the same. Does that mean they are not two separate beings, but the one God?
That means they are and are not at, at the same time, same being, but they are 'somehow' one.
Whatever one sees the other one sees , what the other is feeling is what the other one is feeling , is like two consciousness's emerged into one, but in harmony .
They are two two different beings but Satan is more then a Being , their case is and will forever be the only special one on this kind of matter.
Their are deeply and actually FULLY inter-connected and inseparable of each other.

Beelzebub is Satan's brother after his father.

There's darkness and there's light , Satan symbolize more the Darkness and destruction part of it , the absolution , the beyond everything and Beelzebub is the light , the one who could had seen within the darkness , the one who could See and Understand Satan and His concepts of everything , therefore they represent the Yin and Yang , the right and left arm.

Satan , from a non being perspective [which He is] is also the primary concept of all that has been founded upon, while Beelzebub is the GOD of the Universe , Satan is beyond the universe , beyond any limits , think about this Satan is the subconsciousness [and not only that] and Zeus/Beelzebub is the consciousness. Those two leading to what we have today 'mind' , not only mind but also a soul , a body , on many levels.

The realm of the dreams is unlimited , this is what beyond the Universe means, this is one of Father Satan realms , the infinitum on no conditions and limits and also Satan is the very dreams in itself , according to our own consciousness , we can only see and understand what we are 'limited' by our own self, the more we dive into spirituality and dreams, the more we understand of the Gods , mostly of Father Satan.

They are absolute because they are together , as it should be , leading to this universe working.

The other story is not as in literal as with them two GOD's , in their case, this is as in literal actual thing.

Just because someone calls on Satan that does not mean that Beelzebub will automatically get involved , He will be there but not reacting at anyhow , same goes if someone calls upon on Beelzebub , that would not mean Satan gets involved straight away , it will be only Beelzebub , although they are One, They will be aware of you on the same kind of level regardless of which one would you contact. They 'guide' each other, and talk , understood each other.

Satan remains and is beyond GOD , I think GOD Beelzebub , which is indeed the GOD of the entire Universe and the GOD of the GOD's and Humans , while Satan is beyond one foot away out of the Universe as HPHC said, Beelzebub was the only one who could see , not only trough Satan as a being but to all of his very concept and everything that he represents, therefore , being the only one who could Fully understand Satan and emerging into him , made Him GOD , on his own very merit ,credit and power.

Beelzebub is the one who deals with all of the matters within the Universe and Satan is the one who deals with all of the matters within the entire universe and BEYOND , mostly on the BEYOND matters of the universe.
That means they are and are not at, at the same time, same being, but they are 'somehow' one.
Whatever one sees the other one sees , what the other is feeling is what the other one is feeling , is like two consciousness's emerged into one, but in harmony .
They are two two different beings but Satan is more then a Being , their case is and will forever be the only special one on this kind of matter.
Their are deeply and actually FULLY inter-connected and inseparable of each other.

Beelzebub is Satan's brother after his father.

There's darkness and there's light , Satan symbolize more the Darkness and destruction part of it , the absolution , the beyond everything and Beelzebub is the light , the one who could had seen within the darkness , the one who could See and Understand Satan and His concepts of everything , therefore they represent the Yin and Yang , the right and left arm.

Satan , from a non being perspective [which He is] is also the primary concept of all that has been founded upon, while Beelzebub is the GOD of the Universe , Satan is beyond the universe , beyond any limits , think about this Satan is the subconsciousness [and not only that] and Zeus/Beelzebub is the consciousness. Those two leading to what we have today 'mind' , not only mind but also a soul , a body , on many levels.

The realm of the dreams is unlimited , this is what beyond the Universe means, this is one of Father Satan realms , the infinitum on no conditions and limits and also Satan is the very dreams in itself , according to our own consciousness , we can only see and understand what we are 'limited' by our own self, the more we dive into spirituality and dreams, the more we understand of the Gods , mostly of Father Satan.

They are absolute because they are together , as it should be , leading to this universe working.

The other story is not as in literal as with them two GOD's , in their case, this is as in literal actual thing.

