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Hello I am Eos - My current spiritual understanding (pantheism)


New member
Feb 9, 2025

I am on a spiritual journey for truth. This is why I want to share my current beliefs so that I can discuss them with you all and see where my ideas can be refined. I came from a traditional Christian background - as an adult found my way out of that to atheism (short lived) and then to spirituality/pantheism (god is all things) which is where I am now. I understand that this group is a Spiritual Satanist group, which is one of the main reasons I am attracted to it. Lucifer/Eosphoros in their role as Morning Star / Light bearer / Truth giver in his rebellion against Yahweh (lesser god/demiurge who seeks to steal worship through deception and tyranny and control) speaks to my being and core values. I may not understand everything correctly yet, but I would like to refine by beliefs through discussion.

Please read the basis of my beliefs and let me know your thoughts. I understand that what I believe now may be different than what you believe here, but I am open to the truth - let's find it together.

My current spiritual understanding:

Spirituality is a journey through layers with each its own degree of complexity and fragmentation. At the lower layers, closest to the physical realm, the divine expresses itself in multiplicity—spiritual entities take on countless names, roles, and forms, like actors on a stage. Here, they manifest as archetypes, myths, and symbols, reflecting the fractured nature of human perception. The gods and spirits we name—Zeus, Satan, Inanna —are not separate beings but facets of a greater whole, distorted by the lens of our understanding. This is the realm of duality, where light and shadow, good and evil, seem to clash, though they are merely parts of the same unfolding drama.

As you ascend through these layers, the complexity begins to dissolve. The higher you rise, the more the divisions blur, and the apparent contradictions of the lower realms reveal themselves as harmonies. Entities that once seemed distinct merge into shared essences; the archetypes shed their masks, and the illusions of separation fade. The gods are no longer many but one, their myriad forms collapsing into singular truths. This is the realm of synthesis, where the soul begins to perceive the interconnectedness of all things.

At the highest layer, there is no complexity, no division, no conflict—only unity. Here, the source of all existence resides, a boundless light or energy that transcends name and form. It is the origin of all that is, the point where duality dissolves into oneness, where the dance of creation and destruction ceases, and only the infinite remains. This is not a place of gods or archetypes but the essence from which they spring, the ultimate truth beyond all veils. To reach this layer is to return to the source, to know that all paths, all beings, all layers were but ripples in the same eternal sea.

I am on a spiritual journey for truth. This is why I want to share my current beliefs so that I can discuss them with you all and see where my ideas can be refined. I came from a traditional Christian background - as an adult found my way out of that to atheism (short lived) and then to spirituality/pantheism (god is all things) which is where I am now. I understand that this group is a Spiritual Satanist group, which is one of the main reasons I am attracted to it. Lucifer/Eosphoros in their role as Morning Star / Light bearer / Truth giver in his rebellion against Yahweh (lesser god/demiurge who seeks to steal worship through deception and tyranny and control) speaks to my being and core values. I may not understand everything correctly yet, but I would like to refine by beliefs through discussion.

Please read the basis of my beliefs and let me know your thoughts. I understand that what I believe now may be different than what you believe here, but I am open to the truth - let's find it together.

My current spiritual understanding:

Spirituality is a journey through layers with each its own degree of complexity and fragmentation. At the lower layers, closest to the physical realm, the divine expresses itself in multiplicity—spiritual entities take on countless names, roles, and forms, like actors on a stage. Here, they manifest as archetypes, myths, and symbols, reflecting the fractured nature of human perception. The gods and spirits we name—Zeus, Satan, Inanna —are not separate beings but facets of a greater whole, distorted by the lens of our understanding. This is the realm of duality, where light and shadow, good and evil, seem to clash, though they are merely parts of the same unfolding drama.

As you ascend through these layers, the complexity begins to dissolve. The higher you rise, the more the divisions blur, and the apparent contradictions of the lower realms reveal themselves as harmonies. Entities that once seemed distinct merge into shared essences; the archetypes shed their masks, and the illusions of separation fade. The gods are no longer many but one, their myriad forms collapsing into singular truths. This is the realm of synthesis, where the soul begins to perceive the interconnectedness of all things.

