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Advanced Spiritual Warfare: Usage Of The FRTR, Shattering And Tetra

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Final RTR, Shattering and Tetra, are multi-purpose rituals. How dangerous they can be to the enemy, is basically limitless, or rather, limited to the skill of the person doing them. As you become better at it, it can do more and more damage, but the point is, it will do damage no matter from which level it's used.

Despite of being a universal weapon that EVERYONE can use from any level, there is more that can be done with these. A very regular application of these rituals as warfare, will do it's job no matter what.

However, at the hands of an adept at spiritual warfare, these can do even more intense damage. The amount of damage can be increased and increased with more knowledge and capability of magick put into the ritual.

How these are utilized for other purposes, is mainly due to focus, intent, and visualization. Those who are a bit ahead of meditation, will understand how these affect the reverberation of the ritual and it's direction, without canceling or interfering with the outcome of the affirmation.

It's like wanting to cut something with a knife, but you can take different routes as you are cutting - the end result is that something is cut, but you took a different way.

To illustrate this example, one does the Final RTR as per normal. Yet, recently, the enemy had their Eid celebration, where they do copious blood ritual. As one is doing the ritual, this could be directed with imagination and intent [with the same affirmation and changing nothing], into a willed direction of making this crap of their's backfire, or ineffective. And it would go through this way, straight into the intended purpose.

The more open one is, the more they will understand how this could be used. For example, as you do the Final RTR and you imagine the letters dying as per usual, you can focus them dying "above" the place where the death energy from Eid is supposed to raise. And this would make the intended double hit one wants to make.

Another more normal example, is that you have a jewish pest harassing you at work or otherwise. You do the shattering, but you can focus meanwhile that you want in your mind revenge from this specific chosenite who is a harassing individual. While the ritual will hit hard and home because of the affirmation, the particular cursed creature will also be specially affected.

Lastly, even when these are done in the most simple way, these will take out curses and so on, simply because of astral reverberation, and how this undoes the letters and enemy vibrations [which are chanted and directed on people by the jews]. These will be blotted and taken out.

A more advanced method of the above, is that you do the FRTR as done usually, yet, this time, you would specifically INTEND for it to remove the curses, as you remove the letters.

A visual representation of this, imagining the letters breaking from around your aura or from around your body, dying out. This can help in removing curses, which is already done, but you can also put specific focus like this.

The FRTR finalized and done, would be equally valid. And it still would do the intended larger purpose.

Now, I am sure most advanced members here already have understood this or have been utilizing this, and might have utilized this already. It has also been alluded in other writings I have done before on this, but this is to clear this up.

These rituals are not only to solve the issue of the enemy, but also, to remove curses from people, keep them safe [and keep these from manifesting by creating a disabling effect for these] but can also be directed in ways such as above.

In simplified terms, these main proponents of our spiritual warfare, are keys that open a million doors, in contrast to having a million keys for a million [of enemy curses or...] doors.

For those who have understood even more by applying and doing this warfare [you are advanced and you will know], it's better to not share more, and keep utilizing these. It's for sure that this has been happening, which is why the enemy has been taking such serious unending beating as of late.

And there is not much they can do, as many will be able to do this and more. To anyone having understood this, all will be clear at these points why the Gods have instructed to do these things in contrast to anything else.

Those who may be newer and the above might be "confusing" or "difficult" to utilize, do not worry at all. All will come in it's correct place eventually.

What people read in most "Kabbalah" books and other stuff, is just elementary gibberish. Most of this is to keep stronger methods hidden from other jews.

Jewish history is rife with mistreated and self destructive jews wanting to destroy their own. Parasites will feast on the death carcass of anything, including another parasite, without care. It's in their nature, as they are parasitic and predatory and mercy is not known to them at all.

Us overcoming the enemy, and taking them down, is in this case, all following the same pattern and direction. We get more free, they get taken down, our influence grows, and so on. We rise collectively and individually at a related rate of forward evolution.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another more normal example, is that you have a jewish pest harassing you at work or otherwise. You do the shattering, but you can focus meanwhile that you want in your mind revenge from this specific chosenite who is a harassing individual. While the ritual will hit hard and home because of the affirmation, the particular cursed creature will also be specially affected.

