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About Weather, Recent Flooding and Environmental Disasters in Europe And Worldwide - Climate Change Conspiracy

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
For those who have been following the News or live in Germany or Europe, Poland or related territorries, you might have been encountering some really negative weather events in these areas. These are most unusual, and people haven't seen things like these for decades.

While climatic change [not as we are advertised] is real and is occuring, a lot of this has to do with ramifications of man made technologies. In regards to global warming and so on, I asked Azazel years ago, and the answer was that our lifespan is short and therefore we mistake many things of going into directions we don't understand.

After doing more reading on the subject, I found in some archives all sorts of the same useless claims that we will "Melt all the ice in 20 years!" and so on, or how we were going to "enter an ice age pretty soon". This was on Times Magazine if I recall correctly. If you look for this online, you will find it. Point being, people have been doing this for a while now.

Azazel in regards to this told me that we humans are really affected by the input of information we get through our limited lifespan, and that weather phenomena are difficult to "pinpoint" since they are "active", especially in our recent past.

This makes this whole thing even more confusing for us. It is from now onward that we are getting any solid databases about how these can go, and predictions with these can be limited. Add a little fearmorgering and grey based agenda, and you will know how bad this can go.

He told me that pollution is a far bigger blight than "Global warming", and that "Humans can only do that much" in regards to "Global warming" or any of the this, but that "We can destroy our living environement in full" if we aren't careful. But not the "Earth" herself at our current level of development.

Astarte, as stated before, really loves our planet, and also the living life on it. They take this all very seriously. They have also told me they have been "actively engaged" with world leaders, in the sense of directing many, but the enemy and rampant human stupidity is also involved in this.

We are also going through a major change in general, and this will also reflect on the weather, except of the man made reactions that are caused.

Other things showed, I could not comprehend presently, but he said that every thousands of years, the climate does indeed "change", and mentioned how this was documented before. I never knew this was the case in a recorded fashion in such a way, but after one reads, you would be surprised to find that at one point, we recognized only 3 seasons, not 4.

If we go even further back, the Golden Age is also alluded of being a Golden Age in regards to weather and climate, a very balanced and healthy climate with minimal catastrophes was the case for the Earth. But this also has spiritual allegory in it, yet, it appears to be true and real.

This ties into the changes of the ancients and the calendars. The earth herself goes through cycles and this can cause events that may seem unbelievable, to the point civilizations are wiped to the ground.

Except of this, there is now human made manipulation that is backfiring on the environment. Governments will not accept this and may hardly admit this, but many are using rampant weather manipulation, without understanding the longterm effects on the technology. One such government is China, who uses this liberally and has admitted to doing so.

Difference between them and the West, is that they have no reason to hide anything as they are Communists and therefore any abuse will not allow anyone to say anything. Much of this is the reason China is actively creating ruin.

In regards to HAARP and other technologies, these appear to be old and have more than likely being replaced with possibly more effective and "dangerous" technologies. At the same rate, most billionaires are now really focused on space, which is showing that they might know a few things about where all of this is going to result.

While this doesn't pose a clear existential threat yet, the backfiring amount seems to "Range". If Governments make this their next "Hobby" to abuse, as they usually do, it's for sure the negatives of the use may override any "positives". Governments are renown for doing that shit.

Maybe they have more information about this? One can only assume.

Lastly, a lot of this, both being unrelated to things humanity does to a major extent, and natural, is used to promote the obvious globo homo agenda of the jews and the enemy. They pretend they have no clue on what is going on, to enforce communism, depriving people of meat and so on, and other numerous agendas already illustrated.

Even stupider, are the Xians and Muslims, who take every natural event as an "act of God" to "punish them" for eating pork or something. Needless to say, except of retarded, these people are dangerously superstitious. Nature does nothing to explicitly harm people. This nonsense was created out of the mouths of illiterate bandit Rabbis that were filled with hate, and wanted to make Gentiles feel bad for just existing.

Given these people are psychos, they might as well be using technology now, and calling it the "Judgement of God". As about the floods, the EU Media kept repeating constantly the numbers of the jews, and "Biblical" consistently. Those who read our forums, you understand why. Terror and fear energy. The same goes for the terror about Co-Vid which has been neverending.

An example of this kabbalistic news making: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/07/16/80-dead-thousand-still-missing-flooded-german-towns-ruins/

Another SS also posted this posted this - read below.


