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Climb the steps of Life


New member
Jul 29, 2024
Hello, I am writing to you for a precious advice. I am trying to elevate myself, before meditations healed me but now it doesn't always happen, I am a victim of someone or myself. I feel like I am rotting, literally rotting and meditations don't always work, some days it's like having a box around my head that doesn't allow me to see far or to make long reasonings beyond my ego. I feel this box. When I am in this state I am not lucid, I don't remember anything I learn not even reading it a second before and I don't see well at all, it is difficult for me to even put the keys in the door. I am healthy, it has been happening for months. I have not been able to get out of it yet. The quality of the things I do is worth nothing in this state, it is not only the state itself but me because for this to happen it means that I am weak, and I am ashamed of it. I have not been able to overcome this on my own yet, I am starting to feel limited and rotten. I want to climb the steps of life. These are small problems seen from a higher perspective.
Do you meditate on your third eye? When it's open the Truth become clear to the mind.. and the Truth Is that you are part of the best people on Earth, anything else you tought about you is false, that's just the way It happens to be. Can you feel bad knowing this? :)
Hello, I am writing to you for a precious advice. I am trying to elevate myself, before meditations healed me but now it doesn't always happen, I am a victim of someone or myself. I feel like I am rotting, literally rotting and meditations don't always work, some days it's like having a box around my head that doesn't allow me to see far or to make long reasonings beyond my ego. I feel this box. When I am in this state I am not lucid, I don't remember anything I learn not even reading it a second before and I don't see well at all, it is difficult for me to even put the keys in the door. I am healthy, it has been happening for months. I have not been able to get out of it yet. The quality of the things I do is worth nothing in this state, it is not only the state itself but me because for this to happen it means that I am weak, and I am ashamed of it. I have not been able to overcome this on my own yet, I am starting to feel limited and rotten. I want to climb the steps of life. These are small problems seen from a higher perspecti

Hello, I am writing to you for a precious advice. I am trying to elevate myself, before meditations healed me but now it doesn't always happen, I am a victim of someone or myself. I feel like I am rotting, literally rotting and meditations don't always work, some days it's like having a box around my head that doesn't allow me to see far or to make long reasonings beyond my ego. I feel this box. When I am in this state I am not lucid, I don't remember anything I learn not even reading it a second before and I don't see well at all, it is difficult for me to even put the keys in the door. I am healthy, it has been happening for months. I have not been able to get out of it yet. The quality of the things I do is worth nothing in this state, it is not only the state itself but me because for this to happen it means that I am weak, and I am ashamed of it. I have not been able to overcome this on my own yet, I am starting to feel limited and rotten. I want to climb the steps of life. These are small problems seen from a higher perspective.
I feel this box. When I am in this state I am not lucid, I don't remember anything

This doesn't sound like a spiritual problem. Going on what you've described, It could be a neurological problem. Have you been to see the doctor?
That you are healthy did doctors tell you so after checkups, or do you think you are healthy for other reasons? To help you concretely I need to understand your situation well and not just how the situation makes you feel emotionally.
I have a vision problem and I have no medical metal problems, when I was little I spoke very little with other children, I was very shy, I always stayed in my place thinking and drawing. so my teacher had the idea of convincing my mother to take me to a horrible place, a center, where people really didn't think well they were mentally ill, where I came out trembling from seeing those children like that. I attended that center until their investigations on me were finished and they declared me sane. I need to take my life in hand and detach myself from these events. I don't deny that this event has drastically affected my confidence.
That you are healthy did doctors tell you so after checkups, or do you think you are healthy for other reasons? To help you concretely I need to understand your situation well and not just how the situation makes you feel emotionally.
Thanks for the reply! I meditate on my third eye. One truth I have understood is that I am very much a prey to myself. I have limited vision in both directions, both physically and spiritually. I would like to acquire more advanced skills but I must resolve this situation first. The state I often experience lately, the one I describe is like a swing. Sometimes I feel good, other times very bad and if it lasts a long time it is like rotting. In dreams a Wise Man advised me: to forget what I think of myself and remember who I am "If a hen thinks she can't lay an egg, the egg won't". Are such strong attacks the creation of my insecurities?
Thanks for the reply! I meditate on my third eye. One truth I have understood is that I am very much a prey to myself. I have limited vision in both directions, both physically and spiritually. I would like to acquire more advanced skills but I must resolve this situation first. The state I often experience lately, the one I describe is like a swing. Sometimes I feel good, other times very bad and if it lasts a long time it is like rotting. In dreams a Wise Man advised me: to forget what I think of myself and remember who I am "If a hen thinks she can't lay an egg, the egg won't". Are such strong attacks the creation of my insecurities?
I need to take my life in hand and detach myself from these events

