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  1. Lightningsnake

    Certain Problems That Cannot Resolve

    Thank you. I need to think about what problems I should invest my energy in solving.
  2. Lightningsnake

    Azazel's Day: Three Days Of Honor

    Thank you. I wish you all a happy holiday season. Impatient, I started the ritual of Lord Azazel on Sunday. Hail Azazel!
  3. Lightningsnake

    Joy of Satan Updates: Ethics & Virtues Section [BEELZEBUL'S VIRTUES: UPDATED]

    May I ask what is the best use of these meditations? Today I would like to go a little deeper into them.
  4. Lightningsnake

    The new Europian Alliance - good news.

    Thank you. I usually follow Toroczkai's videos, but I haven't had time lately. I have now caught up.
  5. Lightningsnake

    As a Satanist, your Natal Chart is just your starting point

    Thank you! Very good post.
  6. Lightningsnake

    Family Ties And Spiritual Satanism & Salvation Of Relatives

    Thank you. This is a very important topic.
  7. Lightningsnake

    Keeping Promises To The Gods

    I thought of doing the ritual of a particular God for 40 days in exchange for his help. Similar to a spiritual work, but with rituals of the Gods. For example, I ask Valefor for help to cure a disease. Obviously, for more serious illness, the working time is 80 days or more. Can this work?
  8. Lightningsnake

    Are You Blessed?

    Thank you. Now for me this article is a blessing.
  9. Lightningsnake

    Relations Between Spiritual Satanists: Clarifying The Subject

    Yes, 40 days is better in the beginning. At first I also did short works. 40 days, or a planet square. But then I wanted to take things seriously. If it takes more years, it takes more years. High Priestess Maxine to say that it takes several years to purify the soul completely. So I undertook...
  10. Lightningsnake

    Happy Solstice & Free JoS Donor Article - Satan Inside Ourselves: The “King Of Hell” & Kundalini Serpent"

    Thank you. Very good post! Will the kundalini eventually ascend to the 6th chakra? Is this the final point?
  11. Lightningsnake

    Relations Between Spiritual Satanists: Clarifying The Subject

    Thank you. I was thinking of several years of work. At least 2 years. This 40, 80 days for me is just the start of something. But it doesn't boil over completely. I want to lay the foundations for my next life.
  12. Lightningsnake

    As I Sat On Top Of Ruins: Let Us Prove Ourselves

    Thank you. I needed such an article now. Hail Satan!
  13. Lightningsnake

    Question #1659: The jews are trying to destroy my business

    I noticed earlier that when we do the ritual of the 72 names. Then the jews at my workplace suffer a lot. In addition to the ultimate RTR, you can also try this against the rabbi. https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/72.html
  14. Lightningsnake

    Relations Between Spiritual Satanists: Clarifying The Subject

    Thank you. For spiritual work, how long does it take to achieve lasting change? I mean a change that doesn't reverse. For example, if someone is working on their discipline.
  15. Lightningsnake

    Satanic Museum - Historical Artifact Thread

    Very interesting topic, thank you.
  16. Lightningsnake

    The Devil Is Your Friend

    Thank you. At my level, I cannot fully comprehend what Gods are like. But I understand that they are incredibly wonderful. Hail Satan! Hail Gods!
  17. Lightningsnake

    Useless Junk: How to Have a More Spiritual Material Life

    Thank you this is very useful. I will be more aware of these things in the future.
  18. Lightningsnake

    SS Group Ritual Schedule: 28th of May - 12th of June

    Thank you! This mind control has always been difficult for me. I was never in full control of my thoughts for any length of time. Can only empty meditation be used here, or are there other methods?
  19. Lightningsnake


    The first thing that sprang to mind from the title was the SS motto. By the way, great article. Thank you!
  20. Lightningsnake

    Free JoS Donor Article: Pythagorean Golden Verse

    Thank you. Thought-provoking article.
  21. Lightningsnake

    First Things First...To Succeed Truly

    Thank you for the encouragement.
  22. Lightningsnake

    Question #1294: FUCK MY LIFE I WANT TO DIE

    You want to commit suicide because you are weak. I was also weak when I was always thinking about suicide. Make it your goal in life to become so strong that you no longer think about suicide. Despite any problems.
  23. Lightningsnake

    First Things First...To Succeed Truly

    Thank you. I remember at the beginning I thought I would reach the magnum opus in a few years. After that, I would have been content to lift the kundalini. Then I realised that even that is very difficult. I've pretty much given up on them all now. Sometimes I get my hopes up about...
  24. Lightningsnake

    In the News: New Israeli Protest Target: Ultra-Orthodox Subsidies, Draft Exemptions

