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Please Read if You are Raising the Kundalini Serpent - Raw Reality I've Learned from Raising Mine


New member
May 11, 2022
At the bottom of this post, I've listed key things I've learned from my experience. Skip to there if you are not interested in reading my personal experience.

When I was 14, I had the honor of raising my Serpent. The sensation can be described in many ways, but in spite of sounding inappropriate, the best word I have for it is "orgasmic."

As written in the JoS texts, raising the Kundalini is no easy feat. It can be the result of a lifetime of work. Some have done more work in past lives and can activate its rise sooner. In my experience, it was like a tectonic shift in the brain - it could be touching your own Godself, the purification of your energy, touching the highest divinity, limitless consciousness, and many more beautiful things. The Kundalini is an ancient and very important part of your self development and mastery. But it can be intimidating. I'd like to share my experience and very key points I've learned from it.

When I experienced it, it took a lot of energy illuminating the brain for the rise to happen. Massive amounts of golden energy from the base of the spine is necessary. The chakras must be open and in balance for this amount of energy to flow without disruption, and a soul without proper foundation could be inviting issues if certain things haven't been attained yet. Key abilities like the ability to ground one's energy, to block out or at least discard intrusive thoughts, the ability to visualize and breathe energy in a certain direction, the ability to protect oneself, and more. I neglected some of these things and experienced years of consequence - not necessarily bad consequence, but a collection of mental and physical reaction of my own body and mind to this immense energy going unchecked.

When I managed to raise my Serpent, it took probably an hour of meditation to bring that colossal amount of base energy up. But the experience when achieving the rise was ecstasy. When the serpent fully ascended, beautiful golden fireworks shot off in my brain. Hundreds of dazzling golden fireworks all exploded in my mind, and I could see them as well as feel them; it felt as if the brain was having an orgasm. It was a feeling of pure ecstasy in the third eye, the physical brain, the top of the head, and the skin. My eyes fluttered and moved erratically on their own as my entire brain was engulfed in this golden radiance. This sensation lasted as long as I willed it; the exploding golden fireworks didn't cease until I brought my focus to the earthly and consciously ended the experience. After I ended this, the brain positively shined with an unending golden light. It was permanently bathed in golden energy, something that seemingly changed the chemistry of my brain.

What I had failed to do was bring this energy back down. Bringing the energy back to the lower chakras and grounding oneself is, from my experience, as essential as breathwork. Failure to bring the energies back down can lead to years of unchecked, extremely high energy that can manifest as various mental and physical illnesses. For me, I left this high energy unmastered and paid dearly for it.
For years after this, I experienced cripplingly high anxiety that heightened with every passing day. I never made this connection; instead I worried that I was becoming increasingly mentally ill. I'd see things that weren't there; shadows, orbs, people. Things that made no sense. Things that evoked emotional response. Things that caused fear. I can realize now what these things were - not an attack from the enemy, not a curse from thoughtforms. It was a heightened sensitivity to the spirit realm. I would hear my name as I fell asleep, see people run past me only to look back and see nothing. I could describe these seen people to my coworkers, what they were wearing, their skin color, their hair color, but every time I would be met with confusion. In shadows especially, people and animals can become clear to see.
I was so scared for a long, long time. Worried I was being attacked and followed constantly. I stopped my practice for a time, hoping to dull the sensations and visions. A gift from my higher self, or from the Gods, so easily turned into something to fear by a mind that wasn't ready for it. My anxiety worsened. I didn't leave my house alone and continued to live in immense fear, even at my job. The physical body could no longer handle the pressure of such energy and would vomit when it got too high. Any amount of nervousness would destroy me, because I was already under such immense energy. Any test, any class, any job, and any morning could induce vomiting. I was always shaking.
It took a very warm, sunny afternoon to finally come to the other side of this. Years of being unable to leave the house myself was surmounted by this sunlight. I felt a strong nudge to go on a walk. Something I'd been too afraid to do for a long time. I decided it would be short; to a nearby park and right back. I brought various weapons to protect myself. I thought about turning around, but came to the park anyway and sat in the grass, feeling the energy of the sunlight, the subtle vibrations in the trees, the beauty of the life surrounding me. I was still very nervous, but felt as though things would be... okay. I would be okay.

As I got up to leave, I noticed something on the ground near the entrance of the park. As I neared, I was absolutely enchanted by it. It was a giant, beautiful, perfectly intact owl feather. I'd never seen something like this before in the wild. It was the kind of feather you'd only see at hobby shops or in a hunter's prize cabinet. It was about the size of my forearm and the colors were a gorgeous array of browns, oranges, black, and white. I immediately thought, "is this a reward?" A reward for my bravery. An acknowledgement that the Gods were still with me? I wasn't sure. I'd dulled my senses, so if there was an energy attached to it, I wasn't picking up on it. But either way, this timing and coincidence was immense and not to be ignored. For a long time, I saw it as a reward from Father Satan for my bravery.
After much thought and refection, I associate this experience more with Goddess Astaroth. The kind, gentle counselor of humanity. She pushes us to become more, and is the kind of courteous and loving Goddess that would push us forward with things like this. Through her guidance, I was brought to many new things. All these years later, I've overcome my crippling fears. I tried to raise my kundalini again and was met with a vision of golden white clouds, and my serpent looking upward directly. Its scales were a beautiful translucent white and it was looking toward this sky. I heard The word "Deification" and "This is the start of Deification" in my mind, echoed as I saw winged people reaching out to me. I'd like to share the essentials of what I've learned.

(Here's an image of that beautiful feather if you're interested!)

1 - Fear
Fear can be a common crippling force in spiritual ascension. Intrusive thoughts, worries, an ever chattering mind can all serve as limiting factors when trying to come to a higher consciousness. My steps to mastering this through much trial and error are as follows:

- Accept that you're feeling fear. Observe the sensation. I've tried to integrate an "unfeeling" approach and it never worked. If I'm sweating, panicking, feeling sick from fear, I can't just tell myself "I'm not feeling this" and expect everything to get better.
- Go through with what you need to do anyways. Feel it, but don't let it stop you from doing what needs to be done. This could be something simple, like walking into a dark room, or or something bigger like taking a risk.
- Don't force yourself into scary situations just to prove something. Like a muscle, exercising a skill like fear mastery is important and will lead to a stronger ability. But overexertion can lead to unnecessary damage and pain, much like pulling a muscle.