Okay I get it.

This is for emotional healing (because of the strong emotions you experienced);

This is for traumatic experiences:

This is to cut spiritual ties with those who have mistreated you:

This is to control your mind:

And that generally helps to protect oneself:

NOW, ONCE again, for insecurities:

How to find self esteem:

In the meantime you can relieve symptoms with this:

Chakra about that:

In significant cases, this can also help you to break certain obstacles:

It's a lot of stuff. See what you need and go step by step.
it's like having a box around my head
I am starting to feel limited and rotten.
I am highly focused on people who suffered traumas and I have some experience on myself and related studies, to be of help.
So what I say it's only a possibility, and it's my subjective view on what happens to you, just a possibility. Please evaluate this with care.

I assume you suffered some trauma early in life or past lives. Being secluded and lonely in childhood, plus other things you said like "rotting inside", is a strong indicator of this.

I studied that people who suffered traumas have a over-active Amidgala gland in their brain. Books explain, that when a person feels threatened or in danger (true or perceived), Amigdala gland triggers unconscious response to a danger. Like when hot water falls on you and you step back instinctively, without thinking how to do this.
In this event, Amigdala shuts off the front part of the brain that is used for conscious actions, like putting the keys into the door, that you find difficult. When you are "activated" your Amigdala overreacts, and conscious actions may be impossible to do, like even talking in extreme cases, as the brain is in "danger mode".

This danger mode may be easily activated for traumatized people. If you have been severaly beaten as a child in a room where there was a red telephone, if you see the same red telephone even 20 years later, your mind may switch to danger mode and you may feel numb, disoriented and feel uncontrolled emotions like fear, wanting to escape, etc.
This happened to me more than once. I know what it means, and how it works. It's heavy.

Amigdala is also storing emotional memories of the past. So, in case of similar emotions are felt, it can trigger a defense/attack "danger mode".
If you meditated for a while and now you feel like rotting, I think this feeling is emerging from past experiences and meditation may have brouhght it to the surface. While Amigdala makes you numb and unable to act correctly, it also manifest those negative emotions. They are spiritually stored in the emotional body, I think, but it works this way.

And - a person who has been mistreated and offended as a child, becoming a lonely child trying to not disturb others with her presence, is clearly a person who did not want to be noticed by her offenders - developing a lonely attitude. This is a defense the brain uses: I will not be noticed so my abusive caregiver will not beat me today while he's drunk. So I will always be silent and in a corner, because all people are a threat to me. Similar stuff.

And such kids, with time, think they are "rotten" because of how people treat them. They think they deserve to be beaten because they are rotten. This is in-human, horrible and wrong. And is not and never will be the kid's fault. This can destroy the whole life of the person as a severely beaten child will have emotional, relationship, thinking and functioning problems much later in life.

Well. If you are one of them - and I stongly hope it's not your case - you may experience mind problems for this reasons. It seems the "rotten you" (sorry for being straight) is sort of emerging from the unconscious. She is not rotten. She only thinks that of hersef.

