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Is omeprazole a dangerous drug?

Demonic Tech

Active member
Feb 12, 2020
Satan's Empire
Hello fellow SS, does anyone of you know omeprazole? I am very young (21yo) and my doctor gave it to me because I often feel a lot of acid in my stomach and get gastroesophageal reflux, and since I started taking it, it seems like it's working. I don't feel acid no more even when eating unhealthy.
Now, the problem is that my "new age" grandparents and father, as soon as I told them that I am taking omeprazole, told me that it's a dangerous medicine. Basically they told me about an american study which you can read about it in this article here: https://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/news/20190606/heartburn-drugs-again-tied-to-fatal-risks
THURSDAY, June 6, 2019 (HealthDay News) -- People who use common heartburn drugs for months to years may face heightened risks of dying from heart disease, kidney failure or stomach cancer, a new study suggests.

The study included more than 200,000 U.S. veterans. It's the latest to raise concerns over drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). They include prescription and over-the-counter drugs like Prilosec (omeprazole), Prevacid (lansoprazole) and Nexium (esomeprazole). And they rank among the top-selling medications in the United States.

Research in recent years has linked prolonged PPI use to increased risks of various diseases and premature death.

These latest findings point to the specific causes of death tied to the drugs, said lead researcher Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly.

He stressed that the excess risks were relatively small. For example, over 10 years, 13% of PPI users died of a cardiovascular condition, including heart disease or stroke. That compared with just over 11% of people who used H2 blockers, another class of heartburn drug.

When the researchers weighed other factors -- such as patients' age and chronic health conditions -- PPI use was tied to a roughly 18% higher risk of cardiovascular death.
As we all know, new age stuff isn't to be trusted, but this seems pretty worrying. I have to say that my doctor told me to take omeprazole not for longer than 2 months, initially she told me 1 month if I remember well, so it's not a lot of time, but still, I don't feel safe. My mom has been taking it for years, but only 3 months per year, while a friend of mine had to take it for 4 months when he was 16yo due to a very urgent disease which I forgot the name. Both my mom and my friend are alive and well, but eh, a lot of people vaccinated from covid are alive and "well" as well, so...

What do you think brothers and sisters in Satan?

Another article about this type of drugs:
Instead of taking medicines that only cover the problem you should try and understand what is causing your acid problem.
Many people I know about complain about acid reflux and well, no shit, they consume the most unhealthy foods constantly.
Look into your diet, when I cut off most processed foods I''ve never had anymore trouble with acid reflux.

Any chemical drug for reflux is harmful any will cause dependancy on it long term, along with weakening your digestion semi-permanently as long as you take them. Take note the feeling of acid is not necesarilly too much acid but can be a sign of too little acid as well.

For actual solution improve your diet and maybe look into chinese medicine or other holistic healing modalities. In general, chinese medicine sees reflux as stomach/liver heat, qi stagnation and reversed stomach qi flow. Exercise may also help if the cause is stagnation. Green barley might also be helpful for stagnation + heat (might be too cooling if you have a weak constitution). Blitzkrieg here might advise you more, or visit a practicioner.

If you just want a band aid that is not damaging, try slippery elp.
Omeprazole magnesium is one of the worst drugs you can take long term.

Unfortunately much of the research on its use was very short term and even so the success rate was only around 40%.

Adverse effects over the long term (the type of use most commonly suggested) is an increased risk of osteoporosis due to its calcium absorption blocking effects in the gut, indigestion and other nutritional Deficiencies.

It also acts on the histamine pathway in the stomach producing excessive histamine which builds up systemically and causes a secondary hayfever.

My advice is change your diet, look into herbal remedies for Stomach Yin Deficiency and AVOID this drug except for very short term use.
Again, if you got any digestion problems, do the Intestinal Massage of the Chi Self Massage that I've posted here.
On top of my kidney problems, I've had stagnation since childhood and refluxes for some years. The chi self massage helped me with this.
Centralforce666 said:
...My advice is change your diet, look into herbal remedies for Stomach Yin Deficiency and AVOID this drug except for very short term use.

I was going to use it for very short term anyway, but now I'm even more convinced. Today is the 9th day taking it. About my diet, I don't think that it's unhealthy. Not compared to other people's diets at least, who don't suffer from this problem. I suffered from reflux even after eating a literal legume soup. I suffered horrible reflux pains after drinking only one glass (alcoholic) apple cider. My mother has chronic gastritis so she might as well gave me a predisposition to suffer from stomachaches by genetics.

In any case, thank you all for the suggestions, do you have any clear healthy alternative to omeprazole to suggest me?
hailourpeople said:
Omeprazol makes ph of acid so high, that its almost like water. so you still have reflux but simply dont feel it, after you take it. If you have gastritis message me, I will tell you how to cure this without taking chemical shit. I learned from my mistakes and internet over a year a lot. 8ut you first have to make gastroscopy

Oof I really hoped I could avoid a gastroscopy. Before that I wanna see what'll happen after I completely stop taking it.
hailourpeople said:
Young Faith said:
hailourpeople said:
Omeprazol makes ph of acid so high, that its almost like water. so you still have reflux but simply dont feel it, after you take it. If you have gastritis message me, I will tell you how to cure this without taking chemical shit. I learned from my mistakes and internet over a year a lot. 8ut you first have to make gastroscopy

Oof I really hoped I could avoid a gastroscopy. Before that I wanna see what'll happen after I completely stop taking it.

