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Highs And Lows In Life

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As a Spiritual Satanist, you will have wonderful times which will show you the Truth, light and expand your understanding, your confidence, and many other positive things.

Due to many people having errant expectations, stemming from a poor understanding of life. These errant beliefs can be some of the following:

1. That you will live a life without any negativity
2. That nothing will ever happen again that is adverse or bad to you, or anyone you love.
3. That long periods of the absence of the above, mean that all of this is over.
4. That you will somehow be completely immune to lows in life.

The above is based off of false expectations and superstition. Other false expectations are the ones that many have, such as when they learn about spiritual knowledge, they assume everything will be instantly solved. Most of these expectations stem from weakness and denial of reality, which requires in contrast to this, a form of persistent effort to stay "afloat".

In regards to people that we love, we have to be a little sensible here. You might have dedicated and took an upward path, yes. That's a personal decision for a soul to walk through. In fact, as far as you are concerned, you can act as a blessing for others.

Yet what others are doing? Essentially living a life based on pure chance and not doing spiritual work, therefore, being open to all sorts of unseen problems and dangers. Therefore, one has to comprehend this.

Another situation with some Satanists is that you try to bleed your heart too much for those that you "love", especially outsiders. As we know, these people we love them and so on, yet they are reliant and will remain reliant on the laws of ignorance, until they wake up.

Only by doing basic protections and all this on them, I guarantee you, you are lessening huge blows on these people. They are extremely lucky to have anyone to care for them in such a way, because as we can see, humanity is spiritually alone right now.

Yet the blows will arrive for them too, it's part of life, and they are coming for "you" too if you aren't careful, so be aware of this. When I say "You" it's a hypothetical you here, not YOU, YOU.

In fact also, even worse, is that "YOU" are reliant on the laws of ignorance, and YOU should work on yourself, because many people think that since you cut your finger on Dedication you are now completely "saved" and your only job is to try to save "others", while you might for example, poorly meditate yourself or something, or hardly have founded your own beliefs solidly.

Does any of that sound very sensible, or it's just a selfish urge? A friendly question here.

Having commented as "others" as a source of grief, I have to move onward with this topic.

The Gods did not give us meditation to make us deluded or to misplace our beliefs, but as an additional tool that builds upon Nature's laws.

In our world one of the laws is the law of duality. As there are good times and everything, there will be certain bad times, or other times which are essentially stagnant. These can stem from astrology, external factors, wrong choices, or many other sources.

The above can be managed and controlled in life, but it can never be completely "Removed". The mere idea that one would want a life without any of this, means that this life is costing you in wisdom.

I have even seen people who joined the enemy in beliefs that "they will be safer" and "happier" and other bogus worthless nonsense over the years, which shows how retarded one must be to join the enemy, since we are living in a universe that has this polarity in it anyway.

Memory can be lacking so much, that people can also forget all the good things they and others have done to them, simply because through frailty, a bad mindset, and bad habits of thought process. To these people who never seek to solve these, anything given to them, will be useless.

Lastly, it is perfectly acceptable and also part of life [a part of life that we try to improve on, solve, and outgrow] that confusion, tiredness, all sorts of other things can step in. Yes, you will have times in Spiritual Satanism and maybe some long too periods of stagnation, doubt, and other psychological issues that you will have to solve in order to ascend and become better. Yes, that will take effort.

That is the case with anything truthful in life, and because to grow as a Spiritual Satanist you will confront with these things, you better be ready, and instead of looking at unattainable standards, one must remember that the initiation is so that we improve from where we are upwards, and not to deceive one's self that one is "automatically upwards" in anything.

Your determination and sense of duty therefore, and what you know, are very important in this journey, moreso than thoughts and emotions in many ways. Personally, I have read and know too much to ever step back - I have experienced even more, everyday. I have a very solid memory. I don't falter. That didn't happen on it's own, it was built.

Emotions on the other hand can come in waves in all human beings, and even the most emotionally stable, there can be days within each of our own's acceptable territory, that we feel certain things. Certain people take certain emotions to justify failure, others take a certain emotion to justify success.

There are people whose depression made them grow and used depression as a motivating factor, to escape, and others who use it everyday as an excuse. People still experience the same fundamental underlying thing, however. Outlook is therefore the key to success, rather than what life will give anyone.

Life gives lemons to all people, and as I stated many times before, whether or not you will use them on your wounds or make lemonade for a neighbourhood, is up to each and everyone's decisions, as we are creatures of sense.

You will laugh, you will cry, you will love, you will have all sorts of things. That is life; it's a teaching for us all.

See it for what it is, and remember that Spiritual Satanism is about improving and following the high, but also managing the low like a wise human being.

It is all there to be overcome, and for us to improve whilst doing it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The very important, good sermon.
Thank you!
Thank you for the sermon brother Kobra
It was much enlightening

I have a question

I used to perform many meditations before,
At some point i felt it was too much for me and at that point i started to "lazy it out", meaning i started reducing one by one

Then i got busy with other things which did not help at all

So in the end i narrowed my meditations which got me to procastinate on the other meditations e.g Final RTRs, yoga and void meditations (i still do them but not consistently)

I lack the drive that i used to have, and i have even tried to motivate myself through magic and affirmations but all was in vain

So i ask you, H.P Kobra or any other member of Satan, could you advice me on what to do
There have been plenty of times that I have been alarmed over small things, or have neglected actual problems. As you say, our mindset is very important here, as this reflects our perception of reality and what we want to do.

There is a bright side to what may seem as an otherwise depressing reality, which is that a strong focus on the fundamentals of life can mitigate a lot of turbulence.

Although the influence of something like Saturn can make us feel bad, in reality it is trying to prevent disaster by making sure our foundation is secure.

On our path, people may be dismayed at the amount of work necessary to make major progress, especially with the effort required to deep clean and remove negative karma. It may seem boring and the complete opposite of becoming an all powerful mage who astrally travels the universe.

However, it is the focus on these fundamental aspects of ourselves which props us up for success in the future, even if it seems slow in the present moment.

There is a military saying that goes something like "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast", and I believe that certainly applies here. If I had learned this beforehand, I would have avoided situations of stress that arose as my expectations grew past what was actually necessary.
thanks HP for your sermon :)
I will try to be even better and share my experience with every new or old member who is related to my experience so that all can strengthen each other both physically and spiritually in spiritual satanism here.

Hail Lord Of Satan
Hail Lucifer God
Hail FurFur
Hail All Gods
Bless All Follower Lord Of Satan and All Gods

I always felt like experiencing negativity was a natural part of life, even without the kikes - though they certainly do exploit all the "bads" of life, 'cuz that's what they do best and nothing more.

I always questioned how past spiritual Gentile empires fell, even when being advanced, it was causing doubts within me but posts like this have re-assured me that rises and falls are just part of nature and the order of the universe.

This being said, it never made sense how the kosher finale of the stupid xian bible (and all other distorted enemy religions based on bogus prophecies) day dream of a infinite utopia world where all will be "good" there will be no negativity, or evil, or darkness (from what I learned "dark" in Satanism has nothing to do with evil in the first place). Or there will be no night or some bullshit like that.

It just never sounded natural.
Part of the false expectations with these highs and lows is that the enemy has created a materialist view of the world where everyone is simply regarded as 'the same' and every situation has some sort of predictable computation and outcome people cling to, based on some moral values, median computation or average idea.

For example, if you're a nice person and have 'positive energy', people will be nice to you. Well... not necessarily...

Person X cheats on person Y. A common formulation is, person X will get 'their karma' because it's just 'what happens'. While this can happen there are many, many scenarios (probably most) where it just doesn't. These 'outcome scenarios' depress people when they just don't happen and encourages them to be inert. Enough inertia and society stagnates, which the enemy knew very well when it created xianity.

Someone beautiful... clearly their life just has to be radiant. Except when they're a fashion model being sex trafficked to dirty old powerful men and plied with drugs. Beauty may have given them opportunities but in this case it signed their death warrant. An ugly and poor person may never witness this kind of gilded cage, but it still exists.

I just heard from family of this couple that were together 60 years (they were in middle school when they got together) and had multiple kids and grandkids, yet recently she randomly divorced him, and even moved to an address he doesn't know of. According to some simplistic jewish trash regularly shilled here about how early monogamy, no telegony and no partners before marriage will always create a 4eva and deeply pious 'you won at life' for life, this has to be some sort of statistical impossibility. Yet it occurred... underestimating people is pure stupidity. There is a reason HPS Maxine said she trusted no one until they gave her very good reasons to.

If you grow up with a subconscious belief system that everyone is the same and interchangeable, or the variation of this among political types that everyone in a specific race, sex, or whatever, is exactly the same, you are going to put yourself in immense danger and setting yourself up for intense disappointment at some point or another. Not only that, but you may be deeply endangering yourself in terms of patterns of fate and past lives recurring too.

Even the lowest consciousness people can be complex in terms of what they're hiding and blind side you out of nowhere.

This is why learning Astrology and Divination, plus interpreting this correctly, can be very, very important.
Life is one big ride. Some highs, some lows. But it is to be understood and overcome.

We have to do what we can in moving forward spiritually and in all aspects so we can reach greater heights.

From the terrible lows, then comes great highs. It is a cycle that just perpetuates eternally. The thing here is we have to weather this and move forward and as we grow spiritually, this should be kept in mind strongly.

As you say it is in mindset. When we lay there damn near defeated. We must collect ourselves, tend to our wounds and just persevere and continue.

I would be lying if I said even as a Satanist I haven't ever still felt like life was hopeless at times.

This sometimes even does occur. But as we move forward under the guidance of the gods, we have a chance to become a being with enough force to just topple whatever inhibits us, and with the perfect wisdom and knowledge to use it justly.

As humanity rises collectively these lows will be better managed, and as our internal state continues to be rectified, we will move into greater realms of understanding and proper advancement as beings.

We have been rendered in a lowly state for a long time to where we have been at the bottom of the ladder and susceptible to all sorts of entropy and issues. Climbing out of this will come with alot of growing pains. But it's completely worth it.
Thank you so much for this. It is important for everyone to hear that just because we are SS does not mean we are going to be completely immune or removed from the troubles and not-so-nice things in life. Instead, Being SS gives us the opportunity to know how to navigate these, and if we know how to build the means, even mitigate and remove some of these, to a point.

Another thing I must add when talking about the dedication ritual which has perhaps been voiced here in this sermon in other words, is that the mindset of basically expecting to be shielded from absolutely everything the minute you dedicate, or even the notion that you are immediately somehow levels above the rest of the population by default, is a false sense of entitlement and arrogance even. This is comparable to the "once saved always saved" crap that xtians follow thinking that once they accept jewsus they will be forever forgiven no matter what they do. This creates complacency and a subconscious programming that everything should be handed to you.

Dedication is the official agreement to do the actual work that will in reality in time, not instantly begin to set you farther apart, as well as giving the means to offset life's negativities, although not always being completely shielded from certain things like natural events etc.
HP HoodedCobra666 Thank you for sharing this sermon ❤️ It was beautiful!
I enjoy reading all that you share on here. And I find it very uplifting and helpful in all that I do. And I enjoy the lessons behind it too. 🧘‍♀️ Hail Satan!
It's very easy to delude oneself into a false sense of invulnerability because of this path. Going from ignorance to then learning and absorbing the information given by the Gods through the JoS is like the distance from heaven to earth. Learning the capabilities and miracles one can perform and then seeing it manifest in front of you is an absolutely wonderful and addicting feeling but when taken too far into the extreme will cause just as many issues as not having known at all. I know I often end up thinking in this way and then life hits me with something I wasn't ready for or capable enough to overcome on my own.

The Gods are ever powerful and when we look up to them to become like them one must still keep awareness that we have not yet reached that level. But when life hits too hard our Gods are there to help us overcome. They key here is overcoming the lows of life and not wishing or expecting the Gods to do everything about it for us. It's very easy to fall into the mindset of wishing our problems away. It's very easy to want to think some daddy in the sky will save us. Its why the enemy programs are so alluring to the common person of this age. But it's when one experiences being strong, being capable, and being wise that one no longer thinks about such things. One reaches a level where the lows of life are challenges to face head on and success is a reward of ones efforts and way of life. But stay humble. We know perfection but we aren't yet perfected. We know Godhood but its a level not yet stood on.

The myths and legends from our ancestors were never stories of a "perfect" protagonists that never experienced hardships or conflict. The lives of those people were filled with trials and tribulations. The myths show us that strength is earned, justice is valued, life is to be lived honorably, and lastly nothing worth having is ever "easy".
Thank you Hp, it's very important to be reminded of these things. Can't be too positive and blind to bad things that could happen, or likewise too negative and miss the positives of life. All things need a healthy balance and mindset to flourish.

Hail Satan!!
Apollo13 said:
Thank you for the sermon brother Kobra
It was much enlightening

I have a question

I used to perform many meditations before,
At some point i felt it was too much for me and at that point i started to "lazy it out", meaning i started reducing one by one

Then i got busy with other things which did not help at all

So in the end i narrowed my meditations which got me to procastinate on the other meditations e.g Final RTRs, yoga and void meditations (i still do them but not consistently)

I lack the drive that i used to have, and i have even tried to motivate myself through magic and affirmations but all was in vain

So i ask you, H.P Kobra or any other member of Satan, could you advice me on what to do
a trip or vacation might suit your hobby, for meditation, my advice this time is to use the one from Jos for the previous one, it's better not
my answer may not help you but hopefully it will
Thank you, High Priest!
This reminds me of something that happened to me today.

I was having dinner and some fat bitch kike worshipper behind me was talking to someone, pretty much mentoring, about "gOd" and how "thAt'S hOW thE dEviL GetS YoU" and I was just listening to this fatass ramble with this other loser. The other loser was talking about how " I want myself to be someone that could withstand/be ready for whatever gOd threw at me, if he so ever wanted to test me", or something around those lines. I couldn't help but think how their main goal in life is to ascend to a 2 when they themselves are both 1's. Meanwhile I'm sitting there with the answers to their questions while myself being at least a 2 already and damn well knowing my life won't end at 2, I'll have to get to 100, then 1,000 then a million and so on for many, many years. I couldn't get over how I actually had the info they needed and that they would live their whole lives searching while never knowing where to look, or even what to look for. Not that I care, they're the enemy. Imagine living a life where you want the needle in the haystack, but you don't know what a needle is, what a haystack is, or where to even look, while also adamantly living a life of lies and having not 1 single soul to point you in the right direction. Absolutely stranded, with no hope, and practically no chance.

Coincidently, right beside me on the ground was a quarter, I decided not to pick it up earlier, but after hearing most of their nonsense, an old couple came walking past me to leave and they saw the quarter, 1 thought I dropped it, and the other wanted to give me it. They said "Oh a quarter, it's your lucky day." and they gave me the quarter. (old people just being cute and awesome :p )

It was such a weird experience, hearing how fortunate I am for not being lost like the idiots behind me, then being told out of the blue that "im lucky". I sure am :D
It's in the worst moments that I understood the importance of this path. While I was living it, I was asking why, typical "why this is happening to me?".

Today I know that without all those difficult moments I would not be who I am today, I wasn't going to cross some boundaries that were blocking me, and I would not have the same strength in facing life.
After all that negativity I had to deal with, today I appreciate more the postive moments, or the quiet, and I am back to looking in wonder at the little things in life like a child.

The more limits we have, the more challenges we will face. This path is not staying locked in a bubble where divine beings protect you at everything, it would not be a path of growth.
I wish I had understood this earlier in life. When I experienced my first major loss, my 'invincibility syndrome' was instantly shattered. I had my first taste of how unforgiving the universe can be. That's when I truly grasped the brutal fairness of life and understood that inertia must be avoided at all costs so that I am not subjected to certain forces of fate.
My father taught me this lesson of duality from a very young age. This should be part of education as quickly as possible.

Thank you for educating us about the proper and the best ways this life is, life must be understood and lived.

Usually, a more conscious action or thought must happen rather than reacting mindlessly to the low states and the high states. Patience as well is needed.

I believe also that reacting mindlessly to a high state is equally problematic with that letting depression or other realities be left as is in your soul. Simply not having a conscious vector or direction destroys any meaning it can have.

A form of fight and dominance must happen, simply life has infinite suffering to give as well as infinite happiness. By sermons like these we understand what tools to use and when to use them, not expect illusory forms of the imagination to happen.

This knowledge also does not come just from reading but from the experience of life. So I congratulate all of you who understand this, means you fought and you fight for the good, the positive, and what must be done.
Well, I have always had the opposite problem, I always focus on the bad and negative things in this life and society and that everything is based on being a kind of iron sergeant and that everything is to fight and fight.
Apollo13 said:
Thank you for the sermon brother Kobra
It was much enlightening

I have a question

I used to perform many meditations before,
At some point i felt it was too much for me and at that point i started to "lazy it out", meaning i started reducing one by one

Then i got busy with other things which did not help at all

So in the end i narrowed my meditations which got me to procastinate on the other meditations e.g Final RTRs, yoga and void meditations (i still do them but not consistently)

I lack the drive that i used to have, and i have even tried to motivate myself through magic and affirmations but all was in vain

So i ask you, H.P Kobra or any other member of Satan, could you advice me on what to do

Focus on cleaning, like 18, 88 or 111 times "SURYA" SUUU-RR-YAH or raum mantra combined with returning curses affirmation. https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html

See SS Calendar 2023 for a good start date.

On your AOP Aura off protection affirmation you can add "motivated".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you so so much for these words HP and for writing this sermon.

This theme has been on my mind recently and learning about all this from life experience but hearing them from you is quite the claryifying experience.

I am grateful.

Lately I've been trying to get rid of the part of me that I need to get rid of. It's not easy, sometimes it takes a lot of effort and patience. Sometimes I feel like I'm at the bottom again, but even then I don't give up. It makes me want to try harder and fight harder. I am happy that I can finally deal with things and face them.

