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Feb 25, 2008
I've got a fealing you all will be not so happy with me. I dedicated a couple months ago and I did the meditations and I never really felt anything. I understand its being persistant that makes it work, to cut off all ties to past faiths we have had. But I already did that I denounce my past faith even tho I had done that since I was just a lil kid always knew or felt it was bullshit. I was in catholic school on sundays and it was whatever really till I started to question my existance and the way I SEE (that is the most important thing to remember that word. SEE!) I asked my mother the one I expected to know me more than anyone in the world but I was just about 7 or 8 I think and I asked her: mom why do I see? (Its this way I see, this way I feel like one) but she dident know what the hell I meant. And I bet no one here does either. You probably think I see things like ghosts or some crap but I don't I'm normal I've never seen shit like that I see everything you see I'm as human as you are! But!... ha! I see! I've never been able to explain it other than that! I see! And since my mom dident know what the hell I meant and bcause I was young and catholic I believed that yaweh was the our god so I prayed to that shit all the time asked him what am I! Who am I! And I've posted here before about this asking for help on figuring out what or who I was and the only thing anyone said (Astorothmyqueen the only person that replied said) was something about... ok I don't remember but if you type my name into the search bar into teens4Satan ull see everything I've posted. I've got a unique nickname so usually only what I've posted comes out. That's my proof with other posts as well about asking if father satan was looking for somone. Because I believed that I was someone that was lost or just someone important. But I got no reply for that post. Anyways, after I always prayed to yaweh for answers and got none I gave up catholisicm and I just dident have religion until I dedicated to Father Satan. But the reason I found the website was cause I wanted to summon a demon or Father Satan to ask the same question but it takes a lot of meditation and dedication to even feel the energy and I never did so I just always kept reading on religions and articles on greys or anything at all on interesting things. Or at least things I thought were interesting. (This is where u will probably be upset with me) I came upon an article on a website called viewzone and its the ultimate mystery LIGHT! Its really interesting. But twords the end it talks about this matrix theory and that life is a simulation and the last thing on page 4 it mentions something that made me fucking cry. I knew right then and there than my 19 year search to find out what the hell I am ended when I read about the Single Avatar Solution I'm 19 years old and I fucking cried when I was young and the fake god yaweh dident answer me I thought of suicide and ttryed to kill myself I was in the summer of 2nd grade going to 3rd! I was a kid! And I wanted to kill mysef to speak with what I thought was out god to get answers! But they sent me to a hospital to end my thoughts of suicide and I'm here so it worked but I just set aside my questions was all till I came upos joy4Satan because I felt that Father would answer me but its because of my laziness that he hasent and dident I blame nothing on him all on myself! I'm posting this because I've gotten no replies from anyone else I need someone to listen! I speak nothing but thuth! I've told u about my porsonal past only so you can understand what I'm talking about and as somewhat proof that I am what I say I am! But the reason I said u my brothers and sisters under Satan would be mad at me is because the matrix theory, simulated life theory makes any god not real that what I read but! Anything that you imagine can be truth! So I will never give up on Father Satan! So he is real! Just as I! The single avatar solution! Please respond to this post! I need my storie to be heard by everyone! Any questions u might have ask me! Sorry if I jumped around I can't text as fast as I think so I try to just put it all down before I forget. And also about that person Astoroth my queen I think she or he thought I was crazy or had identity problems because the resposne was more like hang in there rather than actually understanding what I meant but its ok its kind of hard to explain what I feel because the only perfect way to prove it is if you were me if u saw thru my eyes. But you don't so all I have to prove it is the actions I took in my past to try and get answers. I always thought I was the antichrist the one that would bring xanity and catholicism down and the fucking kikes but I'm not a smart human being I'm not anyone I'm really just a nobody but as I said the way I see made me always belive in a god I always told myself because I exist I know there is a god because he created me and I am not like anyone else! But I am proof of this matrix theory so in a way it turns out I was wrong because of me existing it disproves the gods but I believe in the gods therefore they are real and they are tthe gods of the gentiles! Us! Me! You! Please listen to me! Please respond! Please question me I'm not crazy! I'm not lying! Ask away! Ill give u all the details to my life I have nothing to lose! U can't take anything away from me! I lost it all already to stupid decisions I have made all I have is my past to share to make u believe that I am real I am the Single Avatar Solution!
I'm a little disappointed that your enthusiasm doesn't match your faith. But I'm telling you if you do the meditations and open your chakras, then the answers will come out of what seems mid air. I know your struggles. I've had a similar life, I'm 21 and tho I haven't been in a mental hospital, I have been medically treated for two suicide attempts. The negative forces working to destroy us prefer us to be lost, confused, and hopeless. I STILL see a psychologist once a month but I don't really need to anymore. The answers just seem clear now. I spent a few years reading philosophy, psychology, and neurophysiology as desperate attempts to discover why I can't just think like "normal" people and be "happy". But I promise you my friend we are here for you and we ARE listening. Everyone has a different path to enlightenment. And true happiness and true understanding is what the left hand path is paved with. Welcome to the true path.
Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "gingerceniceros" <gingerceniceros@... wrote:

I've got a fealing you all will be not so happy with me. I dedicated a couple months ago and I did the meditations and I never really felt anything. I understand its being persistant that makes it work, to cut off all ties to past faiths we have had. But I already did that I denounce my past faith even tho I had done that since I was just a lil kid always knew or felt it was bullshit. I was in catholic school on sundays and it was whatever really till I started to question my existance and the way I SEE (that is the most important thing to remember that word. SEE!) I asked my mother the one I expected to know me more than anyone in the world but I was just about 7 or 8 I think and I asked her: mom why do I see? (Its this way I see, this way I feel like one) but she dident know what the hell I meant. And I bet no one here does either. You probably think I see things like ghosts or some crap but I don't I'm normal I've never seen shit like that I see everything you see I'm as human as you are! But!... ha! I see! I've never been able to explain it other than that! I see! And since my mom dident know what the hell I meant and bcause I was young and catholic I believed that yaweh was the our god so I prayed to that shit all the time asked him what am I! Who am I! And I've posted here before about this asking for help on figuring out what or who I was and the only thing anyone said (Astorothmyqueen the only person that replied said) was something about... ok I don't remember but if you type my name into the search bar into teens4Satan ull see everything I've posted. I've got a unique nickname so usually only what I've posted comes out. That's my proof with other posts as well about asking if father satan was looking for somone. Because I believed that I was someone that was lost or just someone important. But I got no reply for that post. Anyways, after I always prayed to yaweh for answers and got none I gave up catholisicm and I just dident have religion until I dedicated to Father Satan. But the reason I found the website was cause I wanted to summon a demon or Father Satan to ask the same question but it takes a lot of meditation and dedication to even feel the energy and I never did so I just always kept reading on religions and articles on greys or anything at all on interesting things. Or at least things I thought were interesting. (This is where u will probably be upset with me) I came upon an article on a website called viewzone and its the ultimate mystery LIGHT! Its really interesting. But twords the end it talks about this matrix theory and that life is a simulation and the last thing on page 4 it mentions something that made me fucking cry. I knew right then and there than my 19 year search to find out what the hell I am ended when I read about the Single Avatar Solution I'm 19 years old and I fucking cried when I was young and the fake god yaweh dident answer me I thought of suicide and ttryed to kill myself I was in the summer of 2nd grade going to 3rd! I was a kid! And I wanted to kill mysef to speak with what I thought was out god to get answers! But they sent me to a hospital to end my thoughts of suicide and I'm here so it worked but I just set aside my questions was all till I came upos joy4Satan because I felt that Father would answer me but its because of my laziness that he hasent and dident I blame nothing on him all on myself! I'm posting this because I've gotten no replies from anyone else I need someone to listen! I speak nothing but thuth! I've told u about my porsonal past only so you can understand what I'm talking about and as somewhat proof that I am what I say I am! But the reason I said u my brothers and sisters under Satan would be mad at me is because the matrix theory, simulated life theory makes any god not real that what I read but! Anything that you imagine can be truth! So I will never give up on Father Satan! So he is real! Just as I! The single avatar solution! Please respond to this post! I need my storie to be heard by everyone! Any questions u might have ask me! Sorry if I jumped around I can't text as fast as I think so I try to just put it all down before I forget. And also about that person Astoroth my queen I think she or he thought I was crazy or had identity problems because the resposne was more like hang in there rather than actually understanding what I meant but its ok its kind of hard to explain what I feel because the only perfect way to prove it is if you were me if u saw thru my eyes. But you don't so all I have to prove it is the actions I took in my past to try and get answers. I always thought I was the antichrist the one that would bring xanity and catholicism down and the fucking kikes but I'm not a smart human being I'm not anyone I'm really just a nobody but as I said the way I see made me always belive in a god I always told myself because I exist I know there is a god because he created me and I am not like anyone else! But I am proof of this matrix theory so in a way it turns out I was wrong because of me existing it disproves the gods but I believe in the gods therefore they are real and they are tthe gods of the gentiles! Us! Me! You! Please listen to me! Please respond! Please question me I'm not crazy! I'm not lying! Ask away! Ill give u all the details to my life I have nothing to lose! U can't take anything away from me! I lost it all already to stupid decisions I have made all I have is my past to share to make u believe that I am real I am the Single Avatar Solution!
I agree with hellspwan you need to have faith. I havent met any demons or ghosts or anything paranomral but the things on the JOS site are true. Just a feeling i have, a strong feeling. Same gut feeling i have about how xianity is a morphed version of the truth, an attempt to control us.