    Yes, jews seem to be living in similar times in all areas.
  25. Lightningsnake

    In the News: New Israeli Protest Target: Ultra-Orthodox Subsidies, Draft Exemptions

    jews living in Hungary were also confused. What I link to here is an article in Hungarian. https://24.hu/belfold/2023/05/05/orthodox-hitkozseg-maoih-deutsch-robert-kelszer-gabor-koves-slomo-zsinagogat/
  26. Lightningsnake

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    It sounds like you and your family are being harassed by hostile entities. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=76092 It is worth asking Abrasax for help. I have linked his ritual above. Or the exile ritual can help. Here...
  27. Lightningsnake


    You said some interesting things. I thought of Bifrost as you mentioned Scandinavian mythology. Then I noticed that Bifrost and Bifrons are similar words. The point of this ritual is also that Janus/Bifrons, like a bridge, takes you from one era to another. Like Bifrost, but in a slightly...
  28. Lightningsnake

    Glorifying Beelzebul: Happy New Satanic Year

    Thank you! Happy New Satanic Year to all SS! In the afternoon I finally decided to do Beelzebul's power ritual tomorrow. Hail Satan! Hail Beelzebul!
  29. Lightningsnake

    Follow Your Heart

    Thank you. It's a very nice message.
  30. Lightningsnake

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Thank you. Mp3 is good, now all the pronunciations are clear. I sent you an email a few days ago.
  31. Lightningsnake

    Message From Azazel on AI: April 20th 2023 [UPDATE 2]

    Thank you very much. This is a very important message. But for me it is a cause for concern. What will come of this, and how.
  32. Lightningsnake

    Happy Birthday To Adolf Hitler

    Happy Birthday to Hitler, even in hindsight!
  33. Lightningsnake

    How To Be A Fake "Sage": Go Into The Mountains, Be Worthless, And Use Leaves To Wipe Your Butt

    I used to think about it a lot, but I always came to the conclusion that it was stupid. But I have been working on improving my mentality for a while. I'm trying to improve it. Maybe that was the first step when I realised that I was myself. I am not my mother, not my colleague, not my boss, I...
  34. Lightningsnake

    How To Defeat Alcoholism And Drug Abuse [Update: Defeating Food Addiction]

    Thank you. My mother is a heavy smoker and addicted to tranquilizers. I'm rearranging a bit this confirmation for my Mother. But he wants to quit, so I hope this will help him.
  35. Lightningsnake

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    I've done a lot of stupid things in my life. I don't feel like I have to thank myself for anything yet. Maybe in a few years, I hope.
  36. Lightningsnake

    Happy Ostara To Every Spiritual Satanist - 3 Day Homage To Astarte

    Happy Ostara to all! Excuse me, could you post this kind of article earlier next time? Because I was already at work. But I had a feeling that I had to do Astarte's ritual, so I did it during the break. I was lucky.
  37. Lightningsnake

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    Thank you Gods help over the last few days. Special thanks to Goddess Astarte for her help. After her rituals, I learned a yoga asana that I have long wanted to do. I just didn't know how to start until now.
  38. Lightningsnake

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Thanks for the advice. Just in case, I'll take a photo the first time. But it's a good option later on.
  39. Lightningsnake

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Is it valid if I send an email with a photo of the receipt? Next time I thought.
  40. Lightningsnake

    Joy of Satan Poll For Enslaving Jews - Thoughts?

    Good idea! I will use all 2800 slaves to clean up hazardous chemical and radioactive waste. They can then clean the rubbish out of the seas and oceans. And then from space, around the planet.
  41. Lightningsnake

    The Symbolism behind the Trine Nadi, Trishula, and the Iron Cross

    It's very good writning! Lately in the forum is the best!
  42. Lightningsnake

    Your financial patterns are keeping you poor...

    Thanks. It's very intresting. I will think about it.
  43. Lightningsnake


    Thank you very much. Already yesterday I started. Hail Andras!
  44. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    I sent to you one email.
  45. Lightningsnake

    About the physical return of the Gods

    I was thinking about this over the weekend. And today I remembered that the Antichrist will return with the Gods. He left this planet not so long ago. This planet may not be so harmful to it yet. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18603&p=73026&hilit=Azazel+2019+2019+march+18#p73026
  46. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Thank you. I saw. But just in case, I asked. I saw that one of the members was a bit confused, so I asked.
  47. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Unfortunately I do not have your email address. Can I have your email address?
  48. Lightningsnake

    Demotion Of Clergy - New Rules

    As I saw it, the situation was already uncomfortable when the Guardians were appointed. But when the Guardians were much more active, it was embarrassing. Then the countdown has already started. I expected this earlier. But it seems the situation has now become opportune.
  49. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    There were many articles on the Spirits of Eridu site, which can also be found on the JoS site. But it should also be taken into account that the JoS site has been updated a lot and many articles are no longer correct. You have to see which ones match and which ones don't.
  50. Lightningsnake

    Happy Upcoming 2023 & A Few Things

    Gods are truly wonderful. Good luck in the future!
  51. Lightningsnake

    Happy Upcoming 2023 & A Few Things

    Happy New Year to all! Next year I need to get my act together and get on with my tasks. I went through a lot of changes this year. Painful but necessary changes. I Thank Satan and the Gods for their help! It is not easy for the Gods to deal with me. It is difficult for me to learn like this...
  52. Lightningsnake

    Masters of the World (Video by László Toroczkai with English subtitles.)