Just because someone calls on Satan that does not mean that Beelzebub will automatically get involved , He will be there but not reacting at anyhow , same goes if someone calls upon on Beelzebub , that would not mean Satan gets involved straight away , it will be only Beelzebub , although they are One, They will be aware of you on the same kind of level regardless of which one would you contact. They 'guide' each other, and talk , understood each other.

Satan remains and is beyond GOD , I think GOD Beelzebub , which is indeed the GOD of the entire Universe and the GOD of the GOD's and Humans , while Satan is beyond one foot away out of the Universe as HPHC said, Beelzebub was the only one who could see , not only trough Satan as a being but to all of his very concept and everything that he represents, therefore , being the only one who could Fully understand Satan and emerging into him , made Him GOD , on his own very merit ,credit and power.

Beelzebub is the one who deals with all of the matters within the Universe and Satan is the one who deals with all of the matters within the entire universe and BEYOND , mostly on the BEYOND matters of the universe.
A lot to think about.
Thanks very much Viego😊
A lot to think about.
Thanks very much Viego😊
Actually, after thinking about it, what you are describing is Pantheism: stressing the identity between God (Beelzebul) and the universe. Panentheism: (Greek en, “in”) that the universe is included in God (Satan) but that God is more than the universe.
The actual working relationship between both.
Very interesting 🤔
Actually, after thinking about it, what you are describing is Pantheism: stressing the identity between God (Beelzebul) and the universe. Panentheism: (Greek en, “in”) that the universe is included in God (Satan) but that God is more than the universe.
The actual working relationship between both.
Very interesting 🤔
You got it ! You're way more far ahead then the others by VERY A LOT! I bet that you will reach very far [in a good way] my , Spiritual Brother/Sister in Satan.
There's a strong connection between Amon and Amon-Ra but they are 2 different deities but strongly connected.
It's truly hard to explain and we don't want to leave it as 'it's hard so therefore , never will be any explications, there already are and more will come, in soon time , but yet, so far, many has to go trough what already is instead of complaining of what it is not yet , in order to fully understand].

I wouldn't say that those two Beings are one and the same such as how Satan and Beelzebul are but they are deeply similar and mostly then that, very connected as They both are , Deities of the Sun.

An example to connection as per attributes , abilities and the very own existence I would say GOD Hades and GOD Osiris , are deeply similar in what comes to ALL , as how Azazel and Amon are .

"Amon" is the Egyptian Sun God Amon Ra [This is a connection between Amon and Amon-Ra #Azazel] aka Merodach and the Babylonian God "Marduk"

  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 Degrees of Taurus
  • April 20th-24th
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Pentacles
  • Candle color: Red or Gold*
  • Plant: Nightshade
  • Planet: Sun*
  • Metal: Gold*
  • Animal: Lion*
  • Element of: Fire and Air*
  • Rank: Prince*
  • Amon rules over the Western Region of Hell*
View attachment 5732

Amon is a Day Demon and Governs 40 legions of spirits
He discerns the past, foretells the future, reconciles friends and enemies, procures love and causes love to flourish.
He is one of the most beautiful beings I have ever seen. He has very light blonde hair swept back; he is strongly built and has an enormous amount of positive energy. He is attended by a strong and aggressive falcon. He is literally radiant like the Sun. He is one of the 7 Sons of Satan. He is extremely proud, beautifully built, and very tall and strong.

— High Priestess Maxine
Link : https://joyofsatan.org/DEMONIV/index.html

AZAZEL aka ZAZEL, APOLLO (Greek; God of Shining Sun), Mithra (Roman), Mitra/Surya (Vedic Period), LUGUS/LUGH (Irish/Welsh), SHAMASH (Babylonian), UTU (Sumerian; The Shining One),* SAMAS (Akkadian), BABBAR (Sumerian), Ashur (Assyrian), SHAMIYAH (Hathra), SAMYAZA, SEMJAZA, SEMIHAZAH, SEMIHAZAI (As he appears in a lot of enemy literature, taken from Middle Eastern names and titles of the God)

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees), for Spiritual Work, Ophiuchus Degrees of Scorpio**
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords
Planet: Saturn, the Lunar South Node (Dragon's Tail)
Candle Color: Blue, Black
Metal: Lead
Element of Air
Symbols: The Eagle and the Scorpion; the Faravahar (see below)
Number: 20, also 5, 7, 36**
Rank: Chief Of Security In Hell, works directly with Father Satan

Azazel is the GOD of

View attachment 5734
Link : https://joyofsatan.org/Azazel.html

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMON-RA #Azazel Connections with Amon
If you read upon Lord Azazel connections and names They will meet with the Deity Amon-RA

Yes, there is a connection between Amon-Ra and the gods you mentioned, as they are all associated with solar worship and divinities of light, justice, and cosmic power.

