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When Will This All End?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A common question in regards to the enemy is where this "ends".

I will relate to you the reality of the situation. The average "Gentile" is on a tremendously lower level than any jew. Even the dumbest jew you see, does the equivalent of their own daily rituals or prayers.

The jew, despite of being a shit reptile hybrid, was actually busy applying at least some basic racial laws, and some spiritual laws. Gentiles were busy the last centuries doing nothing at all of the sort.

The average "goyim" is on the level that jews explain goyim means, it means unspiritual animal. They managed to push the overwhelming majority of humanity on that level, and the butchery they did to all the advanced people and their families in the past, brought about this end.

The average person is nowhere close to the average "Jew". For now, at least.

The only hope for Gentiles is the people here, who will abide to what we are all here to do by the end, and walk the path to the end. That is a fast track path, and necessary for the situation we are undergoing.

Many "Gentiles" are uneducated, lazy, weak, and don't bother to do anything in life. I wouldn't comment on more lost situations, I'll just leave it at that. Everyone here can see everyday when you go outside, most probably.

As if this was not enough, many are also militant and against other Gentiles who try to do the good thing, are adamant in protecting the jew, and other issues.

The fact that many people here don't understand how power works or how cycles work [some wise members do, and others who are wise at least listen] shows how little understanding Gentiles have of this overall situation.

The chances of victory against the jews were very thin, I will tell you this much. Now, we are making efforts, and the whole thing is turning around, steadily, slowly, but certainly.

The enemy has been running "things" down here solidly for at least 5 centuries, after the confounding of their first Rothschild bank. Way before this, they harassed even the Roman Empire and brought about it's collapse. That is the reality. This extends far further than this, but totalitarian control is something they had globally for a long time.

Confronting reality is the only necessary thing now. Having talked with the Gods extensively on the subject, this whole thing will take time.

Poor knowledge of astrology leads to many false deductions, and also lack of knowledge of the enemy leads to wrong conclusions. An example is how people think that the situation with the enemy "worsened" in these last years, and that it was "better" before. In fact, before now, it was way way worse. The difference now is that everything is more open.

It took until the 80's and 90's that the Gods of the "Goyim" even started getting promoted in anyway in the public sphere. Regardless of how the situation looks to some people who have no historical perspective, the situation is going better, not worse. The most basic occult knowledge was hidden behind paywalls until the birth of the internet.

You couldn't find one page of the JoS that had any proper information in the 90's. For all intents, everyone was totally BLIND spiritually in the West.

Despite of the "West" and it's "Achievements", and for every "Westerner" to come to me now and to pretend to me that they are a super spiritualist.

A global awakening is happening since, but it's gradual, it will take steps. It also doesn't come without a certain cost. Yet, the ultimate price to pay for not awakening at the enemy's pace and how much power they have accumulated, is certain DEATH.

Additionally, many people are scared. The enemy is showing their teeth now. If you think however that what happens now is very serious, maybe you didn't see 2001 when just a handful of jews and Bush rallied the US into war in the Middle East, with Bush's approval rating at a 7%.

A lot of the things people see now, have been declared by "Conspiracy Theorists" and other people who value freedom before. From the 90's, that was the case. The average person was busy being ignorant, and the enemy was raping everything left and right. Nobody could be informed otherwise, and the few channels of information that existed, were restricted.

Yes, of course, many are looking at the burning trees in front of us now, but before this, it was worse. Objectively, nothing was "better" before, or as good as it is now. And that's why the enemy is doing major reactions.

Like with parasites in nature, they flare up when they are confronted.

Only now this is starting to be contested in any way. Of course, we are far from a coherent worldwide solution, but things are getting to the final destination for the enemy.

The last contest of this was in Hitler's time but this was regional; now, it's getting global. Even in Hitler's time, jews had so much power that they rallied the whole planet at the time against Hitler.

Do not be surprised that now they can force vaccinations upon you or anything like this. People who think in these terms are not looking at the greater perspective of things.

When the Renaissance started happening, the church and their sell out "kings" to court jews, made their best to fire back. The death penalty, expulsions, and many other things that would cause people who think Co-Vid testing is something major now, happened on a daily basis.

Even less people understand what the RTR's are here to do despite explanations. Much of this comes because most people are not spiritually open and/or not as advanced yet. Even fewer people know what happened a decade ago. These rituals are integral into twisting and collapsing the enemy's energy structure. If these aren't done, you cannot expect anything.

The worst outcome of this [it was planned decades back, even if you watch David Icke's videos] was that everyone would be now 95% controlled by the enemy. People cry while we have arguably one in two people against them, and don't appreciate this fact.

This doesn't come from realistic views on the situation but rather poor fatigue which is common in many modern people that experience quick meltdowns. The enemy is actually collapsing in a fast rate, and that's why all of this sham had to happen to create more force.

For those who know astrology, go look now where Saturn is at the Heavens, and tell me if this isn't evident by itself that things like that would happen. Saturn is in Aquarius [Satan's Sign] and now all of humanity's freedoms are contested and burned worldwide.

Many do not know how to understand or accept fate. Also, all this move that you see now, was planned at least 10 years ago. Without getting into details, yes, many of our own who are advanced have foreseen this.