    László Toroczkai, President of the "Mi hazánk mozgalom" , made a fact-finding video. I found useful information in it, so I thought I would share it. The video is also subtitled in English. The video can be found here.: https://youtu.be/QdCxE9chl7g
  53. Lightningsnake

    Why Satan doesn't make me rich?

    Now you got me thinking. Next year I have planned a Sun Square to increase my financial wealth. But now that I've read this, I'd rather clear the obstacles to my financial well-being with this Sun square. This seems wiser, I might try it.
  54. Lightningsnake

    I am not worthy of having a love with a daemon. and now?

    If you are not spiritually advanced, it is not the best idea. I speak from experience. But instead, I recommend you get to know yourself. Mannaz rune has helped me a lot. This is a much better choice than chasing such dubious dreams.
  55. Lightningsnake

    Is a Binding Spell considered Black Magick?

    Gebo worked better for me. Do the Gebo on your own. Knitting is not black magic. As long as you use it for your own protection, it's not black magic. Strive for harmony.
  56. Lightningsnake

    Deep Cleaning

    I feel better since I did this. I will definitely do it again in the future. I've also been thinking about doing a special cleaning job on myself to remove bandages. I thought about this a few days ago.
  57. Lightningsnake

    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    Thank you very, very much! This calendar is a lifesaver!
  58. Lightningsnake


    Happy Yule to everyone! I just did this psalm. And right from the beginning, an my unknown energy started to move inside me. A whole new experience.
  59. Lightningsnake

    Occult "Sources" & "Citations" - Is It All Real?

    Before I found Joy of Satan I had read a lot of Osho in the two years before. It was often confusing, but there were positives. I was more interested in the meditations. Because I already knew the jews, what they were like. Osho also revealed himself that there are quite a few jews in his...
  60. Lightningsnake

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    I've been thinking for a while now that we could have an FAQ forum. Or in a section above under the JoS logo, it would be like a library. There could be many types of FAQ threads covering as many topics as possible. It also occurred to me that when you log in, there could be a tab that says...
  61. Lightningsnake

    Minority And Truth - Spiritual Satanism As A Majority Religion?

    I am curious about the future of JoS. In any case, I trust in Satan. Many seemingly impossible positive things have happened to me since I have been with Satan. Bad things have happened, but I feel it's worth persevering. Hail Satan!
  62. Lightningsnake

    On Worship - A Reply

    The jewish porn industry makes people look like complete fools. The last time I watched a film of this type was a couple of years ago, but it was so stupid that it pissed me off for life. And there are people who have sex based on such films. But I've noticed that after a while porn movies...
  63. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    The jewish quran and its endless curses upon Gentile Humanity A zsidó Korán és annak végtelen átka a nem zsidó emberiségen A zsidó Bibliához hasonlóan a Korán is tele van átkokkal a pogányokra. És ugyanúgy tele van a zsidók védelméről és szerencséjéről szóló versekkel. A Korán 114 fejezetből...
  64. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    The Jews Admit the Jewishness of Islam A zsidók elismerik az iszlám zsidóságát Az egész világnak harcolnia kell a rablóállam Izrael ellen. Azonban minden nem-zsidónak velünk, SÁTÁNISTÁKKAL kell együttműködnie, hogy hosszú távon teljesen elpusztítsuk. Ennek oka nyilvánvaló. Minden olyan...
  65. Lightningsnake

    eBay removes Jeffrey Dahmer Halloween costumes after victim's mother heartbroken

    For a while I every wondered what would happen when the jews were gone. But after a while I found myself completely distracted from the present. From what I can do in the present. So I've tended to think since then about doing what I can in the present and moving forward with events. But I'm...
  66. Lightningsnake

    eBay removes Jeffrey Dahmer Halloween costumes after victim's mother heartbroken

    Yes, under communism they even got paid to kill and harass. Where I live was also a communist country. Here too, everything is full of these abominations called statues. You can't really call it art. Everything the communists touch turns to rubbish. This is also true for art. It is also true...
  67. Lightningsnake

    End of Europe?