So what im trying to say is that you shouldnt trust everything you see or read. Trust yourself, trust your gut feeling. Ask yourself, speak to your soul :D and you will get the truth, because you already know all the answers to all the questions you have, for any doubts you have. You just have to ask and then accept the truth :)

I dont know much about SS so i dont reply to posts and stuff but i decided to reply to your post because i understand. When i was young i went through the same stuff like questioning xian beliefs and i even asked my mom about the serpent in the garden of eden, this was when i was like 5 or 6 i was really interested in the bible and finding out about the truth, about things like where we came from and why are we on earth and angels in heaven kinda stuff, stuff from the bible. And im still like that. Even though im a SS and know in general about the truth, the real truth, but i still dont know enough, i still want to find out more.

LoL to be honest i never believed in xianity when i was young, kinda the same way i knew that santa wasnt real. I thought i was going to go to hell for doubting god and the bible lol. I trusted the feelings i got from a young age, like when to believe if something is true or not, good or bad. I always thought satan or the serpent on the tree wasnt bad and wondered why people thought bad of him. I asked my parents and all they gave me was a retarded answer : Satan is bad, believe in god and jesus or you wont go to heaven.. so i just did what they told me, coz i was 5 and also i had a feeling if i didnt or kept questioning them, that they wouldnt like it or would think its weird so lol in a way the same way i pretended to believe santa was real to satisfy my parents, i just listened to their ignorant bs about stuff they didnt know shit about. It actually makes me angry because i could see they had the same doubts but in fear chose to ignore it. Now i can see, the truth in physical form and in logical thoughts and reasoning, and not just in feelings. And even though i have little experience. I still believe, because i know if i could spot bs like that back then, i can definitely trust myself and what in believe now. Although i still feel like a child who knows nothing and still needs to learn a lot more.

So you say you are struggling with your energy work, my advice is to start off by being able to get into a trance state, if you can do that then it will make manipulating your energy easier. It is hard at first, but it will be because its something new. Its like going to the gym for the first time and you try to bench press 50kg. You have to start off with the light stuff first, the basics. Meditation is hard. So if you say its not working, try learning to put yourself in a trance at first. Learn to control your mind.. understand it and then learn to control your energy. A strong mind can make a strong body and soul with patience and discipline.

Go to the JOS site to learn how to do that and then advance from there.. I learnt to do a energy ball before i found out about JOS and SS and chakras. My friend told me he could so i spent weeks trying to get it. With no knowledge of anything about energy it was a week before i felt anything , and after like a month one night i tried it in a different way. I closed my eyes relaxed my body and let my mind wonder and without forcing it i got it :D if felt like a solid ball formed between my hands was amazing.

So anyway good luck and i hope you make progress :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "gingerceniceros" <gingerceniceros@... wrote:

I've got a fealing you all will be not so happy with me. I dedicated a couple months ago and I did the meditations and I never really felt anything. I understand its being persistant that makes it work, to cut off all ties to past faiths we have had. But I already did that I denounce my past faith even tho I had done that since I was just a lil kid always knew or felt it was bullshit. I was in catholic school on sundays and it was whatever really till I started to question my existance and the way I SEE (that is the most important thing to remember that word. SEE!) I asked my mother the one I expected to know me more than anyone in the world but I was just about 7 or 8 I think and I asked her: mom why do I see? (Its this way I see, this way I feel like one) but she dident know what the hell I meant. And I bet no one here does either. You probably think I see things like ghosts or some crap but I don't I'm normal I've never seen shit like that I see everything you see I'm as human as you are! But!... ha! I see! I've never been able to explain it other than that! I see! And since my mom dident know what the hell I meant and bcause I was young and catholic I believed that yaweh was the our god so I prayed to that shit all the time asked him what am I! Who am I! And I've posted here before about this asking for help on figuring out what or who I was and the only thing anyone said (Astorothmyqueen the only person that replied said) was something about... ok I don't remember but if you type my name into the search bar into teens4Satan ull see everything I've posted. I've got a unique nickname so usually only what I've posted comes out. That's my proof with other posts as well about asking if father satan was looking for somone. Because I believed that I was someone that was lost or just someone important. But I got no reply for that post. Anyways, after I always prayed to yaweh for answers and got none I gave up catholisicm and I just dident have religion until I dedicated to Father Satan. But the reason I found the website was cause I wanted to summon a demon or Father Satan to ask the same question but it takes a lot of meditation and dedication to even feel the energy and I never did so I just always kept reading on religions and articles on greys or anything at all on interesting things. Or at least things I thought were interesting. (This is where u will probably be upset with me) I came upon an article on a website called viewzone and its the ultimate mystery LIGHT! Its really interesting. But twords the end it talks about this matrix theory and that life is a simulation and the last thing on page 4 it mentions something that made me fucking cry. I knew right then and there than my 19 year search to find out what the hell I am ended when I read about the Single Avatar Solution I'm 19 years old and I fucking cried when I was young and the fake god yaweh dident answer me I thought of suicide and ttryed to kill myself I was in the summer of 2nd grade going to 3rd! I was a kid! And I wanted to kill mysef to speak with what I thought was out god to get answers! But they sent me to a hospital to end my thoughts of suicide and I'm here so it worked but I just set aside my questions was all till I came upos joy4Satan because I felt that Father would answer me but its because of my laziness that he hasent and dident I blame nothing on him all on myself! I'm posting this because I've gotten no replies from anyone else I need someone to listen! I speak nothing but thuth! I've told u about my porsonal past only so you can understand what I'm talking about and as somewhat proof that I am what I say I am! But the reason I said u my brothers and sisters under Satan would be mad at me is because the matrix theory, simulated life theory makes any god not real that what I read but! Anything that you imagine can be truth! So I will never give up on Father Satan! So he is real! Just as I! The single avatar solution! Please respond to this post! I need my storie to be heard by everyone! Any questions u might have ask me! Sorry if I jumped around I can't text as fast as I think so I try to just put it all down before I forget. And also about that person Astoroth my queen I think she or he thought I was crazy or had identity problems because the resposne was more like hang in there rather than actually understanding what I meant but its ok its kind of hard to explain what I feel because the only perfect way to prove it is if you were me if u saw thru my eyes. But you don't so all I have to prove it is the actions I took in my past to try and get answers. I always thought I was the antichrist the one that would bring xanity and catholicism down and the fucking kikes but I'm not a smart human being I'm not anyone I'm really just a nobody but as I said the way I see made me always belive in a god I always told myself because I exist I know there is a god because he created me and I am not like anyone else! But I am proof of this matrix theory so in a way it turns out I was wrong because of me existing it disproves the gods but I believe in the gods therefore they are real and they are tthe gods of the gentiles! Us! Me! You! Please listen to me! Please respond! Please question me I'm not crazy! I'm not lying! Ask away! Ill give u all the details to my life I have nothing to lose! U can't take anything away from me! I lost it all already to stupid decisions I have made all I have is my past to share to make u believe that I am real I am the Single Avatar Solution!
Whats this Matrix theory? Tell me more about it

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "gingerceniceros" <gingerceniceros@... wrote:

I've got a fealing you all will be not so happy with me. I dedicated a couple months ago and I did the meditations and I never really felt anything. I understand its being persistant that makes it work, to cut off all ties to past faiths we have had. But I already did that I denounce my past faith even tho I had done that since I was just a lil kid always knew or felt it was bullshit. I was in catholic school on sundays and it was whatever really till I started to question my existance and the way I SEE (that is the most important thing to remember that word. SEE!) I asked my mother the one I expected to know me more than anyone in the world but I was just about 7 or 8 I think and I asked her: mom why do I see? (Its this way I see, this way I feel like one) but she dident know what the hell I meant. And I bet no one here does either. You probably think I see things like ghosts or some crap but I don't I'm normal I've never seen shit like that I see everything you see I'm as human as you are! But!... ha! I see! I've never been able to explain it other than that! I see! And since my mom dident know what the hell I meant and bcause I was young and catholic I believed that yaweh was the our god so I prayed to that shit all the time asked him what am I! Who am I! And I've posted here before about this asking for help on figuring out what or who I was and the only thing anyone said (Astorothmyqueen the only person that replied said) was something about... ok I don't remember but if you type my name into the search bar into teens4Satan ull see everything I've posted. I've got a unique nickname so usually only what I've posted comes out. That's my proof with other posts as well about asking if father satan was looking for somone. Because I believed that I was someone that was lost or just someone important. But I got no reply for that post. Anyways, after I always prayed to yaweh for answers and got none I gave up catholisicm and I just dident have religion until I dedicated to Father Satan. But the reason I found the website was cause I wanted to summon a demon or Father Satan to ask the same question but it takes a lot of meditation and dedication to even feel the energy and I never did so I just always kept reading on religions and articles on greys or anything at all on interesting things. Or at least things I thought were interesting. (This is where u will probably be upset with me) I came upon an article on a website called viewzone and its the ultimate mystery LIGHT! Its really interesting. But twords the end it talks about this matrix theory and that life is a simulation and the last thing on page 4 it mentions something that made me fucking cry. I knew right then and there than my 19 year search to find out what the hell I am ended when I read about the Single Avatar Solution I'm 19 years old and I fucking cried when I was young and the fake god yaweh dident answer me I thought of suicide and ttryed to kill myself I was in the summer of 2nd grade going to 3rd! I was a kid! And I wanted to kill mysef to speak with what I thought was out god to get answers! But they sent me to a hospital to end my thoughts of suicide and I'm here so it worked but I just set aside my questions was all till I came upos joy4Satan because I felt that Father would answer me but its because of my laziness that he hasent and dident I blame nothing on him all on myself! I'm posting this because I've gotten no replies from anyone else I need someone to listen! I speak nothing but thuth! I've told u about my porsonal past only so you can understand what I'm talking about and as somewhat proof that I am what I say I am! But the reason I said u my brothers and sisters under Satan would be mad at me is because the matrix theory, simulated life theory makes any god not real that what I read but! Anything that you imagine can be truth! So I will never give up on Father Satan! So he is real! Just as I! The single avatar solution! Please respond to this post! I need my storie to be heard by everyone! Any questions u might have ask me! Sorry if I jumped around I can't text as fast as I think so I try to just put it all down before I forget. And also about that person Astoroth my queen I think she or he thought I was crazy or had identity problems because the resposne was more like hang in there rather than actually understanding what I meant but its ok its kind of hard to explain what I feel because the only perfect way to prove it is if you were me if u saw thru my eyes. But you don't so all I have to prove it is the actions I took in my past to try and get answers. I always thought I was the antichrist the one that would bring xanity and catholicism down and the fucking kikes but I'm not a smart human being I'm not anyone I'm really just a nobody but as I said the way I see made me always belive in a god I always told myself because I exist I know there is a god because he created me and I am not like anyone else! But I am proof of this matrix theory so in a way it turns out I was wrong because of me existing it disproves the gods but I believe in the gods therefore they are real and they are tthe gods of the gentiles! Us! Me! You! Please listen to me! Please respond! Please question me I'm not crazy! I'm not lying! Ask away! Ill give u all the details to my life I have nothing to lose! U can't take anything away from me! I lost it all already to stupid decisions I have made all I have is my past to share to make u believe that I am real I am the Single Avatar Solution!
I made some research but cannot find nothing about this "single avatar solution" brother... we don't think you're fool, at all, but need to know more about what you precisely mean or none of us can do nothing to help you... to focus a problem is always the first step to solve it, so try to better explain your thoughts... we, Father and all the Gods never abandon a Family member.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kurotsuki69" <kurotsuki69@... wrote:

Whats this Matrix theory? Tell me more about it

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "gingerceniceros" <gingerceniceros@ wrote:

I've got a fealing you all will be not so happy with me. I dedicated a couple months ago and I did the meditations and I never really felt anything. I understand its being persistant that makes it work, to cut off all ties to past faiths we have had. But I already did that I denounce my past faith even tho I had done that since I was just a lil kid always knew or felt it was bullshit. I was in catholic school on sundays and it was whatever really till I started to question my existance and the way I SEE (that is the most important thing to remember that word. SEE!) I asked my mother the one I expected to know me more than anyone in the world but I was just about 7 or 8 I think and I asked her: mom why do I see? (Its this way I see, this way I feel like one) but she dident know what the hell I meant. And I bet no one here does either. You probably think I see things like ghosts or some crap but I don't I'm normal I've never seen shit like that I see everything you see I'm as human as you are! But!... ha! I see! I've never been able to explain it other than that! I see! And since my mom dident know what the hell I meant and bcause I was young and catholic I believed that yaweh was the our god so I prayed to that shit all the time asked him what am I! Who am I! And I've posted here before about this asking for help on figuring out what or who I was and the only thing anyone said (Astorothmyqueen the only person that replied said) was something about... ok I don't remember but if you type my name into the search bar into teens4Satan ull see everything I've posted. I've got a unique nickname so usually only what I've posted comes out. That's my proof with other posts as well about asking if father satan was looking for somone. Because I believed that I was someone that was lost or just someone important. But I got no reply for that post. Anyways, after I always prayed to yaweh for answers and got none I gave up catholisicm and I just dident have religion until I dedicated to Father Satan. But the reason I found the website was cause I wanted to summon a demon or Father Satan to ask the same question but it takes a lot of meditation and dedication to even feel the energy and I never did so I just always kept reading on religions and articles on greys or anything at all on interesting things. Or at least things I thought were interesting. (This is where u will probably be upset with me) I came upon an article on a website called viewzone and its the ultimate mystery LIGHT! Its really interesting. But twords the end it talks about this matrix theory and that life is a simulation and the last thing on page 4 it mentions something that made me fucking cry. I knew right then and there than my 19 year search to find out what the hell I am ended when I read about the Single Avatar Solution I'm 19 years old and I fucking cried when I was young and the fake god yaweh dident answer me I thought of suicide and ttryed to kill myself I was in the summer of 2nd grade going to 3rd! I was a kid! And I wanted to kill mysef to speak with what I thought was out god to get answers! But they sent me to a hospital to end my thoughts of suicide and I'm here so it worked but I just set aside my questions was all till I came upos joy4Satan because I felt that Father would answer me but its because of my laziness that he hasent and dident I blame nothing on him all on myself! I'm posting this because I've gotten no replies from anyone else I need someone to listen! I speak nothing but thuth! I've told u about my porsonal past only so you can understand what I'm talking about and as somewhat proof that I am what I say I am! But the reason I said u my brothers and sisters under Satan would be mad at me is because the matrix theory, simulated life theory makes any god not real that what I read but! Anything that you imagine can be truth! So I will never give up on Father Satan! So he is real! Just as I! The single avatar solution! Please respond to this post! I need my storie to be heard by everyone! Any questions u might have ask me! Sorry if I jumped around I can't text as fast as I think so I try to just put it all down before I forget. And also about that person Astoroth my queen I think she or he thought I was crazy or had identity problems because the resposne was more like hang in there rather than actually understanding what I meant but its ok its kind of hard to explain what I feel because the only perfect way to prove it is if you were me if u saw thru my eyes. But you don't so all I have to prove it is the actions I took in my past to try and get answers. I always thought I was the antichrist the one that would bring xanity and catholicism down and the fucking kikes but I'm not a smart human being I'm not anyone I'm really just a nobody but as I said the way I see made me always belive in a god I always told myself because I exist I know there is a god because he created me and I am not like anyone else! But I am proof of this matrix theory so in a way it turns out I was wrong because of me existing it disproves the gods but I believe in the gods therefore they are real and they are tthe gods of the gentiles! Us! Me! You! Please listen to me! Please respond! Please question me I'm not crazy! I'm not lying! Ask away! Ill give u all the details to my life I have nothing to lose! U can't take anything away from me! I lost it all already to stupid decisions I have made all I have is my past to share to make u believe that I am real I am the Single Avatar Solution!
I believe it is empowering yourself and changing your state of mind. I recommend going to my quantum physics post. I believe it is in the Hells Army group.
Thoughts are vibrations, energy. Beliefs tend to influence and override the power of our individual thoughts, which is why changing your state of mind, or deprogramming yourself is important and useful.

