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  1. J

    What kinds of entities are there?

    I have seen many different kinds of entities, 3D shadow-like beings, greys, reptilians, and creature remarkably similar to the stories of boogeymen. I would like to know others' experiences of non-human entities, please, state what they are. Hail Satan
  2. J


    I have to agree, but then again, I make no assumptions and try to gain as much experience as possible. I have only had a few experiences with reptilians. The first time, they were standing in front of me and were just standing there and tilting their heads and staring at me from no more than a...
  3. J

    pain in skull , like it's been damaged

    You may have over stimulated (built too much energy) in your head (6th chakra, third eye, temple chakras, et cetera). I have known over stimulation to cause problems. In my case it was an over stimulation of my third eye, which resulted in an incredibly excessive runny nose and a build up of...
  4. J

    Does exposure to Strong Bioelectricity wears down the body?

    That would depend on a few things. 1. How much energy you are able to manipulate immediately and how much is in your astral body. 2. How much energy is your physical body accustomed to being in the vicinity of. If the energy of the person is quite a bit more than what you are able to handle...
  5. J

    All apologies, but im sick of this "spiritual binding "

    I recommend training your mental faculties and in mental techniques because no one who is not a master is aware of what you are doing mentally. Train your ability to visualize until your visualizations are as strong as what you physically see. Then work on imagining other sensory experiences...
  6. J

    Quantum physics proves that there IS an afterlife, claims scientist.

    Of course there is. A simply revamping of certain Physics' Principle such as Frequency or Vibratory Rates shows that there is an after life and other dimensions or levels of reality. Unfortunately, it is likely that not many would accept that, and furthermore, of course, our enemies would...
  7. J

    Vibrating the Gods' names

    Not necessarily, but occasionally, the powers of the god-names can interfere with each other. I have learned this through person experience. Though, as for harmful effects, no. It can be useful to work with one god name for a chakra, another for another, and one god name for a certain portion of...
  8. J

    Demon Copernicus?

    Are you sure, because I looked up the name, and what came up was a video game with a character named that. Spiritual Satanism is not a game. If what you say is true, it is likely an entity, whether human or not, is messing with you which makes them an enemy. Copernicus was not a demon but an...
  9. J

    Question about Banishing Ritual

    Blackmoon is right, work on your aura. There are also two runes that work well for banishing, Algiz and Sowilo. A method of working with them is: 1) Visualize the two runes in your room glowing bright red 2) While Maintaining the Visualization vibrate Algiz (AAAAHHHHLLLL-GGGGIIIIZZZZ). Then...
  10. J

    Goetia and Nadis

    Yes. Though, the Inquisition came later. At first our enemies had to be sneaky, so they started by creating religions that were corruptions of our own. They then recruited or made those who did not have occult knowledge, as or become followers. This shows how weak they are. Simultaneously our...
  11. J

    Goetia and Nadis

    True, many ancient groups codified the true teachings in various forms. In fact, all ancient religions and stories are codified occult teachings in the forms of symbolic pictures, allegories, metaphors, et cetera. For instance, the term heaven and heavens as it was used in the ancient world to...
  12. J

    You can produce and enjoy high quality hallucinations while asleep.

    All the sciences explain each other to some extent. Psychologically, Mental Travel and Astral Travel is Lucid Dreaming. Magically, they are literally the traveling on the mental and astral planes, and the resonating of consciousness with the planes. Biologically, it is chemical production and...
  13. J

    Invoke/Evoke/Destruction Ritual?

    That would be evocation. Evocation as used in occult media tends to mean one of two things. In some cases it means the sending out of a force or forces from yourself, in others, the conjuring or summoning of a force. In the destruction ritual you try to muster as much anger and hatred as you...
  14. J


    There are two kinds of Familiars. Some are solely on the astral plane, others are incarnated in an animal on the physical plane or in some other form or are animals with special astral states as they have to be able to have and work with an astral connection to you. Make sure to meditate and...
  15. J

    Sermon 9/17/14

    No problem. I'm glad I helped. Hail Satan
  16. J

    Most Psychic attacks ARE NOT REAL attacks

    True. There is also the fact that almost everyone has a build up of 'mental dross', and when one begins to meditate, affect their minds and or soul, and to work on oneself this dross tends to begin to come out, and this is unsettling and leads to the subconscious manifesting hallucinations...
  17. J

    Is this some kind of a problem...?

    If you have every taken any psychiatric medication, or certain modern so-called 'medicines', they could be the cause. The psychiatric industry is false, and is designed as a money making racket while simultaneously ruining the minds of the population. One of their 'side-effects' is the harming...
  18. J

    Possessed by an Angel?

    Not likely. If you were possessed by a true angel (an entity on the side of the enemy, near the top of their ranks), trust me, you would know, as they are really powerful. It is likely just a Judeo-Christian thought-form, a weak one. It could also be that you have memory problems, as that is...
  19. J

    Prana and Body Parts

    No problem, as Spiritual Satanists this is important knowledge, and it is important we get to the truth of the matter so the anti-body enemy ideas are eliminated, and the truth made known. Hail Satan
  20. J

    Goetia and Nadis

    There are many methods to activate and cleanse them, and as you said asanas and pranayama are two methods. The proper application of the Goetic God's names are another. In the case of the Goetic names and any proper vibration of God names or in the Kabbalah, the vibrations influence the astral...
  21. J

    Sermon 9/17/14

    Thanks for the information HP Maxine. Yes, the enemy continually tries to cause us to be anti-life, and to hate our bodies. In fact, they infiltrated many occult orders and tried to make them believe it was 'evil' to directly work on the chakras or astral body especially to improve the...
  22. J

    The Emerald Tablet of Thoth

    The stories of Thoth, Hermetic texts, et cetera are multi-leveled symbolism. Some has to do with the Kundalini, different levels of the mind, the chakras, the astral body, astrology, cabbalah, et cetera. By contemplating the symbolism, reading a lot, experimenting, and training in magic and...
  23. J

    Goetia and Nadis

    I forgot one more thing. It is good afterwards to focus on the Demon's sigil to further connect with and invoke their energy. As a substitute you can visualize the energy leaving the sigil and entering a chakra, it is great to use the third eye for this. Hail Satan
  24. J

