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What To Do When You Make A Big Mistake As A Satanist?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
All the years in caring and looking out for others, but also, personal experience of having went through a lot, I have saw a very prominent enemy tactic that is being used against many SS.

Life, karmic patterns, negativity, or personal mistakes, will lead to failures or doing certain things that one might not be proud of.

You may have been following a diet, or relapsed into drugs, or done something else. That in itself is a big mistake, but the question should come after, how do you manage this?

Especially after effort is done and one feels like they have lost control, guilt and self loathing might creep itself up strongly, telling you that you have completely failed. Retreating into the path that this failure has come out of, can suddenly try to pull you back in.

For example, there have been SS I knew that have been doing wonderfully, then something, a ghost from the past or something, comes to set them back once again. This could be drugs, a bad relationship, a sentimental weakness, anything of the sort.

The enemy works a lot through isolation and building up on what one has made a mistake on. This might sound simple, but it is anything but simple. The enemy feeds a lot through human weaknesses, and they work on these constantly.

When these weakening influences are fought against, they tend to try to fight back and return you to the previous level from which you came. Even after you are long crowned the victor against these, certain influences might still try to creep in your life again until their full elimination.

It's never too late to gather yourself up and continue the fight from where you left of. There is no point to wallow in guilt if you failed once, because the opportunity in most cases arises immediately after to correct from a mistake.

It is only after if one purposefully denies this, that one should allow self loathing and wallowing to take one down the pit, because only if one purposefully loses every battle, one can say they deserve this.

And even then, the pit is as deep as you allow it to become. So if you decide that this is no longer to be the case, then you can truly move out of this.

If one has failed, then one can relate this to others, seek support, and seek inner strength to keep fighting. If you don't want to seek out nobody, then you must privately find peace with yourself, and see how you will manage the lower aspect of yourself and the mistakes it keeps doing, like a parent tries to manage a child.

You must remind yourself why you started to make these changes in your life in the first place. Why are you here? Everyday, this must be reminded to yourself. Change won't come in a day, a week, a month, or even a year. In the JoS we are talking about self transformation, not just change.

The majority of wrong paths in life, can be reversed. Certain ones can be very difficult to reverse. In those that cannot be reversed, then you must try to look at them and understand their underlying patterns, so that you will not do the same mistakes in the future. As life is dynamic, you are affected by the past, but you are not it's eternal slave, unless you decide this for yourself.

Spiritual Satanism teaches this realization and tells you how you can make this happen. The way is long, but the way from obliviousness to freedom is long, but let me tell you also, very joyous. It's just that few people make the effort. Therefore, most remain captives to their own weaknesses.

You will enter this path as another lower being, and exit this path as another and higher version of yourself.

The Gods have led and empowered all SS out of many large pitholes, and the stories of many which I know privately, have told me of the important power the Gods can give you. With their knowledge, anything can be surmounted about personal faults and failures.

But you must be willing and put the effort into it, and if you fight and drop to your knees, then you must muster strength to get up again.

Life is a series of battles, and some might be temporarily lost until there is a final victory to take place. A large part of Satanism is the Warrior path, which is teaching you this, instead of being an idle victim of a wrongly misplaced faith.

When you do a big mistake, or at least you KNOW what you need to solve, the more you wallow in self hating and self punishment, you tell to yourself that you deserve to get punished of this mistake, instead of telling yourself that you actually deserve to be saved from this mistake, and to not repeat it again.

Depending on the size, seriousness, and what this mistake involved, the person of conscience will understand how they need to manage this. Clearly, this post is not about people without a conscience who might be psychopathic and say "Oh, but I am a Satanist, I just have to skip any mistake and pretend it didn't happen, because I am advancing".

The opposite here, is the case.

If you have done mistakes, one must rectify them and what this caused, which also leads by itself into healing one's self AND others involved. One has to return, and one has to correct. We are not talking about escapism, we are talking about fixing the wrongs step by step and in a beneficial way for others.

While changing something can look like a long way, it's actually way shorter than the path one takes to collapse and destroy themselves fully under the weight of a said mistake. There is nobody that takes a wrong path, follows it to the fullest, and then looks back and says "Oh, this was definitely great". Everyone ends up in a worse and worse condition.

