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Global Situation: The RTR Question?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Aleksandre said:
Hello guys. Situation is extremaly disturbing in the world. Do these rtrs work? or do we do enough rtrs?

I have been watching the news everyday, about Florida, Canada, gas pipelines exploding in Europe and so on.

However, I was not living in wonderland before. When I and HPS Maxine have informed everyone that we are no longer living in normal times, this is what this is about. I have also explained in a post in my signature in regards to what is going on.

In fact, the life people considered was "real" was just fake before. People lived in the Jewtrix for decades, remaining asleep. And currently the enemy is pulling up an attack on them.

The things humanity encounters now are divided in three categories:

1. Natural/Planetary negativity. That is unavoidable, and comes from the planets.

Example: general events like social unrest, wars or famines, pushed by astrological energies. These COULD in theory, be avoided.

2. Human Stupidity. Ie, Unspiritual humans and low quality humans cannot handle the above or ruin themselves due to retardation.

Example: humans wanting to chip themselves and lose their free will, because social media told them so or something.

3. Enemy Curses. The enemy curses, do indirectly fortify the above.

Example: Jews putting people in power who won't handle the famine properly or even expand it willingly, or even cause it, and providing people with their brainchips for enslavement, and mindwashing them to accept these negative things as normal and so on.

To explain in the form of an event, this can be mirrored like this:

A God sees from the 4th dimension that a woman is about to be stabbed in an alley.

The woman is programmed or driven there by forces of fate, to go to this alley. The criminal there is waiting [curses] to stab the woman. The general event is because both people are about to experience this in their charts.

As the woman in question is not turning away, due to embed negative programming, and the energies of fate are also very negative [and no spiritual knowledge to reverse this is present], she will definitely walk to the alley, therefore, the encountering with the criminal is fated.

In regards to the criminal, they are also a robber and evil, and want to rob them and stab them, being actively on the lookout. So there is no way anyone can stop this from their end too.

As these two people approach each other, the unavoidable is going to happen. Clearly, neither the robber or the woman have been at a purity state enough to avoid this, as either of them being so, would have avoided that.

The RTR's here should be taken as a form of energy that will affect the event, so that the woman is not stabbed or will not die, or something that will blunt the blade, or the blade will fall, or the situation will be lessened in it's manifestation.

We cannot however currently reverse these events in their entirety. That is the real world. Famines, floods, destruction, civilizations getting wiped out, wars - these are parts of history. Some of it, is human stupidity, other parts, are planetary events.

The RTR's cannot stop in 3 or 5 years the tidal wave of energy that is coming from ignorance and evil that has been fermenting itself on the earth for about 1500+ years, and which is currently maintained by jews and other negative entities.

We are doing great, and we will do our earnest.

The RTR's have done phenomenally until now, but the tidal wave has been a long time coming.

Destruction, famines, chaos, and so on, are nothing "out of the ordinary" based on natural situations and continuities in nature. As it has been written in JoS and I have explained, much of this is astrological.

For the most part, granted what the enemy tries to pull, and what the planets are indicative of, we are faring quite well closing in 2023.

Part of this arrives because humanity is retarded, while other part of this is because it's natural [it happens in nature] and then one aspect of this is enemy curses.

If humanity was spiritual, we could evade even 80% of this, or manage this properly. We are not, because of the enemy's dogma.

What is even worse, their dogma is a dogma of death that has them in positions of power, from which they emphasize on the worst of these times, instead of fighting against it. This makes events that would be small in negative magnitude, way bigger than they would originally be fated to be.

By undoing the curses, we are evening the blow, while gradually also removing them. But the above two other blows cannot be removed in full. The "humanity is retarded" part will be repaired when people will return to a higher level of existence. This cannot happen while the enemy is forcing everyone down a hole.

People have to come out. With disasters and other negative events, the natural consequence of this, is that this will shock many people and they will start reconsidering their reality. The Jewtrix will start collapsing upon itself as a consciousness prison, and people will escape.

This however comes at a price. It comes at a price because people have tried to skip their debts for a long time.

The "natural" part can only be saved from advances in technology and human ability. We are not there yet, as we have been delayed by thousands of years by the enemy.

The "human stupidity" part cannot be manifest either, because of curses and because of cultural removal by the enemy. We are back for that class too.

The "curses" part, which would be the deadliest, humanity has a good fate in that we are going to handle this or fight it back, but we cannot save everyone from the consequences of the first two things just yet, simply because we are not yet there on that level.

This will change in the future.

