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Leaving JOS and my reason

Do not spread this, it is disinformation. The jews were not originally black. They were a tribe of the lowest of the low theives, murderers, psychopaths, which congregated and just fell to deeper levels until they attracted the attention of the enemy, and they basically decided to follow suit with them.

The jews basically decided to become a literal fucking cancer, fallen andrapoda x1000 and became evil and denial of universal truth incarnate. They then paraded this along the ancient world and dragged everything of beauty and value along with them, and tore down our civilzations and put the world in chains some time after this with their fake programs.

The situation of low africans is a bit different entirely. People of all races have low people among them, this will eventually be fixed along with the lowest of the low hanging fruit can be weeded out.

Most people JOS say that the Jews are not even humans.
A lot of people have dark skin but actually being a Bantu African is another thing entirely, the only other race that may share a common root with Bantus is jews.

People tend to forget before the jews were in Israel they were Africans but not Egyptian. The original jews before they conquered the Philistines would have been black Africans a I suspect the welfare thugs in America and Europe are related to jews somehow.

That would explain why jews go so far to represent their interests and spread them to every nation they can.

There are other African races besides the Bantu so there could still be black gentiles if they come from those other tribes but the tribe that is hated amongst all Africans and that infests Europe and America are Bantu.

There was an old article here that described evidence that jews were first existing somewhere in Asia. I forget where exactly. Jews did not descend from any human race. They are a disgusting and inhuman thing.

Jews where the ones who created and ran the whole operation of bringing african slaves across the atlantic ocean. And during this, there was some mixing between the jews and some of these african slaves. There are many black americans who are actually mixed jews, who are unhuman and contain jewish souls. These are the ones who do such evil crimes.
Hello to you all black Hogan here i’ve come to you with some unfortunate news. It is to my own understanding and decision that I am leaving joy of saying my reason is because I got into a discussion with Priestess Maxine, although I’m not necessarily sure if that was her behind the computer, but we got into a discussion about certain Chinese people having dark and light skin, black melanin, and she said for the Caucasians to admit this was a bunch of foolishness because they didn’t have any real validity and sing so well I find the denial of my Black people blasphemous no matter if they were born in China, Japan, North Korea, Africa, or even here in North America and Canada and Antarctica abroad if I were to meet a dog skin Chinese person I would greet them with open arms, and we would definitely speak Chinese together and I would teach them English if they truly want to be a place of inclusivity when you want me to deny the existence of my own species because you don’t think it’s possible that there could be a possibility that dark skin and light skin indigenous Melanated Asians could exist if it was up to me I told you do a bit more of your research am I ignorant of the fact that there’s a lot of white Caucasians present within China and Japan today no, I don’t deny that but deny the existence of my own people skin color regardless of reason in my honest truthful opinion, critical statement is considered hypocrisy and bigotry because you promote that you want people to love themselves, but you deny the existence of another because you choose not to accept the fact that Black people in America but not in China due to DNA evidence? I’m sorry, but this is hypocrisy, bigotry and prejudice and its finest, I’m also aware that you support Nazism not that it matters to me individually but why try to spread inclusivity when you don’t believe in the possibility that there could be dark and light skin Melanated Asians present? I’m sorry but to tell me I should love my own race half of the time and everyone else most of the time is bigotry and hypocrisy and I wish not to be associated with that in regards to my path with Satan. I’m still with him and mother, but I’m going to follow them in my own way, I’m going to learn how to see things the way they want me to see things for my own life , not a religious organization shows me that I should think of him however, I cannot deny that I’ve learned here and I’ve definitely felt some truth here, but I will not allow individuals to demean deny and dismiss the existence and color of my own people just because y’all haven’t witnessed any dark skin Chinese individuals. This is passive aggressive racism, and due to this understanding, I must separate and disassociate myself from not the Satan divine collective, but this Satanic theistic organization itself. I don’t have an issue with white folks I don’t but my issue with you is when you allow me to share myself with you only for you to teach me to deny the color of my own race because of regional differences and skin color. This is utterly ridiculous. I’ll allow you to respond, but after I read all the comments I’m just going to read them , which will whether I should respond or not but yeah, I’m leaving. I’m still going to walk with Satan and the divine collective because they’ve given me nothing but love and peace and my family to take care of me regardless of my situation and circumstance I still stand with scene , but I couldn’t leave this organization without giving a public address. My only home for this spiritual theistic ministry is that you open your eyes to some of the statements you make in your truthful, opinionated statements and do more research before you make such destructive claims and how we all know , Satan can’t turn on me unless I turn on him which I’ll never do because of the spiritual experiences I’ve had being with him in addition to being affiliated with this ministry and again no longer commit myself to this organization because of the negative social dynamics that it entails thank you I wish most of you nothing but the best.
From my instincts my Brother/sister...this whole shit is program by the Jews so you can hate JOS, but its fine... We don't force someone to Worship Satan.
It looks like someone "fooled" you so to say. I am afraid you came across someone impersonating HPS Maxine Dietrich and having some weird racial (or perhaps "racist") views that you fell for, If you would like to have a discussion on these matters, better reach members through the forums or email members that have their email address attached to their forum account.