It's been said before the reason we don't target specific kikes is that the our FRTR will manifest it better. But as you say here, when directed as a pest in our personal lives it's valid? So why then, would it not be a good idea for us to organize to direct these at specific rats that are problems? Would many hundreds of us all directing towards Soros or Gates not benefit all of us? Would this at all "weaken" it? It sounds as if it'd be valid both ways, so why not do more targeted efforts on the annoying parts of our enemies?
Thank you HP this was very informative. Indeed doing the FRTR and even the shattering into oneself is good for removing curses, something i have utilised. I have also used the Shattering for specific pests. One in particular. It is obvious that he gets avoidance vibes from me and good riddance. I even wrote the word "enemy" in ancient Canaanite on his booth. That rat better not so much as look at me funny or something is going on fire by "accident" :lol: :lol: :lol: and my pyro ass has a tendancy for that as it is for actual accidents.
I will continue to utilize all of these to the maximum and with intense visuilization. Especially after doing the FRTR into myself in the past i would notice a very peaceful dead silence.
I mentioned this to another member just recently on the forums.

But I do have a question on it. I know at some point these rituals become obsolete I know the previous M-RTRs are kinda E.O.L. but sometimes are brought online to perform manipulation of reality like with the recent anti-confusion ritual as an example or the financial termination ritual with both RTR and RNTR.(like one member mentioned the whole Spring 2022 offensive April area for hyperinflation occurring astrologically.)

A long time ago @HP.Cobra, on the previous josministries forums. You mentioned that the RTRs are like the striking of a bell. It causes the bell to shake, sound, and toll and on top of that the striker is striking. But there is an issue we've metaphorically struck this bell and created all of the kabalistic changes through the strikes and the ringing of the bell. But we haven't let the bell fully ring out on it's own. In other words the muffled strikes are part of the changes. Upon reaching F-RTR we stopped the previous rituals completely except on Yom Kippur offensives with RKNR and a in recent times a few times over the years using the previous M-RTR.

But it's the same thing with adding to the F-RTR, anti-tetra, and SJD and we apparently also have a fourth ritual on the way.

But is there a day in which all these reversal rituals become obsolete? It's not like we are gonna be doing this forever or like how some members describe some of the mentioning something along the lines of till like 2025 or 2030 or something.

I mean eventually this charged to hell and back bell has got to be allowed to ring on it's own releasing this kamekazi of power out into the World, right?

Am I wrong or taking your words incorrectly? Do we metaphorically need to allow this bell to ring out?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jewish history is rife with mistreated and self destructive jews wanting to destroy their own. Parasites will feast on the death carcass of anything, including another parasite, without care. It's in their nature, as they are parasitic and predatory and mercy is not known to them at all.

This explain's rebel Joos well.

Thank you HP.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
as you do the Final RTR and you imagine the letters dying as per usual, you can focus them dying "above" the place where the death energy from Eid is supposed to raise. And this would make the intended double hit one wants to make.
Do you mean this place?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another more normal example, is that you have a jewish pest harassing you at work or otherwise. You do the shattering, but you can focus meanwhile that you want in your mind revenge from this specific chosenite who is a harassing individual. While the ritual will hit hard and home because of the affirmation, the particular cursed creature will also be specially affected.
Do you mean we imagine the final RTR hebrew letters shattering over the aura as we vibrate the words or do we imagine his/her image dissipating. And are all the three RTR's effective for this?
Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666 for clearing this up for me personally. When the Tetragamtton came out, the addition of it and the FRTR,, I used it without changing the affirmation against someone who I very well knew what into the celestial church evil, it worked exactly as I intended. The thing is that since then, I became confused with it about changing affirmations I remember using it on my business too, was working cos I knew some people where against it [then the Tetragamtton wasn't out], it was working and helping me, but I did not go on with it[the business is not on now], though I wasn't consistent with it[i think I changed the affirmation then on this case], and changing the affirmation did not feel right, I was really confused about it.. I remember about that period you talked about how are visualization where greatly empowered after doing the ritual. I'm clear on this and it really explains to me how I effected damage by just visualizing what I wanted on that someone without tampering with the affirmations. Thank HP Hoodedcobra666... You really have been my cheat code, my teacher, not just me but all of us.

