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At This Point, One Must Be A Fool To Not Believe These Things [Monkeypox etc etc...]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As time goes, everything the JoS says is coming to manifest one by one. We didn't want this, but it's here.

When people literally don't have babyfood, or one month after the so called "legal end" of "Co-Vid", they start wars between Jews, and wars that "HAPPEN" to be where 25% of the global supply of wheat is going on...

Or other giant coincidences in regards to how Klaus says they want to cause a collapse, and then chip everyone, or how your gas price all of a sudden is going to cost as much for a motorbike to fuel a spaceship...

Or when we are telling people to join Satan before it is too late, because many are going to die, and a projected global famine is coming in many places of the third world and will likely affect worldwide...

Or when waves of migration will be in the millions on the above "anticipated events"...

Or when you didn't even have time to relax a few months in the "after Co-Vid era" and "all of a sudden!", before you know it, we have endless inventions of new measures to roll us back into the destructive Co-Vid measures...

We have all sorts of new plandemics like birdflu's, black fungus mutations, super Co-Vid, Monkeypox, whatever other things coming in...It's suddenly all so endless. It was never for decades, but now, here we are...All in 2 years...

Or when the Global Economy is shot to death on the "Great Year of Semitah" when the Jews try to destroy the economy as part of tradition to "buy up the goyim"...While Semitah also is a "festival for wealth redistribution" for the jews...

Or when you literally aren't allowed to relax one single day by constant repetitition of all of the above, and constant claims of "WW3" and "Nuclear" war...

And when you look back, this was literally done on nothing else but something with the death toll of the flu...

One must sit themselves down and ask themselves, what is going on with this world? Where was all of this in 2017 or 2018?

You can either think of two things: Either the JoS is correct, as it evidently is, or you are purposefully in denial, having your head inside your own ... you know... at this point, to avoid facing reality.

We can no longer deny the existence of a giant conspiracy against humanity.

For those of us here who understand, know that you are part of Satan's Divine army. Others might understand less and others might understand more, but if you are in awareness, you must know and guard against this.

Even worse, perpetrators of these events have openly admitted most of this, and yet, quite a few are still living in denial.

At this point one legitimately must be the definition of a fool to literally have a "playbook" on their hands such as the "Great Reset" by Klaus Schwab, and say that all of this is a "coincidence"...

If you are one of these people who simply thinks these are "Bad times", while there is effectively a laid out fully admitted plan for the restructuring of this world through lies and hoaxing, then you must seriously consider your views and opinions.

A lot of people are concerned that they might lose anything if they have the nerve of their own opinion about this. They think they will be stigmatized, or they are in fear. But the reality is, it's because of those that don't stand up against this, that we are being pushed down this alley as a world.

As we can see, people laying down and taking it, results in more never-ending fear. We went from the super deadly "flu", to the indefinite production of more and more similar threats. Ranging from "epidemics" to "nuclear". The moment the previous story wore itself out, here we go with a new story. Then another one. Then another one.

It's almost as if, they are creating stories endlessly, until one takes roots. Why must it take roots? Why so much desperation all of a sudden?

What we do here, is not a forum, and is not a small religion or an ideology. We were put here to fight for Father Satan and resist this impending doom, and to lessen this fatal blow against humanity. It is all very much undeserved. You are all born here on this moment in time for a reason, and this reason is not merely to exist.

Given what many "Conspiracy theorists" knew was planned, the situation is still rather lukewarm, but you can clearly see what is happening here.

Yes, there is an agenda by the enemy to destroy us all. Yes, it's all based in the "Torah". Yes, all of this is Jewish of a creation, and happens as part of a plan. This plan, must not be allowed to pass. Start making a difference.

Lastly, in regards to those who still want to live in an illusion, know that this will be shattered. Too many will be lingering around, not understanding where or why all these blows are coming at them. All of you here are prepared, and you must make use of Satan's teachings to remain as sound as possible during these adverse times.

We must also remember...That this state is transitory. Yes, it will pass. But it will take a long time. We are all prepared to stand through against these adverse times, and we will do this together.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Ursa Minor said:
To me it looks like symptoms of the matrix crashing.
RTRs must be doing some serious damage to the enemy.

Hail Satan!

Yes. The jewtrix is coming apart. We must brace for impact, but it will happen. It's all collapsing straight on it's head.
Grazie Cobra e con emozione e orgoglio che ringrazio tutti voi che ci quidate passeremo insieme questi tempi dificili si con SATANA
Resisteremo a questa tempesta e combateremo
Questi maledetti finche saranno scomparsi ...
Qloria a SATANA
Thank you for these powerful words as always HP HoodedCobra!

Together we prevail against the enemy, no matter what they attempt to manifest.

Hail Satan!
This sermon has got me amped up for some serious RTRs. Until every single one of em is no longer. Thank you High Priest.