Wotanwarrior said:
This video is in Spanish, basically it says:

UAE triggers heavy artificial rainfall with new technology in the midst of a heat wave

Heavy rains have fallen on July 14 and 15 in several regions of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), such as Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah, amid a heat wave with temperatures touching 50 degrees Celsius. The UAE National Meteorological Center explained that cloud seeding operations were carried out to increase rainfall.

The agency issued weather warnings for the east of the country due to the possibility of convective cloud formations associated with more rainfall and winds with speeds of 40 km/h causing dust and sand drifts.

Convective clouds form due to high land surface temperatures, which cause warm, moist air to rise through the surrounding cooler air in the atmosphere.

In recent years, UAE authorities are actively developing technologies to induce rainfall in its arid territory. Thus, in spring, the country tested drones that can induce rain by applying electrical discharges to clouds without the use of chemical compounds.
This is a very interesting article, thank you.

However, I noticed a strange thing a long time ago. When I want rain, it rains. Like a siddhi. It's just a complex thing, the will has to point in one direction and concentrate. Also, it doesn't happen in two minutes.
But it also works with sunshine, but I managed to make it snow. I didn't believe in it for a long time, so I used to test it. By selecting the weather report on one of the TV channels and trying to create the opposite. I was surprised when I succeeded several times.

But I don't do it much anymore because I don't know what the ideal weather would be.
Attracting and directing rain will not cover the water needs of Nations. They are very useful for the life of the Planet but are not sufficient for the needs of Mankind.

Influencing the rain can be useful to benefit disadvantaged areas and also to prevent any foreseeable disasters caused by the rain.

The solution to Mankind's great need for water is the filtration of water from the seas and oceans as well as the filtration of water from rivers and lakes. And let us not forget at all the importance of the resource cycle.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The south of Limburg (NL) has been affected as well. NL is not unknown to floods. They praise it for how we manage water.

But yet we act all stupid and build houses in areas that can get flooded and that are meant to be a buffer zone for floods.

This gen and also the previous gen is quite retarded when it comes to that. People build tarps to put their houses on top to be safe from flooding... this was more in Drenthe though.. more north in NL.
Technology isn't necessarily needed to alter the weather:


Although, I've never tried it on the grander scale.

Just local.

BTW...China has been going through a lot lately too:

Flooded Tunnel Was Drained, Hundreds of Cars Found, but You Will Never Know the Truth.

330,000 people were evacuated !! Strong typhoon hits Shanghai, China!

66 Reservoirs Discharging; Cities Severe Flooding | Many Dams Burst

Hail the Gods of Orion!
Now imagine if we could use this tecnology for good things... We could stop many natural disasters.
There is also a biblical curse in Genesis against the environment and specifically losing the climate of the Anti Deluvian-era

Genesis 3: 17-19
christards being christards, their is a passage in their jewish story books that say, the jewish thoughtform would never flood the earth again ,though it would be funny to argue with one of these morons an say are you calling your jewish god a liar, they would get pissed,

anyway on the subject of weather modding their are trees an other things that take the hit an its bad, i shown a few videos a while back, the first was about the dangers of floride the second was about weather moding, in the video they would spray certain thing in the sky an it would destroy trees vegetation an many other thing, some people did notice but its sad no one did much against it

but their is one thing we all have in common,growing up as a child an being told that the environment problems are because you exist, should piss off anyone
I had often wondered if winter wasn't technically a season. Etymologically, the word "season" comes from a Latin word meaning to sow. So it's the time of sowing. Naturally, we don't really sow anything in the winter. Maybe winter is more like the time of rest after the reaping, and preceding the new cycle in spring. So then it would be more like an extension of Autumn, perhaps.

I just looked it up. Apparently the word "winter" meant "time of water" because it was wet. Either that or "white" according to others.

When the propaganda nonsense is cut away, and I hear things more from the Gods' perspective about it like this... I honestly feel even more anxious than I did before. I think when I hear others harping on and on about the fear porn (like the so-called pundits and scientists such as Bill Gates whose "solutions" can be summed up as genocide of humanity), it doesn't seem real and my mind ignores it. Now I hear the truth of it without the bullshit, and it's actually hitting me. I was obviously concerned before and it registered in my mind that we could lose our home as a species on this planet if we keep polluting, but I think when it's only the Truth of the matter being spoken after peeling away the layers of lies and delusions, it resounds like a bell at the heart level. It's like the inner deep feeling/knowing level that's been struck now, I think. It's weird sometimes because it's like it's one thing to know something in the mind, but another thing to know it on a deep level within your body or whatever. I wonder if I'm making sense with this.

Thank you for sharing, High Priest. This is informative for me, and it's really nice to have even more clarity on what is real regarding this important topic. I also love hearing the words of our Gods, it fills me with joy. I love our Gods so much, they're so awesome.
Lightningsnake said:
This is a very interesting article, thank you.

However, I noticed a strange thing a long time ago. When I want rain, it rains. Like a siddhi. It's just a complex thing, the will has to point in one direction and concentrate. Also, it doesn't happen in two minutes.
But it also works with sunshine, but I managed to make it snow. I didn't believe in it for a long time, so I used to test it. By selecting the weather report on one of the TV channels and trying to create the opposite. I was surprised when I succeeded several times.

But I don't do it much anymore because I don't know what the ideal weather would be.

The human mind can definitely have major effects on this, and weather manipulation is a Siddhi of a higher rank.
My most major concern isn't for the physical environment, per se. Like what was stated in the original post, the environment, over eons, does shift and change, for any myriad of reasons. Even locally, you can have ten year on/off cycles like El Nino and La Nina which can completely change the environmental nature of whole countries. Generally the hotly debated question is whether humanity can actually affect the global climate.

To me it's neither a yes or a no question. There's ridiculous claims that emissions and pollution alone can swing the average temp ten degrees. The reality of the situation is that human activity might result in, say, an existing warming trend being somewhat accelerated as opposed to what it would be without it. If anything the "global warming" conversation has distracted from other, more pertinent issues.

I would say, the disaster humanity is potentially facing isn't an environmental disaster so much as it's an ecological one, though admittedly the difference is sort of semantic. The Australian Great Barrier Reef, for instance, has experienced mass bleaching and die off. This can be attributed to a temperature shift, but not always. There are other factors, including overfishing and water toxicity. A reef die off of this magnitude can in turn have knock-on consequences for ocean food shortages, and such.

The problem with humanity at the moment is, everything is viewed through such a short term lens. Most business types (of which a vast majority of jews) only seen short term capitalist gain in say, deforesting huge sections of a rainforest in Borneo for palm oil plantations. Even if you point out a mid-short term issue, like the immediate impact this would have, say on an endangered animal population like the orangutans, most jew types are quick to shrug their shoulders and say it doesn't matter. Even if you totally disregard morality and ethics towards animals, mass animal die-offs, in the short term, can and will have an impact on humanity.

The fertility of the soil beneath our feet is often dependent on very delicate natural cycles, that can be thrown into chaos when circumstances arise that cause, for example, a circumstance that would enable an excess in breeding towards a predator population, which would then cause over-hunting on a prey animal responsible for anything, ranging from aiding in pollination, fertile waste, or managing insect populations, so on so forth. Any of these factors can lead to increasingly infertile soil, which in the long term, inevitably effect humanity.

This all being said, considering the work we're doing, I'm less fearful for the longterm, as I imagine we'll be successful enough to turn the situation around before it spells doom for humanity. The midterm, by which I mean, the next decade or two, I have somewhat more concern for.

There are a lot of species that are already on the brink of extinction in the wild. A particularly tragic one I've been keeping an eye on is the great ape populations of the world. Back in the 1970s, there was an incident known as the Gombe Chimpanzee War. Not a lot of people know about this, because the idea of warfare between animals seems laughable, but as I try to teach people, animal intelligence is more nuanced than what people usually give credence to. In short, it was a mass conflict between two chimpanzee tribes as a result of territorial expansion, coming off the back of one particular tribe having an unusual amount of warrior age males.

The catalyst for this event was a dropoff in fertility among female chimpanzees, which I could theorize to be a result of local human activity causing a chemical runoff into local water supplies. Point is, due to humanity's ignorance perpetuated due to short lifespans, the myriad of consequences for any ill-thought out action are far more wide ranging than what are initially expected. To carry on with the above point, the continued habitat loss experienced in central Africa is now leading to warring conflict between the chimpanzee and gorilla populations, both populations already being immensely fragile and valuable.

To restate my point, I'm not worried about a doomsday, per se. But I do express concern for what might be lost before any major turnaround can be achieved. There's a number of beautiful animal populations on the brink that would require short term action, unlike the overblown "global warming" meme keeping everyone's attention occupied. People ignore hunting, chemical toxicity, habitat loss, erosion, and so on, in favor of funneling attention to a shift in climate which may be entirely natural. In regards to plantlife, who can accurately say what medicines have been lost in the habitat destruction of say, the Amazon?