In my country, strange things have been happening, so called nation wide Xian clergy men have been dying and even some well known Jewish people here have been going through hard times even as they tried to cause chaos. And I know more is coming for them.

"Oy Vey! The Jews are (((God's Chosen))) ,it only the second coming of Christ that will fix everything....." - Christian Cucks
That's very true. Spending a few seconds meditating on their destruction makes a huge difference. It's about willing and knowing it's all happening now. It's happening now, they are dying and loosing power.
I had an idea that was born out of my inexperience when I was starting out with the rituals, I had trouble visualizing the letters getting destroyed and it took me a while to get the hang of it. But what if we could give the tools to every new SS to do the RTRs "better" a sort of crutch to help with visualizations.

So I thought about a mobile app or a website where with each vibration and subsequent "click" to mark it kind of like Soaring Eagles RTR the letters would get progressively more and more damaged until they are completely destroyed by the last vibration. And have multiple visualization options for different people like the letters could burn away, crumble, get disintegrated etc.

I'm not sure if this has been proposed before or not, just wanted to share it.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell!
SleepingWolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another more normal example, is that you have a jewish pest harassing you at work or otherwise. You do the shattering, but you can focus meanwhile that you want in your mind revenge from this specific chosenite who is a harassing individual. While the ritual will hit hard and home because of the affirmation, the particular cursed creature will also be specially affected.

It's been said before the reason we don't target specific kikes is that the our FRTR will manifest it better. But as you say here, when directed as a pest in our personal lives it's valid? So why then, would it not be a good idea for us to organize to direct these at specific rats that are problems? Would many hundreds of us all directing towards Soros or Gates not benefit all of us? Would this at all "weaken" it? It sounds as if it'd be valid both ways, so why not do more targeted efforts on the annoying parts of our enemies?

You are confusing layers of all this because of lack of understanding.

Because when there are millions of zombies, it's better to create an antidote for all of them, than to attempt to take them down one by one. They will replace every zombie like Soros fairly easily, within one day if needed. This makes only wasted time.

Directed higher this has the necessary world changing influence. It's like spraying above all the zombies, the zombie factory, what have you.

These also, have individually their own "hundreds" backing them. Either the whole program is blotted out, or nothing will come to an end.
Manofsatan said:

NO! Changing the affirmation is not necessary or desired. It will not have the effect I am describing here if one does that. One wants maximum effect.

With strength of mind as it builds, you won't need to even direct the ritual with a changed affirmation if you want to affect something else "too" while doing it. All it will take is your focus during this, for a specific while.

You will just do the regular RTR, and solely thinking about it for a while, will do the rest.

This is like raising a boulder and throwing it, but also directing a rock to fall on something unpleasant. You still throw the same boulder...You but as you do, some rock may fall on a particular goblin as you do it.

This is not about malforming anything in the ritual as a confused people might misunderstand, but rather, more expansive ways of using the same thing.

Thanks for relating your experience and your kind words.
Gear88 said:
I mentioned this to another member just recently on the forums.

But I do have a question on it. I know at some point these rituals become obsolete I know the previous M-RTRs are kinda E.O.L. but sometimes are brought online to perform manipulation of reality like with the recent anti-confusion ritual as an example or the financial termination ritual with both RTR and RNTR.(like one member mentioned the whole Spring 2022 offensive April area for hyperinflation occurring astrologically.)

I have asked about this specifically the Gods, and the reply was that this is only to create a relief over specific temporary events. We could not be doing anything else, but to lessen blows and make sure everything is in place, we are.

Since these attacks are coming from the enemy [like the things that you state, for example, financial attacks to Gentiles before the enemy is gone] we still do these to imprint the previous energy we have imprinted, and block these particular manifestation of a specific thing. Therefore, everything might go smoother.

But these very particular rituals, cannot solve anything completely. Only the advanced rituals will do this. Like FRTR, Tetra and Shattering. These are indepth.

More specific reversals, are like prescription, not meant to finish a disease to the core, but to take away specific symptoms so one can work better on the illness. It's the higher rituals that will address the core issue. The general reversals are not to finish anything, just to evade a few things or lessen their damage as they come.