    Sermon 9/17/14

    This will help you if the website ever goes down again (if you have windows): A great program for downloading the entirety of websites and the files on it is HTTrack Website Copier, which can be downloaded for Windows users from here: http://download.cnet.com/HTTrack-Websit ... 39773.html  ...
  25. J

    Re: Website Down

    A great program for downloading the entirety of websites and the files on it is HTTrack Website Copier, which can be downloaded for Windows users from here: http://download.cnet.com/HTTrack-Websit ... 39773.html   http://download.cnet.com/HTTrack-Websit ... 00477.html  The first one is for...
  26. J

    Goetia and Nadis

    I was told this is the true usage of the Goetia. Before going into the true uses it should be said. We are Spiritual Satanists, NOT Judeo-Christians. DO NOT use any of the prayers, or Christian by-bull-shit. Ignore all Judeo-Christian information in the Goetia, as it is all false information...
  27. J

    Prana and Body Parts

    As we all know meditation is designed to increase prana or energy in certain parts of the astral body, especially the chakras. What is not so well known is what prana, meditation, and the astral body actually do to the physical body. By increasing the prana in the astral body and so empowering...
  28. J

    Goetia and Nadis

    I was told this is the true usage of the Goetia. Before going into the true uses it should be said. We are Spiritual Satanists, NOT Judeo-Christians. DO NOT use any of the prayers, or Christian by-bull-shit. Ignore all Judeo-Christian information in the Goetia, as it is all false information...
  29. J

    Goetia and Nadis

    I was told this is the true usage of the Goetia. Before going into the true uses it should be said. We are Spiritual Satanists, NOT Judeo-Christians. DO NOT use any of the prayers, or Christian by-bull-shit. Ignore all Judeo-Christian information in the Goetia, as it is all false information...
  30. J

    Prana and Body Parts

    One of the main things a Spiritual Satanist does is increase the prana in the chakras and to activate them in the astral body. The major chakras are either in the same space as certain endocrine glands or places where there are parts in the physical body that affect or stimulate them. The...
  31. J

    Goetia and Nadis

    I was told this is the true usage of the Goetia. Before going into the true uses it should be said. We are Spiritual Satanists, NOT Judeo-Christians. DO NOT use any of the prayers, or Christian by-bull-shit. Ignore all Judeo-Christian information in the Goetia, as it is all false information...
  32. J

    Prana and Body Parts

    One of the main things a Spiritual Satanist does is increase the prana in the chakras and to activate them in the astral body. The major chakras are either in the same space as certain endocrine glands or places where there are parts in the physical body that affect or stimulate them. The...
  33. J

    Re: Website Down

    A great program for downloading the entirety of websites and the files on it is HTTrack Website Copier, which can be downloaded for Windows users from here: http://download.cnet.com/HTTrack-Websit ... 39773.html   http://download.cnet.com/HTTrack-Websit ... 00477.html  The first one is for...
  34. J

    Goetia and Nadis

    I was told this is the true usage of the Goetia. Before going into the true uses it should be said. We are Spiritual Satanists, NOT Judeo-Christians. DO NOT use any of the prayers, or Christian by-bull-shit. Ignore all Judeo-Christian information in the Goetia, as it is all false information...
  35. J

    How to get started with Succubi?

    After doing the ritual I recommend a few things, so you can actually experience her. 1. When going to bed imagine you astral body leaving your physical body while mentally you are trying to talk to her. This is useful because before you actually fall asleep you enter trance states, and these...
  36. J

    Sumerian song (sheet music) found is oldest song ever found. Listen

    Great Find, it feels just right, as though this is how music should sound. Hail Satan
  37. J

    Do jews have any spiritual power?

    Yes, that is pretty much what happens. They do not really have to do anything and still receive energy from the vortex and thought forms, though some do perform rituals and working to absorb more energy, and that is the reason why the top ones can be quite difficult to beat, and accounts for the...
  38. J


    Yes you base your mantras on the laws involved in the occult. For instance, the main source of strength for the astral body comes from the energy circulating throughout it, and there are parts of the astral body which receive energy. The R rune is connected to movement, A to energy, and M to...
  39. J

    What is your views on The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagramm?

    First off obviously, a pentagram is a star, and so has points and angles. The points are electric, that is they are male. This means that they send energy out, and do other 'male' things, such as repulsion, expansion, manifestation of heat, et cetera. The angles or the inward-facing points which...
  40. J

    Using sex magick to empower servitors?

    Yes, orgasmic energy can be used as elemental energy. However, it is important to know that on the astral plane the expressions of the elements are slightly different. First, off understand the principle 'As above, So below'. This simply means there are patterns in the universe, and that each...
  41. J

    Do jews have any spiritual power?

    Everyone has spiritual power to some extent, however, most do not have enough energy (chi) to make any real effects happen. A for the Jews you would have to understand the mysteries of thought-forms. Judeo-Christian religions have been pushed by certain Jewish groups so that their 'race' would...
  42. J

    Prana and Meditation

    Hello, I have been away for a while from the groups performing in depth training to learn more about the occult, and here is one of the things I have learned.Prana, which is, of course the energy of life which the astral body is made of and the force used in magic is developed by meditation...
  43. J

    Himalayan pink salt

    I have never tried it. However, a yoga practice for improving breathing, and thus energy levels is called neti, in which you put some salt in water, and pour the salt water in one nostril in such a way that it goes out the other. I have found it does improve breathing and it remedied a energy...
  44. J

    How to eliminate a thoughtform we created -connection to chakras?

     Inhale, then on the exhale imagine the energy of the thought form dispersing, merging with the air, all the while vibrate Ri, pronounced ree. Ri is the Sanskrit and Japanese letter of banishing and dispersing. Do it at a time you are not likely to worry such as upon waking, asnworrying can ruin...
  45. J

    Q: Our Father Satan's Return

     Yes. The Gods are adept at traveling between dimensions, and that is what the so called gates are used for. You can astrally create gates, which in some methods of summonings are used. As for creating a gate that will allow for physical travel to and from, no, not right now. Because that is...
  46. J

    Mudra Vigyan - Pagan Mudras

  47. J

    How to remove binding spell?