You have to stop taking it for 2 weeks before gastroscopy. Gastroscopy isnt as scary as it seems to be. Its very quick, like 2-3mins and all you have to do is taking deep breaths.

Today I officialy stopped taking it, let's see how it goes
The best case scenario is not having reflux anymore at all
Update: I'm (almost) not having reflux at all. With some shit food might still happen, so I try to avoid it. I found out that (probably) one of the reasons I suffered so much from reflux is because after eating I always tried to "push" from my stomach to get a burp, this, of course, might cause acid to rise and then cause reflux. Now that I've stopped doing it, I've noticed that it's way harder for me to get reflux pain.
Young Faith said:
Update: I'm (almost) not having reflux at all. With some shit food might still happen, so I try to avoid it. I found out that (probably) one of the reasons I suffered so much from reflux is because after eating I always tried to "push" from my stomach to get a burp, this, of course, might cause acid to rise and then cause reflux. Now that I've stopped doing it, I've noticed that it's way harder for me to get reflux pain.

Reflux is caused by weakness of the stomach, where the stomach does not properly close the esophageal sphincter, thereby letting acid get through.

Antacids weaken the stomach by neutralizing the stomach ph, which might give short-term relief, but long-term problems.

Centralforce recommend a stomach yin herbal formula. This one tonifies Qi and removes dampness: https://www.activeherb.com/xiangsha/

Read the description and look at the comments; I think it will help. It would help your mom as well, assuming she is willing to quit the omeprazole. Use your success to convince her to get off of it.

Furthermore, don't eat any more junk food. Here is a dietary recommendation page for stomach yin deficiency: https://www.eastmountain.ca/9stomachyin.pdf

The digestive system can recover quickly if you eat the right things, don't overeat in general, and don't overeat items that increase the workload, such as excess meat or oils (especially in junk food form).

Don't eat anything raw or cold. Be careful with excessively cooling items such as fruits, make sure to cook veggies. Meat can be eaten in small portions, such as 3-4 oz, perhaps less if that gives you digestive upset.

Your diet should have lots of cooked veggies and grains, in general, but a little more so until the stomach is stronger to handle heavier items.

Don't eat before bed. The stomach is strongest in the morning hours, so eat larger meals then.

Excess burping, or feeling like a burp would help, is a sign of stomach imbalance anyway, so this wasn't really your own fault.


Doing yang-style/solar chakra exercises will also help. This includes the breath of fire, some of the kundalini yoga, or the Tibetan 5 Rites. These will increase digestive fire.
Blitzkreig said:
Young Faith said:
Update: I'm (almost) not having reflux at all. With some shit food might still happen, so I try to avoid it. I found out that (probably) one of the reasons I suffered so much from reflux is because after eating I always tried to "push" from my stomach to get a burp, this, of course, might cause acid to rise and then cause reflux. Now that I've stopped doing it, I've noticed that it's way harder for me to get reflux pain.

Reflux is caused by weakness of the stomach, where the stomach does not properly close the esophageal sphincter, thereby letting acid get through.

Antacids weaken the stomach by neutralizing the stomach ph, which might give short-term relief, but long-term problems.

Centralforce recommend a stomach yin herbal formula. This one tonifies Qi and removes dampness: https://www.activeherb.com/xiangsha/

Read the description and look at the comments; I think it will help. It would help your mom as well, assuming she is willing to quit the omeprazole. Use your success to convince her to get off of it.

Furthermore, don't eat any more junk food. Here is a dietary recommendation page for stomach yin deficiency: https://www.eastmountain.ca/9stomachyin.pdf

The digestive system can recover quickly if you eat the right things, don't overeat in general, and don't overeat items that increase the workload, such as excess meat or oils (especially in junk food form).

Don't eat anything raw or cold. Be careful with excessively cooling items such as fruits, make sure to cook veggies. Meat can be eaten in small portions, such as 3-4 oz, perhaps less if that gives you digestive upset.

Your diet should have lots of cooked veggies and grains, in general, but a little more so until the stomach is stronger to handle heavier items.

Don't eat before bed. The stomach is strongest in the morning hours, so eat larger meals then.

Excess burping, or feeling like a burp would help, is a sign of stomach imbalance anyway, so this wasn't really your own fault.


Doing yang-style/solar chakra exercises will also help. This includes the breath of fire, some of the kundalini yoga, or the Tibetan 5 Rites. These will increase digestive fire.

