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How Gods Think: Why Doesn't Beelzebul Or Satan Tell "Me" The Lottery?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
When one comes at first to the Gods and they read the Joy of Satan, one is absolutely on square one. On square one, the only thing a human being knows is their "desires", and these desires are not coupled with any knowledge, understanding, or any form of spiritual perception. One just desires things and is "who they are" at the time.

Indeed, do not take the above as advice that tries to tell you to stray from your desires. In fact, you must find the best of them and strive after the best things, but also keep an open mind to allow the higher mind to also use these desires in the context of your growth.

If you asked me too what I wanted before 15 years, I would have likely told you what many people think "they want". Misplaced needs, wants, or known limitations or necessities, are the cause of someone having never applied Apollo's "Know Thyself" on yourself.

Granted the knowledge of supernal communication with the Gods being a fact, among other things, this leads to false assumptions borne out of essentially what is false knowledge in regards to the function of the universe itself, or the Gods.

Our Gods are the foundations and pillars of Justice in the universe. A close association with the Gods means that one becomes their student, a relationship that lasts you through all of your lifetimes and existence, a precious relationship where the soul ascends from the mud of existence to become like them.

The above, albeit it will gratify all sorts of desires of a lower level, as one's power does grow, is not the full on destiny of what this path is about, which it is an evolutionary path.

One is essentially here not to sit there and be "miraculously" carried away by the Gods, but to come to one's own. This is a quintessential reality in that you need this to happen, as you are with yourself, and this self must become "worthy". The factor of "worthiness", has to do with the power, wisdom and understanding of a soul.

The Gods being just, they work in certain ways that humanity does not understand as Justice has a limit in what beings truly know. Gods like Satan and Beelzebul are presiding over the universe itself, and there is nothing hidden from them. As the Orphics put it, "You Zeus, you see everything there is, has been and will be". The Gods are the ultimate forms of consciousness.

In that regard, the Gods never do things to mistake people in a wrongly or undeserved manner, as the Gods are good. Good here is a term that is the "Agathos" term of Ancient Greek, which doesn't mean that one cannot do damage or severely punish, but it means that it's always done in accordance to Divine Law [like the Egyptians had the Law of Maat]. The Gods are therefore "Agathoi" Good, Divine, heavenly, good and proper in all their works.

About therefore black magick, retribution, or other darker things, we are free to do these things in our domain as we are in this level of existence and not yet on the above. We can do this ourselves with our magick and black magick if we want, yet one will have to encounter the necessary counter-force of this decision.

As the Gods are beyond this, they will not engage in certain actions that will "wrong one to even out another" for what we refer to as "personal gain". Any rare cases of intervention like this, happen only if the people in question are truly undeserving of something another factor, like let's say, a human that wants to murder another human for no reason, takes place. That's because humans exist on a lower level of creation where these things are still "allowed".

Point being, the above is a form of consciousness superior to our own and is not built based on "desire", which blind and by itself, it is simply a gloating mechanism born out of the material body. There is nothing bad in desire, but by itself, it can become a driving factor into many "Non-Godly" things, which don't reflect the Gods and their perfect balances or understanding, or jeopardize the laws of the universe. These laws are respected by all, including the Gods.

The real gift the Gods give to their followers, is a developmental path, where they become what they must become, and they become truly the embodiment of the powers of the Gods, reaching out to them. This is what manifests the "desired" outcomes in life, what brings prosperity, understanding, spiritual power, healing and everything else. Why the Gods operate in this way is because they don't seek to alleviate certain temporary symptoms about souls, but to fix them entirely, since when one requests help from the Gods, the help is from a perfect being, and not a loan shark or something else that wallows on a lesser level of existence.

There are people who have told me before about the enemy, thought-forms, wish granting and so on. Yes, there are entities like this, and these entities are on the lesser domains of existence. They can "grant" you certain things, like lesser Demons can do. They are here to help us and protect us in the case of Spiritual Satanists, and yes, they can grant wishes or desires. The lesser the care for a being by these entities, who want to merely keep humans spiritually oblivious, the less knowledge a person is given.

There are many "Top of the Top" where the enemy is concerned, and they don't know a single meditation, yet they run the planet and enjoy "wonderful lives" where nothing is really understood in anyway. That's slavery in a golden cage. The Gods are freedom; freedom necessitates learning, practice, self sufficiency, self overcoming, forming alliances and bonds to achieve goals etc. It's not a golden cage with a fake ego.

Yet fundamentally these beings who are of the Gods, work for the Gods, and they will not allow a form of jeopardy of the rules that decide their level of existence, either, unless the Gods explicitly command them to do so. The Gods would only command that in the case where a soul is really close to them, and in no other way.

