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Initiation: Then And Now, Opening The Mind

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This place was an asylum of insane people that didn't know what to expect over the years when "we" began. In HPS Maxine's starting times, it was even weirder.

Those of you who have been here for 10+ years, know what I am talking about, those of 20+, you know even better.

The major part of my work was to establish a consensus of understanding: what to expect, how to get to your desires, what to do, where to go, how you relate to the Gods, where are they, how to reach them, how to get there.

Where there is now "How", there is also no way. The problem is that to discover any how, you need to actually practice this path very seriously. Back then, I had known no "how" at all. The only thing I knew close to a "How" was something close to the sound of the word "Chaos".

I will give you a typical stupid example of what all these false preconceptions, in mind [and therefore in magick] would mean in this definition, and why I have to play the asshole [or rather, the bridge] over here to show you some things that our parents should have taught us all in a proper Ancient or other civilization.

Years ago, there was an old HP who was named Salem, who was a very powerful [spiritually] person. Salem long story short was outspoken, and decided one day to flex his magickal abilities in front of a youtube crowd, saying he would do a ritual to win the lottery two days from the days that he declared it.

Salem actually won this lottery [for 10,000$] and this somehow became an urban legend for people on the Yahoo Group at the time [circa something 2006], celebrating this as a major success. Salem was the type of person based on his chart too that had what we describe as "raw power", spiritually speaking.

Needless to say, the above, even if it proves that he was spiritually powerful [had had done a lot], and even would be considered a miracle by many, is only half a miracle.

Later on he did some really self destructive nonsense that cost him everything such as crystal meth, despite of being told by anyone and everyone that it would lead to the end. Power yes, mind zero.

Salem basically ruined himself, later on losing his mind completely. Eventually too, he lost his sanity, and shortly after, he lost his position on the JoS and ruined himself.

Salem wasn't of the lucky generation of people that had all their mentality ironed over a decade by an asshole of my calibre, and therefore, his mentality remained loose like a ship that had holes plucked in it. In other words, there was no open path. We were opening the street back then and this was like working on a mine and trying to open it, which is dangerous and might incur casualties.

Most of these "Casualties" were basically due to enemy curses, lies, detestable nonsense by the kikes, and other foul fake "knowledge". Much of this, and since people haven't knew any better, was heavily influenced by the nonsense of Crowley and other lost spirits, that merely did whatever nonsense they could do for a shocking effect.

What I learned from him watching silently from the sidelines as a younger "apprentice" in the JoS, was that actually the warnings of all the Ancients in regards to advancement of the mind and so on, were the most important foundation of building anything else. Salem flew up to the sky, but he forgot to have a parachute or a functional plane.

The spiritual bodies and levels of consciousness, are built in this way, and there is no avoiding "reality" or what we might consider "lower" aspects. People who refuse to look into this and meddle with spirituality, will merely end up delusional.

You cannot escape this reality.

You cannot change this.

You can only follow this and follow a path towards success. Or follow it downwards to failure.

Needless to say, all this influence, help, support, stability, keeping everything afloat, is not something people who consider spectacles like winning a lottery as "miraculous". In this sense, I put the two types of mentalities in contrast. This is like the crowd appaulding a drunkard for doing too many pull-ups.

Rather, I would like to show to people how you can do more pullups in a normal way, and even more so, permanently and without the drunkedness. The aim is the creation of a REAL sight to behold, and a REAL spectacle.

I am totally aware this will not be as recognizable as other approaches. Regardless, that's what everyone needs and one has to do what people need and what is desired by the Gods. This Will has to be followed or there will be no advancement.

Without doing this necessary [and rather damp for me] work, few people will be able to reach any higher. If they do, we might lose them like we lost Salem and other people. Jews are literally laughing on this, not just "laughing", but literally rolling on their chairs that the Goy considers any of this "spiritual" or an "attainment".

The real Spiritual Satanic Philosophical path, is what leads to Godhead, not to these subjects. Jews knowing this, they hate it and attempted to extinct it from the earth.

We cannot afford anymore lies to ourselves, the reason why, look at the world around us all and where this fall of the Gentile people has led everyone and everything. The rest will swim in delusions perpetually, and possibly lose too much valuable time.

These people who want to be deluded can join other places to experience literally zero results and zero outcomes, it doesn't matter. If a specific segment of people here stick with the plan, we will have given birth to what Satan has intended, sooner or later.

I know I lost too many years in the beginning of this trying to figure all this nonsense arranged by others out. The Jew also laced the way for any Gentile that wanted to advance, with poisonous traps of death, destruction, stupidity and many other issues.

Modern "Satanism" which is owned by these jews, notably follows upon this same pattern. That is the reason why we stand opposed to all of this.

Now, if we go into the Ancient Past, that type of nonsense such as above didn't happen. For one, you spent 5 years doing all sorts of other things to rectify and control the mind. Here, the average person that arrives, does none of this, and proceeds to do elemental invocation, or some other shit I don't know.

Initiates went through so many things that most people here couldn't even fathom.

HPS Maxine told me many years ago something I didn't like either. She told me that in Tibet, they get you as your first lesson to clean things with a toothbrush [bathrooms etc] to really burst your fake ego destroyed before you can advance in anything. The "modern" spirit cannot take half of this.

The good news is that if you only adapt 10% of what these old people did, you will be x10 times stronger the average person nowadays. The bad news is, the amount of people who want to do any of this is scarce and little. "Ain't nobody got time fo 'dat".

I am here to steer you away from the mistake that you think is the "Modern" spirit. By modern spirit, we can relate to the false sense of relating to the world that is pervasive all over the West, largely dominated by a false "Easy come easy go" thinking.

Away from the quickness, the lack of depth, the lesser understanding of an ant, the proliferation of stupidity, the false sense of strength where you have none, and many other unlikable aspects, since these do not in anyway coincide with becoming a God.

The moment you start and join Satanism, you need to really start working on this mind. Finding out your problems, meditating, trying to understand yourself, and correcting everything. Setting goals and going after them, moving away from the loophole of perpetual damnation that encompasses many beings.

Everyone wants to hear a falsely "magical" solution to all this, but in this case, you haven't understood magick indepth. Magick is a natural process, that involves, even in it's miraculous aspect, laws of life and the universe.