The future rituals that will come will be more extensive, and we will gradually shift focus from the FRTR into other Rituals, after the enemy is sufficiently collapsed or considerably weakened. That is going to take a while, but new releases will explain on their own how things will happen.

It is not going to work otherwise. Many people are also deluded into thinking that since you meditate 3 years, you now are on top of everything, yet you don't pay attention to reality, which I have to unfortunately remind people.

Regardless, because many people here are evolved Souls from Satan, and have done a lot of work, they can still pull up considerable power and have natural talent. Others are insistent, and so on. Therefore, everyone stands a chance.

I am not sure where we would be now if we haven't done anything for the years prior to this. You see that the enemy has even prepared FEMA types of camps. And yes, they will continue as they have planned in the last decade. And no, nonsense from people who have no clue is not going to affect them.

As a final note, this doesn't stop where people's emotions or knowledge stops. Yes, it might be tiring. In fact, the enemy might be even more tired to see that after centuries of uncontested control, they still can't put a syringe up a goy's ass with their consent. The enemy is losing for more than anyone here or otherwise is losing, and that should be celebrated.

Understandably, observing what is going on, many of us are in a rush. Being in a rush or not, things move on their own speed. There is only that much a person can accelerate.

No, we cannot save everyone and everything that has decided to bend the knee to the jew. Forget about this for the time being. The situation is leading to crash on the wall on a fully accelerated vehicle. We can turn the wheel and throw this in the sea, so hopefully people can get out, but the vehicle, even if the brakes are pressed to the maximum, will not stop.

The above is the product of aeons of ignorance, caused by the enemy. Everyone here has to deal with this, if we want to change things.

Many aren't aware of the plans of the Gods or how the Gods see and plan things. This leads many to pointless worry. Tune into them and you will see what I mean here, but tune on a calm day without astral bullshit and traffic.

Everything will be OK in the end, but we must have expectations that are connected to reality.

In fact, we want to affect reality for now, not compare a reality to false standards that don't exist. Yes, the Temple of Delphi is in ruins and it's not getting reconstructed in January 2022. Nobody in the universe that understands things correctly would also have these types of expectations.

Lastly, focus on YOURSELVES first and ADVANCING. The world will do what it will do. If you remain not advanced and whine all day that things haven't fixed in 2-3 years, nothing will get better. The Gods have expectations from people here too. As you mature up and meditate, your integral purpose in all this will be understood.

The Gods and we collectively are to remain optimistic, as we have been doing great. We can do continuously better. Continuing upon the same path and pattern, there is a light in the end of the road. Everyone just do your best, remain optimistic, and focus on bettering yourselves and your lives with advancement.

All will be fine in the end.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I feel like this sermon is for me, in a way, i was as you say ''pointless worrying'' today about all this situation and the enemy again so i talked to the Gods from my heart, telling Them what is really bothers me and asked for an answer and it came through you, so a BIG thanks!
So far as social breakdown things are worse than the 90s that's what I always mean not spiritual knowledge that is getting way better and people are becoming a little more free.

But if anyone here is in their 60s or 70s you know what I am talking about. Look how people interacted and thought in your time vs now. You will see what I mean. Many are advancing or growing more smart but the core in the younger generations is still going downhill. Even if they find Satanism this doesn't change unless they learn the old ways of doing things that are more based on truth.
I haven't seen this future back then, but my father did along with everything related to our family situation around this time. This was around 2008-9. So yes this was planned a long time before. From his vision, I know more than what's happening now, but to us, it doesn't matter truly.

The whole covid spiritual backing is of pure "terror" and army-style manifestation.
I am extremely grateful to you for your words in this sermon, HP. Now I can finally understand the reality of the situation. I really don't know how to thank you for making me understand all of this. I did not understand well about the real situation in the world before and, in fact, I was very stupid. Really, thank you so much !!
Yeah sounds bad, I will get to work with meditations.

For now I have managed to get a few people onto this site(about 2, I think?)

Its not just Christians that are hard to convince, its even Pagans who don't understand that Satan is Odin/Poseidon/Shiva. I argue with some but that's just about it.
Wiccan fools I guess. And New Agers too.

So yeah we might not be able to save everyone, but we can still save a lot ye.
slyscorpion said:
So far as social breakdown things are worse than the 90s that's what I always mean not spiritual knowledge that is getting way better and people are becoming a little more free.

But if anyone here is in their 60s or 70s you know what I am talking about. Look how people interacted and thought in your time vs now. You will see what I mean. Many are advancing or growing more smart but the core in the younger generations is still going downhill. Even if they find Satanism this doesn't change unless they learn the old ways of doing things that are more based on truth.

Also look at the lyrics and content of popular Music in the 90s vs now if you still don't know what I mean. This is the most super obvious example, and TV. Now a days things are just pure degeneracy unless you take the time to actually look for a bit. Back then they still had some good things. I am not talking about alternative hip hop or rock music or internet TV channels I know there is a lot more better stuff now with that than today but it's not as much mainstream.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Its not just Christians that are hard to convince, its even Pagans who don't understand that Satan is Odin/Poseidon/Shiva. I argue with some but that's just about it.
Wiccan fools I guess. And New Agers too.

Pagans should easily understand this, since, Christianity and the enemy programs took over, and literally name all their major deities in the Bible as "Evil". This involves all Pagan religions.

However many are on a very low level and therefore understanding of this is lost in the sea of jewish magick.