    This Toroczkai is strange, it's as if he's using christianity as a campaign ploy. At least that's what I got from his videos. But he knows about the jewish world order. A slightly smarter person will put together that christianity is a jewish religion. The whole bible is about the jews, there...
  68. Lightningsnake

    eBay removes Jeffrey Dahmer Halloween costumes after victim's mother heartbroken

    They are already talking about this shit here. I don't have Netflix, never did, don't watch TV. I have not read about it on the internet. Yet I know about this shit. I have to listen to this in my environment. These fucking serial killers are like national heroes. I wonder when they will erect...
  69. Lightningsnake

    Short Ritual Schedule & Hindu Diwali [4 Days Schedule - Bless Up]

    Yes, much better that way. Especially if I'm working on the day we start, and there's a new ritual coming up.
  70. Lightningsnake

    Short Ritual Schedule & Hindu Diwali [4 Days Schedule - Bless Up]

    Thank you for posting this article a day before the ritual order. It would have been a shame to miss it by even a day. This looks like a great schedule.
  71. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    White death of Islam Islam, The Jewish Religion Iszlám, a zsidó vallás Írta: The_Fourth_Reich666 Közzétette: Főpap Hooded Cobra 666 Az alábbiakban The Fourth Reich666 tag cikke olvasható az iszlám zsidóságáról. Az idézeteket ő állította össze, én pedig egyszerűen csak kommentálok a sorok...
  72. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    White death of islam The Firstborn of God Isten elsőszülöttje Megparancsoltuk az angyaloknak, hogy hajoljanak meg Ádám előtt, és ők meghajoltak; nem úgy Iblis; Ő nem volt hajlandó azok közé tartozni, akik meghajolnak. (Szúra Al-A'raf, 11) Így az angyalok leborultak, mindannyian együtt...
  73. Lightningsnake

    To Those Who Care For JoS: Thank You!

    Unfortunately, I cannot do as much as I would like. But I try to eliminate, to reduce the sources of problems that hinder me. In any case, I am very looking forward to the new anti-Islamic rituals. I hope this will be the final blow to islam.
  74. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Okay, thank you.
  75. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    I thought a lot about it. Finally I decided to put the articles here. At first I didn't want to burden this thread, but then I thought about it and it's fine.
  76. Lightningsnake

    Possible issues with the trancendental planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

    Thank you for the useful information. I will look for a start date in the next year. Because as I looked at retrograde Neptune until December 4. But I didn't add that my natal Neptune is in Capricorn. I just didn't want to reveal too much information.
  77. Lightningsnake

    Possible issues with the trancendental planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

    Thank you for this article. I realised from the article that I need to work on my Neptune. When should you start this kind of work? Also, I would like to ask what does the Uranus, Neptune conjunction in the first house mean? Because I know that Neptune is bad in the first house. But what...
  78. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Thank you for the opportunity. I'll figure out the best solution by the weekend.
  79. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    I thought I'd open a thread called White Death of Islam on the JoS 666 forum. And I will put the articles there in Hungarian. There will be one main thread, and I'll put the other articles there in the form of posts on an ongoing basis. Because it gives me an extra backup save too. And it would...
  80. Lightningsnake

    Global Situation: The RTR Question?

    Thank you for your reassuring reply.
  81. Lightningsnake

    Global Situation: The RTR Question?

    Thank you for the article. One detail worries me. There was another article about how the enemy is destroying worlds he cannot take. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=27433 And I wonder whether, in the case of our planet, the Gods can prevent this? Or will they prevent it?
  82. Lightningsnake

    Warfare-Specific AOP [Updated]

    Thank you. I have only just been able to reply because of work. I tried cleaning with these reinforcements and got a whole new effect. In a good way. Thanks for the explanation about the Saturn clock. I will also try this. For me, the Moon Square has worked perfectly against bad habits. But...
  83. Lightningsnake

    Deep Cleaning

    Yesterday I finished the 5 days. Almost every day the duration of the exercise ranged between 50 minutes and 1 hour. I have seen chains, bars, nails, strange black wires, thick black liquid, black water, dirt, black sand, stakes, swords, arrows coming out. And there were chains with weights on...
  84. Lightningsnake

    Warfare-Specific AOP [Updated]

    Thank you for your reply. 108 is my base vibration number. It used to be 216, but later I split it up because of my schedule. I can tolerate comfortable this amount. I always visualise. In this exercise, for example, the vibration of the Vi-suddhi causes the dirt to dust away. I wrote this...
  85. Lightningsnake

    Warfare-Specific AOP [Updated]

    When I want to clean deeper, but I don't have much time, I clean with Vi-Suddhi. First I go through the seven chakras, as in Lydia's article. I vibrate 9 times per chakra. But then I vibrate 108× into my aura. I'll say an affirmation, for example: my whole soul has been completely and...
  86. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    The problem with the quote about gypsies was that I have hated them my whole life. I couldn't be objective about it. But I felt that my attitude towards gypsies was not quite right. But somehow I was guided by my emotions on this subject. I need to pay more attention to this in the future. I...
  87. Lightningsnake

    Women as Navy SEALs?

