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  1. C

    Strange feeling in lower area after doing F.C.M

    It's possible this is a physical issue, namely Spleen Qi sinking - I won't go into it in detail here as I understand there's some unpleasantness in this syndrome but I would invite you to check the pinned post in the Health group for Chinese Medicine consultations - I believe there may be a...
  2. C

    Strange feeling in lower area after doing F.C.M

    Are you a woman of childbearing age who has had children before? Do you have any loss of appetite or diarrhoea?
  3. C

    nasal mucus, and tearful eyes.

    Excessive fluid and congestion is always due to phlegm. It's not necessary to be overweight to have phlegm, and it can exist either due to digestive insufficiency or poor diet choices.
  4. C

    Menstruation twice a month!

    A miscarriage will only occur in the event of a non viable pregnancy. A simple meal is insufficient to cause a miscarriage, unless the body cannot hold the fetus. This is common in women whose diet does not allow sufficient creation of Yin and blood in the body (animal products are the only...
  5. C

    My Advice on Chronic Nasal Congestion

    There is also an important relationship between the spleen and lungs that I urge you to explore. The spleen creates damp, and the lungs store it.. This is why the sinuses, part of the opening of the lung organ becomes afflicted with and holds onto damp. It is a product of the generating cycle...
  6. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Si Jun Zi Tang is a spleen qi tonic, but it will not resolve phlegm on its own. First there needs to be differentiation between hot and cold phlegm, and then a formula added to resolve that, as well as the Spleen qi nourished when and if the time is appropriate. Triphala may be effective in...
  7. C

    Period and ovary problems

    Do you have instances of dark body hair, easily gaining weight and feelings of cold?
  8. C

    Seeking Assistance in Canada

    I am looking to engage the service of a Canadian resident, to investigate shipping to Australia for Acupuncture supplies not yet available here. If there is someone who can assist, please leave a message so that we can discuss details.
  9. C

    Unable to sleep (very short sleep)

    There are more questions that need to be asked to determine why you are not sleeping through the night, but they are too lengthy for this thread. If you would like, check the pinned post at the top of the Health and Well-being forum for how you can book a consultation with me, so that I can ask...
  10. C

    TCM version of blood work and general check up that Western medicine does

    TCM does not require blood work and invasive xray etc to reach a diagnosis. The tcm doctor gets the information they need from the outside of the body, and by palpation of the pulse and viewing of the tongue. The person's experience of symptoms also contributes to this information which is how...
  11. C

    Tips for hair loss???

    The condition of blood, and the fullness of the stomach and large intestine channels, which are easily blocked by damp and phlegm sets the bar for how full and rich the beard is. Maintenance of a healthy, unobstructed bowel and stomach is imperative to having the channels of the face unimpeded...
  12. C

    Tips for hair loss???

    Kidney essence and yin deficiency are closely linked but each can be interlinked with the other. It is often multifactorial and not so simple. In fact, male pattern baldness seems to be more common, as men are more vocal about it and its more open, but in fact there are an equal number of...
  13. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Hi Norse, Yes that's correct, I will make contact with you on the email you've provided when booking, at the time of your appointment - those steps are correct. It's possible my email may go to spam, so if you've made an appointment and the time has passed in GMT +0930 time (my time zone), and...
  14. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    My apologies for the late response. I accept payment via all types of credit card using Stripe payment gateway. Due to my busy schedule, it is important you book an appointment so that I can set time aside out of my usual consultations with members of the public to at least initiate the...
  15. C

    acid reflux

    Acid reflux has several causes, and they all require a different approach to aid resolution. The first and most often seen is Stomach Qi Rebellion due to invasion of stuck Liver Qi or 'Wood overacting on Earth'. This is caused by long term emotional difficulty coupled with a lack of exercise...
  16. C

    Helps with insulin resistance

    The simplest and most overlooked thing to combat insulin resistance is simply.. Exercise.. And plenty of it. We are told that 30 minutes a day of brisk walking is enough exercise to avoid illness.. This advice is garbage.. Humans have always had a need for movement, and large amounts of it...
  17. C

    Tips for hair loss???

    Hair loss from a Chinese Medicine perspective is either due to: - Blood Deficiency (treatable) - wind from yin deficiency or external contraction (treatable) - kidney essence deficiency (can slow progress but not easily treated) Determining which of these is the causative /root pattern is...
  18. C

    Tips for hair loss???

    Hair loss from a Chinese Medicine perspective is either due to: - Blood Deficiency (treatable) - wind from yin deficiency or external contraction (treatable) - kidney essence deficiency (can slow progress but not easily treated) Determining which of these is the causative /root pattern is...
  19. C

    Bodily conditions my doctors haven't find a solution for

    Just from your tongue description alone we are talking about a strong phlegm and heat pathogen, the exact location of which would be determined by a series of questions, in a consultation from a Chinese Medicine point of view. There is a stickied thread at the top of this group which gives...
  20. C

    Intense cravings

    Sour flavour cravings is either implying a dryness or collapsing of Yin (fluids) upon which the stomach relies to digest or the presence of significant phlegm in the digestive system as the sour flavour can emulsify fats. To rule out the former, are you also struggling to stay asleep at night...
  21. C

    Treatise on Febrile Diseases Caused by Cold

    The information is fantastic however it does assume a significant foundational knowledge of tcm and herbs
  22. C

    Treatise on Febrile Diseases Caused by Cold

    Are you referring to the Shang Han Lun? The correct translation for the title is Treatise on Cold Damage.. But it seems some modern authors have adjusted it to suit a more fitting description. I have read most of the Shang Han Lun..
  23. C