Astarte's Page will be up soon. I don't understand exactly how Wiccans and other "pagans" worship Venus for example, and don't understand that Jews literally defamed "Venus" ie, Astarte, in the Bible in the most demeaning fashion.

Many are as asleep to the extent they don't even want to accept that their "Beliefs" got flattened by the Jewish Programs. Regardless, they are still under the Gods, but they don't understand all of this. Don't get disheartened if they don't listen. They should be treated like cousins to ourselves and allies.

That should be logically evident yet most people are not in understanding of this. That is because of jewish spells on the subject and the fact that most people don't even want to get into this [they are meant for simpler things].
slyscorpion said:
slyscorpion said:
So far as social breakdown things are worse than the 90s that's what I always mean not spiritual knowledge that is getting way better and people are becoming a little more free.

But if anyone here is in their 60s or 70s you know what I am talking about. Look how people interacted and thought in your time vs now. You will see what I mean. Many are advancing or growing more smart but the core in the younger generations is still going downhill. Even if they find Satanism this doesn't change unless they learn the old ways of doing things that are more based on truth.

Also look at the lyrics and content of popular Music in the 90s vs now if you still don't know what I mean. This is the most super obvious example, and TV. Now a days things are just pure degeneracy unless you take the time to actually look for a bit. Back then they still had some good things. I am not talking about alternative hip hop or rock music or internet TV channels I know there is a lot more better stuff now with that than today but it's not as much mainstream.

I agree with you, it's as you say. Unfortunately, too much isolation, destruction of society etc, took it's way and is well underway now.

Yet all of this can easily be reversed by enlightened people in the proper positions.

Jews now literally promote the worst of the worst they have promoted in centuries. Even jewish singers of the 60's weren't as garbage as the crap they promote now.

This happened because they have been eroding people since the 50's, but it was progressive. It would be inconceivable in the 50's to promote the garbage they promote today, but people progressively lost all their standards [cultural brainwashing].

That is deliberate, they have ramped up the "Goyim" themes and unspiritual themes considerably, to where now it's on the maximum level. They know these generations have potential so poisoning them in the fastest way possible was their primary aim.

All of this is unfortunately the natural conclusion of the enemy's social decay. We will live to see the lowest bottom of this level, but we are soon reaching the bottom.

Spiritually and for the future, I am optimistic. Culturally and socially, oh boy, there is a lot work that has to be done. But with the enemy out of this I am certain that geniuses will exist that will bring the situation to a normal.
We didn't see the beginning of all this, not our fathers and mothers, not our grandparents, but we have a chance to see the end of this slavery, and that's great!
not wanna hype anyone but i too believe we have done awesome.

my gd had told me there was no hope before. now there is.

it was very strong communication.

im back to do my rtrs now. two rabbis died last week in a local synagogue here. LOL. all of a sudden, LOL
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The future rituals that will come will be more extensive, and we will gradually shift focus from the FRTR into other Rituals, after the enemy is sufficiently collapsed or considerably weakened. That is going to take a while, but new releases will explain on their own how things will happen.

So basically to a degree RTR technology will slowly be made obsolete perhaps certain power dates of the enemy we return to RTR/MRTR.

But in essence like I stated before a number of times we do have rituals for the future and we will perform Civilization magick to improve the ground.

Interesting, I knew we wouldn't be doing RTR forever reminds me of a sermon you stated. We can do much but 2,000 years of xtianity and nearly 1,000 years of pislam it's hard to remove what they engraved unto the plain of existence.

I know some people have stated doing RTRs for years and years and years. I forgot which prominent member but we had them go as far as into the next decade. Which is like I'm sure even the most gung-ho member is like spending years doing RTRs gets a little annoying. We've had even prominent members state in the past MRTR or FRTR does get into situations of tiredness, we aren't robots meant to fight non-stop 24/7.

But at least it's nice know I was correct that we do have plans in the works and plan on improving reality. In essence I assume once the enemy is powered off since the internet it seems there will be a viral imprint on the minds of people firing off on the internet and people. It reminds me of older people who believe that when a teenager rebels they'll return to the light of christ later on. With the internet, mass communication, flash mobs; it ain't gonna happen again.

Hopefully people pick the right choice. Cause there is a lot of garbage people, I mean like HP.Cobra said there IS a reason why jews call goyim, goyim.

Anyways I assume the upcoming racial multiplier rituals in comparison to the 88/99 is the newer technology we want to use to help the races especially as it seems on the news every like second thing is a racial discourse on racial marxism. Getting real tired of this stupidity with pinko-red spectrum political opposition.
Thanks HP, I really need sermons like this.
Hope must be kept alive at all costs to enable us to move forward, to visualise the fight, the victory.
I have put all my rage into the RTRs of the last 4 days. I'm happy to be making progress, to keep my focus, to visualise well. I feel a tremendous energy. Like external to me. Or cumulative !

Yes we are winning. We are already winning ourselves and that's not so bad.

I still feel so bad about the lizards' bullshit. May they be defaited quickly ! Yes I know.. we'll have to be patient.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The future rituals that will come will be more extensive, and we will gradually shift focus from the FRTR into other Rituals, after the enemy is sufficiently collapsed or considerably weakened. That is going to take a while, but new releases will explain on their own how things will happen.