If you are not a mistreated child, disregard my message. But please be aware some people do not even remember that past, for the brain cancels memories. But Amigdala knows, and sometimes get crazy, when it perceives the past is back.
But the past is never back.
Thanks for the reply! I meditate on my third eye. One truth I have understood is that I am very much a prey to myself. I have limited vision in both directions, both physically and spiritually. I would like to acquire more advanced skills but I must resolve this situation first. The state I often experience lately, the one I describe is like a swing. Sometimes I feel good, other times very bad and if it lasts a long time it is like rotting. In dreams a Wise Man advised me: to forget what I think of myself and remember who I am "If a hen thinks she can't lay an egg, the egg won't". Are such strong attacks the creation of my insecurities?
I would take It more literally..like, stand in front of a mirror and THAT'S you. A perfect creature made in the image of God. Wherever you are, however you look and whatever you did or you think you did not. Even when you're tired or struggling.. like a Goddess in pain is always a Goddess! Anything else it's a mental machination created by a monstruous system that wants to force you to be something you're not.
I really think that "box" feeling could be related to your sixth chakra or your third eye.. do you see any colour when you look at it? (At the third eye)?
You are really kind. Less than a year, I was a person who just looked at me communicated brightness light, I had a beautiful body and face. I am still the bright and kind person, I think that nothing can change that, but it is not the same. At the level of thoughts this box is leading me to be rotten. in any photograph or video or mirror, you can see that something is wrong and the body is not the same as before, it is often swollen. It seems that I have nothing in my head. Having an eye problem I think I still have to work a lot on the sixth chakra, crown chakra, third eye, pineal gland. I see the third eye as blue. Maybe I have difficulty with the pineal gland because I can not perceive it well. I have learned that even just thinking that I am not enough can create thought forms that work against me. I will hold your words close and dear to me!
I am highly focused on people who suffered traumas and I have some experience on myself and related studies, to be of help.
So what I say it's only a possibility, and it's my subjective view on what happens to you, just a possibility. Please evaluate this with care.

I assume you suffered some trauma early in life or past lives. Being secluded and lonely in childhood, plus other things you said like "rotting inside", is a strong indicator of this.

I studied that people who suffered traumas have a over-active Amidgala gland in their brain. Books explain, that when a person feels threatened or in danger (true or perceived), Amigdala gland triggers unconscious response to a danger. Like when hot water falls on you and you step back instinctively, without thinking how to do this.
In this event, Amigdala shuts off the front part of the brain that is used for conscious actions, like putting the keys into the door, that you find difficult. When you are "activated" your Amigdala overreacts, and conscious actions may be impossible to do, like even talking in extreme cases, as the brain is in "danger mode".

This danger mode may be easily activated for traumatized people. If you have been severaly beaten as a child in a room where there was a red telephone, if you see the same red telephone even 20 years later, your mind may switch to danger mode and you may feel numb, disoriented and feel uncontrolled emotions like fear, wanting to escape, etc.
This happened to me more than once. I know what it means, and how it works. It's heavy.

Amigdala is also storing emotional memories of the past. So, in case of similar emotions are felt, it can trigger a defense/attack "danger mode".
If you meditated for a while and now you feel like rotting, I think this feeling is emerging from past experiences and meditation may have brouhght it to the surface. While Amigdala makes you numb and unable to act correctly, it also manifest those negative emotions. They are spiritually stored in the emotional body, I think, but it works this way.

And - a person who has been mistreated and offended as a child, becoming a lonely child trying to not disturb others with her presence, is clearly a person who did not want to be noticed by her offenders - developing a lonely attitude. This is a defense the brain uses: I will not be noticed so my abusive caregiver will not beat me today while he's drunk. So I will always be silent and in a corner, because all people are a threat to me. Similar stuff.

And such kids, with time, think they are "rotten" because of how people treat them. They think they deserve to be beaten because they are rotten. This is in-human, horrible and wrong. And is not and never will be the kid's fault. This can destroy the whole life of the person as a severely beaten child will have emotional, relationship, thinking and functioning problems much later in life.

Well. If you are one of them - and I stongly hope it's not your case - you may experience mind problems for this reasons. It seems the "rotten you" (sorry for being straight) is sort of emerging from the unconscious. She is not rotten. She only thinks that of hersef.