Some magicians, they can shoot a spell, and without being aware of these laws or where they sit, if it works a giant miracle, they think that they are Gods. Yet, as years pass, this ability may wane off or die out [or it might happen once in their life]. That is because of lack of knowledge.

A lot of real magick is hidden in changing yourself, your mentality, understanding you are a being that can navigate your own life, and trying to come to your senses. This "magick" remains the most underrated form of "Magick", and represents the first levels of spiritual initiation.

A common mistake also is trying to skip this in order to try to give yourself a false perception of advancement, which is a by-product of being lazy or desperate. Therefore, a lot of people want to apply the higher things without having managed the lower.

No amount of higher magick can be worked unless the foundation of the mind is stabilized and made healthy. Bunk magick, accidents, corny assistance from negative entities that teach you nothing in the end of the day, remaining stupid and oblivious to your existence, and getting nowhere, that is not part of Spiritual Satanism.

There is no "Higher Magick" until you get that stuff sorted out. I am sorry to say this that openly. Yes, much of it will be bunk and useless if you don't advance in the deeper recess of your mind, mentality etc.

In every Ancient initiation rites, the beginning happened in the earth, then water, then air, then fire. In the Joy of Satan, before any of these things we have now existed, you could jump straight into fire, and nobody even told you otherwise. Generally, without the rest of the elements, one has to be very lucky or burning can occur.

What does the above mean? Use your thought process. That is why many people fly into delusions and other issues. Jews know this is the case, and so on. Regardless, Gentiles left without a culture couldn't articulate these things and put them in order, which made us useless.

Even worse, Gentiles have been meddling either with jewish shit or NONSENSE for thousands of years time now.

In regards to the cycle of initiations, these also, took decades. Now, people can't "wait" for decades, yet, regardless, the situation remains the same that this path works this way. The Gods do indeed understand our situation and urgency, which is why this knowledge is given out in this manner.

In this way of having to deal with the dopamine and lies surged brains of everyone, articulation of specific subjects can be difficult or impossible. I'll focus on the difficult, since I don't believe that is impossible in anyway.

In every major meditation, spiritual working, magick, or spiritual pursuit, the mind can stand in the middle. A typically badly placed mind that hasn't really become a properly programmed Satanic Mind, cannot really operate certain segments to become a proper magician.

To give an example: people when they are told that you might need 180 days to solve an issue in your life, might flip out. However, watching yourself throw a lot of hard work everyday in another timeline, you wouldn't have these question marks. If you had to work on a field for one year, you would also understand a lot of other things that one has to manually explain to people here. Such as for example, "There is a time and a reason for everything".

Now, you have to take a self affected dopamine fiend that is modern man that we all happen to be morphed into, whose brain is only built on temporary fake and instant gratifaction, and teach this person how to live or the ways of the universe. That can be difficult.

This type of modern crackhead that has been created, is fit for nothing but cannon fodder and being a literal crackhead. We have been set up to become this thing. This thing can only live in delusions, and cannot really maintain the capacities needed to understand the cosmic order.

One therefore has to gradually change themselves, their mindset etc. Of course, when people like I point to the contrary, one is dealing with a major sea of delusions and other problems.

Regardless, this task is possible as we have seen over the years, and many people have achieved this through this path and the construction of a proper Satanic Mindset. Which didn't exist before all that much. It was ironed for the last 10 years and I was hammering it in as one hammers steel all day.

Progressively, that is only the beginning. In short, we aren't done yet. There is far more to do and to reveal.

The only thing that will matter is if the construction of the best system that the Gentiles ever had happens here. That is a lifelong task being built here. The idea is that it can be passed down to your children and the children of your children, or to people a thousand years down the line, and it will help them more or the same than it does help you today.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
In short, we have to master our minds, analyze the problems of the mind and solve them? I couldn't interpret well, I'm going to sleep now.
Thanks for the sermon.
StyleCoin said:
In short, we have to master our minds, analyze the problems of the mind and solve them? I couldn't interpret well, I'm going to sleep now.
Thanks for the sermon.

The mind, the body, and the soul. Working only on the soul is not going to fix everything on it's own. Mind deficiencies and other problems have to be also re-programmed equally.

This will allow the Soul and other systems to also pick up properly.
I want to thank you so much HighPriest, whenever I felt like hitting a wall, and was overwhelmed, especially when I was very new, you always made all my anxieties, doubts and fears fade away, and I knew exactly what to do.

I am very grateful for everything you have done for me, in the past and even now. We are all very blessed to have you. You are a manifestation of Satan‘s will in flesh and blood, on many levels and aspects.

Thank you!!
Obelisk said:
The story about salem was interesting. From your text you made obvious that he "fell". How do you know that? Just because he left the JOS? What if he decided to take the path of loneliness. Many indian monks/sadhus do that actually. Even Siddharta Buddha did once and spent a huge time alone in the forest. So how come you know this Salem guy "fell"?

Do you think it is possible to rise once you have fallen? I believe it is. I wonder where this person is at today. But seeing from your text you must be in your 30s or 40s as you have been here for a long time. It is still young though if you ask me. Most people live up to 70-100 well atleast if you have a healthy lifestyle.

In short, salem started doing drugs and posting garbage writings on his website. (Use the search function if you're really interested.) It can be possible to recover from a situation like that, but it is very hard. I don't know how he is doing now, but if he was trying to get back on the right path, he should come to these forums as salem burke, not under a new name, and we could all try to help him work through his issues.
Great Sermon, much thanks HP. Hoodedcobra666 for all you do and especially for guiding us to advancement, in a healthy and positive way.

The sermon did remind me of the story of the rabbit and the turtle, maybe the Plato statement was also meant to not discourage ourselves when the spiritual path seems long:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StyleCoin said:
In short, we have to master our minds, analyze the problems of the mind and solve them? I couldn't interpret well, I'm going to sleep now.
Thanks for the sermon.

The mind, the body, and the soul. Working only on the soul is not going to fix everything on it's own. Mind deficiencies and other problems have to be also re-programmed equally.

This will allow the Soul and other systems to also pick up properly.

This post made me realize that I still have several psychological and physical problems, I'm going to organize my magic works to solve this, in fact I'm going to try doing a 180 day work instead of 90.
Commander Cobra, what you tell, is really great knowledge and helps people a lot, I know from experince. But every people don't have enough earth element. Some people like me lacks of this. When I am happy and take results, I do my best work. But when I don't take results, I generally being depressive and end up doing things much less and perfunctory. Every day I think about myself: where I go wrong, what's the best way for me, how can I acquire success etc.

