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Obsessing Over Physical Looks; Personality

For everyone to know I am not black, my ass is whiter than the sun, my family is white. My neighbors are white, my community is white. I understand that some of you may think I am black due to my name. It represents my ability to destroy. I am a warrior in the soul and if I become a god, for sure I will be like ANDRAS.

The above is not for you, Vira_. I won't give you any of my time or energy. You are one of four that I don't like in the forums and am suspicious about. I was born with the ability of Physiognomy my look at people never missed.
I realise I may have expressed myself wrongly, but my post is a question of pure curiosity, no offence intended.

What makes you so suspicious of me?
I have my own standards, and I can tell you that a fat or overly curvy woman is simply devoid of any elegance, and does not express any delicate characteristic of femininity.

It may be alienating to say, but I don't even consider them real females if they don't express these characteristics. I look at them as I would look at any other man. Adding a note, what do black people find attractive about black women? The only semblance of beauty I can see is only in those women who imitate the style of white men, otherwise they have all the wrong features in all the wrong places.

Just curious, what do you find attractive in these women?
You really have a tendency for unnatural thought processes. First towards pets and now towards women.

It’s okay for women to be “curvy”. Being curvy and having a healthy amount of weight in the right places is completely different than someone being obese or overweight.

What do you even mean you see a woman as a man because a woman is fat? Are you detached from reality? Wtf?

Also, bringing black men’s attraction towards black women into the topic is very strange too. Why do you care? You really have a weird personality and views sometimes.

Maybe read Hps Lydia’s topic again? She was just mentioning neuroticism, you seem to suffer from that. Fits the description perfectly.
I realise I may have expressed myself wrongly, but my post is a question of pure curiosity, no offence intended.

What makes you so suspicious of me?

I can understand that in some ways I may seem suspicious, because of some posts I have made in the past that turned out to be big rubbish, or even because of an energetic affinity of mine that is more related to Saturn or the like.

I was not born perfect, and like everyone else I have had my own path of evolution. During this path I've had my share of negativity, but that's in the past and I can only look at the present and be better.

If you look at what I do now, I try to help when possible according to my knowledge or limitations, and I try to keep possible negativity and stupid or impulsive comments out of the JoS forums.

Astrally, however, I have always participated in rituals of attacking the enemy and rituals of blessing, to bless the community and try to improve the world.

I will be honest, I am aware that I have made posts that probably made some of you vomit, like the one about animals or the one where I was compared to Fritzl (yes, that was my post).

I had my moments of heavy negativity, and in those moments I wasn't even fully aware of what I was saying. Looking back on them now, I would say that I lacked the basis for a deeper spiritual understanding.

Coming back to the present, I am now more stable, I am understanding many more things and I am pointed in a direction to grow.

I am not directly interested in your oppinion, I remain SS even without your respect, but I explained a few points to clarify for those who had doubts about me.

If I seem a bit sneaky at times, it's because it's my way of being, I either face it head-on or I act in the shadows.

Do you have anything else to add?
It’s been said before here in the JoS about how humanity has fallen to a low level.

The Sacral chakra rules sexuality, creativity, pleasure. Blockages here result in neuroticism, and this has manifested as a neurotic obsession over physical appearance. When people have no access to their higher chakras (higher states of consciousness), they are stuck on the level of what is or isn’t considered physically attractive.

An example about the neurotic obsession over what is or isn’t considered physically attractive: a lot of what is considered to be beautiful, objectively is not. Many clothing trends are objectively ugly, yet because fashion companies push them as attractive, the lower people with low consciousness believe them, without thinking for themselves if it is truly beautiful or not. And a lot of clothes and hairstyles that are objectively beautiful are harshly disregarded as being “outdated” and called ugly, simply because the media says so. Most people don’t even try thinking for themselves, they are programmed.

Another manifestation is neuroticism over food (Sacral chakra rules pleasure, this ties in with the sense of taste). Anorexia and other eating habits are prevalent, in fact anorexia has risen among young men (but is still far more common among women due to society’s pressure on women to be “skinny”).

You might remember the “armpit fat” craze some years ago, with celebrities being shamed for having a tiny bit of flesh showing at the top of their armpits. Magazines and internet articles would have pictures with red circles around women’s armpits when they wore strapless or thin strap dresses, showcasing the tiny bit of flesh. This is neurotic.

Paying attention to one’s looks is fine, such as wearing the best colors for your skin tone and having a flattering haircut. But people who are mentally low and stuck on the Sacral level with blockages in this chakra can’t even get a grip on reality. It’s not just women; too many men these days spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to make their hair look like an anime character, and obsessing over removing body hair, or trying to squeeze into the skinniest jeans they can.

It’s healthy to care about your baseline physical appearance:

-exercise so you feel good and have vitality (without being obsessed over precise body fat percentages or a number on the scale; and not harshly judging those who have “armpit fat” or a “muffin top”)

-wear clothes that you like and flatter your individual body type with colors that flatter your skin tone (without obsessing over what is currently trendy; and not harshly judging those who are wearing clothes that are “outdated”)

-have a hairstyle you like (without spending an hour or more every day styling it; and not harshly judging those who don’t have a hairstyle that is considered modern and trendy)

-for women who want to, wear makeup that accentuates your looks (not spending over an hour every day making your face look like plastic with tons of “contouring/ highlighting/ bronzing/ etc”; and not harshly judging those who prefer to look more natural)

When you free your mind and your Sacral chakra, you can rise upwards. You will have a more relaxed attitude about how you look, you will be more accepting of your appearance and less judgmental of how other people look. By this I don’t mean accepting obesity and disregard for personal hygiene, I mean you won’t obsess endlessly over a freckle or a stray eyebrow hair or exact body fat percentages.

Something far more important than physical appearance is the personality. As in, the actual person: your attributes, character, interests, hobbies, habits, way of speech, qualities, things you have mastered, and so on.

The personality develops properly when all the chakras are clean and open. A person with a closed, blocked, dirty Throat chakra doesn’t even have a real functioning personality yet, so why stay stuck on the Sacral level? It’s pointless, when there is so much more to a person. Humans have so much more potential than just the physical appearance; we have our minds and our souls to develop as well.

For young members here, don’t care so much about what your peers and the media say about your looks. Know that they are on a lower level of consciousness, and there are far more important things to care about. As for eating disorders, you need to eat enough to properly fuel your body and mind; it’s as simple as that. Don’t ever starve yourself. Ignore what they say, and just do what is best for you.

Clean your chakras, heal your mind, rise to a higher state of consciousness. Become a fully-functioning human on the road to Divinity.
Hello and thank you for this post HPS Lydia.

Does cleaning your chakras with the same way as cleaning ones aura? Or is it more like the chakra spin or chakra opening meditation?

Thank you
I would also like to add that in ancient times, most, if not all people had attractive faces.
Proceeded foods and mouth breathing made our teeth crooked and caused our faces to grow downwards instead of forward, receded our chins and jawlines and modern orthodontics doesn't help; it only compounds the error.
When we win, the world and the people who inhabit it will be closer to what is natural and more beautiful.
Lovely sermon. You got to the heart of some problems I’ve seen with our young and old. Thank you.
Hail Satan!!
Hail All the Gods!
Bless HPs Lydia for her insight!
Hello and thank you for this post HPS Lydia.

Does cleaning your chakras with the same way as cleaning ones aura? Or is it more like the chakra spin or chakra opening meditation?

Thank you
Hello :)

Vibrate Surya in the chakras. 7 repetitions into each one is great, depending on your level. There are other mantras but Surya is best for beginning. And also do the sweeping light method in each chakra to remove dirt.
Unfortunately, this is going to get much worse through time. Social Media really messed things up. And now it's a permanent part of our lives.
Something far more important than physical appearance is the personality. As in, the actual person: your attributes, character, interests, hobbies, habits, way of speech, qualities, things you have mastered, and so on.
The body has decisive relevance in love and sexual life.

Be outside a certain attractive standard; no matter if you are a man with all the qualities you mentioned, many women you will want to have a relationship with during your incarnation will reject you. They will not even give you the opportunity to demonstrate other qualities.

The problem is when the physical factor that leads you to be excluded by women is something beyond your control, for example: height, baldness, facial features, etc.

The difference between "obsession with physical appearance" and "desiring a better body to be able to have better social and romantic experiences" is subjective and tenuous.

You didn't say anything beyond the obvious when you said that other things in life matter besides physical appearance.

You said nothing more than the obvious when you highlighted the priority of spiritual evolution over concerns about physical appearance.

But I ask you Lydia, is there anything you know and can share about spiritual practices that positively influence physical appearance in future reincarnations? (at the genetic level)
What about câncer? Starving can help or not? Fasting besides is a jewish practice it hás been proven to have good health benefits
The body has decisive relevance in love and sexual life.

Be outside a certain attractive standard; no matter if you are a man with all the qualities you mentioned, many women you will want to have a relationship with during your incarnation will reject you. They will not even give you the opportunity to demonstrate other qualities.

The problem is when the physical factor that leads you to be excluded by women is something beyond your control, for example: height, baldness, facial features, etc.

The difference between "obsession with physical appearance" and "desiring a better body to be able to have better social and romantic experiences" is subjective and tenuous.

You didn't say anything beyond the obvious when you said that other things in life matter besides physical appearance.

You said nothing more than the obvious when you highlighted the priority of spiritual evolution over concerns about physical appearance.

But I ask you Lydia, is there anything you know and can share about spiritual practices that positively influence physical appearance in future reincarnations? (at the genetic level)
The ones you speak of are people who are at a very low conscious level and are people who will not benefit any good man or woman in any way.

If these are the ones you are going after then the problem isn't them, but you or whoever is going for these low consciousness level men/women.

When it comes to the majority of people who are just normal everyday people what you wrote is far from truth.

Maybe you have little or bad experiences but these are your faults (maybe at the least not all but to a far extent) for going after idiots in the first place.

Everyone here with real life experience dealing with people outside of the Instagram brainwashing nonsense know what HPS Lydia wrote is the reality.

Don't give up, follow the advice of HPS Lydia (along with other sound advice in the forums about these topics) and start looking for better partners and also be conscious of your own faults and how to better yourself away from them.
The problem is when the physical factor that leads you to be excluded by women is something beyond your control, for example: height, baldness, facial features, etc.
Look at reality, not weird online incel forums. There are many ugly/short/bald men who have no problem getting women.

is there anything you know and can share about spiritual practices that positively influence physical appearance in future reincarnations? (at the genetic level)
This is already known. Venus squares and other beauty workings, overall spiritual purification and advancement. Practicing good eugenics will allow people to have more attractive children which will in time level up all of the people.
I believe the concept of beauty and sexual or physical attraction is purely racial originally. Blacks like Blacks, Whites like Whites, and Orientals like Orientals.

This is the reason why so many mixed races, especially in the middle east, feel so much more attracted to Whites, and when you check their ancestry and race, you will realize that most of them are much more White "looking", even though they are mixed. This is the case with so many White-looking Arabs and Persians.... They used to be White people in their past lives, but were forced to reincarnate in mixed bodies due to the fact that Whites have been waged a slow war of racial genocide... Blacks raping their women, wars that pisslam waged, so on...

The less White bodies there are, the more White souls will have no other choice but to automatically reincarnate in inferior, half-assed "bodies"...

Race mixing is truly an abominable act. It puts the soul in extreme deformity and pain, as well as the body. Humanity is so fucked up.

Even if the mixed population manages to become a separate race of its own, the very act of race mixing is the start of doom for any race. Thus the argument of those who state that race mixing creates diversity is null, because it is the environment and the lifestyle that changes the many sub-races in a mother race to look different, not fucking around and putting your dick in everything you feel like.
The body has decisive relevance in love and sexual life.

Be outside a certain attractive standard; no matter if you are a man with all the qualities you mentioned, many women you will want to have a relationship with during your incarnation will reject you. They will not even give you the opportunity to demonstrate other qualities.

The problem is when the physical factor that leads you to be excluded by women is something beyond your control, for example: height, baldness, facial features, etc.

The difference between "obsession with physical appearance" and "desiring a better body to be able to have better social and romantic experiences" is subjective and tenuous.

You didn't say anything beyond the obvious when you said that other things in life matter besides physical appearance.

You said nothing more than the obvious when you highlighted the priority of spiritual evolution over concerns about physical appearance.

But I ask you Lydia, is there anything you know and can share about spiritual practices that positively influence physical appearance in future reincarnations? (at the genetic level)

When a person is subjected to, or experiences undue stress as a result of their concern about physical appearance, then that is how you define an unhealthy obsession or reaction. This is much different than someone who works on themselves in an ordered manner.

The spiritual state manifests into the body so there is a direct relationship here. As you do the relevant workings, like Venus square, based on your programming, this will influence you physically. Once you do enough of these, you can see the full potential of this path and r00elease fears about never looking good enough.

Genetics are influenced by spiritual work, as this pertains to your karma. The most materialized of someone's genetics or karma may be harder to change, but this would pertain to their level of advancement. Someone who is extremely advanced could perform biokinesis, whereas a person of perhaps 1-2 years of experience could pull of a Venus Square and gain better skin and hair, as well as build up an attractive aura and general sense of harmony.
I believe the concept of beauty and sexual or physical attraction is purely racial originally. Blacks like Blacks, Whites like Whites, and Orientals like Orientals.

This is the reason why so many mixed races, especially in the middle east, feel so much more attracted to Whites, and when you check their ancestry and race, you will realize that most of them are much more White "looking", even though they are mixed. This is the case with so many White-looking Arabs and Persians.... They used to be White people in their past lives, but were forced to reincarnate in mixed bodies due to the fact that Whites have been waged a slow war of racial genocide... Blacks raping their women, wars that pisslam waged, so on...

The less White bodies there are, the more White souls will have no other choice but to automatically reincarnate in inferior, half-assed "bodies"...

Race mixing is truly an abominable act. It puts the soul in extreme deformity and pain, as well as the body. Humanity is so fucked up.

Even if the mixed population manages to become a separate race of its own, the very act of race mixing is the start of doom for any race. Thus the argument of those who state that race mixing creates diversity is null, because it is the environment and the lifestyle that changes the many sub-races in a mother race to look different, not fucking around and putting your dick in everything you feel like.
This is not true. No white souls reincarnate in black mixed bodies. Mixed people most likely have the soul of a black person.
This is not true. No white souls reincarnate in black mixed bodies. Mixed people most likely have the soul of a black person.
Where did I even mention blacks?

There was a member here who was Persian and others said that they were white, and that they needed to do the White Awakening Ritual . You're generalizing way too much. Or perhaps you have an entirely different demograophic in mind.
although I do agree that most Arabs and middle easterners are obviously black, but not all of them, a minority is still White-mixed.
The member in question talked with me and sent me a pic of his face to help him determine his race, and i looked into his phenotype. He was a Proto-Iranid. Look it up. They are white for the most part and just because they look a little different that doesnt make them any less of a White person, but that also doesn't mean they are free to Race mix either.

