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Certain Problems That Cannot Resolve

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Maybe among the most important questions everyone is sending me or asking me about, is generally about certain non resolvable problems.

Theoretically speaking, all problems in this planet and existence can and certainly are able to be solved. One needs knowledge and application, then they will solve.

However in the literal material reality, certain problems cannot solve or they will take such extraordinary amount of effort, energy and knowledge to be solved, that quite often these are not really present, or really not worth to focus upon in the passing of one's life.

The key to having a better life is to actually find the problems in it that are worth solving, and going to solve them, or putting your heart, time and mind where these problems can be solved.

In another way, we should check what problems we can actually solve, and how. Many many years years ago, I had a distant family member who was into alcoholism, beat their wife, the whole nine yards. Given they were distant family, I was not that much obligated to help, but out of mercy for his wife, I tried and did a few things, improving the situation, yet, ultimately, never solving it.

To "solve" it, I would need to literally mind re-wire them. To fix them, I would need who knows how much money, time, support, whatever; and maybe their issue would never solve at all.

The excuse was that they needed more time, more money, more this, more that, to "solve" their problem. The situation is however that oftentimes people have to solve their own problems, too. I am pretty certain many of you have encountered similar circumstances.

You know, family and all, I tried, to a reasonable extent. Didn't really produce the anticipated results whatsoever. The same time of effort, finances, emotional energy, care, wisdom, can easily fall elsewhere and produce green and beautiful forests, rife with life, rather than be thrown into the pit of nothingness where people are impeccably and immovably decided to fail eternally.

If we can help ourselves, and help other people massively, like the Joy of Satan does, then we know we are opening a path to self betterment. Wasteful situations such as the above have to be avoided towards people who are not deserving it. I am sure more than a few SS here, have at least a few wasteful situations like mine from many years ago. My best advice: Don't fall into this trap.

The same amount of power, time and energy, given into the JoS, would certainly heal far many more people and lives.

My 50$ back then which cost me didn't really help this person get out of alcoholism, it again became boose and stupidity. The same amount of mental energy, effort and help, produced far more greater outcomes in the common endeavor here.

Long story short, I am trying to illustrate that we must all pick our problems and our battles in this life, because if we are to be judged by how much we have helped by the Gods, we must keep in our minds where we can best be of help of others and to ourselves.

Certain unsolvable problems must be left to themselves, to escalate, as they are the choice of decisions other people have to solve. As Spiritual Satanist, we must learn to solve our issues and those of others, but we can in no way carry their whole destiny on our backs. That is another thing to remember when one is confronted with certain circumstances like this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This is a hard, but important lesson of Saturn, which is to be able to discern where to invest our energies.

However, it does not have to be looked at in a necessarily sad or harsh light: In reality, I believe Saturn simply calls for patience. What I mean is, is that these people or situations will be solved eventually, just not now.

Instead of looking at this as a situation where your friends or family are being abandoned, I view it like you are taking the true route to help them. This route can temporarily appear to move away from them, but it can come back later, even if that takes decades.

I had made a post recently when I referred to having patience on this path, or in relation to the Gods. Not getting an immediate bag of gold from Satan doesn't mean he isn't actively working to improve your wealth, or even the wealth of humanity. It just means there is a delay.

So people use terms like "tough love", when in reality it is like delayed or deferred love. Saturn does what it has to in order to protect us, or protect what we love, not ruin it.

People view Capricorn as being totally opposed to Cancer, but they are different ends of the same spectrum, with the spectrum itself dealing with matters of survival and safety of something.
The person who raises hand on a woman despite of what state: drunk, non-drunk, whatever, is not a human. They need no help because they are already happy. The only living human who screamed for your help was the woman and she was the only one who needed your bucks to live in a street and not be caught and forced returned by this animal. The only people who suffer in these situations are the relatives, children, pets, friends and those pour people who happen to financially or in any way physically depend on these monsters and can't run away. Them and them only. Not the monsters. Monsters are willing and happy to proceed the show because it is not them who is in pain, but another. THEY are not beaten up every day by a monster. THEY are not raped or traded, they are those WHO beat. These need burn alive and this is the only help they need and ask for.

