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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,

The Summer Solstice is upon us. As we all have seen, the Joy of Satan is rapidly expanding, and we are manifesting more and more the will of the Gods. The Summer Solstice is a good time to celebrate, and to look forward for more creative potential.

Among the anticipated works for this time, will be Azazel's Ritual. Now, these Rituals are designed to do many positive things. One of the important things, is to connect one's mind and opening up one's brain towards the Demon in question, esoterically.

Exoterically, it deals with undoing the work of the enemy and as praise to the God. There is more that is underlined here.

This enemy work against us, extends in very deep levels, which stand behind many problems Gentiles are currently undergoing, and these Rituals progressively work to fix the individual, the outer world, and give also proper glory to the Gods these praise.

The Ritual for Azazel, capstones right now the Rituals for the 4 Crowns. It is only fitting to put Azazel in the center for this Solstice, after all he has done for us collectively and for the Ministry.

For those that might not know, Azazel/Apollo has been a head instructor and helper for mankind for tens of thousands of years, and never abandoned humanity. This is mentioned even in literary work from the enemy about him, and the Ancient sources like Plutarch also mention this vividly.

Read more about Azazel/Apollo here:


His kind and loving side is very powerful, and his vengeful side is a terrifying sight. It is necessary that both are understood, and this Ritual will help towards this end. With all the RTR and schedule work we have done, now all of this can act as foundation for other and more important work.

Azazel is blessing us all with a lot of knowledge, and it's time to give back to whom who blesses us and our spiritual home.

Lastly, because as you can see, there is tireless work and expansion going on, help us do what the Gods want done, and do not forget the house of the Gods in this world. Donate and do your part so that we climb this very high mountain and attain necessary stability and resources what the Gods have required from us, so that we may all be free collectively.

Everything we do for this place, it will be returned to us for generations.

We will never stop until all the Gods are restored to full stature and until humanity can walk the path of the Gods again.


Below, there is a Ritual Schedule for us to follow:

[The Bold dates are for putting intense focus on the Rituals.]

20. Azazel's Power Ritual, Reversing the Curse Against the Goat [For Americans, the 20th at Night, can be taken as a Solstice can be taken as point to begin]
21. Azazel's Power Ritual, Reversing the Curse Against the Goat
22.Azazel's Power Ritual, Reversing the Curse Against the Goat

23. Azazel's Power Ritual, Reversing the Curse Against the Goat
24. Azazel's Power Ritual, Protect JoS Ritual
25. Azazel's Power Ritual, Protect JoS Ritual
26. Azazel's Power Ritual, Protect JoS Ritual
27. Azazel's Power Ritual, Wealth and Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
28. Azazel's Power Ritual, Wealth and Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
29. Azazel's Power Ritual, Wealth and Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
30. Azazel's Power Ritual, Wealth and Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual

Links to the Rituals:

Azazel's Power Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Azazel_Power_Ritual.html

Reverse Curse Against Goat Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Lev_16_22.html

Protect JOS Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/JOS_Protection_Runes.html

Wealth and Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/ProsperityRitualRunes.html


Start by Vibrate: Fehu x10, Lagur x10, Berkano x10

Beautiful Azazel, Renown Apollo, Blessed is your Name and Glorified.
You are Harmony, Truly Existing One
Brighter are you than the sun, your rays are the seats of wisdom
Even the Sun will say when He sees you: Behold, for Lord Apollo is coming!

[Focus on the sigil, see the light, and will this so]

I call you by your Name: A, ZA, AZAZIL, ZAZIL , ON , APOLLON, ZAZIL, AZAZIL, ZA, A!
Then Vibrate: Ansuz x10, Sowilo x10, Algiz x10

Today, we lift all curses and attacks against your Holy Name,
We remove all sins that have been falsely sent to you.

Cleansed are you Apollo Azazel, divine shepherd of the Goats
Your name is Detached from all Corrupted Notions, lies and slander,
Now and Permanently!

[Focus on the sigil, see the light, and will this so]

Then Vibrate: Odthal x10, Mannaz x10, Eihwaz x10

In Sumeria they call you, Udu,
In Hellas they spoke to you with great hymns, lovely Apollo,
In Babylon, the Sun was shaking on the hearing of your Name, Shammash
In Egypt, you are the Hidden Sun of Re
Your are now Azazel,
Your Name is whole, divided and undivided!