In this hypothetical representation, painkillers, within a general regiment of personal health, can have some decent effects. They are not going to solve the whole deal, but move out some specific painful things. But without the central core plan of healing, are as if doing literally nothing at all.
Thank you for everything you do HP Hooded Cobra.
I see, this is similar to when every morning I make my affirmations to attract money and whenever I make the affirmations I focus on how I want to attract money, either by getting it on the ground, receiving discounts and offers on things I want or receiving a bonus at work, am I correct?

So that way im not only just atractting money but also focusing it in only one way so all the energy goes to a focused place
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet, recently, the enemy had their Eid celebration, where they do copious blood ritual.

Speaking about Eid..
Gear88 said:
I mentioned this to another member just recently on the forums.

But I do have a question on it. I know at some point these rituals become obsolete I know the previous M-RTRs are kinda E.O.L. but sometimes are brought online to perform manipulation of reality like with the recent anti-confusion ritual as an example or the financial termination ritual with both RTR and RNTR.(like one member mentioned the whole Spring 2022 offensive April area for hyperinflation occurring astrologically.)

A long time ago @HP.Cobra, on the previous josministries forums. You mentioned that the RTRs are like the striking of a bell. It causes the bell to shake, sound, and toll and on top of that the striker is striking. But there is an issue we've metaphorically struck this bell and created all of the kabalistic changes through the strikes and the ringing of the bell. But we haven't let the bell fully ring out on it's own. In other words the muffled strikes are part of the changes. Upon reaching F-RTR we stopped the previous rituals completely except on Yom Kippur offensives with RKNR and a in recent times a few times over the years using the previous M-RTR.

But it's the same thing with adding to the F-RTR, anti-tetra, and SJD and we apparently also have a fourth ritual on the way.

But is there a day in which all these reversal rituals become obsolete? It's not like we are gonna be doing this forever or like how some members describe some of the mentioning something along the lines of till like 2025 or 2030 or something.

I mean eventually this charged to hell and back bell has got to be allowed to ring on it's own releasing this kamekazi of power out into the World, right?

Am I wrong or taking your words incorrectly? Do we metaphorically need to allow this bell to ring out?

their are many other methods before the rtr you use them sometimes aswell, im guessing we will return to those,but me i cant wait for the rtr to finish off their power an confusion, im sick an tired of christards an others who blame these current problems on homosexuals instead of the jews cause (jews nots bad me sit here be dumb goyims an blameses everyting on homosexul brainses bes bad you know)i live in a christarded community who repeats that like a mantra its annoying, but soon some will see an i cant wait for that,

hail satan
hail amon ra
How much hate/emotion should I put into the erasing bit? Sometimes I really feel angry and sometimes I just feel matter of fact. The affirmations are always done in a matter of fact manner like they have already occurred, except for shattering sometimes I say the whole thing with rage.

Also I get a lot do automatic visualizations like the letters being shit and flushed down into eternal darkness, molding pieces of rot, shattering, bleeding. They even turned into comically pathetic things last night, but I wasn’t focusing on it. It just happened. They do seem to shrink shrivel disappear and the curses are automatically cleansed for me without any added intention I can feel them coming off. Highly effective for sure.

Thanks y’all for all of the work put into these and thank you so much HP.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SleepingWolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another more normal example, is that you have a jewish pest harassing you at work or otherwise. You do the shattering, but you can focus meanwhile that you want in your mind revenge from this specific chosenite who is a harassing individual. While the ritual will hit hard and home because of the affirmation, the particular cursed creature will also be specially affected.

It's been said before the reason we don't target specific kikes is that the our FRTR will manifest it better. But as you say here, when directed as a pest in our personal lives it's valid? So why then, would it not be a good idea for us to organize to direct these at specific rats that are problems? Would many hundreds of us all directing towards Soros or Gates not benefit all of us? Would this at all "weaken" it? It sounds as if it'd be valid both ways, so why not do more targeted efforts on the annoying parts of our enemies?

You are confusing layers of all this because of lack of understanding.

Because when there are millions of zombies, it's better to create an antidote for all of them, than to attempt to take them down one by one. They will replace every zombie like Soros fairly easily, within one day if needed. This makes only wasted time.

Directed higher this has the necessary world changing influence. It's like spraying above all the zombies, the zombie factory, what have you.

These also, have individually their own "hundreds" backing them. Either the whole program is blotted out, or nothing will come to an end.

