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Pyramids - Frequencies - Kabbala


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Through my research I have discovered that the Pyramids are known to emit specific frequencies. They seem to be nearly exact or similar to what are called the Solfeggio Frequencies. The Solfeggio frequencies have been recently discovered to influence and affect consciousness. This also seems to be a big part of what is called psionics and radionics. So, I put two and two together and found out that the Ancient Egyptians understood the human connection to vibrations and frequencies and therefore, set up their pyramids and temples more than simply aligning astrologically, but also in terms of frequency.

People say that the Solfeggio frequencies were originally used by John the Baptist, but that is pure bull, just like their buy-bull. I personally believe them to have stolen these frequencies from much more ancient sources and used them (occult knowledge) to promote their sick twisted religions and information.

Frequency use is actually how you get what are called binural beats to work.

As we know everything is in a constant state of vibration.

This and the below plays a major part in getting the kabbala to work.

The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:

UT - 396 Hz - Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE - 417 Hz - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI - 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA - 639 Hz - Connecting/Relationships
SOL - 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition
LA - 852 Hz - Returning to Spiritual Order

In the Solfeggio, "Ti" is missing and what we call "Doe" was known as "Ut". Here are the original pitch frequencies of these six notes:

Another interesting tidbit that the authors included as a musical scale with words, from the work of John Keely; where Keely related the hues (not pigment colors) of light related to musical notes. On the "G-Clef" with "C" being the first line below the staff and continuing up the scale and up the staff:

C = Red = Tonic
D = Orange = Super Tonic
E = Yellow = Mediant
F = Green = Sub Dominant
G = Blue = Dominant
A = Indigo = Super Dominant, Sub Mediant
B = Violet = Leading Tone, Sub Tonic
C = Red = Octave

The rate at which regular vibrations are repeated is known as their frequency, and is measured as so many cycles (occurrences) in each second.The unit of frequency in common use is the Hertz (after Heinrich Hertz, 1857-94, German physicist), usually abbreviated to Hz, meaning 1 cycle per second. Other common units are KHz (1000 Hz) and MHz (1 million Hz).


I used a spell not too long ago to find the connections between sound and color and found this ebook:

http://arcaneadvisors.com/archives/Case ... _Color.pdf

Please read it as a spiritual satanist would. The only part that should be of any real interest and attention is that of the way to convert sound to color and their connections to each other.

Some useful websites where I obtained this information:


http://www.exohuman.com/wordpress/2011/ ... equencies/



Please thank The Powers of Hell for this as well. Because I am pretty sure that they have been protecting me as I found this information through spell working and online, and even have been leading me to information when I became stuck.

Note: This was also a major part in the Ancient Greek and Egyptian Occultic Schools. Some of this knowledge was also used by Adolf Hitler and the SS in their endeavors. Please make use of this information with the Runes. Also, before using any sort of binural beats, which I don't endorse, please make sure the frequencies correspond, because if you do not, you are basically asking to be harmed. Frequencies are what make such things work along with tone, and the specific vibrations involved. Also, Remember thoughts and emotions are vibratinal as well.
Great post, good sir. Why do you not recommend listening to the "binurial beats"? I see there are youtube songs for all of these Hz frequencies and I tried doing one for the highest frequency you listed and did not notice any adverse effects but I did notice a good feeling in the pineal gland area.
It's not that I don't recommend them. I beleive that if you are going to use binural beats or audio based on specific frequencies for effects you should make your own because it may be that the post is not exactly what is stated. It is up to you.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nico.carlton" wrote:

Great post, good sir. Why do you not recommend listening to the "binurial beats"? I see there are youtube songs for all of these Hz frequencies and I tried doing one for the highest frequency you listed and did not notice any adverse effects but I did notice a good feeling in the pineal gland area.
I have been doing research into sound frequencies especially those used by the ancients and ancient sites such as The Kings Chamber and various pyramids, stone buildings and circles etc. I have not done enough research yet to say a lot here that I am ready to put up yet however if you are interested I suggest looking into it and doing your own study. There is a lot more too it than just listening to some sounds on youtube through some PC speakers. Remember everything is vibration, sound is vibration not all sound can be heard by Human ears but the vibration does effect matter and Spirit. Those with weak Souls can be influenced a lot easier via manipulation using sound vibrations at certain frequencies. Certain frequencies can cause salt to become solid in water, the range in hertz is so minute at that point it was done by accident in a lab and couldn't be repeated.