1. Amon-Ra and Apollo (Greek)

Apollo, in Greek mythology, is the god of light, the sun, and prophecy. Although he was not originally a solar deity (this role belonged to Helios), during the Hellenistic period, Apollo became identified with the sun. Amon-Ra, as the supreme god of Egypt, had similar functions, and during the Ptolemaic period, he was sometimes equated with Apollo.

2. Mithra (Roman) and Mitra/Surya (Vedic)

Mithra was an Indo-Iranian god of contracts and light. In the Roman Empire, the cult of Mithras became a mystery religion associated with the invincible sun (Sol Invictus). In Vedic tradition, Mitra and Surya are solar deities with characteristics similar to Mithra and Amon-Ra.

3. Lugus/Lugh (Irish, Welsh)

Lugh is a Celtic god associated with the sun, light, and skill. In Irish mythology, he is called "Lugh the Shining," sharing many traits with other solar deities.

4. Shamash/Utu (Babylonian, Sumerian, Akkadian)

Shamash (Babylonian) and Utu (Sumerian) are gods of the sun, justice, and divine light. This god was seen as a cosmic judge, similar to Ra and Apollo.

5. Ashur (Assyrian)

Ashur, the supreme god of the Assyrians, was sometimes associated with the sun and divine power, sharing common elements with solar gods.

6. Shamiyah (Hatraean)

Shamiyah is a deity from the city of Hatra in Mesopotamia, linked to Shamash and other solar divinities.

7. Samyaza/Semjaza (Apocryphal Jewish Mythology)

Samyaza is a fallen angel [This is where the Jews tried to hide things as they always been done]mentioned in the Book of Enoch. His name likely derives from the Semitic root "Shem" (meaning brightness, name), which may symbolically associate him with solar deities.
- Of course everything that represents true justice, light , power , enlightenment and Sun itself is a 'fallen angel' everything that is related to freedom and knowledge is translated in their language and meaning as 'evil' this is just bullshit to keep people away from the truth. Their own existence, language and literal everything is new comparing to the civilizations and religions and the deities of the past which are and forever be , present , in our day to day lives , just that their name changed.

It is somehow a strange 'coincidence' how those ancient languages which were existing long before the other ones have meant LIGHT , Freedom , Knowledge , Power and the illegal alien enemy has proclaimed those with their newer words the opposite of what they truly meant and mean, this will change , in time, enemy can go fuck themselves , this would be their best release because once the Gods will put their hands on them , oh boy , they will suffer EXTREMLY before they will be fully erased from all the possible existences .


All these gods are part of a common archetype of solar divinity, which appears in almost every ancient culture. Solar worship represented the source of life, cosmic order, and justice, and solar deities were revered for their protection and power.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMON-RA aka Lord Azazel Connections Part 2
Yes, there are certain parallels and possible connections between the Babylonian solar gods and Amun-Ra from Egypt, but the exact names I mentioned do not appear directly in your text. However, there are some interesting points of connection:

1. Utu / Shamash – The Mesopotamian Sun God

  • Utu (Sumerian) / Shamash (Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian) was the sun god in Mesopotamian mythology, worshipped in Larsa and Sippar.
  • In Egypt, Ra is his counterpart, also being the god of the sun and justice.
  • The temple E-babbar ("House of Light") in Larsa is similar in name and function to the Egyptian temples of Ra and Amun-Ra, which were centres of solar worship.

2. E-dur-an-ki – "House of the Bond Between Heaven and Earth"

  • This name resembles Amun-Ra’s celestial mediator role in Egypt.
  • The connection to the sky is essential in Amun’s worship, especially in his form as Amun-Ra.

