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A question about Ong and kundalini mantras.


Dec 4, 2023
When it comes to Kundalini mantras and especially words like Ong are these words the most powerful variant for the mantra? For instance to me Ong seems to fulfill the same niche as Aum both in meaning and in how its used, in fact it sounds a lot like the incorrect "Ohm" my question is this, in many of the Kundalini Mantras there seems to be a sanskrit equivalent of each word used, and I am aware that certain words of Sanskrit have been diluted in the later languages such as Aum turning into Ohm so my question is the following is Ong a simple degeneration of Aum or is it powerful and useful in its own right?

I have used mantras using Ong and the mantras are strong but I am questioning if I am leaving power on the table by using potentially weakened words of power, but I truly do not know.

This question also somewhat extends to other words of power used such as Namo, it seems to just be Namah but different, is different worse in this case? Or simply different?

Any help would be appreciated.
When it comes to Kundalini mantras and especially words like Ong are these words the most powerful variant for the mantra? For instance to me Ong seems to fulfill the same niche as Aum both in meaning and in how its used, in fact it sounds a lot like the incorrect "Ohm" my question is this, in many of the Kundalini Mantras there seems to be a sanskrit equivalent of each word used, and I am aware that certain words of Sanskrit have been diluted in the later languages such as Aum turning into Ohm so my question is the following is Ong a simple degeneration of Aum or is it powerful and useful in its own right?

I have used mantras using Ong and the mantras are strong but I am questioning if I am leaving power on the table by using potentially weakened words of power, but I truly do not know.

This question also somewhat extends to other words of power used such as Namo, it seems to just be Namah but different, is different worse in this case? Or simply different?

Any help would be appreciated.
When in a Kundalini yoga class most teachers will open with the adi mantra "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" to invoke the chain of yogis and shield yourself from the influence of the students. I have used this while teaching Kundalini yoga and believe in it's power.

HOWEVER ong is a less watered down version of om vibrating the g specifically will stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands. But just use Gaum directly on the pineal gland instead.
I wonder if by replacing the kundalini mantras with their Sanskrit equivalent if we could massively boost their power?
The mantras as laid down in the power meditations (all 7 chakras) were formulated by HPS Maxine under the guidance of Lord Azazel. There is a choice of either Sanskrit, Runic or Necronomicon mantras. Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages, therefore less liable to corruption. As HPS Maxine said, we are all different, and choose what is best. Once you have started on a particular type, stay with it, don't change.

Directly referring to your question: AUM was corrupted by the enemy by taking the "A" away and substituting "I".

Since coming back to Satan (and the forums) and redoubling my efforts with meditation, I have discovered that Sanskrit works best for me.

The reason why the clergy constantly stresses the importance of meditation is because there is no substitute when it comes ti opening and empowering the soul. My whole life has changed in such a short time, and I've completely opened up to a new reality of spiritual truth.
I didn't wish to give a testimonial here, but I love Father Satan and the Gods. My fervent hope is I can eventually communicate (consciously) with Them in the not too distant future.

Hail Satan!
Most of the kundalini mantras are already in Sanskrit.
Most are but some very potent ones are in Gurmukhi, its still very clearly a spiritual language and has power, but it does seem like I should just translate most of them to Sanskrit.
There are three power languages: Sanskrit, ancient Greek and Hebrew. Gurmukhi is not a language but a type of writing.

I don't know what you are looking for, but be careful, corruption is widespread. In the Jos have already been decoded and tested, power words to empower one's soul, safely and correctly.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