    Well of course, s[/IMG]</var> 
  48. J

    Religion Hurts Humanity

  49. J

    Qi Gong and Martial Art Books

    The [/IMG]</var> 
  50. J

    Hello, a question about Buddhism and Hinduism

  51. J

    trouble opening my third eye

    The Th[/IMG]</var> 
  52. J

    Qi Gong and Martial Art Books

    Here are so[/IMG]</var>
  53. J

    The Secret of The Number Three

    The nu[/IMG]</var> 
  54. J

    I am Back - Kundalini

    Hello Brothers and S[/IMG]</var>
  55. J

    Magnum opus

    Anyone w[/IMG]</var> 
  56. J

    Condensing the elements by sanskrit vibrations

    What do you mean? Hail Father Satan
  57. J

    Single and Twin serpent meditatiin or vibration?

    I have found that vibrations, esp. Kabbalistic languages like sanskrit, futhark, and some others are very powerful. My chakras are empowered fairly easily with vibrations. For instance i was empowering my solar plexus chakra today with vibrations from one of the kabbalistic languages I work with...
  58. J

    Condensing the elements by sanskrit vibrations

    Well, I just did a working with agni to give a direct account. First, let me note I can control energy directly. If you cannot, I cannot say for sure you will have the same or similar results. So, when I usr breathing techniques it is even more powerful. I used thr basic yogic breathing...
  59. J

    Condensing the elements by sanskrit vibrations

    It can work, I have done it. Hail Father Satan
  60. J


    My morality is fairly simple. I do not attack people who are not attacking me. I believe in the will to survive and gain power, yet I refuse to use people, at least not harming them. I am honest, yet not stupid. I believe in rights of humanity such as freedom, right to learn, etc. Yet not...
  61. J

    the new indulgence

    Excellent points, Magus Immortalis. As you said we are empowering ourselves. You also have to realize, as Magus said, we are on hand, one gun. Everday we, or at lest may of us, empower ourselves, and so in effect we grow stronger as a group. The Vatican may have others in their clutches, but...
  62. J

    The American Federal Reserve system

    Another two documentaries to watch are Obama Deception and Fall of the Rebublic by Alex Jones and Prison Planet. They can be watched for free on youtube. Exclude any information about the third reich, as that is bull. However, the rest is fine and very informative. Hail Father Satan
  63. J

    Help with the Hexagradior...

    I recommend trying to get into a trance light to medium while visualizing energy all over your body and in it, or while meditating. This can be useful for those who did not do much spiritual work in a past life. Once you feel energy try to recall it at will, or remember the feeling at the same...
  64. J

    George zimmerman and the black community

    True. Those Zionist kikes have continuously placed the gentile people against each other down the middle. Another point I came across was that the Rothschild family, of course jewish, are pretty much royalty among places like England. I researched into their family and came across some horrible...
  65. J

    Jewish Societies

    They have been gaining power for millennia. They use a lot of puppets and hiearchy like structures. This way it is hard for your average person to pin point the ones in true control. You are right they have had control of nearly everything frpm religion, education, media all the way to...
  66. J


    That explains why Lord Azazel has not said anything. I was not sure whether he knew or not. But I like to fight my own battles if I am able at the time. But ISA does seem to work well. Hail Father Enki and Lord Azazel
  67. J


    From what I understand nearly all Ancient cultures had spiritual empowerment methods, though, the majority have lost the original meanings and uses. However, I have found that nearly all ancient religions are a bunch of allegories, which when understood give access to their methods. Chinese...
  68. J

    New Film: The Conjuring

    Yes. That nastiness has simply been pushed on the unknowing populace to make them think that magick and spiritual empowerment is evil and will only lesd to problems. Disregard it. Practice Spiritual Warfare so that it ends. Hail Father Enki and Lord Azazel
  69. J

    spiritual warfare.

    You control energy and use it on your enemy, with affirmations and visualization. At least this is a mrthod which can be employed by those who have meditated enough. I personally, have used grey energy from a cemetery, and put it where enemies go or into their aura, and program it with an...
  70. J

    Total Slaves

    Thank you for the informative post. These are points that are important to recognize so this world is truly fixed, and so the enemies are destroyed and exposed. Hail Father Enki and Lord Azazel
  71. J


    I know they are not grays. As for killing them, I assume the rune Isa should work well because, if I am correct, reptiles are weak against the cold. I believe that is the best choice because I have used fire energiesandthey have not worked. However, I have found fire energies to work well...
  72. J

    Meditation twitch?

    It is simply the energy from the meditations intetacting with your body. When I first began meditating and I would fall into a trance, when I would come to my body would be rocking back and forth as if I were going insane, and it was hard to stop the rocking. I later found out it was the energy...
  73. J

    Meditation and Energy Control

    Glad you liked it. Yes, good points, they made sense. Hail Father Enki and the Gods of Duat
  74. J

    What does the number 3 mean in the occult?

    One meaning is saturn, which is symbolic of the base chakra. I recommend spending time empowering your base chakra. Hail Father Enki
  75. J


    I have found out that reptilians have been comingand going from my home for a while. They seem unnable to do any real damage due to my aura of protection. I havenot had much experience, so i have not had much actual knowledge other than what i have read. I have performed banishings before and...
  76. J


    I believe it is empowering yourself and changing your state of mind. I recommend going to my quantum physics post. I believe it is in the Hells Army group. Thoughts are vibrations, energy. Beliefs tend to influence and override the power of our individual thoughts, which is why changing your...
  77. J

    sanskrit mantras

    You could always create your own through combinations of letters. I use the 1-4 letter formula method. 1=Non specific cause, 2=Mental Plane, 3=Astral Plane, 4=Physical Plane Here are the associations of the Sanskrit Letters I found after a meditation...
  78. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    Glad you like it. I hope it benefits you, as it has for me. Hail Father Enki and the Gods & Goddesses of Duat
  79. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    The Sanskrit Kabbalah associations are correct. However, to reap full benefit from them I recommend meditating with them, memorizing and combining the letters to make mantras, and still completing a training program such as the JOS Meditations, and for even more success, the 6 Month Training...
  80. J