Above all, one must NOT QUIT! You are moving towards a specific goal, to weed out something negative and to self master.

Failures will happen along the way towards your goals, or your dreams, but we have to stay strong and see how we can work ourselves around this. The best way to manage these, is to just cut short the failures, and immediately try to work on yourself for solutions.

Wallowing to be "saved" from the heavens is not really of use, as any help the REAL GODS provide, is for those who wish to apply this and bring outside their inner GOD. Long and joyous is the battle to make this happen, so be aware and learn how to deal with your mistakes and failures, so that you might walk this path and reach always higher levels.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Such a beautiful sermon.
Your words really do inspire me to wish for more, more than yesterday. And more than an hour, a minute or even a second ago.
There's a deep hunger that's developing within me, for knowledge and spiritual power.
Thank you for the sermon.

After making a mistake, I wondered if I even deserved to live anymore. What kept me going was a sense of duty. There are some things I can never make right, but other things I can, even if it takes many years. Thus, giving up means to run away from that responsibility: yet another mistake. Instead, I have to keep going and improve myself to the point where I can fulfil that duty. For that sake, I have to take good care of myself, and thus I can't afford to waste any time or energy on self-punishment, regardless of feelings of self-hatred. I understood that to ignore those urges was also part of my duty, and poured the anger I felt towards myself into RTRs instead.

Now that my Solar Chakra is healed, self-loathing no longer makes any sense to me conceptually, and those negative urges are gone. But even before then, I understood that it's ultimately a self-serving emotion. Harming or neglecting oneself doesn't do anything whatsoever to mend the consequences of one's past mistakes; the false sense of self-satisfaction people may find in the notion that they're punishing a bad person (themselves), doesn't help anyone at all and is utterly meaningless. If deep down people are just seeking satisfaction in their shame anyway, then they may as well go the "hard" way and focus those efforts on improving themselves.

Regardless of one's past mistakes, trying one's best to improve is always a net positive compared to giving up. Furthermore, it's still better to progress patiently and persistently at a snail pace, than it is to do nothing at all and stagnate.

Hail Satan!
Thank you for this it is very helpful at the moment.
I actually increased my daily RTRs again also on top of a have cleaning. My mental state felt much better within 24 hours afterward.

If there is anything the enemy wants it is for you to hate yourself and bring yourself down.
RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Saturn Return and now this? Who hurt you?

This is about others for whom we might hurt on their behalf. You should try it, it's called caring for others and not walking a mediocre LHP mentality life.

It will help you a lot even if it might not make sense now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Saturn Return and now this? Who hurt you?

This is about others for whom we might hurt on their behalf. You should try it, it's called caring for others and not walking a mediocre LHP mentality life.

It will help you a lot even if it might not make sense now.

Wow I don't know if this could of come at a better time.

I have a question, do the Gods forgive those who swore on their names but failed to follow through? I am ashamed to say that in the past I have sworn on the Gods for strength but ended up failing myself and breaking my oath. It's an indescribable feeling of swearing on Satan you'll never do this or that again and then you end up doing exactly what you swore you wouldn't. This happened a lot back in my darker days.

Do the Gods forgive my ignorance?
GoldenxChild1 said:
Wow I don't know if this could of come at a better time.

I have a question, do the Gods forgive those who swore on their names but failed to follow through? I am ashamed to say that in the past I have sworn on the Gods for strength but ended up failing myself and breaking my oath. It's an indescribable feeling of swearing on Satan you'll never do this or that again and then you end up doing exactly what you swore you wouldn't. This happened a lot back in my darker days.

Do the Gods forgive my ignorance?

Oaths are very serious and they should not be taken. The Gods won't take serious an oath that one doesn't take serious. They generally forgive this, especially if it involves personal failures. But generally, oaths and big words should be avoided unless one intently wants to follow them or plans to follow them despite of setbacks, failures etc.
I rarely comment on your sermons, but I always read them.

every human should read your words and understand how much wisdom can be achieved through meditation.

Not everyone understands, how much intelligence is behind your words.

not everyone understands,how precious it is to have this ability to analyze and to know how to help.

you have probably never used drugs in your entire life, and you are objectively a much more advanced than average human being, you are the first one who does not justify these behaviors, but at the same time you do not throw shit on others and try to help.

many do not understand the nobility of this ...