So basically to a degree RTR technology will slowly be made obsolete perhaps certain power dates of the enemy we return to RTR/MRTR.

But in essence like I stated before a number of times we do have rituals for the future and we will perform Civilization magick to improve the ground.

Interesting, I knew we wouldn't be doing RTR forever reminds me of a sermon you stated. We can do much but 2,000 years of xtianity and nearly 1,000 years of pislam it's hard to remove what they engraved unto the plain of existence.


It may be a long while, but there will be other things complementing that. This is like applying anti-parasite nuclear bomb medication, yet this on it's own won't fix everything. As we know a body doesn't heal only by giving it antibiotics, but also vitamins, minerals and exercise.

Azazel strongly has insisted that we focus on these and only these [years ago] so that we can progressively move on to other things, as this cancer of the enemy is just too far, and it requires forceful measures.

That won't be all obviously.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
slyscorpion said:
So far as social breakdown things are worse than the 90s that's what I always mean not spiritual knowledge that is getting way better and people are becoming a little more free.

But if anyone here is in their 60s or 70s you know what I am talking about. Look how people interacted and thought in your time vs now. You will see what I mean. Many are advancing or growing more smart but the core in the younger generations is still going downhill. Even if they find Satanism this doesn't change unless they learn the old ways of doing things that are more based on truth.

Also look at the lyrics and content of popular Music in the 90s vs now if you still don't know what I mean. This is the most super obvious example, and TV. Now a days things are just pure degeneracy unless you take the time to actually look for a bit. Back then they still had some good things. I am not talking about alternative hip hop or rock music or internet TV channels I know there is a lot more better stuff now with that than today but it's not as much mainstream.

I agree with you, it's as you say. Unfortunately, too much isolation, destruction of society etc, took it's way and is well underway now.

Yet all of this can easily be reversed by enlightened people in the proper positions.

Jews now literally promote the worst of the worst they have promoted in centuries. Even jewish singers of the 60's weren't as garbage as the crap they promote now.

This happened because they have been eroding people since the 50's, but it was progressive. It would be inconceivable in the 50's to promote the garbage they promote today, but people progressively lost all their standards [cultural brainwashing].

That is deliberate, they have ramped up the "Goyim" themes and unspiritual themes considerably, to where now it's on the maximum level. They know these generations have potential so poisoning them in the fastest way possible was their primary aim.

All of this is unfortunately the natural conclusion of the enemy's social decay. We will live to see the lowest bottom of this level, but we are soon reaching the bottom.

Spiritually and for the future, I am optimistic. Culturally and socially, oh boy, there is a lot work that has to be done. But with the enemy out of this I am certain that geniuses will exist that will bring the situation to a normal.

I definitely agree. I've been paying attention to the comparisons of how things are getting better, however the public eye is only seeing the degeneration and fast decline of social constructs and concepts and in a way, the death of a generation, as things like what's going on now we're mostly unheard of back then. However, I definitely believe that large amount of work needs to be done as a society, whether it be cleaning the beaches, reforestation, school and education, teaching them things like astrology or just skills they will actually need in real life and not being scammed out of all their childhood and adulthood into debt and useless knowlesge. Teaching things like self-defense, how to cook, gardening and growing food, ancient history, meditation, science and alchemy etc. I've noticed that children are underestimated when it comes to being able to understand material that even average adults don't understand. But I definitely believe in the future, it's a matter of not being lazy to admit we need a complete overhaul, especially when it comes to teaching the next generation how to advance in ways we couldn't in our time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The future rituals that will come will be more extensive, and we will gradually shift focus from the FRTR into other Rituals, after the enemy is sufficiently collapsed or considerably weakened. That is going to take a while, but new releases will explain on their own how things will happen.

So basically to a degree RTR technology will slowly be made obsolete perhaps certain power dates of the enemy we return to RTR/MRTR.

But in essence like I stated before a number of times we do have rituals for the future and we will perform Civilization magick to improve the ground.

Interesting, I knew we wouldn't be doing RTR forever reminds me of a sermon you stated. We can do much but 2,000 years of xtianity and nearly 1,000 years of pislam it's hard to remove what they engraved unto the plain of existence.


It may be a long while, but there will be other things complementing that. This is like applying anti-parasite nuclear bomb medication, yet this on it's own won't fix everything. As we know a body doesn't heal only by giving it antibiotics, but also vitamins, minerals and exercise.

Azazel strongly has insisted that we focus on these and only these [years ago] so that we can progressively move on to other things, as this cancer of the enemy is just too far, and it requires forceful measures.

That won't be all obviously.


Although I don't claim to be the ultimate RTR'r. It does at certain points gnaw at me of overdoing it. I did notice you made a recommendation shift sometime early last year whereby the recommended was 3-5 or 27-45 reps of F-RTR. In essence before that it was known by many that doing a lot of RTR is good but the problem is there was no recommended. I'm sure people realized you don't have to blow your brains out doing FRTR only to burn yourself out a slow and steady approach rather than just massive blasts.

In simplest terms there was a moving towards doing less RTRs as we had more effects and we've pumped the enemy down so there were improvements in reducing slightly our efforts. Sounds weird to state we aren't taking it easy but at least we are being more effective.

Glad to be moving, yeah I can see why coof-19 situation is a good thing. It reminds me of the old Feudal era whereby you knew you slavemaster but now slavemasters are hidden by everything.

