Lately I've been looking into the effect of parasites which can be anything from viruses, bacteria, fungal infections, etc. I use parasites as a blanket term, because the word makes me think of mini jews causing problems in the body. I've noticed these new gmo virus going around since covid seem to act more like bacterial infections than your classic cold virus. There has been an uptick in seizures among people I know who never had them previously. Others have been suffering from other neurological conditions.
There was a "cold” that went around a couple months ago that I found odd. The symptoms where more a neurological disorder and started off with a severe headache followed by a sharp pain in one eye. A couple of the individuals vaxxed I worked with at the time where dying of this "cold" coughing and hacking up a lung. The others (unvaxxed) they were sick but not really coughing including myself. It was fairly mild in the background but very persistent (it didn't go away right away vs normal colds). What got me was how off balanced I felt and found myself dropping or knocking things over. At first, "I'm sick and its not a big deal". The "cold" went away and found myself still randomly letting go things (nothing serious) when I wasn't paying attention.
Given everything we do here, I pay close attention to my nervous system and qi/chi. Started noticing something else was sending weak signals through my nervous system. Viruses and bacteria work on the endocrine system in the body. Psychedelics also work on the endocrine system as far as I know. This endocrine system is what controls messaging system for the body also plays a role in epigenetics. My theory is that between the Mrna vaccines and the genetically engineered viruses the enemy is trying to give humanity a genetic downgrade (again).
Some of my other post about health a nutrition are related to this research. I know there is the 4chan version of the wormpill that has been around for a last few years now. If you can get past the schizo blasphemous troll postings of 4chan, the science behind it isn’t new. Doctors for centuries have been warning of health implications of parasite infections. I’ve been wondering how many people are having tics, seizures, dementia, etc. because of parasite infections. LSD was discovered by experimenting with a bacteria. There are things in nature and man made that can cause serious effects on the nervous systems and our perception of reality. Neurosurgeons can touch different parts of the brain and cause a physical reaction.