    Energy and Material Manifestation

    Does not matter. As long as you can concentrate that is fine. However, having to use head phones all the time can cause problems for you in the long run. The ultimate goal is not to be tied to any one thing, but to be spiritually empowered and spiritually versatile. I recomend practicing...
  81. J

    Energy and Material Manifestation

    I am glad. However, there is another point to make because of a side effect I just found. So, this will be my last post for the night. While, training you may end up getting quite tired. This is because you are using the energy you have built up. This is okay, though. That is because the Astral...
  82. J

    Energy and Material Manifestation

    I have just found that creating pressurized energy in the Sushumna Channel and lower body enlivens the Kundalini Serpent. I just did so, and my Kundalini Serpent become more easily percieved, and did a quick jerk. Hail Father Enki and the Gods & Goddesses of Duat
  83. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    Experience 6 Been using the first K in the Consonant section to learn alternative methods of performing the Magnum Opus. I have already learned two more methods. It also led me to more information on Melek Ta'us (Father Enki) of the Yezidi people, which is appropriate because one of the first...
  84. J

    Energy and Material Manifestation

    After a certain point of energy control, when you can control energy without the need for breath control you can begin to practice for material/physical manifestations. Some of the brothers and sisters on the groups may already have had experiences when performing pranayama (breath control) that...
  85. J

    list of satanic mantras

    Our Gods and Goddesses' names may be used as mantras. You can use the runes as well. You can also go on google and easily find Sanskrit mantras that can be used. I have found lengthy Sanskrit Mantras used to empower the chakras. They can also easily be found with a Google search. Hail Father...
  86. J

    Drawing Energy Downwards from the Planets

    I have found that this method, I am pretty sure it was posted by others before but i have found it to be more healthy for the body in many instances (especially in my own case). 1. Inhale energy from a planet into your 8th Chakra and visualize the chakra lighting up with the appropriate...
  87. J

    Meditation and Energy Control

    I simply wanted to point out an answer to a question some have had about energy control. After a certain point of having performed pranayama and meditation, you will eventually no longer need to have to perform pranayama (breath control) to empower yourself. You will now be able to empower...
  88. J

    I keep seeing the number 147 everywhere?

    It depends on the system of numerology you use. If using the Pythagorean Method for instance: 1+4+7=12=1+2=3, which can symbolize the elments fire (masculine/electric/yang), air (hermaphrodite/vibrational), water (feminine/magnetic/yin). Another association is here...
  89. J

    Clarifications on the Soul Research (Long)

    1. It does not matter what other books say. When you continuously do a working such as the meditational practices here, which are powerful, you put energy to it and so it makes it be. So simply by performing the meditations on a regular basis you create them. Every thought is energy. So the more...
  90. J

    I keep seeing the number 147 everywhere?

    --- In [email protected], "sammywolfboy" <sammywolfboy@... wrote:
  91. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    Experience Five Without my intent but because I was using Ri (Ree) and due to my desire, my family all ended up leaving the house giving me time to do what I wanted and to acquire some peace and quiet. Hail Father Enki and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat
  92. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    Glad you like it, and yes, anything and everything seems eventually possible if you have the Gods on your side. Experience Four Used Ri (Ree) and two things happened. My family, unfortunately Xians, are much happier; and I learned why my sinuses were acting up and they are even fixed now...
  93. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    Firestarter666, First I am using the letters to find out whether or not the associations are correct. Second, yes you can combine the letters to make your own mantras. Once, I have the correct letter associations, and I know for certain their uses, then I combine them and start forming...
  94. J

    coffee is harmful to the pineal gland?

    Being sufficiently empowered energetic-ally, or spiritually increases resistance. But more than that, higher or stronger energy fields absorb and dilute other weaker energy fields, making the weaker energy fields take on the qualities of the stronger fields. This is analogous to how a stronger...
  95. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    Experience Three I meditated using the first A in the vowel section to empower my base chakra and I felt and still feel a pressure in the base chakra. I used it with the Sanskrit M with the attribute of water because it is analogous to feminine energies, and so reception or attraction - to make...
  96. J

    coffee is harmful to the pineal gland?

    From what I know both flouride and other highly strong chemicals do not interact well with the pineal gland. However, if you train your spirit it will not matter, as you grow stronger, the problematic effects of such chemicals will become less and less. So what I recommend is simply train your...
  97. J

    coffee is harmful to the pineal gland?

    Furthermore, if you are looking for a caffeine substitute, I recommend tea with no more than two sugars. The Ancient Cultures such as those in China and Japan have drank a lot of tea. I think it may be due to it having a heating effect on the body, it dries and warms up the body. I have found...
  98. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    Experience One I meditated using the Sanskrit letter Ri (Ree) for banishing and i immediately felt better. I used it as well to get rid of a blockage I had in my nose that I struggled to get rid of with the Runic Kabbala, and visualization before, and it worked! It is much clearer now...
  99. J

    Egyptian/Runic Kabbalah

    I am glad that you like it. I also just found some information on the Sanskrit Kabbalah. I am not sure whether or not it is trustworthy because of the website it comes from but I found it immediately after requesting help from the Gods and mediating using Lady Isis', Father Enki's, and Lord...
  100. J

    Egyptian/Runic Kabbalah

    Here is a website that lists the pronunciation of Sanskrit Letter sounds: http://kksongs.org/pron/sans/sans.html Hail Father Enki and the Gods & Goddesses of Duat
  101. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    On another note, the Ancients seem to have been well aware of the visible light to non-visible light spectrum. This is useful to know because each color has its own corresponding tone, and own corresponding frequency. You can see this if you overlap the seven chakra system with the visible light...
  102. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    Oh yeah, and here is a website to the pronunciation of Sanskrit letter sounds, which can be useful in experimenting with the Sanskrit Kabbalah. http://kksongs.org/pron/sans/sans.html Hail Father Enki and the Gods & Goddesses of Duat
  103. J

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Quantum Physics

    I am glad that you like it. I also just found some information on the Sanskrit Kabbalah. I am not sure whether or not it is trustworthy because of the website it comes from but I found it immediately after requesting help from the Gods and mediating using Lady Isis', Father Enki's, and Lord...
  104. J

    some of the magnum opus

    First, what you want to do is empower the chakras. The chakras must be empowered and energy must be able to be channeled throughout your body if you are to reap any of the benefits of the magnum opus. If that is already done, than you can perform it, you just will not reap all the benefits...
  105. J

    Resonance Frequencies [videos]

    Great post. I have posted information about cymatics and resonance frequencies as well. These are some great videos. The Ancients definitely seem to have been aware of these things, which was the reason for the creation of sacred languages, the use of mantras, tones, imagination, etc. in...
  106. J

    Resonance Frequencies [videos]

    Yes. If I were you, I would check some of my posts on the Solfeggio Frequencies, and on Tone Color. Here are some links, which include information on the Solfeggio Frequencies, and their Chakra correspondences. I've used them and found them to work. Experiment and use them how you will. I...
  107. J

    Does the enemy can manipulate and control some animals?

