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The Obesity Epidemic In The West

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Speaking of epidemics and pandemics and all this, one major epidemic malfunction of the human body has been left unaddressed in the West and that is obesity.

It has went completely out of control for decades, costing the lives and quality of life of millions, yet nobody really cares.

Obesity is an illness, in the same way anorexia can be one.

We are not talking chubby here and being even fat, we are talking about being obese to the point one has health problems or it can cause fatality.

The West claims it has a spiritual thing called "Christianity" but as it appears the main religion of the Westerners currently is only cheeseburgers.

It is an illness of spirit and the soul first, and then these disorganized energies manifest in the body through overt consumption of what is negative and causes this result. For people to reach these extends, life has to be empty, and the brain must be truly depressed.

One cannot reasonably reach amounts like 1000 lbs and reach this point while they have been ok. Many people are allowed to get into this without any support and they merely destroy themselves. To cover this up, we say some random Western bullshit like "Muh Free Will" to cover out this spiritual deficiency that is eating people's soul bit by bit.

To end up like this one exercises literally the opposite of any free will. One is a slave to certain false pleasures that degrade a person. Free will is the opposite of this. Regardless we have been confused about free will and this claim is only used when people want to do either irrelevant or bad stuff.

The obesity epidemic is a reflection of the epidemic of imbalanced energies in the West.

To give an extent of how crazy some people have become, I have watched a documentary years ago where a person had a child, that was about 12 years old and morbidly obese. The child was asleep most of the day, and then they woke up to eat about 5 whole chickens.

The mother refused to stop it's intake even after the doctors explained that the child was at high risk for heart attack. Remaining obese, the heart couldn't hold and the poor child died within a year or so. While that doesn't register as murder, it is something very close to this.

Needless to say this situation reflects upon us all collectively in what type of monsters certain people have become, gulping things down to the point we fall into a semi-asleep state half their lifetime from eating too much.

Everyone is clearly advised as a Spiritual Satanist to find the courage to escape this scourge. Do not be ashamed. There are even Gods who will help you with this.

It is almost guaranteed if you have problems with depression, lethargy or other issues and that you are obese, these can come from obesity and nothing else. Your immune system and other aspects of yourself suffer pointlessly over this.

It is all reversible, and there are ways to reverse this one step at a time. Even keeping this on the "very chubby" level, can keep you healthy and sane. Obesity should be seen as an illness, not merely as a state of the body. The organs literally suffer in this state.

Anorexia, the other latter end of this can cause also considerable and rather similar issues. Lethargy, flying in and out of sleep randomly, being too weak to do anything etc.

From a metaphysical standpoint the obesity epidemic not only points to a totally false lifestyle, but a lifestyle that has is literally engrossed in the material and related to the material in such a way that it's dysfunctional.

If one is older than let's say 50 or 60 that is far more acceptable as one might not have the time to deal with this, but please, especially if you are young, take this in consideration and act now. Relatives and others might be living in denial of this, I know, and how this occurs can be seen in shows such as this:


I don't have time to watch this, but skimming through, these images are simply disastrous. Anyhow it seems that these people are trying to get better and that's a good message to push.

These are people that had their lives ruined and nobody told them to stop anything. They engrossed themselves in too much Jupiter, and yes, Jupiter energy can be deadly.

They must somehow have enjoyed reaching that state in a pathological way, but like hard drugs and other false enjoyments that come without measure, death or getting permanently disfigured or disabled can be the only outcome.

As we can see from this video even these situations ARE reversible, so don't lose hope. Meditations can be used to also affect this and many people have used meditation for weight loss and optimizing the body, and they have worked.

The United States now is to where child obesity with some European countries is literally killing people. Yet all you'll see on TV is nonsense about the Co-Vid and other total crap. Nobody that would be fit and has a decent health would die from Co-Vid or these things if people were healthier.

Of course, if one is at this state, anything can spell their death really quickly, including a simple coronavirus.