Thanks! As for my mom, ahahahahaha no she's a sheep. I've already accepted the fact that her fate is doomed. It's kinda sad actually, to know that most of my family won't make it nor probably deserve to see the beauty of our new world when we win the war
Young Faith said:
Hello fellow SS, does anyone of you know omeprazole? I am very young (21yo) and my doctor gave it to me because I often feel a lot of acid in my stomach and get gastroesophageal reflux, and since I started taking it, it seems like it's working. I don't feel acid no more even when eating unhealthy.
Now, the problem is that my "new age" grandparents and father, as soon as I told them that I am taking omeprazole, told me that it's a dangerous medicine. Basically they told me about an american study which you can read about it in this article here: https://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/news/20190606/heartburn-drugs-again-tied-to-fatal-risks
THURSDAY, June 6, 2019 (HealthDay News) -- People who use common heartburn drugs for months to years may face heightened risks of dying from heart disease, kidney failure or stomach cancer, a new study suggests.

The study included more than 200,000 U.S. veterans. It's the latest to raise concerns over drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). They include prescription and over-the-counter drugs like Prilosec (omeprazole), Prevacid (lansoprazole) and Nexium (esomeprazole). And they rank among the top-selling medications in the United States.

Research in recent years has linked prolonged PPI use to increased risks of various diseases and premature death.

These latest findings point to the specific causes of death tied to the drugs, said lead researcher Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly.

He stressed that the excess risks were relatively small. For example, over 10 years, 13% of PPI users died of a cardiovascular condition, including heart disease or stroke. That compared with just over 11% of people who used H2 blockers, another class of heartburn drug.

When the researchers weighed other factors -- such as patients' age and chronic health conditions -- PPI use was tied to a roughly 18% higher risk of cardiovascular death.
As we all know, new age stuff isn't to be trusted, but this seems pretty worrying. I have to say that my doctor told me to take omeprazole not for longer than 2 months, initially she told me 1 month if I remember well, so it's not a lot of time, but still, I don't feel safe. My mom has been taking it for years, but only 3 months per year, while a friend of mine had to take it for 4 months when he was 16yo due to a very urgent disease which I forgot the name. Both my mom and my friend are alive and well, but eh, a lot of people vaccinated from covid are alive and "well" as well, so...

What do you think brothers and sisters in Satan?

Another article about this type of drugs:
Ciao perdonami se ti rispondo in italiano, ho visto sei attivo anche sul JOS Italiano e dunque ti scrivo direttamente nella nostra lingua.Purtroppo ho il tuo stesso identico problema e siamo quasi coetanei, ormai sono due anni che soffro di reflusso gastroesofageo, in realtà non ho fatto alcuna gastroscopia nè altri esami, ma ovviamente sono stata visitata e mi è stato diagnosticato da un gastroenterologo.I miei sintomi sono eruttazioni, talvolta dolori al petto o dietro la spalla sinistra, bruciori vari, dolore alla gola e disfagia (difficoltà ad ingoiare cibo).Ho fatto una terapia di due mesi con esomeprazolo e un altro farmaco sempre della famiglia degli IPP accompagnato da alcuni integratori, non ho avuto alcun miglioramento e ho smesso anche su coniglio del mio dottore.Tu come hai risolto o avuto dei miglioramenti? Hai seguito dei consigli alimentari specifici?
ING : Hello forgive me if I answer you in Italian, I saw you are also active on the Italian JOS and therefore I am writing to you directly in our language.Unfortunately I have the same problem as you and we are almost the same age, I have been suffering from gastroesophageal reflux for two years now, in reality I haven't done no gastroscopy or other tests, but of course I have been examined and diagnosed by a gastroenterologist.My symptoms are belching, sometimes pains in the chest or behind the left shoulder, various heartburn, pain in the throat and dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing food).I did a two-month therapy with esomeprazole accompanied by some supplements, I did not have any improvement and I also stopped on my doctor's advice. How did you solve or improve? Did you follow any specific dietary advice?
Diotima said:
Young Faith said:
Hello fellow SS, does anyone of you know omeprazole? I am very young (21yo) and my doctor gave it to me because I often feel a lot of acid in my stomach and get gastroesophageal reflux, and since I started taking it, it seems like it's working. I don't feel acid no more even when eating unhealthy.
Now, the problem is that my "new age" grandparents and father, as soon as I told them that I am taking omeprazole, told me that it's a dangerous medicine. Basically they told me about an american study which you can read about it in this article here: https://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/news/20190606/heartburn-drugs-again-tied-to-fatal-risks
THURSDAY, June 6, 2019 (HealthDay News) -- People who use common heartburn drugs for months to years may face heightened risks of dying from heart disease, kidney failure or stomach cancer, a new study suggests.

The study included more than 200,000 U.S. veterans. It's the latest to raise concerns over drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). They include prescription and over-the-counter drugs like Prilosec (omeprazole), Prevacid (lansoprazole) and Nexium (esomeprazole). And they rank among the top-selling medications in the United States.

Research in recent years has linked prolonged PPI use to increased risks of various diseases and premature death.