    First. Yes, the enemy can control animals and even people's minds. When I first started meditating, esp. after performing the MerKaBa meditation to the point that the field became permanent, I started noticing that attacks were happening more frequently. I would see people staring at me with...
  108. J

    Same damn grey every time?

    You probably are dealing with Greys. About a half a year ago, I went through remarkably similar things. I was sleeping, and had a dream and in it a goblin type creature (thought form) said that he was coming for me. I found out afterwards, that a grey influenced by dream state, and induced that...
  109. J

    How to make a Satanic Wand

    I have found that many of the actual physical metals such as copper and gold were not only used as symbolic of the chakras by chance, but were chosen due to their similar make ups in regards to electromagnetic (element) channeling. The Ancient Egyptians and many other ancient cultures seem to...
  110. J

    My Kundalini Activated and some Energy Rose But...

    I do see your point. I did not mean however, that one should leave Father after having risen, that would simply be disrespectful after he and the Gods have aided you. I simply like looking at things sort of like a clock-work or mechanical computer (the majority of the time) because I like to...
  111. J

    My Kundalini Activated and some Energy Rose But...

    Thank you. I managed to fix it will the channeling of sexual energy, spending some time channeling energy from my base chakra through the spine and out my head, and more or less completely getting over doubts and fears. I recommend for those who are having trouble progressing in their Kundalini...
  112. J

    catholic symbol

    Yes. But it is not a Catholic Symbol. That cross used by Xians is actually an ancient pagan symbol which has had two meanings. 1) the Sun during one of the equinoxes. 2) The Throat Chakra. This can be seen in the depictions and information available about the Ankh, which seems to be the origin...
  113. J

    law of atraction

    The law of attraction is really not that different than spell work. First off, ask if you believe what you wish to do is possible, if you believe you can accomplish it. It has been shown and proven that doubts and worries can hinder spell work. Next, is whether or not you have a sufficient...
  114. J

    Asana, Sanskrit, Sanat

    Thank you for the informative post. I recommend going to the following website, as Lady Isis seems to have led me to it, I used her name as a mantra to learn more about the verbal cabbala, and it is what she led me to. It includes much information such as the associations and uses to letters in...
  115. J

    My Kundalini Activated and some Energy Rose But...

    Thank you hoodedcobra666, I will use the methods you listed and see what comes out of them. Hail Father Enki Fail Lady Inanna Hail Lord Shammash Hail Lord Thoth Hail Lord Glasya-Labolas Hail Lord Enlil
  116. J

    My Kundalini Activated and some Energy Rose But...

    Hello, I have posted before that my Kundalini is activated but is still needing to rise. I have recently found out that some energy from my kundalini has risen and is wreaking havoc on my sinuses. It was after a Yoga session a while ago when I felt a sort of wiggling/serpent like movement rise...
  117. J

    Subliminal Programming through Xianity and False History

    I have read some books which I think are integral in defending one's self against the bull, that is and has been pushed on us. The following books, are on the mental techniques which have been used. As well as, of course, some very valuable parts of JoyofSatan.org which, I thank, the High...
  118. J

    recurring numbers, 323

    Here is some information regarding the number: - It is the area code of the central area of Los Angeles, California. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_code_323 It is interesting because Los Angeles basically translates as the City of Lost Angels. - 323 is a powerful message from the...
  119. J

    Sanskrit and Tibetan Kabbalah

    I was meditating via Lady Inanna's and Lord Thoth's names as mantras to learn more about the kabbalah, then, I have already known and came across some rather interesting information, especially, that of the Sanskrit and Tibetan Kabbala, as I was getting bored about the runes, and wished to use...
  120. J

    What is 11:11 ?

    111: This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form...
  121. J

    Karma and justice

    The Unfortunate truth is that justice is not always exacted. Karma is new age bullshit. If you believe that you will be harmed for harming another than odds are that you will. Hail Father Enki Hail Lady Astarte Hail Lord Glasya-Labolas Hail Lord Thoth Hail Lord Shammash Hail Lord Enlil
  122. J

    good sermon

    Thanks for the informative post. You are quite right, I have verified this through experiences. When I started to meditate, many city animals who are not used to seeing increased energy fields began to become nervous around me, but whenever I got close to them they calmed down because they...
  123. J

    Webcams and Color Filters to See Energy

    I decided to obtain a webcam software because my computer already has webcam. http://download.manycam.com/ The above link is where I downloaded the software from. I was experimenting with the color filters and the alien effect, when I found out that through certain colors and filters and...
  124. J

    What is Kundalini Madness?