However, big pharma wants you in a condition where your exploitation is at a maximum from them. Doctors pretend like nothing of this is beyond the realm of normal, but that is totally insane. Protect yourself and others from these scourges and even if necessary, become evil if certain people do not listen.

However be careful as many people in this condition can be emotionally sensitive and take hard corrections and internalize them, accelerating their negative condition. Please do take efforts to maintain optimal weight, these are what real epidemics look like, but nobody cares anymore.

Remember that Spiritual Satanism is about balance. You don't have to become like Arnold Schwarzenegger, although that would teach someone a lot of discipline and empower them. But as an SS one must understand the value of health and so on.

Crazy people tell you today that this is "Authoritarian" to tell to other people, but what they do allowing people to get so fat their hearts explode is utterly parasitic and evil. That is careless. It's sign of inner decadence to not care for anyone else to such high extent, that you literally see them approaching 1000 lbs and you don't tell them they must seek help.

We live in a crazy world where certain people want to turn you into a pod living, brainchip wearing, landwhale that weighs 1000 lbs so they can feed off of you and sell your stories in shows. Do not allow this to happen.

They tell people that's even the path to "pleasure" and that this is great, but in reality, these people suffer tremendously, and to such extents they can no longer understand. They are lying to everyone. Do not fall for this.

Clownworld must not consume any of us. Likewise we cannot afford to be consumed by the Clownworld.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
On reddit there was a post of a person who went against the fat acceptance theme because he said it ruined his life and health.
There was also a member here who claims I kicked him out because I told him that being fat doesn't make you a warrior, like the dude legitimately thought that being fat made him a warrior, guy can't even walk 3 steps without gasping for air and considers himself a warrior, this is literal brainwashing against anything that is logical.
Yeah its crazy the extent these people go to lie to themselves and others that theyre healthy and okay.

There was this celebrity, Adele i believe but I'm not sure, who was big then lost weight and tried to express how much better she felt and encourage others

People seemed emotionally hurt by this and even went as far as to call her "fat-phobic" and say she "shouldn't have gave into pressure"

Its really sad
This is very true. In addition, obesity, and eating unhealthy food, ages people faster. I've seen obese teenagers who look like they're in their 30s! It reminds me of the study on monkeys many years ago, in which some monkeys had a calorie-restricted diet and others could eat as much as they wanted. Needles to say those ones got fat, but also their bodies were years older physically at the same age.
It really sucks, and one of the worst parts about it is that all the cheap garbage food is easier for poor families to buy. Eating healthy can be really expensive. Still, even if one can't afford the good stuff, they still don't need to eat so much in excess.

Funny enough, Japan has cheap convenience store food that is actually healthy and good for you, AND substantial! From a limited economic perspective it makes you go "wtf how?" But what it is is that they have a unified culture, a really high average IQ, less judaism, and all of that translates into people not being willing to buy garbage even at low prices. They just don't accept it. If merchants have 0% chance of selling their products then they won't even bother producing it. To make money as a food merchant in a climate like that you can't cut corners or use cheap tricks, you have to offer quality.

If fast food and junk food were simply banned at the federal level then the nation would be forced to invest in the availability of healthier foods or else let everyone starve to death. So much money could be made available and reallocated to helpful things for society if the government would cut funding for so many useless programs, and stop giving all of our money away to Israel.

The only advantage of everyone being so unhealthy, as far as I can see, is that not having able bodies for a draft means it's harder for jews to force all the young bucks to die in their wars.