I have seen people with the degree of advancement of a neophyte, condemning every human for every mistake.

There are various degrees, various hierarchies and who are high in the responsibility of leading others, without of course ending up drowned in the problems of others.

the gods have been doing this with us for millennia .....

You must remind yourself why you started to make these changes in your life in the first place. Why are you here? Everyday, this must be reminded to yourself.
about this sentence I can tell my personal experience.

many years ago I was leading a life that was not quite regular,and I quit because I had a very important person to me to help me do it.

years ago I relapsed into a mistake, just then I understood.

had I made profound changes in my life with enormous benefits...

but had I really done it for myself? the answer was no.

so every time the opportunity to make a mistake presented itself, the temptation was stronger.

the desire to transgress this person's control had crept into me.

after the mistake I realized I had to start my path again, this time for myself and from that moment the temptation disappeared
Thank you HpHoodededCobra666 for this lecture. Don't understand me wrong, this is very good information
for the starters on the LHP I have 8 years on the LHP and I become 60 years old but still I have issue’s but how many times
have the gods pick me up and get me going, Hail to the gods of Duat and all thanks go to them.
You are a wise man HpHoodedCobra666 I'm glad that you are our teacher

Hail Father Satan
I get voices of the enemy screaming at me to kill myself for all my past misdeeds which even are also caused by other mistakes. I traced back and saw the pile up being caused by listening to the enemy ONCE out of a small IQ moment years ago.

Even if this bullshit is used against me, I know where they want me to fail. They even get to even stupider measures of taking the form and voices of my truly loved ones and people I hurt in the past but got over with hitting me and telling me to just suicide.

I am blamed for bleeding out internally, blamed for doing the right thing even if it was never acceptable to people around me. Those fuckers really want to drive me to do something that can get me in jail for public disturbance and assault but they can keep trying while I void meditate and diss the fuck out of them in my private artworks as a variety of monsters.
One of the best sermons. 👏👏👏👏👏

I have ever read. In fact you wrote something similar in a 2016 sermon and I have stuck to those words. And here I am. 😈😈😈
Thank you for making such a post at this time, HP Hoodedcobra.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm 27 now but in my early 20s, teens, I was attacked constantly from the enemy.

Horrific dreams of hell and all sorts of nonsense, left me fleeing with my tail between my legs and led me back to Cuckchrist.

Only growing older and a bit wiser, I see these attacks for what they are, feeding on weakness. Void meditation and the JoS has made me see further now.

When attacked, I can shrug off the enemy and resume my life doing what's important, little things like studying game development programming and finding a soul mate, u no life?

Before I'd allow my emotions to get the best of me, then worry if Satan hated me and all this nonsense that can come from younger members, experiencing attacks. The truth is, time is wise and will lead the way, you grow strong.. Satan wants this.

I'm now able to deal with attacks and shrug it off, no different than a fly that needs some spray. I also thank Satan everyday for this, because if not for him, or this site, I wouldn't of been able to defend myself. Being void and practicing, able to shrug off enemy attacks as nothing but feeding on negative supressed energies, is awesome.

Not to say I'm without problems, because I am.. I still drink, and get attacked. Being able to deal with these things though, without letting emotions get the best of you is important. The enemy can leave you scared and frightened.. I do believe it makes you stronger, though. Satan will not intervene like a Christcuck will call christ in a moment of fear, he would let you grow and be stronger. Thoughts?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All the years in caring and looking out for others, but also, personal experience of having went through a lot, I have saw a very prominent enemy tactic that is being used against many SS......

Thanks a lot for this. Recently i almost completely lost something due to a transit(things are much better now), something really important to me,but strengthening my aop prevented me from completely loosing it.

Sometimes i felt “i think i should just let go” , whenever i asked my Gd or Satan for signs i received them in opposite direction, that is fighting for it rather than letting it go.

I now believe this sermon of yours is my ultimate sign to not let secondary thoughts creep in my mind at all.
Feeling like this one was written for me yeah one of the really good things about the gods is no matter how bad you screw up (they have standards) but you doing what can otherwise be referred to as stupid shit that affects you especially if you hold yourself to a high standard most of the time they are very forgiving and kind of more simply say well what did you learn this time the christian god judges our ones do not they might think to themselves things like typical mortals hell they probably have a good laugh about it to and shake their heads but they will still be there in your corner giving you good advice talking you through things and letting you figure out where you went wrong.