    Gluten sensitivity

    Gluten sensitivity in non coeliac is a symptom of something else. Sometimes it is phlegm, sometimes it is qi or blood stagnation, other times it may be some other disharmony. I can help via an individualised consultation, please check the pinned post in this group for more detail.
  24. C

    Parasites in the spleen

    This is not Spleen Qi deficiency This is cold phlegm obstruction, preventing spleen qi from working correctly. There are many formulas for this depending on what part of the body the cold phlegm is lodged in and there are too many questions to ask here to determine this. Please check the...
  25. C

    The Taoist Path to Immortality

    I am a white soul who incorporates many Chinese and Asian practices into my path. I have studied Chinese Medicine in an advanced way and am continually deepening my knowledge in that field despite my cultural and racial background. I have been quite successful in doing so although it certainly...
  26. C

    Acupuncture points to relieve left shoulder blade pain?

    The only difference between acupuncture and acupressure is the use of a needle.. Depending on where in the shoulder blade, you can try the following ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE TO THE PAINFUL SHOULDER: Small Intestine 3 and 4 Large intestine 3 and 4 San Jiao 3 and 5 Bladder 65 Gall Bladder 34 and 41
  27. C

    Anabolic steroid

    You are best using your own body to produce these hormones. Doing heavy squats and deadlifts for six weeks has been demonstrated to increase human growth hormone in the body WITHOUT negatively impacting the HPA axis, responsible for all hormonal balance including reproductive and thyroid, both...
  28. C

    Personal acupuncture

    Acupuncture is certainly useful on the self, provided you can do points accessible without hurting when returning to a natural pose. I did this a great deal when studying, and preferred a seated pose over a laying pose. Phlegm of the upper burner can be addressed with the following point...
  29. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    I suspect this system is a conglomeration of several, which can be useful but also difficult to learn, with all the different approaches. I prefer to keep to one system and learn it completely, rather than using systems which have numerous influences, particularly if you are just starting out.
  30. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Yes I would, but I would charge the full amount if that person is not from this community.
  31. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Depending on the age of the client, it's possible that this condition could be somewhat reversed however the timeline could be quite long due to the nature of the trauma. If the person is willing to commit to lifestyle changes for a long time period, ie in the order of ten years or more, then...
  32. C

    Child Abuse by Christians including Murder - Start of book

    Sure, I'll email you the material.
  33. C

    Child Abuse by Christians including Murder - Start of book

    Hi everyone, Some time ago, another member and I put together a compelling introduction to a book on child abuse and slaughter in the name of the Christian God. Unfortunately due to my life circumstances I have been unable to continue the project, nor will I likely have the ability to do so in...
  34. C

    My Kung Fu PDF

    If you're able to collate a section on Dim Mak and Chinese Traumatology based on Chinese medicine principles, that would be great. I could possibly assist with the technical information re pathology of strikes to various points of the body in that section if required.
  35. C

    Lapses of Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia

    In addition to your spiritual work, the effects of covid longer term can be lassitude, poor energy, poor appetite, loose stools, spontaneous sweating and general malaise. This diminished energy can be due to ongoing phlegm obstruction or weakening of the overall vitality of the spleen system...
  36. C

    Internal Chronic Skin Dampness, how to fix?

    Phlegm takes a long time to move. The medicine will not give complete relief from all symptoms straight away. The fact that the mucus congestion has reduced shows it is working but it will take time to get to the deeper levels and remove the phlegm that obstructs the channels and has built...
  37. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    For those people who've booked, and requested consultation by email, please note I will make my initial contact on the time and date of the appointment you have booked, and we can converse from there. You will receive an initial email which will be very question - heavy, please do your best to...
  38. C

    Astrology Reading Request

    Hi, I would like an astrology Reading for a specific area of my life. I'm happy to pay. Would prefer experienced SS if possible. Thank-you
  39. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    If we are corresponding by email, you are correct, time won't be as important provided you are happy to wait for my responses
  40. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    This is not necessary. A Dosha test is Ayurvedic medicine, I specialise in Chinese medicine. I will be able to ask the questions required as needed.
  41. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Correct. All times are in GMT +930 time with DST.
  42. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Wen Dan Pian is the same as Wen Dan Tang, the onoy difference is that Pian means large pill, Tang means decoction (broth) but most would be 'Wan' anyway which is teapill (small pills). San means powder.
  43. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Thanks for that. I've just re-activated the feature and tested it if you'd like to try again?
  44. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    What country are you in? There are no suitable substitutes for the ingredients of Bamboo and Hoelen formula unfortunately
  45. C

    Question on OMAD and TCM

    The problem with having one meal a day is that it overloads digestion. You are better off spreading out the intake of food into smaller portions. Skipping one meal out if three is useful in certain conditions but please note, kapha is an Ayurvedic term, not necessarily 100% compatible with TCM...
  46. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    My recommendation is not to follow one individual in your pursuit of TCM knowledge, particularly when they are financially benefitting from every book you buy (because they wrote the book). If you are going to choose an author to learn from in the initial stages, choose Giovanni Maciocia. He...
  47. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    I don't have the technical expertise for this but if you or someone you know does, I wouldn't say no to the integration.
  48. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Thank-you HP. Satan has blessed me with an ability in medicine and its only fair that his people benefit. As for launches, I've never really been very good at hard launches of anything, always preferring the soft approach.
  49. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    May I email you? You can try but the last few people who've tried to do so via the board have been unsuccessful.
  50. C

    Chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Without asking further questions, it's difficult to differentiate between the TCM concepts of wood invading Earth, Spleen or Kidney Yang Deficiency but I suspect Spleen Qi/Yang Deficiency and Spleen not holding blood are significant contributors here. What is of note is that raw tomatoes are...
  51. C

    All about the Immune System and how to Improve it

    If it hasn't already been mentioned, Yu Ping Feng San, the last herbal formula listed in the original post, should NEVER be taken if you are sick. It is a prophylactic for people who have a propensity towards catching colds and flu's due to Spleen or Lung Qi Deficiency. If you take it while...
  52. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Yes, ACNE can be treated quite successfully by Chinese Medicine
  53. C

    Wormwood - a curse against the parasites and jews

    Mugwort is not directly related to any aspect of a parasite, as it is neither tonifying nor draining, it is purely balancing. I was just making the distinction between the various medicinal wormwoods as they're not all equal. Fecal expulsion is certainly the manner in which dead parasites...
  54. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Yes it is, but only when the absence of energy and vitality is caused by Spleen Qi Deficiency. Sometimes and often, vitality and energy are blocked by pathogenic factors such as stagnated qi, blood, phlegm or cold. If Korean Ginseng is taken when these factors are present, it will actually...
  55. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    It is very difficult to do that here yes, if not impossible and the tax on it is high, so any conversion makes it close to worthless.
  56. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Thank-you. It's nice to hear from you 😊
  57. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    What is your question about Ginseng? Also, which Ginseng are you referring to? There are about 5 or 6 different species, all with different properties.
  58. C

    Can’t hold in pee, immense anger and anemia

    These are symptoms of Liver/Kidney Yin Deficiency and Liver Blood Deficiency. The only query is to ask, do you feel predominantly cold or hot? If it is the second one, do you sweat when you sleep or feel hot at night?
  59. C

    Wormwood - a curse against the parasites and jews

    There are several artemesia species and they are not all created equal. Mugwort is one of them.. It is warming and balances the meridians. Then there is the psychoactive wormwood, Artemesia Absinthium which produces the psychedelic effects. And then there are the bitter and cold wormwood...
  60. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    And just further to everyone's posts, my regular fee is $90, I am only charging SS $45, HALF my regular fee.
  61. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    I am happy to use whatever apps or communication services people have. Unfortunately, crypto currency is of no use to me, it does not feed my family and it cannot pay my rent. I feel bad for the people who are in a position to not provide monetary goods but I am sure there are other things...
  62. C

    Unexpected Symptoms from Covid

    This is due to the illness going deep into the body, to the level of the Tai Yin, which is the spleen. The illness now resides there and the impediment to the spleen is causing dampness. Without treatment this may be a lifelong latent pathogen. Panax Ginseng and phlegm/damp resolving herbs...
  63. C

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    Background: I have been with the JOS for over 15 years, since I was 19 years old. It has been a long and arduous journey, but well worth it. I have been given a fantastic gift by Satan, the ability to study and deeply understand the workings and healings of Chinese medicine, alongside...
  64. C

    Knee trouble and when to trust the doctors

    In order to treat kidney deficiency we must first ascertain its presence and whether it is of Yang type, Yin type or Qi type. Kidney deficiency has symptoms such as low back pain, frequent or very infrequent urination, nocturia, extremes of heat or cold in the body, overall exhaustion and lack...
  65. C

    Knee trouble and when to trust the doctors

    The fact is that the trauma which occurred has induced a state of stasis into the knee. Stasis of blood, stasis of qi. The blood circulation needs to be moved in this area through massage (you can do self massage) or heat/acupuncture therapy. There may also be an underlying kidney deficiency...
  66. C

    Internal Chronic Skin Dampness, how to fix?

    Low dose would be 8 pills, twice per day if they are 200x teapills.
  67. C

    Persistent metatarsalgia

    Massaging the area daily in an anticlockwise motion, whilst also doing this prixomally and distally away from the area should improve this condition if done daily, twice per day for two weeks.
  68. C

    Internal Chronic Skin Dampness, how to fix?

    The diagnosis is cold phlegm obstruction, and the herbal formula for healing is called Er Chen Wan. It should be taken for at least two months at a low dosage, minding that the dosage will depend strongly on where you purchase said formula from.
  69. C

    Internal Chronic Skin Dampness, how to fix?

    Do you get any frontal or temple headaches? Do you have any digestive upsets? Any nasal expectoration of phlegm? Are your stools loose and passed easily?
  70. C

    Internal Chronic Skin Dampness, how to fix?

    Are you referring to damp, oily skin and excessive sweating?
  71. C


    Thanks. Not sure I understand the pretty good privacy reference though, is that a way to scramble text that is then copy pasted onto the board and I use that and a token to unscramble it off-site? Or a board feature?
  72. C


    OK I see. I don't know why that is, it may be a board setting. My settings are all set to receive accordingly 🤷‍♂️
  73. C


    That is odd, I have everything set to allow private messaging and contact via email... Unsure what a prtsc is but sure
  74. C


    If you visit my profile on this site and select the message privately option, I will receive an email at my personal email address. And yes I am happy to answer any question regarding tcm..
  75. C


    There's not really any way for me to give a medical response that would be suitable for your situation without knowing the specific nature of it. You're welcome to message me privately if you are comfortable but I cannot give advice generally as it may be harmful for your situation as all...
  76. C

    Any Natural method/remedy to get rid of wound and acne scars ?