Those who have done vibrations of power words in meditation and felt it in the chakra will know how powerfull this is when you get it just right. There is an an entire science to it and a lot still isn't known. One thing of interest is to note sound 'waves' are not 'waves' at all sound vibrates out in a sphere from it's source interacting with matter and other vibration it encounters. Many ancient sites were built to specific measurements with special acoustics to enhance the effects of chant and others have frequencies that can induce altered states in meditation.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jhd4412" wrote:

It's not that I don't recommend them. I beleive that if you are going to use binural beats or audio based on specific frequencies for effects you should make your own because it may be that the post is not exactly what is stated. It is up to you.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nico.carlton" wrote:

Great post, good sir. Why do you not recommend listening to the "binurial beats"? I see there are youtube songs for all of these Hz frequencies and I tried doing one for the highest frequency you listed and did not notice any adverse effects but I did notice a good feeling in the pineal gland area.
Correct. This is what is called physics. If I were you I would also study physics more in depth. I have and I have found physics to be a universal key. Everything can be explained by physics.

For example, when you fill a room in your house with color, you are creating a frequency in which the effect you want can happen. Or, when you gain astral vision, it is actually your sight frequency which grew and allowed for the new sight sensory input.

If I were you, another area you can study would be the life and inventions of Nikola Tesla. Interpret his inventions in the context of physics and you will see that machinery is also based on physics and can be explained by it. - By doing this I have learned how to create new radionics, psionics, and other types of tools. I simply need to get some tools and material and I'll build them.

Every organ in our body resonates at specific frequencies. Restore and improve the frequency of the organ and the organ's health and functionality improves. It is frequency and vibration which creates and maintains all manifestations of matter. Different manifestations of matter such as steel and rubber are actually the same thing, but with a vibrational difference in friction and speed.

The top of the earth is magnetic, and the center of the earth is electric. In other words, the top of the earth radiates inward while the center radiates outward. This is also part of what constitutes the Earth's Gravity field. This is also why in some rituals where people desired permanence they would bury things in the ground. This is also what constitutes the antennas and the channeling of things like radio and televison waves through the ground which has been done and is still being done. - I also foudn out that Nikola Tesla invented wireless energy systems which could power entire cities' technology, which the U.S.A kikes patented and then stole and never gave it to the public. They stole all of Nikola Tesla's inventions, ruined him, don't include him in the public education systems and made it so he died unknown and broke. -- This is also because those kike's have controlled the finances and energy systems and of course they want to tax us and don't want us to have that sort of freedom.

Cold Water radiates inward. This is called magnetism. This is why it is an ancient practice which has been used to improve luck, obtain desires, remove sickness and disease, etc. --- This is also an aspect of what those monsters perverted into their disgusting story of Jesus Christ. The blood of christ (wine) sacrament and the so-called dying for our Sin (Sin is a name of an ancient Sumerian Moon-God, pronounced as "Seen") is a perversion based on the physics of water.

The Moon is magnetic which is why it has been observed by people for so long. When a side of the earth is closer to the moon there is a full moon. The frequency of the moon is supportive of water and the moon is magnetic. This is why when there is a full moon there are high tides. This is also why Full Moons have been seen as a powerful tool for magic. - Magic is physics.

Your beliefs are also frequencies and vibrations. The information(vibrations) you recieve depends on your frequency. Change the frequency and you change the information. This is what constitutes the so-called "accessing the Akashic library". Note: The Universe is said to be a Universal library which includes the information of all times, places, and peoples...everything.