3. The Names "Ararwa" and "Aste Azaga"

  • "Ararwa" (which supposedly means "heavenly light") is similar in meaning to Ra/Amun-Ra, who symbolised divine light.
  • "Aste Azaga" (sacred/shining/pure throne) has a meaning similar to the Egyptian titles of Amun-Ra, which included concepts of kingship, purity, and brilliance. - Brilliance has to do with Aquarius which Lord Azazel has , beside the other many things.

4. The God Shamiyah

  • The name "Shamiyah" may be linked to the Semitic root ŠM (Shamash), meaning "sun" or "light," just like Ra.
  • In some interpretations, Shamash was seen as an "eye of the heavens," similar to how Ra was perceived in Egypt.


Although Amun-Ra is not directly mentioned in these Mesopotamian sources, there are thematic and linguistic similarities between:

  • Utu/Shamash and Ra/Amun-Ra as solar God[s] and deitieS of justice.
  • E-babbar ("House of Light") and the temples of Ra.
  • Ararwa/Aste Azaga as terms indicating light and divinity, similar to the epithet "shining" used for Ra.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Connections
UDDU [Apollo #Azazel] mantra - can be meet at the Complete Solar Chakra as mantra - https://satanisgod.org/Solar666Chakra_Meditation.html
MARDUK [Amon] mantra - can be meet at the Complete Crown chakra in the Necronomicon version - https://satanisgod.org/Crown666Chakra.html
Those two mantras are a straight connection to those two deities and therefore , our own very chakra and soul and connections which Is hard to explain are existing Due to those Gods as per many many other things but this is Them.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Connections Amon-Ra Azazel
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees), for Spiritual Work, Ophiuchus Degrees of Scorpio**

Possible Connections with Amun-Ra and Shamash
A. Solar and cosmic symbolism
In some interpretations, Shesha is associated with the cosmic cycle and world order, just as Amun-Ra and Shamash represent divine order. - Both Satan and Azazel having Capricorn [Saturn] Saturn being Sat - Truth - Satan , Our GOD
Ra is often depicted with a serpent (Mehen) protecting him in the solar boat. This image recalls the role of Shesha, who protects Vishnu.
In Vedic texts, Shesha is sometimes identified with the sun, although this role is more strongly linked to Surya.
B. The serpent as a symbol of divine protection
In Egypt, the serpent was both protective and chaotic (e.g., Apophis, the serpent of chaos, whom Ra must defeat).
In Mesopotamia, snakes appear in legends such as Enki and Utu/Shamash, and are linked to knowledge and protection.
In India, Shesha protects the universe, just as Mehen protects Ra on his night journey.

Vishnu in Egyptian Mythology:
In Hindu mythology, Vishnu is the guardian god of the universe who maintains the balance between good and evil, protecting the world.
In Egyptian mythology, a god who might play a similar role is Amun-Ra.
Amun-Ra is the supreme god of Egypt, associated with the sun, and is considered the creator and protector of the universe, with the role of maintaining cosmic order.
Ra (the sun god) also has a similar role in maintaining the universal order as Vishnu, in that Ra ensures that the cosmic order is protected and that the world remains stable.
Shesha in Egyptian Mythology:
Shesha is a cosmic serpent in Hindu mythology, often symbolizing the stability of the universe. It supports Vishnu in many iconographies, often being present in the form of a bed for Vishnu, who sleeps on it on the cosmic ocean.

In Egyptian mythology, a deity with a similar role could be Apep (Apophis), who is a god of chaos and darkness, often depicted as a giant serpent. Apep was considered the enemy of Ra, and the whole battle between Ra and Apep symbolized the maintenance of order in the cosmos, in contrast to the forces of chaos.

However, in terms of the role of a protective cosmic serpent, a god closer to Shesha might be Mehen, a protective serpent god who in Egyptian mythology is often associated with the protection of the Sun and light. Mehen wrapped himself around Ra's ship to protect it from the forces of chaos.
View attachment 5736View attachment 5737
Look at the symbols and how much they connect with Azazel Sumerian Sigil , the second symbol of how it starts , also the one of the bottom of the balance[ Which is Azazel ORDER] who looks like a bow , it's also the middle of the Sigil , the other first end bottom one , look with your spiritual eyes.