2 - Lowering energy and energy mastery
Risen energy going unchecked leads to many things. Anxiety, burnout, fear, vomiting, shaking, digestive issues, depression - all things that must be avoided for a healthy body and mind. Being able to raise (higher functions like clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral sensation) and lower energy (grounding, feeling like "yourself,") is essential for self mastery and ascension. Being able to bring energy back down after a higher working is as essential as breathing for your health.

- Risen anxiety is a symptom of higher energy going unchecked.
- Lowering energy after an intense working is vital, as vital as breathing.
Failure to do so can lead to an imbalance that causes hypervigilance and fear, and an illness of body and mental state. I personally experienced this as a consequence of unchecked higher energy.
- When lowering energy, it can sometimes be expected to see scary or unpleasant things. Flashing and disturbing images may present themselves. These are subconscious fears and negative energies being purged, as higher and purer forms of vibrational energy descend into the lower body and chakras. The higher energy naturally purges and cleanses these things, and you may see them as they leave if you are highly visually attuned to the spiritual. Do not let it scare you, as it is a sign of them being purged. Cleanse your chakras and aura, and allow your chakras and energy to become balanced again.

As we grow into our higher selves, it is important to make sure that we have a strong foundation for handling energy. Otherwise, it is possible we are overcome with these higher vibrational energies and can fall into undesired situations. Please take care of yourselves and walk always with the Gods of Truth. They will guide you to the unseen, more ecstatic experiences you will ever have.

Ave Satanas, Hail Goddess Astaroth, and know that they love you and want to guide you to wonderful things.
How curious. So, how did having such a profound experience at a young age influence the rest of your spiritual journey as you matured? To have such extatic breakthrough at a young age must have made all your other growths seem dull in comparison?
At the bottom of this post, I've listed key things I've learned from my experience. Skip to there if you are not interested in reading my personal experience.

When I was 14, I had the honor of raising my Serpent. The sensation can be described in many ways, but in spite of sounding inappropriate, the best word I have for it is "orgasmic."

As written in the JoS texts, raising the Kundalini is no easy feat. It can be the result of a lifetime of work. Some have done more work in past lives and can activate its rise sooner. In my experience, it was like a tectonic shift in the brain - it could be touching your own Godself, the purification of your energy, touching the highest divinity, limitless consciousness, and many more beautiful things. The Kundalini is an ancient and very important part of your self development and mastery. But it can be intimidating. I'd like to share my experience and very key points I've learned from it.

When I experienced it, it took a lot of energy illuminating the brain for the rise to happen. Massive amounts of golden energy from the base of the spine is necessary. The chakras must be open and in balance for this amount of energy to flow without disruption, and a soul without proper foundation could be inviting issues if certain things haven't been attained yet. Key abilities like the ability to ground one's energy, to block out or at least discard intrusive thoughts, the ability to visualize and breathe energy in a certain direction, the ability to protect oneself, and more. I neglected some of these things and experienced years of consequence - not necessarily bad consequence, but a collection of mental and physical reaction of my own body and mind to this immense energy going unchecked.

When I managed to raise my Serpent, it took probably an hour of meditation to bring that colossal amount of base energy up. But the experience when achieving the rise was ecstasy. When the serpent fully ascended, beautiful golden fireworks shot off in my brain. Hundreds of dazzling golden fireworks all exploded in my mind, and I could see them as well as feel them; it felt as if the brain was having an orgasm. It was a feeling of pure ecstasy in the third eye, the physical brain, the top of the head, and the skin. My eyes fluttered and moved erratically on their own as my entire brain was engulfed in this golden radiance. This sensation lasted as long as I willed it; the exploding golden fireworks didn't cease until I brought my focus to the earthly and consciously ended the experience. After I ended this, the brain positively shined with an unending golden light. It was permanently bathed in golden energy, something that seemingly changed the chemistry of my brain.

What I had failed to do was bring this energy back down. Bringing the energy back to the lower chakras and grounding oneself is, from my experience, as essential as breathwork. Failure to bring the energies back down can lead to years of unchecked, extremely high energy that can manifest as various mental and physical illnesses. For me, I left this high energy unmastered and paid dearly for it.
For years after this, I experienced cripplingly high anxiety that heightened with every passing day. I never made this connection; instead I worried that I was becoming increasingly mentally ill. I'd see things that weren't there; shadows, orbs, people. Things that made no sense. Things that evoked emotional response. Things that caused fear. I can realize now what these things were - not an attack from the enemy, not a curse from thoughtforms. It was a heightened sensitivity to the spirit realm. I would hear my name as I fell asleep, see people run past me only to look back and see nothing. I could describe these seen people to my coworkers, what they were wearing, their skin color, their hair color, but every time I would be met with confusion. In shadows especially, people and animals can become clear to see.
I was so scared for a long, long time. Worried I was being attacked and followed constantly. I stopped my practice for a time, hoping to dull the sensations and visions. A gift from my higher self, or from the Gods, so easily turned into something to fear by a mind that wasn't ready for it. My anxiety worsened. I didn't leave my house alone and continued to live in immense fear, even at my job. The physical body could no longer handle the pressure of such energy and would vomit when it got too high. Any amount of nervousness would destroy me, because I was already under such immense energy. Any test, any class, any job, and any morning could induce vomiting. I was always shaking.
It took a very warm, sunny afternoon to finally come to the other side of this. Years of being unable to leave the house myself was surmounted by this sunlight. I felt a strong nudge to go on a walk. Something I'd been too afraid to do for a long time. I decided it would be short; to a nearby park and right back. I brought various weapons to protect myself. I thought about turning around, but came to the park anyway and sat in the grass, feeling the energy of the sunlight, the subtle vibrations in the trees, the beauty of the life surrounding me. I was still very nervous, but felt as though things would be... okay. I would be okay.

