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Relationship problem..


New member
Feb 27, 2022
Hii everyone I have been in a relationship with this guy for 2.5 years now. The thing is I don't feel anything about him anymore. Is this normal? ( It's like this since the beginning of the year I tried to fix my feelings for him).University, studying and also reading JoS website takes significant amount of time. Sometimes I don't feel like hanging out because I'm just tired.I know it's maybe not the best idea for this post to be here as it isn't related but I feel like it's draining my energy. This guy is also Christian I decided to never talk about SS to him because he could freak out and break up with me. We were 16 when we met. And as time has passed my taste has changed. He doesn't even attract me anymore. I also don't feel very good about my body and weight so I kinda want to work on this for a very long time but gym Is kinda expensive where I live... I don't know if breaking up is a decision I will regret, everyone will be surprised (our families) and I feel like it will make me depressed but I really don't see how to love someone who isn't attractive to you?
It's perfectly normal to outgrow a relationship, especially if it's with a christian. Very few relationships met as teenagers will be permanent. You can spend time working on yourself and growing as an SS.

As for your body, you can work out at home. Take up running, and find instructional videos on youtube for exercising. Make sure to do enough research so you know your alignment and don't injure yourself.
Hii everyone I have been in a ?
This is very normal, so don't worry or try to resolve your feelings for him.
Women lose their attraction after a while
Then your body and mind begin to need new experiences.
You don't have to suppress your nature.
This is perfectly healthy and normal.
It's perfectly normal to outgrow a relationship, especially if it's with a christian. Very few relationships met as teenagers will be permanent. You can spend time working on yourself and growing as an SS.

As for your body, you can work out at home. Take up running, and find instructional videos on youtube for exercising. Make sure to do enough research so you know your alignment and don't injure yourself.
This is painful to read.all along I thought that when someone loves you hv to love them back for as long as possible I hv held love itself in high regard but it seems like there are no ethics to it. anything one feels goes,if I love you today tomorrow I don't you hv to feel the same and move on.is this it.should every relationship be specifically about what I want

Am sorry but I got dumped by a girl who proposed to me initially I dint like her but I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I fell for her only to be told I don't feel like it anymore.

In all wisdom of the God's and ethics available are you saying she did good and that all people are not supposed to hold on to a relationship just because they don't feel like it anymore.if so then a dark question hangs over marriage and children
Hii everyone I have been in a relationship with this guy for 2.5 years now. The thing is I don't feel anything about him anymore. Is this normal? ( It's like this since the beginning of the year I tried to fix my feelings for him).University, studying and also reading JoS website takes significant amount of time. Sometimes I don't feel like hanging out because I'm just tired.I know it's maybe not the best idea for this post to be here as it isn't related but I feel like it's draining my energy. This guy is also Christian I decided to never talk about SS to him because he could freak out and break up with me. We were 16 when we met. And as time has passed my taste has changed. He doesn't even attract me anymore. I also don't feel very good about my body and weight so I kinda want to work on this for a very long time but gym Is kinda expensive where I live... I don't know if breaking up is a decision I will regret, everyone will be surprised (our families) and I feel like it will make me depressed but I really don't see how to love someone who isn't attractive to you?
When you're young these things can seem so important and take up a lot of emotional energy. It's difficult to find someone who isn't religious in some way. Some say they're not, but when you get to know them they will quote something from the bible, or mention that "jew-on-a-stick". All part of the brainwashing we grew up with in society.
If there is no longer any attraction, and he is from a Xian background, then it is best to break it off. Otherwise this will always be a hindrance to you and interfere with your growth as a Spiritual Satanist. I was recently (last year) in a relationship with someone who was very adamant that he was not religious, but kept saying to me, "I must be tolerant and respectful of other's beliefs." This was just doublespeak for being a Xian sympathiser. He also turned out to be a bit of a narcissist, which all fucking xians are deep down. This really screwed me up emotionally and distracted me from my path and alignment with Satan.
Cut this guy loose, get into a healthy physical lifestyle, and fully commit to your spiritual path of enlightenment with the Gods.
You are basically in a phase where you want to grow and advance. You will turn into a whole different person, Satanism will transform you immensely on many levels, you will experience things, most people will never fathom. This will strengthen you, and you will grow by this experience as a result.

If you already feel no need to be with him, if you already feel like you can not show him the true you, and what you really are - how do you think things will turn out as you grow?

It‘s okay let go of Relationships that you lost all desires to continue. This will open up the possibility of a relationship that really fulfills you.

Good luck on that!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
