Satanfire666 said:

I take zeprexa which is an anti psychotic med and i want to know whether i could open my astral senses and advance while taking this med.. Thanks :mrgreen:
You can indeed try to run up a mountain while you have a set of knives lodged into your back, slowly cutting through your body. But eventually the knives penetrate far enough that you just fall and bleed to death, so it's advisable to first stop being an idiot and get the knives out entirely.
[Disclaimer for legal reasons that the following does not legally constitute medical advice, and is to be considered strictly my own opinion.]
If you are seeing a psychiatrist, which I assume you are since this is usually how people end up with these poisons, then the first step is to stop seeing this person. He/she does not want anything good for you, which is very evident seeing how you're taking this poison now, likely on their recommendation.
By extension, of course, you need to stop taking these medications. If you've been taking them for a while, then dont stop all at once as this may have dangerous withdrawal effects. Slowly reduce the dose every few days or weeks, until you reach 0. Nobody "needs" anti-psychotic medication as a regular thing, just like an Elephant doesn't need a tranquilizer shot every week. Those things are only ever used realistically in extraordinary situations, as a one-time thing. For example an operation.
If you still want to see a psychiatrist (obviously you need a different one then), then a great way to filter out many of the shitty ones is to
stay far away from "state approved" psychiatrists. Those are the ones who are "educated" to shoot you full of anti-psychotic poison instead of trying to actually fix your issues. There are many therapists who are independent and actually want to help people, but almost all of them do not get state approval. So look out for those if you want a proper person to talk to about problems. Do not accept any "medicine" someone tells you to take, and do not accept hypnosis therapy. If you follow these rough guidelines, you can dodge most shitty ones.