To make it worse, the fact human beings are so ignorant, so unspiritual, or have prayed themselves collectively for channeling gigatons of psychic energy into their own "apocalyptic doom" as programmed by jews for literally more than fifteen centuries now, is not making this anymore easy.

The RTR's do impressive in mitigating huge amounts of this, but we cannot mitigate fate itself. Fate will play out, but with more mercy than it would originally occur. People have unfortunately prescribed a really bad fate.

From one perspective, this is why we are here and have to do this in the first place, to avoid the worst of the worst. But the worst cannot be avoided as this is the bed humanity has made for itself.

Humanity, and those here who might be living in wonderland, thinking that they are full on Gods and so, aren't simply on the level to avoid this or have occult knowledge to understand. Therefore, I explain the parameters here in the post.

They have also fed the enemy, turning them into a hungry reptile that wants to eat them. The situation is not really favorable.

We should also commemorate the many victories, against seemingly impossible odds during these times. Many people thought it was all over with the Co-Vid, but it didn't happen.

Their advances here have died out on this big first primary card. This is war. We do not cry that this isn't peace and nice, because it's simply wartime. These aren't the 60's where everything was going "smooth".

All of this cannot be mitigated in a measly 3 or 5 years. We are doing great, and we can always do much better. We are being TRAINED by the Gods to be able to do better. But the realistic situation is that humanity is on a path of cumulative mistakes.

We are talking about fuckups and forces that exceed 2000 years here. An unspiritual humanity can only invite this upon itself. Many people of humanity are simply lost and taking idle space, working for nothing positive, not even on the thought level.

We are doing great, even wonderful for this time spectrum.

We have to do whatever we can, and the Gods will be satisfied by our work, at least when it comes from the Joy of Satan and it's members as their spiritual children.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Indeed I remember back in 2018 Satan came to me and told me to begin preparing get armed and have atleast emergency food for a year and better yet grow your own I spent 15,000$ on fire arms ammo gold tin food our own 5000L water tank and a vegetable and mini fruit tree garden that keeps the grocery shopping down and a lot of long life food even protien powders in case they take meat away we were expecting only 10% population resistance we were not expecting an 80% population resistance and only through a lot of fear mongering and the enemy spending billions of dollars through fear mongering did they manage to scare tactics a further 30% of the human population into getting vaccinated a huge amount of the vaxed morons only got it once before they learnt their lesson most Jews got vaxed 7 times and forced to wear masks for years I was not expecting the situation to go so well but they did all of this before to us only 100 years ago.

We had first the Spanish flu which if you ask the few people left from nearly a century ago they will even say people didn't die from the Spanish flu but died from the Spanish flu vaccine.

Then they started the great depression where they bankrupted the whole world especially Germany the Germans suffered much until Hitler and his nazis stood up and said no more.

Then came war world war 2 and to be honest if Hitler wasn't such a nice guy he probably would have won but at a great cost of life Hitler didn't want massive amounts of people dead if he fought anywhere near as brutally as the allied forces did he would have won he had a massive opportunity at dunkirk could have massacred the allies in droves but he let them go the nazis had a lot of weapons and terrifying technology most other countries only started making better versions of it almost 3 decades later.

My main point of this is that let their darkness come for the universe has a funny way of changing the cosmic winds when they blow too much one way it hurls a great storm back again the next great rise will be the last one but it won't just be in a single country standing up like the nazis did it must be all of us or atleast most of us together we can topple them permanently.
peeling an onion :!:
Thank you for sharing this 🔥 HP HoodedCobra666 ❤ And I will keep doing the RTR's and everything and anything! I can. The RTR's also help me sleep better at night anyway. I feel more relaxed after being on here reading, and after doing my RTR's I can going into a meditation 🧘‍♂️ and I actually sleep better. And I don't have nightmares anymore! And it seems to help with the stress and all the negative things I deal with throughout each and every day,. Not to mention the fact after watching TV? And dealing with all of the violence! Which is the last thing I need pounding through my head at night! And all of the Uproar about hurricanes and floods, I find it very comforting. To do my RTR's and reading on here. Doing an honest hour of meditation 💫cleans out of the negative shit. And I feel Satan' presents more and more. WE just need to keep doing are best! 💯⚡🐲 We are strong and getting stronger on here. And we can do everything together ❤ or alone as an individual. I feel the energy on here building up every day !! And it's AMAZING!!!🔥 HAIL SATAN!!!
It’s a reality painful to watch and painful to live but birth is painful and it’s how things are born. I do not think the situation is worse than it was, it’s just more obvious and painful. Which is good.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aleksandre said:
Hello guys. Situation is extremaly disturbing in the world. Do these rtrs work? or do we do enough rtrs?