If you ask them before you do something if you should do something they can guide towards the best way to go about this believe it or not these people have many millions of mistakes themselves and they have been around for 100,000s of years and so they know how to do things perfectly by their age since they have been around the proverbial block so many times they have even developed the ability to see how things will go before they and we even go to do it.

Pretty much as long as you dont sacrifice anything or anyone rape or murder anybody then your doing pretty good in their book everything else you can do better is considered to be bonus points
being not of the enemies programs nice
basic critical thinking getting better
keeping yourself fit and health and wealthy good
taking up some basic spiritual practices and good values exceptional
doing all of the above screwing over as few people to absolutely nobody i think someones trying to earn extra credit for god head
Superb this HPHC

Thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Because of this and other reasons, I am convinced that SS need to be committed to their stability, above all else. To me, this means having a strong Saturn, strong material foundation (giving enough time to advance), and also removing any obstacles that most threaten the fundamentals of witchcraft, relative to that person.

For example, if one has self-doubts or negative thoughts, this may threaten the success of one's ability to advance, and therefore should be addressed very seriously. Other issues are less concerning, in comparison.

In the past, I've made the mistake of trying to fix everything at once. Now, I believe that one should listen to the Gods almost entirely on matters of what needs to be done first, or most urgently.

Too many times I have seen or heard SS attempting to use their energy for things that are unimportant. Yet, it is not that one can not have what they desire, just that they need to wait until it is appropriate.

Instead of struggling to manifest 1 luxury now, instead, this person could focus more on the fundamentals of their advancement itself. Later, they could gain 100 luxuries with ease.

In regards to your mistakes and karma, it would make sense to address the greatest problem first, and to the extent that the Gods tell you is necessary. There is no sense in getting blindsided by some karma because one thought they knew better, or they really wanted to do something else.
Thank you. you have described different aspects of my mistaken mentality. i hope to succeed in applying your teachings.
Wildfire said:
I get voices of the enemy screaming at me to kill myself for all my past misdeeds which even are also caused by other mistakes. I traced back and saw the pile up being caused by listening to the enemy ONCE out of a small IQ moment years ago.

Even if this bullshit is used against me, I know where they want me to fail. They even get to even stupider measures of taking the form and voices of my truly loved ones and people I hurt in the past but got over with hitting me and telling me to just suicide.

I am blamed for bleeding out internally, blamed for doing the right thing even if it was never acceptable to people around me. Those fuckers really want to drive me to do something that can get me in jail for public disturbance and assault but they can keep trying while I void meditate and diss the fuck out of them in my private artworks as a variety of monsters.

It appears these people only try to be more toxic on you, and just hate on you for trying to do better and come out of your issues. Just ignore them and go your way. If they try to take you down, just ignore their existence. Above all, don't do any act that will cause your own life to go to waste for their stupidity, such as taking a senseless revenge. People that are that toxic, are making their own damnation, but this is none of your business.
Leeges said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm 27 now but in my early 20s, teens, I was attacked constantly from the enemy.

Horrific dreams of hell and all sorts of nonsense, left me fleeing with my tail between my legs and led me back to Cuckchrist.

Only growing older and a bit wiser, I see these attacks for what they are, feeding on weakness. Void meditation and the JoS has made me see further now.

When attacked, I can shrug off the enemy and resume my life doing what's important, little things like studying game development programming and finding a soul mate, u no life?

Before I'd allow my emotions to get the best of me, then worry if Satan hated me and all this nonsense that can come from younger members, experiencing attacks. The truth is, time is wise and will lead the way, you grow strong.. Satan wants this.

I'm now able to deal with attacks and shrug it off, no different than a fly that needs some spray. I also thank Satan everyday for this, because if not for him, or this site, I wouldn't of been able to defend myself. Being void and practicing, able to shrug off enemy attacks as nothing but feeding on negative supressed energies, is awesome.

Not to say I'm without problems, because I am.. I still drink, and get attacked. Being able to deal with these things though, without letting emotions get the best of you is important. The enemy can leave you scared and frightened.. I do believe it makes you stronger, though. Satan will not intervene like a Christcuck will call christ in a moment of fear, he would let you grow and be stronger. Thoughts?