What you suggest to us, people who lacks earth. I know, many people leave this path because they can't take results and then just quit meditations. Fortunately, I had great passion and worked on my earth element and discipline, but it hasn't fix my depressive feelings when I see no result. Resultlessness, it just makes me more depressive. Thanks to your advices, I realized that I do my best work when I am happy. But nowadays I think I am at the end of my positive and optimist mindset. I have to get more earth qualities but you say invoking to soul is harmful when one is not master. Please let me know your advices. Thanks for everything you did for us.
Obelisk said:
The story about salem was interesting. From your text you made obvious that he "fell". How do you know that? Just because he left the JOS? What if he decided to take the path of loneliness. Many indian monks/sadhus do that actually. Even Siddharta Buddha did once and spent a huge time alone in the forest. So how come you know this Salem guy "fell"?

Do you think it is possible to rise once you have fallen? I believe it is.

No, not always. If you fry past a point of no return [which he did], you can lose it all. We know because years ago we worked together. This was about 15 years ago.

The doing of some people inside a forest that never mattered for earth I don't care about. These are bogus stories most of the time to compensate for these idiots being useless.
Meteor said:
Whenever I think I understand myself, my mind surprises me again. In every change, I feel a sense of progression, but now I'm wondering if I'm really headed anywhere at all. Often I've simply gone full circle, ending up years later back where I started, feeling as though I made "progress" the entire way; and then I do it again. And it makes me feel ecstatic.

If I had even a clue of the bigger picture, how could I enjoy living like this to such an extent? Or could it be that my desire to see the bigger picture is the reason I wander around so much, thinking I might find it if I just explore every possibility?

I'm impulsive, reckless, whimsical; chaos incarnate, pretty much. Somehow I trudge onward despite the contradictions in my mind, but to where? I can't see my destination from here, but I often find myself enjoying the journey way too much to worry about that at all.

And I have to wonder, when I hear you saying all these mature, sensible things: am I really cut out to be a Satanist?
I'll have to find the answer to that myself.

That is more an emotional thing and a sense of seeking your inner particularities, rather than you objectively thinking of if one is to be a Satanist.

Anyone who wants to go into life, understand the Truth and gain strength and understanding, is cut for this. Despite of their emotional or other outlook.
Bright Truth said:
Commander Cobra, what you tell, is really great knowledge and helps people a lot, I know from experince. But every people don't have enough earth element. Some people like me lacks of this. When I am happy and take results, I do my best work. But when I don't take results, I generally being depressive and end up doing things much less and perfunctory. Every day I think about myself: where I go wrong, what's the best way for me, how can I acquire success etc.

What you suggest to us, people who lacks earth. I know, many people leave this path because they can't take results and then just quit meditations. Fortunately, I had great passion and worked on my earth element and discipline, but it hasn't fix my depressive feelings when I see no result. Resultlessness, it just makes me more depressive. Thanks to your advices, I realized that I do my best work when I am happy. But nowadays I think I am at the end of my positive and optimist mindset. I have to get more earth qualities but you say invoking to soul is harmful when one is not master. Please let me know your advices. Thanks for everything you did for us.

Direct elemental invocation can be done and that's why it's on JoS. It's on the advanced meditation's page and it can help within the context of other work.

But as anyone who has been doing this will understand, to really fathom an element, invocation is not always all there is into it. In other words, habituation in what one needs is equally important.

To approach earth as a non earth person, you need to start trying to understand notions like practicality, repetition, habituation.

There are sometimes where you must not overthink things. Sounds like that's too much overthinking taking place.

What can we do in a safe manner to rid ourselves of the "ego" and strengthen our minds to a level even close to that of the ancients? I say safe because I get a hint at the magnitude of the change, and without a proper teacher supervising, one can easily ruin themselves.

Thank you for the wonderful sermon and work you put in for all of us!

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obelisk said:
The story about salem was interesting. From your text you made obvious that he "fell". How do you know that? Just because he left the JOS? What if he decided to take the path of loneliness. Many indian monks/sadhus do that actually. Even Siddharta Buddha did once and spent a huge time alone in the forest. So how come you know this Salem guy "fell"?

Do you think it is possible to rise once you have fallen? I believe it is.

No, not always. If you fry past a point of no return [which he did], you can lose it all. We know because years ago we worked together. This was about 15 years ago.

The doing of some people inside a forest that never mattered for earth I don't care about. These are bogus stories most of the time to compensate for these idiots being useless.

Yes this is true this was a little over 10 years ago and I still remember the conversation I had with someone about this issue. They called these people "Urban Zombies" (this is a name I like and still use when talking about these people although same thing can happen anywhere your just more likely for some reason to come across such people in medium to large sized cities) they fried their mind with various drugs and substances till they reached a certain point where they were never in reality and were unable to comprehend things. It is apparently possible. I saw one of such people actually within the last month when walking to a store. He was hanging out by the store asking for money he was carrying on full conversations with people who were not there most the time. If you know what to look for in actions and in energy it is not hard to spot. I think it's an end for the person's soul as well as their body. I don't really think there is coming back from this no matter what anyone does or the person.

The thing is though I thought Salem was almost at that point before even leaving. Are you guys absolutely sure he wasn't using stuff before the end. I got that kind of impression the whole time. That a lot of what he said didn't really make sense. He may have been powerful and tried to convey some real messages but his mind was damaged by something before even as far back as 2006 and 2007 when he was writing stuff. This is why I never really bothered too much reading his sermons. I felt this strongly.
BTW., shouldn't an advanced spiritually person be above such things as drugs? There seem to be a lot of spiritually advanced people here, but all they seem to meddled by petty stuff like drugs even more than regular people seem to be.
This sermon reminded me of something in the Al-Jilwah, which shed light into something I'm experiencing:
"I lead to the straight path without a revealed book; I direct aright my beloved and chosen ones by unseen means"

I am going through a phase where I am fortifying and controlling my mind, because previously I was, like a fool, attempting more advanced things without first building that strong base. I wasn't aware of how much "fog" was clouding my consciousness until more recently. Similar to a light shining in what used to be pitch black.

