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The Subconscious Mind And Its Role In Manifesting Our Reality

Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for the kind words! Yes, it all ties in together; everything we do as Satanists can be explained scientifically. It will all come out, bit by bit, for those looking to know exactly how it works, every reason and every cause, through study and practice.
Powerofjustice said:
This post was inspired by High Priest Hooded Cobra’s sermons on Why You Must Never Give Up In Life As A Spiritual Satanist and About Our Parents - Healing Parental Problems. They have infinite depth and value to one who understands the workings of the mind.

I see so many people struggling and even using magic successfully to fix aspects of their lives, but only addressing symptoms and not their actual problems, which usually end up manifesting themselves later in a different way. This happens because they lack the insight to even know there is an underlying problem to begin with. I hope this post helps to resolve that.

It is of vital importance that every Satanist understand the workings of the mind. The human brain can ultimately be divided into two distinct yet connected systems: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is your logical mind. It receives information from your five senses. It is creative; here you do critical thinking and rationalization. However, the conscious mind does not control our actions. Our actions are almost exclusively controlled by the subconscious mind. This mind is largely ruled by emotions, habit, and instinct. It cannot think, reason, or reject an idea; it only acts upon the programming it already has. Fully 95 percent of our behaviours are habitual, or, in other words, we are consciously unaware that we are even doing them.

These two minds work together to determine your actions. They can bring you success or failure, happiness or anxiety, achievement or frustration. It is all in the way you use them.

When we come into this world we know nothing about it, a blank slate, every belief and behaviour we had to be taught by our parents, meticulously through repetition.[1] Like a computer coming off an assembly line, an infant doesn't have any programming.

The predominant brain activity during a child’s first two years of life is delta, the lowest EEG frequency range. Between two and six years of age, the child’s brain activity ramps up and operates primarily in the range of theta. Theta is associated with imagination, children this age spend much of their time mixing the imaginary world with the real world. The theta brain frequency is also known as hypnosis.

The predominant delta and theta activity expressed by children younger than six signifies that their brains are operating at levels below consciousness.

The only job the brain of a child has is to record new behaviours to add to its programming by observing parents, siblings, and the community; anything and everything it sees, hears, and experiences downloads straight into its subconscious, and that becomes its new programming. A child will remain in this brain frequency until about the age of 7.

The ancients knew this, Aristotle is quoted as saying, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

When the conscious mind works correctly, it protects us from bad programming by reasoning, analyzing, and concluding that incoming information is bad and rejecting it. You MUST be careful what you feed your mind. Most people get home from work, turn on the TV or the white noise of their choice, and usually don't even pay attention; they’re completely zoned out. That's the worst possible thing to do, as that program completely bypasses your conscious mind, which would usually be able to reason and tell you if what you're hearing is useful or not, and goes straight to the subconscious.

The subconscious makes your actions consistent with your programming. "As Within, So Without." You can think of the world around you as a mirror that reflects all your dominant thoughts back to you. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. That means we are solely responsible for the state of our lives. Most people look for someone or something to blame when things aren't going their way, but the mark of the superior person is that they ask themselves, "What is it in me that is causing me to get these results?"

How It All Ties Into Our Lives:

In the simplest terms, the process of manifestation is as follows: you impress a desired thought from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind, and that is then expressed through your physical body, causing you to attract situations, circumstances, people, whatever it takes to manifest it into reality.

Conscious awareness of the vibration frequency is called "feeling."

Remember, the subconscious is the emotional mind. Any thought or idea in which you become emotionally involved is instantly and automatically expressed by your subconscious through the only instrument available to it, your physical body, and you begin to manifest it into reality. This goes for all emotions; they all have a specific vibrational frequency that corresponds to them. Any time you "feel" an emotion, it means that your subconscious mind has already changed the frequency at which your body vibrates, causing you to "feel" the way you do.

Some people are depressed and miserable; they reside in a terribly low vibration frequency and only manifest disease and misfortune in their lives. Others shine so brightly you can't wipe the happiness off their faces; they manifest health and joy in their lives, and conversely reside in a much higher vibration frequency.