Note: These aspects of physics are only the tip of the iceberg.

PS. I would also study Einstein. I know he is a kike, however, his texts regarding physics are still incredibly useful.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" wrote:

I have been doing research into sound frequencies especially those used by the ancients and ancient sites such as The Kings Chamber and various pyramids, stone buildings and circles etc. I have not done enough research yet to say a lot here that I am ready to put up yet however if you are interested I suggest looking into it and doing your own study. There is a lot more too it than just listening to some sounds on youtube through some PC speakers. Remember everything is vibration, sound is vibration not all sound can be heard by Human ears but the vibration does effect matter and Spirit. Those with weak Souls can be influenced a lot easier via manipulation using sound vibrations at certain frequencies. Certain frequencies can cause salt to become solid in water, the range in hertz is so minute at that point it was done by accident in a lab and couldn't be repeated.

Those who have done vibrations of power words in meditation and felt it in the chakra will know how powerfull this is when you get it just right. There is an an entire science to it and a lot still isn't known. One thing of interest is to note sound 'waves' are not 'waves' at all sound vibrates out in a sphere from it's source interacting with matter and other vibration it encounters. Many ancient sites were built to specific measurements with special acoustics to enhance the effects of chant and others have frequencies that can induce altered states in meditation.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jhd4412" wrote:

It's not that I don't recommend them. I beleive that if you are going to use binural beats or audio based on specific frequencies for effects you should make your own because it may be that the post is not exactly what is stated. It is up to you.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nico.carlton" wrote:

Great post, good sir. Why do you not recommend listening to the "binurial beats"? I see there are youtube songs for all of these Hz frequencies and I tried doing one for the highest frequency you listed and did not notice any adverse effects but I did notice a good feeling in the pineal gland area.
Nicola tesla knew also that some of his inventions could be used against humanity in the wrong hands and kept many secrets, well he tried to. He was also interested in the occult and bioelectricty. Interesting man very sad too. I believe his ideas are similar to what may have been used in ancient times with the oblisks and other structures that point 'up' from the Earth for generating and sending power and signals for various uses. Ancient archecture invokes certain feelings that are much deeper and I am not sure the right word, compare it to modern buildings and it's almost painfull to see what we build now. Maybe it is more 'hi tech and slick looking but it is missing much.
This kind of awareness of the way physics and spirit merge becomes more intuitive also as you progress have you noticed this?

Einstein I remember something he said about how matter could be transfered through time and space in an instant but I don't really understand or remember how he explained it. Tesla had a similar idea.

My biggest obstacle is a lack of time to devote to deep study it takes me a long time, too much to do single handed and deal with everyday with little peace or privacy.

I am pleased another Satanist here is interested in radionics I have started to experiment with it myself.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jhd4412" wrote:

Correct. This is what is called physics. If I were you I would also study physics more in depth. I have and I have found physics to be a universal key. Everything can be explained by physics.

For example, when you fill a room in your house with color, you are creating a frequency in which the effect you want can happen. Or, when you gain astral vision, it is actually your sight frequency which grew and allowed for the new sight sensory input.

If I were you, another area you can study would be the life and inventions of Nikola Tesla. Interpret his inventions in the context of physics and you will see that machinery is also based on physics and can be explained by it. - By doing this I have learned how to create new radionics, psionics, and other types of tools. I simply need to get some tools and material and I'll build them.

Every organ in our body resonates at specific frequencies. Restore and improve the frequency of the organ and the organ's health and functionality improves. It is frequency and vibration which creates and maintains all manifestations of matter. Different manifestations of matter such as steel and rubber are actually the same thing, but with a vibrational difference in friction and speed.