    What colour are the spots? Purple, black, red? Something else?
  77. C


    What is the tic?
  78. C

    TCM and Sinus Help

    Pe Min Kan Wan is not a classical Chinese Medicine formula, it is an empirical herbs formula. It is created on the basis that herbs are like pharmaceutical medicines and can be applied as such. If you get results from it, they will only be for the time you are taking them, and they will not...
  79. C

    TCM and Sinus Help

    These symptoms indicate phlegm-fire, the location of which is the chest and upper burner The herbal therapy indicated is Wen Dan Tang or Bamboo and Holen formula. This formula clears heat and resolves phlegm. Following that, any other apparent syndrome can be addressed. For anyone...
  80. C

    TCM and Sinus Help

    I really need to point out that the advice that you lack yang energy is very incorrect... The root cause is obstruction of yang energy due to phlegm and heat congestion NOT deficiency. I suspect that building your yang energy will only get you so far. When you're ready to address the actual...
  81. C

    TCM and Sinus Help

    Do your sinuses hurt? Is there any expectoration of mucous? If so, what is the colour? Is there blood streaks in it? Do you have any other persistent bodily symptoms such as cough, nausea, frontal or temple headaches? Muscle pain and fibromyalgic symptoms? The more information you provide...
  82. C


    There are a few herpes species, including herpes varicella-zoster (chickenpox, shingles) and herpes simplex. Herpes simplex is responsible for cold sores and genital herpes. It is only contagious during the period where there is a lesion, and outside these times the virus is dormant. So...
  83. C

    Periods - A healing journey

    I haven't watched the video but from a Chinese Medicine point of view, the period comes about as a natural cycle of old blood being flushed from the penetrating vessel (runs up the inside of the spine, strongly related to blood) on a cyclic basis to prepare the body for new blood to be made. As...
  84. C

    Nutrition Textbook Recommendations Please!

    I recommend reading the Foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine and then read books about Chinese Dietary Therapy.
  85. C

    This doctor knows his shit:

    Keto diets strongly amplify digestive energy. This is great for people who have chronic fatigue, dampness in the body, get short of breath, sweat spontaneously and have poor appetite and loose stools and even often feel cold. The diet taken short time will resolve these issues. Long term...
  86. C


    Often, type 2 diabetes can be related to Stomach Fire or Liver Qi Stagnation invading the Spleen. Type 1 diabetes is always related to deficient Kidney Yin or Yang. So sometimes there may be a need to treat the Stomach or Liver, it is not always splenic.
  87. C


    What are all the symptoms of this 'pre-diabetes' that you are experiencing?
  88. C

    Bleu rare steak and Sushi safe?

    Meat and fish that are handled well and fresh shouldnt pose a problem if you add things like lemon juice which kills bacteria. Parasites are mainly an issue in pork, not so much beef. Chicken should never be taken raw or bleu. Always use a traditional recipe for bleu steak and bear in mind...
  89. C

    Chronic and debilitating thirst no matter how water I drink

    You need to have your fasting glucose, sodium and potassium levels checked. There is also a possibility of kidney function decline. You may just have a low sodium intake resulting in dehydration that no amount of water will resolve. Try adding a small amount of salt to your water.
  90. C

    2 meals/day

    Due to lifestyle constraints, I've often found that I eat two meals on some days. My energy levels haven't differed from eating three except the post eating slump only comes around twice. Eating more in the morning is better for your body due to the energy being in the stomach and spleen from...
  91. C

    Help with Cluster Headaches?

    From the symptom description, I would say these headaches are due to Liver Yang Rising. This condition occurs due to insufficient Kidney and Liver Yin not restraining the Yang which then rises up to the head and causes all kinds of problems. The spicy food and night work is making this...
  92. C

    Onions and feet

    This is not true.
  93. C

    Unhealthy hair problems.

    Yes fo-ti or He Shou Wou is the remedy to darken and thicken hair.
  94. C

    Kundalini & Multiple sclerosis

    Multiple sclerosis is due to phlegm obstruction. The phlegm blockage causes a massive blockage of prana and therefore pain arises. This phlegm must be dissolved by herbal, dietary and physical therapy to attain the clearing that you desire. This will take time. Apologies I did not respond...
  95. C


    Codeine + High protein diet = two contributing factors to constipation. Reduce one, change one or do both. There's nothing magic about it I'm afraid.
  96. C

    acupuncture in ears

    Permanently piercing auricular acupuncture points is purported to be of great benefit, correspondent to the point chosen. The validity of this is uncertain.
  97. C

    Body hair problems

    Are you male or female?
  98. C

    Pneumonia and Meditations

    Can you list all of the symptoms of your pneumonia other than cough? Are you expectorating clear or coloured phlegm?
  99. C

    Gallbladder distended, swollen

    This does require attention. Do you have a vigorous exercise regime? If not, now is a good time to start. Pay attention when eating to ensure you are relaxed and not stressed out or having heavy conversations, moving around when eating or eating late at night. Eat smaller meals more...
  100. C

    Red Wine

    I'm sorry vedic medicine is not my strong point, but if there is no cold associated with this constitution then red wine would not be appropriate.
  101. C

    How to restore Jing

    Storing sexual energy in the sacral chakra. Consuming dense, yin materials such as Shu Di Huang and Fo-Ti. Microcosmic orbit.
  102. C

    Grey Hair

    Hair is connected to kidney energy. The herb Fo-Ti (polygonum multiflorum) is renowned for its ability to blacken the hair and does so by nourishing the Kidney essence. It has however produced significant liver poisoning in certain individuals so please do your own research before taking it...
  103. C