[Focus on the sigil, see the light, and will this so]

Then Vibrate: Kenaz x10, Sowilo x10, Wunjo x10

You play the Divine Hymn and Harp,
Everlasting is the joy of your followers,
When you arrive, all pain and perils depart
You break the chains of ignorance in your followers!

Blessed is your Name, Apollo Azazel!

[Focus on the sigil, see the light, and will this so]

Then Vibrate: Tiwaz x10, Sowilo x10, Thurisaz x10

All curses that have been sent against you are lifted, returned in full to your enemies
All those who attacked you and slandered you have their sins returned back to them,
All who confessed their sins on your Holy Goat are covered in their own sins eternally.

All hatred sent against your Name and your divine Goats, is now backfired
onto the Jews and those who alongside them have slandered you and your Holy Name APOLLO, AZAZEL.

[Focus on the sigil, see the light, and will this so]

Then Vibrate: Algiz x10, Sowilo x10, Berkano x10

Azazel, you have been returned to your stature and your light,
We can see the hidden sun, the brightest one,
Those who curse you are cursed tenfold,
Those who bless you are blessed tenfold,
Infinitely powerful is the Shenu around you, eternal living sun!

[Focus on the sigil, see the light, and will this so]

---Vibrate x10 times : A-PO-LON [AAAAAA-PO-LOOOOOOON] while focusing on the Sigil below, seeing it brighten more and more with whitegold light.

Then Affirm 3 times:






Then, close the Ritual, saying ONCE:


Amazing! Let's go!
It is long time since i want to take revenge for all the goats sacrified in their rituals against azazel

Thank you azazel for all you have done and still do for us, i will give my eternity to payback to the powers of hell

NovaEra 666 said:
We will do the Azazel's Ritual again on Yom Kippur?

With luck they will get caught in one of their rituals somewhere and have this exposed to the whole world. This year I will visualize that during final rtr that time of year.

But yeah I was thinking this would be a good time to do this ritual I kind of thought we were waiting for then to release it.

I really don't think I have much if any connection with this God but I enjoy the rituals anyways and helping out.
That's great, thank you.

I confess that I have done it once.
Very good ritual, and Hail Azazel!
Can't wait to get started! I've been wondering, are we also doing a ritual for Thoth?
I was almost out of breath when I saw AZAZEL's ritual posted. I actually had to tell my self to relax. Hahaha, justice is served.
Thank you Cobra for everything you do for us. Hail Azazel!
Luckily I can do these rituals now, I was worried I couldn't for some situations.
Is the Frtr always on the schedule or we just need to focus only on these rituals?
slyscorpion said:
NovaEra 666 said:
We will do the Azazel's Ritual again on Yom Kippur?

With luck they will get caught in one of their rituals somewhere and have this exposed to the whole world. This year I will visualize that during final rtr that time of year.

But yeah I was thinking this would be a good time to do this ritual I kind of thought we were waiting for then to release it.

I really don't think I have much if any connection with this God but I enjoy the rituals anyways and helping out.

I agree enough of the reptilian jews scapegoating,(oy vey goyims believeses us wes not bes sacrifices to hwhy believeses...........)

anyway I'm all in on Azazel's Ritual,

Azazel thank you for all you do for humanity

Hail Satan
Hail Azazel
Hail amon
My favorite times of the year these are. It's exciting to finally be able to do a ritual for Lord Azazel.

Something I've wondered, since countries of other areas of the world will be in winter currently so having their Winter Solstice, whereas here it's the Summer Solstice - how does this work in terms of ritual schedules?
Cursed are those who bless Israel.
Blessed are those who curse Israel.

Hail Satan
Heil Hitler
hi. I am a beginner with beginning meditations and I never done runic meditation before (they are Intermediate meditation). but this ritual have runic and I really want to do this ritual. no problem?
Hail Satan!
Satnam666 said:
slyscorpion said:
NovaEra 666 said:
We will do the Azazel's Ritual again on Yom Kippur?

With luck they will get caught in one of their rituals somewhere and have this exposed to the whole world. This year I will visualize that during final rtr that time of year.