A lot of environment and weather related phenomenon can be fixed with appropriate action within a timeframe lasting decades or more. For a lot of animal populations, like lions, tigers, elephants, and so on, you're looking at something far more grim, sadly (some predicted to reach the brink within a mere decade), not that I enjoy peddling any form of negativity. Hopefully, help comes soon. The world will survive, but surviving without such vibrant lifeforms is a fate I'd rather see avoided.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
This is a very interesting article, thank you.

However, I noticed a strange thing a long time ago. When I want rain, it rains. Like a siddhi. It's just a complex thing, the will has to point in one direction and concentrate. Also, it doesn't happen in two minutes.
But it also works with sunshine, but I managed to make it snow. I didn't believe in it for a long time, so I used to test it. By selecting the weather report on one of the TV channels and trying to create the opposite. I was surprised when I succeeded several times.

But I don't do it much anymore because I don't know what the ideal weather would be.

The human mind can definitely have major effects on this, and weather manipulation is a Siddhi of a higher rank.

Haha in your face to Aquarius i remember telling him this then he said i was extremely delusional.lol

Not saying i am advanced just saying at the time i really thought i manipulated the weather, with the FRTR oky maby i was a little delusional. 😂
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
This is a very interesting article, thank you.

However, I noticed a strange thing a long time ago. When I want rain, it rains. Like a siddhi. It's just a complex thing, the will has to point in one direction and concentrate. Also, it doesn't happen in two minutes.
But it also works with sunshine, but I managed to make it snow. I didn't believe in it for a long time, so I used to test it. By selecting the weather report on one of the TV channels and trying to create the opposite. I was surprised when I succeeded several times.

But I don't do it much anymore because I don't know what the ideal weather would be.

The human mind can definitely have major effects on this, and weather manipulation is a Siddhi of a higher rank.

Thank you for told that. For a long time I didn't know what to do with this sziddhi. In fact, I don't know exactly now. All I know is that it should not be wasted.
I'll ask Satan or Beelzebul to help me practice it and use it to our side's benefit.
That's the idea I have for now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
This is a very interesting article, thank you.

However, I noticed a strange thing a long time ago. When I want rain, it rains. Like a siddhi. It's just a complex thing, the will has to point in one direction and concentrate. Also, it doesn't happen in two minutes.
But it also works with sunshine, but I managed to make it snow. I didn't believe in it for a long time, so I used to test it. By selecting the weather report on one of the TV channels and trying to create the opposite. I was surprised when I succeeded several times.

But I don't do it much anymore because I don't know what the ideal weather would be.

The human mind can definitely have major effects on this, and weather manipulation is a Siddhi of a higher rank.

(The human mind can definitely have major effects on this) i knew a few witches who would manipulate the weather an can make it rain, sad thing is they cant do it anymore cause of the spraying, they came to the same conclusion i did their is something off about those trails in the sky
One Wire Phenomenon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
This is a very interesting article, thank you.

However, I noticed a strange thing a long time ago. When I want rain, it rains. Like a siddhi. It's just a complex thing, the will has to point in one direction and concentrate. Also, it doesn't happen in two minutes.
But it also works with sunshine, but I managed to make it snow. I didn't believe in it for a long time, so I used to test it. By selecting the weather report on one of the TV channels and trying to create the opposite. I was surprised when I succeeded several times.

But I don't do it much anymore because I don't know what the ideal weather would be.

The human mind can definitely have major effects on this, and weather manipulation is a Siddhi of a higher rank.

Haha in your face to Aquarius i remember telling him this then he said i was extremely delusional.lol

Not saying i am advanced just saying at the time i really thought i manipulated the weather, with the FRTR oky maby i was a little delusional. 😂
I do believe that advanced people can manipulate the weather, but I don't believe that you can do it, for the time being.
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The human mind can definitely have major effects on this, and weather manipulation is a Siddhi of a higher rank.

Haha in your face to Aquarius i remember telling him this then he said i was extremely delusional.lol

Not saying i am advanced just saying at the time i really thought i manipulated the weather, with the FRTR oky maby i was a little delusional. 😂
I do believe that advanced people can manipulate the weather, but I don't believe that you can do it, for the time being.