Fear is a very big tool of the enemy. They also prey on moments of weakness or things that make people weak, as they rely on responses such as massive fear. Satan or Demons do not do any of these things, let alone on people trying to advance. But the enemy definitely does this, as they program people into massive fear.

The fear of "Hellfire" and "Eternal damnation" is a very strong mental fake program, that they put into people, no different than how kids are afraid of the dark. You are advancing greatly, and it appears the more you overcome your fears, the better it all gets.

The enemy is like a vampire for negative psychic energy. Fear, negativity, suffering, is something they feast upon. They are beings of that frequency, a reality also represented on xianity and all it's longterm history, rife with all things negative for humanity.
SS66610888 said:
I rarely comment on your sermons, but I always read them.

every human should read your words and understand how much wisdom can be achieved through meditation.

Not everyone understands, how much intelligence is behind your words.

not everyone understands,how precious it is to have this ability to analyze and to know how to help.

you have probably never used drugs in your entire life, and you are objectively a much more advanced than average human being, you are the first one who does not justify these behaviors, but at the same time you do not throw shit on others and try to help.

many do not understand the nobility of this ...

I have seen people with the degree of advancement of a neophyte, condemning every human for every mistake.

There are various degrees, various hierarchies and who are high in the responsibility of leading others, without of course ending up drowned in the problems of others.

the gods have been doing this with us for millennia .....

This is appreciated as I see what you want to tell me with this. What can I say, thank you.

We all move higher in understanding.

SS66610888 said:
You must remind yourself why you started to make these changes in your life in the first place. Why are you here? Everyday, this must be reminded to yourself.
about this sentence I can tell my personal experience.

many years ago I was leading a life that was not quite regular,and I quit because I had a very important person to me to help me do it.

years ago I relapsed into a mistake, just then I understood.

had I made profound changes in my life with enormous benefits...

but had I really done it for myself? the answer was no.

so every time the opportunity to make a mistake presented itself, the temptation was stronger.

the desire to transgress this person's control had crept into me.

after the mistake I realized I had to start my path again, this time for myself and from that moment the temptation disappeared

It appears another person was your central purpose factor in your development. This can sometimes be good, but it cannot be all of it. You have to put yourself too in there. I know this might be difficult for many of us, but we also have to put ourselves somewhere in the mix, because we truly might get lost into this over time.
Thank you!

Very good sermon!
This sermon is like when I talk to the Gods and they clarify something.

I've been thinking a lot about these things lately.
I was afraid I would fall back into my bad habits.
There were some things that I lost control of, but I'm getting it together.

I have learnt that it is better to move forward steadily than to rush fast and use up all your energy. The next day I couldn't even get up and concentrate.
I learned the wisdom of balance.
But maintaining and regaining balance is a much more difficult task for me. But I'm trying.
Leeges said:
Not to say I'm without problems, because I am.. I still drink, and get attacked. Being able to deal with these things though, without letting emotions get the best of you is important. The enemy can leave you scared and frightened.. I do believe it makes you stronger, though. Satan will not intervene like a Christcuck will call christ in a moment of fear, he would let you grow and be stronger. Thoughts?

For drinking or other negative personality traits, plan a soul-freeing working with Munka or Ansuz, when appropriate for you.
As for getting attacked, you likely need to increase your AOP. The only time I get attacked is when my AOP gets weakened. Otherwise, I rarely feel attacks, or if I do get them, they are subtle.

Wildfire said:
I get voices of the enemy screaming at me to kill myself for all my past misdeeds which even are also caused by other mistakes. I traced back and saw the pile up being caused by listening to the enemy ONCE out of a small IQ moment years ago.

Even if this bullshit is used against me, I know where they want me to fail. They even get to even stupider measures of taking the form and voices of my truly loved ones and people I hurt in the past but got over with hitting me and telling me to just suicide.

I am blamed for bleeding out internally, blamed for doing the right thing even if it was never acceptable to people around me. Those fuckers really want to drive me to do something that can get me in jail for public disturbance and assault but they can keep trying while I void meditate and diss the fuck out of them in my private artworks as a variety of monsters.

Does this still happen, and strongly as well? Do you mind if I ask what you are doing for protection?
This post resonates with me heavily at this moment.