I figured it would be something to that effect, so simply put, because of their backing, that also means, if the "pest" in our personal lives was for some reason, a rabbi, this would also be ineffectual as he'd have the whole backing as well, and trying to direct at any individual rabbi would be nigh pointless?
I used to do it by doing the FRTR. I then tuned into its energy and thought strongly and repeatedly that the Jews should be destroyed (I mentally reinforced this). But I have also used it successfully on gypsies. However, in most cases I was not thinking of a specific person. I meant members of the race.
Then it came to my attention when I was browsing articles on the internet. that there were more and more obituaries of Jews and gypsies. During the period when I was doing FRTR in this way. Quite a lot of people died in this way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:

NO! Changing the affirmation is not necessary or desired. It will not have the effect I am describing here if one does that. One wants maximum effect.

With strength of mind as it builds, you won't need to even direct the ritual with a changed affirmation if you want to affect something else "too" while doing it. All it will take is your focus during this, for a specific while.

You will just do the regular RTR, and solely thinking about it for a while, will do the rest.

This is like raising a boulder and throwing it, but also directing a rock to fall on something unpleasant. You still throw the same boulder...You but as you do, some rock may fall on a particular goblin as you do it.

This is not about malforming anything in the ritual as a confused people might misunderstand, but rather, more expansive ways of using the same thing.

Thanks for relating your experience and your kind words.

Feels good to just understand what I did not know, I have gotten to understand that you're truly Advanced and I really don't know what it means [talking about the sacrifice to get the right knowledge], then you feed to us. I tell you I have so much trust in the clergy and about the knowledge provided by them, I don't even bother to look out for more in other places. I know the price to get the right knowledge is big, and the heart to share is really big.
When people rant about how Father Satan is so dark and evil and how his children ["agents"] always do evil, right in my face, I smile. The best definition of opposite.. I know how twisted this world is.

Thanks for the clarification on this subject. I wouldn't label myself as "advanced", but I've been using visualization techniques similarly as you described. This confirms my experience that visualizing a solution to a particular pest in my neighborhood is indeed worthwhile. Two goblins with one stone. Or, technically, all of them.

I love pissing jews off :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now, I am sure most advanced members here already have understood this or have been utilizing this, and might have utilized this already. It has also been alluded in other writings I have done before on this, but this is to clear this up.

Wow.. didn't know I was advanced! :D Good to know the effort has been put to good use.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
First of all thank you HP Cobra for the joy you have given me with these 3 Ritauli: F-RTR, Tetra and Shattering. I became addicted to them because they give me so much joy. The first few times I did all 3 together I felt how all the Nadis of the back and shoulders were opening. With all the energy flowing into my arms my hands were sore and hurting me. Thank you so much!!!
KnowingtheSource said:
"O.R.I.O.N. is Gentile Supremacy with respect to other Racial-Nations!" Lol, you don't even believe the last part & why can't any body (in beginning there was no jew or gentile) ( that's a label that needs more explaining) be supreme?

Is this just another Jewish hate group? Hate groups are doomed for failure. Hate the wrong not the people. Last I seen this was one earth.

What the heck is family, open your eyes!

I'm gonna reply as you took a comment from my signature. Also it seems to me like you never been to our websites or if you have you failed to realize the real haters are the enemy. Your covering for them by saying it's wrong to HATE which is NOT and your covering the HATE of the enemy by saying it's wrong to HATE BACK.

https://www.satanisgod.org/ Study our websites all of them and then make a conclusion whether you want to stay or not. If your gonna stay, then it's time to wise up. IF not then don't come to our website to troll we are a serious organization and we make sure our forums and members aren't harassed by cockknockers.

I think [@member: KnowingtheSource] you've been already called out by others and by HP.Cobra for spouting hippy judeo-bolshevik ideas.

First of all we are not a "simple hatecore group", we are a group of the SNWO. If anything besides a few oddball groups out there JoS is the only group that has been pretty much consistent and persistent in comparison to others.

"In the beginning there was no jew or gentile". On some level you are correct to a degree in stating that on Earth about 200ish thousand years ago(210,000-220,000 y.a.) there was no Gentile in the sense of a Homo Sapian calling themselves Gentile. There's also other aspects like for example the Romans were one of the originators of the word Gentile from the Gens spiritual class.