Yeah I see your Human body reference it takes time. Anyways that is good it reminds me of last years Amazon ritual it's not gonna fully stop everything but at least people realized something is going on World-wide with the destruction of nature.

Glad to see the locomotion is improving and we can move on to improve the World.
slyscorpion said:
So far as social breakdown things are worse than the 90s that's what I always mean not spiritual knowledge that is getting way better and people are becoming a little more free.

But if anyone here is in their 60s or 70s you know what I am talking about. Look how people interacted and thought in your time vs now. You will see what I mean. Many are advancing or growing more smart but the core in the younger generations is still going downhill. Even if they find Satanism this doesn't change unless they learn the old ways of doing things that are more based on truth.

Actually back then most people went to church still, and socializing was as superficial and unemotional as it is now if not worse. It's just that kids were raised with more skills and common sense, and were independent. You had to know how to do certain things like read a map because there was no GPS. Kids were indoctrinated with xianity, but they just knew how to survive because they were raised well. Now you've got the new xian indoctrination which has changed from the church to the school with marxism. Kids aren't raised the same anymore, they're over sheltered, the internet makes them socially inept, they're trained to spit on their country's flag and their race (White guilt is like the new original sin), and the parents don't even teach them anything anymore and never have time for them. It's all a disaster for raising a healthy independent human.
Comparing now to back then, it's all in how kids are raised.

Stormblood has commented on this. Modern people don't even keep their living space clean. It's gross.

How many young adults even know how to cook, on average? Without a microwave. Complex meals.

The lack of skills is just so bad. Social skills, survival skills, financial skills, etc... I saw movements recently to teach skills to young adults which is fantastic, and also shows that it's a ubiquitous problem rather than isolated.

I partially blame over reliance on technology - I mean how many people even know how to use a library anymore for research, or have even ever stepped foot in one? It's that bad. But like I said, I blame parenting more than anything. I get it what with the modern work grind just to make ends meet, and that's not anyone's fault except the jews. But the result is still the same. Hands off parenting is a catastrophe for society.

One more example I recently saw parents complaining about their kids not voting, and one person said they had to give them money, buy them a pizza, and also take them to the voting center just to get them to vote. I thought that was pretty funny. Every person with a smartphone these days. Although the parents have to ask who is responsible for them ending up like that. After all, the kids didn't raise themselves. Smartphones and TV... laziness and lack of drive... the child was obviously allowed to end up like this, and it was basically promoted in the child. How can the parents complain when they're the ones responsible? They threw their children right into the arms of the Marxists to raise their kids for them. It's their own fault.

Whenever I see little kids in certain public places now, they usually have a tablet. Like 4 years old with a tablet. It's not hard to see where this is all going, and it's only going to get worse unless parents take control of their child's upbringing and stop leaving it to the internet and school teachers with an agenda to destroy the country. They need to stop selling out their child's education and upbringing, and take a more hands on approach. Did you know that the Marxist teachers actively undermine the parent's authority in the mind of their own child? They tell the child that their parents are basically stupid and "haven't been in academia for a long time." Homeschooling is a bigger necessity than ever.

"Control the youth to control the future." It's the same thing that they did from day 1 with the xian churches after the fall of
Rome. School or church - it's all the same.
I am happy to see this. The enemy didn't tear down everything as it once was and make it into what it now is overnight and it will therefore definitely not be fixed overnight. Not everyone will be saved but i am hoping a considerable number wake up. We will do our duty like always to ourselves and our race, and with the help of the Gods we will surely take this world back. We already are. Sometimes there are things even that get worse before they get better and this is temporary. Rituals other than the RTRs? i wonder what that may be? I suppose however that is too far into the future to speculate over now.
As a future immortal human, seeking to have a broader perspective like the gods, immortal beings, there is no need to hurry. As my DG told me "Be patient with what you know is coming". Knowing that you are in the right path (SS path) being persistent is definitely a desirable thing.

There are hard days due to astral shit coming from alot of differente places, it is a fact, but as Hooded mentioned in a previous post: as you become stronger you will also become more sensitive and that will make you struggle for a while but with time it will also make you more resistant to it. Do not forget that through suffering is that true changes come and knowing that I hope everyone has suffer a lot: lol: (it's a joke, I love you)

For those who know deep down that they will achieve it in this or future lives: What are 1000 or 2000 years of hard work? anyways we gonna hard work during our inmortality, arent we?

It won't take that long to help our friend billy <3 and company meet Satan and his demons but it will definitely take a while to get all of humanity back to what it should be

When you start to enjoy present is when you stop thinking about tomorrow in a compulsive way, so if you are reaching inmortality try to always enjoy and that will give you a happier inmortality
It seems to be a common thing for my generation to think and say things were better in the 90s. That they were simpler and more harmonious but, I believe as you said they simply liked being able to plug their ears and cover their eyes to the corrupted world around them and continue to be satiated by the bread and circus that was given to them. Childhood nostalgia also plays apart I'm sure, as the thoughts of a time when you had no responsibility will always be remembered fondly. I get reminded by many of your sermons that even though there are plenty of times I get angry and frustrated at the current state of the world and the gentiles that I should at least appreciate I can see the corruption being uncovered rather than it stay growing in secret. Thanks for the sermon HP.