To offer something more productive and useful to this discussion beyond analysis and my own thoughts: a few things I changed which have been helping tremendously is to take smaller portions for each plate of food, and also practicing not finishing the entire plate or package or what have you. I get a feeling of pride and satisfaction when I only take two or three chips instead of a bunch or the whole bag, or when I stop eating a portion of food and put it in the fridge for later. It's been good for training discipline, and simply not eating everything in one sitting helps with weight loss. Chewing food more slowly and taking smaller bites also helps, but I've been doing that for a long time already. The biggest thing that will help is limiting your daily sugar to less than 40g. It's absolutely essential to reduce the daily intake of sugar as much as possible. A single star bucks drink alone exceeds the daily recommended sugar value by more than double. Always check the sugar amounts on labels.
If one has the time, one can understand better by looking at the SuperSizeMe documentation, it explains a lot.
(For some it may be disgusting, the equivalent of watching a man eat shit).
It shows in part that this addiction causes dysfunctions like porn.
Thank you Mr cobra, but I wonder how do you manage to known the solution of every problem ,are you human or god or you are at Magnum opus level you seem to be all knwoner.
Jihiji12 said:
Yeah its crazy the extent these people go to lie to themselves and others that theyre healthy and okay.

There was this celebrity, Adele i believe but I'm not sure, who was big then lost weight and tried to express how much better she felt and encourage others

People seemed emotionally hurt by this and even went as far as to call her "fat-phobic" and say she "shouldn't have gave into pressure"

Its really sad

But my hydrogenated fats and high sugar! That's my daily 3-storeys cake we're talking about! And my quintuple bacon cheeseburger :lol:

Well, I'm not overweight like in that video, but my physical body makes me look quite old. On the street, on the street or on the road, everyone asks me "Are you a university student?" I don't look overweight because I'm 195 (length) and I don't look like obese people like in the video, but on the other hand, I'm afraid "I wonder if I am obesity" hımm I wonder if the venus square works for this?

Have a nice day ^^
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

amazing post as always, dear high priest. I love how you are always ready to inform and enlighten us on any subject even if they are about things not strongly related to the JoS.that shows just how caring you are. im grateful to have you as our high priest.
Just stay balanced and be a happy dedicated Spiritual-Satanist :D
And sometimes you can be a "bad" one too: scream, curse, destroy things and eat what you want, and have crazy sex :twisted: :lol:
This nothing I really blame more for this kind of epidemic than the governmental agencies dealing with health. There are many other reasons but these ones practically just push propaganda. They get lobbied by the (((corporations))) to tell us yes goy eating a loaf of bread and a cup of seed oil each day is good for you. These same kinds of agencies are the ones telling people that getting vaxxed will somehow end covid. Now with the movement to make obese people feel "good" in their bodies rather than deal with the uncomfortable truth that they are unhealthy and should work on it.

This also plays in to the same problem of people being fine to wallow in the mud as pigs waiting for the slaughter rather than take responsibility of their own lives and empower themselves which is the satanic path. All because taking responsibility for your own life can be hard.
Too, true, HP.

I actually started dieting and exercising daily 2 1/2 months ago to adress my own weight issues (many Jupiter Squares and a sedentary lifestyle for a year or two helped me gain about 25kg). I encourage any JoS SS who are looking to lose some weight to do the same. By exercise, I mean something like an hour of martial arts twice a week, and 20 - 30 mins running every other day, outside of Yoga. On top of this, a strict diet, count every calorie, know your daily intake. There are many apps that make this easy to do; Chronometer, for example. In my opinion, Hatha Yoga, even daily, isn't enough to assist in proper weight loss, especially if you are obese, if it is not coupled by a strict diet, but everyone is different. You've also to conisider healthy muscularity and strong cardiovascular fitness.

I've lost 6kg so far, and yeah, you're right, you feel fantastic. I sleep better, have more energy, think more clearly, feel more attractice and so on. It's become obvious to me now that being overweight is tremendously bad for your health, especially in the long run.

Terms like "fatphobic" are an assualt on our minds and, in a way, it's a form of hijacking the English language - as the media constantly does. Now the suffix "-phobic" appears after almost any word, and it's never to point out a geniune social phobia, rather than it is to identify the latest wrongthink : transphobic, homophobic, islamophobic, fatphobic, and the list goes on. We've definitely got to fight this urge to let ourselves go in the West, and reclaim the health of bodies.

Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Speaking of epidemics and pandemics and all this, one major epidemic malfunction of the human body has been left unaddressed in the West and that is obesity.