    Thank you magus immortalis. I am still going through many changes. I have yet to have it completely rise. But I am learning much about magic and the occult. There are times which I am just sitting and my energy field begins to pulse and extent extremely far. Sometimes I work with energy and my...
  125. J

    Adolf Hitler's Birthday gifts

    http://www.nazi.org.uk/ This is also a in depth website on the third reich, norse and teutonic mythology and religion, words by the third reich and more. Some may need to be read more so as a spiritual satanist would.
  126. J

    Psychiatry A Horrible Scam and Modern Programming

    Too many gentiles have been destroyed, weakened, and entrapped by the so-called mental 'science' called psychiatry. I was one as a child who was forced on much medication, and I have personally experienced the pain that psychiatrists, their institutions,and medications cause. The two below...
  127. J

    Quantum Physics

    One other point to mention is that our trance states are very close to that of Planet Earth's Frequencies, called the Schumann Cavity Resonance. Information on it can be found here: http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphys ... humann.htm But I'm glad you like the information. I am simply...
  128. J

    Quantum Physics

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/ksrq1r (This is a book on The Golden Ration and Fibonacci Series, it is interesting, and mathematically, it seems to tie in with Quantum Physics, only on the Mathematical Level, and it is talked about in The Book of 528 which I listed on the earlier Quantum Physics...
  129. J

    Long time breakout-the snake seeks to return

    I think he believes the research performed by some anatomical scientists who are saying humans actually have three brains. 1 Being instinctual which has been called the R-Complex or Reptilian Brain, another which can be called the Mammalian brain, and then they say we have a third which allows...
  130. J

    Quantum Physics

    Yes, Quantum physics is a scientific and methodical approach to spirituality. Read the texts as a Spiritual Satanist would but some I can recommend which are in depth and which I have verified myself are: www.hermetics.org/pdf/kybalion.pdf (The Kybalion)...
  131. J

    Quantum Physics

    Yes, Quantum physics is a scientific and methodical approach to spirituality. Read the texts as a Spiritual Satanist would but some I can recommend which are in depth and which I have verified myself are: www.hermetics.org/pdf/kybalion.pdf (The Kybalion)...
  132. J

    Quantum Physics

    Yes, Quantum physics is a scientific and methodical approach to spirituality. Read the texts as a Spiritual Satanist would but some I can recommend which are in depth and which I have verified myself are: www.hermetics.org/pdf/kybalion.pdf (The Kybalion)...
  133. J

    DMT hallucinogen???

    Your better off simply opening your Pineal Gland to the point you can always feel it and work with it, because it secretes DMT. This chemical is quite useful in meditations, and in spiritual workings but it is not the only important one. I recommend meditating, of course. And researching on...
  134. J

    Question about people into angel magick.

    A lot of people have created thought forms which they have confused as angels due to their religious indoctrination.
  135. J

    'A System of Caucasian Yoga'

    I found this book while I was using mental magnetism online. It is apparently the book that Franz Bardon used as one of his foundations. It includes apparently some Egyptian Methods with are similar to our own. I used some of them. The expanding part of the arcane exercises I find work well. It...
  136. J

    'A System of Caucasian Yoga'

    I found this book while I was using mental magnetism online. It is apparently the book that Franz Bardon used as one of his foundations. It includes apparently some Egyptian Methods with are similar to our own. I used some of them. The expanding part of the arcane exercises I find work well. It...
  137. J

    Human DNA programmable by language

    Yes that is correct.The truth is humans have continuously programmed both themselves and their DNA unknowingly as well. Here are some posts I've made that more or less make sense of it. The posts are under the title The Pyramids and Frequencies and the Kabbala...
  138. J

    The Pyramids and Frequencies and the Kabbala

    Oh yeah, and here are some of my other sources. http://www.gizapyramid.com/Leone1.htm http://www.mythencyclopedia.com/Ho-Iv/H ... chtli.html http://www.allabouthistory.org/huitzilopochtli-faq.htm http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~mclennan/BA/AGEDE/index.html http://www.interferencetheory.com/Artic...
  139. J

    The Pyramids and Frequencies and the Kabbala

    Here is some other information I use and have used which make more sense of it. First, I recommend reading Marcotone by Edward Maryon, and the information on the following website about cymatics. http://www.world-mysteries.com/sci_cymatics.htm Anyway, here is the information from my...
  140. J

    Chakras, colors and tones

    these three links and files should help you. http://api.ning.com/files/s5*jJqkbiBOad ... height=569 http://www.lvx.org/files/QuickSiteImages/Marcotone.pdf http://www.greatdreams.com/hertz.htm Every sound/vibration/and rate of vibration possesses analogous colors which create the same...
  141. J

    Ashtar or "Easter"...

    Ashtar/Easter seems to have been a day centered around fertility. Back then too it seems to have been associated with eggs, because some species hatch from eggs. The Tibetans possessed teachings about a 'cosmic' egg from which all things emerge. So, Astar/Easter is the day of beginnings, life...
  142. J

    Spermcount and Testosterone Decrease!

    http://livingresearchinstitute.com/men/ ... ndexw.html This video deals with how during the past few centuries are testosterone levels have greatly decreased, it talks of some things causing this, and how to fix it. Of course, the use of electromagnetism appropriately can fix this as well.
  143. J

    The ADL Brands 35 Million Americans As "Infected" With "Anti-Semitis

    The attack on 911 was a financial move as well as a move on freedom. Put the pieces together. Before the attack happened it seems insurance was bought up. Furthermore, now 9/11 is allowing the kikes in key positions to defend themselves and to allow them to "fight war against terror" which in...
  144. J

    Hitler know of Jewish conspiracy?

    yes. Read the websites by Don Danko and http://www.nazi.org.uk/
  145. J

    Re: NAZI Website - Rare Books and Downloads - HP Maxine

    I was Hoping HPS Maxine or another HP would upload some of the files from this website nazi.org.uk . It could prove very useful, as I have read some of them, regarding information warfare, and of figuring out world affairs (jewry).
  146. J

    World Wide Ritual for Freeing Gentiles

    First off I'll post some information: I found out some methods which aided the kikes in setting up xianity and spreading their control. Obviously, the kikes have been known to infiltrate, rot out from the inside, milk minds and then kill the people who they milked, etc. Another methods is how...
  147. J

    Kikes Mass Control and Getting Worried

    The kikes are planning to try to control gentiles and secure their place at the top but you can tell they are worried. Obama re-elected through vote tampering through ACORN. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/erb ... oter-fraud http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_ ... rcent.html...
  148. J

    Famous Television British-Jew "Humans are a Plague on the Earth"

    http://money.msn.com/now/post.aspx?post ... f033b3c75c http://www.thejc.com/comment/essays/bri ... real-story http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0041003/bio David Attenborough (the bottom two above links show he is apparently a kike)says human beings are a plague on the earth and that to save...
  149. J

    Harry Potter?

    It seems to me that our Gods may have played a hand in the creation of the Harry Potter series. I have found many allegories and answers there. 1. The Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk: Being an allegory for the base chakra and the Kundalini Serpent. 2. Philosopher's Stone: Not an...
  150. J

    The Divine Yoni and it's Denigration

    Correct. I already found many aspects of xianity which are either perverted aspects of ancient religion or practices. 1. Jesus dying for sins - This comes from the ancient ritualistic practice of using cold water to cleanse the spirit and stay healthy. Cold Water has been proven to accept...
  151. J

    World Wide Ritual For Freeing Gentiles

    First off I'll post some information: I found out some methods which aided the kikes in setting up xianity and spreading their control. Obviously, the kikes have been known to infiltrate, rot out from the inside, milk minds and then kill the people who they milked, etc. Another methods is how...
  152. J


    Thank you for this Maxine. I recently started eating thai and asian food because I always wanted to. Thanks I will stop. You are quite correct. I also found out that the kikes are basically creating poisons and passing it off as medicine such as the flu shots, and much more. Now, it is time to...
  153. J

    461 New Planets Discovered

    Nasa just discovered 461 new planets and one of them is said to look nearly identical to Earth. http://news.msn.com/science-technology/ ... db&ap=true
  154. J

    461 New Planets Discovered

    Nasa recently discovered 461 new planets and one of them is said to look nearly identical to Earth. http://news.msn.com/science-technology/ ... db&ap=true
  155. J

    Chi - DNA - Occult Powers

    I recently found this website: http://www.danmirahorian.com/ It includes much useful information: - Chi: Including video demonstrations of the powers of Chi usage - Solfeggio Frequencies and their usage - Some interesting information Regarding DNA - This website's videos regarding chi...
  156. J

    Chi - DNA - Occult Powers

    I recently found this website: http://www.danmirahorian.com/ It includes much useful information: - Chi: Including video demonstrations of the powers of Chi usage - Solfeggio Frequencies and their usage - Some interesting information Regarding DNA - This website's videos regarding chi...
  157. J

    Pyramids - Frequencies - Kabbala

    Physics and the spiritual sciences are one in the same. I explain everything in the contexts of physics now. As for sending things through space and time in an instant, that can and has been done. Information (Vibrations) are always heading somewhere. That is, there are countless streams of...
  158. J

    Chi - DNA - Occult Powers

    I recently found this website: http://www.danmirahorian.com/ It includes much useful information: - Chi: Including video demonstrations of the powers of Chi usage - Solfeggio Frequencies and their usage - Some interesting information Regarding DNA - This website's videos regarding chi...
  159. J

    Flu Epidemic

    A better means would be to program a crystal or a thoughtform and send it into the Earth/bury it because the Earth is electromagnetic. In other words, the Earth would draw in the thoughtform or vibrations of the crystal and channel it throughout the entire world. Best of all, it is likely to...
  160. J

    Pyramids - Frequencies - Kabbala

    Correct. This is what is called physics. If I were you I would also study physics more in depth. I have and I have found physics to be a universal key. Everything can be explained by physics. For example, when you fill a room in your house with color, you are creating a frequency in which the...
  161. J

    Pyramids - Frequencies - Kabbala

    Glad to help.
  162. J

    Pyramids - Frequencies - Kabbala

    Glad to help.
  163. J

    Pyramids - Frequencies - Kabbala

    It's not that I don't recommend them. I beleive that if you are going to use binural beats or audio based on specific frequencies for effects you should make your own because it may be that the post is not exactly what is stated. It is up to you.
  164. J

    NAZI Website - Rare Books and Downloads

    Thank you for the compliment. Glad you like it.
  165. J

    Pyramids - Frequencies - Kabbala

    Through my research I have discovered that the Pyramids are known to emit specific frequencies. They seem to be nearly exact or similar to what are called the Solfeggio Frequencies. The Solfeggio frequencies have been recently discovered to influence and affect consciousness. This also seems to...
  166. J

    Information about our Enemies

    I have recently been studying physics and its connections to magic and the traditions within magic. I have found out quite a bit. First off, I should note that gender truly does manifest in all plains down to the last miniscule details - electromagnetism, I think protons and neutrons, males and...
  167. J

    Connection Between Xian Religions and Soceties

    I have recently found out some disgusting yet useful information. There are some other allegories and reasoinings behind xian religions and soceties as well. Here are some: An allegory behind "angels" nowadays is that of the slavery mentality. Remember, what HP Maxine said, the "Bible" was...
  168. J

    Pyramids - Frequencies - Kabbala

    Through my research I have discovered that the Pyramids are known to emit specific frequencies. They seem to be nearly exact or similar to what are called the Solfeggio Frequencies. The Solfeggio frequencies have been recently discovered to influence and affect consciousness. This also seems to...
  169. J

    Pyramids - Frequencies - Kabbala

    Through my research I have discovered that the Pyramids are known to emit specific frequencies. They seem to be nearly exact or similar to what are called the Solfeggio Frequencies. The Solfeggio frequencies have been recently discovered to influence and affect consciousness. This also seems to...
  170. J

    Nazi website with some great evidence and information

    http://www.nazi.org.uk/ This website has some great information about the SS, Third Reich and Hitler. I haven't watched all the videos and read all the books, however, the one's I have possess some great information within them such as videos with speeches from Adolf Hitler which show his...
  171. J

    The Pyramids and Frequencies and the Kabbala

    Through my research I have discovered that the Pyramids are known to emit specific frequencies. They seem to be nearly exact or similar to what are called the Solfeggio Frequencies. The Solfeggio frequencies have been recently discovered to influence and affect consciousness. This also seems to...
  172. J

    NAZI Website - Rare Books and Downloads

    No problem. I enjoy helping my bretheren.
  173. J

    Obtained my Wings

    Thank you "PP", I will continue.
  174. J

    Are Europeans already Satanists without knowing it?