We will be victorious!
To me it looks like symptoms of the matrix crashing.
RTRs must be doing some serious damage to the enemy.

Hail Satan!
Thank you HP. Your words describe how I feel about myself and JOS daily. We are special above all to be in Satan's family. A huge responsibilty also, but wouldn't have it any other way than seeing the downfall of their jewtrix and being a part it's destruction.
Thank you for the words of power and encouragement!🔥 HP HoodedCobra666🔥 HAIL SATAN!!🔥💗
How far do you think the enemy will get with their plans before things are reversed? The latest videos from WEF show Klaus pretty confident in his plans. Do you think his secretly shitting himself or perhaps he still thinks he can win?
What luck to have found Father Satan.
I am trying to know who I am, what my missions are in this life, after having wandered so much. I know that I have a role to play, like all the SS. But how can we remember who we really are ?

Yes, meditations, cleaning, astrology, getting closer to the Gods.
Every day is a step further.

I would love to know who I am so that we can be sure that we will defeat the enemy together. To be sure that all this will pass, like a bad dream.

And then, the Gods, every day I miss them a little more, because every day I love them more and more, every day I deplore the state of this world and it is unbearable to me so many infamies caused by the enemy.

The message of an SS, "Who are you? Take the time to think about what you want to be" answered my questions.
Moreover, the Immortal in his song: Valefor tells me "take the time to stop and know what you want to be".
Exemplary synchronicities. We all need to know who we are, to never doubt, move forward, progress and overcome evil.

Hail Father Satan !
It would be wonderful if this world was full of people like you. Thank you.
Don't worry about monkeypox, Goy. (((Pfizer))) has got you covered.



Pfizer is apparently at it again, conveniently hitting another grand slam with another perfectly timed drug release for the latest viral outbreak sweeping the west – monkeypox.

Oy vey.
I don't think a lot of people are taking all of that lying down i think they are just scared and or don't know what to do in the situation as you say we have an advantage over most of our kin but no one said that this was going to be easy honestly i thought it was going to be a lot worse by now shows that our warfare is having a very powerful softening the blows effect we arent necessarily winning right now but we are still standing for now we will see how it goes i have taken up the habit of buying more gold and I'm considering going down south and grabbing my grand dads hidden stash of fire arms as well i have a considerable armory as it is but he has hand guns and semi automatic battle rifles stashed down there time to get ready i think a slightly over half communist government and half independents and minor party government will be one hell of a ride.

i hope you guys are doing well i myself am still doing pretty good here for now and a few of our industries have actually managed to recover here in Australia i feel very blessed i have been doing the runes ansuz kenaz and ehwaz to help strengthen my connection and communication with the gods i think i have had a bit of a break through feels like constant tubes of pressure and energy going from my 6th chakra and crown chakra out to my hearing and seeing chakras anyway.

love you guys stay safe out there and cobra maybe make a section where we can post up news from our countries so we can see how its going in and around the world??
Thank you.

Unfortunately, in my current situation, I can't build up financial, food reserves for these bad times. I just survive somehow.
As always, our determination will get us through! We're proud to fight under swastika's flag!
This is one of the ways how Bibles, Korans, and Torah should end up being destroyed.... running a knife through it. I did it with a kitchen knife * in February.

BlackOnyx8 said:
Don't worry about monkeypox, Goy. (((Pfizer))) has got you covered.



Pfizer is apparently at it again, conveniently hitting another grand slam with another perfectly timed drug release for the latest viral outbreak sweeping the west – monkeypox.

Oy vey.

Oy Vey! what a cohendence!, I can't wait to see the next RTRs schedule.
Henu the Great said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
This is one of the ways how Bibles, Korans, and Torah should end up being destroyed.... running a knife through it. I did it with a kitchen knife * in February.
The effectiveness of emotional release by destroying books can not be denied, but final rtr is fundamentally changing the spiritual environment of this Earth.

I think that, under the right circumstances, both Bible destroying and Final RTR could work well in tandem. The burning/stabbing of Bibles/Korans/Torahs can be used to divert the Jews' attention for a few moments while final rtrs can done as normal.

Wotanwarrior said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
Don't worry about monkeypox, Goy. (((Pfizer))) has got you covered.



Pfizer is apparently at it again, conveniently hitting another grand slam with another perfectly timed drug release for the latest viral outbreak sweeping the west – monkeypox.

Oy vey.

Oy Vey! what a cohendence!, I can't wait to see the next RTRs schedule.