As I got up to leave, I noticed something on the ground near the entrance of the park. As I neared, I was absolutely enchanted by it. It was a giant, beautiful, perfectly intact owl feather. I'd never seen something like this before in the wild. It was the kind of feather you'd only see at hobby shops or in a hunter's prize cabinet. It was about the size of my forearm and the colors were a gorgeous array of browns, oranges, black, and white. I immediately thought, "is this a reward?" A reward for my bravery. An acknowledgement that the Gods were still with me? I wasn't sure. I'd dulled my senses, so if there was an energy attached to it, I wasn't picking up on it. But either way, this timing and coincidence was immense and not to be ignored. For a long time, I saw it as a reward from Father Satan for my bravery.
After much thought and refection, I associate this experience more with Goddess Astaroth. The kind, gentle counselor of humanity. She pushes us to become more, and is the kind of courteous and loving Goddess that would push us forward with things like this. Through her guidance, I was brought to many new things. All these years later, I've overcome my crippling fears. I tried to raise my kundalini again and was met with a vision of golden white clouds, and my serpent looking upward directly. Its scales were a beautiful translucent white and it was looking toward this sky. I heard The word "Deification" and "This is the start of Deification" in my mind, echoed as I saw winged people reaching out to me. I'd like to share the essentials of what I've learned.

(Here's an image of that beautiful feather if you're interested!)

1 - Fear
Fear can be a common crippling force in spiritual ascension. Intrusive thoughts, worries, an ever chattering mind can all serve as limiting factors when trying to come to a higher consciousness. My steps to mastering this through much trial and error are as follows:

- Accept that you're feeling fear. Observe the sensation. I've tried to integrate an "unfeeling" approach and it never worked. If I'm sweating, panicking, feeling sick from fear, I can't just tell myself "I'm not feeling this" and expect everything to get better.
- Go through with what you need to do anyways. Feel it, but don't let it stop you from doing what needs to be done. This could be something simple, like walking into a dark room, or or something bigger like taking a risk.
- Don't force yourself into scary situations just to prove something. Like a muscle, exercising a skill like fear mastery is important and will lead to a stronger ability. But overexertion can lead to unnecessary damage and pain, much like pulling a muscle.

2 - Lowering energy and energy mastery
Risen energy going unchecked leads to many things. Anxiety, burnout, fear, vomiting, shaking, digestive issues, depression - all things that must be avoided for a healthy body and mind. Being able to raise (higher functions like clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral sensation) and lower energy (grounding, feeling like "yourself,") is essential for self mastery and ascension. Being able to bring energy back down after a higher working is as essential as breathing for your health.

- Risen anxiety is a symptom of higher energy going unchecked.
- Lowering energy after an intense working is vital, as vital as breathing. Failure to do so can lead to an imbalance that causes hypervigilance and fear, and an illness of body and mental state. I personally experienced this as a consequence of unchecked higher energy.
- When lowering energy, it can sometimes be expected to see scary or unpleasant things. Flashing and disturbing images may present themselves. These are subconscious fears and negative energies being purged, as higher and purer forms of vibrational energy descend into the lower body and chakras. The higher energy naturally purges and cleanses these things, and you may see them as they leave if you are highly visually attuned to the spiritual. Do not let it scare you, as it is a sign of them being purged. Cleanse your chakras and aura, and allow your chakras and energy to become balanced again.

As we grow into our higher selves, it is important to make sure that we have a strong foundation for handling energy. Otherwise, it is possible we are overcome with these higher vibrational energies and can fall into undesired situations. Please take care of yourselves and walk always with the Gods of Truth. They will guide you to the unseen, more ecstatic experiences you will ever have.

Ave Satanas, Hail Goddess Astaroth, and know that they love you and want to guide you to wonderful things.

How I regret it, to overcome the fear I really tried to force myself and do things that were scary and sometimes not very safe.
This is really interesting, I feel like you're right about untamed mind and the increasing amounts of spiritual energy which is something I'm learning 😞
I'm worried about why the Gods or your Guardian didn't assist with removing the excess energy, or if you hadn't asked? I thought They are able to help us this way if we pray 💭 and lately, a while after I do God Rituals or if it's a few hours after yoga etc., I definitely ask because it can get to be a LOT. I don't feel ready to amass too much electricity in my soul because of manifesting certain thoughts and fears I'm working on controlling first 🫠
I truly can't imagine what you went through 😔🙏 You learned very important spiritual lessons when you were so young, but it sounds like you're healing/have healed and you're definitely a better person for having endured it all! 🌟✨ Thanks for sharing 🌞
you lucky to have altered consciousness states that are difficult for me. I study dreams, imagination, and psychology. I am a fan of Charles Tartt’s books, and honestly, I read Kenneth Grant, the Dalai Lama, and Moshe Edel. I am 22 years old and I have never been in a relationship or had sex once in my life because of Islam, and this is sad, especially since I love these things.
What you experienced is likely some of this energy, but not the full initial rising.

The initial rising of the kundalini Shakti is like the completion of an energetic circuit. This force pierces the crown strongly and this whole pathway is opened up.

Later on, this can be circulated at will and harnessed, along with some control over the altered states and power that come with this.

The ourborus symbol is very good to keep in mind as well, as the circulation of the kundalini Shakti is also very purifying and liberates the soul from alot of things.

Lastly, their is WAY too many misconceptions regarding the kundalini serpent. Fully rising this force is mainly an initiation into this, it's not always something where godlike power and wisdom is the default.

One can be fully risen and still have a long way to go in the path and other areas of life. Just because this force pierces the crown doesn't mean everything is easy street after. This just a stepping stone in the rest of the journey.

The body must also be able to handle the kundalini Shakti. This takes time and varies.

There is also the case of chronic genetic problems, they can take alot of time to treat and heal from. Even with a risen serpent.