And yes there are light-skinned Chinese people, darker-skinned Chinese people in China and dark-skinned Asian people in South-East Asia. This is likely due to wide-scale race-mixing in the past between Asian and Black people. It could be that in the past there were communities of Black people migrating into the territories of South-East Asia or Asia and "integrating" with the locals they found. There are so many multi-racial populations all over the world that is difficult to tell how they came to be as we are talking about migrations that could have happened up to thousands of years ago and there is very little information about this.

What is clear though is that if you are going to relinquish your path as a Spiritual Satanist then it is you the one who will have the most to lose as you will relinquish all the spiritual advancement and betterment you could have benefited for if were to stay consistent and focus on your advancement. The fact that you are willing to leave out of reasons that don't even have to do with spirituality makes things even worse. I'd suggest to think twice about it and also know that there have been a lot of cases of malicious people trying to impersonate JoS or the Clergy on the internet over the years. For the most part it is on your shoulders if you fall victim to these peoples' ill intents.

At this moment of time due to enemy control and suppression JoS doesn't have much power as an established religion internationally, therefore it is difficult for us to attempt to shut down imposters who act outside of the JoS infrastructure on legal or copyright grounds. JoS will get much more powerful as time goes but what is left therefore for the time being is for all of us to be cautious and skeptical when and if interacting with these people. For example you could have emailed the Clergy or the Guardians after the said discussion with that person to clarfy or double-check on the validity of their claims. Instead you jumped to rushed conclusions.

As far as I am aware, JoS does not have any official channel on social media that is ran and moderated by the Clergy or the Guardians. There could be Satanists who with good intentions opened channels called "Joy of Satan" but that does not make them official and ideally nobody should use the Joy of Satan name and claim that it is the official channel of Joy of Satan, only the Clergy can open an official channel for Joy of Satan. It could happen in the future, but there is none at the moment as far as I know. And also there are of course the imposters and scammers who impersonate JoS for financial gains, slander or manipulating new or potential future members who are still gullible and prone to these scams.
I know what I saw. I’m not crazy so y’all can have y’all grand delusions apparently I saw the video that I’m referring to. We did have that discussion so whether y’all believe me or not I don’t care. I’m not gonna respond to everyone. Y’all Have a good day.
From my instincts my Brother/sister...this whole shit is program by the Jews so you can hate JOS, but its fine... We don't force someone to Worship Satan.
OK, first off I never said I hated joy of Satan. I emphasize that I didn’t want to be affiliated with this organization because of its hypocrisy, bigotry and passive aggressive prejudice towards indigenous people due to their skin color. I never said I hate it joy of Satan, without intellectual emphasis I simply expressed that I was offended by the statements that they made in their YouTube video via the comment section.
I'm not sure if it's HPS Maxine you are arguing with. We have never insulted people here and we have always helped. It's also doubtful that the person you are talking to is someone who wants to distract you from Joy of Satan.
I know what I saw. I’m not crazy so y’all can have y’all grand delusions apparently I saw the video that I’m referring to. We did have that discussion so whether y’all believe me or not I don’t care. I’m not gonna respond to everyone. Y’all Have a good day.
You know what alchemist seven I will gladly email you really I would prefer to send you a voice audio because sometimes when we type there can be a lot of spelling errors so I will email you in a few minutes. I’m logging off of here.
I know what I saw. I’m not crazy so y’all can have y’all grand delusions apparently I saw the video that I’m referring to. We did have that discussion so whether y’all believe me or not I don’t care. I’m not gonna respond to everyone. Y’all Have a good day.
You did not have any discussion with High Priestess Maxine because she has not been publicly on the internet at all for the last multiple years. You had a discussion with some anonymous person who could be any of the 8 Billion people on this planet, but it was not with her. That youtube channel is not owned, operated, or published by any ranking leader or member of Joy of Satan, it is a random unknown person.