I just drank for the 1st time in months last night and havnt smoked weed InA long time, but came back to my residence with my roommate (who doesn't smoke weed, but his his ex wife's weed roach, which is close to a quarter blunt on a dresser, tempting me. I resisted and did my daily iron body training on the forearms + frtr and cleaning after.) [A relapse is drinking over a pint of pint of 50% vodka]

Working past a huge weakness of mine from the constant attacks of the enemy is the bad àcne on my back(makes me feel like a dirty jew).and health deficiencies of my mother, that ik happend from a jews mother she dated that, IK cursed her health; I'm to weak to heal her (wont elaborate its too persoanl).

Falling Into the traps of addiction and self blame is 100% how you explained it. Self Blame and pity is literally nothing more then a tool to convince yourself it's OK to keep being worthless, instead of going through a beautiful metamorphosis.

There is a lot more I could say, but it's just flower vase words. I'll wrap this up with a big thank you for your sermons of divine timing. Your words really do help alot (far more then you may even know)and drive in points when they are needed the most.
I have a strong Saturn and I was always hard with myself, even when I make a small mistake

Sun and Jupiter Squares helped me to overcome this, now is more ease to advance spiritually
The biggest mistake what you may do - walk away from life thinking that there is no way out. My friend SS did this recently, I'm extremely concerned about it. Severe depression, thoughts that there is no way out - these are all difficult experiences that, in my opinion, are imposed by the enemy. In fact, there is always an opportunity to fix things, and the worst thing you can do is commit suicide.

I thank the HP for this important sermon!
Beautiful and well said!!❤ Hail Satan!!⚡⚡
I want to thank you for sharing this information!! HP Hooded Cobra666 ❣🔥 This is something i needed to hear.To encourage, me and to keep going, with my goals as well. And to help me!🔥 over come, and look at a few personal issues from mistakes. Ex boyfriends i had to put up with and get over with. In order to move on. I am still having a hard time tackling the pain from mental and emotional abuse. And i could always use some encouragement and helpful advice. ❤👑❤ I appreciate you!! And all that you do on here to help others. And many others like you. 🔥👑❤ We all need a little help with something from time to time. To halp us on our path and in our every day life as well. Hail Satan!!⚡Hail The JOS!❣
Thank you for this sermon, it is very helpful.
I'm sure a lot of people needed it.

Hail Satan!
,,If you have done mistakes, one must rectify... ,,

What if you can't rectify them anymore? If you realize that you have done nothing but make a mistake and make a mistake again and again. If you can't change anything anymore or if you know from the start that you have no chance on this road because you made too many mistakes and that you can't do anything to fix your mistakes .... I wonder why I keep going on this way even though I know I have no chance or place here ... Maybe a hope ... I'm still clinging to that hope ... If what you are as a person has nothing to do with Satanism and you feel that you can't change anything because your brain doesn't help you ... What else can you do? I can't give up but I feel like I can't continue... I don t know what to do...
RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
RED DAWN said:
Saturn Return and now this? Who hurt you?

This is about others for whom we might hurt on their behalf. You should try it, it's called caring for others and not walking a mediocre LHP mentality life.

It will help you a lot even if it might not make sense now.


Does it bother you when you see people trying to help others and if so why does it? It's a genuine question. Are you just a hater here to troll or are you trying to get your points across in an adult real manner? Acting like a normie will only push more well deserved ridicule on your part. Then looking at your past posts you blame us for the way we treat you even though you act like this.
Florina 22 said:
,,If you have done mistakes, one must rectify... ,,

What if you can't rectify them anymore? If you realize that you have done nothing but make a mistake and make a mistake again and again. If you can't change anything anymore or if you know from the start that you have no chance on this road because you made too many mistakes and that you can't do anything to fix your mistakes .... I wonder why I keep going on this way even though I know I have no chance or place here ... Maybe a hope ... I'm still clinging to that hope ... If what you are as a person has nothing to do with Satanism and you feel that you can't change anything because your brain doesn't help you ... What else can you do? I can't give up but I feel like I can't continue... I don t know what to do...

There are certain types of mistakes that one cannot go back from, but the situation is that one must try to fix what caused them, and in particular, try to fix things with what has been affected.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