If you are not a mistreated child, disregard my message. But please be aware some people do not even remember that past, for the brain cancels memories. But Amigdala knows, and sometimes get crazy, when it perceives the past is back.
But the past is never back.
Your message has awakened various emotions in me for how much I suffered violence as a child. I was a victim of it for no reason. Thinking back, I feel humiliated because I could not defend myself. I do not feel anything against the aggressors, I know they were not lucid, I only feel a sense of humiliation. I isolated myself a lot from other children and it was also very difficult for me to speak out loud, my voice was gone. I started to speak well and not to isolate myself in adolescence by working there.
Your message has awakened various emotions in me for how much I suffered violence as a child. I was a victim of it for no reason. Thinking back, I feel humiliated because I could not defend myself. I do not feel anything against the aggressors, I know they were not lucid, I only feel a sense of humiliation. I isolated myself a lot from other children and it was also very difficult for me to speak out loud, my voice was gone. I started to speak well and not to isolate myself in adolescence by working there.
I understand. I am often right spotting people who suffered, I could tell this by just reading your name, even if I am not happy about that. But it happens. I feel sorry for you, all of this is unjust and each time I see ma person who suffered like that, I feel upset.

If you are here, you are on your path to healing and in a safe place. I strongly suggest to ask your Guardian Demon to guide you in a recovery path, as it's very personal and different for each of us, and the Demons may see things that we do not even remember of us, and guide accordingly. I am followed since more than 2 years on this path and I learned a lot, and I am healing. The Gods do give us much value.
Here, we can be empathic and give some general advice, but only the Gods will be able to point you to true haling. None of us will magically heal you, even if I would love to be able to.

Of course you were a victim for no reason. Because the reasons of that, lay in the offender, not in the victim. This is not, nor it can be logically defined as, nor it will ever be the child's fault. It was not your fault: I know this on myself too. It's never the victim fault.
Feeling nothing for the aggressor may mean, you buried deep in yourself those feelings. This may feed your internal wounded self who causes to you many of those issues.
Feeling humiliated means that you shift on yourself the negativity of what happened. It's a person who enacts violence on a kid, who is humiliating himself. Because a person doing that is a low-level criminal and offender. Humiliation is to be charged onto the offender.
Imagine: you are walking down the street and around a corner you a see a man heavily beating a child. Who is the monster here? The adult or the child? No child is able to defend him/herself. You were not able to defend yourself, do you know a child who is able to fight back an adult? There is none.

I know what it means felling humiliated and not able to fight back. It's horrible and life-damaging. But it cam be overcome.

If you are here talking, it means your inner wounded self wants to talk. She want to vent out what happened, she wants to be understood. Your Amigdala blocks your conscious actions because She wants to talk and she comes out from your unconscious, crying for help. The inside "you" is wounded, and is asking help. Listen to her, take care of yourself and understand it was not her fault. She could not defend because she was small and delicate.
Surrender is a form of defense. The brain this "If i refuse, react or run way I will be killed, beaten or insulted. Then the brain chooses the less damaging reaction, that is surrender. And then sometimes forget what happend".

Your situaton is serious. Being unable to cope with daily life, is a serious condition - but may be healed because your are not sick or mad, simply you need to fine tune your emotional turmoil to function as it should.

If you can afford, try to reach a therapist that is not jewed. Ask your Guardian Demon for a good therapist and guidance. You won't regret this.
But please - do not stay alone hidden in your corner waiting for something to happen. Times when you were in danger are gone. Take action, there DO exist good people who can help you. I have a wonderful therapist, cannot understand Satanic facts obviously, but helped me tremendously.

You need to talk to someone about what happened to you.
I started to speak well and not to isolate myself in adolescence by working there.
I was just wondering if you are OK.