    This is a sign of improved circulation due to exercise when capillaries in the skin which are not normally full receive more oxygen. It is recommended you push through this feeling as it will improve your circulation over time.
  104. C

    Testicle cancer

    A hydrocele is a fluid filled venous mass. White and painful indicates this is caused by cold, probably from excessive yang depletion. This could have occurred from your sexual excesses and/or overwork and incomplete nutrition. Do you have a poor appetite, loose stools, tiredness and bloating?
  105. C

    Red Wine

    Red wine has a very specific impact on the body.. It moves blood and warms the channels. Too much heat is toxic, and red wine is often consumed with cultured cheeses to balance its hot nature. For women with severe cramping during menses, a single glass of red wine helps to alleviate pain...
  106. C

    Heal gastritis

    Do you feel nauseas at times?
  107. C

    Throat problems

    Is your sore throat also dry and irritating? Or aching/burning/stabbing?
  108. C

    Heal gastritis

    Do you have difficulty sleeping? Or get hot at night?
  109. C

    Heal gastritis

    Do you have excessive or diminished appetite?
  110. C

    Chronic cough + clear phlegm, runny nose/sneezing

    Your assessment is correct regarding amounts and preparation instructions. There is no need to add Sheng Jiang, it doesn't apply to this formula.
  111. C


    Pain is character. Character builds strength. Suicide is weakness. Live in your strength, don't fold to your weaknesses.
  112. C

    Chronic cough + clear phlegm, runny nose/sneezing

    I also just realised I wrote the formula wrong in my original reply. It is Xiang Sha Lui Jun Zi Tang NOT Xiang Sha Lui Di Huang wan
  113. C

    Chronic cough + clear phlegm, runny nose/sneezing

    The only difference between Wan and tang is the preparation. Tang is decoction however spleen energy is usually prepared as a tea pill because the spleen benefits from dryness and the decoction can be a bit damp. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan will make your problem worse and of the other three, only er...
  114. C

    How is Satan's end of the world.Different.Then the one in the book of revelation? :)

    Satan's energy will shine out across the world through those who invite it and live it. It will transform everyone around those people with his spirit and the earth will connect to this people to nurture itself. The 'revelations' of the bible are far from revealing, and obscure the truth.
  115. C

    Attracting someone who dont know i exist.

    You can use a spell to have whatever you want. Just be careful that what you want is actually what you want because you can become connected to someone or something that remains with you for a long time. However, the best way to learn is by doing, and fear of magic because it's 'not to be...
  116. C

    Infectious Disease Herbs

    Infectious Disease Herbs A pertinent issue now in the middle of winter and for other reasons that don't need to be expressly stated... Infectious illnesses in Chinese Herbology fall under exterior disease and they are classified as either hot or cold 'ínvasion'.. Both types have simultaneous...
  117. C

    Diabetic Neuropathy ans Spinal Stenosis

    Treatment epends on the syndrome that causes it and what the manifestations are.. Neuropathy can be extremely painful or it can feel numb, or with tingling. It can be worse in the cold, and accompanied by low energy, fatigue, diarrhoea, difficulty sleeping (particularly falling asleep), dry...
  118. C

    Medicinal Herbs

    On Medicinal Herbs... Herbal medicine gets a bad rap because results are inconsistent. This is because herbs cannot be applied to western medical diagnoses. They have to be applied according to the system they are used in and often this is not included in research or on the retail...
  119. C

    Canker sore treatments, like actual treatments?

    Mouth sores are due to stomach and spleen damp and heat.. Tongue sores are due to heart fire. Both types of heat can be cleared by the use of cooling and bitter foods such as asparagus, rocket, bitter melon and aloe and herbs such as Shi Gao and Zhi Mu. The two herbs mentioned are very strong...
  120. C

    Canker sore treatments, like actual treatments?

    Mouth sores are due to stomach and spleen damp and heat.. Tongue sores are due to heart fire. Both types of heat can be cleared by the use of cooling and bitter foods such as asparagus, rocket, bitter melon and aloe and herbs such as Shi Gao and Zhi Mu. The two herbs mentioned are very strong...
  121. C

    Canker sore treatments, like actual treatments?

    Mouth sores are due to stomach and spleen damp and heat.. Tongue sores are due to heart fire. Both types of heat can be cleared by the use of cooling and bitter foods such as asparagus, rocket, bitter melon and aloe and herbs such as Shi Gao and Zhi Mu. The two herbs mentioned are very strong...
  122. C

    Broken toe

    A break is a trauma which induces blood Stagnation. This in turn produces the high level of pain you feel. Encourage blood circulation in the area with gentle massage and by taking foods that encourage blood movement such as pepper and turmeric.
  123. C

    Chronic cough + clear phlegm, runny nose/sneezing

    When the spleen is weak, phlegm is produced from food. The spleen creates phlegm and the lungs are the container of phlegm. If there are feelings of cold, this would indicate a yang deficiency also. The herbal formula for both spleen qi and yang deficiency with cold phlegm is Xiang Sha Liu...
  124. C

    Medical Knowledge Buried in Useless Information

    Original medicine records such as the classic books of Chinese Medicine and humoral medicine were very clear, concise and to the point when it came to the dissemination and communication of medical knowledge. The modern 'research' we see today is not like this at all. Small snippets of useful...
  125. C

    Problems with sex.

