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The Role of the Daimon in Your Salvation


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2021
I think the inner Daimon is overly underestimated. Although HP Hooded Cobra has talked about it extensively for example, only recently have I been able to fully understand the Greatness of my Daimon. Socrates became so great and famous because of his immense wisdom, and what we know about him mainly was his great ability, among other things, to listen, reason and understand things because he held his Lord Daimon in high regard.

I would like to share my experience in this regard. The premise is that the Daimon residing in the Divine part of our consciousness should be treated with the utmost respect. Those memes in movies where the protagonist hears the voice in his head telling him something right and then chasing the voice away and replying “shut up, I don't want to hear you” are just misleading not to say worse. This is my experience, always listen to the Daimon. Ask Him, HP Hooded Cobra has written a really perfect and detailed guide on how to interact with Him, hold Him in high regard just like you hold your Kundalini for example or how you would like to be treated once you are deified, etc.
The guide by Hp Hooded Cobra:

You can have a really good partnership with your Daimon. And as in all things that are taught in our universal Satya and that reside within the reach of everyone in the Temple of Zeus, from the easiest reference, the more you use this knowledge that the High Priests share with you, the broader your results will be. Even when you want to master any magical practice, the more you apply the knowledge of our Lord ZEUS in a safe manner as it is illustrated in his published accounts in the Assembly of the Gods, the closer you will be to becoming an adept to these gifts so ancient and eternal. Regardless of your starting point, it was never intended to be a competition between the true Followers of the Gods with noble intentions and pure hearts, and the more you approach these things with respect toward the things themselves, but also with respect toward yourselves who benefit from such things as has always been your birthright since the momento of your creation from our Head God, and this also includes being forgiving of yourself when you err and giving yourself time.

Your Daimon will not only be able to help you see that you are doing the right thing or motivate you. These are already beautiful things that He will be able to do, which you can freely benefit from. But He will also be a very good guide of understanding in the right methodologies, and now I will give you a concrete example of something that is concerning me, starting with this sermon again by HP Hooded Cobra:

I was applying the advice described above by HPHC, and I could see that it was working, but with extreme difficulty, so I wondered what exactly I was doing wrong. I was channeling the energy I was using to self-destruct with some personal food vices toward useful things, so why I kept failing? When I consulted my Daimon, I could see that this was not what I was doing. I was not channeling the energies toward a beneficial purpose. I was simply suppressing my instincts and forcing myself to do things that did not interest me. And that's why I was failing.

So I asked my Daimon how I could best understand this concept of employing time and energy toward better things. I received answers, including one that changed the way I looked at things which was “you want to be in the kitchen eating excess food that you don't need right now to sustain you. You would sit at the table for half an hour eating a meal that doesn't really make you happy. That same half hour could instead make you happy if you didn't want to waste all that time. For example, there was that Martial Arts TV series that lately see how it goes on. That activity would really make you happy.” And it did.

Now, without explaining the whole dialogue, imagine if instead of spending half an hour in the kitchen with unneeded food and devoting myself to that, I devoted myself to a healthier life as a goal, not only training as I already do, but putting this workout as a substitute purpose to compulsive eating beyond the required limit, and that all those half hours thrown in to getting sick, I used them to enjoy this life, live, and finally be truly happy?

Now, I would never have understood these things without questioning my Daimon. And He can be most helpful to you in many other things. Try to think of these situations:

Moreover, in an even more advanced way that may not only be useful to you, but will be useful to you as well as to others, and to your role here before others, the Daimon, when questioned, will be able to make you realize how true concepts like this are despite the fact that people usually snub them:

If you can do anything at all, such as asking your Daimon to whom you have access, do not hesitate to do so. The Gods give you precise gifts and put you in certain conditions specifically so that you can take advantage of them and bring out the best in you from them. This may not be understood immediately, the human mind if it suffers emotionally one month, it thinks it is a doom for eternity, because we can only conceive of that month in our perspective. But the Gods are eternal, and if you can see distant one month, They can see distant infinite eons. Trust Them, give your best, do your best for the situations in which you live. The Gods will guide you for this. They will always be there even if you feel lost and abandoned because overwhelmed by events, They will not abandon you just because you think They have. The hand of the Gods has often been described as “invisible” and their guidance “mysterious” for these very reasons.
Thanks for posting this.
Thank you for posting this, I don't know why but it resonated deeply in me.
I've made it a point to try to listen to my Daimon more now.
I think the inner Daimon is overly underestimated. Although HP Hooded Cobra has talked about it extensively for example, only recently have I been able to fully understand the Greatness of my Daimon. Socrates became so great and famous because of his immense wisdom, and what we know about him mainly was his great ability, among other things, to listen, reason and understand things because he held his Lord Daimon in high regard.