The top of the earth is magnetic, and the center of the earth is electric. In other words, the top of the earth radiates inward while the center radiates outward. This is also part of what constitutes the Earth's Gravity field. This is also why in some rituals where people desired permanence they would bury things in the ground. This is also what constitutes the antennas and the channeling of things like radio and televison waves through the ground which has been done and is still being done. - I also foudn out that Nikola Tesla invented wireless energy systems which could power entire cities' technology, which the U.S.A kikes patented and then stole and never gave it to the public. They stole all of Nikola Tesla's inventions, ruined him, don't include him in the public education systems and made it so he died unknown and broke. -- This is also because those kike's have controlled the finances and energy systems and of course they want to tax us and don't want us to have that sort of freedom.

Cold Water radiates inward. This is called magnetism. This is why it is an ancient practice which has been used to improve luck, obtain desires, remove sickness and disease, etc. --- This is also an aspect of what those monsters perverted into their disgusting story of Jesus Christ. The blood of christ (wine) sacrament and the so-called dying for our Sin (Sin is a name of an ancient Sumerian Moon-God, pronounced as "Seen") is a perversion based on the physics of water.

The Moon is magnetic which is why it has been observed by people for so long. When a side of the earth is closer to the moon there is a full moon. The frequency of the moon is supportive of water and the moon is magnetic. This is why when there is a full moon there are high tides. This is also why Full Moons have been seen as a powerful tool for magic. - Magic is physics.

Your beliefs are also frequencies and vibrations. The information(vibrations) you recieve depends on your frequency. Change the frequency and you change the information. This is what constitutes the so-called "accessing the Akashic library". Note: The Universe is said to be a Universal library which includes the information of all times, places, and peoples...everything.

Note: These aspects of physics are only the tip of the iceberg.

PS. I would also study Einstein. I know he is a kike, however, his texts regarding physics are still incredibly useful.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" wrote:

I have been doing research into sound frequencies especially those used by the ancients and ancient sites such as The Kings Chamber and various pyramids, stone buildings and circles etc. I have not done enough research yet to say a lot here that I am ready to put up yet however if you are interested I suggest looking into it and doing your own study. There is a lot more too it than just listening to some sounds on youtube through some PC speakers. Remember everything is vibration, sound is vibration not all sound can be heard by Human ears but the vibration does effect matter and Spirit. Those with weak Souls can be influenced a lot easier via manipulation using sound vibrations at certain frequencies. Certain frequencies can cause salt to become solid in water, the range in hertz is so minute at that point it was done by accident in a lab and couldn't be repeated.

Those who have done vibrations of power words in meditation and felt it in the chakra will know how powerfull this is when you get it just right. There is an an entire science to it and a lot still isn't known. One thing of interest is to note sound 'waves' are not 'waves' at all sound vibrates out in a sphere from it's source interacting with matter and other vibration it encounters. Many ancient sites were built to specific measurements with special acoustics to enhance the effects of chant and others have frequencies that can induce altered states in meditation.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jhd4412" wrote:

It's not that I don't recommend them. I beleive that if you are going to use binural beats or audio based on specific frequencies for effects you should make your own because it may be that the post is not exactly what is stated. It is up to you.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nico.carlton" wrote:

Great post, good sir. Why do you not recommend listening to the "binurial beats"? I see there are youtube songs for all of these Hz frequencies and I tried doing one for the highest frequency you listed and did not notice any adverse effects but I did notice a good feeling in the pineal gland area.
Physics and the spiritual sciences are one in the same. I explain everything in the contexts of physics now.
As for sending things through space and time in an instant, that can and has been done. Information (Vibrations) are always heading somewhere. That is, there are countless streams of information heading through time and through space. When you are recalling the past, a stream is formed, and you pull the specific recollections through that stream to you. When you clairvoyantly seeing some-place faraway from your physical body (which is simply matter of a different frequency than your Mind) you create a stream and are drawing the electromagmetic impulses (sensory input) through that stream to you allowing for your brain to decode that sensory input of that place you are clairvoyantly seeing. - The third dimension/the so-called solid matter is simply a frequency. Change the frequency, you change the matter. Everything has a frequency, vibrations, and electromagnetism. For instance, if you change the frequency of the object you want into a frequency which can be fully supported (such as from third-dimensional frequency to astral frequency)by the stream's frequency and that stream is going where you want to send the object and put that object into that stream, it will be transported there. Then if you once again change the frequency back into third-dimensional frequency, the object will be there but now it will be third-dimensional. - This is the so-called dematerialization, materialization, and teleportation. This is also a method to an extent, to become invisible. - Franz Bardon has done this, Our Gods can do this, some others have done this but are not well known because they do not enjoy publicity. There are plenty of ways to train your Mind to do these things. I am working on that now. Remember belief is also a vibration and therefore also has a frequency. Do not doubt because then you have a frequency which works against you.

