Valkarie said:Someone recently scammed some money out of me on the internet. Is it possible to put a death curse on them if they have used false photos and identity?
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=449403 time=1686886706 user_id=21286]
Valkarie said:Someone recently scammed some money out of me on the internet. Is it possible to put a death curse on them if they have used false photos and identity?
Does death sound like a fair punishment for having money stolen from you? That seems worse than Muslims who chop hands after theft.
Instead, use Tiwaz to reflect the damage back onto them. No, you would not want to focus on the details of their fake identity, but rather the fact that only one, unique person had done this to you. Any energy of justice would follow the crime back to the source, so to speak.
Valkarie said:Someone recently scammed some money out of me on the internet. Is it possible to put a death curse on them if they have used false photos and identity?
Valkyrie said:I came here asking for advice from someone who gave it and said no more, because he realises there's always more to a story than told.
Not like you, a silly cocksucking bitch, spreading your legs to get favours.
Valkyrie said:serpentwalker666 said:Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=449403 time=1686886706 user_id=21286]
Does death sound like a fair punishment for having money stolen from you? That seems worse than Muslims who chop hands after theft.
Instead, use Tiwaz to reflect the damage back onto them. No, you would not want to focus on the details of their fake identity, but rather the fact that only one, unique person had done this to you. Any energy of justice would follow the crime back to the source, so to speak.
This reply right here. Golden Advice as usual Blitzkreig.
I've noticed sometimes people want to punish too far, and your understanding of this is an example of how people need to stop to think before they act and properly weigh the appropriate punishment for a wrong done against them.
If someone slaps us in the face. We don't proceed to turn into a tyrant and rip their entire head off. And part of ethics and understanding justice is understanding this.
I came here asking for advice from someone who gave it and said no more, because he realises there's always more to a story than told.
Not like you, a silly cocksucking bitch, spreading your legs to get favours.
Valkyrie said:Well, us women suck cock, so I don't see the big insult there. But I shouldn't have said "spreading legs for favours - that was unwarranted. Sorry!
My point was (and it has always been a problem that lowers the forums) is that people jump in with both feet and say fucking stupid shit. If they can't say something intelligent, then they should just stay the fuck out of it! "Keyboard warriors" - if they were standing in front of you they wouldn't say shit!
Yes, I was away for awhile. I have reinvented myself and I'm now stronger and more self reliant. Pity anyone who fucks with me!!
SapphireDragon said:Valkyrie said:serpentwalker666 said:This reply right here. Golden Advice as usual Blitzkreig.
I've noticed sometimes people want to punish too far, and your understanding of this is an example of how people need to stop to think before they act and properly weigh the appropriate punishment for a wrong done against them.
If someone slaps us in the face. We don't proceed to turn into a tyrant and rip their entire head off. And part of ethics and understanding justice is understanding this.
I came here asking for advice from someone who gave it and said no more, because he realises there's always more to a story than told.
Not like you, a silly cocksucking bitch, spreading your legs to get favours.
There is absolutely no need to say disgusting and vile things towards others. Just because Serpentwalker was agreeing with blitz over the concepts of ethics, it wasn't some sort of attack against you.
There is always two sides to every story, and you perhaps are going through something terrible, or having a bad time all together. But this doesn't mean you have the excuse of this to treat others badly.
We're all going through things. Some worse than others. But we're a family here please try to treat each other like it.
Valkyrie said:Well, us women suck cock, so I don't see the big insult there. But I shouldn't have said "spreading legs for favours - that was unwarranted. Sorry!
My point was (and it has always been a problem that lowers the forums) is that people jump in with both feet and say fucking stupid shit. If they can't say something intelligent, then they should just stay the fuck out of it! "Keyboard warriors" - if they were standing in front of you they wouldn't say shit!
Yes, I was away for awhile. I have reinvented myself and I'm now stronger and more self reliant. Pity anyone who fucks with me!!
Valkyrie said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=450858 time=1687651127 user_id=21286]
Valkyrie said:
You had said: "Yes, I understand.
Full moon and 108 x 40days?
"I direct this energy of justice on to the thief who has stolen from me"?"
It doesn't have to be a full moon. The best moon would be a sign that supports justice, like Sagittarius, Scorpio, or Libra. Tiwaz is a balancing energy so you would direct it towards creating justice between you two.
If someone scams you, then they have taken something from you, lowering your "position". Tiwaz corrects this by reflecting the damage, or driving other changes in a situation. It doesn't necessary have to be "on" one person, but it should be focused on the matter itself. Perhaps they will lose money in some way that reflects both the amount stolen, plus the time you lost. This is one example.
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan