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The Obesity Epidemic In The West

Stormblood said:
I am not sure what are you talking about. Where exactly is the slander? Can you clarify it?

Also, let me clarify something, since it seems people like to use the legal language incorrectly:
:arrow: slander = ORAL defamation, so something done using your own voice
:arrow: libel = WRITTEN defamation, so something delivered via any form of text, online or not

Master said:
Now you have called me a gym rat, and I have seen you attack me many other times in different topics in an indirect manner. I can tell that you are still harbouring hatred for me regarding that issue, this is totally unreasonable and absurd. You are very stubborn.

Is gym rat really an insult where you come from? Cambridge dictionary doesn't give any such connotation to it but I am aware each area has their own slang, so I apologise if that was perceived as an insult. Would you prefer "gym bunny", "hardcore gym-goer", something else?

What issue? I don't remember having any issue with you, ever.

You brought this on yourself for being a condescending dick all the time.

Master said:
Now you have called me a gym rat

It's actually a phrase found in common parlance. Here's an example taken from "stack.com"
Jerky is a delicious high-protein snack. It’s low in calories and fat and it’s easier than grilling up an entire steak! The convenience and muscle building power of jerky make it a common favorite among athletes and gym rats. However, jerky—especially flavored jerky—can have high amounts of sodium and sugar. What makes this especially worrisome is that jerky’s serving size is relatively small.

Gym bunny is also a phrase used, believe it or not. He wasn't mocking with that even though a person who is ignorant of the phrase "gym bunny" might be suspicious of Stormblood here given his typical behavior.

Just trying to do damage control. How nice of me to clean up his mess for him :)
jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
I am not sure what are you talking about. Where exactly is the slander? Can you clarify it?

Also, let me clarify something, since it seems people like to use the legal language incorrectly:
:arrow: slander = ORAL defamation, so something done using your own voice
:arrow: libel = WRITTEN defamation, so something delivered via any form of text, online or not

Master said:
Now you have called me a gym rat, and I have seen you attack me many other times in different topics in an indirect manner. I can tell that you are still harbouring hatred for me regarding that issue, this is totally unreasonable and absurd. You are very stubborn.

Is gym rat really an insult where you come from? Cambridge dictionary doesn't give any such connotation to it but I am aware each area has their own slang, so I apologise if that was perceived as an insult. Would you prefer "gym bunny", "hardcore gym-goer", something else?

What issue? I don't remember having any issue with you, ever.

You brought this on yourself for being a condescending dick all the time.
People who only have been here 1 year and a half AND all they've done in that period is get into fights and heated arguments with other users because of their lower awareness and understanding AND have no intention of advancing, are unwelcome to speak to me. So avoid. Go to meditate instead.
Stormblood said:
People who only have been here 1 year and a half AND all they've done in that period is get into fights and heated arguments with other users because of their lower awareness and understanding AND have no intention of advancing, are unwelcome to speak to me. So avoid. Go to meditate instead.

Is this your attempt of a character assassination? Give it up already. I've been here only for 1 1/2 years, and I'm already better than you. Stop trying to talk down to me as if you're higher. If you were actually able to measure my spiritual advancement and my great gains in wisdom since I came here then you would be surprised by how large it is. I can't even recognize myself from a year or two ago. As for getting into fights... if you actually take a look back at all of the fights I have been in on the forums here and carefully observe, you might notice that I very seldom started them. I actually struggle to recall any major ones where I did start it. I was almost always defending myself. You also fail to see the productive fruits that were gained from my participation in drama.

It's unfortunate that people have such a strong aversion to drama even if it's understandable. Out in the world where most people aren't spiritual or wise at all, drama between folks is indeed pointless. But the mistake is assuming from this that ALL drama is pointless drama. Drama among spiritual people can be very productive, and even healthy. Useful things can be born from it. You have non-spiritual people try to hash things out and nothing comes from it, but with spiritual people it has the potential to achieve a resolution and good outcome.

It's my motto: resolution through conflict. I've proven the effectiveness of this approach throughout my time here, and I have observed the positive change that it has created. I'm very proud of my work here and how the environment has changed as a result. I've helped and empowered a lot of people, given voices back to others, and I've also imparted great insights in an easily digestible format. I believe I have solved a lot of reoccurring problems that existed prior to my arrival to the forums.

Even if you doubt that I have achieved anything here, or grown spiritually, you won't make me doubt myself. I can see how I've grown, and I can see what I have accomplished. You can't take that from me.

And by the way, it's a public space which means I can speak to anyone I want. :p

Thank you for the explanations. Sorry for the late reply brother but I am currently very busy and it looks like this will last a while. I hope to find a good job sooner or later.
jrvan said:
It's unfortunate that people have such a strong aversion to drama even if it's understandable. Out in the world where most people aren't spiritual or wise at all, drama between folks is indeed pointless. But the mistake is assuming from this that ALL drama is pointless drama. Drama among spiritual people can be very productive, and even healthy. Useful things can be born from it. You have non-spiritual people try to hash things out and nothing comes from it, but with spiritual people it has the potential to achieve a resolution and good outcome.

On the other hand, you could continue to believe that all drama is pointless drama, ignore the interpersonal issues that exist in the background between you and others, sweep the problems under the rug and pretend that they're solved without ever dealing with them... pretending that the problems don't exist isn't a real solution, and not dealing with problems won't make them go away. Spiritual people have the potential to work through their issues together by hashing it out and reaching common understanding and resolution unlike the low level citizens of the world who can never see past themselves and only engage in drama for the sake of drama without solving anything. It's the spiritual people who can see past themselves and form healthier relationships through the conflict.

If you never get anything off your chest then it'll just keep hurting you in the background. It's better to just say it and get it over with, and try to get people to understand you and work with you. You could reach a better understanding as well through the process.

Issues don't just get solved on their own. You have to work through them. Which is the process... the conflict/drama is a process. Avoiding the process means nothing ever gets solved. People wouldn't cringe so much at drama if they could see what's on the other side afterwards as a result of the drama. Most people just don't perceive it, or they don't attribute it to the drama and just think things got better on their own.

Certain things need to happen before other things can happen. Conflict can be very healthy. Think of it like a natural fire clearing away old forest before the rebirth. Fire destroys in order to renew. If we deny the fire then we deny the process as well as all of the beautiful things that come after the fire. If you don't work through the ugly situation then you won't get the beauty.
Master said:

Thank you for the explanations. Sorry for the late reply brother but I am currently very busy and it looks like this will last a while. I hope to find a good job sooner or later.

Of course. Good luck to you in the hunt.
Stormblood is right. I am in favor of ketones because I've adapted the diet to my lifestyle and I've had some amazing results when it's done RIGHT. It's reduced inflammation, water weight, toned muscles. Any carbs you eat turns into sugar by your body processes. Your body naturally will make carbs. I'm not anti-carb but different diets work different for everyone. I advise against promoting one diet over the other because everyone is different.

But just remember all foods got preservatives and other unhealthy indegredients that can cause all kinds of problems. Yeah I'm keto but I eat lean meats, healthy fats and mostly non-starchy vegetables , lots of greens. Occasionally I'll eat maybe a banana or a sweet potato as it won't raise my insulin levels and hold onto fat.

I stay away from bread, pasta, gluten and soy. Sugar and Grains in general. My body and grains or sugar don't agree.

So different diets work for different people. What you do is your business.
Quicksilver said:

The main problem with keto diet is that healthy carbs give easy energy to the body, yang energy. This is separate from denser items which can build blood or yin, or lighter items that detox and disperse pathogens (like fruits and veggies). Each food group has its own energetic functions.

So extended keto can be a problem as it may cause qi deficiency, which the body compensates for by burning yin. If your constitution is strong is yin, and through your diet, you can supply enough yin and have no problems. Other people will become too yin deficient, like air people.

The best way to fix this is to have carbs every few days, or in some sort of schedule.


People have problems with carbs when they either eat too many, in general or eat junk carbs. Both of these things will overload the stomach and spleen, causing dampness and congestion to build up. Dampness is a yin pathogen and becomes a problem for those who cannot easily clear it.

Kapha constitutions benefit not just from fewer or less dense carbs, but also less dense meats and fat as well. This is done to make sure their body doesn't become overloaded with yin-based pathogens. On the flip side, Vata people benefit from a yin heavy diet, which keeps them nourished and grounded.


The overall conclusion to everything diet-related is to pick whatever you can eat that is both convenient and maintains your healthy decently enough. It is not practical to have a 100% perfect, home-grown organic diet, as this would waste your time which could be spent meditating.

Focus on improving your vitality through spiritual workings and you won't have to have such a rigid diet or other habits. Knowledge of TCM or other holistic systems allows one to judge the state of their health and organ systems, showing when one needs to take action.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=334737 time=1647394835 user_id=21286]
Quicksilver said:

The main problem with keto diet is that healthy carbs give easy energy to the body, yang energy. This is separate from denser items which can build blood or yin, or lighter items that detox and disperse pathogens (like fruits and veggies). Each food group has its own energetic functions.

So extended keto can be a problem as it may cause qi deficiency, which the body compensates for by burning yin. If your constitution is strong is yin, and through your diet, you can supply enough yin and have no problems. Other people will become too yin deficient, like air people.

The best way to fix this is to have carbs every few days, or in some sort of schedule.


People have problems with carbs when they either eat too many, in general or eat junk carbs. Both of these things will overload the stomach and spleen, causing dampness and congestion to build up. Dampness is a yin pathogen and becomes a problem for those who cannot easily clear it.

Kapha constitutions benefit not just from fewer or less dense carbs, but also less dense meats and fat as well. This is done to make sure their body doesn't become overloaded with yin-based pathogens. On the flip side, Vata people benefit from a yin heavy diet, which keeps them nourished and grounded.


The overall conclusion to everything diet-related is to pick whatever you can eat that is both convenient and maintains your healthy decently enough. It is not practical to have a 100% perfect, home-grown organic diet, as this would waste your time which could be spent meditating.

Focus on improving your vitality through spiritual workings and you won't have to have such a rigid diet or other habits. Knowledge of TCM or other holistic systems allows one to judge the state of their health and organ systems, showing when one needs to take action.

I've read there's a cyclogenic version suggested for athletes. I personally would not do keto when you're a professional athlete, but people get weird ideas and even try vegan... It can't be helped when awareness is low. This cyclogenic version has you on keto 5 days a week. Then you have 1 day with 70% of your calories in carbs, same protein levels as the other days, and the rest in fats. Then you have the day after that with 60% calories in carbs, same protein levels as the other days, and the rest in fats. On the first day of keto, then you reduce carbs compared to usual and do not eat anything after 6pm, so making sure all your nutrient needs are satisfied before that so you can return to ketosis faster.

I read another insane guy pushing the Leangains diet the other day, and he advised 50-60% of your calories from protein, which sounds like the recipe of disaster from my point of view. Eating around 300g of protein a day doesn't sound ideal at all. Of course, as usual, they refer to 1 or 2 studies with a small sample size. That's when most scientists know he's a clown.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=334737 time=1647394835 user_id=21286]
Quicksilver said:
Kapha constitutions benefit not just from fewer or less dense carbs, but also less dense meats and fat as well. This is done to make sure their body doesn't become overloaded with yin-based pathogens.
I have just seen this now. Thanks for the advice
BlackOnyx8 said:
I have just seen this now. Thanks for the advice

Also, mudras can be useful: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=319684#p319684
Stormblood said:
Master said:
I have noticed one thing about muslim women. The majority between the ages of 40-60 are very fat and obese and often suffer from type 2 diabetes. Most of them are only housewives because they are not allowed to do anything else, but the cause of their obesity is their bad lifestyle which is due to their extreme ignorance because they are almost always illiterate.

Even though they are packed like cold cuts, their obesity is evident. Like, their arms are like thighs, not to mention their bodies. They're like big fat seals.

Yeah, type 2 diabetes is common in those who eat too many carbohydrates, such as Italians and muslims.

Type 2 diabetes is common in Indians as well due to too much carbs and too little protein.For my entire life uptill now I was fed rice and veggies 3 times a day as I am raised in vegetarian household.I also struggle with lots of bloating and constipation issues.What should I do to fix my body of these issues?
BabySatan said:
Stormblood said:
Master said:
I have noticed one thing about muslim women. The majority between the ages of 40-60 are very fat and obese and often suffer from type 2 diabetes. Most of them are only housewives because they are not allowed to do anything else, but the cause of their obesity is their bad lifestyle which is due to their extreme ignorance because they are almost always illiterate.

Even though they are packed like cold cuts, their obesity is evident. Like, their arms are like thighs, not to mention their bodies. They're like big fat seals.

Yeah, type 2 diabetes is common in those who eat too many carbohydrates, such as Italians and muslims.

Type 2 diabetes is common in Indians as well due to too much carbs and too little protein.For my entire life uptill now I was fed rice and veggies 3 times a day as I am raised in vegetarian household.I also struggle with lots of bloating and constipation issues.What should I do to fix my body of these issues?

From a medical standpoint, I think it's worth talking to Blitz or booking a consultation with centralforce.

From my point of view, just having a balanced diet from now on should, overtime, fix the issues of bloating and constipation. If you have type 2 diabetes, I suggest you consult a physician. There is some evidence that a SHORT-TERM ketogenic diet may reverse such conditions. I would also add a healing working to it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