I don't want to waste my life. I have to make the most of the life I have and reach the ultimate level of consciousness. Life is beautiful with its bitter and sweet moments, and the important thing is to overcome them. Having a stable mind and determination is a real savior.
Wise words HP, thank you
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

perfect sermon as always!

my personal interpretation of this sermon is that meditations help improve life and luck, but they also help build strong people who can handle all kinds of difficulties.

This is one of the results of meditations, that is, to be strong and adequate for whatever fate gives us
rokokziga said:
Apollo13 said:
Thank you for the sermon brother Kobra
It was much enlightening

I have a question

I used to perform many meditations before,
At some point i felt it was too much for me and at that point i started to "lazy it out", meaning i started reducing one by one

Then i got busy with other things which did not help at all

So in the end i narrowed my meditations which got me to procastinate on the other meditations e.g Final RTRs, yoga and void meditations (i still do them but not consistently)

I lack the drive that i used to have, and i have even tried to motivate myself through magic and affirmations but all was in vain

So i ask you, H.P Kobra or any other member of Satan, could you advice me on what to do
a trip or vacation might suit your hobby, for meditation, my advice this time is to use the one from Jos for the previous one, it's better not
my answer may not help you but hopefully it will

Thank you
It will serve me well
Fuchs said:
Apollo13 said:
Thank you for the sermon brother Kobra
It was much enlightening

I have a question

I used to perform many meditations before,
At some point i felt it was too much for me and at that point i started to "lazy it out", meaning i started reducing one by one

Then i got busy with other things which did not help at all

So in the end i narrowed my meditations which got me to procastinate on the other meditations e.g Final RTRs, yoga and void meditations (i still do them but not consistently)

I lack the drive that i used to have, and i have even tried to motivate myself through magic and affirmations but all was in vain

So i ask you, H.P Kobra or any other member of Satan, could you advice me on what to do

Focus on cleaning, like 18, 88 or 111 times "SURYA" SUUU-RR-YAH or raum mantra combined with returning curses affirmation. https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html

See SS Calendar 2023 for a good start date.

On your AOP Aura off protection affirmation you can add "motivated".

Thank you
I will work on it
Very inspiring and thoughtful, thank you hoodedcobra. I have been struggling with the reality that god is real, and demons are our real gods.. I see my guardian demon sometimes I also see dark blue lights around me sometimes to.. but it’s just… taking this red pill can feel really overwhelming and the knowledge can be really overwhelming, I practice void and it helps but how do I switch my brain onto something else and take a break. Oh and just so you know im a paranoid schizophrenic, however my life is better with Satan it’s just sometimes for me a bit to spiritual and I don’t know how to take a break, can anyone help with this? Thank you

Dantesolider said:
Very inspiring and thoughtful, thank you hoodedcobra. I have been struggling with the reality that god is real, and demons are our real gods.. I see my guardian demon sometimes I also see dark blue lights around me sometimes to.. but it’s just… taking this red pill can feel really overwhelming and the knowledge can be really overwhelming, I practice void and it helps but how do I switch my brain onto something else and take a break. Oh and just so you know im a paranoid schizophrenic, however my life is better with Satan it’s just sometimes for me a bit to spiritual and I don’t know how to take a break, can anyone help with this? Thank you

I am new as well, and I have noticed the blue lights too. Sometimes they are stronger than other times. I had been wondering what they are and if it was just in my head. I haven't seen my guardian demon yet though.

For me I accepted the realization with excitement. The fact that the supernatural is real was very invigorating for me. It is mostly the responsibility that weighs on my shoulders now though. I have been trying to weed out any weaknesses in my life after the dedication.
I know schizophrenia can be a very difficult disease to deal with.
Stay strong brother. :D

Hail Satan
"Highs and lows" of life are based on prarabdha karma (the natal chart).
The Atma the core essence of you , doesn't change. People only feel high and low because of Atma ignorance and therefore identify with these events. (There's intellectual acknowledgement of Atma as a start but one has to get conscious Realisation of it through mental concentration.)
People are not centred in their own Atma consciousness. The real struggle is to be centred in Atma. This takes lots of training and won't happen without it. To a great soul that's Self Realised , nothing in the Maya affects such a soul ,they are permanently centred in Sun God Consciousness. They are such advanced yogins were you cut off his limb and he just laughs it off ,feels no pain and even grows another one. This might sound crazy and impossible but they are such,though rare currently.
You are Atma,it's interesting,one can approach a high yogi adept with lots of anger ,with intent to harm him. Then he just touches you and centres your Awareness ,then you your anger disappears. You are left dumbfounded. By centering your Awareness ,he temporarily rids you of the illusion of anger. You are Atma.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