Those who need help are those who PHYSICALLY can't make needed action despite of how they try: children, women etc. Humans are social animals, women are extremely less than men and need their protection to live human-like life. Life without man's protection is that of an abused pet. This is a law of physics you can never trespass: if you leave her without your protection she will die at the hands of other less sensible beings.

Its like you know what issues we are facing, high priest, abd then boom, you make a great post about it.
It's tragic indeed how we even as SS, are helpless in some cases and can't really do much.
:D Food for thought . I love this! ❤️ Sometimes I can't help telling myself how blessed I am to have the problems that I have! And the problems that I was born with that I gradually learn to get to know little by little laugh out loud :D as I got older. What is worth holding on to? And what is worth letting go making those decisions as a little kid especially when it comes to dealing with these little Hang-Ups that we grow so attached to because either they're the most problematic? Something your mom or your dad said in one of those situations those misunderstandings! That sometimes heard us worse than an actual slap in the face.. and not paying attention to the bigger ones that approach a lot of us walk around with their head in the clouds trying to take care of these little silly misunderstandings and not fully aware of what's going on around us!? Off the times that is why people see things about us that we're not aware of and these little things that we don't pay attention to the draws on the unexpected insults and comments and gives people the upper hand to judge you who you are and what you are simply because you carry all that weight on your shoulder? And wonder why some people have a struggle getting through life especially when it comes to the business world relationship issues and so many more! When people just need to learn to sit and think about these things before they get all blowing out of shape and going into a screaming fit just because somebody else has got their shit! I can relate to this in so many ways! How many times I have seen myself and other people through the actions and the behavior of others wondering what I need to change about myself? And going over in my head? How many times I can't stand this person or what irritates me about this person or that person? To find out that I have or probably have the same qualities? That is why people should not judge one another! And that is why people should try to worry about themselves and their own problems? And spend more time perfecting! Or unlocking their mind and their Mysteries and see what you can discover within yourself!? When you shut yourself away from other people and their problems for once and for all if you want to improve yourself one must need to learn to love his or herself including your own flaws and when you do whatever little problems or whatever fly you may or may not have? Me not be that big of a deal and if other people are reacting? It's because they still have their problems to deal with and we all get tested and challenged every day with their mind and how we Overlook things and how we take action letting these problems form to begin with because of our lack of understanding with ourselves which a lot of people have throughout these past 10 and 15 years instead of making a big deal out of what other people do or say? Maybe they need to consider having self control by learning how to get along with themselves and overcoming some of their handicaps and their disabilities? By simply starting with the basic and what got them there in the first place? And learning how to accept the fact that you have a handicap and everyone is going to be challenged with something and that is what creates character! In strength and self-worth! There is always room for improvement! :D And empowerment! ❤️ This is beautifully written ! Thank Brother HP HoodedCobra666 for sharing this sermon. 🌞
This is a hard pill to swallow for people who are naturally inclined to want to help out people in general to get ahead and stop the toxic crap they are into.

It can get really frustrating and sad seeing the people in need not want to get out of the rut and continue doing the negative actions.

You are 100% right though that it's smarter to put this energy where it matters and this place is the best for it and for those outside of here to find an outlet where their caring energy will help out those that deserve it.
Long before I came to SS, I wasted a lot of time on someone with a horrendous mental disorder who fucked me and my friends over anyway. My ignorance and stupidity on this was paid for. As HPS Maxine said: don't be a sucker.

Very severe National Socialist perceptions on certain mental disorders were correct. The Weimar Republic spent endless amounts of money on these people who were pushed into cramped and filthy conditions due to their overabundance, left to degenerate like factory farmed animals, and for what?

When it comes to healing and biokinesis... magic wand theories about how it simply must be easier to heal a disorder of the soul and mind in tandem than it is to heal physical disorders do not correlate to reality.