We are doing great, even wonderful for this time spectrum.

We have to do whatever we can, and the Gods will be satisfied by our work, at least when it comes from the Joy of Satan and it's members as their spiritual children.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

what do you mean if the rtrs work? do you have a soul? say no cause you can't feel the energy since you ask such a question.

I searched today for the **** and company, are you kidding me? with the first letters, sentences, everything is written over there it is a scream: a forum made by Jews
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are doing great, even wonderful for this time spectrum.

I can only draw conclusions from my own experience.

The day before yesterday I finished the Anti great reset schedule.

I have been doing the Fehu work without interruption since 7 August.

I am constantly looking for a job, I graduated from university a year and a quarter ago.

I've applied for lots of jobs. I currently have two active applications. I've had some interviews that have gone well, but unfortunately I haven't been hired anywhere. Compulsory vaccinations were abolished at the beginning of March. This has allowed me to actively look for work for the last 7 months. But these 7 months have not brought any results.

Difficult to do spiritual work on a daily basis while I working 12 hours a day without heating (we have now been told that we cannot even bring in an electric heater), looking for a job, and running out of money at the end of every month. And that will change this year so that my money won't be enough to cover my expenses at all.

A new job would be a temporary respite. Only temporary, because public sector office salaries will eventually become worth the same as my current minimum wage due to inflation. In a worse scenario, the Hungarian state will go bankrupt and will not be able to pay public sector workers. (It is also possible, of course, that we could get involved in the war that has been going on for six months in a neighbouring state.) But now it's hard to find a job in the public sector because my city is in debt, winter is coming and there are tough austerity measures.

However, a good opportunity has arisen. Real estate sale, I will not go into details. The point is that if I could do it, it would give me an opportunity to at least prepare myself somewhat before the country collapses. Unfortunately, this has also been dragging on for a quarter of a year. The earliest the potential buyers will reply is in a week, after which I hope things will speed up. It's a race against time, because my country's currency is constantly breaking records for depreciation and everything is getting crazy expensive.

So no, in my own experience I can't say "wonderful". I would be curious to hear the experiences of other forum members. I've been under constant stress for months about slipping into abject poverty. I don't know what's going to happen to my elderly parents, I don't know what's going to happen to the peoples and animals I care about. I have been free of alcoholism for three and a half years, but I am now tempted to drink because of the constant stress. (Of course I don't drink.)

I keep trying to hope that I can find a job - as I write these lines, a helpful acquaintance has arranged for me to meet a well-connected mutual acquaintance who might be able to help. I'm a bit worried because his face suggests he might be Jewish. But I have no better idea, so I go to him for a chat.

I also hope that the sale of the property will go through and I will be on track. There is no time for anything else now, the base rate in Hungary is already 13%. In the first half of last year it was 0.6%. And raising the base rate too much is always the first step to hyperinflation.
Strangely, despite all the chaos in the world I have been able to maintain an unshakable optimism about my own future. I know it's the direct result of the meditations/mental training I've been doing lately, and it definitely stands out against the other people in my life in a good way. All those group protection rituals have definitely benefitted me as well. I'm really seeing a big difference in my life in a good way.
Another thing to always keep in mind, the kikes love to act as if they are in perfect control of everything at all times, and when their plans fail, you will see a barrage of memes and messages on any group with awareness of the kikes that it was all planned.

This is just kike bots trying to demoralize gentiles and act as if everything was a part of the plan all along, but in truth many things are out of their control and many of their plans fail. At this point it seems like all of their plans fail and nothing really has the outcomes they are hoping for.

I'm convinced they were trying to push covid really hard to be the catalyst of the great reset, but this scam has died out and nothing drastic came out of it besides weakening our economies, and if anything all it's done is make gentiles more upset and riled up against governments and jewish shit.

They are not in control, they have influence over a great many things, but they have lost control a long time ago. They try to influence things their way, but many of these attempts simply backfire and expose them to more groups of gentiles. Hatred and blaming kikes is a trend that is spreading like wildfire on the internet despite their best attempts to censor and stop it.

All they have is influence and even that dwindles every day.
I am just glad we have each other and a beautiful and powerful Satanic Family. I look forward to do more rituals and to do the new upcoming rituals.
Hail Satan!
Yes, we do, and we will fight against the Jews and for the glory of the Gods!