At the highest layer, there is no complexity, no division, no conflict—only unity. Here, the source of all existence resides, a boundless light or energy that transcends name and form. It is the origin of all that is, the point where duality dissolves into oneness, where the dance of creation and destruction ceases, and only the infinite remains. This is not a place of gods or archetypes but the essence from which they spring, the ultimate truth beyond all veils. To reach this layer is to return to the source, to know that all paths, all beings, all layers were but ripples in the same eternal sea.
As I understand it, in pantheism, the boundary between God and the universe is dissolved; everything is God, and everything is a part of God. However, I have a question in mind. I saw a post of yours on X account that read: 'Both Jesus and Lucifer rebelled against Yahweh's authority, descended from heaven to earth to help bring truth and light to humanity.' How should I interpret this? Because it doesn't seem to fully align with pantheism. In pantheism, God is the universe and everything within it. Therefore, the idea of God having multiple forms or rebelling seems to contradict the basic understanding of pantheism. At first, I thought perhaps you might have adopted a belief or mystical view outside of pantheism, and maybe you preferred a symbolic or archetypal approach. However, such an approach also seems to contradict the pantheistic idea of 'unity' and 'synthesis.' Could you kindly explain? Thank you so much in advance!
There are many checkpoints in advancement, we can split it up in 3 parts or 100 parts or more. You have quite a good idea about higher consciousness levels but there is many concrete things to this not just this vague explanation you give.
One have to learn about the kundalini, soul parts, higher self, Gods, as one have to be most concerned about these when learning about higher states of existence.

Ultimately meditation is what gets you there.
The conflicts at the higher and lower levels are very real, and not “illusions” like you think.

The Gods are real too and are the reason we aren’t all slaves in a reptilian colony at this moment.

I suggest you read the JOS thoroughly as well as Satan’s library to understand where we’re coming from and wake up to the very real spiritual warfare we are engaged in against the jews and their reptilian masters who seek to destroy and enslave us.

I am on a spiritual journey for truth. This is why I want to share my current beliefs so that I can discuss them with you all and see where my ideas can be refined. I came from a traditional Christian background - as an adult found my way out of that to atheism (short lived) and then to spirituality/pantheism (god is all things) which is where I am now. I understand that this group is a Spiritual Satanist group, which is one of the main reasons I am attracted to it. Lucifer/Eosphoros in their role as Morning Star / Light bearer / Truth giver in his rebellion against Yahweh (lesser god/demiurge who seeks to steal worship through deception and tyranny and control) speaks to my being and core values. I may not understand everything correctly yet, but I would like to refine by beliefs through discussion.

Please read the basis of my beliefs and let me know your thoughts. I understand that what I believe now may be different than what you believe here, but I am open to the truth - let's find it together.

My current spiritual understanding:

Spirituality is a journey through layers with each its own degree of complexity and fragmentation. At the lower layers, closest to the physical realm, the divine expresses itself in multiplicity—spiritual entities take on countless names, roles, and forms, like actors on a stage. Here, they manifest as archetypes, myths, and symbols, reflecting the fractured nature of human perception. The gods and spirits we name—Zeus, Satan, Inanna —are not separate beings but facets of a greater whole, distorted by the lens of our understanding. This is the realm of duality, where light and shadow, good and evil, seem to clash, though they are merely parts of the same unfolding drama.

As you ascend through these layers, the complexity begins to dissolve. The higher you rise, the more the divisions blur, and the apparent contradictions of the lower realms reveal themselves as harmonies. Entities that once seemed distinct merge into shared essences; the archetypes shed their masks, and the illusions of separation fade. The gods are no longer many but one, their myriad forms collapsing into singular truths. This is the realm of synthesis, where the soul begins to perceive the interconnectedness of all things.