Hail Father Enki and the Gods of Duat

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "gingerceniceros" <gingerceniceros@... wrote:

I've got a fealing you all will be not so happy with me. I dedicated a couple months ago and I did the meditations and I never really felt anything. I understand its being persistant that makes it work, to cut off all ties to past faiths we have had. But I already did that I denounce my past faith even tho I had done that since I was just a lil kid always knew or felt it was bullshit. I was in catholic school on sundays and it was whatever really till I started to question my existance and the way I SEE (that is the most important thing to remember that word. SEE!) I asked my mother the one I expected to know me more than anyone in the world but I was just about 7 or 8 I think and I asked her: mom why do I see? (Its this way I see, this way I feel like one) but she dident know what the hell I meant. And I bet no one here does either. You probably think I see things like ghosts or some crap but I don't I'm normal I've never seen shit like that I see everything you see I'm as human as you are! But!... ha! I see! I've never been able to explain it other than that! I see! And since my mom dident know what the hell I meant and bcause I was young and catholic I believed that yaweh was the our god so I prayed to that shit all the time asked him what am I! Who am I! And I've posted here before about this asking for help on figuring out what or who I was and the only thing anyone said (Astorothmyqueen the only person that replied said) was something about... ok I don't remember but if you type my name into the search bar into teens4Satan ull see everything I've posted. I've got a unique nickname so usually only what I've posted comes out. That's my proof with other posts as well about asking if father satan was looking for somone. Because I believed that I was someone that was lost or just someone important. But I got no reply for that post. Anyways, after I always prayed to yaweh for answers and got none I gave up catholisicm and I just dident have religion until I dedicated to Father Satan. But the reason I found the website was cause I wanted to summon a demon or Father Satan to ask the same question but it takes a lot of meditation and dedication to even feel the energy and I never did so I just always kept reading on religions and articles on greys or anything at all on interesting things. Or at least things I thought were interesting. (This is where u will probably be upset with me) I came upon an article on a website called viewzone and its the ultimate mystery LIGHT! Its really interesting. But twords the end it talks about this matrix theory and that life is a simulation and the last thing on page 4 it mentions something that made me fucking cry. I knew right then and there than my 19 year search to find out what the hell I am ended when I read about the Single Avatar Solution I'm 19 years old and I fucking cried when I was young and the fake god yaweh dident answer me I thought of suicide and ttryed to kill myself I was in the summer of 2nd grade going to 3rd! I was a kid! And I wanted to kill mysef to speak with what I thought was out god to get answers! But they sent me to a hospital to end my thoughts of suicide and I'm here so it worked but I just set aside my questions was all till I came upos joy4Satan because I felt that Father would answer me but its because of my laziness that he hasent and dident I blame nothing on him all on myself! I'm posting this because I've gotten no replies from anyone else I need someone to listen! I speak nothing but thuth! I've told u about my porsonal past only so you can understand what I'm talking about and as somewhat proof that I am what I say I am! But the reason I said u my brothers and sisters under Satan would be mad at me is because the matrix theory, simulated life theory makes any god not real that what I read but! Anything that you imagine can be truth! So I will never give up on Father Satan! So he is real! Just as I! The single avatar solution! Please respond to this post! I need my storie to be heard by everyone! Any questions u might have ask me! Sorry if I jumped around I can't text as fast as I think so I try to just put it all down before I forget. And also about that person Astoroth my queen I think she or he thought I was crazy or had identity problems because the resposne was more like hang in there rather than actually understanding what I meant but its ok its kind of hard to explain what I feel because the only perfect way to prove it is if you were me if u saw thru my eyes. But you don't so all I have to prove it is the actions I took in my past to try and get answers. I always thought I was the antichrist the one that would bring xanity and catholicism down and the fucking kikes but I'm not a smart human being I'm not anyone I'm really just a nobody but as I said the way I see made me always belive in a god I always told myself because I exist I know there is a god because he created me and I am not like anyone else! But I am proof of this matrix theory so in a way it turns out I was wrong because of me existing it disproves the gods but I believe in the gods therefore they are real and they are tthe gods of the gentiles! Us! Me! You! Please listen to me! Please respond! Please question me I'm not crazy! I'm not lying! Ask away! Ill give u all the details to my life I have nothing to lose! U can't take anything away from me! I lost it all already to stupid decisions I have made all I have is my past to share to make u believe that I am real I am the Single Avatar Solution!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