I have a question, I cannot ask it separately. Can I read the 19th Enochian Key during the ritual? I have trouble remembering it to recite it. One more question. Is there any best time, hour, day, moon phase to perform the ritual, doesn't it matter? I'm talking about the ritual of cursing the christian church and the filthy nazarene.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Glory to Satan and all Gods!
Thank you for the article.

One detail worries me.
There was another article about how the enemy is destroying worlds he cannot take.


And I wonder whether, in the case of our planet, the Gods can prevent this?
Or will they prevent it?
Lightningsnake said:
Thank you for the article.

One detail worries me.
There was another article about how the enemy is destroying worlds he cannot take.


And I wonder whether, in the case of our planet, the Gods can prevent this?
Or will they prevent it?

They brag they do this, but they cannot do it here. Unfortunately some other places seem to have underwent this fate. They brag about destroying them completely, but over here we know this and will be fine.

But the fact they brag about this just shows how sick they are, like the borg, literally.
Dark Lawyer said:

I can only say to you to persevere.Yes, the situation is pretty shitty here in Hungary.

However, I am glad that you published your comment on inflation.It reminds me that I need to do something with the little money I have left(Unfortunately, I'm very not bloody rich.).
Lest it end up being, that in the old,that the pennies were swept off the streets because they had become so worthless.
fantastic article, I know for a fact the RTR's are working. over the past years, I thought many times that things couldn't get worse without something extremely bad happening, only for said thing to lose it's energy and all their plans to fail and this is all due to the RTR 100%, one of the most recent examples is the covid, or like the war which almost broke out a few years ago,

I notice small things too like hurrican ian last minute hit fort myers which has a huge jewish community. fort myers was named after a jew
"Abraham Charles Myers (Georgetown, South Carolina, 14 May 1811 - Washington, D.C., 20 June 1889) was a Jewish American army officer"

it's original trajectory was closer to north of tampa, but it gained energy from a solar flare (speculation, it just happened that we got hit by a cme the morning of) and the increased rotation from the energy sent it to fort jew then it went straight to Disney jewland

which is a big RTR win in my opinion. There are a lot of these things you just have to be aware of.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
Thank you for the article.

One detail worries me.
There was another article about how the enemy is destroying worlds he cannot take.


And I wonder whether, in the case of our planet, the Gods can prevent this?
Or will they prevent it?

They brag they do this, but they cannot do it here. Unfortunately some other places seem to have underwent this fate. They brag about destroying them completely, but over here we know this and will be fine.

But the fact they brag about this just shows how sick they are, like the borg, literally.

Thank you for your reassuring reply.
Thank you for YouTube posts, surely most of us don’t post all the time but we are here.

Ignore the trolls, they are growing in number because they know this are important times and we are doing our job for the gods

Hail satan!!

Hail bathin!!
Dark Lawyer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are doing great, even wonderful for this time spectrum.

I can only draw conclusions from my own experience.

The day before yesterday I finished the Anti great reset schedule.

I have been doing the Fehu work without interruption since 7 August.

I keep trying to hope that I can find a job - as I write these lines, a helpful acquaintance has arranged for me to meet a well-connected mutual acquaintance who might be able to help. I'm a bit worried because his face suggests he might be Jewish. But I have no better idea, so I go to him for a chat.

I also hope that the sale of the property will go through and I will be on track. There is no time for anything else now, the base rate in Hungary is already 13%. In the first half of last year it was 0.6%. And raising the base rate too much is always the first step to hyperinflation.

Jews have cursed the gentiles into poverty, everyone needs to discharge his soul from this and other curses, this is not done in 10 days, logically and easy to be understood by anybody, the Jews did it and have been doing it non-stop for centuries.

personally i am at the beginning and feel great relief!!!

for money indicatively says someones need a strong solar charka, it implies that someone works in power meditation. as the same goes with any relates to addictions as the simpliest that indicates a weak aura and will.

I have noticed that buying and selling gold has money at the moment.
I have no idea about the rest with crypto etc, but for sure i have come to a conclusion that money shouldn't be left to any bank 😉

Oh yeah ! Now that i know would have been the ultimate opurtunity and experience to be in the same environment with a jew, without him knowing I would go home target his soul and face and would do FRTR everyday special present 🎁 for him 🤩
When I envision the days our Gods are coming back, it seems so far away, and then I remember that the RTRs are exactly what propel us forward to this moment. If we give up, we are only delaying our biggest wish. I am thankful that we have been incarnated at these times because it means the Gods trust us to soften the blows. We must have done big things in our past lives, since we deserved to be sent here and fight, and maybe live to see the Earth Reborn.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
Thank you for the article.