    I don't post much on the forum. But now that I have read this thread, something has dawned on me about you. The Moon square can help you. With general confirmation. But you have to do it persistently, for years. Then it gets better. But it's more about getting the mental part right. And you...
  88. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    Sorry for the very late reply. I went through a bad period. It's not over yet, but it's better. My summons with the gods failed. I asked HPHC about it and he corrected me. He said that: "Gypsies are many tribes and should be looked upon individually. In some cases they are gentiles and in...
  89. Lightningsnake

    Will Satan Do Your Laundry?

    Thank you for writing. What I've learned since becoming SS is that there are questions that only I can answer. And there are things only I can do. No other SS, no Gods, no magic can help. Only ourselves. But the amount of activity can be built up gradually.
  90. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    I slipped a bit, sorry. The summary is ready, I'm just polishing it up. That's why I'm a little late with my answer. In the summary I also refer to the statement by ThomaSsS. But here it was rather a misinterpretation. What I say about your story is that we have to control our emotions, not...
  91. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    I will answer in more detail on Friday. I have a lot to do today and tomorrow.
  92. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    Your psychic hearing will improve as you become more experienced. And you'll be more advanced. Once or twice I asked Satan about gypsies in the past. I think I have asked other Gods on the subject. But I may do a more recent and accurate summary when I have time. But the answer was something...
  93. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    Thank you for your encouragement. For me, it's more about time, so I don't run out of day. That's the more problematic one. I ask the gods about the gypsies. If there are no other clues. In my house, my grandmother's sister gave birth to many a gypsy. A real idiot. And of course they...
  94. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    FRTR and reading are also important. I always do the ritual periods. I also do FRTR outside the ritual period. But the link you sent showed that gypsies are a neglected topic. Here on the forum. They are only mentioned here at the level of rumour and legend. Could even be an "exposing gypsies"...
  95. Lightningsnake


    Thank you for your reply and confirmation. I remember how scared I was the first time I shopped online. It was a similar feeling.
  96. Lightningsnake


    I have a question, because it's not clear. If I convert for example 5000 forints (here the currency) to bitcoin it will be about 0.000650565637431682448. And I will send this strange long number as a donation? I've never done this before, that's why I'm asking.
  97. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    I wrote a reply a few days ago, but for some reason you didn't send it. Or the moderators didn't like it, I don't know what happened. The point of my response at the time was that when I joined Satan. I already knew then that I would not be friends with gypsies or Jews, nor would I have a...
  98. Lightningsnake


    That's great, thank you. I confess that I have done it once. Very good ritual, and Hail Azazel!
  99. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    They wrote some pretty confusing things. When I committed myself to Satan, I already knew that I would not be friends with gypsies and jews. And I will not have a relationship or a sexual relationship with them. The things I talk to them about are just for work. They are the enemy. Anyone who...
  100. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    I hope christianity will soon disappear. The other great destructive force in Hungary was communism. Which is the successor of christianity. As I read about it here on the forum. Both were cultural atomic bombs. And the people were also brutally executed. Hungary had communism twice, which...
  101. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    István,s father Géza and his brother Mihály had already been baptised. István was also baptised by his father. So he was born into this nonsense. And unfortunately, true to his religion, he started spreading it around the country at all costs. He became the greatest traitor in Hungarian history...
  102. Lightningsnake

    About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

    Unfortunately, when Hungary embraced Christianity, it failed. That was what they were fighting against before. Jews infiltrated, and there must have been traitors. This country has been going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely. Today, it's just a puddle full of gypsis. Hungarians are not...
  103. Lightningsnake


    This is interesting, a few hours before Saturday morning I wanted to do a new ritual for Satan. But the goddess Astarte told me to do her ritual too, after Satan's ritual. I did both. I also sense that there will be a ritual schedule in the near future. Although the summer solstice justifies it.
  104. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Okay, thank you. I have a Mega account, I'll upload it there. When I finished it.
  105. Lightningsnake

    What To Do When You Make A Big Mistake As A Satanist?

