Endsieg_Enjoyer said:
I have been on the diet one meal a day(OMAD) for a while now and I was wondering if it is a healthy diet and if it is historically based. I researched and learned that the ancient romans(particularly the patrician class) ate one meal a day around noon or so. I got on this diet after I did keto for a while and lost a lot of weight(probably because of cutting back on added sugar), the main appeal was that you could "eat whatever you want" during the one meal because you would still be in a caloric deficit. Being on the diet I have neither gained or lost any weight but I feel as if it is not particularly that healthy.
As far as TCM goes I looked a bit into this diet and would qualify as a khapha person I believe. Is this diet healthier and does anyone have an accurate link to the perameters of such a diet? I've found some sources in which it is basically just glorified vegetarianism and would like to get an accurate picture of the diet. Also how many meals a day is recommended on TCM?
I have neglected asking about this for a while but my daemon lover and intuition keeps telling me my diet is shit so any help in finding a good satanic diet is appreciated.
If you have problems with weight gain, then this is simply a deficiency to clear the buildup of phlegm in the body. Generally, you would want more solar energy to increase your vitality, or to employ other ways of increasing yang energy, such as exercise and yoga (like
the Solar Kriya).
Although eating in excess of what your body can process will result in dampness and phlegm, the problem is not with food itself, but with junk foods and lack of exercise. In regards to carbohydrates, for those who know TCM, it is actually this food group which helps rebuild the stomach and spleen energy. This is why people with low energy will crave sugar, but instead of candy, they should grab a sweet potato, carrot, or rice.
With the above in mind, there is nothing to fear with healthy food. Even further, it is the food which fuels your body. Therefore, attempting to restrict the intake of healthy foods is such a drastic measure that it should almost never be done. For people who fast, they can instead lighten the food of their meal(s), such as switching from pork to chicken, or eating foods which promote the expulsion of dampness, such as corn (and many others).
Lastly, there are plenty of other acupoints, such as St36, which also tell the body to direct more energy to the digestive system, for the same purposes as above.
So for your question, while your stomach has less work to process, your body overall has less nourishment. So, it is not ideal. Also, even from my own experience, what you read about the Romans is probably false. I have also read many claims about ancient peoples having strange diets, such as Greeks eating a fruit-based diet, and other nonsense. Tracing the energetics of the food, this is totally silly.
TCM recommends three meals a day. You can look online for more specific recommendations, both to how and what exactly to eat that would best suit you. However, these broad "suggestions" of simply not eating are made by people who don't have a understanding of holism and energy, either towards the food itself or your body.
As always, I would highly recommend people continue doing Sun Squares, and/or using runes such as Sowilo and Auruz for increasing health of the body. These represent your permanent solutions that free you from the minutiae of diets or other health regimens. The solar chakra is also the
most important chakra! Take care of it.