As a final note, there is a number of things one can "do" for others, and I know for a fact that this ability of "Can" in the Gods is beyond human understanding. Even we humans understand however that what you "Can" do, is oftentimes drastically different than what is "Required" or "Justice based" to be done.

The Gods are not going to tell you in all things the "Lottery numbers", metaphorically speaking too, is that they don't want to win the lottery based on their own ability. Their ability is proven, that's why they are Gods.

They bestow knowledge, understanding, open sight of spirit and mind, all these other gifts, which then you will take out and make your own "lottery" out of life, a lottery not out of sheer luck, but due to knowing what you have done. In that case, one then starts understanding the Gods, becoming closer to them, not just being a slave of rules they do not understand.

Of course, they can guide us beings to develop True insight in regards to all of these subjects, which if one can do these, then this means one is an advancing human as it is, and that they deserve certain things like that due to this fact of growth - this proves that they are deserving of something, instead of being passively a slave that is fed into their mouth.

These things exist in the Gods as we rise to the top of their hierarchy in the most perfect and pure fashion, so that we might comprehend this, we might become more like them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It would be very risky for HPHC to win the lottery, but I hope if some SS wins they are going to donate a part from it to JoS.
this is a hard satire for me when I see this post. next time I will comment again on this post when I finish analyzing to understand the meaning of this post I don't know why uncle Enlil and Satan would think like that for my growth.lottery=gambling.

DeepL translate (free version).
Even when we keep our consciousness of desires within earthly bounds, we can see that many people want things which are often the result of negative karma. For example, someone who has been traumatized may engage in overly protective behaviors. To them, they don't want enough money to survive and grow, but they would rather all the money. Someone else may be depressed and overly cynical, and may claim they want nothing. Another person wants money to impress girls, but does not have a plan beyond that, and so on.

In these cases, we can spot the errors in judgement, and therefore we can guess that giving such a person more of what they want wouldn't provide anything meaningful. The person would waste what they were given, because they cannot properly make use of it.

It is more important to teach someone financial literacy before they have large sums of money. We can already see this in rappers, athletes, and other celebrities who earn millions, but end of blowing it all somehow. Beyond a point, the money was clearly doing nothing to help them.

The same applies to our relationships, or other areas of our life. If I have a habit of being antisocial and nasty to people, would it make sense for the Gods to make me a celebrity? In a similar manner, what was given could not be maintained, let alone used in a fruitful manner.

However, reaching a new height of consciousness to become worthy of such powers does not come quickly. As people are impatient, they will then claim that Satan doesn't help them, or worse. It is important that we keep a proper perspective and realize that the Gods' help is often long-term, just as it takes many years for a kid to grow up.
From my simple standpoint, the lottery is corrupt AF.
Not only that, but let's say.. For some reason the gods came together with intent for some 50,000 Satanists to "win the lottery" (yes, getting $1 back on that cheap scratch off counts as a W', be mindful what you ask for!). Except they wouldn't, because that same amount of effort could be used for something actually productive, such as helping us to achieve advancement.
@ Which point, there are a tons of options for money workings out there to help you achieve financial freedom.
The lottery isn't legit. We get what we earn, we get what we work for. I'm not just speaking about money, but all things in life.

This is a wonderful feeling too, the deep inner satisfaction of benefiting from what we put our time, effort, applied knowledge, and magick towards.

Besides, the vast majority of those who win the lottery, go right back to where they were before, within a year. They blow it all, because their soul is set on a specific level of wealth (low to medium). Winning the lottery doesn't change that. Working on one's soul and advancing, and doing money workings, is what changes it.

Everyone, find your talents and work on them, find how you can amass wealth, in the best way for your soul :)
I have heard tell of a man who used to be a familiar forum member. Long ago. Before I had even heard of JOS. I couldn't tell you a name as I never knew it. The story goes: he started practicing nu.ber predictions and actually won the lottery. He asso confident in his ability that he told the forums something to the effect of "watch, I'll do it again". And so he did. Then he stopped posting. I wouldnt be damned if this were false or exaggerated but that is the story I heard.
This was beautiful to read and I'm grasping this. I have a bulb with meth on the side of my drawer that i bought two days ago after i was assalted and broken down. I promised myself last night i won't smoke again and got tempted this morning but desperately held on to what i told myself last night and decided to to rtrs instead without useing drugs. Then as i did this for about two hours and munyaka workings inbeteen the desire went away and a beautiful satanic energy and sense of freedom came over me. Then now after reading this i am grasping what you mean when you say the Gods give to the deserving.