The best way to proceed is letting go of alot of false conceptions and being open to what actually occurs.
Sorry to be so blunt, you didn't raise your Kundalini, probably you had some energy going ti your head, but it wasn't the Kundalini.
I’d love to know your reasoning if you could explain. I’ve done meditations where it’s just energy going to the head - they make you feel floaty and happy for an hour and then balances out. This was completely different. Something extremely life changing and electrifying. The energy from the base rose after extensive and tiresome effort. The brain quite literally exploded in fireworks and my body reacted involuntarily, an orgasmic sensation in both chakras and brain.
This is really interesting, I feel like you're right about untamed mind and the increasing amounts of spiritual energy which is something I'm learning 😞
I'm worried about why the Gods or your Guardian didn't assist with removing the excess energy, or if you hadn't asked? I thought They are able to help us this way if we pray 💭 and lately, a while after I do God Rituals or if it's a few hours after yoga etc., I definitely ask because it can get to be a LOT. I don't feel ready to amass too much electricity in my soul because of manifesting certain thoughts and fears I'm working on controlling first 🫠
I truly can't imagine what you went through 😔🙏 You learned very important spiritual lessons when you were so young, but it sounds like you're healing/have healed and you're definitely a better person for having endured it all! 🌟✨ Thanks for sharing
You’re right! I never asked for help, and I have a feeling they didn’t step in because it’s a skill that needs to be developed by the practitioner, not given by a deity. I would make for a pretty poor Demon if I couldn’t do it myself! haha. But I will always be grateful to Astaroth for her guidance after my overwhelming fear took over for so long.
How curious. So, how did having such a profound experience at a young age influence the rest of your spiritual journey as you matured? To have such extatic breakthrough at a young age must have made all your other growths seem dull in comparison?
As stated there were a lot of new abilities I did not have before, energy I didn’t know how to control, and as a result, years of fear and anxiety. As I mature I realize that grounding and being able to close yourself off is just as important as being able to heighten your senses. Unfortunately, it took years for me to really understand this. No growth is ever dull! All growth deserves to be celebrated and appreciated, as they are all gifts born from your effort and dedication.
I’d love to know your reasoning if you could explain. I’ve done meditations where it’s just energy going to the head - they make you feel floaty and happy for an hour and then balances out. This was completely different. Something extremely life changing and electrifying. The energy from the base rose after extensive and tiresome effort. The brain quite literally exploded in fireworks and my body reacted involuntarily, an orgasmic sensation in both chakras and brain.
as well as this, my consciousness shifted entirely. A new perception, intuition, and energy overwhelmed me in such a way that my life completely altered course.
What you experienced is likely some of this energy, but not the full initial rising.

The initial rising of the kundalini Shakti is like the completion of an energetic circuit. This force pierces the crown strongly and this whole pathway is opened up.

Later on, this can be circulated at will and harnessed, along with some control over the altered states and power that come with this.

The ourborus symbol is very good to keep in mind as well, as the circulation of the kundalini Shakti is also very purifying and liberates the soul from alot of things.

Lastly, their is WAY too many misconceptions regarding the kundalini serpent. Fully rising this force is mainly an initiation into this, it's not always something where godlike power and wisdom is the default.

One can be fully risen and still have a long way to go in the path and other areas of life. Just because this force pierces the crown doesn't mean everything is easy street after. This just a stepping stone in the rest of the journey.

The body must also be able to handle the kundalini Shakti. This takes time and varies.

There is also the case of chronic genetic problems, they can take alot of time to treat and heal from. Even with a risen serpent.

The best way to proceed is letting go of alot of false conceptions and being open to what actually occurs.
I can agree with this for sure. Raising of the kundalini is never the end; it is the beginning of very advanced work. Godhead is so much more than this. Maybe it was a partial rising and the crown must still be pierced; but the Gods have clearly confirmed for me that this was a rising and not just a simple "head rush" meditation. Head rush meditations don't alter the course of your life and give you years of changed perception and abilities, I know this from much experience in head centered meditations (this was part of my problem! not enough emphasis on grounding). As I said, I most definitely experienced many years of consequence from this rising coming either too quickly or too strongly. But either way, it is undeniable the at least a partial rise occurred. I agree that too many misconceptions exist. Modern media takes things like chakras, yoga, chi, etc. and commercializes and makes a mockery of it. This is why our work is so important.
What you experienced is likely some of this energy, but not the full initial rising.

The initial rising of the kundalini Shakti is like the completion of an energetic circuit. This force pierces the crown strongly and this whole pathway is opened up.

Later on, this can be circulated at will and harnessed, along with some control over the altered states and power that come with this.

The ourborus symbol is very good to keep in mind as well, as the circulation of the kundalini Shakti is also very purifying and liberates the soul from alot of things.

Lastly, their is WAY too many misconceptions regarding the kundalini serpent. Fully rising this force is mainly an initiation into this, it's not always something where godlike power and wisdom is the default.

One can be fully risen and still have a long way to go in the path and other areas of life. Just because this force pierces the crown doesn't mean everything is easy street after. This just a stepping stone in the rest of the journey.

The body must also be able to handle the kundalini Shakti. This takes time and varies.

There is also the case of chronic genetic problems, they can take alot of time to treat and heal from. Even with a risen serpent.

The best way to proceed is letting go of alot of false conceptions and being open to what actually occurs.
How do you learn?
At the bottom of this post, I've listed key things I've learned from my experience. Skip to there if you are not interested in reading my personal experience.

When I was 14, I had the honor of raising my Serpent. The sensation can be described in many ways, but in spite of sounding inappropriate, the best word I have for it is "orgasmic."

As written in the JoS texts, raising the Kundalini is no easy feat. It can be the result of a lifetime of work. Some have done more work in past lives and can activate its rise sooner. In my experience, it was like a tectonic shift in the brain - it could be touching your own Godself, the purification of your energy, touching the highest divinity, limitless consciousness, and many more beautiful things. The Kundalini is an ancient and very important part of your self development and mastery. But it can be intimidating. I'd like to share my experience and very key points I've learned from it.