To aid you in your time dilemma here are some quick basic principles for you to start interpreting everything in. Below are the forces which are always at work and must always work together.:

1. Frequency: What sort of frequency is it? Is it a doubtful frequency? Is it third-dimensional frequency?

2. Vibrations/Information: What vibrations/information constitute it? What beliefs do I have concerning it? What do I think its uses are?What are other's beliefs concerning it? How fast does the smaller components making it up vibrate?

3. Electromagnetism: Is it hot? Does it radiate outward more or inward more? How compact is it? Is it cold? Is it room temperature? What is its radius regaring radiating outwards?

Some other examples of physics are:

1. I recently read that there were and are some people who claim that they are being attacked by ET's and CIA members, and that they tried putting aluminum foil on their heads to protect their mind's from being influenced. They said the attacks became worse. - I remembered that people commonly use aluminum foil and wrap it around the food and pan they put in the oven to increase the heat and cooking efficiency. So basically, aluminum actually serves to double or increase the power of electromagnetism. So they actually helped the attackers harm themselves.

2. People commonly use crystals for storing energy, and view it as a universal tool. A crystal is commonly quite-clear in color, so it really doesn't have a color. Therefore, it has a universally supportive frequency. - I used a crystal as well, and it is a remarkable tool for storing energy as well as for training in telekineses. Because it has a universally supportive frequency, it is great for development of all occultic powers, I definitely recommend the use of clear crystals for things like telekinesis, astral senses, and occult power developmenet.

If you have time I would also recommend reading the Kybalion. It is a great treatise, manual, and helps to solve many dilemmas which have commonly plagued occultists. :

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" wrote:

Nicola tesla knew also that some of his inventions could be used against humanity in the wrong hands and kept many secrets, well he tried to. He was also interested in the occult and bioelectricty. Interesting man very sad too. I believe his ideas are similar to what may have been used in ancient times with the oblisks and other structures that point 'up' from the Earth for generating and sending power and signals for various uses. Ancient archecture invokes certain feelings that are much deeper and I am not sure the right word, compare it to modern buildings and it's almost painfull to see what we build now. Maybe it is more 'hi tech and slick looking but it is missing much.
This kind of awareness of the way physics and spirit merge becomes more intuitive also as you progress have you noticed this?

Einstein I remember something he said about how matter could be transfered through time and space in an instant but I don't really understand or remember how he explained it. Tesla had a similar idea.

My biggest obstacle is a lack of time to devote to deep study it takes me a long time, too much to do single handed and deal with everyday with little peace or privacy.

I am pleased another Satanist here is interested in radionics I have started to experiment with it myself.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jhd4412" wrote:

Correct. This is what is called physics. If I were you I would also study physics more in depth. I have and I have found physics to be a universal key. Everything can be explained by physics.

For example, when you fill a room in your house with color, you are creating a frequency in which the effect you want can happen. Or, when you gain astral vision, it is actually your sight frequency which grew and allowed for the new sight sensory input.