    If you have any urinary dysfunction such as the need to urinate at night, excessive day time urination, soreness of the lower back or knees and early morning diarrhea or any of the above symptoms in accompaniment, including feelings of cold, you have Kidney Yang Deficiency. Sometimes cold...
  126. C

    Feeling really tired

    Qi and Blood are the two humors responsible for energy. Both can be overused by excessive work. Qi deficiency causes shortness of breath, spontaneous daytime sweating, poor appetite, loose stools and tiredness worse for exertion. Sleep would be unaffected. If the Yang is also deficient, then...
  127. C


    Most thyroxine medications are standardised doses and therefore there is always a risk of 'overdose'. This will not manifest in a short term problem but rather a gradual erosion of yin. Integrative therapies which provide a more natural and complete product will reduce this risk.
  128. C

    Is omeprazole a dangerous drug?

    Omeprazole magnesium is one of the worst drugs you can take long term. Unfortunately much of the research on its use was very short term and even so the success rate was only around 40%. Adverse effects over the long term (the type of use most commonly suggested) is an increased risk of...
  129. C

    Is there a limit to how much jing building foods you should take?

    Yes. Firstly however, neither food is inherently 'jing' building. Jing is built through a combination of Yin, Yang tonic foods plus a certain degree of moving foods plus a meditative practice. Schisandra is a blood mover and slight tonic as well as a spirit calmer. Goji berries are a kidney...
  130. C

    Random laughing

    Going to sleep after 11pm sacrifices your body's blood building hours and consumes blood. Blood supports and nourishes the heart spirit. Absence of proper grounding of the heart spirit can lead to manifestations such as inappropriate laughter. It's a sign of more serious things to come. Try...
  131. C

    Random laughing

    Do you fall asleep easily and stay asleep at night?
  132. C


    If there is an integrative doctor in your area, perhaps see them and ask if they can provide you with access to crushed pig's thyroid as a medical alternative to thyroxine. Thyroxine is dose in 25 mcg increments which doesn't always account for body size well and most people on thyroxine are...
  133. C

    Random laughing

    This sounds like Liver Qi stagnation turning to heat and harassing the heart. Do you exercise frequently?
  134. C

    Random laughing

    Inappropriate laughing is due to an imbalance of the heart.. Do you experience heart palpitations? Insomnia? Pressure or feelings of discomfort in the chest? Do you have any problems with slurring words or speech? Do you have any discomfort of the tongue?
  135. C

    Alcohol and your body

    Spiritual Satanism is not prohibitive like other religions. Some choose not to drink based on the information they have. Others may choose to at certain times such as celebrations. Others still may be in the throes of alcoholism and trying to break the ties of addiction through meditation...
  136. C

    Alcohol and your body

    Spiritual Satanism is not prohibitive like other religions. Some choose not to drink based on the information they have. Others may choose to at certain times such as celebrations. Others still may be in the throes of alcoholism and trying to break the ties of addiction through meditation...
  137. C

    Alcohol and your body

    Alcohol is hot in thermal nature and varying degrees of damp/phlegm forming depending on the type. It's only medical internal use is for someone who has contracted severe cold from the external environment and needs to be warmed up ie someone who has been outside in the snow for an extended...
  138. C

    Have insomnia

    Do you have trouble falling asleep? Or do you fall asleep and then wake up easily? Or do you not sleep at all?
  139. C

    How are you?

    Moment to moment our feelings change and this question can be answered many different ways given the time it is asked. Set upon the left hand path for long enough however, and with focus on the continuous improvement of the soul, the answer will resoundingly be that momentary feeling mentioned...
  140. C

    Need your help urgently!!!

    This really depends on the prostitute's habits, health, whether or not they've slept with other clients without a condom etc. There's alot of factors at play but it's not an automatic death sentence. Do the tests but certainly you need to align your energies with those of protection and...
  141. C

    i got something to ask about the male/female gene

    A male has an X and a Y chromosome on their DNA. A Female has two X's. That ratio is 50%, and no amount of anything can change that. You've either misunderstood the documentary or it's pure garbage.
  142. C

    Activism via writing books

    Aquarius, VoiceofEnki, Send me a PM and I will send you what I have.
  143. C

    Activism via writing books

    There is a style of writing which is non-fictional that is very similar to peer reviewed research which means that you can present any information you wish in a very pursuasive manner regardless of the content. If you would like an example of this, feel free to let me know.
  144. C

    Hormonal balancing

    PCOS is almost always related to Kinsey Yang Deficiency with phlegm. Increasing warm natured foods such as lamb, warming spices, dried and roasted ginger, maca (already mentioned), mussells and perhaps a warm cinnamon bark tea is a natural way to boost yang. There are also herbal formulas such...
  145. C

    is it too late for my dad

    People like your father with powerful depression rarely truly see anything with real clarity. It is likely his perception of what is real and what is not was very disturbed and therefore his description of angels is likely highly inaccurate. I wouldn't read into this part of it too much...
  146. C

    Skin boil problem

    Reduce your warm natured foods. Increase bitter vegetable intake for a period. Increase physical activity and movement. The boil will resolve on its own.
  147. C

    Skin boil problem

    This is related to gall bladder phlegm. Is your diet high in fatty and warm natured foods?
  148. C

    Skin boil problem

    Where exactly on your body is the boil and does it produce any symptoms other than discomfort when touched or when pressure is placed upon it?
  149. C

    Heart problems

    Chuan Xiong or Lugisticum Wallichii is a rhizome which moves blood and lowers blood pressure. Regular, frequent exercise is also protective in this way. Polyunsaturated fats are actually some of the best for you however they should be avoided in cooking as the heat damages them irreparably.
  150. C

    The act of drinking fluids

    You feel thirsty because water cannot hydrate you on its own. The minerals sodium and potassium actually help retain water in the cells and interstitial fluids and you are depriving your body of these things. You feel stupidly thirsty because you're drinking demineralised water. Add...
  151. C

    Violent outburst

    You should absolutely go and see a lawyer..
  152. C

    My stomach upset...