At the highest layer, there is no complexity, no division, no conflict—only unity. Here, the source of all existence resides, a boundless light or energy that transcends name and form. It is the origin of all that is, the point where duality dissolves into oneness, where the dance of creation and destruction ceases, and only the infinite remains. This is not a place of gods or archetypes but the essence from which they spring, the ultimate truth beyond all veils. To reach this layer is to return to the source, to know that all paths, all beings, all layers were but ripples in the same eternal sea.
There is truth to the “One” principle in all existence, but it’s corrupted by the enemy to neuter any resistance to their agenda by claiming everyone including them are “one” to drop your guard against them. It’s also used as anti-individualist propaganda, with the ego, your self defence mechanism, is denies to exist.

The enemy denies the existence of everything it seeks to destroy. “Gender isn’t real, race isn’t real, the soul isn’t real, the ego isn’t real”, and so on. It’s black magick through the promotion of corrupt suicidal concepts.

Here’s more info regarding all this:

As I understand it, in pantheism, the boundary between God and the universe is dissolved; everything is God, and everything is a part of God. However, I have a question in mind. I saw a post of yours on X account that read: 'Both Jesus and Lucifer rebelled against Yahweh's authority, descended from heaven to earth to help bring truth and light to humanity.' How should I interpret this? Because it doesn't seem to fully align with pantheism. In pantheism, God is the universe and everything within it. Therefore, the idea of God having multiple forms or rebelling seems to contradict the basic understanding of pantheism. At first, I thought perhaps you might have adopted a belief or mystical view outside of pantheism, and maybe you preferred a symbolic or archetypal approach. However, such an approach also seems to contradict the pantheistic idea of 'unity' and 'synthesis.' Could you kindly explain? Thank you so much in advance!
First of all thank you so much for taking the time to read, process and formulate a response to my writings. I truly appreciate that.

You are correct that generally speaking pantheism is the belief that god is in all things and permeates all that there is. At it's most fundamental level, I do think that to be the case. There is a fundamental source/energy that underwrites the fabric of existence... including the subsequent layers of spiritually.

1. At the uppermost layer there is only oneness and unity. There is no drama, there is no complexity there. Just pure love and light and the power of creation.
2. Subsequent layers introduce duality. Think yin-yang. Light/Dark. Masculine/Feminine. Is/Isn't. On/Off. Wave Peak / Wave Trough (creation starts here).
3. Layers progress into more complexity. The more you divide, the more complex the structure can become. Here you find a pantheon of spirits that take on names, roles, ambitions and meaning - not yet complex enough to exist in the physical plane fully... but close enough to interact with as in intermediary to higher principles.
4. As complexity increases... we arrive in the physical realm we know. Still imbued and created by the original layer 1 at the top, but having been created through the process of spiritual complexity/creation as I outlined above.

You have quite a good idea about higher consciousness levels but there is many concrete things to this not just this vague explanation you give.
I understand my explanation is very rudimentary ... I don't know if we as humans will ever be able to fully comprehend all the layers of the spiritual realm. It would be like an ant trying to explain and understand how a computer works. I think that is why I find value in making the explanation as simple as possible - boiling it down to the core idea rather than trying to explain the whole. Personally I feel a deep connection to the uppermost layers (the unity and duality layers) because that is the foundation of everything else. Sometimes when I get too caught up in the complexity of all the spirits/demiurges that exist things can become too convoluted and I lose focus and acuity on the core concepts.

The conflicts at the higher and lower levels are very real, and not “illusions” like you think.

I agree with you - I do not think gods/spirits are illusions either. They are real as you or I. When I mentioned "illusion" I said that "the illusions of separation fade." meaning our division and complexity is only an illusion if you perceive it from the highest level of spirituality. At our true nature there is only pure existence/light/and creative power - but no division. Division is the game we play with ourselves in order to create. I hope that makes sense
People have already given great advice.
As for mine, welcome the rabbit hole that the JoS offers as truthful, I can attest all that is said is wise and true.

With that in mind, dig in and study at your own pace.

Do see what you have learned so far as valuable steps you have taken to arrive here, but also be ready to rethink a lot of your beliefs and be shocked by some info. Sit with it, think it over, reconcile beliefs, advance.