One detail worries me.
There was another article about how the enemy is destroying worlds he cannot take.


And I wonder whether, in the case of our planet, the Gods can prevent this?
Or will they prevent it?

They brag they do this, but they cannot do it here. Unfortunately some other places seem to have underwent this fate. They brag about destroying them completely, but over here we know this and will be fine.

But the fact they brag about this just shows how sick they are, like the borg, literally.

yes, it has been said so many times, their writings do not contain prophecies but only state their intentions, what they intend, willing to do.

I think Lillith had said to Maxine, none of this is written in a stone.

some information is because they stole astrological knowledge, as it is known all are stolen by jews, they have nothing on their own.

never ever impressed anyone that their "prophecies" reach a certain point in time, after all suddenly stop and then they have no idea what is going to happen after ?

Now the sons of Adam do not know the state of things that is to come.
For this reason, they fall into many errors.
The Al Jilwah
The Black Book of Satan
SATchives said:
fantastic article, I know for a fact the RTR's are working. over the past years, I thought many times that things couldn't get worse without something extremely bad happening, only for said thing to lose it's energy and all their plans to fail and this is all due to the RTR 100%, one of the most recent examples is the covid, or like the war which almost broke out a few years ago,

I notice small things too like hurrican ian last minute hit fort myers which has a huge jewish community. fort myers was named after a jew
"Abraham Charles Myers (Georgetown, South Carolina, 14 May 1811 - Washington, D.C., 20 June 1889) was a Jewish American army officer"

it's original trajectory was closer to north of tampa, but it gained energy from a solar flare (speculation, it just happened that we got hit by a cme the morning of) and the increased rotation from the energy sent it to fort jew then it went straight to Disney jewland

which is a big RTR win in my opinion. There are a lot of these things you just have to be aware of.

you are right, are several pages,sites mention it but

Look, what they are saying:
“We couldn’t leave because we only found out after yontif and it was too late to leave,” Minkowicz said, using the Yiddish term for a Jewish holiday.


everyone know that Jews warn their communities to leave a place in order to protect themselves and they are doing this only for them.
(for all about us they only concern, as now, in sending gentiles to die for their war).

SO what happened there clearly means, and as you explain, that a certain force /power developed and the energy redirected !

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
Thank you for the article.

One detail worries me.
There was another article about how the enemy is destroying worlds he cannot take.


And I wonder whether, in the case of our planet, the Gods can prevent this?
Or will they prevent it?

They brag they do this, but they cannot do it here. Unfortunately some other places seem to have underwent this fate. They brag about destroying them completely, but over here we know this and will be fine.

But the fact they brag about this just shows how sick they are, like the borg, literally.

When the issue of humanity low level of existence is talked about, we are to be hopeful. Is this why we have the rituals of the Gods. Hence does this make our RTR more effective.
We are doing great, even wonderful for this time spectrum.

We have to do whatever we can, and the Gods will be satisfied by our work, at least when it comes from the Joy of Satan and it's members as their spiritual children.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you Commander and everyone else doing the work. I've been trying not to despair as I know better but the overall global situation is making me angry and I'm channeling it to the best of my abilities. The recent (last few millennia) history has been one of defeat, tragedy and resistance in its face which brings me to my point. Please all who read this and are struggling with depression do not self-medicate. Stay off drugs, alcohol and just do your best at meditation. We need to be the best possible version of ourselves in these fucked up times. I know that discipline and optimism are difficult to acquire and maintain but we really must. Every blow we receive will only make us more resolute and the retaliation more terrible. Be smarter than I was in my youth and stay healthy, strong, disciplined and rejoice. Cheers to our imminent victory !
This is all very interesting. In my meditations I’ve gotten clear messages that we didn’t start this and therefore defending ourselves is crucial.

I am a student of cycles and 2023 is one of those years with crazy geopolitical and civil unrest storms showing up. The inflation we have is different this time because it’s really about shortages and supply chains being decimated on top of all the spending.And that will cause problems for all lf us.

So my question here is, besides the RTR, shouldn’t we also be involved in doing magic to secure ourselves personally on a physical level, storing food and necessities for shortages, protecting our homes and ourselves from world craziness that can come directly to our doorsteps in one way or another? I know we can spiritually guard ourselves but wouldn’t that also include a temporal side, making sure we make it from one side of this crisis to another?

The world is going to change drastically in the next 10 year and this seems wise.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aleksandre said:
Hello guys. Situation is extremaly disturbing in the world. Do these rtrs work? or do we do enough rtrs?