Still got work to do, but humility pays many times more than delusion and a blinding sense of grandeur.
Woodlandman said:
BTW., shouldn't an advanced spiritually person be above such things as drugs? There seem to be a lot of spiritually advanced people here, but all they seem to meddled by petty stuff like drugs even more than regular people seem to be.

Yes, that is correct. Really advanced people would want nothing to do with this. However, in the time circa 15 years ago, nobody knew much or had any actual criteria. Salem was just a natural talent that was wasted.

Many people are deluded in spirituality and the false contact with altered states for many comes due to drugs, due to society promoting them endlessly.

Quite a few might have meddled before but then they saw the reality of all this and saved themselves. Ultimately, many reach far higher than these things are develop a far higher perspective of existence after a point, that allows happiness without these things.
Obelisk said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obelisk said:
The story about salem was interesting. From your text you made obvious that he "fell". How do you know that? Just because he left the JOS? What if he decided to take the path of loneliness. Many indian monks/sadhus do that actually. Even Siddharta Buddha did once and spent a huge time alone in the forest. So how come you know this Salem guy "fell"?

Do you think it is possible to rise once you have fallen? I believe it is.

The doing of some people inside a forest that never mattered for earth I don't care about. These are bogus stories most of the time to compensate for these idiots being useless.

You first have to define what "useful" means. Inspiring millions of people to find their inner peace doesnt seem useless to me. If the whole world would find inner peace and would follow the teachings of Siddharta Buddha then wars would technically not even happen and the whole world would be an utopie. Obviously I wrote "if" just for the sake of argument. That is unrealistic in the society we live in today. Technology has developed but humankind has underdeveloped. If this has a deeper reason or an organisation of fault behind it, doesnt really matter, what matters is the affect it has on earth.

Throwing around theories that seem logical will not fix the issue. If you cant influence millions of people you wont really change the world. Power and money rule the world. Siddharta Buddha influenced millions of people - he was a great human being. The people meditating in forests may be "selfish" but that is not something bad, they dont care about the problems of this world. Because paying attention to that will just drain you. Anything what is prioritizing your attention in a negative way is not good for you. By throwing away the media, throwing away people you get into a status of your full self and you are able to find hidden things or unlock them in you that you never even knew before. This is where the true magick and your true potentials awaken.

You are right... You dont save the world by this. The only thing that saves the world is money and power (which means basically influence). But this corrupted system is corrupt and well organized so it wont be possible to save the world unless you become a part of them and trick them and destroy them from the inside... but then again even that seems hard as they have their own secret methods and well thought managements. For example I believe it was the Rothschild family they will only allow family members to achieve high ranks. You simply must be born in the family... But I believe you already know about this.

You have to be chosen to save this world. You have to be born with the genius, with the potential. The internet is a great source of power indeed but it needs more than that to save the world. Very important are the younger generations. Influence them and you basically have saved the future. Children are the future. The most powerful method is luckily the media and internet and everybody has the power there to build a huge empire. You dont need money for that, you need the right methods and most importantly you have to be chosen.


I read your other topics and so on, and understandably, you come from an external place and you are welcome here to share views or read and learn.

Just be aware that the adaptation of many subjects like "Love, all is one", whatever, is not something we follow here. Make sure to read and try to gain what you might even if that is a contrary view to your own, and good luck.
We all should find our motivation, our passion,our FIRE that allow us to go through everything we have to in order to achieve greatness, in a more comfortable way, a happier way.

And to use it in a smart and positive way.

This in itself make the mind stronger, because it will allow you to see the harash reality but at the same time your dreams and hopes that empower your will.


And then find a way to include it in yourself, think about it, dream about it before you start working for it, understand and see the way you FELL when you think about it and try to mantain that passion and dopamine through the time you make what you have to.

Also try to get that feeling thinking and dreaming less and less, until you can keep it more and more easier and easier.

Motivation is very important, it is moving us.

And this , as other things , need practice of the mind, deep understanding and acceptance of ourselves.

Sometimes the things that TRULY motivate you aren't the ones you wanted them to be, because you tought you were different, because you didn't took your time to discover and understand your own self,but remember that those are just motivations , dreams and toughts, they don't harm no one, and if by accepting and using those, you do more actions that TRULY affect people and yourself in a good way, you should definitly do it.

Also, you can use a reminderWORD, a word that you say in your head or loud to remind yourself to keep going.

This word can be something you feel passionate about, that give you a feeling of DESIRE to evolve, a name of somebody who's name give you power to keep going, and so on.

It can be SATAN, or the name of a GOD that is close to you, who's name give you a feeling like you could be more responsible, and that motivate and warm you.

An example of using those words.

I do dishes and i absorb energy while being focused(VOID MEDITATIONE) and then i stop absorbing and think about something stupid but distracting and comfortable somehow, and then i realize what i do and i say in my head THAT WORD, and i keep absorbing and being concentrated.

And so on wherever i get distracted and stop FIGHTING for my dreamzz.
Obelisk said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hahaha. You are comparing this beggar at the store with Siddharta Buddha.

I dont know the poor guy but the way you talk about humans is really sad.

Not every monk takes "drugs". Please do not generalize. : D

You dont even understand the importance of meditation all alone with no influence from media, from people. It is the most beautiful thing a human can experience. But not everybody is chosen to do this. Not many can due to their lifestyle, spiritual level and surroundings. People who live near a forest are truly blessed.


Siddharta Buddha is my greatest friend.

Huh I have no idea who your talking about. I was comparing that person to no one just giving an example. I didn't say anything about monks taking drugs.
Well said. I couldn't imagine being a part of this even 10 years ago. The amount of collective knowledge that is on these websites has blown my mind, and even more so considering it's all recent. Still so much to learn.
If I'm to talk a bit about my own experiences, I can honestly consider myself fortunate, for being of a certain mindset and persona prior to attempting spiritual progress. The majority of my life, I innately had less than others. In the material sense, I had been dealt a rougher hand than many. At the same time, I benefited from having a younger mother who was, unlike most people's parents, extremely keen to guide me away from Xianity and such.

These two factors ended up playing a fairly intrinsic part, as nothing really helps that initial desire to begin pursuing the spiritual than the simple desire for more than what you had. In my experience, the majority of people here, at some stage or another, were people who were not content with their lot. My personal defining moment when I started taking this seriously was when I simply felt like I'd had enough of being at the mercy of things outside my control, though the hunger for spirituality for spirituality's sake quickly overgrew it the more my experiences stacked up.