Oy vey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Print 6,000,000,000,000,000 US dollars right now to save us from this, give it all to Pfizer to save us all. The monkeypox has a 0,001% mortality rate, we will all definitely die from it!!!! Oy vey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6 billion died in the Holocaust!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pfizer save us!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christian prophecies keep popping up, the " god " thought form saying, "I am causing these things", so that the world will focus all their attention and psychic energy onto the Jews and their thought form. Christians especially are feeding more energy into it. It is all about the energetic power grab. Like this war and blood being shed. Lots more human sacrifice going on now. So the jews might be stoking up their power " en masse,". They certainly want their Christian sheep focusing their attention and energy onto them in this " end times " series of events.
I've really lost all empathy for people who are completely jumping headfirst into their own annihilation.

There is a guy I know, who is arguing with whichever entities are handling vaccination in the country I'm in, I wouldn't know because I never got any covid shots, but this guy is actually arguing with them because they won't give him the 4th shot and he keeps asking to get it. And is complaining that there isn't a monkeypox vaccine yet.

It's incredible to me how someone isn't just blind to their own damnation, but is actively looking for, and fighting for it. I initially felt guilty for the incredible revulsion and disgust that I felt for this person, as they had never done any harm to me or others, they are very "kind" hearted and I frankly was starting to really hate them for the above.

I used to think that one can be a "good" person so long as they don't bring harm to others, but are you really a good person if you bring tremendous harm upon yourself?

Being unjustly cruel to others is deplorable, but being unjustly cruel to yourself is horrible as well.

You yourself are a human being worthy of respect and decency. I really despise people who do not respect themselves, and harm or destroy themselves with their own stupidity. Even if they don't harm anyone else, it's just repugnant and infuriating to see. And they really are rotten to the core even if they never bring any harm to anyone else.
I once tried to explain to my parents the connections between all the different things that have happened, and how none of it is random. I got radio silence for about a month. Anytime I try to warn them of what all this is, they say nothing to me or claim I'm listening to the wrong news.
Rand Paul highlights kike schwab and his fellows and shabbos.
World needs to be at their doorstep.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Henu the Great said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
This is one of the ways how Bibles, Korans, and Torah should end up being destroyed.... running a knife through it. I did it with a kitchen knife * in February.
The effectiveness of emotional release by destroying books can not be denied, but final rtr is fundamentally changing the spiritual environment of this Earth.

I think that, under the right circumstances, both Bible destroying and Final RTR could work well in tandem. The burning/stabbing of Bibles/Korans/Torahs can be used to divert the Jews' attention for a few moments while final rtrs can done as normal.


There is no point in buying(supporting) enemy literature and then destroy them, all you do, is shifting "gentile money"² (power) to jews.

² Fiat Money is owned by jews, better invest your earned money in not jew owned things, like private property, your own buisness, BTC , etc.
Shitt. We can barely eat twice a day yet more starvation is coming. Shit! I'll definitely die in this next wave of enemy attack.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
I think that, under the right circumstances, both Bible destroying and Final RTR could work well in tandem. The burning/stabbing of Bibles/Korans/Torahs can be used to divert the Jews' attention for a few moments while final rtrs can done as normal.

You can do our rituals pretty much anywhere and anytime (even whispering, or in your mind) so throwing a flash bang as a distraction is not neccessary. Also, physcially destroying books will not increase the actual spiritual power at all. At best, you will gain a boost to your confidence about ritual which technically would make it more potent regarding the direction of energy, but it does not increase spiritual potency per se.
Greetings, Dear Brothers and Sisters. I have a question.
First, will we ever gather, all of us Hell's Army, physically somewhere, in a big convention? I know the risk of being spotted and mediatized, even from remote locations and the concern with the location, flights and costs but I just wanted to know if this was ever on JOSM' plans. It would be less dangerous that owning physical headquarters or international temples.
It figured to me that somehow, SS must be meeting because that's the whole point of covens, to meet with the other members.

Second, are we the only successful by now (in the sense that we're not infiltrated) modern community that The Gods are operating through? Are there other such organisations in alliance with us? What were The Gods using before HPS Maxine found them and JoS was founded?

Could you give your opinion about this High Priest?
Is it our members being "exorcised"?
The Enemy panicking/RTRs at work?
Henu the Great said:
You can do our rituals pretty much anywhere and anytime (even whispering, or in your mind) so throwing a flash bang as a distraction is not neccessary. Also, physcially destroying books will not increase the actual spiritual power at all. At best, you will gain a boost to your confidence about ritual which technically would make it more potent regarding the direction of energy, but it does not increase spiritual potency per se.
Henu is right.
However, the supporting effect for beginners of using props in rituals can never be underestimated. At least for me it was easier in the beginning to use some props, it somehow gave my confidence a boost. Working with energies, ideas and thoughts was very unfamiliar to me in the beginning and due to the childhood I was also prone to self-doubt. JoS teaches never to doubt your workings, so...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Or when we are telling people to join Satan before it is too late, because many are going to die, and a projected global famine is coming in many places of the third world and will likely affect worldwide...

Hy HP ..... if I can... when will famine occur in the rest of the world and how long will it last? which foods will be deficient? ..Thank you..