He asked which one was Azazel in the Egyptian Pantheon , I have answered the right answer.
I am not saying that I am all-knowing or try to convince people to absolute believe me at all , everyone , especially the Clergy can jump on and contradict my answer, there's many things that need discussing , I have come with this , guided.

Although on the Rituals name is put as Amon Ra , I refer to Amon-Ra as Azazel aka Apollo ,and I would had named that Ritual God AMON instead , I am not saying that is a mistake , it is not , as those two names and deities are very close connected to each other and would not be a mistake either way around , so this is fine.

Amun-Ra-Atum - Associated with Atum, the Egyptian primordial god.

Apollo and Amun-Ra - Mystical and Solar Associations
In the religious syncretism of the Hellenistic period (after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great), Greek and Egyptian gods were often assimilated or combined. Thus Apollo could sometimes be associated with Ra or Amun-Ra in syncretic contexts.
Amun-Ra, as god of light and creation, had a similar aura to Apollo, in the sense that both were the source of light and cosmic power. Amun-Ra is often seen as 'hidden' or 'unknown', while Apollo, in his role as prophet and god of light, is seen as a representative of universal truth, similar to Ra's solar vision.

Apollo and Atum - Primordial God
Atumus is a primordial creator god who is often associated with the first sun god in Egypt, as he was believed to have given birth to the universe and also to have a connection with 'light' and 'creation'.

Apollo, in his mythology, is also a creator god through his prophetic acts and his connection to divine wisdom and music. Both Atum and Apollo are also connected to cosmic concepts of order and harmony.

From all the mantras of the Sun, Suryae is the strongest one and this is APOLLO/AZAZEL , Amon-RA [Apollo] is the perfectionate of the SUN and THE SUN which is Him , Azazel.

' Even the Sun will say when He sees you: Behold, for Lord Apollo is coming!' ☀️☀️

I hope I had luck and I have been guided well , please , anyone , be free to comment or disagree , I am not stubborn and I want truth and this is what I hope I did.
May the Gods bless you all and since this is a topic about Azazel then HEIL HAILL APOLLO! Hail AZAZEL💪
View attachment 5738

Final Note: Every God is special in His way same as we are , we can't truly compare Their level of power against each other as this would be totally wrong and disrespectful , I have respect for all of the Gods , including Amon and Amon Ra and the Rest of Them. We can't even comprehend what they even are but we know we are their descendants and we are trying to discover , know and evolve in order to be able to understand more. They will actively guide as they guided me across my many lives , for as long as one wants to know the Gods and wanting and doing to become one then One should and would eventually be as Them.

Stay Blessed , Stay strong and may the God's release all of us from the darkness and make this world a great and perfect world as They have done with many other Worlds.
We've got the strongest and most powerful beings in the Universe with Us, we cannot fail, we are winning, WE HAVE WON!
This is very well written. I read it. Why don't you make it a topic?
There's a strong connection between Amon and Amon-Ra but they are 2 different deities but strongly connected.
It's truly hard to explain and we don't want to leave it as 'it's hard so therefore , never will be any explications, there already are and more will come, in soon time , but yet, so far, many has to go trough what already is instead of complaining of what it is not yet , in order to fully understand].

I wouldn't say that those two Beings are one and the same such as how Satan and Beelzebul are but they are deeply similar and mostly then that, very connected as They both are , Deities of the Sun.

An example to connection as per attributes , abilities and the very own existence I would say GOD Hades and GOD Osiris , are deeply similar in what comes to ALL , as how Azazel and Amon are .

"Amon" is the Egyptian Sun God Amon Ra [This is a connection between Amon and Amon-Ra #Azazel] aka Merodach and the Babylonian God "Marduk"

  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 Degrees of Taurus
  • April 20th-24th
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Pentacles
  • Candle color: Red or Gold*
  • Plant: Nightshade
  • Planet: Sun*
  • Metal: Gold*
  • Animal: Lion*
  • Element of: Fire and Air*
  • Rank: Prince*
  • Amon rules over the Western Region of Hell*
View attachment 5732

Amon is a Day Demon and Governs 40 legions of spirits
He discerns the past, foretells the future, reconciles friends and enemies, procures love and causes love to flourish.
He is one of the most beautiful beings I have ever seen. He has very light blonde hair swept back; he is strongly built and has an enormous amount of positive energy. He is attended by a strong and aggressive falcon. He is literally radiant like the Sun. He is one of the 7 Sons of Satan. He is extremely proud, beautifully built, and very tall and strong.