I look back, years ago, when I was undertaking some of my first 80, 90, 100 day workings. I did get some pretty immense reaction from these, as I put my work on trying to improve certain aspects of my life I felt were poor. Undertaking these workings, and not failing, I had some pretty wonderful psychic experiences, even though I was still only an initiate, really. Thing is? Nothing really changed after the fact, at least, based on what I could see. Perhaps this would have crushed many's motivation, but the actual psychic feelings were enough for me to feel like keeping at it. The reality was far simpler, and fool was I for not seeing the sense of my own affirmation, as I ended it with "...in the best and most positive way for me." Simple fact was, what I wanted, if I received it at the time, would not have been in the best nor the most positive way for me. Not at all. In a way, my magic was smarter than I was. I'm able to look back on my "failure" with a sober mind, as it wasn't even a failure anyway, I simply laid down pathing for future benefit I wasn't yet able to see.

Even looking back a simple three years ago, my state now compared to then is borderline night and day. What I had in my favor was simple. A lot of people, when thinking of pursuing the spiritual, imagine some ascetic hindu yogi sitting naked in a cave, void meditating for twelve hours straight, and unwillingness to commit to such degrees drives some away. My success stemmed from, not longform meditation (though there is room for such, undeniably), but eking out every little moment I could. Some days, due to circumstancial reasons, I had to say, meditate waiting for a pizza, or outside in the park, or doing yoga right before I slept. Ultimately, these were little amounts on their own. 100 reps here, 40 reps there, ten minutes here, twenty minutes there, multiple times on any given day. Some people might think "what's the point of doing it unless I can do a lot?" I never had that. Whatever amount I could do, I did, and it stacked up.

Spiritual progression is a lot like lifting weights. The man who does a thousand lifts in one night stands to ruin his arms. The man who does twenty+ a day over the course of weeks, months, years, slowly building up, stands to succeed far more. To dispel some illusions, the union of the body and soul is a misunderstood thing. No matter how much you do, the reality of growth is, things take time. There are natural and spiritual mechanics at play which means that your development will always take time, and no matter how hard you throw yourself at the wall, all in one particular day or night, your evolution is still going to be a longterm thing. Even if you did do a thousand weightlifts in one night, you wouldn't wake up the next day with giant biceps.

Looking back, over the course of years, I've never, not once, woken up for the day without doing at least some working on myself, and warfare against the enemy. There's a lot of things I can criticize myself for, but this is not one of them. Consistency, more than anything else, has been my friend.

Reflecting on the JoS itself is interesting. Back when I was still purely in the unknown, when I first discovered the main site, and read the material, I eventually stumbled into the Daemons section, which listed all the names out as per the "Goetia" list. Without angling towards disrespect, I remember reading the section that talked about the "Demons being set free", and the vivid experiences listed of them unfurling their wings, having been "trapped", so on, so forth.

I remember, back when I read this, it didn't align with my own experiences, as I thought back to my childhood, and remembered some deeply personal, psychic interactions I had with the Gods and spirituality. I actually left the JoS site, for a few months, after having found it for the first time for this reason. I came back due to the insistence and guidance of my Guardian Astarte, who lead me to material that more properly aligned my own personal experiences with some of your own writings, Cobra. From there, I followed the material all the way until I'm at the point where I'm at now. For the most part, the majority of the "early JoS" material still present, I, amusingly, just sort of ignored it, honestly.

All in all, I can look at some aspects of myself, without sounding arrogant, as prodigal. Ultimately my pitfalls have stemmed from the fact that, if I look at my material life, I have created very little for myself. I've ignored most everything else for the sake of the spiritual. This was not exactly wisdom on my own part, as I'm fully aware. And that I can criticize as one of my faults. For how far I've come, I'm still aware of how much of a work in progress I still am. Though, in its own way, the humble state of my material existence serves as its own reminder and keeps any delusions at bay. Being born with inherited siddhis is a blessing, but, when one is young and first starting out, it can lead you to assuming you're more powerful than you are, and I experienced that myself, before I course corrected.
DeepScrub said:
Well said. I couldn't imagine being a part of this even 10 years ago. The amount of collective knowledge that is on these websites has blown my mind, and even more so considering it's all recent. Still so much to learn.

Me neither. If I was here 10 years ago, tbh, based on how my life was back then, it would've been a lot more difficult but it would've prevented so much shit in life, and by now I would've advanced a lot more at such a young age. Now it's like I have to really get serious and have patience to be able to work to strengthen my soul, deprogram, etc etc.
Obelisk said:
The story about salem was interesting. From your text you made obvious that he "fell". How do you know that? Just because he left the JOS? What if he decided to take the path of loneliness. Many indian monks/sadhus do that actually. Even Siddharta Buddha did once and spent a huge time alone in the forest. So how come you know this Salem guy "fell"?

Do you think it is possible to rise once you have fallen? I believe it is. I wonder where this person is at today. But seeing from your text you must be in your 30s or 40s as you have been here for a long time. It is still young though if you ask me. Most people live up to 70-100 well atleast if you have a healthy lifestyle.

This person started smoking methamphetamine and went insane. And with that dangerous of a drug, I would not be surprised if he let his soul get eaten by greys.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

That is interesting that you have addressed this topic more directly. In the past, I used to take everything way too personally in regards to my own abilities and expectations. Now I can see that I was not fully considering the circumstances, and this is not an easy, nor quick path.

You mention earth as being the first element one should develop, which makes a lot of sense and should be obvious when the notion of daily meditation for years is called for. It is ironic because Capricorn energies within a normie may make them reject any occult matters, but for us, such energies can be very useful in obtaining stable progress.

The above is why I have become very fascinated with earth in general. It seems like such strength to be able to carry out monotonous tasks with a minimal negative impact on the dopamine system.

I have been using Nauthiz for instilling these qualities within me for some time now, and will only continue, as I can see the first-hand results. We can also see these qualities within the Sun in Capricorn, or Mars in Capricorn, which are both available to do as Squares soon. Given that Saturn itself cannot be done, I think these are suitable substitutes.

Perhaps people may get alarmed at the idea of putting in so much effort, however, there are tools that make one more capable of doing that same effort anyway. So there is nothing really to fear, and anyone who is high air should be able to understand what I am describing anyway.