Henu the Great said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
I think that, under the right circumstances, both Bible destroying and Final RTR could work well in tandem. The burning/stabbing of Bibles/Korans/Torahs can be used to divert the Jews' attention for a few moments while final rtrs can done as normal.

You can do our rituals pretty much anywhere and anytime (even whispering, or in your mind) so throwing a flash bang as a distraction is not neccessary. Also, physcially destroying books will not increase the actual spiritual power at all. At best, you will gain a boost to your confidence about ritual which technically would make it more potent regarding the direction of energy, but it does not increase spiritual potency per se.

I've had to do the RTRs a few times in my mind due to people near me that are asleep. Are they still just as effective as saying it out loud? Raising energy prior has to be done out loud still? Thanks
soulfortruth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Or when we are telling people to join Satan before it is too late, because many are going to die, and a projected global famine is coming in many places of the third world and will likely affect worldwide...

Hy HP ..... if I can... when will famine occur in the rest of the world and how long will it last? which foods will be deficient? ..Thank you..


It might not happen, as this is not set in stone. But they are preparing for it. Theoretically, it's being indicated that Wheat might be in shortage. But this may not happen at all, as wheat and wheat based products can be stacked and saved. So most Nations theoretically should have reserves. The thing that this will likely cause is increase prices.
Artanis said:

Could you give your opinion about this High Priest?
Is it our members being "exorcised"?
The Enemy panicking/RTRs at work?

Christians use mentally ill people who have problems [they have done this for centuries] and just go randomly say bullshit to them when they have psychotic episodes. Then they say this was "Exorcism" and it's all a charade. Most of this is fake news and also has to do with literal fakers in churches, who are paid to do these acts.

In regards to serious conditions, yes, there is a "Demonic Uprising" and the enemy knows this, but this has nothing to do with this or random crazy people shouting things and having an epileptic fit. What the Christians refer to as "Demonic Uprising" has been intensifying as the Old Gods are coming again into power, and they have complaints that their jew on the stick is gradually worsening and worsening in power.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings, Dear Brothers and Sisters. I have a question.
First, will we ever gather, all of us Hell's Army, physically somewhere, in a big convention? I know the risk of being spotted and mediatized, even from remote locations and the concern with the location, flights and costs but I just wanted to know if this was ever on JOSM' plans. It would be less dangerous that owning physical headquarters or international temples.

It is not in Joy of Satan's plans, but definitely this would be in a lot of Rabbi's plans. They would love to have everyone in one place.

You could also name this comment: "The perfect way for all the goyim to die at once and the perfect gathering to kill all the Satanists in one stroke over emotional nonsense", in the current year of 2022.

No, this won't happen anytime soon, because the enemy won't hesitate to send killers and bombers there to take your head and anyone elses.

Randoms who do "meetups" are gambling stupidly, because except of the above very plausible risks, one also runs the risks of meeting with people who simply don't take this seriously, and they are the ones who would try at this point in time to "Engage" you in meetings etc.

The time is not yet.
tyrantmage said:
Shitt. We can barely eat twice a day yet more starvation is coming. Shit! I'll definitely die in this next wave of enemy attack.

You will not. The people who will have most problems are the people who have many attachments and never have had any said issues [those living in the bubble]. Those of us who can adjust themselves will be fine.

You will definitely survive and you must never, ever doubt this.
Shining Force said:
I've had to do the RTRs a few times in my mind due to people near me that are asleep. Are they still just as effective as saying it out loud? Raising energy prior has to be done out loud still? Thanks
Yes, it is okay.

You can raise energy silently as well: Pranyama and Yoga as an example.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
soulfortruth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Or when we are telling people to join Satan before it is too late, because many are going to die, and a projected global famine is coming in many places of the third world and will likely affect worldwide...

Hy HP ..... if I can... when will famine occur in the rest of the world and how long will it last? which foods will be deficient? ..Thank you..


It might not happen, as this is not set in stone. But they are preparing for it. Theoretically, it's being indicated that Wheat might be in shortage. But this may not happen at all, as wheat and wheat based products can be stacked and saved. So most Nations theoretically should have reserves. The thing that this will likely cause is increase prices.

Ok! Thank you
tyrantmage said:
Shitt. We can barely eat twice a day yet more starvation is coming. Shit! I'll definitely die in this next wave of enemy attack.

Money workings, sunquares, you could also do each day the jos prosperity ritual.
Also do not forget to clean each day, a clean chakra can attract a bigger amount off wealth.

You can also do a ritual to Satan and ask for help, fokus on his sigil, be open, ask your request offer something in return.
The world is only 10 or 9 weeks of wheat, so far I haven't taken any doses of the vaccine and never will, my family wants me to join the army, but I won't, they think I'll be a failure in life, but I want them to fuck off, as soon as I get a job I'll live alone.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