These latest findings point to the specific causes of death tied to the drugs, said lead researcher Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly.

He stressed that the excess risks were relatively small. For example, over 10 years, 13% of PPI users died of a cardiovascular condition, including heart disease or stroke. That compared with just over 11% of people who used H2 blockers, another class of heartburn drug.

When the researchers weighed other factors -- such as patients' age and chronic health conditions -- PPI use was tied to a roughly 18% higher risk of cardiovascular death.
As we all know, new age stuff isn't to be trusted, but this seems pretty worrying. I have to say that my doctor told me to take omeprazole not for longer than 2 months, initially she told me 1 month if I remember well, so it's not a lot of time, but still, I don't feel safe. My mom has been taking it for years, but only 3 months per year, while a friend of mine had to take it for 4 months when he was 16yo due to a very urgent disease which I forgot the name. Both my mom and my friend are alive and well, but eh, a lot of people vaccinated from covid are alive and "well" as well, so...

What do you think brothers and sisters in Satan?

Another article about this type of drugs:
Ciao perdonami se ti rispondo in italiano, ho visto sei attivo anche sul JOS Italiano e dunque ti scrivo direttamente nella nostra lingua.Purtroppo ho il tuo stesso identico problema e siamo quasi coetanei, ormai sono due anni che soffro di reflusso gastroesofageo, in realtà non ho fatto alcuna gastroscopia nè altri esami, ma ovviamente sono stata visitata e mi è stato diagnosticato da un gastroenterologo.I miei sintomi sono eruttazioni, talvolta dolori al petto o dietro la spalla sinistra, bruciori vari, dolore alla gola e disfagia (difficoltà ad ingoiare cibo).Ho fatto una terapia di due mesi con esomeprazolo e un altro farmaco sempre della famiglia degli IPP accompagnato da alcuni integratori, non ho avuto alcun miglioramento e ho smesso anche su coniglio del mio dottore.Tu come hai risolto o avuto dei miglioramenti? Hai seguito dei consigli alimentari specifici?
ING : Hello forgive me if I answer you in Italian, I saw you are also active on the Italian JOS and therefore I am writing to you directly in our language.Unfortunately I have the same problem as you and we are almost the same age, I have been suffering from gastroesophageal reflux for two years now, in reality I haven't done no gastroscopy or other tests, but of course I have been examined and diagnosed by a gastroenterologist.My symptoms are belching, sometimes pains in the chest or behind the left shoulder, various heartburn, pain in the throat and dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing food).I did a two-month therapy with esomeprazole accompanied by some supplements, I did not have any improvement and I also stopped on my doctor's advice. How did you solve or improve? Did you follow any specific dietary advice?
What is your diet like?
Diotima said:
Young Faith said:
Hello fellow SS, does anyone of you know omeprazole? I am very young (21yo) and my doctor gave it to me because I often feel a lot of acid in my stomach and get gastroesophageal reflux, and since I started taking it, it seems like it's working. I don't feel acid no more even when eating unhealthy.
Now, the problem is that my "new age" grandparents and father, as soon as I told them that I am taking omeprazole, told me that it's a dangerous medicine. Basically they told me about an american study which you can read about it in this article here: https://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/news/20190606/heartburn-drugs-again-tied-to-fatal-risks
THURSDAY, June 6, 2019 (HealthDay News) -- People who use common heartburn drugs for months to years may face heightened risks of dying from heart disease, kidney failure or stomach cancer, a new study suggests.

The study included more than 200,000 U.S. veterans. It's the latest to raise concerns over drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). They include prescription and over-the-counter drugs like Prilosec (omeprazole), Prevacid (lansoprazole) and Nexium (esomeprazole). And they rank among the top-selling medications in the United States.

Research in recent years has linked prolonged PPI use to increased risks of various diseases and premature death.

These latest findings point to the specific causes of death tied to the drugs, said lead researcher Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly.

He stressed that the excess risks were relatively small. For example, over 10 years, 13% of PPI users died of a cardiovascular condition, including heart disease or stroke. That compared with just over 11% of people who used H2 blockers, another class of heartburn drug.

When the researchers weighed other factors -- such as patients' age and chronic health conditions -- PPI use was tied to a roughly 18% higher risk of cardiovascular death.
As we all know, new age stuff isn't to be trusted, but this seems pretty worrying. I have to say that my doctor told me to take omeprazole not for longer than 2 months, initially she told me 1 month if I remember well, so it's not a lot of time, but still, I don't feel safe. My mom has been taking it for years, but only 3 months per year, while a friend of mine had to take it for 4 months when he was 16yo due to a very urgent disease which I forgot the name. Both my mom and my friend are alive and well, but eh, a lot of people vaccinated from covid are alive and "well" as well, so...

What do you think brothers and sisters in Satan?