But one thing in common is humanity had to recreate itself 10,000 years ago after the enemy hostile extra-terrestrials Draco Federation/IGF/Greys/Reptilians attacked us.

So then an interesting question pops up. Did the Gods call themselves or invented at some point in their history or studied and created the word Gentile. Gentile has many statements for example a very common but warped aspect is the Gentile is from Gentle. It's wrong because it assumes Gentiles are hippy, pacifists and don't perform justice on an opponent. But on a spiritual-existing aspect I can see it akin to being Qibilah or in Ancient Egyptian peaceable or peaceful. Since Spirituality brings peace. But it's not a hippy, judeo-bolshevik peace of turning the other cheek or some kiked up bullshit.

So then the question becomes at WHAT point did the Gods invent this word Gentile. Thus if they invented it first or have the word in their databanks then it was created BEFORE Humans thus Gentile is a godly word phrase for an entity that is of their kin.

Jews are always hateful! Why can't we hate them back? [@Member: KnowingtheSource] your name is hilarious the source of our problems is the hateful jew, Der Erwich Juden.

If you study history and study especially post-WW1 history you'd realize the jews were the ones that fanned the flames of hatred to Gentiles. They hate themselves, they hate others, they hate Gentiles.

Like the old Roman statements 'The jews are race that despises the Gods'. If your Pagan/Satanist like us fellow kikes Y U hate the Gods?

So it comes to show you the original haters are the Jews. They hate even their own shadow they hate. For example in 200 years together by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. In 1710 the New Russ Kehal allows freedom for the Hasidim jews, one of the most hated and persecuted groups of jews by the jews themselves and even pogroms from Gentiles at times. They allow them to exist 4 years later in 1714 there is an INTER-JEWISH pogrom that occurred in Ukrainian territory where the kehal direct jews to kill, rob, berg, and stein the hasidim jews cause EVERY jew hates them.

Why do jews hate hasidim because they are are merely akin to poser jews they study the torah for like 13 hours a day just read and don't do anything. If you study modern day jews they only keep them to pump the magic against Gentiles but if the jews were gained ground in some sort of end of the World scenario you would bet your ass they'd borg or kill the hasidim along with all the other poser jews around.

Not only that many so-called "elites" are actually (((elites))); kikes unto themselves. And elites hate the goyim and masses so much.

So @member: KtS; How is it wrong to hate? Why are you promoting xtian judeo-bolshevik turn the other cheek. Ever heard of the statement fight fire with fire?

If more people were like you I'd fear we'd probably be in cattle farms being worked to death by various entities wanting to exterminate Gentiles.

KnowningtheSource either your very deluded or ignorant purposefully or something. Cause you seem to state non-sense in all your posts.

And if your wondering are we another hate group. NO! We are not simply just another hate group rather WE are the hate. And before your state hate directly there are countless Gentiles in the World that express hate even if subtle.

For example in many Black Metal songs, the type of music most people hate because it's basically Nazi/Nature/Satanic music, some like scream rock but when it comes to black metal they freak out and fear it like my friend mentioned to me a good example in an email.

MANY Black Metal songs and many other normal musics songs are filled with hatred and anti-semitism. It's like the jewish joke everyone or everything is anti-semitic or the memes the jews throw out everyone is trying to gas the jews or kill the jews. Yeah no shit shirlock.

The Joy of Satan is the direct, quintessential hate of the Gods, Gentiles, Humanity, and ANY other species out there that abhors kosher supervision with their entire might and hatred processesing through their mind, body, and soul.

We are NOT JUST ANOTHER hate group. WE are the hate in a group in carneth brought about by everyone and everything since the Gods were pushed away from humanity some 10,000 years ago. We are the culmination of hatred brewed unto mankind against tyranny and kosher supervision.
Sometimes I have gotten little flashes of the tetragrammaton thing (I actually really don't like this that much it makes me feel like I am in a prison or something) when I did a lot of meditation. It usually goes away after a bit. So whenever I do the tetragrammaton ritual I try to see this in my mind exactly what I saw feel like I am inside it and dissolve it break it apart.