Being an uncharitable asshole refusing to help others on superficial matters is one thing, but sometimes you need to pay heed to your Saturn. Discrimination and being 'cruel' can save your life.
In the bible King David hid in the Philistines army pretending to be one of them, ( infiltrator ), killing the Philistines . The Christians claim there are Christians, (, JEWS, ????, ), in the Beast government system. Now,,, back to us, https://www.mediaforjustice.net/how-to-spot-an-agent-provocateur-in-your-movement/ . This might help to spot them here.
Okay i understand, so is not about problems that cant be solved but knowing where to prioritise your efforts to take the best advantage of your energies and actually solve problems that are at your level.

Like a person who has poor family members but you cant help them until you first find yourself in a very stable situation, which is in this case the first problem.

Assuming in this example i present, if you try to help your family member when you havent help yourself first you just end up as poor as them and unable to help anymore.

So having this on mind, it becomes like a game where you just cant go for the final boss just starting, but have to fight first with some low level monsters (improving oneself) to scale your capabilities step by step to eventually solve higher level quests (problems).
Wow, these always seem to come at the right times. I can relate to a lot of the points stated. I think my problem is I have the tendency to believe alot of my problems can’t be solved so I don’t even try or deep down expect not much results. I guess that’s what happens when you been dealing with problems for a long time.
Yeah I know .. I stopped put other people problems on my shoulders.. I give them the advice they accept it it’s okay they didn’t accept it it’s okay too 😌
Yeah I know .. I stopped put other people problems on my shoulders.. I give them the advice they accept it it’s okay they didn’t accept it it’s okay too 😌
Staying focused here helps the world as a whole come out from the curses it's under.

And for the self we tie into the occultic and group energy vortex.
Karnonnos said:
Long before I came to SS, I wasted a lot of time on someone with a horrendous mental disorder who fucked me and my friends over anyway. My ignorance and stupidity on this was paid for. As HPS Maxine said: don't be a sucker.

Very severe National Socialist perceptions on certain mental disorders were correct. The Weimar Republic spent endless amounts of money on these people who were pushed into cramped and filthy conditions due to their overabundance, left to degenerate like factory farmed animals, and for what?

When it comes to healing and biokinesis... magic wand theories about how it simply must be easier to heal a disorder of the soul and mind in tandem than it is to heal physical disorders do not correlate to reality.

Being an uncharitable asshole refusing to help others on superficial matters is one thing, but sometimes you need to pay heed to your Saturn. Discrimination and being 'cruel' can save your life.

I think for this same reason the gods prefer to get closer to people with clean souls, i understand your point
balo666 said:
Karnonnos said:
Long before I came to SS, I wasted a lot of time on someone with a horrendous mental disorder who fucked me and my friends over anyway. My ignorance and stupidity on this was paid for. As HPS Maxine said: don't be a sucker.

Very severe National Socialist perceptions on certain mental disorders were correct. The Weimar Republic spent endless amounts of money on these people who were pushed into cramped and filthy conditions due to their overabundance, left to degenerate like factory farmed animals, and for what?

When it comes to healing and biokinesis... magic wand theories about how it simply must be easier to heal a disorder of the soul and mind in tandem than it is to heal physical disorders do not correlate to reality.

Being an uncharitable asshole refusing to help others on superficial matters is one thing, but sometimes you need to pay heed to your Saturn. Discrimination and being 'cruel' can save your life.

I think for this same reason the gods prefer to get closer to people with clean souls, i understand your point

Yes brother. Essentially the Gods can be close to all of us, no matter how deep in need, the situation is however when people don't walk the path, then they throw their own self off the rails of how they can best connect or bring the Gods into their lives.

The above being done for very long intervals simply keeps expanding on the distance of this false directional motion away from the Gods, causing all the negative consequences that come with it.
Karnonnos said:
Long before I came to SS, I wasted a lot of time on someone with a horrendous mental disorder who fucked me and my friends over anyway. My ignorance and stupidity on this was paid for. As HPS Maxine said: don't be a sucker.