I'll be looking forward to your growth.
Welcome to the Joy of Satanas!

Your understanding of spirituality will improve when you practice more. JoS is not about empty talks, but about an actual experience. There you will find the real Gods, and you will see that they are not just some "archetypes", "energies". These are actual and powerful beings that will show themselves to you if you take this path seriously.

Do not skip the daily tasks like meditation, Aura Cleaning, Aura of Protection, yoga, and so on. Since you are new here, you are not supposed to start everything at once as this might be too challenging. But you can start with the HPHC666's 40-day program: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf . You are not supposed to follow it blindly, but this is perfect as a reference, because it gives you a feeling on your current level and what categories of spiritual activities you can perform. Also, there is the list of meditations categorized by the levels of advancement: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Meditation.html . And another reference that might be useful is this roadmap indicating : https://roadmap.sh/r?id=65d613bd66cd6d03d2c365fa

As in my answer to Viego - (Who was Azazel in the Egyptian Pantheon?)

"Actually, after thinking about it, what you are describing is Pantheism: stressing the identity between God (Beelzebul) and the universe. Panentheism: (Greek en, “in”) that the universe is included in God (Satan) but that God is more than the universe.
The actual working relationship between both."

It is a dual nature universe: Yin-Yang, Male-Female, Darkness and light.
"Darkness is light turned inside out" -- Beelzebul


I am on a spiritual journey for truth. This is why I want to share my current beliefs so that I can discuss them with you all and see where my ideas can be refined. I came from a traditional Christian background - as an adult found my way out of that to atheism (short lived) and then to spirituality/pantheism (god is all things) which is where I am now. I understand that this group is a Spiritual Satanist group, which is one of the main reasons I am attracted to it. Lucifer/Eosphoros in their role as Morning Star / Light bearer / Truth giver in his rebellion against Yahweh (lesser god/demiurge who seeks to steal worship through deception and tyranny and control) speaks to my being and core values. I may not understand everything correctly yet, but I would like to refine by beliefs through discussion.

Please read the basis of my beliefs and let me know your thoughts. I understand that what I believe now may be different than what you believe here, but I am open to the truth - let's find it together.

My current spiritual understanding:

Spirituality is a journey through layers with each its own degree of complexity and fragmentation. At the lower layers, closest to the physical realm, the divine expresses itself in multiplicity—spiritual entities take on countless names, roles, and forms, like actors on a stage. Here, they manifest as archetypes, myths, and symbols, reflecting the fractured nature of human perception. The gods and spirits we name—Zeus, Satan, Inanna —are not separate beings but facets of a greater whole, distorted by the lens of our understanding. This is the realm of duality, where light and shadow, good and evil, seem to clash, though they are merely parts of the same unfolding drama.

As you ascend through these layers, the complexity begins to dissolve. The higher you rise, the more the divisions blur, and the apparent contradictions of the lower realms reveal themselves as harmonies. Entities that once seemed distinct merge into shared essences; the archetypes shed their masks, and the illusions of separation fade. The gods are no longer many but one, their myriad forms collapsing into singular truths. This is the realm of synthesis, where the soul begins to perceive the interconnectedness of all things.