I don't want you to leave. But I won't beg you to stay either. Me wanting you to stay here is for your own benefit so that you can learn and grow. But if you want to leave, it's not like we need you. I have not seen you participating in helping people anyway.
OK, first off I never said I hated joy of Satan. I emphasize that I didn’t want to be affiliated with this organization because of its hypocrisy, bigotry and passive aggressive prejudice towards indigenous people due to their skin color. I never said I hate it joy of Satan, without intellectual emphasis I simply expressed that I was offended by the statements that they made in their YouTube video via the comment section.
Are you really getting what I mean... what I mean here is that: you shouldn't be distracted with those statements in the YouTube because those are merely Enemies Propaganda to discourage you.
This guy has been a troll since he came here. Not a big loss.
I’m not a troll if I was a troll I wouldn’t have an animated picture of my choosing clearly showing that I’m black. If I was a troll, I would have no picture if I was a troll my username would be something with a bunch of numbers on it extensively, and I would make fun of Satanist but clearly from what you can see I’m not doing that. I’m clearly a guy who happens to be black that feels offended by some other things that y’all are telling people and it’s upsetting.
Are you really getting what I mean... what I mean here is that: you shouldn't be distracted with those statements in the YouTube because those are merely Enemies Propaganda to discourage you.
No, I strongly disagree because why would hooded cobra have a channel on Odyssey? Why would he make the choice to go public via YouTube and create a YouTube channel such as joy of Satan with an animated picture of Maxine Detri who happens to be white with blonde hair and blue eyes, I thought y’all love Black people I thought y’all were inclusive towards us but parent that don’t really like us like that and this is one of the reasons why I’m leaving JOS because it’s nothing but passive aggressive, social racism I mean y’all prove my point every time Y’all try to disprove my arguments .
Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. You are making a very foolish decision, based on flawed and even borderline retarded logic.

Others have explained to you already you were talking to some random on the internet larping as HPS Maxine.
If he wanted to leave and not be a drama queen, he would.

Those attention seekers, I swear.

Anyway, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
This guy has been a troll since he came here. Not a big loss.
He's not a troll but a lost and confused person. Shame, really. He could have grown a lot with the right decisions.
People d
No, I clearly know what I subscribed to. There’s a YouTube channel with an animated image of a white woman with blonde hair, and the channel is called joy of Satan written in all capital letters I know which one I’m talking about in addition to this comment she did have YouTube channels, she had two of them actually, but one of them she hadn’t used in years because she felt she covered everything that she needed to share within her content so there was really no need to upload any more videos in regards to. I know that y’all have a new YouTube channel , which I had subscribed to for a while until now I’m not crazy. I know what I’m saying.
Have your tried the aura of protection? For practice first thing in the morning and before dreaming?

It’s very good for protecting you from negativity energy.
These cases doesn't deserve this much attention as they usually get. Just ban him and get over it.
I've messaged HP HoodedCobra about this, right after reading the OP.

Everyone should know though, that anyone claiming to be HPS online (the OP wrote that this was on computer), is not actually her.
Thank you, HPS Lydia, for immediately passing this on to HP HoodedCobra666. That's really sensible and very responsible of you.

It's a shame that Black Hogan 69 is so unsettled by an alleged HPS Maxine when he has had such good experiences with Father Satan. That alone should make him sit up and take notice. Just as Father Satan will not reject him because he is a dark-skinned Chinese man, he will not be rejected by an HPS or an HP in JoS. I absolutely agree with all the previous speakers.

I would like to see him return to his spiritual home in JoS and give the "fake HPS Maxine", who viciously attacked him, the boot.

Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
Thank you, HPS Lydia, for immediately passing this on to HP HoodedCobra666. That's really sensible and very responsible of you.

It's a shame that Black Hogan 69 is so unsettled by an alleged HPS Maxine when he has had such good experiences with Father Satan. That alone should make him sit up and take notice. Just as Father Satan will not reject him because he is a dark-skinned Chinese man, he will not be rejected by an HPS or an HP in JoS. I absolutely agree with all the previous speakers.

I would like to see him return to his spiritual home in JoS and give the "fake HPS Maxine", who viciously attacked him, the boot.

Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!

This seems to be a case of him moreso using this as an excuse to leave, for whatever reason.
No, I strongly disagree because why would hooded cobra have a channel on Odyssey? Why would he make the choice to go public via YouTube and create a YouTube channel such as joy of Satan with an animated picture of Maxine Detri who happens to be white with blonde hair and blue eyes, I thought y’all love Black people I thought y’all were inclusive towards us but parent that don’t really like us like that and this is one of the reasons why I’m leaving JOS because it’s nothing but passive aggressive, social racism I mean y’all prove my point every time Y’all try to disprove my arguments .
Ok I believe you are mistaken here and are going By your feelings. Inclusion doesn’t mean the JoS panders to Blacks. It’s for all of the Gentiles. You are upset? Duly noted. Is this something that can be handled by proper introspection? Yes

I know this is came in late, and I am unsure if you guys found the imposter yet, but please, hear me out!!!

Below, are the supposed "sermons" that this potential imposter made, and these were created 13 - 14 years ago!!! This may have been the potential person behind BlackHogan 69's influence!...