Another article about this type of drugs:
Ciao perdonami se ti rispondo in italiano, ho visto sei attivo anche sul JOS Italiano e dunque ti scrivo direttamente nella nostra lingua.Purtroppo ho il tuo stesso identico problema e siamo quasi coetanei, ormai sono due anni che soffro di reflusso gastroesofageo, in realtà non ho fatto alcuna gastroscopia nè altri esami, ma ovviamente sono stata visitata e mi è stato diagnosticato da un gastroenterologo.I miei sintomi sono eruttazioni, talvolta dolori al petto o dietro la spalla sinistra, bruciori vari, dolore alla gola e disfagia (difficoltà ad ingoiare cibo).Ho fatto una terapia di due mesi con esomeprazolo e un altro farmaco sempre della famiglia degli IPP accompagnato da alcuni integratori, non ho avuto alcun miglioramento e ho smesso anche su coniglio del mio dottore.Tu come hai risolto o avuto dei miglioramenti? Hai seguito dei consigli alimentari specifici?
ING : Hello forgive me if I answer you in Italian, I saw you are also active on the Italian JOS and therefore I am writing to you directly in our language.Unfortunately I have the same problem as you and we are almost the same age, I have been suffering from gastroesophageal reflux for two years now, in reality I haven't done no gastroscopy or other tests, but of course I have been examined and diagnosed by a gastroenterologist.My symptoms are belching, sometimes pains in the chest or behind the left shoulder, various heartburn, pain in the throat and dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing food).I did a two-month therapy with esomeprazole accompanied by some supplements, I did not have any improvement and I also stopped on my doctor's advice. How did you solve or improve? Did you follow any specific dietary advice?

Ah bho guarda io ho preso solo l'omeprazolo e del Exxos One per un più o meno un mese e ora non ho quasi più niente, mi sa che tu hai qualcosa di più serio e ti consiglio la gastroscopia a sto punto, ah ovviamente io anche se ogni tanto qualche schifezza la mangio in linea di massima non mangio malissimo, quindi se mangi molto cibo spazzatura smetti
Young Faith said:
Diotima said:
Young Faith said:
Hello fellow SS, does anyone of you know omeprazole? I am very young (21yo) and my doctor gave it to me because I often feel a lot of acid in my stomach and get gastroesophageal reflux, and since I started taking it, it seems like it's working. I don't feel acid no more even when eating unhealthy.
Now, the problem is that my "new age" grandparents and father, as soon as I told them that I am taking omeprazole, told me that it's a dangerous medicine. Basically they told me about an american study which you can read about it in this article here: https://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/news/20190606/heartburn-drugs-again-tied-to-fatal-risks

As we all know, new age stuff isn't to be trusted, but this seems pretty worrying. I have to say that my doctor told me to take omeprazole not for longer than 2 months, initially she told me 1 month if I remember well, so it's not a lot of time, but still, I don't feel safe. My mom has been taking it for years, but only 3 months per year, while a friend of mine had to take it for 4 months when he was 16yo due to a very urgent disease which I forgot the name. Both my mom and my friend are alive and well, but eh, a lot of people vaccinated from covid are alive and "well" as well, so...

What do you think brothers and sisters in Satan?

Another article about this type of drugs:
Ciao perdonami se ti rispondo in italiano, ho visto sei attivo anche sul JOS Italiano e dunque ti scrivo direttamente nella nostra lingua.Purtroppo ho il tuo stesso identico problema e siamo quasi coetanei, ormai sono due anni che soffro di reflusso gastroesofageo, in realtà non ho fatto alcuna gastroscopia nè altri esami, ma ovviamente sono stata visitata e mi è stato diagnosticato da un gastroenterologo.I miei sintomi sono eruttazioni, talvolta dolori al petto o dietro la spalla sinistra, bruciori vari, dolore alla gola e disfagia (difficoltà ad ingoiare cibo).Ho fatto una terapia di due mesi con esomeprazolo e un altro farmaco sempre della famiglia degli IPP accompagnato da alcuni integratori, non ho avuto alcun miglioramento e ho smesso anche su coniglio del mio dottore.Tu come hai risolto o avuto dei miglioramenti? Hai seguito dei consigli alimentari specifici?
ING : Hello forgive me if I answer you in Italian, I saw you are also active on the Italian JOS and therefore I am writing to you directly in our language.Unfortunately I have the same problem as you and we are almost the same age, I have been suffering from gastroesophageal reflux for two years now, in reality I haven't done no gastroscopy or other tests, but of course I have been examined and diagnosed by a gastroenterologist.My symptoms are belching, sometimes pains in the chest or behind the left shoulder, various heartburn, pain in the throat and dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing food).I did a two-month therapy with esomeprazole accompanied by some supplements, I did not have any improvement and I also stopped on my doctor's advice. How did you solve or improve? Did you follow any specific dietary advice?