I dont know if this is advanced or not (I think of myself more intermediate level I was not going to say I was advanced or anything till I can clearly communicate with Gods) but thanks for the sermon. I will remember this stuff.
Rambo said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
First of all thank you HP Cobra for the joy you have given me with these 3 Ritauli: F-RTR, Tetra and Shattering. I became addicted to them because they give me so much joy. The first few times I did all 3 together I felt how all the Nadis of the back and shoulders were opening. With all the energy flowing into my arms my hands were sore and hurting me. Thank you so much!!!

The amount of cursing they have done is extremely strange and too much. So yes, when these are done, one should expect all sorts of garbage to come out. And it will be gone permanently from someone.
Dear, Sleepy Wolf. Try, if you have the time and
inclination, one method I have tested, to calm down the highly active "parasites" Mentally create a container for storing nuclear waste (concrete, tin and so on) with a solid mirror inside. Place a "parasite" one or two inside, close tightly with a lid and screws. We lower the container deep under the ground and put concrete block and cement from two cement trucks on top. Imagine there's a video camera inside and watch the "vermin". Occasionally, we periodically look at the state of the container. The mirror inside will reflect their hatred back at them, for a particularly active "parasite" put spikes, at your discretion. Good luck !
Is it okay if I visualize me stabbing the letters with knives and then shattering them? I asked a question about a death spell where I wanted to visualize me stabbing the other person, but I was recommended to not visualize me holding the knife, instead to just stab telekinetically so the negative energy doesn't connect with me.

Problem is that I don't feel nearly as involved in such a case. I find that the energy feels much more impactful if my hand is holding the knife and it actually helps me focus. Plus it's a great way to blow off some steam.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Final RTR, Shattering and Tetra, are multi-purpose rituals. How dangerous they can be to the enemy, is basically limitless, or rather, limited to the skill of the person doing them. As you become better at it, it can do more and more damage, but the point is, it will do damage no matter from which level it's used.

Despite of being a universal weapon that EVERYONE can use from any level, there is more that can be done with these. A very regular application of these rituals as warfare, will do it's job no matter what.

However, at the hands of an adept at spiritual warfare, these can do even more intense damage. The amount of damage can be increased and increased with more knowledge and capability of magick put into the ritual.

How these are utilized for other purposes, is mainly due to focus, intent, and visualization. Those who are a bit ahead of meditation, will understand how these affect the reverberation of the ritual and it's direction, without canceling or interfering with the outcome of the affirmation.

It's like wanting to cut something with a knife, but you can take different routes as you are cutting - the end result is that something is cut, but you took a different way.

To illustrate this example, one does the Final RTR as per normal. Yet, recently, the enemy had their Eid celebration, where they do copious blood ritual. As one is doing the ritual, this could be directed with imagination and intent [with the same affirmation and changing nothing], into a willed direction of making this crap of their's backfire, or ineffective. And it would go through this way, straight into the intended purpose.

The more open one is, the more they will understand how this could be used. For example, as you do the Final RTR and you imagine the letters dying as per usual, you can focus them dying "above" the place where the death energy from Eid is supposed to raise. And this would make the intended double hit one wants to make.

Another more normal example, is that you have a jewish pest harassing you at work or otherwise. You do the shattering, but you can focus meanwhile that you want in your mind revenge from this specific chosenite who is a harassing individual. While the ritual will hit hard and home because of the affirmation, the particular cursed creature will also be specially affected.

Lastly, even when these are done in the most simple way, these will take out curses and so on, simply because of astral reverberation, and how this undoes the letters and enemy vibrations [which are chanted and directed on people by the jews]. These will be blotted and taken out.

A more advanced method of the above, is that you do the FRTR as done usually, yet, this time, you would specifically INTEND for it to remove the curses, as you remove the letters.

A visual representation of this, imagining the letters breaking from around your aura or from around your body, dying out. This can help in removing curses, which is already done, but you can also put specific focus like this.

The FRTR finalized and done, would be equally valid. And it still would do the intended larger purpose.

Now, I am sure most advanced members here already have understood this or have been utilizing this, and might have utilized this already. It has also been alluded in other writings I have done before on this, but this is to clear this up.

These rituals are not only to solve the issue of the enemy, but also, to remove curses from people, keep them safe [and keep these from manifesting by creating a disabling effect for these] but can also be directed in ways such as above.

In simplified terms, these main proponents of our spiritual warfare, are keys that open a million doors, in contrast to having a million keys for a million [of enemy curses or...] doors.