    Thank you! Very good sermon! This sermon is like when I talk to the Gods and they clarify something. I've been thinking a lot about these things lately. I was afraid I would fall back into my bad habits. There were some things that I lost control of, but I'm getting it together. I have...
  106. Lightningsnake

    About Your First Saturn Return [Updated - How To Manage This And The Good News]

    Thank you for the useful information. I'm in the middle of it now. My natal Saturn is in my second house. So it's pretty bad. But the Gods helped a lot. This year I did 2 Jupiter squares to improve my financial situation. I plan to add a Sun square to offset the negative birth effects. So maybe...
  107. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Thank you for answer! I have several phones that I will store it on. I also save to SD card if I made a lot of progress. In case of emergency, I'll upload the finished part and put the link here. But in the end I'll upload it when I'm done with the whole thing. Will I be able to upload the...
  108. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    I checked, but it only gives me the folder download. I wanted to upload the main page because I translated it. But this is the only download option the site gives. Can I ask for some help?
  109. Lightningsnake

    At This Point, One Must Be A Fool To Not Believe These Things [Monkeypox etc etc...]

    Thank you. Unfortunately, in my current situation, I can't build up financial, food reserves for these bad times. I just survive somehow.
  110. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Köszönöm. I am better now, although I still have some problems. But I'm working on it. I'll look at how to upload it this weekend. I have created some PDFs.
  111. Lightningsnake

    Spiritual Satanism - So That You Will Crawl No Longer

    Thank you for writing, there were many useful things in it. Is a deep purification of the soul essential in order to be able to receive the ascended kundalini into our souls later? Making room for the Kundalini? Or does the kundalini merge more easily with the soul, the astral body, if the soul...
  112. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Double apologies. I was going through a very bad time. But now I can upload the articles little by little. But I just looked at the page you linked and it says it has been archived.
  113. Lightningsnake

    Respectful Disagreements, Ethics when arguing.

    Who only Jewize their debate partner in every debate. They are underdeveloped in their way of thinking. But I think SS is also about developing the mindset, the emotional level, in addition to meditation. But surely the more advanced members know that. There's no need for sociopaths who...
  114. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Sorry for the late reply. I'm interested in the archive, I think it's a good idea. Can you tell me how I can put the articles there?
  115. Lightningsnake

    Lords of Covid World Order - exposing video

    They saw a lot of things there that they could steal. And they jumped down to loot.
  116. Lightningsnake

    Lords of Covid World Order - exposing video

    Yes I understand, but unfortunately sometimes it happens.
  117. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Then the White Death of Islam, fine.
  118. Lightningsnake

    Lords of Covid World Order - exposing video

    Arguing about such nonsense. jews and gypsies are related races. They did not come from India, they migrated like the jews. They have been to India, they are not from there.
  119. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    He said that he had already started. Then it would be logical to split it up. But it also depends on how much of the translate to be skimmed, if any, is give. if he doesn't, I'll look for other material to translate.
  120. Lightningsnake

    Lords of Covid World Order - exposing video

    Orban is, in short, a sociopathic gypsy. It seriously supports xians. They also robbed the country on a serious level.
  121. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    It would just be nice to find out what I can translate. I'd like to finally get down to serious work.
  122. Lightningsnake

    Satanic Existence - The Path of Satya & Life

    I used to think a lot about the meaning of life. I have come to the conclusion that positive development, understanding and realising the truth, and living according to it is the meaning of life. But it's all very complex. Obviously we have to develop our awareness to understand all this. The...
  123. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    I misspoke, I apologise.
  124. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    It's quite a strange situation, I see. Is it worth taking on I anything translate? Because it's quite annoying.
  125. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Thank you, as time permits I will translate so. The other links are the links in the English section, which can be translated. If I understood correctly.
  126. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    May I have the link to the page?
  127. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    This 5 is good. I went through them several times yesterday. I'm going through them now, and I think they're acceptable. It must not have been translated using google translate or something else. When Became SS I readed first them. I had nothing against them then either. They have a few letter...
  128. Lightningsnake

    Receiving Help From The Gods: Is It An Exchange?

    Satan once said to me: Not every victory is a victory. So it's not always good when I get what I want. I have unfortunately experienced this many times.
  129. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    RTR collection in Hungaryan. 1 part. https://mega.nz/file/rvRXmIaT#tslplnZsMfF-nq-3r6ydOh8nXrqqOsTJX_hjh9r9oq4
  130. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    I've looked at a few pages below your post. I checked them out. These are good translations. https://web.archive.org/web/20160412081636/https://josgreece.angelfire.com/a-harmadik-birodalom-666.pdf...
  131. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    That's a pretty good translation. But here's also Blacksun666's translation of the former Spirits of Eridu page. https://mega.nz/file/n6xDSAwa#k_PMNLMGNh5d564y0c_P8YZcyEIhBmEX60cVWqsKiM4 But I couldn't check this because I couldn't find the original page.
  132. Lightningsnake