Ah bho guarda io ho preso solo l'omeprazolo e del Exxos One per un più o meno un mese e ora non ho quasi più niente, mi sa che tu hai qualcosa di più serio e ti consiglio la gastroscopia a sto punto, ah ovviamente io anche se ogni tanto qualche schifezza la mangio in linea di massima non mangio malissimo, quindi se mangi molto cibo spazzatura smetti

ITA:Innanzitutto, grazie mille per avermi risposto.Si, la gastroscopia ovviamente non la escludo del tutto, ma ho scoperto da poco un nuovo esame conosciuto con il nome di "Gastropanel" che attraverso un semplice esame del sangue ti permette di conoscere lo stato di salute della mucosa del proprio stomaco, se vi è qualche anomalia, ulcere o gastrite e altro.Chiaramente se dovesse uscire qualche valore alterato allora devo convincermi di farla.In realtà l'unico problema che ho sempre sono le eruttazioni che secondo il gastroenterologo difficilmente è un sintomo che scompare, dal momento che è dato da un deficit anatomico del cardias.Gli altri sintomi che ho elencati non sono giornalieri, talvolta me ne si presenta uno, talvolta l'altro, una settimana si e un mese no.Ho avuto modo di confrontarmi anche con altre persone che soffrono di reflusso che anche seguendo un alimentazione ferrea (il gastroenterologo a me diede solo dei consigli alimentari di cibi da evitare che poi con il tempo ho introdotto perché anche togliendoli non stavo né meglio né peggio) non hanno avuto grandi benefici e soprattutto i gastroprotettori attenuano solo i sintomi ma non risolvono il problema alla base, c'è chi addirittura assumendoli per un lungo periodo si è trovato peggio di prima.
ING: First of all, thank you for answering me.The gastroscopy of course I don't rule it out completely, but I recently discovered a new test known as "Gastropanel" that through a simple blood test allows you to know the health status of the of your stomach, if there is any abnormality, ulcers or gastritis and more. Clearly, if it comes out some altered value, then I have to convince myself to do the gastroscopy.In fact the only problem I always have are the belching that according to the gastroenterologist is hardly a symptom that disappears, since it is given by an anatomical deficit of the cardias. The other symptoms are not daily, sometimes I get one, sometimes the other, a week on and a month off. I have had the opportunity to talk with other people who suffer from reflux and even following a strict diet (the gastroenterologist gave me only food advice to avoid, which I then introduced with time,because even removing them I was not better or worse) they haven't had great benefits and especially the gastroprotectors only alleviate the symptoms but do not solve the problem at the base, there are also people who even taking them for a long period of time then the situation was worse than before.
Aquarius said:
Diotima said:
Young Faith said:
Hello fellow SS, does anyone of you know omeprazole? I am very young (21yo) and my doctor gave it to me because I often feel a lot of acid in my stomach and get gastroesophageal reflux, and since I started taking it, it seems like it's working. I don't feel acid no more even when eating unhealthy.
Now, the problem is that my "new age" grandparents and father, as soon as I told them that I am taking omeprazole, told me that it's a dangerous medicine. Basically they told me about an american study which you can read about it in this article here: https://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/news/20190606/heartburn-drugs-again-tied-to-fatal-risks

As we all know, new age stuff isn't to be trusted, but this seems pretty worrying. I have to say that my doctor told me to take omeprazole not for longer than 2 months, initially she told me 1 month if I remember well, so it's not a lot of time, but still, I don't feel safe. My mom has been taking it for years, but only 3 months per year, while a friend of mine had to take it for 4 months when he was 16yo due to a very urgent disease which I forgot the name. Both my mom and my friend are alive and well, but eh, a lot of people vaccinated from covid are alive and "well" as well, so...

What do you think brothers and sisters in Satan?