Most middle eastern civilizations used to be fully White in the ancient past. but have been mixed a lot now.
Look at reality, not weird online incel forums. There are many ugly/short/bald men who have no problem getting women.
Not to be rude to you HPS, but it really depends where you live, girls here are pickier than a kid who doesn't like vegetables. Reality is not as easy as just being an amazing person.
I have friends who are great people, always positive and fun to be around, but who have one of the traits you mentioned and they have not had a single bit of luck finding anyone despite trying. I know a guy I play games with on weekends that is very funny and witty, I have a lot of fun when we game, but he is basically a "short king". It's not that he's ugly, he is clean and dresses well, his "sin" is that he is really short (like 1.66m). My guy has been trying to find a girlfriend since he was a freshman, and 2 years later he still hasn't found a thing. What would you say to him? Why isn't he one of the short guys that have "no problem" getting women? It's easy to tell someone to go outside, but when outside is no different, what choice do we have?
Look at reality, not weird online incel forums. There are many ugly/short/bald men who have no problem getting women.

This is already known. Venus squares and other beauty workings, overall spiritual purification and advancement. Practicing good eugenics will allow people to have more attractive children which will in time level up all of the people.
I thank you, because knowing about the existence of these concepts already gives me direction, but can you go into more detail on how I can learn about and practice these concepts for my own benefit?

Could you tell me sources (websites, pdfs, books, or anything like that) to study "Venus Squares" and "beauty working"?

[COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]hailourtruegod[/COLOR]:

Maybe you have little or bad experiences but these are your faults (maybe at the least not all but to a far extent) for going after idiots in the first place.

Don't give up, follow the advice of HPS Lydia (along with other sound advice in the forums about these topics) and start looking for better partners and also be conscious of your own faults and how to better yourself away from them.

I didn't say that the context of the second paragraph I wrote was my case.
However, I am interested in ensuring that the physical manifestation of my body in reincarnations subsequent to my current one are of standards that I consider ideal.
It’s been said before here in the JoS about how humanity has fallen to a low level.

The Sacral chakra rules sexuality, creativity, pleasure. Blockages here result in neuroticism, and this has manifested as a neurotic obsession over physical appearance. When people have no access to their higher chakras (higher states of consciousness), they are stuck on the level of what is or isn’t considered physically attractive.

An example about the neurotic obsession over what is or isn’t considered physically attractive: a lot of what is considered to be beautiful, objectively is not. Many clothing trends are objectively ugly, yet because fashion companies push them as attractive, the lower people with low consciousness believe them, without thinking for themselves if it is truly beautiful or not. And a lot of clothes and hairstyles that are objectively beautiful are harshly disregarded as being “outdated” and called ugly, simply because the media says so. Most people don’t even try thinking for themselves, they are programmed.

Another manifestation is neuroticism over food (Sacral chakra rules pleasure, this ties in with the sense of taste). Anorexia and other eating habits are prevalent, in fact anorexia has risen among young men (but is still far more common among women due to society’s pressure on women to be “skinny”).

You might remember the “armpit fat” craze some years ago, with celebrities being shamed for having a tiny bit of flesh showing at the top of their armpits. Magazines and internet articles would have pictures with red circles around women’s armpits when they wore strapless or thin strap dresses, showcasing the tiny bit of flesh. This is neurotic.

Paying attention to one’s looks is fine, such as wearing the best colors for your skin tone and having a flattering haircut. But people who are mentally low and stuck on the Sacral level with blockages in this chakra can’t even get a grip on reality. It’s not just women; too many men these days spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to make their hair look like an anime character, and obsessing over removing body hair, or trying to squeeze into the skinniest jeans they can.

It’s healthy to care about your baseline physical appearance:

-exercise so you feel good and have vitality (without being obsessed over precise body fat percentages or a number on the scale; and not harshly judging those who have “armpit fat” or a “muffin top”)

-wear clothes that you like and flatter your individual body type with colors that flatter your skin tone (without obsessing over what is currently trendy; and not harshly judging those who are wearing clothes that are “outdated”)

-have a hairstyle you like (without spending an hour or more every day styling it; and not harshly judging those who don’t have a hairstyle that is considered modern and trendy)

-for women who want to, wear makeup that accentuates your looks (not spending over an hour every day making your face look like plastic with tons of “contouring/ highlighting/ bronzing/ etc”; and not harshly judging those who prefer to look more natural)

When you free your mind and your Sacral chakra, you can rise upwards. You will have a more relaxed attitude about how you look, you will be more accepting of your appearance and less judgmental of how other people look. By this I don’t mean accepting obesity and disregard for personal hygiene, I mean you won’t obsess endlessly over a freckle or a stray eyebrow hair or exact body fat percentages.

Something far more important than physical appearance is the personality. As in, the actual person: your attributes, character, interests, hobbies, habits, way of speech, qualities, things you have mastered, and so on.

The personality develops properly when all the chakras are clean and open. A person with a closed, blocked, dirty Throat chakra doesn’t even have a real functioning personality yet, so why stay stuck on the Sacral level? It’s pointless, when there is so much more to a person. Humans have so much more potential than just the physical appearance; we have our minds and our souls to develop as well.

For young members here, don’t care so much about what your peers and the media say about your looks. Know that they are on a lower level of consciousness, and there are far more important things to care about. As for eating disorders, you need to eat enough to properly fuel your body and mind; it’s as simple as that. Don’t ever starve yourself. Ignore what they say, and just do what is best for you.

Clean your chakras, heal your mind, rise to a higher state of consciousness. Become a fully-functioning human on the road to Divinity.
Thanks Need to Hear That plus is there a ruan for nicotine to get rid of the habit Thanks Hail Satan
Not to be rude to you HPS, but it really depends where you live, girls here are pickier than a kid who doesn't like vegetables. Reality is not as easy as just being an amazing person.
I have friends who are great people, always positive and fun to be around, but who have one of the traits you mentioned and they have not had a single bit of luck finding anyone despite trying. I know a guy I play games with on weekends that is very funny and witty, I have a lot of fun when we game, but he is basically a "short king". It's not that he's ugly, he is clean and dresses well, his "sin" is that he is really short (like 1.66m). My guy has been trying to find a girlfriend since he was a freshman, and 2 years later he still hasn't found a thing. What would you say to him? Why isn't he one of the short guys that have "no problem" getting women? It's easy to tell someone to go outside, but when outside is no different, what choice do we have?
I didn't see your post until now. You bring up a good point.

The thing is, many people are programmed and brainwashed. Men and women. Finding love is not as straightforward as it was until a few decades ago. Women are programmed to think they want certain traits in a man, and programmed to immediately eliminate any man as a potential match if he does not meet the requirements. Men are programmed the same thing, that women need to have unrealistic bodies, for example. Many men and women are very superficial and don't even know how to actually think.

It's all a mess, and we are trying to clarify things here in the JoS.

SS members need to work on themselves, open their 3rd eye to see through these spells, and learn to actually think for themselves instead of blindly believing programs.

As for those who are not SS, basically all we can do is continue with the FRTR, God rituals, spreading the JoS online, and become influential in real life to help combat the enemy lies.

It will take time and effort.

Thanks Need to Hear That plus is there a ruan for nicotine to get rid of the habit Thanks Hail Satan
Thank you. Read this page, and there have been posts about ending habits:
It’s been said before here in the JoS about how humanity has fallen to a low level.

The Sacral chakra rules sexuality, creativity, pleasure. Blockages here result in neuroticism, and this has manifested as a neurotic obsession over physical appearance. When people have no access to their higher chakras (higher states of consciousness), they are stuck on the level of what is or isn’t considered physically attractive.

An example about the neurotic obsession over what is or isn’t considered physically attractive: a lot of what is considered to be beautiful, objectively is not. Many clothing trends are objectively ugly, yet because fashion companies push them as attractive, the lower people with low consciousness believe them, without thinking for themselves if it is truly beautiful or not. And a lot of clothes and hairstyles that are objectively beautiful are harshly disregarded as being “outdated” and called ugly, simply because the media says so. Most people don’t even try thinking for themselves, they are programmed.

Another manifestation is neuroticism over food (Sacral chakra rules pleasure, this ties in with the sense of taste). Anorexia and other eating habits are prevalent, in fact anorexia has risen among young men (but is still far more common among women due to society’s pressure on women to be “skinny”).

You might remember the “armpit fat” craze some years ago, with celebrities being shamed for having a tiny bit of flesh showing at the top of their armpits. Magazines and internet articles would have pictures with red circles around women’s armpits when they wore strapless or thin strap dresses, showcasing the tiny bit of flesh. This is neurotic.

Paying attention to one’s looks is fine, such as wearing the best colors for your skin tone and having a flattering haircut. But people who are mentally low and stuck on the Sacral level with blockages in this chakra can’t even get a grip on reality. It’s not just women; too many men these days spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to make their hair look like an anime character, and obsessing over removing body hair, or trying to squeeze into the skinniest jeans they can.

It’s healthy to care about your baseline physical appearance:

-exercise so you feel good and have vitality (without being obsessed over precise body fat percentages or a number on the scale; and not harshly judging those who have “armpit fat” or a “muffin top”)

-wear clothes that you like and flatter your individual body type with colors that flatter your skin tone (without obsessing over what is currently trendy; and not harshly judging those who are wearing clothes that are “outdated”)

-have a hairstyle you like (without spending an hour or more every day styling it; and not harshly judging those who don’t have a hairstyle that is considered modern and trendy)

-for women who want to, wear makeup that accentuates your looks (not spending over an hour every day making your face look like plastic with tons of “contouring/ highlighting/ bronzing/ etc”; and not harshly judging those who prefer to look more natural)

When you free your mind and your Sacral chakra, you can rise upwards. You will have a more relaxed attitude about how you look, you will be more accepting of your appearance and less judgmental of how other people look. By this I don’t mean accepting obesity and disregard for personal hygiene, I mean you won’t obsess endlessly over a freckle or a stray eyebrow hair or exact body fat percentages.

Something far more important than physical appearance is the personality. As in, the actual person: your attributes, character, interests, hobbies, habits, way of speech, qualities, things you have mastered, and so on.

The personality develops properly when all the chakras are clean and open. A person with a closed, blocked, dirty Throat chakra doesn’t even have a real functioning personality yet, so why stay stuck on the Sacral level? It’s pointless, when there is so much more to a person. Humans have so much more potential than just the physical appearance; we have our minds and our souls to develop as well.

For young members here, don’t care so much about what your peers and the media say about your looks. Know that they are on a lower level of consciousness, and there are far more important things to care about. As for eating disorders, you need to eat enough to properly fuel your body and mind; it’s as simple as that. Don’t ever starve yourself. Ignore what they say, and just do what is best for you.

Clean your chakras, heal your mind, rise to a higher state of consciousness. Become a fully-functioning human on the road to Divinity.
Right, nothing wrong with looking good. It seems in society the women get dolled up and the men stay plain. Just the opposite of the animal world especially birds where the male is the flashy colorful one and the female more subdued. The male birds try to attract a female. with humans the women try to attract or choose a male. Women are the main power and also perpetuate the species and carry the mitochondrial DNA. the daughter is the mother and the mother is the daughter. Then there are the real men that attract the women.
Not to be rude to you HPS, but it really depends where you live, girls here are pickier than a kid who doesn't like vegetables. Reality is not as easy as just being an amazing person.
I have friends who are great people, always positive and fun to be around, but who have one of the traits you mentioned and they have not had a single bit of luck finding anyone despite trying. I know a guy I play games with on weekends that is very funny and witty, I have a lot of fun when we game, but he is basically a "short king". It's not that he's ugly, he is clean and dresses well, his "sin" is that he is really short (like 1.66m). My guy has been trying to find a girlfriend since he was a freshman, and 2 years later he still hasn't found a thing. What would you say to him? Why isn't he one of the short guys that have "no problem" getting women? It's easy to tell someone to go outside, but when outside is no different, what choice do we have?
I would say to him not to let his height deter him from his goals. Whatever he puts his drive into he will succeed in. If there are harmful programs such as minding so much about one physical trait as much as this then it stands it would hinder from the goal.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