When I experienced it, it took a lot of energy illuminating the brain for the rise to happen. Massive amounts of golden energy from the base of the spine is necessary. The chakras must be open and in balance for this amount of energy to flow without disruption, and a soul without proper foundation could be inviting issues if certain things haven't been attained yet. Key abilities like the ability to ground one's energy, to block out or at least discard intrusive thoughts, the ability to visualize and breathe energy in a certain direction, the ability to protect oneself, and more. I neglected some of these things and experienced years of consequence - not necessarily bad consequence, but a collection of mental and physical reaction of my own body and mind to this immense energy going unchecked.

When I managed to raise my Serpent, it took probably an hour of meditation to bring that colossal amount of base energy up. But the experience when achieving the rise was ecstasy. When the serpent fully ascended, beautiful golden fireworks shot off in my brain. Hundreds of dazzling golden fireworks all exploded in my mind, and I could see them as well as feel them; it felt as if the brain was having an orgasm. It was a feeling of pure ecstasy in the third eye, the physical brain, the top of the head, and the skin. My eyes fluttered and moved erratically on their own as my entire brain was engulfed in this golden radiance. This sensation lasted as long as I willed it; the exploding golden fireworks didn't cease until I brought my focus to the earthly and consciously ended the experience. After I ended this, the brain positively shined with an unending golden light. It was permanently bathed in golden energy, something that seemingly changed the chemistry of my brain.

What I had failed to do was bring this energy back down. Bringing the energy back to the lower chakras and grounding oneself is, from my experience, as essential as breathwork. Failure to bring the energies back down can lead to years of unchecked, extremely high energy that can manifest as various mental and physical illnesses. For me, I left this high energy unmastered and paid dearly for it.
For years after this, I experienced cripplingly high anxiety that heightened with every passing day. I never made this connection; instead I worried that I was becoming increasingly mentally ill. I'd see things that weren't there; shadows, orbs, people. Things that made no sense. Things that evoked emotional response. Things that caused fear. I can realize now what these things were - not an attack from the enemy, not a curse from thoughtforms. It was a heightened sensitivity to the spirit realm. I would hear my name as I fell asleep, see people run past me only to look back and see nothing. I could describe these seen people to my coworkers, what they were wearing, their skin color, their hair color, but every time I would be met with confusion. In shadows especially, people and animals can become clear to see.
I was so scared for a long, long time. Worried I was being attacked and followed constantly. I stopped my practice for a time, hoping to dull the sensations and visions. A gift from my higher self, or from the Gods, so easily turned into something to fear by a mind that wasn't ready for it. My anxiety worsened. I didn't leave my house alone and continued to live in immense fear, even at my job. The physical body could no longer handle the pressure of such energy and would vomit when it got too high. Any amount of nervousness would destroy me, because I was already under such immense energy. Any test, any class, any job, and any morning could induce vomiting. I was always shaking.
It took a very warm, sunny afternoon to finally come to the other side of this. Years of being unable to leave the house myself was surmounted by this sunlight. I felt a strong nudge to go on a walk. Something I'd been too afraid to do for a long time. I decided it would be short; to a nearby park and right back. I brought various weapons to protect myself. I thought about turning around, but came to the park anyway and sat in the grass, feeling the energy of the sunlight, the subtle vibrations in the trees, the beauty of the life surrounding me. I was still very nervous, but felt as though things would be... okay. I would be okay.

As I got up to leave, I noticed something on the ground near the entrance of the park. As I neared, I was absolutely enchanted by it. It was a giant, beautiful, perfectly intact owl feather. I'd never seen something like this before in the wild. It was the kind of feather you'd only see at hobby shops or in a hunter's prize cabinet. It was about the size of my forearm and the colors were a gorgeous array of browns, oranges, black, and white. I immediately thought, "is this a reward?" A reward for my bravery. An acknowledgement that the Gods were still with me? I wasn't sure. I'd dulled my senses, so if there was an energy attached to it, I wasn't picking up on it. But either way, this timing and coincidence was immense and not to be ignored. For a long time, I saw it as a reward from Father Satan for my bravery.
After much thought and refection, I associate this experience more with Goddess Astaroth. The kind, gentle counselor of humanity. She pushes us to become more, and is the kind of courteous and loving Goddess that would push us forward with things like this. Through her guidance, I was brought to many new things. All these years later, I've overcome my crippling fears. I tried to raise my kundalini again and was met with a vision of golden white clouds, and my serpent looking upward directly. Its scales were a beautiful translucent white and it was looking toward this sky. I heard The word "Deification" and "This is the start of Deification" in my mind, echoed as I saw winged people reaching out to me. I'd like to share the essentials of what I've learned.

(Here's an image of that beautiful feather if you're interested!)

1 - Fear
Fear can be a common crippling force in spiritual ascension. Intrusive thoughts, worries, an ever chattering mind can all serve as limiting factors when trying to come to a higher consciousness. My steps to mastering this through much trial and error are as follows:

- Accept that you're feeling fear. Observe the sensation. I've tried to integrate an "unfeeling" approach and it never worked. If I'm sweating, panicking, feeling sick from fear, I can't just tell myself "I'm not feeling this" and expect everything to get better.
- Go through with what you need to do anyways. Feel it, but don't let it stop you from doing what needs to be done. This could be something simple, like walking into a dark room, or or something bigger like taking a risk.
- Don't force yourself into scary situations just to prove something. Like a muscle, exercising a skill like fear mastery is important and will lead to a stronger ability. But overexertion can lead to unnecessary damage and pain, much like pulling a muscle.

2 - Lowering energy and energy mastery
Risen energy going unchecked leads to many things. Anxiety, burnout, fear, vomiting, shaking, digestive issues, depression - all things that must be avoided for a healthy body and mind. Being able to raise (higher functions like clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral sensation) and lower energy (grounding, feeling like "yourself,") is essential for self mastery and ascension. Being able to bring energy back down after a higher working is as essential as breathing for your health.