Another article about this type of drugs:
Ciao perdonami se ti rispondo in italiano, ho visto sei attivo anche sul JOS Italiano e dunque ti scrivo direttamente nella nostra lingua.Purtroppo ho il tuo stesso identico problema e siamo quasi coetanei, ormai sono due anni che soffro di reflusso gastroesofageo, in realtà non ho fatto alcuna gastroscopia nè altri esami, ma ovviamente sono stata visitata e mi è stato diagnosticato da un gastroenterologo.I miei sintomi sono eruttazioni, talvolta dolori al petto o dietro la spalla sinistra, bruciori vari, dolore alla gola e disfagia (difficoltà ad ingoiare cibo).Ho fatto una terapia di due mesi con esomeprazolo e un altro farmaco sempre della famiglia degli IPP accompagnato da alcuni integratori, non ho avuto alcun miglioramento e ho smesso anche su coniglio del mio dottore.Tu come hai risolto o avuto dei miglioramenti? Hai seguito dei consigli alimentari specifici?
ING : Hello forgive me if I answer you in Italian, I saw you are also active on the Italian JOS and therefore I am writing to you directly in our language.Unfortunately I have the same problem as you and we are almost the same age, I have been suffering from gastroesophageal reflux for two years now, in reality I haven't done no gastroscopy or other tests, but of course I have been examined and diagnosed by a gastroenterologist.My symptoms are belching, sometimes pains in the chest or behind the left shoulder, various heartburn, pain in the throat and dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing food).I did a two-month therapy with esomeprazole accompanied by some supplements, I did not have any improvement and I also stopped on my doctor's advice. How did you solve or improve? Did you follow any specific dietary advice?
What is your diet like?
ITA:Relativamente alla mia "dieta":seguo un alimentazione bilanciata/flessibile.Ogni giorno traccio gli alimenti che mangio con un diario alimentare per accertarmi di assumere abbastanza carboidrati, proteine e grassi, non mangio cibo fastfood e se dovesse capitare avviene massimo 2 volte all'anno ma il mio punto debole, se così possiamo definirlo, sono i dolci,non le merendine industriali ma il cioccolato soprattutto,e in questo periodo anche gelati che purtroppo non sono il massimo per il reflusso.Alcuni dicono di essersi trovati bene con la dieta del gruppo sanguigno, altri eliminandolo le farine, altri eliminando i latticini, chi invece dice di non mangiare i legumi.. Insomma se ne sentono di tutti i colori e proprio per questo ho deciso di non privarmi di nulla.
ING:Regarding my "diet": I follow a balanced/flexible diet, every day I track the food I eat with a food diary to make sure I get enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats, I don't eat fast food and if it happens it happens maximum 2 times a year but my weak point, are sweets, not industrial snacks but chocolate (above all),and in this period even ice cream which unfortunately are not the best for reflux.Some people achieve good results with the blood group diet, others by eliminating flours, others by eliminating dairy products, others eliminating legumes.... In short, you hear all sorts of things and that's why I decided not to deprive myself of anything.
Diotima said:
I gelati come hai detto tu non sono i migliori per il reflusso. Per esempio quelli Algida o altri industriali, quelli consiglierei vivamente di eliminarli in favore di gelati artigianali.
Non sei costretta a privarti delle cose, ma fai degli esperimenti, per esempio elimina i gelati e latticini per 1-2 settimane e vedi come ti senti, fai lo stesso per altri alimenti.
Diotima said:
Aquarius said:
Diotima said:
Ciao perdonami se ti rispondo in italiano, ho visto sei attivo anche sul JOS Italiano e dunque ti scrivo direttamente nella nostra lingua.Purtroppo ho il tuo stesso identico problema e siamo quasi coetanei, ormai sono due anni che soffro di reflusso gastroesofageo, in realtà non ho fatto alcuna gastroscopia nè altri esami, ma ovviamente sono stata visitata e mi è stato diagnosticato da un gastroenterologo.I miei sintomi sono eruttazioni, talvolta dolori al petto o dietro la spalla sinistra, bruciori vari, dolore alla gola e disfagia (difficoltà ad ingoiare cibo).Ho fatto una terapia di due mesi con esomeprazolo e un altro farmaco sempre della famiglia degli IPP accompagnato da alcuni integratori, non ho avuto alcun miglioramento e ho smesso anche su coniglio del mio dottore.Tu come hai risolto o avuto dei miglioramenti? Hai seguito dei consigli alimentari specifici?
ING : Hello forgive me if I answer you in Italian, I saw you are also active on the Italian JOS and therefore I am writing to you directly in our language.Unfortunately I have the same problem as you and we are almost the same age, I have been suffering from gastroesophageal reflux for two years now, in reality I haven't done no gastroscopy or other tests, but of course I have been examined and diagnosed by a gastroenterologist.My symptoms are belching, sometimes pains in the chest or behind the left shoulder, various heartburn, pain in the throat and dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing food).I did a two-month therapy with esomeprazole accompanied by some supplements, I did not have any improvement and I also stopped on my doctor's advice. How did you solve or improve? Did you follow any specific dietary advice?
What is your diet like?
ITA:Relativamente alla mia "dieta":seguo un alimentazione bilanciata/flessibile.Ogni giorno traccio gli alimenti che mangio con un diario alimentare per accertarmi di assumere abbastanza carboidrati, proteine e grassi, non mangio cibo fastfood e se dovesse capitare avviene massimo 2 volte all'anno ma il mio punto debole, se così possiamo definirlo, sono i dolci,non le merendine industriali ma il cioccolato soprattutto,e in questo periodo anche gelati che purtroppo non sono il massimo per il reflusso.Alcuni dicono di essersi trovati bene con la dieta del gruppo sanguigno, altri eliminandolo le farine, altri eliminando i latticini, chi invece dice di non mangiare i legumi.. Insomma se ne sentono di tutti i colori e proprio per questo ho deciso di non privarmi di nulla.
ING:Regarding my "diet": I follow a balanced/flexible diet, every day I track the food I eat with a food diary to make sure I get enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats, I don't eat fast food and if it happens it happens maximum 2 times a year but my weak point, are sweets, not industrial snacks but chocolate (above all),and in this period even ice cream which unfortunately are not the best for reflux.Some people achieve good results with the blood group diet, others by eliminating flours, others by eliminating dairy products, others eliminating legumes.... In short, you hear all sorts of things and that's why I decided not to deprive myself of anything.

