Rješava li molitva Sotoni depresiju?
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If you want to do something, you cannot delegate the task of doing it to others.
You have to be the one to do it, you can ask Satan for help, and also for guides. But you will not get the things you want if you never take on the task of working on these things.
Problems are not solved and desires are NEVER obtained by lying on the couch watching the TV and waiting for others to work for us just because we have prayed to them and so we have the right to be lazy.
And others have no duty to solve your problems because you prayed a few minutes and now others solve your depression without you helping yourself.
Praying is good of course, Satan and the other Gods will guide you and support you, but if you are depressed it will never help you to stay in a state where you will be the first to do nothing.
Doing nothing does not solve depression. It increases it. If you want to solve depression, you have to take care of yourself by doing good things for your life.
Starting from your soul (meditating, poor soul development is the first cause of depression), to your physical body (these are related things) Try to live in a healthy way.
Even having to seek help from a nutritionist, working out at the gym and doing things in contact with others) and doing good things with your life (show yourself that your life is useful, that you use it well, that depression doesn't make sense, but you do make sense).