It has went completely out of control for decades, costing the lives and quality of life of millions, yet nobody really cares.

Obesity is an illness, in the same way anorexia can be one.

We are not talking chubby here and being even fat, we are talking about being obese to the point one has health problems or it can cause fatality.

The West claims it has a spiritual thing called "Christianity" but as it appears the main religion of the Westerners currently is only cheeseburgers.

It is an illness of spirit and the soul first, and then these disorganized energies manifest in the body through overt consumption of what is negative and causes this result. For people to reach these extends, life has to be empty, and the brain must be truly depressed.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes, I also had this thought ... the damage that can be seen of obesity is in the body of a person, but the main problem is in the soul, there is an imbalance inside that person who makes these mistakes, such as a car with no brakes, it will go up to a certain point and then crash, but here people can adjust their brakes and stop.
Jihiji12 said:
Yeah its crazy the extent these people go to lie to themselves and others that theyre healthy and okay.

There was this celebrity, Adele i believe but I'm not sure, who was big then lost weight and tried to express how much better she felt and encourage others

People seemed emotionally hurt by this and even went as far as to call her "fat-phobic" and say she "shouldn't have gave into pressure"

Its really sad

But look, I saw her a little fat last time, but apparently she has changed, and I would say very quickly, when you want something there is no excuse ...
They look like mindless monsters, not interested in health or beauty. Disgusting.
Just a few days ago I was talking to Azazel about the dangers of obesity.
The point he was making was that no matter what anyone says, obesity is not good.

Should very obese people avoid the square of Jupiter? Or is it more about balancing the energies of Jupiter in such a case?
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=316887 time=1642496314 user_id=346]
This is very true. In addition, obesity, and eating unhealthy food, ages people faster. I've seen obese teenagers who look like they're in their 30s! It reminds me of the study on monkeys many years ago, in which some monkeys had a calorie-restricted diet and others could eat as much as they wanted. Needles to say those ones got fat, but also their bodies were years older physically at the same age.

If you starve a little, your body does reduce his biorhythm, meaning you age slower, some yogis starve out of this reason.
I know another sad case like this but even worse: Nikocado Avocado. The muck-banger who sadly ate himself away for wealth. Dude would have become a talented musician if only he learned patience.
I know a woman who is "fat" by most standards. She goes to USA every year to visit family, and she says every time she arrives in USA she feels skinny.

Walking is a safe and effective way for obese people to lose weight. Just get out and walk for an hour daily, then increase the time. Whatever it takes to lose weight. Affirmations too for any SS here. Something like "In healthy and beneficial ways for me, I am effectively losing excess fat and reaching an ideal body weight".
Another factor to the high rate of obesity: aspartame (including Nutrasweet, Equal, etc.). People I know, who have remained obese for the past decade or longer. They are unawaringly addicted to diet sodapop. What aspartame does is trick the body into craving more carbohydrates. Or tricks the body into being unable to properly metabolize carbohydrates.

I've maintained my weight by walking for errands and appointments. My mild overweightness is not as bad as the aspartame addicted people I know. I have avoided aspartame for 15 years and still counting. Ultimately artificial sweeteners are bad. But if anyone here follows a zero (or low-to-mid) carbohydrate diet, and would still like to have some sweetness: more naturally-derived sweeteners (monkfruit, stevia, etc.) and moderate intake of fruits.

The bare minimum anyone can do to maintain or slowly lose weight:
-Daily 30-60 minute brisk walks
-Or walk as often as you can for nearby errands/appointments
-Increase water intake, but replenish sodium, magnesium, potassium (primary electrolytes lost through sweat and urination)
-Avoid artificial sweeteners and super high carbohydrate foods/drinks
-Count carbs and stick to less than 80 grams per meal
-Ideally for diabetics*: less than 60 grams** of carbs per meal
*Unless a competent doctor advises otherwise
**If insulin-dependent, consult doctor(s) about insulin dose adjustment(s) when switching to more limitation of carbs
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316992 time=1642522308 user_id=57]
I know a woman who is "fat" by most standards. She goes to USA every year to visit family, and she says every time she arrives in USA she feels skinny.