    True. I agree with that as well. Once Gentiles realize their history and the power we can reach, the world will be as it should be.
  175. J

    My Story and help needed

    I agree. I'm trying to get others to read this http://www.nazi.org.uk/ because it does include some great information, such as speeches by Adolf Hitler Videos which you do not hear about in common education systems. As well as some great ebooks and audio files. That website with the JOYOFSATAN...
  176. J

    Obtained my Wings

    I recently just obtained my wings. I was in the shower doing a cleansing and enjoying myself, absorbed in deep thought, and I witnessed my wings form, and grow. Now, I am trying to decide what to do next.
  177. J

    Pastlife meditation

    First, let me say this. There is always another way to do a thing. If something does not work well for you, than create an alternative way. First off, belief and just letting go is a big part of success in such things, but you do not have to take my word for it. Personally, I do not have to go...
  178. J

    NAZI Website - Rare Books and Downloads

    I recently just found this website with ebooks and downloads that I have never heard of before. I am currently reading them, so I am not sure if they actually fit in with our ideals. Within them there is a sequel to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf and many others. http://www.nazi.org.uk/
  179. J

    Nazis Look Good

    Nazis do look good. Here is a website with great information on the literal goals of the SS, and Hitler. I haven't read and watched all of the videos however, the ones I did watch show what we are not told. On some of them even Hitler says he was attempting to fix the things so that citizens...
  180. J

    Contemplation from Demons and Satan

    I have found at huge amounts of information, methods, and types of workings. Before mocking this information read, and ask him and the Demons if you desire to: Father Satan wants all of you to use this information to further your souls faster and to perform warfare on much bigger scales, and to...
  181. J

    Fixing the Energy & Other Allegories

    Thank you once again. Your information and insight has certainly proven invaluable to many.
  182. J

    Continuous Setbacks, Seeking Insight and Advice Please

    I know what you mean, in terms of continuous setbacks. I decided to go my own way and follow my own gut. Just follow gut instincts. I haven't heard Father much. However, it is my understanding that he is usually right, if not always. Personally, the way i see it. Don't go after every girl you...
  183. J

    Attacks and Interference in Communications with Gods? - HP Maxine an

    Are sure you are not mistaking the breath of fire which i think is also called the kapalati breath, with the element of fire invocation? Anyway I do many breathing techniques and don't have any consequences, you adapt after a while. But thank you,I'll do the aforementioned with blue satanic...
  184. J

    Attacks and Interference in Communications with Gods? - HP Maxine an

    Hello, I posted this before and have continued doing what i have been doing. I keep up my aura of protection, do my meditations daily, practice the kaballah, do yoga, and about 500 breaths of fire in one session and practice my visualization, etc. For a while now, things have been improving...
  185. J

    Being Attacked For Some Time?

    I believe I have been being attacked by multiple beings. I'm not sure as to who they are. I think they are enemy Nordics but some of the things they say seem like a Demon would say them. I'm not saying they are, I'm simply saying what I think. Also, I have been programming my dwelling to...
  186. J

    We are becoming famous...

    Yeah I know it is pretty awesome. On television as well there are many things popping up, like people in germany or other countries talking about how they want revolutions and they admire hitler, documentaries on WW2, movies with Hitler in them, more and more is going to keep happening. You...
  187. J


    I have a question. If you progressed far enough in a past life and they already sprouted in that past life, do they sprout again? Because by simply doing the wings of the soul meditation or focusing on the area I believe my wings to be I can feel them. And move them at will. I still seem to have...
  188. J

    What is Kundalini Madness?

    I think I can help you out. I have recently been hearing from what I think to be demons around me answering some of my questions. Apparently, I rose my kundalini in a past life (not to sure about that). But, anyway, it is my understanding that when your kundalini awakens and is getting closer...
  189. J

    Hearing voices from beings, Experiences, and my questions?

    Thank you, Brian. I am without crystals and candles, but I have tried to talk to Father Satan, without candles before. And obtained answers and help sometimes. So, I will simply use visualization, put his sigil in the 4 corners, and try to communicate telepathically informing him that this house...
  190. J

    Hearing voices from beings, Experiences, and my questions?

    Ok I've been doing my meditations, aura and chakra cleansings, etc. And these are the experiences I've had. Sorry if it is long, I posted at the bottom my question. 1. A dream with me and a bunch of other people who I believe to be SS. 2. A dream with who I believed to be Azazel saving me...
  191. J


    Yes I think so as well. There are two versions of shape shifting I believe however one is a spiritual allegory. The obvious one which already has been stated, is the transformation of the soul into godhead. The other is that you can astral shape shift. I believe the astral shape shifting can be...
  192. J

    A little guidance please ^_^

    I wanted to do more, so I asked Father to help me as a means to contact the many gods I wanted to send some energy to. I raised energy into a ball, and sent the balls to each one of them with visualization after chanting their names in my mind. Another time I offered some of my energy, is when I...
  193. J

    COLORED ENERGY, never forget this ability

    With me I can smell energy some of the time, and many individual's energy doesn't smell good.
  194. J

    Question About My Dream With Myself and Another as Numbers?

    Sorry if this seems long, but it is worth reading in my opinion, to know the sort of things that might pass to come and what we are up against. I think I have figured it out. I was thinking for a while and after progressing and reading some other posts, I think I've come to the right...
  195. J

    Group's Intro Page

    True, freedom is in our nature. Unfortunately, the enemies have instilled laziness in many as well. I didn't read the entire thing st first. After doing the meditations, was when I truly got over all of the negative things they have worked to instill in us, as well as any past hang ups I may...
  196. J

    Severing Links

    Yeah, I know. They tried that to me. After they began trying to make me visualize myself as a grey. They still do. But it doesn't work. I think they are pissed and scared. It is funny to see their pathetic attempts.
  197. J

    any sort of info

    Yeah, I agree. Enemies made their way in the place I stay at in the past. Their were a bunch of them. I called on who I believe to be my GD and a few minutes later, I saw a being walk through the wall, right next to me, and the vapor like beings in the house/next room were gone. And the rest of...
  198. J


    Thanks B.G. I heard you are going to be having a SS wedding. I'm happy for you. Good luck.
  199. J

    is it possible?

    Yeah. I believe it is possible. However, you need to empower yourself. I know this is a thing nearly all, if not all beginners think at the beginning. The gods do not just give us power, and everything we want. It is a path of freedom and independence. They give us knowledge and other such...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