I have been watching the news everyday, about Florida, Canada, gas pipelines exploding in Europe and so on.

However, I was not living in wonderland before. When I and HPS Maxine have informed everyone that we are no longer living in normal times, this is what this is about. I have also explained in a post in my signature in regards to what is going on.

In fact, the life people considered was "real" was just fake before. People lived in the Jewtrix for decades, remaining asleep. And currently the enemy is pulling up an attack on them.

The things humanity encounters now are divided in three categories:

1. Natural/Planetary negativity. That is unavoidable, and comes from the planets.

Example: general events like social unrest, wars or famines, pushed by astrological energies. These COULD in theory, be avoided.

2. Human Stupidity. Ie, Unspiritual humans and low quality humans cannot handle the above or ruin themselves due to retardation.

Example: humans wanting to chip themselves and lose their free will, because social media told them so or something.

3. Enemy Curses. The enemy curses, do indirectly fortify the above.

Example: Jews putting people in power who won't handle the famine properly or even expand it willingly, or even cause it, and providing people with their brainchips for enslavement, and mindwashing them to accept these negative things as normal and so on.

To explain in the form of an event, this can be mirrored like this:

A God sees from the 4th dimension that a woman is about to be stabbed in an alley.

The woman is programmed or driven there by forces of fate, to go to this alley. The criminal there is waiting [curses] to stab the woman. The general event is because both people are about to experience this in their charts.

As the woman in question is not turning away, due to embed negative programming, and the energies of fate are also very negative [and no spiritual knowledge to reverse this is present], she will definitely walk to the alley, therefore, the encountering with the criminal is fated.

In regards to the criminal, they are also a robber and evil, and want to rob them and stab them, being actively on the lookout. So there is no way anyone can stop this from their end too.

As these two people approach each other, the unavoidable is going to happen. Clearly, neither the robber or the woman have been at a purity state enough to avoid this, as either of them being so, would have avoided that.

The RTR's here should be taken as a form of energy that will affect the event, so that the woman is not stabbed or will not die, or something that will blunt the blade, or the blade will fall, or the situation will be lessened in it's manifestation.

We cannot however currently reverse these events in their entirety. That is the real world. Famines, floods, destruction, civilizations getting wiped out, wars - these are parts of history. Some of it, is human stupidity, other parts, are planetary events.

The RTR's cannot stop in 3 or 5 years the tidal wave of energy that is coming from ignorance and evil that has been fermenting itself on the earth for about 1500+ years, and which is currently maintained by jews and other negative entities.

We are doing great, and we will do our earnest.

The RTR's have done phenomenally until now, but the tidal wave has been a long time coming.

Destruction, famines, chaos, and so on, are nothing "out of the ordinary" based on natural situations and continuities in nature. As it has been written in JoS and I have explained, much of this is astrological.

For the most part, granted what the enemy tries to pull, and what the planets are indicative of, we are faring quite well closing in 2023.

Part of this arrives because humanity is retarded, while other part of this is because it's natural [it happens in nature] and then one aspect of this is enemy curses.

If humanity was spiritual, we could evade even 80% of this, or manage this properly. We are not, because of the enemy's dogma.

What is even worse, their dogma is a dogma of death that has them in positions of power, from which they emphasize on the worst of these times, instead of fighting against it. This makes events that would be small in negative magnitude, way bigger than they would originally be fated to be.

By undoing the curses, we are evening the blow, while gradually also removing them. But the above two other blows cannot be removed in full. The "humanity is retarded" part will be repaired when people will return to a higher level of existence. This cannot happen while the enemy is forcing everyone down a hole.

People have to come out. With disasters and other negative events, the natural consequence of this, is that this will shock many people and they will start reconsidering their reality. The Jewtrix will start collapsing upon itself as a consciousness prison, and people will escape.

This however comes at a price. It comes at a price because people have tried to skip their debts for a long time.

The "natural" part can only be saved from advances in technology and human ability. We are not there yet, as we have been delayed by thousands of years by the enemy.

The "human stupidity" part cannot be manifest either, because of curses and because of cultural removal by the enemy. We are back for that class too.

The "curses" part, which would be the deadliest, humanity has a good fate in that we are going to handle this or fight it back, but we cannot save everyone from the consequences of the first two things just yet, simply because we are not yet there on that level.

This will change in the future.

To make it worse, the fact human beings are so ignorant, so unspiritual, or have prayed themselves collectively for channeling gigatons of psychic energy into their own "apocalyptic doom" as programmed by jews for literally more than fifteen centuries now, is not making this anymore easy.