    The Obesity Epidemic In The West

    Just a few days ago I was talking to Azazel about the dangers of obesity. The point he was making was that no matter what anyone says, obesity is not good. Should very obese people avoid the square of Jupiter? Or is it more about balancing the energies of Jupiter in such a case?
  133. Lightningsnake


    Thank you for your reply. I will try this mantra method.
  134. Lightningsnake


    Thank you. Maybe this is the solution to one of my problems. I'll try it. Is only 4-4-4 good? Or is it just as effective to count 5-5-5 or 6-6-6 with breath exercises?
  135. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Exposing christianity. It's from Spirits of Eridu. Is it appropriate? https://mega.nz/file/miJAwZ6b#H-rLliPGyVuDKT8tCrKBFZy2b7_4FYWUJuf-WHnsvYs
  136. Lightningsnake

    Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered

    Thank you. I have saved this article and the answer for myself.
  137. Lightningsnake

    Template Paintable RTRs

    Hungaryan version update: https://mega.nz/file/76x11AyD#97OwAMmqfjfwLZRmi3teJszv-XVpha5-FOejY6mdXDU This is the repaired version. But strangely it always generates some stupid error. Every time I went away.
  138. Lightningsnake

    Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered

    For example, if I make 23 instead of 22. Then at the end, instead of the original confirmation, I say, for example, 9 times that "this - - - - square is invalid" . Then in an hour I might as well do that day's square? Which I messed up.
  139. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    I translate to exposing christianity. I come to that.
  140. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Not problem. Yes, my mother tongue. I'll start tomorrow. I have uploaded a RTR page that can be painted. I'm going to fix it, because there are some errors. Then I'll continue with the JoS Africa page. It had already started to be translated in a Facebook group, but the group suddenly...
  141. Lightningsnake

    Announcement: Joy Of Satan Guardians [First Announcement Made]

    In fact, this is necessary for well-organised work. Will there be ranks? Or will there just be one rank? Awards can also be highly motivating if used properly.
  142. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    I didn't write this to ask for help. I just wanted to clarify my position. The question is, how should I send or share the translations?
  143. Lightningsnake

    Hungarian Translation Thread

    Okay, I'll check with them. There are some unpleasant things that are holding me back. Can you give me an e-mail address? I'll write down the details there.
  144. Lightningsnake

    Please state here what website you are/will be translating

    Can I still apply to be a translator? Hungarian. With Deepl translator. If it is possible.
  145. Lightningsnake

    Happy New Unstoppable Year - Advancing Into 2022

    Happy new year! I am looking forward to a difficult year. But I know it will get better afterwards. After the first day of the latest ritual in, I remembered something. I thought a translation thread could be made about future ritual schedules. Always according to the current timetable...
  146. Lightningsnake

    SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

    Happy Yule in hindsight. I started the ritual with 22 and finished with 30. It is a beautiful ritual. It became my favourite straight away. If you can say that. I am happy to have participated in this ritual period. Thak you.
  147. Lightningsnake

    Higher Levels Of Knowledge, Or More False Certainty?

    This all-knowing is a big basic mistake. It is the drug of people without consciousness. Somehow I always noticed when things were not right somewhere. If there was a lie somewhere. I was always "investigating", which led me to the SS. It's often not easy when you find out something that nobody...
  148. Lightningsnake

    Initiation: Then And Now, Opening The Mind

    Great! I look forward to it. Unfortunately, yes, many people have these problems. Which is why they can't develop.
  149. Lightningsnake

    Initiation: Then And Now, Opening The Mind

    I think a mental training session would be good for beginners. Like the 40-day meditation program.
  150. Lightningsnake


    Thank you. I always like to read new information about Gods. Lady Astarte is also a good Goddess, she explained many things very well to me. Things I didn't understand oldst.
  151. Lightningsnake

    Receiving Help From The Gods: An Introduction

    Thank you writing. It's really very good writing, as several people have said. I used to think a lot about the Second World War and Hitler one timed. And he visited me, I communicated with him astrally. I couldn't see, but I could hear. He was nice and helpls. Is this possible? Or did the...
  152. Lightningsnake

    When Will This All End?

    Thank you for your reply. However, there is a complex story behind my question. Which I would rather explain in an email. Because it's a very sensitive subject and I can get into trouble if I talk about it here. If you are open to it, of course.
  153. Lightningsnake

    When Will This All End?

    Thank you! It's very actually and excellent reading. I have an important question. What should do if another SS is sociopathic and very harmful to the community? What is the best solution?
  154. Lightningsnake

    Forums Back Up Again - Are You Sad Lizards?