Anyway, thanks for your post. Don't feel like a bad guy, because without someone to be putting positive pressure on everyone, this place would surely lead to more Salem stunts.

Meteor said:
Whenever I think I understand myself, my mind surprises me again. In every change, I feel a sense of progression, but now I'm wondering if I'm really headed anywhere at all. Often I've simply gone full circle, ending up years later back where I started, feeling as though I made "progress" the entire way; and then I do it again. And it makes me feel ecstatic.

If I had even a clue of the bigger picture, how could I enjoy living like this to such an extent? Or could it be that my desire to see the bigger picture is the reason I wander around so much, thinking I might find it if I just explore every possibility?

I'm impulsive, reckless, whimsical; chaos incarnate, pretty much. Somehow I trudge onward despite the contradictions in my mind, but to where? I can't see my destination from here, but I often find myself enjoying the journey way too much to worry about that at all.

And I have to wonder, when I hear you saying all these mature, sensible things: am I really cut out to be a Satanist?
I'll have to find the answer to that myself.

The only thing you can do is keep progressing. Odds are you are probably being a little too hard on yourself, as well. Remember, any of these qualities can be created through workings, particularly Nauthiz which can be used for grounding, carrying out monotonous actions, and slowly working your way up the ladder.

Both the Sun and Mars will be in Capricorn soon, which you can do as a Square to bring those qualities to yourself. In this case, it is more like fire pushed through an earth filter, from which to make yourself more able to carry out a stable and responsible lifestyle.

So you can increase these qualities in you, whilst simultaneously trimming the negative aspects which may be pulling at your mental state. At that rate, it would be impossible to not see progress.

Bright Truth said:
Commander Cobra, what you tell, is really great knowledge and helps people a lot, I know from experince. But every people don't have enough earth element. Some people like me lacks of this. When I am happy and take results, I do my best work. But when I don't take results, I generally being depressive and end up doing things much less and perfunctory. Every day I think about myself: where I go wrong, what's the best way for me, how can I acquire success etc.

What you suggest to us, people who lacks earth. I know, many people leave this path because they can't take results and then just quit meditations. Fortunately, I had great passion and worked on my earth element and discipline, but it hasn't fix my depressive feelings when I see no result. Resultlessness, it just makes me more depressive. Thanks to your advices, I realized that I do my best work when I am happy. But nowadays I think I am at the end of my positive and optimist mindset. I have to get more earth qualities but you say invoking to soul is harmful when one is not master. Please let me know your advices. Thanks for everything you did for us.

Look at the signs and runes that represent earth, which are Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus and Nauthiz and Uruz, respectively. Doing planetary squares to invoke these energies, as well as using these runes, are much safer alternatives to invoking raw earth. However, using raw elements can still be done safely if you program it properly, but you are better off with the other options as more permanent solutions anyway.

What you describe as depression is probably just the lack of stimulation you get after repeating an action many times. This is the problem that earth fixes. Someone with high earth simply doesn't become as easily bored. Their brain doesn't get as "taxed" by doing these actions over and over.

While fire can be used to charge and fuel ones' ability to do an action, earth is what prevents willpower from draining and becoming low. Both can be used to increase your overall productivity, in that regard.

Now looking at your solutions:

Nauthiz: "Nauthiz is a rune of endurance and will. The mental strength to last."

Uruz: "It is masculine in nature and gives strength, endurance and athleticism."

or for upcoming planetary Squares:

Sun in Capricorn Dec 21st: "Capricorns have a tremendous sense of endurance. They are the ones who outlast everyone else.... They are reliable and practical. They can also be cold hearted and ruthless. They have a serious nature and are hard working."

Mars in Capricorn Jan 25th: "Mars in Capricorn gives a methodical nature, along with plenty of perseverance and endurance. This placement can offset the scattered energies and lack of follow through of planets in mutable signs. There can be workaholic tendencies, along with a talent for business.... They are efficient, practical, responsible, self-disciplined, and reliable."
Some magicians, they can shoot a spell, and without being aware of these laws or where they sit, if it works a giant miracle, they think that they are Gods. Yet, as years pass, this ability may wane off or die out [or it might happen once in their life]. That is because of lack of knowledge.
This is much more complex than it seems.

When I was new, I had a shitty mindset, a shitty lifestyle, shitty goals, was inconstant in meditation, etc. I had a shitty attitude.

But in spite of all that, I did things that might have seemed miraculous.

Today I have much more power, I have resolved most of my traumas, I have a much cleaner aura, I have a routine that I follow scrupulously, a much healthier lifestyle, etc. I have a lot more power.

It's been almost 10 years since I was new, my life has changed, I've changed, I have a healthier mind, I lead a more comfortable life etc.

But there's something very strange, it's as if although I now have more power and awareness, there are a huge amount of extra obstacles, I don't really know how to explain it.

It's as if before I was able to do everything more easily even though I was getting things of lesser value, it seemed that by snapping my fingers everything I wanted would happen, but now I get things of greater value but I always have to sweat them out even though they are more lasting and stable.

It's as if things were going with less effort, I can'to explain it better.
In the last year and a half I've had an infinite number of difficulties, which I overcame with difficulty and once I had overcome them I found myself at a higher point.
I don't want to sound listless, but why all these obstacles?

I have various hypotheses about this

-extremely positive transitions when I was new.
-extra help when I was new
Blitzkreig said:

That is interesting that you have addressed this topic more directly. In the past, I used to take everything way too personally in regards to my own abilities and expectations. Now I can see that I was not fully considering the circumstances, and this is not an easy, nor quick path.

You mention earth as being the first element one should develop, which makes a lot of sense and should be obvious when the notion of daily meditation for years is called for. It is ironic because Capricorn energies within a normie may make them reject any occult matters, but for us, such energies can be very useful in obtaining stable progress.

The above is why I have become very fascinated with earth in general. It seems like such strength to be able to carry out monotonous tasks with a minimal negative impact on the dopamine system.

I have been using Nauthiz for instilling these qualities within me for some time now, and will only continue, as I can see the first-hand results. We can also see these qualities within the Sun in Capricorn, or Mars in Capricorn, which are both available to do as Squares soon. Given that Saturn itself cannot be done, I think these are suitable substitutes.