    Bao He Wan is prescribed for food stagnation. The key diagnostic principles for this syndrome are sour regurgitation/burping and feeling of fullness in the stomach. When pressing on the abdomen, any masses or lumpy feelings will not move and will feel uncomfortable. If there is an absence of...
  153. C

    Chronic exhaustion, fatigue, procrastination. Etc.

    You have a blood and qi Deficiency. Look up Ba Zhen Wan (8 treasures teapills). Take this formula for 3 weeks and then come back and check in. It contains 4 tonics for qi and 4 tonics for blood.
  154. C

    Healing through dietetics

    This looks like an interesting book that probably needs to be read cover to cover to fully appreciate it.. Rarely are these early works more than a statement of fact and usually devoid of emotional and moral manipulation. Several of these early doctors were very learned and very correct. I...
  155. C

    Weak hair

    Taking He Shou Wu on its own is not sufficient to build yin or blood in the body. This takes a synergistic effect from other herbs also. Please try adding Si Wu Wan to the He Shou Wu for one month and then report back any symptom changes.
  156. C

    About Advanced Members And Our Community

    There is a reason why this post should also remind you all of the importance of an aura of protection. Eventually, you may advance to a point where you feel you do not need it. But you do need it, because as you advance you will not notice attacks that are slow and insidious. Your aura of...
  157. C

    Help with lack of libido and menopause

    This symptom pattern corresponds to Kidney Yin Deficiency with local Blood stagnation. I recommend a course of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (herbal tea pills) and Xu Fu Zhu Yu Tang (herbal tea pills) The first one should be taken for six months. The second for one month and then replace with Si Wu...
  158. C

    Help with lack of libido and menopause

    Are you sweating when you sleep? Feeling hot in the afternoon? Experiencing dizziness? Is there still abdominal pain from the surgery? Pain of the knees of lower back?
  159. C

    Hydrogen Peroxide (35%) becoming outlawed.

    Australia has had no 35% for years. If you boil 3 or 6% HP at 100 degrees celcius to a tenth of its original volume, you'll have 30 or 60% grade. HP boils at 150 degrees so you are best not to go over 110 - 120 when boiling.
  160. C

    Severe Migraines that won't stop

    These headaches are related to gall bladder fire. This is most quickly and readily relieved by herbal teas such as dandelion and milk thistle, taken in the morning away from food. Dandelion tea is very easy to obtain and a week's worth should provide at least a small lessening if symptoms...
  161. C

    Are Menstrual Cups Harmful?

    There is much debate about the subject about menstrual or 'juju' cups reducing the flow of blood and causing health problems. In my opinion a pad is the best option but I am not a woman and I have not tried both and compared the results based on my health markers such as tongue and pulse so it...
  162. C

    Be Aware of Gang Stalking, Brainwashing, and Mind Control

    This sounds quite dangerous to your mental health... Out of curiosity, have you used any illegal or prescription drugs in the last 5 years? If so, what were they and for how long?
  163. C

    Smelly farts + thigh pimples

    Cover the herbs with enough water to give you 1 1/2 - 2 serves daily. When the water runs out, replenish it so the herbs remain submerged and then cover the saucepan and put in the fridge once it's cool. Herbs that are not covered with water or refrigerated will go mouldy.
  164. C

    Smelly farts + thigh pimples

    The liver qi stagnation is secondary to the phlegm and dampness and therefore will resolve on its own.
  165. C

    Smelly farts + thigh pimples

    Liver blood and liver yin deficiency usually cause this however poor circulation of liver qi (stagnation) can also cause this issue as is the case here.
  166. C

    Period Cramps

    Pain that is sharp at a fixed location and lasts for a long time is due to blood stagnation. Based on your symptoms as described, you should be taking: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan for the hot flashes and menstrual heaviness and, Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan for the fixed stabbing pain and period cramps. This...
  167. C

    Smelly farts + thigh pimples

    You need to have: Zhi Ban Xia (Pinellia Ternata) 15g Ju Hong (Red Tangerine Peel) 15g Zhi Shi (Immature Aurantii Fructus) 6g Zhu Ru (Bumbusae Caulis (bamboo)) 6g Fu Ling (White Poria Cocos) 9g Zhi Gan Cao (Honey Fried Licorice Root) 4.5g Place the dried herbs in several cups of water (enough...
  168. C

    Weak hair

    Poor hair quality and hair that easily falls out is due to poor blood quality. Has your hair ever fallen out in clumps overnight or is it just a steady stream of finding hair around the house?
  169. C

    Keto diet and mental fatigue

    You are mentally fatigued because you are on a calorie deficient diet. End of story, as your body has insufficient calories to fuel the higher functions of your brain.
  170. C

    Smelly farts + thigh pimples

    Clear phlegm indicates cold phlegm whilst your other symptoms on the skin are more phlegm heat related. Bi Yian Pian is not really syndrome specific to your issue and this is why you're not getting a good and consistent result from it. The phlegm heat needs to be dealt with using a formula...
  171. C

    Smelly farts + thigh pimples

    In addition to the advice above regarding diet, you should probably reduce your water intake. Your symtpoms are from damp in the stomach and spleen channels (top of the leg) and dampness is dead (stagnant) water inside the body. Drinking 2L of water a day is contributing to this problem.
  172. C

    Smelly farts + thigh pimples

    Are your pimples on the front, outer or the inner thigh area?
  173. C

    Nephew won’t talk

    This is a Chinese Medicine concept. The heart houses the spirit and is responsible for speech. A child who has a congenital heart problem preventing speech will have a crack on the tip of the tongue that often runs down most of the length of it. The longer and deeper the crack, the more...
  174. C

    Nephew won’t talk

    Lack of development of speech reflects a problem with the heart (organ, not chakra). The heart controls speech and opens into the tongue. This can be due to insufficient kidney essence (genetic problems) or extreme emotional impairment. If he is the first child, it can also be because the...
  175. C

    A cure for varicose veins?