Anyway even after this the temptations came and i did smoke and now i feel exactly the same as i did before i started all this but now i can see that its a constant battle in the mind to overcome the enemies inslavement of the soul.Which is so easy actually but so fucking hard at the same time.
Thank you for these words of wisdom HP.
The more we advance the more we get to understand certain things.

Libbre David 37: "To communicate anything to a Goy about our
religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if
the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly."


Wonder why.. ^
In the case of money, if one is in urgent need, they may help you with getting a job fast. In my case I want wealth, and I have asked Satan to guide me towards it, and it's not a direct process, you get guided towards different things that make up a whole, podcasts, books, youtube videos, ecc eventually you're at a point in which you have a business and you look back at 6 months ago and you say:"Wow, I certainly did learn a lot since I asked the Gods to guide me towards wealth".

Thank you HP Cobra.
Aquarius said:
In the case of money, if one is in urgent need, they may help you with getting a job fast. In my case I want wealth, and I have asked Satan to guide me towards it, and it's not a direct process, you get guided towards different things that make up a whole, podcasts, books, youtube videos, ecc eventually you're at a point in which you have a business and you look back at 6 months ago and you say:"Wow, I certainly did learn a lot since I asked the Gods to guide me towards wealth".

Thank you HP Cobra.

Correct, and this is bestowal of opportunities and knowledge, not a ready dish and plate. It's accelerated progress and learning, like telling you how to work a matter properly, instead of just handing something where one is just handed something.

Ancient Africa said:
This was beautiful to read and I'm grasping this. I have a bulb with meth on the side of my drawer that i bought two days ago after i was assalted and broken down. I promised myself last night i won't smoke again and got tempted this morning but desperately held on to what i told myself last night and decided to to rtrs instead without useing drugs. Then as i did this for about two hours and munyaka workings inbeteen the desire went away and a beautiful satanic energy and sense of freedom came over me. Then now after reading this i am grasping what you mean when you say the Gods give to the deserving.

The situation is everytime you use that pipe you destroy yourself, your future, your body, everything, essentially gaining nothing in the process that you cannot gain through meditation.

There are many people who have never done anything here and they do perfectly, many others who had issues and they solved them with Spiritual Satanism, and these are distant ideas of the past for them now, nothing affects them.

The pipe also causes you in social relations, money, in everything, for giving you nothing.
It's cool that enili and father they know everything that was, that is now , and what has yet to reach the light of day. The two most simple reason why Father Satan and enili don't tell anyone lottery numbers.... In the grand scheme of things its dumb and they got a universe to run and no one has got time for that.

It's cool that enili and father they know everything that was, that is now , and what has yet to reach the light of day. The two most simple reason why Father Satan and enili don't tell anyone lottery numbers.... In the grand scheme of things its dumb and they got a universe to run and no one has got time for that.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
In the case of money, if one is in urgent need, they may help you with getting a job fast. In my case I want wealth, and I have asked Satan to guide me towards it, and it's not a direct process, you get guided towards different things that make up a whole, podcasts, books, youtube videos, ecc eventually you're at a point in which you have a business and you look back at 6 months ago and you say:"Wow, I certainly did learn a lot since I asked the Gods to guide me towards wealth".

Thank you HP Cobra.

Correct, and this is bestowal of opportunities and knowledge, not a ready dish and plate. It's accelerated progress and learning, like telling you how to work a matter properly, instead of just handing something where one is just handed something.

Ancient Africa said:
This was beautiful to read and I'm grasping this. I have a bulb with meth on the side of my drawer that i bought two days ago after i was assalted and broken down. I promised myself last night i won't smoke again and got tempted this morning but desperately held on to what i told myself last night and decided to to rtrs instead without useing drugs. Then as i did this for about two hours and munyaka workings inbeteen the desire went away and a beautiful satanic energy and sense of freedom came over me. Then now after reading this i am grasping what you mean when you say the Gods give to the deserving.

The situation is everytime you use that pipe you destroy yourself, your future, your body, everything, essentially gaining nothing in the process that you cannot gain through meditation.

There are many people who have never done anything here and they do perfectly, many others who had issues and they solved them with Spiritual Satanism, and these are distant ideas of the past for them now, nothing affects them.

The pipe also causes you in social relations, money, in everything, for giving you nothing.

Thank you HP i see this too.And i am working on this.

I want to ask if it is ok if my boyfriend does rtr rituals with me he said he wants too.I told him Henu said that one must first be able to protect oneself but that i will ask on the forums.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