I have done like 40+ squares of Saturn. Needless to say, these might not be "pleasant" in a broad way, but they are very pleasant if you are ready to understand errors and other things, or want to give yourself a solid ground.

I don't regret doing any of these.

Regardless I would advise care because dealing with these energies requires persistence. But it's very rewarding. Nauthiz is very similar to this energy.
SS66610888 said:
Some magicians, they can shoot a spell, and without being aware of these laws or where they sit, if it works a giant miracle, they think that they are Gods. Yet, as years pass, this ability may wane off or die out [or it might happen once in their life]. That is because of lack of knowledge.
I don't want to sound listless, but why all these obstacles?

I have various hypotheses about this

-extremely positive transitions when I was new.
-extra help when I was new

That is very difficult to explain in one single response, that needs a topic about itself. I know what you describe. Just consider also this occurring is natural, nothing to be worried over.

All young SS and new initiates do get the Gods on them more than a person in passing time does. That's sort of like being walked around Hogwarts in a simplified way to put it.

Yes, the major help of the Gods has a lot to do with this. They can help people by showing them it's all real.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SS66610888 said:
Some magicians, they can shoot a spell, and without being aware of these laws or where they sit, if it works a giant miracle, they think that they are Gods. Yet, as years pass, this ability may wane off or die out [or it might happen once in their life]. That is because of lack of knowledge.
I don't want to sound listless, but why all these obstacles?

I have various hypotheses about this

-extremely positive transitions when I was new.
-extra help when I was new

That is very difficult to explain in one single response, that needs a topic about itself. I know what you describe. Just consider also this occurring is natural, nothing to be worried over.

All young SS and new initiates do get the Gods on them more than a person in passing time does. That's sort of like being walked around Hogwarts in a simplified way to put it.

Yes, the major help of the Gods has a lot to do with this. They can help people by showing them it's all real.
thanks for your answer.
I remember once you wrote a sermon, describing that there are various levels of advancement, and before moving on to the next level and seeing all the fruits of your work sometimes you feel stuck, maybe that's it too.
Obelisk said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obelisk said:
The story about salem was interesting. From your text you made obvious that he "fell". How do you know that? Just because he left the JOS? What if he decided to take the path of loneliness. Many indian monks/sadhus do that actually. Even Siddharta Buddha did once and spent a huge time alone in the forest. So how come you know this Salem guy "fell"?

Do you think it is possible to rise once you have fallen? I believe it is.

The doing of some people inside a forest that never mattered for earth I don't care about. These are bogus stories most of the time to compensate for these idiots being useless.

You first have to define what "useful" means. Inspiring millions of people to find their inner peace doesnt seem useless to me. If the whole world would find inner peace and would follow the teachings of Siddharta Buddha then wars would technically not even happen and the whole world would be an utopie. Obviously I wrote "if" just for the sake of argument. That is unrealistic in the society we live in today. Technology has developed but humankind has underdeveloped. If this has a deeper reason or an organisation of fault behind it, doesnt really matter, what matters is the affect it has on earth.

Throwing around theories that seem logical will not fix the issue. If you cant influence millions of people you wont really change the world. Power and money rule the world. Siddharta Buddha influenced millions of people - he was a great human being. The people meditating in forests may be "selfish" but that is not something bad, they dont care about the problems of this world. Because paying attention to that will just drain you. Anything what is prioritizing your attention in a negative way is not good for you. By throwing away the media, throwing away people you get into a status of your full self and you are able to find hidden things or unlock them in you that you never even knew before. This is where the true magick and your true potentials awaken.

You are right... You dont save the world by this. The only thing that saves the world is money and power (which means basically influence). But this corrupted system is corrupt and well organized so it wont be possible to save the world unless you become a part of them and trick them and destroy them from the inside... but then again even that seems hard as they have their own secret methods and well thought managements. For example I believe it was the Rothschild family they will only allow family members to achieve high ranks. You simply must be born in the family... But I believe you already know about this.

You have to be chosen to save this world. You have to be born with the genius, with the potential. The internet is a great source of power indeed but it needs more than that to save the world. Very important are the younger generations. Influence them and you basically have saved the future. Children are the future. The most powerful method is luckily the media and internet and everybody has the power there to build a huge empire. You dont need money for that, you need the right methods and most importantly you have to be chosen.
I don't know if you know this or not but Siddhartha Gautama learnt under various different Yogic schools before creating his own brand and becoming a cult leader. He has done more damage than good and this can be assessed if you read what he's preaching. He did not become liberated. He gained magical oratory ability and started a Sycophantic Cult. There's nothing in his teachings that show anything of value.

He has removed all of the spiritual practices of Yoga and filled it with metaphysical mumbo jumbo most of which is wrong. He's also a big proponent of Voiding Everything out all emotions, detaching and that's not how spiritual Liberation is reached. The only true path to Liberation is Tantric, more specifically Kundalini yoga. Most of this metaphysical bs is useless. We reject the Buddha and most of his teachings.

We follow the Tantric path ,the Buddhist path is going to lead to downfall. And no Tibetan Buddhism is not "Buddhism" of Gautama Buddha. Those Tibetans already had the practices and integrated them into Buddhism ,not the other way around.
This is a lot like my situation. Your sermon made me decide to stop smoking. If I only can keep to this decision. I always fail at this. I usually have enough will power to keep by my decision for about a month longest. Then I start forgetting the seriousness about what it is I'm trying to accomplish anyway I'm going to try.

