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- Dec 12, 2019
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This is the video is watched on youtube (Experience of a himalyan yogi):
In between I listen to him saying "Sanyais in himalya when they meet somewhere they say Om" It's actually AUM (AAA in Stomach, UUU in the middle of chest, MMM on the nose or heat "I am unsure about it" [In one of Sadhguru's video he also mentions it's AUM and the emphasis of vibration MMM is at the tip of the nose] I personally get the vibration at the top-middle of the head)
Then this Yogi goes on and talk about the superpowers of his Master like
- Leaving the material body in present of a doctor and the doctor was surprised.
- Being at more than 2 places at the same time.
- Using herbs to fight hunger for 20-30 days of Sadhana.
- He also mentions his master is a Hatha yogi.
So i have a question for HP Cobra if he's reading it, Can people without the knowledge of vibration AUM still advance only through Yoga itself?
I think I have read HP Hooded Cobra saying somewhere in the forum that " One can raise kundalini through yoga "
I have also read there were elixers of herbs that cooled down the temperature of the body and facilitates the raise of kundalini.
I have gone through the 2 programs of sadhguru "Inner Engineering and Shambhavi Mahamudra"
In the Inner Engineering program the meditation he gave is something like this.
- Being conscious of top of the head for a few seconds to minutes then to the face, front throat -> heart -> solar chakra -> sacral chakra -> sacral chakra front -> then legs -> and then upwards following the same pattern but from the back side.
- Then there was a meditation to Imagine yourself floating on a lake (I don't remember exactly "I watched it few years back in 2020-2021)
Now shambhavi Mahamudra is something like this.
- Working on the base chakra ( He said it's necessary to have strong roots for a flower to blossom "Something like this i don't remember exact line, my memory is not very good)
- Then breathwork in yogapose (It was online, I purchased the course twice for being unable to complete it first time, It was live session in the early morning around 6-7 AM if i am not wrong)
- Turning face slightly upwards and gently focusing on the middle of forehead (Turning the face slightly upturned creates a natural focus on the third eye) And remaining in that state for a few time.
- Then Nadi vibhajana (Alternate nostril breathing)
- Then focusing on the tip of the nose and taking 2 shallow but quick breaths focusing on that area in 1 second but not forcing the breath (Not everyone could do 2 quick breaths in the starting so the instructor told to do as much as possible and build up slowly to that level)
-Then vibrating A-U-M for 21 times or 21 minutes (Don't remember exactly) - But it's clear that he's not BS-sing around with Om.
This practise according to him is supposed to remove the dirt from chakras, nadis, make base strong, and get you "High" slowly in a month if done as instructed.
The practise in his guided meditation takes 20-30 minutes.
Things I don't understand.
-What if someone's chakra is blocked can they be unblocked only through yoga or vibrations are necessary.
-He did say somewhere in one of his videos that there are many mantras (Bija and others) but it's no where mentioned in his program only AUM sound.
-Is the AUM vibration superior to every other ( I know other mantras work on the charkras but does only yoga and AUM can do the trick of raising the kundalini for someone?)
I want to know what should I do to raise my energy to do more mantras, I had little problem doing 60x Thurs on 6th, but the elixer secreted by it got me, I couldn't move for hours and had effect for days, I became very sensitive)
I wanted to do runes till the base of the spine but I felt exhausted, (Ever since my kundalini dropped I feel exhausted even after walking a few kilometers, before in university I walked from my apartment to take classes and didn't feel the need to take taxi) I also feel exhausted doing Squares and have to take breaks around 20 reps sometimes when the square requires reps over 30 (Presently i am doing Venus and Sun square both spiritual)
Can someone help me how should i raise the kundalini to get my energy back, I try to progress but get stuck and feel exhausted too quickly (I was never like this)
Tips specially HP Cobra, StormBlood, HP Lydia and HS666 will be highly appreciated if you can take time and have a look at my case.
I am also planning on visiting Kailash and a few regions in Himalyas if I can find any Guru there and someone who can guide me to make switch in different nadis by consciously sending energies there.
It's noticed that people have seen alien beings there who don't harm humans, unlike the ones having their base in USA.
- I have seen interview of a person who visited that mount kailash and he met people of age over 300 years (These people have no interest in proving their age in front of media for obvious reasons)
Who knows if I learn something new.