The RTR's do impressive in mitigating huge amounts of this, but we cannot mitigate fate itself. Fate will play out, but with more mercy than it would originally occur. People have unfortunately prescribed a really bad fate.

From one perspective, this is why we are here and have to do this in the first place, to avoid the worst of the worst. But the worst cannot be avoided as this is the bed humanity has made for itself.

Humanity, and those here who might be living in wonderland, thinking that they are full on Gods and so, aren't simply on the level to avoid this or have occult knowledge to understand. Therefore, I explain the parameters here in the post.

They have also fed the enemy, turning them into a hungry reptile that wants to eat them. The situation is not really favorable.

We should also commemorate the many victories, against seemingly impossible odds during these times. Many people thought it was all over with the Co-Vid, but it didn't happen.

Their advances here have died out on this big first primary card. This is war. We do not cry that this isn't peace and nice, because it's simply wartime. These aren't the 60's where everything was going "smooth".

All of this cannot be mitigated in a measly 3 or 5 years. We are doing great, and we can always do much better. We are being TRAINED by the Gods to be able to do better. But the realistic situation is that humanity is on a path of cumulative mistakes.

We are talking about fuckups and forces that exceed 2000 years here. An unspiritual humanity can only invite this upon itself. Many people of humanity are simply lost and taking idle space, working for nothing positive, not even on the thought level.

We are doing great, even wonderful for this time spectrum.

We have to do whatever we can, and the Gods will be satisfied by our work, at least when it comes from the Joy of Satan and it's members as their spiritual children.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks for your answer.
I guess. some workings arent one shit deal.
Dark Lawyer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are doing great, even wonderful for this time spectrum.

I can only draw conclusions from my own experience.

The day before yesterday I finished the Anti great reset schedule.

I have been doing the Fehu work without interruption since 7 August.

I am constantly looking for a job, I graduated from university a year and a quarter ago.

I've applied for lots of jobs. I currently have two active applications. I've had some interviews that have gone well, but unfortunately I haven't been hired anywhere. Compulsory vaccinations were abolished at the beginning of March. This has allowed me to actively look for work for the last 7 months. But these 7 months have not brought any results.

Difficult to do spiritual work on a daily basis while I working 12 hours a day without heating (we have now been told that we cannot even bring in an electric heater), looking for a job, and running out of money at the end of every month. And that will change this year so that my money won't be enough to cover my expenses at all.

A new job would be a temporary respite. Only temporary, because public sector office salaries will eventually become worth the same as my current minimum wage due to inflation. In a worse scenario, the Hungarian state will go bankrupt and will not be able to pay public sector workers. (It is also possible, of course, that we could get involved in the war that has been going on for six months in a neighbouring state.) But now it's hard to find a job in the public sector because my city is in debt, winter is coming and there are tough austerity measures.

However, a good opportunity has arisen. Real estate sale, I will not go into details. The point is that if I could do it, it would give me an opportunity to at least prepare myself somewhat before the country collapses. Unfortunately, this has also been dragging on for a quarter of a year. The earliest the potential buyers will reply is in a week, after which I hope things will speed up. It's a race against time, because my country's currency is constantly breaking records for depreciation and everything is getting crazy expensive.

So no, in my own experience I can't say "wonderful". I would be curious to hear the experiences of other forum members. I've been under constant stress for months about slipping into abject poverty. I don't know what's going to happen to my elderly parents, I don't know what's going to happen to the peoples and animals I care about. I have been free of alcoholism for three and a half years, but I am now tempted to drink because of the constant stress. (Of course I don't drink.)

I keep trying to hope that I can find a job - as I write these lines, a helpful acquaintance has arranged for me to meet a well-connected mutual acquaintance who might be able to help. I'm a bit worried because his face suggests he might be Jewish. But I have no better idea, so I go to him for a chat.

I also hope that the sale of the property will go through and I will be on track. There is no time for anything else now, the base rate in Hungary is already 13%. In the first half of last year it was 0.6%. And raising the base rate too much is always the first step to hyperinflation.

Here are some " list of magic workings" at the forum
I hope it will help you.
So sorry that europe is getting hurted so much because of the war. The USA is always keeps the position of the winner.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
I can only say to you to persevere.Yes, the situation is pretty shitty here in Hungary.

However, I am glad that you published your comment on inflation.It reminds me that I need to do something with the little money I have left(Unfortunately, I'm very not bloody rich.).
Lest it end up being, that in the old,that the pennies were swept off the streets because they had become so worthless.

Thank you for the encouragement!