You become what you think about. Most people are very confused about what they want and don't accomplish anything as they keep changing the ideas in their minds. They end up manifesting nothing but confusion and chaos in their lives. Clarity and focus are where the power lies. If thoughts are to ever manifest into reality, they must be allowed to take root and grow into our subconscious; otherwise, they are just fleeting thoughts. It's like if a farmer planted a carrot in their field one day and dug it up the next day to plant something else.

Everything in this world has a gestation period before it can manifest into reality. Thoughts have that as well; it takes time for a thought to settle in the subconscious and become permanent programming. For a normal person to imprint a thought into their subconscious and for it to become permanent programming (a habit), it's believed to take over 2 months. That means they are consciously doing a thing repeatedly in a certain way until it becomes automatic.

How you can change your programming is the same way you got it in the first place. The most basic way is through repetition. Through conscious awareness of the old programming you want to change and repetition of the new desired programming, the old programming will be overwritten in the subconscious.

Another good way is through affirmation. This could include programming energy through a magickal working, but plain affirmations will work as well. There are times in the day, however, when affirmations are more effective. When only doing affirmations, the best times are right after waking up and just before going to sleep. When you first wake up in the morning, your brain switches from delta waves, which occur in deep sleep, to theta waves, and after a while, alpha waves, which is a relaxed yet still wakeful state. We’re interested in the first few minutes of theta activity in the brain, during which any programming is greatly enhanced.[2] The same process occurs right before falling sleep, only in reverse.

Possibly the most powerful way is through Satanic Hypnosis. The deeper the trance state, the more we can access and influence the subconscious. A very important note is that the subconscious mind cannot tell between real and imagined experiences. How you can use this is you can experience synthetically the success you desire in a trance state. By involving as many senses as you can in your visualizations, you will actually put yourself on the same level of vibrational frequency as your desired goal, artificially.[3] This is an extremely powerful way to reprogram the subconscious mind and make success not only something that is normal for you, but expected.

Energy is constantly moving into form and manifesting our reality. As Satanists, we work with energy on a level that is incomparable with the average human. Because of this, we manifest our goals much faster; however, not being in control of ourselves or even knowing what we truly want can bring us disaster.

Lastly, I wanted to say that if there's one thing you take away from this article, let it be this: stand guard at the door of your mind. Don't be a mindless consumer of media; think for yourselves and avoid buying into someone else's view of the world. Especially in our day, when we are constantly bombarded with messages of the most negative kind, it's easy to lose heart and have a grim outlook on life.

Faith and fear both demand you believe something you cannot see. So why choose fear over faith? By expecting good things to come into your life, you set yourself up to manifest that reality. You can face the future with apprehension or anticipation. Take your pick.

Notes & References:

1. As the page on Past Life Amnesia tells us, this isn’t entirely true as we bring our programming from past lives with us, but the principle still applies.

2. How you start your morning largely determines the rest of your day. One of the worst things you can do for yourself is to start scrolling on your phone or checking emails right after waking up. Remember, you need to allow your brain some time to switch out of theta waves; otherwise, whatever you see, especially bad news first thing in the morning, will have a much deeper impact on you and dictate the rest of your day.

3. “For example, with attracting money, you would want to visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.” - High Priestess Maxine The Three Steps of Witchcraft

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Stand Guard at the Door of Your Mind by Drew Young

You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor


Be mindful, your child learns through the subconscious MIND by Agata Pedzik

Amazing article great job
What a great read!

The article mentions satanic hypnosis, and I wonder if anyone has experience with it? I quote (satanisgod.org):

Breathe in as you would for the Energy Meditation; from all sides of your body at the same time, the color gold. A bright, rich vibrant gold, like the sun. This should be done while in as deep as a trance as possible. While breathing in the green and brightening your aura with it affirm: "I am breathing in powerful energy that is attracting me a lot of free and easy money in a very positive way. This money is free and all mine to keep."