    This period of spiritual warfare reminds me of the Battle of Kursk. The enemy is also desperate to use everything. Only now we win the end!
  155. Lightningsnake

    Yoga: Easy & Rest Days; Anti-Anxiety Bedtime Routine

    This obyzouth is super stupid. When I was a child, I had to go to physiotherapy for a long time because of scoliosis. But it does not understand anything. Since I have been doing yoga I have noticed a huge improvement. My posture is completely different. And I greatly increases my chi energy...
  156. Lightningsnake

    Predictive Programming & Movies

    What I'm about to say may sound stupid. But I started watching anime a many years ago. I've noticed that better anime significantly reduces my suicidal tendencies. When I first joined the SS, I was very tormented by such thoughts. It's true that sometimes the enemy still tries. But I try to...
  157. Lightningsnake

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Thank you! This website exceeds my expectations. Great, I'm very happy about that. JOS is getting better every day.
  158. Lightningsnake

    A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download

    Thank you! It is very good that the writings have been collected in this way.
  159. Lightningsnake

    Template Paintable RTRs

    Thank you very much! Hungaryan version: https://mega.nz/file/qqwGnTZK#ykb1G8o6OmaU88cekRkF5jCyOpCR30uDGvN_lTLu50E
  160. Lightningsnake

    The Path Towards The Godhead: Happiness Of The Righteous

    Thank you! I am very inspired by this post! I do not want to give up the spiritual power I have already gained. I have had spiritual abilities all my life. For example: siddhis, or manifesting my thoughts(both positive and negative(black magic) things) . When I was a kid there was a period when...
  161. Lightningsnake

    Preliminary RTR SCHEDULE Before New Releases: August 22 - 30

    Thank you! I'll do a few more rituals quick. While I still can.
  162. Lightningsnake

    Being "Stuck" With Meditation, Patience, Overcoming Obstacles

    Thank you very much! I needed now this writing. Big helples.
  163. Lightningsnake

    Redpillers FAQ: Why Do We Use The Name "Satan"?

    I have only good experiences with God Sitri, and also with Goddess Bathin. Both of them have been very helpful and kind to me at all times. Goddess Bathin explained me many things about kundalini. She explained things very well and it was understandable to me. It was a great conversation. So I...
  164. Lightningsnake


    Can we expect good things from next year June? Or will we have to wait even longer?
  165. Lightningsnake

    Do You Still Wonder Who The Tyrants Are Now?

    Thanks for the great article! I like the articles about Hitler. Also, I hope we don't have to live in this slave system much longer. I'm curious about something, although it may sound like a stupid question. But I'll ask it anyway. Is it possible for Hitler to astrally visit an SS or anyone...
  166. Lightningsnake

    About Weather, Recent Flooding and Environmental Disasters in Europe And Worldwide - Climate Change Conspiracy

    Then you just were not delusional. It's just that many cases need to be properly investigated. Because it possible in this form.
  167. Lightningsnake

    About Weather, Recent Flooding and Environmental Disasters in Europe And Worldwide - Climate Change Conspiracy

    I wrote this based on 8 years of experience and testing. I don't like to tell untruths. However, when I did the FRTR with a sudden high repetition rate. For example, I did 18 reps the day before and 90 reps the day after. Then a storm was always created, but I didn't need such extreme...
  168. Lightningsnake

    About Weather, Recent Flooding and Environmental Disasters in Europe And Worldwide - Climate Change Conspiracy

    Thank you for told that. For a long time I didn't know what to do with this sziddhi. In fact, I don't know exactly now. All I know is that it should not be wasted. I'll ask Satan or Beelzebul to help me practice it and use it to our side's benefit. That's the idea I have for now.
  169. Lightningsnake

    About Weather, Recent Flooding and Environmental Disasters in Europe And Worldwide - Climate Change Conspiracy

    This is a very interesting article, thank you. However, I noticed a strange thing a long time ago. When I want rain, it rains. Like a siddhi. It's just a complex thing, the will has to point in one direction and concentrate. Also, it doesn't happen in two minutes. But it also works with...
  170. Lightningsnake

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - July 26th to August 6th

    Okay, thank you. The 180 reps was really hard. But it was just a one-off. It takes a lot of time and energy. Since then, I've been trying to do it reasonably despite all my motivation.
  171. Lightningsnake

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - July 26th to August 6th

    Is it a problem if I can only do 3 repeats of FRTR? Unfortunately, I have to work a lot. Therefore, besides crushing the tetra and the guard, this is the highest number of reps I can do. Unfortunately, I need the job. But when I was unemployed I did a lot of 27 reps or 90 reps. Once I even did...
  172. Lightningsnake

    Advanced Spiritual Warfare: Usage Of The FRTR, Shattering And Tetra

    I used to do it by doing the FRTR. I then tuned into its energy and thought strongly and repeatedly that the Jews should be destroyed (I mentally reinforced this). But I have also used it successfully on gypsies. However, in most cases I was not thinking of a specific person. I meant members of...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