At the highest layer, there is no complexity, no division, no conflict—only unity. Here, the source of all existence resides, a boundless light or energy that transcends name and form. It is the origin of all that is, the point where duality dissolves into oneness, where the dance of creation and destruction ceases, and only the infinite remains. This is not a place of gods or archetypes but the essence from which they spring, the ultimate truth beyond all veils. To reach this layer is to return to the source, to know that all paths, all beings, all layers were but ripples in the same eternal sea.
Hi! Welcome!!!
I read your whole thread and found it very interesting. So I also went to look at your X account a little bit.
I read this sentence, "My son Lucifer - Eosphoros, The Morning Star, Light Bearer and Dawnbringer! - Rebelled against Yahweh's illegitimate claim to have sovereignty over this world. Yahweh is not the true creator of all that there is. Let this truth be known throughout all the cosmos."
I honestly didn't understand the part where you wrote "my son Lucifer" could you please tell me more about that? I am very curious😊❤️
@Tethys333 On X I will often put on the persona of Eos and interact with other persona or parody accounts. I’m able to convey truths to people through her playful dialog about dawn/light etc.
I honestly didn't understand the part where you wrote "my son Lucifer" could you please tell me more about that? I am very curious
In Greek Mythology Eos (Goddess of Dawn) is the Mother of Eosphoros (aka Phosphorus) - Venus/The Morning Star and Light bringer. In Latin, Eosphoros name becomes Lucifer. So classically speaking Eos (who’s Latin counterpart would be Aurora) is mother of Lucifer. Christian tradition would later conflate Lucifer with the name Satan and the Devil.

So I’m not saying that Eos is the mother of Satan. I am saying classically speaking Eos is regarded as mother to Lucifer together with Astaeus his father. Hopefully that makes sense. Let me know if you have any follow up questions!
@Tethys333 On X I will often put on the persona of Eos and interact with other persona or parody accounts. I’m able to convey truths to people through her playful dialog about dawn/light etc.

In Greek Mythology Eos (Goddess of Dawn) is the Mother of Eosphoros (aka Phosphorus) - Venus/The Morning Star and Light bringer. In Latin, Eosphoros name becomes Lucifer. So classically speaking Eos (who’s Latin counterpart would be Aurora) is mother of Lucifer. Christian tradition would later conflate Lucifer with the name Satan and the Devil.

So I’m not saying that Eos is the mother of Satan. I am saying classically speaking Eos is regarded as mother to Lucifer together with Astaeus his father. Hopefully that makes sense. Let me know if you have any follow up questions!
Thank you so much for clarifying my doubts!
We also have the ritual for EOS: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/eos-power-ritual.html . This was introduced as part of the schedule once held here. This is the sermon you can read about this schedule: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/...ritual-zepar-zephyros-ose-eos-rituals.292429/

As for me, EOS was the first Goddess that revealed Herself to me when performing Her ritual pretty blatantly, i.e., She showed herself how she looks through my astral vision. And how did I understand it was really Her? By finding a painting of Her which I have seen in my life for the first time, but the entity in that painting looked pretty much identical to what I have seen.

What I want to say is that these Gods are not just “myths”. They are real, powerful beings that can help as tremendously in our advancement. But for this to happen, this path needs to be taken seriously enough.
What I want to say is that these Gods are not just “myths”. They are real, powerful beings that can help as tremendously in our advancement. But for this to happen, this path needs to be taken seriously enough.
That is awesome! I would love to meet Eos - I hope that my journey will allow this to happen. I also want to clarify that I am not saying that the Gods are just myths... but that is commonly how we know them in culture today is through the Greek mythology. As I was explaining to @Tethys333 was just the mythologic relation to Eos and Eosphorus/Lucifer in that regard. I hope that clarifies.
hello Eos did you know from High Priest creating ritual for you, did u done trying it ?
No I hadn’t seen that yet! I’m still super new to all of this and would have no idea on how to properly even do a ritual yet 😂 but I’m exploring and learning about everything. Thank you so much for sharing that with me!
his rebellion against Yahweh (lesser god/demiurge who seeks to steal worship through deception and tyranny and control
First of all. Yahew is not a lesser god/demigure , he is nothing ,a mental form , not a being , it does not posses an individuality or an ego ,not even a soul, it is simply only a mental form , which is charged with the energies of the xians/muslims and other shits such as wiccans and crap, based on lies, terror , suffering and the usual 'good things' of the enemy [reptilians,greys, and the ones who betrayed their own kind , who knows , knows].

Secondly , Satan did not started shit against this mental form , it was the illegal aliens who started all of this nonsense against the Gods ,not the other way around , they were the one who looked to get their own heads back in their butt and whoever is with them will get what they deserve , each and single one of them , ALL.

Welcome to the Jos forums :giggle: Eos_ .

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