Is there a rule for how many times to say the affirmations? I've seen a few affirmations on youtube before, but the shitty background music turns me off.
10 affirmations is a great default number for several types of workings.
Please keep reading everything at: https://www.joyofsatan.org

Sermon and discussion about the numbers: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=74710

datcatdad666 said:
What a great read!

The article mentions satanic hypnosis, and I wonder if anyone has experience with it? I quote (satanisgod.org):

Breathe in as you would for the Energy Meditation; from all sides of your body at the same time, the color gold. A bright, rich vibrant gold, like the sun. This should be done while in as deep as a trance as possible. While breathing in the green and brightening your aura with it affirm: "I am breathing in powerful energy that is attracting me a lot of free and easy money in a very positive way. This money is free and all mine to keep."

Is there a rule for how many times to say the affirmations? I've seen a few affirmations on youtube before, but the shitty background music turns me off.
Mmmm. Nice one there!
I didn't know that it takes only two months to get your manifestations to the front of your door, so I will start doing it the right way.
By the way, should affirmations be long or short?

Carbonated_Darkness said:
Mmmm. Nice one there!
I didn't know that it takes only two months to get your manifestations to the front of your door, so I will start doing it the right way.
By the way, should affirmations be long or short?


Please read that again carefully. For the average human who does not practise Satanism and does not utilize advanced methods of accessing and reprogramming their subconscious, such as Satanic Hypnosis, it takes a little over 2 months to create new programming or change preexisting programming in the subconscious mind.

That does not automatically translate to instantly getting what you want, it only put you on the right track.
Excellent article, this is of enormous importance to free your soul from hang-ups and blockages, many of which come from past lives.
Laugh out loud I needed to hear this!🔥 This is some of the best advice I need ❤️ right now. My life right now is a cluster fuck! Of all kinds of emotional shit and problems! And I could really use this time to look into this! And read through all of this thoroughly. And everything that you have posted on here makes sense! And I enjoy reading what everybody is posting and sharing to add to the advice! It's nice to know and hear other people's opinions on how important it is and to understand the human brain and to understand ourselves as individuals! On how we can think on different levels and how we could use this energy. The programs that we need to follow and the exercises that we do! Is very beneficial not only mentally but spiritually and physically as well how one works with the other! Is amazing! The human body is not a joke and it's nothing to sneeze at! Considering the mind and the possibilities and the things that we can do with it! I think Satan every day! For the things that I can do! That goes beyond if I want to push myself beyond the limits of just being a calm and human! Which is what we are all here for? Are we not? To improve ourselves and to test our abilities on different levels! Working with the elements and our brain the energy that we conduct and use and work with each and every day! When we keep ourselves busy! Being able to open up to yourself accepting yourself as is! And not putting yourself down or judging yourself! Because you know you are capable of doing everything and anything in Satan's power! It makes me feel more and more thankful every day the things that people can do physically and mentally! And in advance what people can do spiritually along with it! When it comes to being an athlete or a dancer! Or an avid scholar or somebody who just loves to read! The Beautiful Mind is beyond that of a computer! And here they are trying to create artificial intelligence? The enemy underestimates us! And keeps his under control and we as the people see beyond that! Recognizing the talents that people have and the things that they can do with their body is amazing! The bioelectricity that people develop when they are their best keeping themselves in shape! With a year football player or a gymnast! The flexibility that people have and what they can express on the dance floor! Or the power tumbler on the gymnastics team! The amazing energy that these individuals have! And the mind control and the powers that they come up with when it comes down to practicing their skills! The works and the wonders of satanic hypnotics! Working with your bioelectricity and among other things! The human body is beautiful! But it's the human being that makes his or herself beautiful with the things that they can do! And how they use it! And the mind is an absolute wonderful tool that Satan created for us! That is one of the most wonderful gifts that he has blessed us with! And the gifts and the abilities to work with it and to learn the things that he can do and the fact that he provided us the knowledge! And another reason why I enjoy being here! Reading these sermons! And articles that everyone shares! And the opinions that other people share along with it it keeps me motivated and why I like to be here! It encourages me more and more everyday! And I am thankful in Satan's name that we have this website!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