Walking is a safe and effective way for obese people to lose weight. Just get out and walk for an hour daily, then increase the time. Whatever it takes to lose weight. Affirmations too for any SS here. Something like "In healthy and beneficial ways for me, I am effectively losing excess fat and reaching an ideal body weight".

I knew a girl very obese, everytime she appeared out of nowhere I would be shocked involuntary. Everytime I forgot what I was doing, thinking, anything. Very strange and shocking to normality. I always felt like an asshole but truly it was involuntary. I think she was over 150kgs.

I heard that she can't have kids anymore because she is that fat, and the more shocking part is that being obese wanted kids. She is married to a man that was a model, and saw a pattern of beautiful men being very attracted to obese women. He told me one time that he expects her to be bigger as he loves for her to bring more weight to the table. :lol:
Fuchs said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=316887 time=1642496314 user_id=346]
This is very true. In addition, obesity, and eating unhealthy food, ages people faster. I've seen obese teenagers who look like they're in their 30s! It reminds me of the study on monkeys many years ago, in which some monkeys had a calorie-restricted diet and others could eat as much as they wanted. Needles to say those ones got fat, but also their bodies were years older physically at the same age.

If you starve a little, your body does reduce his biorhythm, meaning you age slower, some yogis starve out of this reason.
Starving is gonna hurt your health, what you probably mean is fasting, but that is also gonna hurt your health.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I know it is offtopic but can someone who takes care of the forum install a dark theme? I searched in all the settings, but couldn't find it. After a full working day staring at the damn monitor(and lots of years of the same) the white & even the light grey is hurting my eyes.

The satanisgod.org or joyofsatan.org are very eye-friendly & relaxing in contrast to the forums.

As for the obese sadly they go by my body my choice.
Strange how the same line doesn't apply to the vaxxx.
It's sad that so many comics nowadays are also filled with this crap....There's the constant "fatphobia" or... I think it was "fat-ism" or something similar (like sexism, racism....). They constantly promote people being fat like something good and "their choice". I'm happy to read obesity as an epidemic. It makes sense.

I have personally gained 7 kilos ever since I stopped one of my jobs where I was walking a lot, lot. I have not lost those kilos because I am not really trying (the problem with me is that I am very physically inactive). And still, I can tell you that it's very disgusting when the body becomes so fat... I am not obese, but I am at the most fat I've been in my life.

It's just horrible, but seeing how I'm not doing anything physical about it... And knowing three more people who are in the same boat as me... I think it's easier than one might think to get bad.

I didn't watch the video yet, and although I did gained these kilos, I have not gained more, despite being like this for over 10 months now (and eating the same amount as before). It's beyond me how people can become obese, but I can see how they can become fat to the point of not caring anymore to do something about it.

But in order to become obese, one must really eat all day long, or disgustingly big amounts of food.

I will watch the video. Thank you for this sermon.
This is where legislation forcing healthier foods is to the benefit of society and price adjustments to make unhealthy more expensive than healthy. Organic food being promoted.

That would fix this.
I myself though am at a loss for words as to why so much unhealthy stuff is seen as normal without people realizing they are being subverted.

Drugs- yeah awesome smoke some weed man.
Being fat: This is freedom and being strong or something.
Watching TV most the time or spending most the time on internet not connected to reality:
It's great 👍
Going outside interacting with the world= Bad I almost am starting to agree with this one considering how much unhealthy and bad stuff is being promoted.

It's crazy out there.
There is a serious Obesity Epidemic in USA. I'm not talking about chubby southerns living in the country side, I mean everyone is turning into a sumo or a manlet.

Exercise is pushed as the magically cure to having a beer belly, but in reality spending an hour a day at the gym isn't going to make your burn enough calories to go down a pants size. Although going to the Gym is good for gaining strength and stamina.