Very severe National Socialist perceptions on certain mental disorders were correct. The Weimar Republic spent endless amounts of money on these people who were pushed into cramped and filthy conditions due to their overabundance, left to degenerate like factory farmed animals, and for what?

When it comes to healing and biokinesis... magic wand theories about how it simply must be easier to heal a disorder of the soul and mind in tandem than it is to heal physical disorders do not correlate to reality.

Being an uncharitable asshole refusing to help others on superficial matters is one thing, but sometimes you need to pay heed to your Saturn. Discrimination and being 'cruel' can save your life.
hi brother ..How to EXACTLY vibrate VISUDDHI and SATANAMA?..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe among the most important questions everyone is sending me or asking me about, is generally about certain non resolvable problems.

Theoretically speaking, all problems in this planet and existence can and certainly are able to be solved. One needs knowledge and application, then they will solve.

However in the literal material reality, certain problems cannot solve or they will take such extraordinary amount of effort, energy and knowledge to be solved, that quite often these are not really present, or really not worth to focus upon in the passing of one's life.

The key to having a better life is to actually find the problems in it that are worth solving, and going to solve them, or putting your heart, time and mind where these problems can be solved.

In another way, we should check what problems we can actually solve, and how. Many many years years ago, I had a distant family member who was into alcoholism, beat their wife, the whole nine yards. Given they were distant family, I was not that much obligated to help, but out of mercy for his wife, I tried and did a few things, improving the situation, yet, ultimately, never solving it.

To "solve" it, I would need to literally mind re-wire them. To fix them, I would need who knows how much money, time, support, whatever; and maybe their issue would never solve at all.

The excuse was that they needed more time, more money, more this, more that, to "solve" their problem. The situation is however that oftentimes people have to solve their own problems, too. I am pretty certain many of you have encountered similar circumstances.

You know, family and all, I tried, to a reasonable extent. Didn't really produce the anticipated results whatsoever. The same time of effort, finances, emotional energy, care, wisdom, can easily fall elsewhere and produce green and beautiful forests, rife with life, rather than be thrown into the pit of nothingness where people are impeccably and immovably decided to fail eternally.

If we can help ourselves, and help other people massively, like the Joy of Satan does, then we know we are opening a path to self betterment. Wasteful situations such as the above have to be avoided towards people who are not deserving it. I am sure more than a few SS here, have at least a few wasteful situations like mine from many years ago. My best advice: Don't fall into this trap.

The same amount of power, time and energy, given into the JoS, would certainly heal far many more people and lives.

My 50$ back then which cost me didn't really help this person get out of alcoholism, it again became boose and stupidity. The same amount of mental energy, effort and help, produced far more greater outcomes in the common endeavor here.

Long story short, I am trying to illustrate that we must all pick our problems and our battles in this life, because if we are to be judged by how much we have helped by the Gods, we must keep in our minds where we can best be of help of others and to ourselves.

Certain unsolvable problems must be left to themselves, to escalate, as they are the choice of decisions other people have to solve. As Spiritual Satanist, we must learn to solve our issues and those of others, but we can in no way carry their whole destiny on our backs. That is another thing to remember when one is confronted with certain circumstances like this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very true, HP! Thank you for so great and full of wisdom words
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very good post!

In my opinion, it is very important to distinguish between other people's problems and your own problems. If there are problems in the family, or in the circle of close people, then the problem can become a problem for every family member, for example, if a member who has a problem cannot solve it on his own, or her/him needs outside help to solve the problem.
Unfortunately i have witness this with my Mother when i was a child, things u never forget, and also never forgive my father for this, he became the best example of what i dont want to BE, and my Mother She is the strongest woman i ever seen, now i understand how hard it must have been to grow me and my brothers Alone, She did the best She can, i Will never be able to pay back this, the best i can do and others on this situation is learn with this and be a good man or father, deal with the pain and keep going.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