When I was about 7-8 years old I did the same. I was focusing on clouds and visualise that is raining. I remember that I truly believed in my power even I didn't knew nothing about spirituality. Even on football matches I was focusing so hard to control the game lol
When I was a teen I was able to stop it from raining, though only once. I was at a halloween party and it started to sprinkle but a little bit of concentration I was for a moment able to stop it but my concentration broke and it started to sprinkle again. The rain didn't last long but doing that has stuck with me ever since and I'm in my thirties now.
Thinking about all the replies about weather manipulation makes me wonder if I should give it a go again. Being a writer I have a great imagination so visualization has never been a problem for me. :D
We are SS and can do anything we put our minds too.

Be safe dear brothers and sisters!

Hail Father Satan
One Wire Phenomenon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
This is a very interesting article, thank you.

However, I noticed a strange thing a long time ago. When I want rain, it rains. Like a siddhi. It's just a complex thing, the will has to point in one direction and concentrate. Also, it doesn't happen in two minutes.
But it also works with sunshine, but I managed to make it snow. I didn't believe in it for a long time, so I used to test it. By selecting the weather report on one of the TV channels and trying to create the opposite. I was surprised when I succeeded several times.

But I don't do it much anymore because I don't know what the ideal weather would be.

The human mind can definitely have major effects on this, and weather manipulation is a Siddhi of a higher rank.

Haha in your face to Aquarius i remember telling him this then he said i was extremely delusional.lol

Not saying i am advanced just saying at the time i really thought i manipulated the weather, with the FRTR oky maby i was a little delusional. 😂
i mean maybe
One Wire Phenomenon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
This is a very interesting article, thank you.

However, I noticed a strange thing a long time ago. When I want rain, it rains. Like a siddhi. It's just a complex thing, the will has to point in one direction and concentrate. Also, it doesn't happen in two minutes.
But it also works with sunshine, but I managed to make it snow. I didn't believe in it for a long time, so I used to test it. By selecting the weather report on one of the TV channels and trying to create the opposite. I was surprised when I succeeded several times.

But I don't do it much anymore because I don't know what the ideal weather would be.

The human mind can definitely have major effects on this, and weather manipulation is a Siddhi of a higher rank.

Haha in your face to Aquarius i remember telling him this then he said i was extremely delusional.lol

Not saying i am advanced just saying at the time i really thought i manipulated the weather, with the FRTR oky maby i was a little delusional. 😂

I wrote this based on 8 years of experience and testing. I don't like to tell untruths.

However, when I did the FRTR with a sudden high repetition rate. For example, I did 18 reps the day before and 90 reps the day after. Then a storm was always created, but I didn't need such extreme differences to storm. This was not a one-off either. It was the same with Merkaba meditation at the beginning.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Lightningsnake said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Haha in your face to Aquarius i remember telling him this then he said i was extremely delusional.lol

Not saying i am advanced just saying at the time i really thought i manipulated the weather, with the FRTR oky maby i was a little delusional. 😂

I wrote this based on 8 years of experience and testing. I don't like to tell untruths.

However, when I did the FRTR with a sudden high repetition rate. For example, I did 18 reps the day before and 90 reps the day after. Then a storm was always created, but I didn't need such extreme differences to storm. This was not a one-off either. It was the same with Merkaba meditation at the beginning.

Holy fuck this is what happened to me i did the 99 reps aswel and strange never before seen storms happend. I thought it was a Demon,HARP or the FRTR causeing it. My father who lives there told me himself and he is over 60 years old and living there since birth said he has never in his life seen storms like that and this all happened when i started the FRTR rituals. I could feel something in me aswel almost like you are in a movie and the super natural happens. Anyway it only happened then about 3 times then until now nothing like that has happened.

Then you just were not delusional. It's just that many cases need to be properly investigated. Because it possible in this form.
Should we be preparing for environmental disasters in the near future, say a year or so? Such as floodings, hurricanes, hail.. Whatever else.. These things dont usually happen where they are happening, I'm afraid it will reach my country sometime soon and I am not really prepared for that, I can't just go buy a house in the mountains. If the sea level rise, as it's predicted by some scientists, my whole town will be underwater.
Southern Russian territories, like Yakutsk and Siberia have been burning too, they are home to the biggest forest deposits/sources in central asia and Russia, and also home to the Yakuts, reindeer herding nomads, who live a different lifestyle than traditional turkic-mongolic nomads, also known as Tsaatan among mongols.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