In between I listen to him saying "Sanyais in himalya when they meet somewhere they say Om" It's actually AUM (AAA in Stomach, UUU in the middle of chest, MMM on the nose or heat "I am unsure about it" [In one of Sadhguru's video he also mentions it's AUM and the emphasis of vibration MMM is at the tip of the nose] I personally get the vibration at the top-middle of the head)
Then this Yogi goes on and talk about the superpowers of his Master like
- Leaving the material body in present of a doctor and the doctor was surprised.
- Being at more than 2 places at the same time.
- Using herbs to fight hunger for 20-30 days of Sadhana.
- He also mentions his master is a Hatha yogi.
So i have a question for HP Cobra if he's reading it, Can people without the knowledge of vibration AUM still advance only through Yoga itself?
I think I have read HP Hooded Cobra saying somewhere in the forum that " One can raise kundalini through yoga "
I have also read there were elixers of herbs that cooled down the temperature of the body and facilitates the raise of kundalini.
I have gone through the 2 programs of sadhguru "Inner Engineering and Shambhavi Mahamudra"
In the Inner Engineering program the meditation he gave is something like this.
- Being conscious of top of the head for a few seconds to minutes then to the face, front throat -> heart -> solar chakra -> sacral chakra -> sacral chakra front -> then legs -> and then upwards following the same pattern but from the back side.
- Then there was a meditation to Imagine yourself floating on a lake (I don't remember exactly "I watched it few years back in 2020-2021)
Now shambhavi Mahamudra is something like this.
- Working on the base chakra ( He said it's necessary to have strong roots for a flower to blossom "Something like this i don't remember exact line, my memory is not very good)
- Then breathwork in yogapose (It was online, I purchased the course twice for being unable to complete it first time, It was live session in the early morning around 6-7 AM if i am not wrong)
- Turning face slightly upwards and gently focusing on the middle of forehead (Turning the face slightly upturned creates a natural focus on the third eye) And remaining in that state for a few time.
- Then Nadi vibhajana (Alternate nostril breathing)
- Then focusing on the tip of the nose and taking 2 shallow but quick breaths focusing on that area in 1 second but not forcing the breath (Not everyone could do 2 quick breaths in the starting so the instructor told to do as much as possible and build up slowly to that level)
-Then vibrating A-U-M for 21 times or 21 minutes (Don't remember exactly) - But it's clear that he's not BS-sing around with Om.
This practise according to him is supposed to remove the dirt from chakras, nadis, make base strong, and get you "High" slowly in a month if done as instructed.
The practise in his guided meditation takes 20-30 minutes.
Things I don't understand.
-What if someone's chakra is blocked can they be unblocked only through yoga or vibrations are necessary.
-He did say somewhere in one of his videos that there are many mantras (Bija and others) but it's no where mentioned in his program only AUM sound.
-Is the AUM vibration superior to every other ( I know other mantras work on the charkras but does only yoga and AUM can do the trick of raising the kundalini for someone?)
I want to know what should I do to raise my energy to do more mantras, I had little problem doing 60x Thurs on 6th, but the elixer secreted by it got me, I couldn't move for hours and had effect for days, I became very sensitive)
I wanted to do runes till the base of the spine but I felt exhausted, (Ever since my kundalini dropped I feel exhausted even after walking a few kilometers, before in university I walked from my apartment to take classes and didn't feel the need to take taxi) I also feel exhausted doing Squares and have to take breaks around 20 reps sometimes when the square requires reps over 30 (Presently i am doing Venus and Sun square both spiritual)
Can someone help me how should i raise the kundalini to get my energy back, I try to progress but get stuck and feel exhausted too quickly (I was never like this)
Tips specially HP Cobra, StormBlood, HP Lydia and HS666 will be highly appreciated if you can take time and have a look at my case.
I am also planning on visiting Kailash and a few regions in Himalyas if I can find any Guru there and someone who can guide me to make switch in different nadis by consciously sending energies there.
It's noticed that people have seen alien beings there who don't harm humans, unlike the ones having their base in USA.
- I have seen interview of a person who visited that mount kailash and he met people of age over 300 years (These people have no interest in proving their age in front of media for obvious reasons)
Who knows if I learn something new.