- Risen anxiety is a symptom of higher energy going unchecked.
- Lowering energy after an intense working is vital, as vital as breathing. Failure to do so can lead to an imbalance that causes hypervigilance and fear, and an illness of body and mental state. I personally experienced this as a consequence of unchecked higher energy.
- When lowering energy, it can sometimes be expected to see scary or unpleasant things. Flashing and disturbing images may present themselves. These are subconscious fears and negative energies being purged, as higher and purer forms of vibrational energy descend into the lower body and chakras. The higher energy naturally purges and cleanses these things, and you may see them as they leave if you are highly visually attuned to the spiritual. Do not let it scare you, as it is a sign of them being purged. Cleanse your chakras and aura, and allow your chakras and energy to become balanced again.

As we grow into our higher selves, it is important to make sure that we have a strong foundation for handling energy. Otherwise, it is possible we are overcome with these higher vibrational energies and can fall into undesired situations. Please take care of yourselves and walk always with the Gods of Truth. They will guide you to the unseen, more ecstatic experiences you will ever have.

Ave Satanas, Hail Goddess Astaroth, and know that they love you and want to guide you to wonderful things.
That's amazing!🪷 I wish I could have that too. Thank you for sharing this Information. Reading this was an inspiration to me as well! Enjoy your journey. Hail Satan Zeus!🙏🌺🐍
At the bottom of this post, I've listed key things I've learned from my experience. Skip to there if you are not interested in reading my personal experience.

When I was 14, I had the honor of raising my Serpent. The sensation can be described in many ways, but in spite of sounding inappropriate, the best word I have for it is "orgasmic."

As written in the JoS texts, raising the Kundalini is no easy feat. It can be the result of a lifetime of work. Some have done more work in past lives and can activate its rise sooner. In my experience, it was like a tectonic shift in the brain - it could be touching your own Godself, the purification of your energy, touching the highest divinity, limitless consciousness, and many more beautiful things. The Kundalini is an ancient and very important part of your self development and mastery. But it can be intimidating. I'd like to share my experience and very key points I've learned from it.

When I experienced it, it took a lot of energy illuminating the brain for the rise to happen. Massive amounts of golden energy from the base of the spine is necessary. The chakras must be open and in balance for this amount of energy to flow without disruption, and a soul without proper foundation could be inviting issues if certain things haven't been attained yet. Key abilities like the ability to ground one's energy, to block out or at least discard intrusive thoughts, the ability to visualize and breathe energy in a certain direction, the ability to protect oneself, and more. I neglected some of these things and experienced years of consequence - not necessarily bad consequence, but a collection of mental and physical reaction of my own body and mind to this immense energy going unchecked.

When I managed to raise my Serpent, it took probably an hour of meditation to bring that colossal amount of base energy up. But the experience when achieving the rise was ecstasy. When the serpent fully ascended, beautiful golden fireworks shot off in my brain. Hundreds of dazzling golden fireworks all exploded in my mind, and I could see them as well as feel them; it felt as if the brain was having an orgasm. It was a feeling of pure ecstasy in the third eye, the physical brain, the top of the head, and the skin. My eyes fluttered and moved erratically on their own as my entire brain was engulfed in this golden radiance. This sensation lasted as long as I willed it; the exploding golden fireworks didn't cease until I brought my focus to the earthly and consciously ended the experience. After I ended this, the brain positively shined with an unending golden light. It was permanently bathed in golden energy, something that seemingly changed the chemistry of my brain.

What I had failed to do was bring this energy back down. Bringing the energy back to the lower chakras and grounding oneself is, from my experience, as essential as breathwork. Failure to bring the energies back down can lead to years of unchecked, extremely high energy that can manifest as various mental and physical illnesses. For me, I left this high energy unmastered and paid dearly for it.
For years after this, I experienced cripplingly high anxiety that heightened with every passing day. I never made this connection; instead I worried that I was becoming increasingly mentally ill. I'd see things that weren't there; shadows, orbs, people. Things that made no sense. Things that evoked emotional response. Things that caused fear. I can realize now what these things were - not an attack from the enemy, not a curse from thoughtforms. It was a heightened sensitivity to the spirit realm. I would hear my name as I fell asleep, see people run past me only to look back and see nothing. I could describe these seen people to my coworkers, what they were wearing, their skin color, their hair color, but every time I would be met with confusion. In shadows especially, people and animals can become clear to see.
I was so scared for a long, long time. Worried I was being attacked and followed constantly. I stopped my practice for a time, hoping to dull the sensations and visions. A gift from my higher self, or from the Gods, so easily turned into something to fear by a mind that wasn't ready for it. My anxiety worsened. I didn't leave my house alone and continued to live in immense fear, even at my job. The physical body could no longer handle the pressure of such energy and would vomit when it got too high. Any amount of nervousness would destroy me, because I was already under such immense energy. Any test, any class, any job, and any morning could induce vomiting. I was always shaking.
It took a very warm, sunny afternoon to finally come to the other side of this. Years of being unable to leave the house myself was surmounted by this sunlight. I felt a strong nudge to go on a walk. Something I'd been too afraid to do for a long time. I decided it would be short; to a nearby park and right back. I brought various weapons to protect myself. I thought about turning around, but came to the park anyway and sat in the grass, feeling the energy of the sunlight, the subtle vibrations in the trees, the beauty of the life surrounding me. I was still very nervous, but felt as though things would be... okay. I would be okay.

As I got up to leave, I noticed something on the ground near the entrance of the park. As I neared, I was absolutely enchanted by it. It was a giant, beautiful, perfectly intact owl feather. I'd never seen something like this before in the wild. It was the kind of feather you'd only see at hobby shops or in a hunter's prize cabinet. It was about the size of my forearm and the colors were a gorgeous array of browns, oranges, black, and white. I immediately thought, "is this a reward?" A reward for my bravery. An acknowledgement that the Gods were still with me? I wasn't sure. I'd dulled my senses, so if there was an energy attached to it, I wasn't picking up on it. But either way, this timing and coincidence was immense and not to be ignored. For a long time, I saw it as a reward from Father Satan for my bravery.
After much thought and refection, I associate this experience more with Goddess Astaroth. The kind, gentle counselor of humanity. She pushes us to become more, and is the kind of courteous and loving Goddess that would push us forward with things like this. Through her guidance, I was brought to many new things. All these years later, I've overcome my crippling fears. I tried to raise my kundalini again and was met with a vision of golden white clouds, and my serpent looking upward directly. Its scales were a beautiful translucent white and it was looking toward this sky. I heard The word "Deification" and "This is the start of Deification" in my mind, echoed as I saw winged people reaching out to me. I'd like to share the essentials of what I've learned.