Thank you for caring HP Hooded Cobra
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This place was an asylum of insane people that didn't know what to expect over the years when "we" began. In HPS Maxine's starting times, it was even weirder.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very true and well written Commander as always, you are very knowledgeable and talented.
I feel like your soul loves to help others, but because the majority is unfortunately stupid and ignorant (sometimes i forget in what society we live in when i am outside), you had to distance yourself a bit and be more harsh and reserved.
For me personally, spiritually and psychologically i work the best when my physical matters are in balance and harmony.
It is true, we were programmed like baby crackheads :lol: I want it now!
But through this path i feel like a real human being, free and i can achieve anything with patience and work.
Just doing simple Satan's Magickal Squares everyday makes me more disciplined.
You are right about a false sense of security, i learned it the hard way a month ago by cutting part of my finger and damaging my nerve. Since then i am doing the JoS Protection Ritual regularly.
If you could look into my topic: Heart Chakra?
particularly my last post, i would appreciate it.
All the best.
Your leadership is unmatched & invaluable to JoS. My father also believed in discipline and cleaning toilets with toothbrushes and all that and as a grown person I see how it saved my ass, although there's a sweet-spot for it, not everything can be changed from discipline. There is a Satyricon song that goes, "I am a hammer and you are the anvil". You are showing people here the path to becoming an over-all better person and not just changing them into someone else. I've had people from my past over the years ask me what my secret is or how I got my shit together so fast and I wish I could tell them. It's strange how people join 12-step programs, clubs, brotherhoods and etc when the culture of personal growth should be the mainstream attitude in the first place but I can understand that some might be traumatized with a disciplinary leadership that went to far, maybe with physical violence on a state level or in being convinced they were no good to begin with. The missing element in those is you clearly care about the people here and are like a family member to us and for me personally, you've made me a better man and I can't thank you enough for that.
What I understand is that if you don't know the alphabet you won't be able to read and write. if you dont know that basic you wont be able to even learn another language.

When I went to gym it didn't take a month to growth my muscle but years.

That is the reason I still doing breathing exercise and void meditation. No need to rush, no need to be and stupid asshole.
I think a mental training session would be good for beginners. Like the 40-day meditation program.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What a beautiful sermon thank you very much HPHC
Wonderful sermon. Thank you.
I was one of those people who could not process the information properly back then.

It certainly was not because of a lack of warning from HPS Maxine as she claimed many times the mind must be worked first before anything else. The knowledge has been in the JoS all along but some people just need a more elaborate approach considering certain karmic issues some people are brought into this world with.

Reading your Old Writings just now, it makes me sad that when I was younger I did not put in the effort to at least read all of what you were writing back then, I certainly would have benefited greatly as it was just what I needed. I definitely lacked the consistency that this path requires. Regardless, it helps me now, some of the inner battles have been fought and won through sheer force of will, but the fight never ceases and I look forward to read all of your writings and learn all that I can from you. You truly are an amazing source of inspiration and you have motivated me in many levels and made me a more aware and humble being, and for that I am eternally grateful. This journey has been like being born again. Re-reading the JoS through the eyes of today, helped me learn the lessons that I missed back then.

This time around knowing about my characteristics on a soul level and actively tapping into my Earth/Saturnian qualities was definitely pivotal in overcoming the major obstacles of the mind allowing me to apply your knowledge and HPS Maxine's in a better and more effective way.

Planning for next year, I have actually been wondering about the Saturn Square, I have worked on Saturn through Nauthiz and Munka and I lived through it and deeply helped me at the end of it, I learned the needed lessons. But I want more. So thank you for your testimony on that as well.

Hail Satan!
Hail Astarte!
I always felt I was lacking in some mental abilities, and I did working to get my mind there, but almost a zero result. I see so many people that are mentally better than me yet I surpass them in far in spiritual power, that has been my edge over them, yet I find it sad and incomplete.
It's great you talk about it, but we have to get started, can we get started? What are we waiting for?
I have noticed in your posts and HPS Maxine's manner of writing the strength of mentality and I could barely find it in any other members. I want to be better. Can we just begin, even on the soul meditations. It's frustrating taking in raw power and little utilization. I think people's lives are getting fucked and they're just trying to hold it together while we wait......
I haven't been here nearly as long as some, and I joined after most of the "weirdness" had already been ironed out.

Yet I also experienced similar delusional things in the beginning, and in my earliest years as an SS I started going down the wrong path entirely. Not much different from Salem, except for the drugs which I've never considered taking since I always knew to avoid blatantly destructive things.

I was wasting my power, and wasting my advancement. I was meddling with advanced subjects and energies I didn't understand, and fried myself unknowingly, only to be confused why any of this happened.

I had to take many steps back and begin anew, first to build an unshakable foundation before I tried to build a palace.

This setback wouldn't have needed to happen if I had listened better to the Gods, and to the advices of you and Maxine, yet it was mostly unavoidable because my mentality was warped and immature at that time, no amount of advice got through to me since I didn't truly understand it, I just thought I knew it all since I saw myself as someone above the curve, which I may have been in some aspects, but I failed to recognize where and how much I was lacking, while I kept empowering myself all the way.

When one works with the elements or with certain advanced meditations, without understanding them and without understanding the self, it is nigh impossible to direct these properly.

The energies will just take you for a ride and empower any aspects of the individual it encounters, also the parts that are lacking or warped.

One only amplifies imbalance and creates dissonance within the self, which eventually causes any advancement to fail in its entirety, and is difficult to set straight without taking numerous steps back and completely rebuilding yourself from the ground up after a certain point.

I experienced that to some extent and had to learn a lot of lessons here to fundamentally change my mentality and approach to advancement.

Self realization, reflection and introspection as well as mental stability and equilibrium regardless of any circumstance one finds themselves in are equally important as any meditation and absolutely necessary before one can expect to experience deep or high advancement.

The advanced meditations on the JoS are also to be taken seriously, rather than to be jumped at because one is interested to try, or because one perceives themselves as advanced while in reality one may not even understand the starting line.

When I was new I thought I understood, when really I was plagued by ignorance which cost me many years.

Yet by sticking to this path and not letting myself crumble under failures or mistakes, while also being open to learn of my mistakes and trying to understand where and how things went wrong, I rose out of this rather than ruin myself unlike what happened to many others and gained lasting power and understanding along the way that I never had before.
My first years as an SS was full of difficulties, I often found my self in a cycle of constant restarting my magical workings and meditation programs. This year I decided to change this so I got into serious self study and self exploration. I also stepped back from intermediate meditations and went back to the basics. For me it was a lot of work just to find out the obstacles that hold me back from my progress. I also realised I have to rise my consciousness and in order to do that I have to live every moment in my life in a conscious and focused state. (I remember there was a sermon about this subject.) This is incredibly difficult for me at the moment, but I made a lot of progress and finally I can say I will end this year with success.

I started this year with hating to meditate. Yes, it was a pain for me just to sit down for a 10 minute session and now, I actually can’t wait for my next session. Meditation finally feels good. It took me a year, but I did it! 😁

I really wanted to share this as this is thanks to you High Priest! I’m learning so much from your sermons! 😊❤️

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
