There used to be a testimonial thread here for any SS to give their story before and after coming to Satan...this is my story.
I was fortunate enough to be born and brought up in the suburbs of a large city in a western democratic country. But that's where my luck ended.
My grandparents were diligent Catholics who lived out on the land during the Depression and two world wars after they got married. My paternal grandfather got a job on the state railways during the Depression and was away for weeks on end, leaving my grandmother to cope at home with the kids. She got through on her own by emotionally burying herself and her children in the Catholic church. She "bashed" my father over the head with Catholicism day and night. This was evident in his total emotional dependence on the church all his life.
After the second world war my father's family moved to the city and this is when he started exhibiting psychological problems. It was little understood in those days, but now he would be diagnosed with "culture shock". He had emotional problems integrating into urban life, moving from one job to another. He eventually met my mother who also came from a staunch Catholic family, and without hardly knowing each other, were married. This was arranged, more or less, by the families. My father drank a lot to medicate his emotional problems, and we went through a lot of trouble with the Police and family services. Some of us were fostered out and didn't see each other again until years later.
I finished high school (studying was difficult under the circumstances). After finishing school I joined the Navy for 10 years. After leaving the navy I did a few odd jobs trying to find my feet in civilian life and eventually settling into retail/customer service.
I was never comfortable with xianity and left it as a teenager.
I came across JoS when surfing the net about 5 years ago about the same time as the advent of Covid-19. At first I didn't really understand what it was? (JoS), was it serious or was someone playing a big joke on everyone? But as I read more I began to understand and I dedicated myself to Father Satan. I did the 40 day employment program and meditated regularly, but not with commitment. I got into a relationship which was totally incompatible with Satanism and I allowed this to distract me and I left (some here might remember my unstable behaviour before I left).
But I came back to Father Satan and my family here at JoS because I was unbelievably sad and had a big void in my life. I'm back into meditating as much as I can and trying to learn spiritually.
One thing I have learned since coming back, is meditation and knowledge, as important as it is, is not enough. We need to learn how to LOVE each other - I can't stress that enough! We need to learn how to LOVE the Gods and each other here as a family.
I look at Father Satan's picture/sigil and repeat to myself..."Father Satan, Father Satan"...over and over again. This has a two-fold effect; it replaces all that programing we were brought up with - and it instills in our hearts and minds a genuine LOVE for our Almighty and loving God, Satan our creator.
The Gods bless my Satanic family!
I was fortunate enough to be born and brought up in the suburbs of a large city in a western democratic country. But that's where my luck ended.
My grandparents were diligent Catholics who lived out on the land during the Depression and two world wars after they got married. My paternal grandfather got a job on the state railways during the Depression and was away for weeks on end, leaving my grandmother to cope at home with the kids. She got through on her own by emotionally burying herself and her children in the Catholic church. She "bashed" my father over the head with Catholicism day and night. This was evident in his total emotional dependence on the church all his life.
After the second world war my father's family moved to the city and this is when he started exhibiting psychological problems. It was little understood in those days, but now he would be diagnosed with "culture shock". He had emotional problems integrating into urban life, moving from one job to another. He eventually met my mother who also came from a staunch Catholic family, and without hardly knowing each other, were married. This was arranged, more or less, by the families. My father drank a lot to medicate his emotional problems, and we went through a lot of trouble with the Police and family services. Some of us were fostered out and didn't see each other again until years later.
I finished high school (studying was difficult under the circumstances). After finishing school I joined the Navy for 10 years. After leaving the navy I did a few odd jobs trying to find my feet in civilian life and eventually settling into retail/customer service.
I was never comfortable with xianity and left it as a teenager.
I came across JoS when surfing the net about 5 years ago about the same time as the advent of Covid-19. At first I didn't really understand what it was? (JoS), was it serious or was someone playing a big joke on everyone? But as I read more I began to understand and I dedicated myself to Father Satan. I did the 40 day employment program and meditated regularly, but not with commitment. I got into a relationship which was totally incompatible with Satanism and I allowed this to distract me and I left (some here might remember my unstable behaviour before I left).
But I came back to Father Satan and my family here at JoS because I was unbelievably sad and had a big void in my life. I'm back into meditating as much as I can and trying to learn spiritually.
One thing I have learned since coming back, is meditation and knowledge, as important as it is, is not enough. We need to learn how to LOVE each other - I can't stress that enough! We need to learn how to LOVE the Gods and each other here as a family.
I look at Father Satan's picture/sigil and repeat to myself..."Father Satan, Father Satan"...over and over again. This has a two-fold effect; it replaces all that programing we were brought up with - and it instills in our hearts and minds a genuine LOVE for our Almighty and loving God, Satan our creator.
The Gods bless my Satanic family!