— High Priestess Maxine
Link : https://joyofsatan.org/DEMONIV/index.html

AZAZEL aka ZAZEL, APOLLO (Greek; God of Shining Sun), Mithra (Roman), Mitra/Surya (Vedic Period), LUGUS/LUGH (Irish/Welsh), SHAMASH (Babylonian), UTU (Sumerian; The Shining One),* SAMAS (Akkadian), BABBAR (Sumerian), Ashur (Assyrian), SHAMIYAH (Hathra), SAMYAZA, SEMJAZA, SEMIHAZAH, SEMIHAZAI (As he appears in a lot of enemy literature, taken from Middle Eastern names and titles of the God)

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees), for Spiritual Work, Ophiuchus Degrees of Scorpio**
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords
Planet: Saturn, the Lunar South Node (Dragon's Tail)
Candle Color: Blue, Black
Metal: Lead
Element of Air
Symbols: The Eagle and the Scorpion; the Faravahar (see below)
Number: 20, also 5, 7, 36**
Rank: Chief Of Security In Hell, works directly with Father Satan

Azazel is the GOD of

View attachment 5734
Link : https://joyofsatan.org/Azazel.html

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMON-RA #Azazel Connections with Amon
If you read upon Lord Azazel connections and names They will meet with the Deity Amon-RA

Yes, there is a connection between Amon-Ra and the gods you mentioned, as they are all associated with solar worship and divinities of light, justice, and cosmic power.

1. Amon-Ra and Apollo (Greek)

Apollo, in Greek mythology, is the god of light, the sun, and prophecy. Although he was not originally a solar deity (this role belonged to Helios), during the Hellenistic period, Apollo became identified with the sun. Amon-Ra, as the supreme god of Egypt, had similar functions, and during the Ptolemaic period, he was sometimes equated with Apollo.

2. Mithra (Roman) and Mitra/Surya (Vedic)

Mithra was an Indo-Iranian god of contracts and light. In the Roman Empire, the cult of Mithras became a mystery religion associated with the invincible sun (Sol Invictus). In Vedic tradition, Mitra and Surya are solar deities with characteristics similar to Mithra and Amon-Ra.

3. Lugus/Lugh (Irish, Welsh)

Lugh is a Celtic god associated with the sun, light, and skill. In Irish mythology, he is called "Lugh the Shining," sharing many traits with other solar deities.

4. Shamash/Utu (Babylonian, Sumerian, Akkadian)

Shamash (Babylonian) and Utu (Sumerian) are gods of the sun, justice, and divine light. This god was seen as a cosmic judge, similar to Ra and Apollo.

5. Ashur (Assyrian)

Ashur, the supreme god of the Assyrians, was sometimes associated with the sun and divine power, sharing common elements with solar gods.

6. Shamiyah (Hatraean)

Shamiyah is a deity from the city of Hatra in Mesopotamia, linked to Shamash and other solar divinities.

7. Samyaza/Semjaza (Apocryphal Jewish Mythology)

Samyaza is a fallen angel [This is where the Jews tried to hide things as they always been done]mentioned in the Book of Enoch. His name likely derives from the Semitic root "Shem" (meaning brightness, name), which may symbolically associate him with solar deities.
- Of course everything that represents true justice, light , power , enlightenment and Sun itself is a 'fallen angel' everything that is related to freedom and knowledge is translated in their language and meaning as 'evil' this is just bullshit to keep people away from the truth. Their own existence, language and literal everything is new comparing to the civilizations and religions and the deities of the past which are and forever be , present , in our day to day lives , just that their name changed.

It is somehow a strange 'coincidence' how those ancient languages which were existing long before the other ones have meant LIGHT , Freedom , Knowledge , Power and the illegal alien enemy has proclaimed those with their newer words the opposite of what they truly meant and mean, this will change , in time, enemy can go fuck themselves , this would be their best release because once the Gods will put their hands on them , oh boy , they will suffer EXTREMLY before they will be fully erased from all the possible existences .