In case you ever read those messages, please do not give up.
Do not isolate yourself again, you need help and to vent out your past, there is always hope.
I knew I was in your thoughts! Thank you!!! I strongly believe that meditations have brought up issues to be resolved. It is complex and I do not give up! I am doing every day some meditations that @SeguaceDiSatana recommended to me, and I am working a lot on the crown chakra, pineal gland for my amygdala. I am making progress, I remember little of my childhood, and hypnosis has brought back many memories. These sensations of the box described persist and exactly began when I moved to a new city. In this delicate moment, where I am "reborn" I had the confirmation (before I suspected it) that an enemy who has infiltrated my life, is having rituals performed against me to take my place. It is unnerving and the rituals take place at night. At this moment I am weak and I feel all the rituals against me. I am doing the final Rtr and the Satanic Rosary. I am improving. I will keep you updated on my improvements!!
I am doing every day some meditations that @SeguaceDiSatana recommended to me
Hopefully "some" includes daily aura cleaning and aura of protection meditations. Because those are antidotes for curses and the like. You mentioned doing RTRs, that's fine, but doing them is all the more reason to do the above things as one participated in spiritual warfare and things can get ugly in a sense when certain precautions are not taken.

Oh yeah, and good luck. Nevergiveup.
I knew I was in your thoughts! Thank you!!! I strongly believe that meditations have brought up issues to be resolved. It is complex and I do not give up! I am doing every day some meditations that @SeguaceDiSatana recommended to me, and I am working a lot on the crown chakra, pineal gland for my amygdala. I am making progress, I remember little of my childhood, and hypnosis has brought back many memories. These sensations of the box described persist and exactly began when I moved to a new city. In this delicate moment, where I am "reborn" I had the confirmation (before I suspected it) that an enemy who has infiltrated my life, is having rituals performed against me to take my place. It is unnerving and the rituals take place at night. At this moment I am weak and I feel all the rituals against me. I am doing the final Rtr and the Satanic Rosary. I am improving. I will keep you updated on my improvements!!
It's good to hear from you. Apologize if I may have disturbed you astrally, was unintentional. I often feel worried for people suffering like you for my empathy.
I'll be glad to hear about you progress if you desire so.
Regarding enemy infiltrating it's very annoying. I experienced similar problems in the past, mainly by empty puppets that were used by the enemy to carry negative energies to me, so I sort of cut off many of those people.

Moving to a new city for a new life sounds really good!
I also thing you may be unconsciously scared of the new place you live in, so your mind/Amygdala actvates the "danger mode", thus the box.
By understanding you are indeed safe, this probably will vanish in a few months. Talking to yourself sometimes and looking around to ground and understand you are safe and none of the past dangers is there, may help.
Good luck !
It's good to hear from you. Apologize if I may have disturbed you astrally, was unintentional. I often feel worried for people suffering like you for my empathy.
I'll be glad to hear about you progress if you desire so.
Regarding enemy infiltrating it's very annoying. I experienced similar problems in the past, mainly by empty puppets that were used by the enemy to carry negative energies to me, so I sort of cut off many of those people.

Moving to a new city for a new life sounds really good!
I also thing you may be unconsciously scared of the new place you live in, so your mind/Amygdala actvates the "danger mode", thus the box.
By understanding you are indeed safe, this probably will vanish in a few months. Talking to yourself sometimes and looking around to ground and understand you are safe and none of the past dangers is there, may help.
Good luck !
You didn't bother me at all, you are such a sweet person. Wherever you are, Thank you!!
Remember : Whatever it is. Never share your personal informations such as name, social media, anything that has to do with your identity.

And this goes for everyone who's reading this. Stay safe, be smart.
I remember little of my childhood, and hypnosis has brought back many memories. These sensations of the box described persist (...)
It is unnerving and the rituals take place at night. At this moment I am weak and I feel all the rituals against me.
Your words allow me no peace, sorry if this may be perceived somehow.
When I remembered the worst of my childhood (I also remember little of it), it happened late in life, it was ... how can I say. Nuke an atomic bomb into your mind and see. Everything I knew about myself, who I was, my values, everything I knew about my abusive family, was gone in a second. Recovering from such an event, if this is what is happening to you, is though.