But yeah I was thinking this would be a good time to do this ritual I kind of thought we were waiting for then to release it.

I really don't think I have much if any connection with this God but I enjoy the rituals anyways and helping out.

I agree enough of the reptilian jews scapegoating,(oy vey goyims believeses us wes not bes sacrifices to hwhy believeses...........)

anyway I'm all in on Azazel's Ritual,

Azazel thank you for all you do for humanity

Hail Satan
Hail Azazel
Hail amon

Yes, it's about time this stops. Azazel, esoterically, also is the collective soul of Gentiles in their symbol, and relates strongly with our Sun God, which has to do with happiness, joy, understanding etc.

luis said:
Luckily I can do these rituals now, I was worried I couldn't for some situations.
Is the Frtr always on the schedule or we just need to focus only on these rituals?

Because of this occasion, the priority should be Azazel's Ritual, Reverse Goat, and then the Final RTR. Because this Ritual must be done by all of us.

tabby said:
My favorite times of the year these are. It's exciting to finally be able to do a ritual for Lord Azazel.

Something I've wondered, since countries of other areas of the world will be in winter currently so having their Winter Solstice, whereas here it's the Summer Solstice - how does this work in terms of ritual schedules?

Only the name changes, the fundamental underlying event is exactly the same for all locales.

erick_erick said:
hi. I am a beginner with beginning meditations and I never done runic meditation before (they are Intermediate meditation). but this ritual have runic and I really want to do this ritual. no problem?

You can try, and if it is too early for you, then to do not worry. You can do at a later date.

slyscorpion said:

I really don't think I have much if any connection with this God but I enjoy the rituals anyways and helping out.

That can be the case for others and other Gods, it's normal. It's actually a very good opportunity to get to know Azazel a little better. The Gods also help everyone indiscriminately, even if we like them or understand this or not.

Azazel is wonderful.
For those that might not know, Azazel/Apollo has been a head instructor and helper for mankind for tens of thousands of years, and never abandoned humanity. This is mentioned even in literary work from the enemy about him, and the Ancient sources like Plutarch also mention this vividly.

Read more about Azazel/Apollo here:


His kind and loving side is very powerful, and his vengeful side is a terrifying sight. It is necessary that both are understood, and this Ritual will help towards this end. With all the RTR and schedule work we have done, now all of this can act as foundation for other and more important work.

Azazel is blessing us all with a lot of knowledge, and it's time to give back to whom who blesses us and our spiritual home.

He has the sweetest, greatest, and most beautiful energy imaginable. His loving side is truly powerful, especially with the Gentiles and, most importantly, the Satanists. Meditating on his sigil and names always gives me power and peace. 💙💙
As a God of justice, i did not expected He had such beautiful and kind side. :)

It as like a Father's love to me.

This ritual is really great.

I have another question. set is my guardian demon and I love it. as I read in jos, he is one of 7 sons of father satan and he is black. why father satan is white but set is black? in forum someone said set is white but in past when I asked for my guardian demon, I watch a movie that a black man named set.
Up to now I refrained myself from looking at His ritual because I knew this day would come!
Sieg Heil!
This is perfect

Cheers HPHC :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because of this occasion, the priority should be Azazel's Ritual, Reverse Goat, and then the Final RTR. Because this Ritual must be done by all of us.

Noted, thanks, and just count me in as usual!
As I may have missed something, is the FRTR still on daily schedule for all of us on standard days before and after this schedule? I am doing it on daily basis.
I found it It was spelled a little different. I downloaded all of the German and Icelandic mp3s of them. So I should get it right.
I found it It was spelled a little different. I downloaded all of the German and Icelandic mp3s of them. So I should get it right.
https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html . I was able to use this and download the mp3s, with the runes and symbols.
Finally I've been anxious without a schedule for so long.

And don't forget to put this on the banner of the site.
Wow, just reading the ritual text made me feel a lot of positive and joyful energy. Now that I will perform the ritual, it will surely be very powerful as an experience.
Hail Azazel, Hail Crowned Princes, Hail all the Demons of Hell!
Hail Azazel! Blessed be the Goats!

Thank you, the ritual is extraordinary! Manifested Excellence!

Let's make history and make our Gods proud of our existence!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