Hail Satan!
Indeed, I have also noticed, and am not immune to, the 'burnout' effect from repeatedly doing RTRs, but morale boosting posts like these definitely give me a second wind (I consider blunt reminders of the situation as 'morale boosting', even if I'm well aware of what is said).

Thanks High Priest, you do us a lot of good, brother.
I was reading old archive sermons of HPM and I saw rituals in 2009. The ritual was using the Black Sun, Sowilo, and blood on a board.

I was very young at that time but it amazes me how far we have come.

Thanks for the uplifting sermon HPC.
Invictus said:
Indeed, I have also noticed, and am not immune to, the 'burnout' effect from repeatedly doing RTRs, but morale boosting posts like these definitely give me a second wind (I consider blunt reminders of the situation as 'morale boosting', even if I'm well aware of what is said).

Thanks High Priest, you do us a lot of good, brother.

Do not burn out.

There is a line.

Do nothing - Do little - Do what you need - Do more than you "need" - Overcompensate - Overcompensate too much - Burnout - Total Fried Burnout

You want to avoid the last two territories at all times and stay in "do more than you need" and "do what you need". When one feels extra, they can overcompensate a bit, and then go back to the regular work.

Otherwise, burnout will arrive eventually.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Invictus said:
Indeed, I have also noticed, and am not immune to, the 'burnout' effect from repeatedly doing RTRs, but morale boosting posts like these definitely give me a second wind (I consider blunt reminders of the situation as 'morale boosting', even if I'm well aware of what is said).

Thanks High Priest, you do us a lot of good, brother.

Do not burn out.

There is a line.

Do nothing - Do little - Do what you need - Do more than you "need" - Overcompensate - Overcompensate too much - Burnout - Total Fried Burnout

You want to avoid the last two territories at all times and stay in "do more than you need" and "do what you need". When one feels extra, they can overcompensate a bit, and then go back to the regular work.

Otherwise, burnout will arrive eventually.

Yes. No worries, I take short breaks when I feel like I'm nearing that line. I think, in part, what has been getting at me is the significantly reduced socialization I've experienced (not all universities have fully opened up yet, and online classes feel like a scam, in my opinion.) This takes a bigger toll on extroverts.

Should get better early next year though, but damn, to think the jews wanted the lockdowns to go on much longer. (looking at cucked Australia)
I can not wait for the day when we shall build our Satanic community’s in person. Oh what an age that will be…
Sometimes I think the Gods are communicating with us, through you, Hp Cobra. In recent days I have been full of anxiety about what the enemy has done. The current state of affairs has not satisfied them, and they are planning to strike a harder blow after the covid agenda.

The United States, Britain and Israel are holding constant exercises with their allies to attack in the Middle East and Asia. They piled thousands of tanks and soldiers in Alexandroupoli. They are insanely arming Greece. Kosher biden spent trillions of dollars on the war budget alone. This is madness. What could be done with this money for those in need in America and other parts of the world. I think a lot could have been done. After the Covid earthquake, a new world war may be the last thing this planet wants to see.

One of the main agendas of the enemy is undoubtedly the young generation. I don't know about the 80's and 90's, but today's youth is drifting downhill in a crazy way. Of course, there are also those who know the truth and live according to it, but most of them are lethargic, lazy, mentally weak and exhausted, who wear ridiculous rags, listen to rap, Netflix and drug addicts. Before I came to Satan, I was in this stupidity too, except for the drugs part. I was in a miserable state. It's worse than being called miserable. I am grateful to the gods for saving me and not giving up on me after all. Now I have the chance to watch this theater from the outside and I realized that the drug issue is a big problem. Almost every teenager uses drugs these days. There is no young person who has not met with drug derivatives. Did the drug become widespread as a result of the special efforts of the enemy or did it find a way in all this nonsense? I'm pretty curious.

It is hopeful to know that all this will end and the light of the Gods will shine again when the time comes.As you said, everything will be fine in the end. That's for sure.
Agree with everything you're saying here in regards to things being better now than they have been for decades, and even centuries. Only now do we finally see the enemy throwing their cards at the table and dropping their mask completely and in numbers more than ever before. People are waking up to the Jewish problem rapidly. In all my days, I have never seen such rampant and ubiquitous anti-Jewish/anti-Semitic behaviour, language, and actions from the world around me as I have these last few years (which often includes simple criticism of the Jews, but that's all anti-semitic to them either way), and it's been growing more and more lately and it's very noticeable. In the 80's and 90's Jew's were happily making self-portrayed victim films like Schindler's List and brainwashing families with Indiana Jones melting "evil Nazi's" heads off with special effects on screen and no one thought it was out of place. Looking back at the level of total blindness most of the world was in just a few decades ago is astonishing. I find it hard to realise just how blind I was before coming to Satan and the Gods. Now we actually have a future and some tools to make change. I would never want to go back.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The future rituals that will come will be more extensive, and we will gradually shift focus from the FRTR into other Rituals, after the enemy is sufficiently collapsed or considerably weakened. That is going to take a while, but new releases will explain on their own how things will happen.

So basically to a degree RTR technology will slowly be made obsolete perhaps certain power dates of

But in essence like I stated before a number of times we do have rituals for the future and we will perform Civilization magick to improve the ground.