All these gods are part of a common archetype of solar divinity, which appears in almost every ancient culture. Solar worship represented the source of life, cosmic order, and justice, and solar deities were revered for their protection and power.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMON-RA aka Lord Azazel Connections Part 2
Yes, there are certain parallels and possible connections between the Babylonian solar gods and Amun-Ra from Egypt, but the exact names I mentioned do not appear directly in your text. However, there are some interesting points of connection:

1. Utu / Shamash – The Mesopotamian Sun God

  • Utu (Sumerian) / Shamash (Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian) was the sun god in Mesopotamian mythology, worshipped in Larsa and Sippar.
  • In Egypt, Ra is his counterpart, also being the god of the sun and justice.
  • The temple E-babbar ("House of Light") in Larsa is similar in name and function to the Egyptian temples of Ra and Amun-Ra, which were centres of solar worship.

2. E-dur-an-ki – "House of the Bond Between Heaven and Earth"

  • This name resembles Amun-Ra’s celestial mediator role in Egypt.
  • The connection to the sky is essential in Amun’s worship, especially in his form as Amun-Ra.

3. The Names "Ararwa" and "Aste Azaga"

  • "Ararwa" (which supposedly means "heavenly light") is similar in meaning to Ra/Amun-Ra, who symbolised divine light.
  • "Aste Azaga" (sacred/shining/pure throne) has a meaning similar to the Egyptian titles of Amun-Ra, which included concepts of kingship, purity, and brilliance. - Brilliance has to do with Aquarius which Lord Azazel has , beside the other many things.

4. The God Shamiyah

  • The name "Shamiyah" may be linked to the Semitic root ŠM (Shamash), meaning "sun" or "light," just like Ra.
  • In some interpretations, Shamash was seen as an "eye of the heavens," similar to how Ra was perceived in Egypt.


Although Amun-Ra is not directly mentioned in these Mesopotamian sources, there are thematic and linguistic similarities between:

  • Utu/Shamash and Ra/Amun-Ra as solar God[s] and deitieS of justice.
  • E-babbar ("House of Light") and the temples of Ra.
  • Ararwa/Aste Azaga as terms indicating light and divinity, similar to the epithet "shining" used for Ra.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Connections
UDDU [Apollo #Azazel] mantra - can be meet at the Complete Solar Chakra as mantra - https://satanisgod.org/Solar666Chakra_Meditation.html
MARDUK [Amon] mantra - can be meet at the Complete Crown chakra in the Necronomicon version - https://satanisgod.org/Crown666Chakra.html
Those two mantras are a straight connection to those two deities and therefore , our own very chakra and soul and connections which Is hard to explain are existing Due to those Gods as per many many other things but this is Them.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Connections Amon-Ra Azazel
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees), for Spiritual Work, Ophiuchus Degrees of Scorpio**

Possible Connections with Amun-Ra and Shamash
A. Solar and cosmic symbolism
In some interpretations, Shesha is associated with the cosmic cycle and world order, just as Amun-Ra and Shamash represent divine order. - Both Satan and Azazel having Capricorn [Saturn] Saturn being Sat - Truth - Satan , Our GOD
Ra is often depicted with a serpent (Mehen) protecting him in the solar boat. This image recalls the role of Shesha, who protects Vishnu.
In Vedic texts, Shesha is sometimes identified with the sun, although this role is more strongly linked to Surya.
B. The serpent as a symbol of divine protection
In Egypt, the serpent was both protective and chaotic (e.g., Apophis, the serpent of chaos, whom Ra must defeat).
In Mesopotamia, snakes appear in legends such as Enki and Utu/Shamash, and are linked to knowledge and protection.
In India, Shesha protects the universe, just as Mehen protects Ra on his night journey.

Vishnu in Egyptian Mythology:
In Hindu mythology, Vishnu is the guardian god of the universe who maintains the balance between good and evil, protecting the world.
In Egyptian mythology, a god who might play a similar role is Amun-Ra.
Amun-Ra is the supreme god of Egypt, associated with the sun, and is considered the creator and protector of the universe, with the role of maintaining cosmic order.
Ra (the sun god) also has a similar role in maintaining the universal order as Vishnu, in that Ra ensures that the cosmic order is protected and that the world remains stable.
Shesha in Egyptian Mythology:
Shesha is a cosmic serpent in Hindu mythology, often symbolizing the stability of the universe. It supports Vishnu in many iconographies, often being present in the form of a bed for Vishnu, who sleeps on it on the cosmic ocean.