Lots of foods have toxic additives like Aspartame, MSG, Food Preservatives (sodium benzoate etc.), Gluten (toxic makes you spit mucus), Anti foaming agent ect.

Seed based oils are often known to be toxic as they are refined in a weird manner and some seeds naturally are toxic to stop birds from eating them.

Also being overweight could be a spiritual / lifestyle issue more so than solely gluttony. There is something seriously wrong how people live in America. Their culture and way of life is just materialism and being an NPC, at least more so in the big metro areas.

I don't think people are fat from eating too much meat, there are some people that do high protein hunter gather diets and don't get fat.
You should have seen the chubby bunny sisters. I think one even suffered a stroke or heart attack. They used to make youtube videos about eating contests and of course the chubby bunny challenge with marsh mellows. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsT9_VSaEHA

My 6th grade math teacher was fat as house. The upstairs would literally rattle from her fat ass walking. all of her family including her were obese and had diabetes. She ate mac donald's everyday for breakfast.

Being fat even slightly overweight is disgusting and shows an overall disregard for ones health and self image and an act laziness. Obesity is all of this to the extreme along with causing serious bodily harm in very short amounts of time. It is one of the most disgusting manifestations of decadence and disregard for ones body and soul.

The jews of course are rubbing hands at the shekels to be had in medical costs all the fatasses need for heart surgery, stints, lipo, and organ replacement ect. Meanwhile they gladly pump food full of GMO's, aspartame. preservatives and other poison, the water with fluoride and other chemicals to make people sick and also eat more, and thus ultimately buy more than what they need. Gluttony results and doctor Lipshitz tells the fatass its just in his "genetics" while prescribing him a regimen with sugar free substances that will make him only eat more shit and fatty foods so the fatass keeps getting fatter and sicker, and paying Dr. Lipshitz shekels for his fatass regimen of a seafood diet...when fat ass sees food he eats it.

Being behind the body positive movement and condemning all forms of pursuit of beauty and excellence, this disgusting manifestation of the human body degenerating is Big business for Jews as is tobacco alcohol, sugar and many others. No sickly weak and misshapen people means Dr Lipshitz gets no shekels. Oy vey.
Religion of cheeseburger? more like; Cult of C O N S U M E :p
Aquarius said:
On reddit there was a post of a person who went against the fat acceptance theme because he said it ruined his life and health.
There was also a member here who claims I kicked him out because I told him that being fat doesn't make you a warrior, like the dude legitimately thought that being fat made him a warrior, guy can't even walk 3 steps without gasping for air and considers himself a warrior, this is literal brainwashing against anything that is logical.

Guess he thought he could be like Darlene from dead rising 3.
Stormblood said:
Jihiji12 said:
Yeah its crazy the extent these people go to lie to themselves and others that theyre healthy and okay.

There was this celebrity, Adele i believe but I'm not sure, who was big then lost weight and tried to express how much better she felt and encourage others

People seemed emotionally hurt by this and even went as far as to call her "fat-phobic" and say she "shouldn't have gave into pressure"

Its really sad

But my hydrogenated fats and high sugar! That's my daily 3-storeys cake we're talking about! And my quintuple bacon cheeseburger :lol:

Well those burgers are pretty good
NakedPluto said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316992 time=1642522308 user_id=57]
I know a woman who is "fat" by most standards. She goes to USA every year to visit family, and she says every time she arrives in USA she feels skinny.

Walking is a safe and effective way for obese people to lose weight. Just get out and walk for an hour daily, then increase the time. Whatever it takes to lose weight. Affirmations too for any SS here. Something like "In healthy and beneficial ways for me, I am effectively losing excess fat and reaching an ideal body weight".

I knew a girl very obese, everytime she appeared out of nowhere I would be shocked involuntary. Everytime I forgot what I was doing, thinking, anything. Very strange and shocking to normality. I always felt like an asshole but truly it was involuntary. I think she was over 150kgs.