Ti direi, controlla se certi cibi specifici ti causano problemi più di altri, così in caso puoi escludere un'intolleranza a qualcosa
Nel mio caso credo che avessi semplicemente lo stomaco debole e ciò causava la risalita dell'acido, prendendo il "salvastomaco" per poco tempo sono riuscito a dar tempo all'esofago di risanarsi, ora cerco di stare un minimo attento alla dieta e in caso sospetto che stia per venirmi il reflusso prendo un exxos one un'ora dopo il pasto che dovrebbe essere un medicinale molto più tranquillo rispetto all'omeprazolo (la mia dottoressa mi disse di prendere una pillola di omeprazolo la mattina e exxos one un'ora dopo pranzo e cena)
It is actually very dangerous and the fact it’s on the market blows me away. H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors cause serious long term side effects. Zantac has a mass lawsuit going on right now. I started taking these once before the lawsuit came out and I got many signs pretty quickly to not take it from the Gods. Drink a vinegar dilution or pickle juice just constantly throughout the day when it’s bad.
Hi I been on pantoprazole for over a year.
I’ve sense fixed the underlying issues but withdrawl from the drug gives me heartburn beyond what I feel I can handle. It makes it very hard to meditate aswell
I also suffer from Sibo/ibs so that may limit what I can take to help keep my symptoms in check. I want to stop the meds immediately and was hoping for any advice that will help me either keep my symptoms in check while my body adjusts to the lack of medication or any advice on meditating thru the pain which makes it hard to concentrate and achieve desired results.
Thanks in advance . HAIL!
Zombie666 said:
Hi I been on pantoprazole for over a year.
I’ve sense fixed the underlying issues but withdrawl from the drug gives me heartburn beyond what I feel I can handle. It makes it very hard to meditate aswell
I also suffer from Sibo/ibs so that may limit what I can take to help keep my symptoms in check. I want to stop the meds immediately and was hoping for any advice that will help me either keep my symptoms in check while my body adjusts to the lack of medication or any advice on meditating thru the pain which makes it hard to concentrate and achieve desired results.
Thanks in advance . HAIL!

If you are getting withdrawals, then you will want to lower the rate at which you decrease the drug dosage. There is always a way to do this, even if it means a pattern like "day 1 - full dose, day 2 - full dose, day 3 - 75% dose" or another long-term plan. Either talk to your doctor about this or simply create a plan that does not create withdrawal symptoms. If symptoms are experienced, then modify it to be slower.

Given that you suffer from Sibo as well, I bet you could solve your problems through dietary modification, yoga, as well as targeted acupressure, and herbs.

First, you need to do some research and figure out your body type and/or other underlying conditions you may have. Please read this to start, which explains the TCM view of Sibo: http://www.bethhooperhealth.com/blog/how-to-treat-sibo-with-chinese-medicine

The two main underlying points are liver issues and spleen deficiencies, which result in an accumulation of damp-heat pathogens within the small intestine. In other words, the liver and spleen are not processing the food properly, and are basically dumping "garbage" into the intestines, resulting in this bacterial infection.

Therefore, if you boost the energy/condition of these organs, normalcy will be restored. Someone who is prone to weight gain and heavy in earth/water in the physical body (kapha constitution) is prone to stagnation and spleen yang deficiencies. If this is your case, yang exercises will go a long way in removing this stagnation.

However, if this does not describe you, you would have other problems to solve first. The good news is that other constitution types are less prone to stagnation, but the bad news would be that these issues would probably be secondary to another issue. Not that you cannot solve it, regardless.
Hello, sorry for posting here after months, but I thought it best rather than open another thread since the issue is very similiar.

I've been dealing with bad acid and strong burn sensations for quite a long time, and been on and off omeprazole. At first the doctor told me something like "take it for a month". So I did that, and right after I stopped the problem was back again.
So I've been told "well just keep taking it another month", and so on. Every time after stopping the problem was back and pretty badly too. Since reading this I confronted my doctor about omeprazole not working for me, and all she could say was give me some other options that to me look like the same thing but different brand, so I'm hesitant to take them, I feel like it's gonna be just another band aid solution.

The thing is, I did have a gastroscopy performed a while ago (not very recent) when I started suffering from this, but all they could tell me was "there's nothing wrong with your stomach", and it left me dumbfounded. Now assuming they were not incompetent I'm not sure what other examinations to try to figure out what the problem is. Doctor seems pretty insisent on not advicing me and just offering other pills to take and I'm by no means a medical expert.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=263569 time=1624638824 user_id=21286]
Furthermore, don't eat any more junk food. Here is a dietary recommendation page for stomach yin deficiency: https://www.eastmountain.ca/9stomachyin.pdf

I'm pretty sure it's not my diet as I don't eat junk foods and try to eat healthy. I did take a look at the link above and my diet alredy includes reccomended foods ad excludes the ones to avoid.

Any advice? Should I just bite the bullet and demand another gastroscopy, possibly somewhere else than where I had it last time?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