Your message sounds like a call for help, in a difficult moment of your life.
You say you are starting a new chapter. All of this requires a lot of energies, a lot. The reason why your mind is alarmed in "danger mode", only you know. But this happens, and the amount of energy that your conscious self (the one who is working for your life change) requires to keep memories, sorrow and traumas of your childhood well buried in your mind, is enormous. A fight. This is why you feel so weak. But indeed, you are very strong. Most people who had such traumas give up on life, cannot live, disappear from the world. You - no - you live! And you are changing you life! So I think, you are not weak - you are strong indeed. I feel this distinctly, I think I am no wrong.

Words fail me to express how deep is feeling of being lost, alone and disoriented, when people do have to face all of this. But I know, as it is within myself too. For once, instead of telling you "be strong, stay safe, meditate and heal" - that you perfectly know, and should do - I tell you: I am empathic with what you feel now. And this sickens my heart, each time I see a person who unjustly suffers for simply willing to live a life. Stay strong... yes, but I guess a person who have been treated like a waste every single day of his childhood, and still survived, well knows how to stay strong. Thank you.

What is emerging from your mind, may prevent you to be kind with yourself. Weakness may be spiritual, and here we give tools to heal from this and empower yourself, please do that. But do not forget your cells, your body, your physical well-being. Eat well, supplement (vitamins, mainly B, and Magnesium are paramount and very needed in times of psychological and emotional stress). Try to exercise if you can. Having a 30 minutes walk in a park, under the Sun if possible, is of great help. Your inside self may be willing to give up, but if you show her something of value and beauty, she may be positively react and you may feel rejuvenated. Don't hate and neglect yourself, as you probably have been neglected as a child.
Years ago I spent my lunch break at work, trying to isolate from the annoying environment made of npc and idiotic talk. One day I just found there was a small park not far, and I started spending lunchtime there - what a good choice. Was really small, but green and quiet. Most people do not even notice those places, as they are constantly worried about life and problems. That became a healing lunch break. I loved it. Until a gipsy camp was built in front of it and the park became their waste, but I found another park, there are many.

Being a survivor is though. The mind is so constantly alarmed, the self is always working to keep all the inner suffering silent and buried, that the physical body works overtime to cope with this. Feeling as you say physically, may be a sign your stress hormones, namely cortisol, are produced almost all the time as the mind call for this, in perpetual danger. I know what it means. The body may look tired and inflate, as a reaction to all of this, mostly of inflammatory nature, that may cause issues in the long run. Meeting a doctor may help, explaining you are under high stress, don't refrain from doing it. Support yourself, they can give some good advices.

I know the Gods are helping you, they are caring and loving with all of us, I know for a fact. So don't worry.
But the physical actions pertain to you, they cannot come here and lift that carton from your head, if the carton is made of high pressure.
They cannot be your therapist or physical friend. Talk. Don't close your sorrow in yourself, don't feed that internal pressure anymore as this may come out very abruptly later in life causing burnout, life wreckage, and the such. If you can afford, talk to a professional (important: ask your GD very precisely guidance to a good one) or simply a fiend, someone who will not judge you, just a random forum where you can be anonymous, whatever.
Vent out your internal torment.
As I wrote, this requires enormous amount of courage and trust. It seems impossible to do now, but after you will be much better.

As for me, I am no genius and I only know something about this because I live like this too, and I made some studies in the last years.
Whan I can do is answering to your call being of human support, and listening to what you will want to tell on here, if you desire so. Letting you feel not alone in this is my only power, and I intend to use it as I can.
A bit out of the higher knowledge that any SS can give, I try to give you a word like just a simple human being would do. At the end we are just people.

Per dirlo in parole povere, io speriamo che me la cavo.
But I am sure this is already happenig.

So take care.
Your words allow me no peace, sorry if this may be perceived somehow.
When I remembered the worst of my childhood (I also remember little of it), it happened late in life, it was ... how can I say. Nuke an atomic bomb into your mind and see. Everything I knew about myself, who I was, my values, everything I knew about my abusive family, was gone in a second. Recovering from such an event, if this is what is happening to you, is though.