I would like to share my experience in this regard. The premise is that the Daimon residing in the Divine part of our consciousness should be treated with the utmost respect. Those memes in movies where the protagonist hears the voice in his head telling him something right and then chasing the voice away and replying “shut up, I don't want to hear you” are just misleading not to say worse. This is my experience, always listen to the Daimon. Ask Him, HP Hooded Cobra has written a really perfect and detailed guide on how to interact with Him, hold Him in high regard just like you hold your Kundalini for example or how you would like to be treated once you are deified, etc.
The guide by Hp Hooded Cobra:

You can have a really good partnership with your Daimon. And as in all things that are taught in our universal Satya and that reside within the reach of everyone in the Temple of Zeus, from the easiest reference, the more you use this knowledge that the High Priests share with you, the broader your results will be. Even when you want to master any magical practice, the more you apply the knowledge of our Lord ZEUS in a safe manner as it is illustrated in his published accounts in the Assembly of the Gods, the closer you will be to becoming an adept to these gifts so ancient and eternal. Regardless of your starting point, it was never intended to be a competition between the true Followers of the Gods with noble intentions and pure hearts, and the more you approach these things with respect toward the things themselves, but also with respect toward yourselves who benefit from such things as has always been your birthright since the momento of your creation from our Head God, and this also includes being forgiving of yourself when you err and giving yourself time.

Your Daimon will not only be able to help you see that you are doing the right thing or motivate you. These are already beautiful things that He will be able to do, which you can freely benefit from. But He will also be a very good guide of understanding in the right methodologies, and now I will give you a concrete example of something that is concerning me, starting with this sermon again by HP Hooded Cobra:

I was applying the advice described above by HPHC, and I could see that it was working, but with extreme difficulty, so I wondered what exactly I was doing wrong. I was channeling the energy I was using to self-destruct with some personal food vices toward useful things, so why I kept failing? When I consulted my Daimon, I could see that this was not what I was doing. I was not channeling the energies toward a beneficial purpose. I was simply suppressing my instincts and forcing myself to do things that did not interest me. And that's why I was failing.

So I asked my Daimon how I could best understand this concept of employing time and energy toward better things. I received answers, including one that changed the way I looked at things which was “you want to be in the kitchen eating excess food that you don't need right now to sustain you. You would sit at the table for half an hour eating a meal that doesn't really make you happy. That same half hour could instead make you happy if you didn't want to waste all that time. For example, there was that Martial Arts TV series that lately see how it goes on. That activity would really make you happy.” And it did.

Now, without explaining the whole dialogue, imagine if instead of spending half an hour in the kitchen with unneeded food and devoting myself to that, I devoted myself to a healthier life as a goal, not only training as I already do, but putting this workout as a substitute purpose to compulsive eating beyond the required limit, and that all those half hours thrown in to getting sick, I used them to enjoy this life, live, and finally be truly happy?

Now, I would never have understood these things without questioning my Daimon. And He can be most helpful to you in many other things. Try to think of these situations:

Moreover, in an even more advanced way that may not only be useful to you, but will be useful to you as well as to others, and to your role here before others, the Daimon, when questioned, will be able to make you realize how true concepts like this are despite the fact that people usually snub them:

If you can do anything at all, such as asking your Daimon to whom you have access, do not hesitate to do so. The Gods give you precise gifts and put you in certain conditions specifically so that you can take advantage of them and bring out the best in you from them. This may not be understood immediately, the human mind if it suffers emotionally one month, it thinks it is a doom for eternity, because we can only conceive of that month in our perspective. But the Gods are eternal, and if you can see distant one month, They can see distant infinite eons. Trust Them, give your best, do your best for the situations in which you live. The Gods will guide you for this. They will always be there even if you feel lost and abandoned because overwhelmed by events, They will not abandon you just because you think They have. The hand of the Gods has often been described as “invisible” and their guidance “mysterious” for these very reasons.
I downloaded the HP Cobra's sermon, "The Voice Of The Gods Within". Thanks :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