In Egyptian mythology, a deity with a similar role could be Apep (Apophis), who is a god of chaos and darkness, often depicted as a giant serpent. Apep was considered the enemy of Ra, and the whole battle between Ra and Apep symbolized the maintenance of order in the cosmos, in contrast to the forces of chaos.

However, in terms of the role of a protective cosmic serpent, a god closer to Shesha might be Mehen, a protective serpent god who in Egyptian mythology is often associated with the protection of the Sun and light. Mehen wrapped himself around Ra's ship to protect it from the forces of chaos.
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Look at the symbols and how much they connect with Azazel Sumerian Sigil , the second symbol of how it starts , also the one of the bottom of the balance[ Which is Azazel ORDER] who looks like a bow , it's also the middle of the Sigil , the other first end bottom one , look with your spiritual eyes.

He asked which one was Azazel in the Egyptian Pantheon , I have answered the right answer.
I am not saying that I am all-knowing or try to convince people to absolute believe me at all , everyone , especially the Clergy can jump on and contradict my answer, there's many things that need discussing , I have come with this , guided.

Although on the Rituals name is put as Amon Ra , I refer to Amon-Ra as Azazel aka Apollo ,and I would had named that Ritual God AMON instead , I am not saying that is a mistake , it is not , as those two names and deities are very close connected to each other and would not be a mistake either way around , so this is fine.

Amun-Ra-Atum - Associated with Atum, the Egyptian primordial god.

Apollo and Amun-Ra - Mystical and Solar Associations
In the religious syncretism of the Hellenistic period (after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great), Greek and Egyptian gods were often assimilated or combined. Thus Apollo could sometimes be associated with Ra or Amun-Ra in syncretic contexts.
Amun-Ra, as god of light and creation, had a similar aura to Apollo, in the sense that both were the source of light and cosmic power. Amun-Ra is often seen as 'hidden' or 'unknown', while Apollo, in his role as prophet and god of light, is seen as a representative of universal truth, similar to Ra's solar vision.

Apollo and Atum - Primordial God
Atumus is a primordial creator god who is often associated with the first sun god in Egypt, as he was believed to have given birth to the universe and also to have a connection with 'light' and 'creation'.

Apollo, in his mythology, is also a creator god through his prophetic acts and his connection to divine wisdom and music. Both Atum and Apollo are also connected to cosmic concepts of order and harmony.

From all the mantras of the Sun, Suryae is the strongest one and this is APOLLO/AZAZEL , Amon-RA [Apollo] is the perfectionate of the SUN and THE SUN which is Him , Azazel.

' Even the Sun will say when He sees you: Behold, for Lord Apollo is coming!' ☀️☀️

I hope I had luck and I have been guided well , please , anyone , be free to comment or disagree , I am not stubborn and I want truth and this is what I hope I did.
May the Gods bless you all and since this is a topic about Azazel then HEIL HAILL APOLLO! Hail AZAZEL💪
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Final Note: Every God is special in His way same as we are , we can't truly compare Their level of power against each other as this would be totally wrong and disrespectful , I have respect for all of the Gods , including Amon and Amon Ra and the Rest of Them. We can't even comprehend what they even are but we know we are their descendants and we are trying to discover , know and evolve in order to be able to understand more. They will actively guide as they guided me across my many lives , for as long as one wants to know the Gods and wanting and doing to become one then One should and would eventually be as Them.

Stay Blessed , Stay strong and may the God's release all of us from the darkness and make this world a great and perfect world as They have done with many other Worlds.
We've got the strongest and most powerful beings in the Universe with Us, we cannot fail, we are winning, WE HAVE WON!
This was very detailed and helpful!
Thank you for your work brother , it’s really easy to read and understand!
This is very well written. I read it. Why don't you make it a topic?
You're right, I should have made a topic, I'm working on it right now.
This was very detailed and helpful!
Thank you for your work brother , it’s really easy to read and understand!
You are very welcome , my pleasure. That's how I intentioned it to be , easily to be absorbed and understood.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