If I were you, another area you can study would be the life and inventions of Nikola Tesla. Interpret his inventions in the context of physics and you will see that machinery is also based on physics and can be explained by it. - By doing this I have learned how to create new radionics, psionics, and other types of tools. I simply need to get some tools and material and I'll build them.

Every organ in our body resonates at specific frequencies. Restore and improve the frequency of the organ and the organ's health and functionality improves. It is frequency and vibration which creates and maintains all manifestations of matter. Different manifestations of matter such as steel and rubber are actually the same thing, but with a vibrational difference in friction and speed.

The top of the earth is magnetic, and the center of the earth is electric. In other words, the top of the earth radiates inward while the center radiates outward. This is also part of what constitutes the Earth's Gravity field. This is also why in some rituals where people desired permanence they would bury things in the ground. This is also what constitutes the antennas and the channeling of things like radio and televison waves through the ground which has been done and is still being done. - I also foudn out that Nikola Tesla invented wireless energy systems which could power entire cities' technology, which the U.S.A kikes patented and then stole and never gave it to the public. They stole all of Nikola Tesla's inventions, ruined him, don't include him in the public education systems and made it so he died unknown and broke. -- This is also because those kike's have controlled the finances and energy systems and of course they want to tax us and don't want us to have that sort of freedom.

Cold Water radiates inward. This is called magnetism. This is why it is an ancient practice which has been used to improve luck, obtain desires, remove sickness and disease, etc. --- This is also an aspect of what those monsters perverted into their disgusting story of Jesus Christ. The blood of christ (wine) sacrament and the so-called dying for our Sin (Sin is a name of an ancient Sumerian Moon-God, pronounced as "Seen") is a perversion based on the physics of water.

The Moon is magnetic which is why it has been observed by people for so long. When a side of the earth is closer to the moon there is a full moon. The frequency of the moon is supportive of water and the moon is magnetic. This is why when there is a full moon there are high tides. This is also why Full Moons have been seen as a powerful tool for magic. - Magic is physics.

Your beliefs are also frequencies and vibrations. The information(vibrations) you recieve depends on your frequency. Change the frequency and you change the information. This is what constitutes the so-called "accessing the Akashic library". Note: The Universe is said to be a Universal library which includes the information of all times, places, and peoples...everything.

Note: These aspects of physics are only the tip of the iceberg.

PS. I would also study Einstein. I know he is a kike, however, his texts regarding physics are still incredibly useful.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" wrote:

I have been doing research into sound frequencies especially those used by the ancients and ancient sites such as The Kings Chamber and various pyramids, stone buildings and circles etc. I have not done enough research yet to say a lot here that I am ready to put up yet however if you are interested I suggest looking into it and doing your own study. There is a lot more too it than just listening to some sounds on youtube through some PC speakers. Remember everything is vibration, sound is vibration not all sound can be heard by Human ears but the vibration does effect matter and Spirit. Those with weak Souls can be influenced a lot easier via manipulation using sound vibrations at certain frequencies. Certain frequencies can cause salt to become solid in water, the range in hertz is so minute at that point it was done by accident in a lab and couldn't be repeated.

Those who have done vibrations of power words in meditation and felt it in the chakra will know how powerfull this is when you get it just right. There is an an entire science to it and a lot still isn't known. One thing of interest is to note sound 'waves' are not 'waves' at all sound vibrates out in a sphere from it's source interacting with matter and other vibration it encounters. Many ancient sites were built to specific measurements with special acoustics to enhance the effects of chant and others have frequencies that can induce altered states in meditation.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jhd4412" wrote:

It's not that I don't recommend them. I beleive that if you are going to use binural beats or audio based on specific frequencies for effects you should make your own because it may be that the post is not exactly what is stated. It is up to you.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nico.carlton" wrote:

Great post, good sir. Why do you not recommend listening to the "binurial beats"? I see there are youtube songs for all of these Hz frequencies and I tried doing one for the highest frequency you listed and did not notice any adverse effects but I did notice a good feeling in the pineal gland area.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