(Here's an image of that beautiful feather if you're interested!)

1 - Fear
Fear can be a common crippling force in spiritual ascension. Intrusive thoughts, worries, an ever chattering mind can all serve as limiting factors when trying to come to a higher consciousness. My steps to mastering this through much trial and error are as follows:

- Accept that you're feeling fear. Observe the sensation. I've tried to integrate an "unfeeling" approach and it never worked. If I'm sweating, panicking, feeling sick from fear, I can't just tell myself "I'm not feeling this" and expect everything to get better.
- Go through with what you need to do anyways. Feel it, but don't let it stop you from doing what needs to be done. This could be something simple, like walking into a dark room, or or something bigger like taking a risk.
- Don't force yourself into scary situations just to prove something. Like a muscle, exercising a skill like fear mastery is important and will lead to a stronger ability. But overexertion can lead to unnecessary damage and pain, much like pulling a muscle.

2 - Lowering energy and energy mastery
Risen energy going unchecked leads to many things. Anxiety, burnout, fear, vomiting, shaking, digestive issues, depression - all things that must be avoided for a healthy body and mind. Being able to raise (higher functions like clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral sensation) and lower energy (grounding, feeling like "yourself,") is essential for self mastery and ascension. Being able to bring energy back down after a higher working is as essential as breathing for your health.

- Risen anxiety is a symptom of higher energy going unchecked.
- Lowering energy after an intense working is vital, as vital as breathing. Failure to do so can lead to an imbalance that causes hypervigilance and fear, and an illness of body and mental state. I personally experienced this as a consequence of unchecked higher energy.
- When lowering energy, it can sometimes be expected to see scary or unpleasant things. Flashing and disturbing images may present themselves. These are subconscious fears and negative energies being purged, as higher and purer forms of vibrational energy descend into the lower body and chakras. The higher energy naturally purges and cleanses these things, and you may see them as they leave if you are highly visually attuned to the spiritual. Do not let it scare you, as it is a sign of them being purged. Cleanse your chakras and aura, and allow your chakras and energy to become balanced again.

As we grow into our higher selves, it is important to make sure that we have a strong foundation for handling energy. Otherwise, it is possible we are overcome with these higher vibrational energies and can fall into undesired situations. Please take care of yourselves and walk always with the Gods of Truth. They will guide you to the unseen, more ecstatic experiences you will ever have.

Ave Satanas, Hail Goddess Astaroth, and know that they love you and want to guide you to wonderful things.
I have not read this entire series of books of yours
But my question is based off of the title are you implying you have reached Godhead or atleast started to ?
As already stated by @Aquarius, you didn't rise your Kundalini.
This forum is no more a place where random people can show up stating to have risen the Kundalini when they where 14 years old.

People like Aristotle, Pythagora, Apollonio of Tyana probably had risen kundalinis.

Even if a person had worked extensively in previous lifetimes, you don't rise the kundalini so early in life, as your physical body is still developing, and proper training is needed also in current life.

Ground yourself more, and don't get so deluded. Keep meditating and pray to the Gods so they eventually will guide you to have a risen kundalini.

And also don't use the name Astaroth, but Astarte.
As already stated by @Aquarius, you didn't rise your Kundalini.
This forum is no more a place where random people can show up stating to have risen the Kundalini when they where 14 years old.

People like Aristotle, Pythagora, Apollonio of Tyana probably had risen kundalinis.

Even if a person had worked extensively in previous lifetimes, you don't rise the kundalini so early in life, as your physical body is still developing, and proper training is needed also in current life.

Ground yourself more, and don't get so deluded. Keep meditating and pray to the Gods so they eventually will guide you to have a risen kundalini.

And also don't use the name Astaroth, but Astarte.
With all due respect, you know nothing about me, my past lives, my relationships with the Gods, my path, my dedication, or anything of that sort. You have no grounds to tell me what I have and have not done. I appreciate you explaining, but my experience is very clearly and objectively not what you seem to think. Kundalini awakenings have been described over centuries as giving the practitioner “fireworks” in the mind, emotional consequence, physical and involuntary reaction, shifts in consciousness, and extreme energy movement. What I experienced was far beyond a simple energy rush to the head. Those meditations create a temporary high, some tingling, and then fade. This was an intense, life-altering awakening that took immense effort and practice—something entirely consistent with known kundalini risings. Beyond my direct experience, this has also been confirmed to me through visions, tarot affirmations, and guidance from Goddess Astaroth. I’d still like to speak with a High Priest at some point to deepen my understanding, but you have 0 ground whatsoever to tell me where my experience is or where my development is.
I have not read this entire series of books of yours
But my question is based off of the title are you implying you have reached Godhead or atleast started to ?
Reaching Godhead is the ultimate goal, but I would never claim to have achieved it yet. What I experienced was at least the partial rising of my Kundalini, which is a step in the process. The post reflects what I’ve learned from that experience—not that I’ve completed the path, but that I’ve gained direct knowledge from working on it. Growth is ongoing, even for the Demons themselves, and I’m continuing my work with the Gods to develop further. I’ve been on this path through many lives and have had many childhood experiences in this incarnation that all brought me to this point. Many people here seem to think they have authority in denying my lived experience, which saddens me. I shared to hopefully help others as they progress. I hope the majority of people are able to see this wonderful experience I’ve shared and take to heart some of the lessons I had to learn through a lot of trial and pain. If it helps someone triumph over their fear in any way.
How do you learn?

By walking the path and not giving in to false expectations. By being honest to yourself, and trusting the Gods as you become dedicated in your practice.
As already stated by @Aquarius, you didn't rise your Kundalini.
This forum is no more a place where random people can show up stating to have risen the Kundalini when they where 14 years old.