I heard that she can't have kids anymore because she is that fat, and the more shocking part is that being obese wanted kids. She is married to a man that was a model, and saw a pattern of beautiful men being very attracted to obese women. He told me one time that he expects her to be bigger as he loves for her to bring more weight to the table. :lol:

I've heard of this before, beautiful fit men being attracted to obese women! I don't understand it.
I don't know if it's true or not, but McDonald's in the preparation of meat puts in animal waste and the waste of sacrificed humans, in this way unconsciously linking us to blood sacrifice.
So the "religion of cheeseburgers" is the equivalent of going to church, maybe McDonalds also uses kabbalistic numbers, but this would have to be checked.
Aquarius said:
Fuchs said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=316887 time=1642496314 user_id=346]
This is very true. In addition, obesity, and eating unhealthy food, ages people faster. I've seen obese teenagers who look like they're in their 30s! It reminds me of the study on monkeys many years ago, in which some monkeys had a calorie-restricted diet and others could eat as much as they wanted. Needles to say those ones got fat, but also their bodies were years older physically at the same age.

If you starve a little, your body does reduce his biorhythm, meaning you age slower, some yogis starve out of this reason.
Starving is gonna hurt your health, what you probably mean is fasting, but that is also gonna hurt your health.

It depends how much you are fasting. Everyone fasts every night after their last meal until breakfast. That's a minor form of what is called intermittent fasting. That's a natural 11/13 to 13/11 split for people with healthy sleeping habits (i.e. sleeping around 8-9 hours a night, finishing your last meal 3 hours before sleep time, and so on). It can easily become the one-size-fits-all most recommended split for females (14/11) if someone doesn't eat immediately upon waking (which they shouldn't anyway).

Other splits of intermittent fasting are also good for some people, mainly those who don't need several mini-meals in a day but are more suited to 2/3 big meals. The most suggested, one-size-fits-all for males is 16/8. If I wear to do that with proper sleeping habits AND my personal ideal sleeping schedule, it would be easy to do because:

:arrow: Sleep time: between 20:00-04:00 and 21:30-05:30
:arrow: Last meal: 17:00 to 18:30 (depending on the sleep schedule)
:arrow: Eating window on the 16/8 split: between 09:00-17:00 and 10:30-18:30

Very easy to follow if one applies to it. Between waking up and breakfast, I could meditate, work out, prepare to work/study and go to work/study. Having a drink like herbal teas or coffee doesn't interrupt fasting, so it's allowed. I don't drink coffee anyway but I love some herbal blends. A 10:30 breakfast is basically a mid-morning snack, but it's still good for me as I eat Greek yogurt with almonds or walnuts for breakfast anyway. It's a fast, healthy option that can be eaten during a 5-minute break at work or uni.

This is my personal ideal schedule, which I manage to follow when I am not 'on fire' during the night and when no other circumstances outside of my control happen. This is not a suggestion nor a recommendation, as the ideal healthiest sleep schedule changes from person to person, within reason of obviously not going to sleep past 23:00, as that's not for humans. I emphasise again, IDEAL. Life circumstances can and often prevent people from not only finding out what works best for them, but also applying it. Things such as work, for example, that nowadays isn't health-oriented in most cases and with overtime, especially unpaid overtime, many people are subjected to do because many employers generally do not care about providing sufficient and adequate compensation, due to ridiculous capitalistic and/or communist mindset (both systems aim to keep employees poor anyway, and financial education isn't popular enough either).

Anyway, back to intermittent fasting. Nothing difficult or unhealthy. If anything, it's healthier to do "intermittent fasting" than what most people do, and this a normal eating schedule for many people in many countries. In some countries, they even dinner as early as 15:00 or 16:00, and they eat nothing afterward. Some will have dinner immediately upon finishing work and getting home, especially in Northern countries. The culture of late dinners is usually a bad Southern habit from places like Spain, Southern Italy, Greece, for example.