Optional notes -

I do not know for sure if this is the channel BlackHogan69 found, or if it was another channel that I don't know about, but I just very recently saved these "sermons" in one of my youtube playlists, also thinking this may have been HPS Maxine (though, I didn't have a chance to watch them yet)! I somehow found this whole arguement going on here, and it sparked the memory that I had this potential imposster's videos saved within my playlist! Anyway, please let me know if this helped. Thank you!

I know this is came in late, and I am unsure if you guys found the imposter yet, but please, hear me out!!!

Below, are the supposed "sermons" that this potential imposter made, and these were created 13 - 14 years ago!!! This may have been the potential person behind BlackHogan 69's influence!...




Optional notes -

I do not know for sure if this is the channel BlackHogan69 found, or if it was another channel that I don't know about, but I just very recently saved these "sermons" in one of my youtube playlists, also thinking this may have been HPS Maxine (though, I didn't have a chance to watch them yet)! I somehow found this whole arguement going on here, and it sparked the memory that I had this potential imposster's videos saved within my playlist! Anyway, please let me know if this helped. Thank you!
I always thought these were Hps Maxine herself I always downloaded and listened to these of this is not there then who is this

I know this is came in late, and I am unsure if you guys found the imposter yet, but please, hear me out!!!

Below, are the supposed "sermons" that this potential imposter made, and these were created 13 - 14 years ago!!! This may have been the potential person behind BlackHogan 69's influence!...




Optional notes -

I do not know for sure if this is the channel BlackHogan69 found, or if it was another channel that I don't know about, but I just very recently saved these "sermons" in one of my youtube playlists, also thinking this may have been HPS Maxine (though, I didn't have a chance to watch them yet)! I somehow found this whole arguement going on here, and it sparked the memory that I had this potential imposster's videos saved within my playlist! Anyway, please let me know if this helped. Thank you!
Not an impostor, this was actually HPS Maxine.

I know this is came in late, and I am unsure if you guys found the imposter yet, but please, hear me out!!!

Below, are the supposed "sermons" that this potential imposter made, and these were created 13 - 14 years ago!!! This may have been the potential person behind BlackHogan 69's influence!...




Optional notes -

I do not know for sure if this is the channel BlackHogan69 found, or if it was another channel that I don't know about, but I just very recently saved these "sermons" in one of my youtube playlists, also thinking this may have been HPS Maxine (though, I didn't have a chance to watch them yet)! I somehow found this whole arguement going on here, and it sparked the memory that I had this potential imposster's videos saved within my playlist! Anyway, please let me know if this helped. Thank you!
This sounds exactly like Hps Maxine I was subscribed to that channel for a very long time because I was under the impression this was directly from joy of Satanas
Satan Golden red ninja666 -

This sounds exactly like Hps Maxine I was subscribed to that channel for a very long time because I was under the impression this was directly from joy of Satanas
Aquarius -

Not an impostor, this was actually HPS Maxine.

Okay, well, this is a bit embarrassing, and I truly apologise for bringing about a false alarm. As long as you are very sure about this, I am okay with it.

The reason I thought this could have potentially been someone else pretending to be her on the listed Youtube channel is because I read some of the older posts within this thread, regarding about how HPS Maxine (if I recall) was banned from posting anything like youtube videos publicly (perhaps I could have misread something, and/or interpreted it wrong?) This made me concerned because I also read somewhere here, that there could have potentially been someone else pretending to be her (again, not sure if you found the possible infiltrater yet, considering this conversation was months ago, but I still hope all is well), and I wanted to see if this listed channel in my playlist was it. Thus, I was kind of concerned that we all may have been listening to potential false information, and I didn't want us (including I) to end up like the other guy. Thank you for understanding, and I hope you all have a good day!

I know this is came in late, and I am unsure if you guys found the imposter yet, but please, hear me out!!!

Below, are the supposed "sermons" that this potential imposter made, and these were created 13 - 14 years ago!!! This may have been the potential person behind BlackHogan 69's influence!...




Optional notes -

I do not know for sure if this is the channel BlackHogan69 found, or if it was another channel that I don't know about, but I just very recently saved these "sermons" in one of my youtube playlists, also thinking this may have been HPS Maxine (though, I didn't have a chance to watch them yet)! I somehow found this whole arguement going on here, and it sparked the memory that I had this potential imposster's videos saved within my playlist! Anyway, please let me know if this helped. Thank you!

This was an actual account and videos made by HPS Maxine.
Ok I found it:

View attachment 3521
View attachment 3522

Hogan you referred on this?
All I see is a pseudo reference to "JoyofSatan".
Where is HPS Maxine's supposed comments? Where is any reference to her?
Take this away and all you have is the racist unsubstantiated drival of actually anybody...the rabbi from the local synagogue??

Leave if you want too, but as already said, if you want to know the truth, then ask here, and not some half-ass website frequented by liars, racists, and communist gutter scum.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