Your message sounds like a call for help, in a difficult moment of your life.
You say you are starting a new chapter. All of this requires a lot of energies, a lot. The reason why your mind is alarmed in "danger mode", only you know. But this happens, and the amount of energy that your conscious self (the one who is working for your life change) requires to keep memories, sorrow and traumas of your childhood well buried in your mind, is enormous. A fight. This is why you feel so weak. But indeed, you are very strong. Most people who had such traumas give up on life, cannot live, disappear from the world. You - no - you live! And you are changing you life! So I think, you are not weak - you are strong indeed. I feel this distinctly, I think I am no wrong.

Words fail me to express how deep is feeling of being lost, alone and disoriented, when people do have to face all of this. But I know, as it is within myself too. For once, instead of telling you "be strong, stay safe, meditate and heal" - that you perfectly know, and should do - I tell you: I am empathic with what you feel now. And this sickens my heart, each time I see a person who unjustly suffers for simply willing to live a life. Stay strong... yes, but I guess a person who have been treated like a waste every single day of his childhood, and still survived, well knows how to stay strong. Thank you.

What is emerging from your mind, may prevent you to be kind with yourself. Weakness may be spiritual, and here we give tools to heal from this and empower yourself, please do that. But do not forget your cells, your body, your physical well-being. Eat well, supplement (vitamins, mainly B, and Magnesium are paramount and very needed in times of psychological and emotional stress). Try to exercise if you can. Having a 30 minutes walk in a park, under the Sun if possible, is of great help. Your inside self may be willing to give up, but if you show her something of value and beauty, she may be positively react and you may feel rejuvenated. Don't hate and neglect yourself, as you probably have been neglected as a child.
Years ago I spent my lunch break at work, trying to isolate from the annoying environment made of npc and idiotic talk. One day I just found there was a small park not far, and I started spending lunchtime there - what a good choice. Was really small, but green and quiet. Most people do not even notice those places, as they are constantly worried about life and problems. That became a healing lunch break. I loved it. Until a gipsy camp was built in front of it and the park became their waste, but I found another park, there are many.

Being a survivor is though. The mind is so constantly alarmed, the self is always working to keep all the inner suffering silent and buried, that the physical body works overtime to cope with this. Feeling as you say physically, may be a sign your stress hormones, namely cortisol, are produced almost all the time as the mind call for this, in perpetual danger. I know what it means. The body may look tired and inflate, as a reaction to all of this, mostly of inflammatory nature, that may cause issues in the long run. Meeting a doctor may help, explaining you are under high stress, don't refrain from doing it. Support yourself, they can give some good advices.

I know the Gods are helping you, they are caring and loving with all of us, I know for a fact. So don't worry.
But the physical actions pertain to you, they cannot come here and lift that carton from your head, if the carton is made of high pressure.
They cannot be your therapist or physical friend. Talk. Don't close your sorrow in yourself, don't feed that internal pressure anymore as this may come out very abruptly later in life causing burnout, life wreckage, and the such. If you can afford, talk to a professional (important: ask your GD very precisely guidance to a good one) or simply a fiend, someone who will not judge you, just a random forum where you can be anonymous, whatever.
Vent out your internal torment.
As I wrote, this requires enormous amount of courage and trust. It seems impossible to do now, but after you will be much better.

As for me, I am no genius and I only know something about this because I live like this too, and I made some studies in the last years.
Whan I can do is answering to your call being of human support, and listening to what you will want to tell on here, if you desire so. Letting you feel not alone in this is my only power, and I intend to use it as I can.
A bit out of the higher knowledge that any SS can give, I try to give you a word like just a simple human being would do. At the end we are just people.

Per dirlo in parole povere, io speriamo che me la cavo.
But I am sure this is already happenig.

So take care.
Your words convey an extraordinary strength, and I can only appreciate the empathy and courage with which you have expressed what you have experienced and understood over time.
the fact that you have faced them and continue to do so with this awareness is something truly significant. I thank you for taking the time to put into words such intense and profound thoughts to help me! Thank you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
