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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2019
Greetings Brothers and Sister

I hope you are all well and do good, keep it up!

The most powerful mantra is YOU , this does not consist in vibrating YOU, it consist in discovering and empowering your inner spiritual strength and capacities.

There have always been discussions about which mantra is the strongest, even if generalistically speaking one is stronger than another, again, generally speaking this has absolutely no relevance because we are all different beings and we function differently.

For example if you look at the complete meditation for the solar chakra we have the following mantras:
(Necronomicon). This vibration can be used by both novices and experienced.
RAM or RANG (traditional chant). This vibration can be used by both novice and experienced.
REDA or RAUDA (stronger version) (runes). This vibration is intermediate-advanced, but can be used by both novice and experienced.
RAUM (Sanskrit). This vibration is advanced and exceptionally powerful, which is why it should only be used by experienced meditators.

Now, you will see people debating which one is stronger and why , in reality the strongest one is the one which works best for YOU not for THEM. That's why we've always push the ' go and experiment for yourself ' , one never needs to settle just to a one or two mantras without ever trying the other ones because if he does so then he/she would never discover other mantras which would potentially work even better for THEM so do not settle just on Raum mantra because it's the sanskrit one or to UDDU just because you think that Necronomicon are the strongest , try and see which one fits you most and work the best for YOU!

Remember, the more powerful you are, the less vibrations are needed to manifest things in your life to the point that you can manifest by mere thought what you really want without the need for vibrations, only with the power of your own soul and mind. We constantly attract what we think, especially at the subconscious level, that is why it is necessary for one to work with self reflection on the self and to better understand oneself, here a good example: Study of dreams, where one is anchored in the discovery of one's own self and his subconscious by exploring his dreams [his subconscious mind] and from there one can even reach altered states of mind and much more than just that but this is a topic for another time and I will come with more information's about it, I do not want to make this topic something else then what I intended at first.

The thing which is mantra is that they are very specific in how they work and their energies , some fix and empower some parts of the soul , let's say UDDU would for example empower the upper part of the soul when RAM would empower the lower part of the soul , this is just an example, if this would be the case then one could do UDDU in the morning and RAM in the evening but then again , all of us are different , we have our own soul and capacities and those will work different for each person so..go and experiment.

Also , once you found what is best for you then stick with that and never think that 'hmm...I should maybe have used REDA ..maybe that would had been stronger' because if you do so then you will interfere with your working and the energy which leads to diminishing it and nobody wants that, isn't it ?

Always remember , quality over quantity , instead of wasting your time with let's say doing more money workings more then your own meditations , instead , focus this time and energy onto empowering your own soul and then you will need way more less money workings then what you've used to do. Be smart and wise and focus on yourself and your own soul.

When one invest 100 days to empower his solar chakra then money attraction will be a blink of an eye without having to do 100 days of money workings. You can also do both but my point is everyone should always focus on his own soul instead more then anything else.

Whoever says that ' I know better, this X mantra is BEST' he might be surely right but that BEST applies only for Him not for YOU, He can't know which one works best for YOU , he can only know which one works best for HIM, therefore He will push you into doing just that mantra instead, that does not mean he's egoist or anything like that, he's just unaware of what works best for you.

It's a nice positive message you're conveying here. I do understand what you're saying and it holds true on many levels, however I have to disagree.

You cannot relativize everything in this manner. It would be something like saying: "whichever mountain you climb is the highest".

The effect of any mantra depends on a multitude of factors, some external and some internal.

There was another thread not long ago with a similar discussion where this was expounded on in more detail. I'll link to it if I manage to find it.

It is somewhat difficult to analyze and understand every aspect of this matter even though everything is explainable in scientific terms. What works best for you is so because of your unique set of personal characteristics as well as the external circumstances at that time.

Trying to learn and understand as much as we can about the way these things function is a sure proof way to maximize efficiency.

In closing I do agree with your main point that rigid "recipes" should not be imposed on anyone especially without a thorough and all encompassing understanding of the universe and the individual in question.

Have a great one
You cannot relativize everything in this manner.
This is not a matter of relativization but absolutism. Everyone soul has unique codes and energies within itself and function different from each other, therefore my Raum wont be as stronger as yours and suraye won't work as same efficiency as it does to you [this is just speculative , I'm not saying that's the case between you and me, it's just an example so people can understand] , that was the whole point of this topic, not to let other mislead themselves in illusion of a 'stronger mantra' , by this I mean a strong mantra as a "universal for every being in the entire existence" , this thing doesn't exist. That's all that I've wanted to bring by making this topic. Teaching the people about the importance of experimentation ALL that there is and find which is best for them according to their own unique vibrations.

You are free to disagree and do you but I still sustain the whole purpose of this whole topic.
It would be something like saying: "whichever mountain you climb is the highest".
While it is true that not all perspectives can be relativised, the analogy of 'whichever mountain you climb is the highest' reflects a broader philosophical truth. Just as each mountain holds its own significance to the climber, so too can every situation, when viewed from a particular angle, seem the most important or relevant. The context and perspective one adopts often determines the 'height' of their experience or understanding, and in that sense, all mountains can be the highest in their own right.

Wish you all the best!
Also , in my own opinion , one should never bother on which mantra is stronger , surely go ahead and try all and see which one is stronger for your OWN SOUL but instead of always looking and looking and looking , one could focus more on his own empowerment and those mantra would eventually not even be needed EVER when you obtain a certain level of power , thing will just come and happen to you just by thinking about them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