The weakening of the forint and the rising cost of goods will not stop. The only realistic way to do this (because there are two unrealistic ones) would be for the state to pay back some of its debt. This means that it buys back a certain amount of government bonds and does not issue new bonds to replace the bonds it buys back. The state cannot do this because it would then not be able to pay public employees.
luggaldimmerankia369 said:
We are doing great, even wonderful for this time spectrum.

We have to do whatever we can, and the Gods will be satisfied by our work, at least when it comes from the Joy of Satan and it's members as their spiritual children.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you Commander and everyone else doing the work. I've been trying not to despair as I know better but the overall global situation is making me angry and I'm channeling it to the best of my abilities. The recent (last few millennia) history has been one of defeat, tragedy and resistance in its face which brings me to my point. Please all who read this and are struggling with depression do not self-medicate. Stay off drugs, alcohol and just do your best at meditation. We need to be the best possible version of ourselves in these fucked up times. I know that discipline and optimism are difficult to acquire and maintain but we really must. Every blow we receive will only make us more resolute and the retaliation more terrible. Be smarter than I was in my youth and stay healthy, strong, disciplined and rejoice. Cheers to our imminent victory !

The recent history is actually a good proof that humanity will keep on existing and that it can recover it's losses after even the enemy. This should be looked upon as a positive thing, even with all the negatives.

Nobody should despair at all, we are on the advantage position with all the knowledge I have. The spiritual perspective is most important in life.

You will recover, it is never too late, you can do it, I can tell from what you write. Stay strong and just keep up on the good path.
Geert Wilders has said to charge the parliament for not acting to help the civilians despite 30+ suggestions which they all voted 'no' for.

I dont know what is going to happen with all of this. We shall see.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Geert Wilders has said to charge the parliament for not acting to help the civilians despite 30+ suggestions which they all voted 'no' for.

I dont know what is going to happen with all of this. We shall see.
The eventuality for small clique grossly acting against the interest of peoples is civil unrest.
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Geert Wilders has said to charge the parliament for not acting to help the civilians despite 30+ suggestions which they all voted 'no' for.

I dont know what is going to happen with all of this. We shall see.
The eventuality for small clique grossly acting against the interest of peoples is civil unrest.

At prinsjesdag (third tuesday of september) when the troonrede is read by the king (plans for the next year), the people were shouting "BOO" .. and they had to be transported with way more guards than ever before.

Even prinses amalia who they wanted to write an article about just cycling to school was brought with a security van instead because of death threaths to her.
I think they said it was some kind of muslim or whatever doing these threaths ...
The king is just a powerless public figure. He holds a title but he doesn't govern.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why don't you provide RTR schedule?
Yom Kippur(October 5, 2022), an important Jewish festival, is over!

Why don't you announce that you are doing RTR?
Answer the reason.
pealbow said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why don't you provide RTR schedule?
Yom Kippur(October 5, 2022), an important Jewish festival, is over!

Why don't you announce that you are doing RTR?
Answer the reason.

LoL all da crazy are here :lol:
Even me I know that first we let them do their shits as the Yom shitppur and after we enter to destroy the energy

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi, not sure if this is the right place but I have two questions: Have you authored the RTRs yourself or have they been coauthored by Satan and you (less important and out of curiosity)? Secondly and more importantly: Is it possible to get a meaning/translation or at least a short summary of the text that's vibrated and what language is that? Ok that may be three questions.

I began organizing the RTRs and some additional rituals to make a schedule that is possible to incorporate in my everyday life and started wondering as to the exact meaning of their content and how they were created. I suppose that a deeper understanding of the subject would make my workings all the more efficient.

Thank you for everything. Seeing that there are people doing what you're doing and it having the effect that it has, gives me strength to endure. I always knew that I'm not alone but actually witnessing it feels really good after years of isolation bordering madness and desperation.

Hail Satan!
Lunar Dance 666 said:
At prinsjesdag (third tuesday of september) when the troonrede is read by the king (plans for the next year), the people were shouting "BOO" .. and they had to be transported with way more guards than ever before.

Even prinses amalia who they wanted to write an article about just cycling to school was brought with a security van instead because of death threaths to her.
I think they said it was some kind of muslim or whatever doing these threaths ...
The king is just a powerless public figure. He holds a title but he doesn't govern.
Everything is upside down. We see so-called rulers hiding behind armor and troves of guards (or streets being cleared of civilians altogether...) instead of being elevated by people in public. Hitler was popular among people - He did not need armored glass and elaborate security plans for public attendance like, for example, Pope needs and has been needing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