Interesting, I knew we wouldn't be doing RTR forever reminds me of a sermon you stated. We can do much but 2,000 years of xtianity and nearly 1,000 years of pislam it's hard to remove what they engraved unto the plain of existence.


It may be a long while, but there will be other things complementing that. This is like applying anti-parasite nuclear bomb medication, yet this on it's own won't fix everything. As we know a body doesn't heal only by giving it antibiotics, but also vitamins, minerals and exercise.

Azazel strongly has insisted that we focus on these and only these [years ago] so that we can progressively move on to other things, as this cancer of the enemy is just too far, and it requires forceful measures.

That won't be all obviously.

But in the sermon about advanced usage of the Final RTR, you said that it was a multipurpose key to all doors and it was limited to our skill of intent and visualization. Well, I know I'm trying to up my game of understanding, but I just try to make better clarity for myself out of what is said here. So does it mean the new ones will be like an addition not a removal. I think I need real clarification or I'll just wait till then.......
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spiritually and for the future, I am optimistic. Culturally and socially, oh boy, there is a lot work that has to be done. But with the enemy out of this I am certain that geniuses will exist that will bring the situation to a normal.

Geniuses have always been around. Some people argue that there's world-wide suppression of new tech, but I think it's more the case of intentional neglect. Most inventors are not entrepreneurs and unless finance has the will to implement new solutions, they end up catching dust in some garage. After the jew is gone I expect novelty to pop up like grass after a storm.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone here has to deal with this, if we want to change things.

Many aren't aware of the plans of the Gods or how the Gods see and plan things. This leads many to pointless worry. Tune into them and you will see what I mean here, but tune on a calm day without astral bullshit and traffic.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My "pointless worry" is that I need to do money spells related work to have financial security. Are you saying that I can ignore that completely. And work on the third eye and astral senses with rtr's and still become financially stable/successful?

(Side note I've been with Jo's before their first forum, yahoo groups, when they use to run ad's online to joyofsatan.com)
I recently have caught myself about worrying too much, after seeing what is happening not only in my country, but the whole world, to the point I was getting stressed and striking like crazy with a lot of RTR, which caused me to burn out, so I had to slower down. It wasn't the wisest thing I did. I see what you mean now and you're correct about it.

The thing is, I believe in us and our future. It will take some times, but we will surely win this. I will never stop fighting and advancing, but I will be now more responsible about it, not to the point of burning out. I am always being thankful to being here and to our Gods. I feel much happier and healthier than I ever was in my life, but it's thanks to a lot of advice I received here from others, as I took this to my heart and get use from it. We have a bright future upon us and I can't wait to finally see the fall of jews.
You are the perfect example of a good leader, I would follow you to the end.

Hail Satan!
I see this as analogous to when you begin to clear the negative karma accumulated in your soul over many past lives and at first it seems to get worse because it all comes to the surface before it is removed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Its not just Christians that are hard to convince, its even Pagans who don't understand that Satan is Odin/Poseidon/Shiva. I argue with some but that's just about it.
Wiccan fools I guess. And New Agers too.

Pagans should easily understand this, since, Christianity and the enemy programs took over, and literally name all their major deities in the Bible as "Evil". This involves all Pagan religions.

However many are on a very low level and therefore understanding of this is lost in the sea of jewish magick.

Astarte's Page will be up soon. I don't understand exactly how Wiccans and other "pagans" worship Venus for example, and don't understand that Jews literally defamed "Venus" ie, Astarte, in the Bible in the most demeaning fashion.

Many are as asleep to the extent they don't even want to accept that their "Beliefs" got flattened by the Jewish Programs. Regardless, they are still under the Gods, but they don't understand all of this. Don't get disheartened if they don't listen. They should be treated like cousins to ourselves and allies.

That should be logically evident yet most people are not in understanding of this. That is because of jewish spells on the subject and the fact that most people don't even want to get into this [they are meant for simpler things].

This was one of the arguments I had with someone that was frustrating. They tried to tell me xtianity isn't against Paganism and kept debating it they even thought Jewsus was a Pagan God since he was taken from concepts of all sorts of other pagan Gods so its OK to go to church etc.

Really frustrating. I didn't reveal I was an SS or anything but none of my arguments worked they also thought angels were good spirits and guides.
jrvan said:
slyscorpion said:
So far as social breakdown things are worse than the 90s that's what I always mean not spiritual knowledge that is getting way better and people are becoming a little more free.

But if anyone here is in their 60s or 70s you know what I am talking about. Look how people interacted and thought in your time vs now. You will see what I mean. Many are advancing or growing more smart but the core in the younger generations is still going downhill. Even if they find Satanism this doesn't change unless they learn the old ways of doing things that are more based on truth.

Actually back then most people went to church still, and socializing was as superficial and unemotional as it is now if not worse. It's just that kids were raised with more skills and common sense, and were independent. You had to know how to do certain things like read a map because there was no GPS. Kids were indoctrinated with xianity, but they just knew how to survive because they were raised well. Now you've got the new xian indoctrination which has changed from the church to the school with marxism. Kids aren't raised the same anymore, they're over sheltered, the internet makes them socially inept, they're trained to spit on their country's flag and their race (White guilt is like the new original sin), and the parents don't even teach them anything anymore and never have time for them. It's all a disaster for raising a healthy independent human.
Comparing now to back then, it's all in how kids are raised.