Now, obviously, if we move to more restrictive eating windows like 18/6 or even 20/4, it becomes much more difficult to adhere to. It can be unhealthy in some cases, depending on your physiological needs. In other cases, it's fine. No general statement can be made as you are still eating anyway. If you skip an entire day, that is no longer intermittent fasting and, honestly, I would not even call it fasting but starvation and malnourishment.

A reminder that intermittent fasting is about eating all your daily calorie needs within a certain window, not about skipping meals and undernourishment.

Just like any healthy option for eating schedules, adaptations can take from a few days to a few weeks, depending on various factors, such as your metabolism.
I want to give a little advice to people who are a bit fatter than they should be or want to be.

My little story - I weighed 95kgs at 175cm height 2 years ago. I've been trying to "eat less" and "exercise more". Me and my friend stayed at the gym for 2-3 hours 3 days a week, most of the time we were doing cardio. I was eating roughly 3k cal every day. I had meals like people usually do - breakfast, lunch and dinner and had some snacks. You know how much I lost in half a year of really hard exercises? 4 (four) kilos.

That wasn't worth the effort. Later on I tried eating OMAD - one meal a day. Basically intermittent fasting 23/1. I lost 16 kilos in four months doing that and goying to the gym for my usual 30-50 min workouts 2-3 times a week. I was only doing 5 minutes cardio.
Now I know what you think because I heard this argument when I tried to explain to people - But YOu wILl bE STarVInG aLL DaY. No. After your organism adapts to new schedule (which takes exactly one day), you will only feel hunger ONCE a day - right before your meal, which is how it should be.

There are additional benefits and explanations how that works. If you want to know more - I'd suggest you watch this guy https://youtu.be/PKfR6bAXr-c or just search OMAD.
I have already read multiple times on this and the russian jos forum that fasting is not healthy, which I can't agree with because - wasn't that how our ancestors lived? Weren't they eating 1-2 times a day max? I think a regular guy from 100+ years ago would be considered RIPPED by today's standarts.
Aquarius said:
Fuchs said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=316887 time=1642496314 user_id=346]
This is very true. In addition, obesity, and eating unhealthy food, ages people faster. I've seen obese teenagers who look like they're in their 30s! It reminds me of the study on monkeys many years ago, in which some monkeys had a calorie-restricted diet and others could eat as much as they wanted. Needles to say those ones got fat, but also their bodies were years older physically at the same age.

If you starve a little, your body does reduce his biorhythm, meaning you age slower, some yogis starve out of this reason.
Starving is gonna hurt your health, what you probably mean is fasting, but that is also gonna hurt your health.

I did mean you eat every day as much, that you are still a little hungry. I did watch a interview about a jogi between 97- 117 jears old if I remember right he did this so he does not age as fast as if he would eat normal. He did have a totaly clear mind, etc.
Its easier for jews to manipulate people when they can't even walk 5 steps without being out of breath. Their brain is also lacking proper bloodflow because the blood is too busy being pushed into the stomach area to help process the enormous amount of activity taking place in that region, which again contributes to the person overall being lazy, lethargic, and uncaring. Being that heavy also promotes the production of female hormones in men, this is clear due to the breasts that obese men have.

Not to mention that (((Dr. Goldstein))) and his pals will make tons of $$$ treating these cows with methods and procedures that don't even address the root cause of the problem.
I think portion size is also a big factor in the USA...I can go to almost any restaurant and the entree that they give is usually so big that its impossible to finish the meal and you have to take the rest to go. Unfortunately under this jewish system, restaurants are incentivized to buy in bulk so they can get the unit price of their foods to be cheaper. And then they make the portion sizes bigger for the customer so they can continuously turnover all of this excess food that they are buying. In some cases its cheaper for a restaurant to buy a larger quantity of product, to put more food on the customer's plate and to have a lot of food waste, than it is for a restaurant to buy a normal quantity of product, serve their customers normal sized portions, and to have little or no food waste.

Nevertheless, eating is an act of free will. So even though these portion sizes are making people eat more calories, people still need to obviously exercise self responsibility, use their brains, and only eat an amount of food that benefits their body

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