    Varicose veins that produce visible raised nodules can be classified as either blood stagnation of phlegm. Those caused by phlegm will be semi hard and painless to touch. Those caused by blood stasis will be more purple, hard and painful to touch. Depending on the differentiation according...
  176. C

    5.5mm stones kidney

    You can pass kidney stones yes. But.. It's reported by persons who've gone through it as more painful than childbirth. So whether or not you want to is another story. Anyway, it's likely you won't have a choice. The standard treatment is a course of oral fluid which helps dissolve the...
  177. C

    5.5mm stones kidney

    You can pass kidney stones yes. But.. It's reported by persons who've gone through it as more painful than childbirth. So whether or not you want to is another story. Anyway, it's likely you won't have a choice. The standard treatment is a course of oral fluid which helps dissolve the...
  178. C

    Too Much Fire Help

    Did you take the Wen Dan Tang and if so for how long and at what dosage?
  179. C

    Painful edema

    There is one more cause of edema in TCM, and this is failure of heart yang. This patient will have very low energy, feel cold and have a disturbed and unanchored spirit. They will struggle to sleep well, struggle with almost any physical activity and likely have a poor appetite as well...
  180. C

    Basics About Nutrition, Diet, Cooking, Supplements and Eating Well

    India is also a very humid place, with heavy rain for half of the year, particularly in the South. This induces dampness and the high consumption of spiced foods helps to sweat out the dampness. There is also a lot of heavy creams and milks in Indian Cuisine and the spices *attempt* to balance...
  181. C

    Help please...possible hormonal/glandular problem

    This syndrome picture is related to phlegm heat. If you have access to Chinese herbs online or in your local community, you need to commence a course of Wen Dan Tang go clear the phlegm and heat as soon as practicable and combine this with the dietary advice already provided.
  182. C

    Help please...possible hormonal/glandular problem

    This syndrome picture is related to phlegm heat. If you have access to Chinese herbs online or in your local community, you need to commence a course of Wen Dan Tang go clear the phlegm and heat as soon as practicable and combine this with the dietary advice already provided.
  183. C

    I need help eating...

    The simplest and most effective change you can make is preparing food at home and using start from scratch recipes.. Lose the jars, and premade sauces and make everything from scratch where possible. This will improve your: - cooking ability, - health, - ability to be resourceful with...
  184. C

    Bowel issue

    This indicates an excess condition, not a deficiency and likely a Liver Qi Stagnation pattern. Haemorrhoids are therefore a more likely explanation than anal prolapse which comes about as a result of severe weakness. Increase your exercise, reduce the size of your meals and eat more...
  185. C

    Bowel issue

    In differentiating your disharmony as either excess or deficiency, it's important to pay attention to how movement and exercise make you feel. Do you feel tired afterwards and unmotivated or do you feel good, and or at least not tired if not more energetic?
  186. C

    Bowel issue

    The other thing that this could be is haemorrhoids. They can protrude from the anus and be felt underneath. These pertain to Shan disorder which is a disorder of Liver Qi and reckless movement thereof. Do you get much exercise?
  187. C

    Advancing while taking anti psychotic medications.

    Anti Psychotic drugs block the impulses of electrical activity between neurons. They also effectively induce dampness and stasis into the body. They will do nothing but hamper your progress. It is recommended that you address coming off them with someone who is prepared to help you do so at...
  188. C

    I can’t fall asleep.

    Check your lips... If they are looking pale then you are likely suffering from blood deficiency. Other possibilities include full fire syndrome or qi stagnation. Check the lips first...
  189. C

    Paintable RTR page problems

    It seems to be working fine now.
  190. C

    Period Cramps

    In eating, try to include more of the following foods, particularly in small amounts and more often: - cooked kidney beans/black beans - mussels - duck - eggs - soups and bone broths Avoid frying and baked foods, opt for steaming and water frying, stewing and boiling. Avoid hot spices...
  191. C

    Extreme salt cravings

    Try including foods with a salty flavour such as anchovies, olives, shell seafood and dark lentils (black beans, kidney beans). Don't salt these foods and then see if you enjoy the flavour and/or still get the cravings. If not, then this is related to the kidney energy directly. If there is...
  192. C

    Black tea, green tea, white tea - warnings

    Fluoride and aluminium uptake in plants is highly dependent on where they're grown and the quality of the soil and water there. There are no hard and fast rules regarding particular teas except for the herbal properties that each plant possesses. Teas and coffee are bitter and diuretics which...
  193. C


    Dreams can also indicate an organic imbalance, particularly with recurring vivid dreams of certain theme. If you are having recurring dreams which are themed to certain natural phenomena like fires and wind etc. These can indicate an imbalance in the organs which is reaching and disturbing the...
  194. C

    Paintable RTR page problems

    Is anyone else having issues scrolling the paintable RTR page on an Android device? I've noticed the last month or so two finger scrolling is very unreliable and only works 30-40% of the time often producing no input. It worked fine before?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