Stormblood has commented on this. Modern people don't even keep their living space clean. It's gross.

How many young adults even know how to cook, on average? Without a microwave. Complex meals.

The lack of skills is just so bad. Social skills, survival skills, financial skills, etc... I saw movements recently to teach skills to young adults which is fantastic, and also shows that it's a ubiquitous problem rather than isolated.

I partially blame over reliance on technology - I mean how many people even know how to use a library anymore for research, or have even ever stepped foot in one? It's that bad. But like I said, I blame parenting more than anything. I get it what with the modern work grind just to make ends meet, and that's not anyone's fault except the jews. But the result is still the same. Hands off parenting is a catastrophe for society.

One more example I recently saw parents complaining about their kids not voting, and one person said they had to give them money, buy them a pizza, and also take them to the voting center just to get them to vote. I thought that was pretty funny. Every person with a smartphone these days. Although the parents have to ask who is responsible for them ending up like that. After all, the kids didn't raise themselves. Smartphones and TV... laziness and lack of drive... the child was obviously allowed to end up like this, and it was basically promoted in the child. How can the parents complain when they're the ones responsible? They threw their children right into the arms of the Marxists to raise their kids for them. It's their own fault.

Whenever I see little kids in certain public places now, they usually have a tablet. Like 4 years old with a tablet. It's not hard to see where this is all going, and it's only going to get worse unless parents take control of their child's upbringing and stop leaving it to the internet and school teachers with an agenda to destroy the country. They need to stop selling out their child's education and upbringing, and take a more hands on approach. Did you know that the Marxist teachers actively undermine the parent's authority in the mind of their own child? They tell the child that their parents are basically stupid and "haven't been in academia for a long time." Homeschooling is a bigger necessity than ever.

"Control the youth to control the future." It's the same thing that they did from day 1 with the xian churches after the fall of
Rome. School or church - it's all the same.

I myself don't know a lot of things either neither does my partner as to these "life skills" but I thought things were better back then without as many modern distractions. I guess maybe not I mean xtianity according to every source I have read was way more common back then. I bet I would have had issues fitting in but the difference is at least I would be able to understand people better. That is what is different.

I do think some people are more enslaved now than then though. I mean Marxism is the step after xtianity in the planned progression of the Jewish programs. In fact Marxism often tries to limit or get rid of xtianity as they don't need it anymore it has its own power and agenda they want total control. The end plan was total atheism in the end and worshipping some leader and the state as God (North Korea) as far as everything I have read. Get rid of anything spiritual at all even their own programs to remove spirituality eventually.
Lasollor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone here has to deal with this, if we want to change things.

Many aren't aware of the plans of the Gods or how the Gods see and plan things. This leads many to pointless worry. Tune into them and you will see what I mean here, but tune on a calm day without astral bullshit and traffic.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My "pointless worry" is that I need to do money spells related work to have financial security. Are you saying that I can ignore that completely. And work on the third eye and astral senses with rtr's and still become financially stable/successful?

(Side note I've been with Jo's before their first forum, yahoo groups, when they use to run ad's online to joyofsatan.com)

No do both. That often really isn't a "pointless worry" in fact some people are struggling to survive at all. Although I think for all SS they will be given various opportunities in the future at some point no one knows when that is so you have to make it till then.
Lasollor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone here has to deal with this, if we want to change things.

Many aren't aware of the plans of the Gods or how the Gods see and plan things. This leads many to pointless worry. Tune into them and you will see what I mean here, but tune on a calm day without astral bullshit and traffic.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My "pointless worry" is that I need to do money spells related work to have financial security. Are you saying that I can ignore that completely. And work on the third eye and astral senses with rtr's and still become financially stable/successful?

(Side note I've been with Jo's before their first forum, yahoo groups, when they use to run ad's online to joyofsatan.com)

I didn't say that. In fact, you should be invested not only in this warfare but on yourself too.
I saw a really vivid dream the day before yesterday. I was going to my mirror, in the morning put out my toothpaste and was brushing my teeth and as i saw out the door (there's a small garden before the door. in my house.) I see a massive flood with people getting drowned and taken away by the current. They are screaming for help but all i hear are reverberations and not actual cries. The current isn't touching my house somehow.

As i finish brushing my teeth i see outside and i see that the small garden outside has turned into a green forest and the street is gone. There are three people who look European and have red hair for some reason and a couple raindeers and the sun is shinning and everything around them looks vibrant. After seeing that i smiled too.
Wotanwarrior said:
I see this as analogous to when you begin to clear the negative karma accumulated in your soul over many past lives and at first it seems to get worse because it all comes to the surface before it is removed.

I agree and think this is happening to the mass mind, some giant cleaning seems happening while the worst is coming to the surface (i.e. degeneracy and excess aggression on low levels, as said in lyrics, common behaviors, etc.) to be cleaned later on with the enemy on a very low power level, so unable to influence mass mind that much.
I remember that before Hitler came, Germany was at a very low social level, in a general very bad condition, possibly for the same reasons.

I can relate I have been personally addressed to clean as much as possible personal/family karma and links with "those who are without" to be dragged as less as possible, to follow the general decay.
Thank you!
It's very actually and excellent reading.

I have an important question.
What should do if another SS is sociopathic and very harmful to the community?
What is the best solution?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