For those who have understood even more by applying and doing this warfare [you are advanced and you will know], it's better to not share more, and keep utilizing these. It's for sure that this has been happening, which is why the enemy has been taking such serious unending beating as of late.

And there is not much they can do, as many will be able to do this and more. To anyone having understood this, all will be clear at these points why the Gods have instructed to do these things in contrast to anything else.

Those who may be newer and the above might be "confusing" or "difficult" to utilize, do not worry at all. All will come in it's correct place eventually.

What people read in most "Kabbalah" books and other stuff, is just elementary gibberish. Most of this is to keep stronger methods hidden from other jews.

Jewish history is rife with mistreated and self destructive jews wanting to destroy their own. Parasites will feast on the death carcass of anything, including another parasite, without care. It's in their nature, as they are parasitic and predatory and mercy is not known to them at all.

Us overcoming the enemy, and taking them down, is in this case, all following the same pattern and direction. We get more free, they get taken down, our influence grows, and so on. We rise collectively and individually at a related rate of forward evolution.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Apart from the idea of war, can these be used with an intent of blessing?
Manofsatan said:
Apart from the idea of war, can these be used with an intent of blessing?
Indirectly - by removing curses, our blessings increase.

Focus should always be removal of jewish filth, or destroying enemy. This will bring blessings.
Last night I had a dream about the tetragramaton.
I was half awake half asleep. I visualised the tetra perfectly and what happened was i vibrated the first letter once and as I did the letter came out of the tetra leaving a blank space. The letter came out in a bubble like the bubbles you blow with soap and water. It floated close to my head and I then touched the bubble and it popped. When I looked back at the tetra it was still blank where the letter came out. That's when I woke up completely and wanted to share it in one of Henu's threads about warfare ideas but couldn't find the topic. So I'm sharing it here. It's just a idea for the people who can visualise property. I haven't done the whole tetra like that to know if it really works to destroy it but it felt very realistic and it put a lot of feel into it especially when the bubble pops you know for certain it's completely dead. Could someone try it an see if it works. My mind is not that trained to do something like this at will.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Last night I had a dream about the tetragramaton.
I was half awake half asleep. I visualised the tetra perfectly and what happened was i vibrated the first letter once and as I did the letter came out of the tetra leaving a blank space. The letter came out in a bubble like the bubbles you blow with soap and water. It floated close to my head and I then touched the bubble and it popped. When I looked back at the tetra it was still blank where the letter came out. That's when I woke up completely and wanted to share it in one of Henu's threads about warfare ideas but couldn't find the topic. So I'm sharing it here. It's just a idea for the people who can visualise property. I haven't done the whole tetra like that to know if it really works to destroy it but it felt very realistic and it put a lot of feel into it especially when the bubble pops you know for certain it's completely dead. Could someone try it an see if it works. My mind is not that trained to do something like this at will.
Any sort of visualisation that includes destroying it, does work. The more focused the intent, the better.
I visualise the Jewish people rabbis etc in a water tank and then I visualise as I chant that the tank begins to fill with black foul death energy as the tank fills the Jews start to panic so I keep filling the tank the liquid moves and attachs to the Jews like the parasite from Venom I invision their veins turning black their bones and their souls by the time I finish doing the alphabet part of the RTR they are completely under and I usually like in invision having the gods all laughing ringing in their ears as they drown to death.

When I do the tetragrammaton ritual I invision their soul network and an energy field over the whole earth and as I burn with black flames this field gets massive big burnt out holes in it these days I struggle to even see the Jewish veil of influence now it's a much weaker more translucent form and I shoot massive black spires of black fire that engulf it in flames and engulfs the Jews and their country in flames also as well as again those 3 specific letters as well.

The last one is similar to my tetra vision but I focus on the auras of all Jews their thought forms and souls again black fire

I also usually listen to metal music while doing this music like 1000ft crutch, breaking Benjamin skillet iron maiden, five finger death punch, Metallica and the likes I'm really into using the songs electric eye and cradle to the grave.

When I raise energy prior to doing an RTR iron maidens dance of death is a good song except I replace some of the lyrics with positive power and life as I like to imagine myself stepping into the fire and have the 4 crowned ones around me as I charge up and become an instrument of death.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