People like Aristotle, Pythagora, Apollonio of Tyana probably had risen kundalinis.

Even if a person had worked extensively in previous lifetimes, you don't rise the kundalini so early in life, as your physical body is still developing, and proper training is needed also in current life.

Ground yourself more, and don't get so deluded. Keep meditating and pray to the Gods so they eventually will guide you to have a risen kundalini.

And also don't use the name Astaroth, but Astarte.

What seems to be the case here is they experienced some of the kundalini energy and mistook this experience for the whole rising of the serpent.
I can agree with this for sure. Raising of the kundalini is never the end; it is the beginning of very advanced work. Godhead is so much more than this. Maybe it was a partial rising and the crown must still be pierced; but the Gods have clearly confirmed for me that this was a rising and not just a simple "head rush" meditation. Head rush meditations don't alter the course of your life and give you years of changed perception and abilities, I know this from much experience in head centered meditations (this was part of my problem! not enough emphasis on grounding). As I said, I most definitely experienced many years of consequence from this rising coming either too quickly or too strongly. But either way, it is undeniable the at least a partial rise occurred. I agree that too many misconceptions exist. Modern media takes things like chakras, yoga, chi, etc. and commercializes and makes a mockery of it. This is why our work is so important.

Likely then, you had experienced a kundalini surge, which is not the full rising of this force but a burst of it's energy flowing. This could coincide with the blissful sensations of elevated electricity along with the states that come from the kundalini.

While uncommon at that age, it can still happen, although rare.

Keep moving and do not worry, you will adapt and have this force risen in a proper and grounded way with some time.
You clearly don't even know what you are talking about. If you had a risen kundalini, rest assured you wouldn't be here writing multiple replies, but working closely with the Gods.

I am not here to "block" your path, but you can see that we started from the initial post where you stated to have risen your kundalini at 14 years old to the latest replies where you state that it was a some kind of step in the kundalini rising.

I am writing here first to try telling you to not get deluded because such kind of things are on extreme levels of advancement. Second, if you want to keep that vision of yourself, is to protect the forum, where beginners that don't have much spiritual understanding may falsely believe what your wrote.

It's not the first time people randomly show up with this kind of posts, and it always turn out they were just deluded.

So, keep meditating, store your experiences you had and keep walking the path.
You clearly don't even know what you are talking about. If you had a risen kundalini, rest assured you wouldn't be here writing multiple replies, but working closely with the Gods.

I am not here to "block" your path, but you can see that we started from the initial post where you stated to have risen your kundalini at 14 years old to the latest replies where you state that it was a some kind of step in the kundalini rising.

I am writing here first to try telling you to not get deluded because such kind of things are on extreme levels of advancement. Second, if you want to keep that vision of yourself, is to protect the forum, where beginners that don't have much spiritual understanding may falsely believe what your wrote.

It's not the first time people randomly show up with this kind of posts, and it always turn out they were just deluded.

So, keep meditating, store your experiences you had and keep walking the path.
I experienced a significant kundalini awakening that had a profound and life-altering impact on me. Whether one wants to call it a full rising or a major surge, the effects speak for themselves. I’m not here to prove anything to the likes of you, only to share what I’ve learned in hopes that it benefits others. The Gods have guided me through this, and I will continue forward under their direction, not that of people who dismiss experiences they were not present for and know nothing about. Hail Satan.
are you sure?
I’ve done a lot of reflection over this with the Gods and recently came across Gopi Krishna’s Kundalini account which matched my own experience almost perfectly. Whether you believe my personal account or not is irrelevant to the function of my post. All this functioned as was to help others benefit from my experience, as I listed the core essentials I learned through years of trial at the bottom.
Snowwy, if you had raised your kundalini you basically would be a demigod, instead you're here still calling our Goddess Astarte with the name the enemy assigned her, "Astaroth".

Sound ironical that such an advanced being like you didn't understand this.

This so reminds me of 2016-2017, where everybody who felt a fly buzzing thought their kundalini was risen..
I read Kenneth Grant, the Dalai Lama, and Moshe Edel
Kenneth Grant? Aren't his works based on that pompous arse Crowley? Doesn't he also write about the qliphoth? The 'dark side of the tree of life'? The JEWISH tree of life? And Moshe Edel - purely jewish.

You'd be better off dropping those books and studying ToZ rather than hoping that those jewish feces contain any useful knowledge for a Human.

Aaaaand Moloch... Do I remember correctly that such an entity does not exist?
This so reminds me of 2016-2017, where everybody who felt a fly buzzing thought their kundalini was risen..
Not to mention that people would come here wanting us to stroke their ego. Screams 'low self-esteem'.

'ohh, if I say my kundalini is rising, I'll be worshipped! I'll even become a high priest/ess! People will worship me!'

We've seen it many times, and we will see many more of such individuals
Snowwy, if you had raised your kundalini you basically would be a demigod, instead you're here still calling our Goddess Astarte with the name the enemy assigned her, "Astaroth".

Sound ironical that such an advanced being like you didn't understand this.

This so reminds me of 2016-2017, where everybody who felt a fly buzzing thought their kundalini was risen..
My brother, this is the last time I’ll respond to this as you cling extremely tightly to your worldview and blindly deny anything that doesn’t fit it. Krishna’s account is linked directly in the JoS website. Ishtar is referred to as “Astaroth” by HPS Maxine herself. that’s how many of us came to know her. Whether you believe my account or not is entirely irrelevant, what I hope is that you take any amount of wisdom in my writing and find a helpful and constructive way to integrate it into your path. And if you don’t, think nothing of me at all and continue on your way. I am not a God and never claimed to be. Everyone’s path is different and I hope that you can widen your perception. Don’t cling too tightly to preconceived ideas or blindly deny things that don’t fit your worldview. You don’t need to be an ancient philosopher for an ascended kundalini; the rise of a Kundalini is possible for everyone, even you. I wish you utmost blessings and clarity, and hope you forever cast away any ignorance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
