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A Note About Psychiatric Drugs

The soul and the mind heal when you decide this, not because you just take something.
That is absolutely right, beside one must focus on protection like building strong AOP and establish a bond with ANDRAS ABRAXAS (any god will do but they where very generous to me)

I am not an accredited modern psychiatrist. (Thank the Gods I am not).

Disclaimed: I, in NO WAY, advocate the use of drugs, either as recreational or as an 'edge' for entering a trance. I do, however, not condone the use of natural wonders for healing ourselves (unless one has the strength and power to heal oneself).

As a hardcore fan of the Human potential, I, as a rule, don't intend to ever use any substance coming from unknown sources (like artificial compounds) in order to gain a psychiatric benefit.

That said, I do have to ask what your opinion is on SOME (extremely light, and absolutely NON recreational) use of natural drugs that came directly from our Planet and haven't been altered in any form or shape.
You might think I'm talking about cannabis, but I'm specifically talking about mushroom here.

I know there are and there likely always be unevolved idiots who abuse anything that gives them an altered state. Idiots are idiots, can't help them. But there are people who have higher purposes, like attaining trance states that they by themselves have been unable to reach for years and decided to try a booster, who have been using fungi like Psilocybe in a controlled and responsible way, or as a mere healing substance.

I've only tried drugs once in my life, and as much as I hate myself for having given up on trying again with meditation, I know how much these substances are powerful. Like HP Maxine said, however, "you're not in control, the drug is", and that's what no one should ever allow.

Then again, because of the altered state I reached and my ability to take mental notes for later about the myriad of things going on in my mind at the time, I understand the power of our mind and its relation to chemistry more intrinsically than many. While this clearly taught me not to abuse substances ever again (as I was completely overwhelmed and hated the whole thing from start to end until I was lucid enough to ask Satan to guide me out of it, it also told me how much of an edge one can obtain by using natural substances responsibly.

That said, I would like to remind that this Planet offers every possible cure to any ailment, and responsible use of natural wonders like plants and fungi CAN heal us from probably everything.

The latest wonder I heard about is called "Turkey Tail mushroom" and apparently it can heal very advanced states of cancer. Like, the kind where the doctor just wait for your family to tell them you're dead. That's how powerful the chemical magic from our beautiful Planet, a gift from our beloved Gods, truly is.

Let me know what you think about this, if you have had experiences with it and whatnot. I'm extremely new to this topic (mushrooms in particular) but I do know a thing or two about the medical and highly nutritional power of 'weeds', and as a matter of fact I'm harvesting and growing them along with veggies and trees.
I know I have been helpful to a lot of people here. But in the NPC world there's no one I actually mean alot to besides some family. I'm still trying to change this but not conforming to typical mainstream thought and behavior makes this difficult for me and it always has, romantically, platonically and professionally.
I can understand, trying to bring not onlt the best of us to the world but the best of the people we love, i lost a relationship because i was trying to make my ex girlfriend become better, i was trying to get her into exercise, working the mind, etc. Due to her lack of confidence or i dont know what, her translation of what i said was "you are not enough", creating a lot of insecurities on her, usually when you try to help people they reply with hate or mainstream quotes like "im perfect as i am, am i not?". Its hard to find someone without that decadence of mind.
I can understand, trying to bring not onlt the best of us to the world but the best of the people we love, i lost a relationship because i was trying to make my ex girlfriend become better, i was trying to get her into exercise, working the mind, etc. Due to her lack of confidence or i dont know what, her translation of what i said was "you are not enough", creating a lot of insecurities on her, usually when you try to help people they reply with hate or mainstream quotes like "im perfect as i am, am i not?". Its hard to find someone without that decadence of mind.

Quite a few people are anti-progress even for themselves. Yes, she is great as she is, you love her for what she was. But she was not letting the negative ego on the side to understand how she could be even better, for herself. That is lack for self love, not something that is up to you.

If you see the above as unsurpassed obstacle, one must accept reality for the said person and move on. Instead of telling them "do this" or "do that", one should focus on becoming a better example themselves. That's energy better spent.

That's not drugs where you ruin yourself or whatever that's actually recreational medical use. After you meditate a lot you will understand the point wasn't really so much to just be confused in states outside of your control, and that these don't really reflect actual meaningful experiences. They are pretty basic and don't have a lot of content for you to grow you. They only appear as something when you don't know real spirituality.

Drugs that make you hallucinate are to spirituality what is just ejaculating by accident is to an experienced person who knows how to have actual emotional sexual love. They don't even come close.
I can understand, trying to bring not onlt the best of us to the world but the best of the people we love, i lost a relationship because i was trying to make my ex girlfriend become better, i was trying to get her into exercise, working the mind, etc. Due to her lack of confidence or i dont know what, her translation of what i said was "you are not enough", creating a lot of insecurities on her, usually when you try to help people they reply with hate or mainstream quotes like "im perfect as i am, am i not?". Its hard to find someone without that decadence of mind.
In addition to what HP. Told you this is marxism at its finest. People are lazy and don't want to put effort into bettering themselves or their lives because this is often uncomfortable yet they feel entitled to someone who is a 10 on the scale in relation to these things. Selfishness if anything. You lost nothing and are better off.
Quite a few people are anti-progress even for themselves. Yes, she is great as she is, you love her for what she was. But she was not letting the negative ego on the side to understand how she could be even better, for herself. That is lack for self love, not something that is up to you.

If you see the above as unsurpassed obstacle, one must accept reality for the said person and move on. Instead of telling them "do this" or "do that", one should focus on becoming a better example themselves. That's energy better spent.
Totally agree and understandable, the way you explain it is way more articulated, thank you for this.
In addition to what HP. Told you this is marxism at its finest. People are lazy and don't want to put effort into bettering themselves or their lives because this is often uncomfortable yet they feel entitled to someone who is a 10 on the scale in relation to these things. Selfishness if anything. You lost nothing and are better off.
Leave alone those who do not desire to fight for themselves.
That's not drugs where you ruin yourself or whatever that's actually recreational medical use. After you meditate a lot you will understand the point wasn't really so much to just be confused in states outside of your control, and that these don't really reflect actual meaningful experiences. They are pretty basic and don't have a lot of content for you to grow you. They only appear as something when you don't know real spirituality.

Drugs that make you hallucinate are to spirituality what is just ejaculating by accident is to an experienced person who knows how to have actual emotional sexual love. They don't even come close.
Absolutely agreed and I love the way you worded this. I know I need a LOT of work towards true spirituality yet. Thank you for reminding me that.
Thank you.

These psychiatric drugs only dull the mind.
My eyesight was also ruined when I was taking these.
My distance vision has been poor ever since.

Lord Thoth's ritual is the best so far.
I understand things about myself and about the world, about reality, that I didn't understand before.
I did it 2 times almost every day.
This should be prescribed instead of psychiatric medication.
Have any of you read a book authored by Bessel Van der Kolk MD called "The Body keeps the Score"? This in-depth, medical based, hard to read book explains EXACTLY what stages your body goes through as you actually lose brain function in the four parts of your brain from mental illness. It contains case histories and results of actual studies done on the brains functioning under mental illness. I happen to have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

In this regard, I will also tell you about my case.

From a very early age I had a somewhat aggressive and out of "normal" behavior, it was difficult for me to abide by "the rules of society" and I felt very indifferent to the world.

I came from a very dysfunctional home, full of physical and psychological violence as well as sexual abuse. All of these things took a toll on my soul for a long time, I tried to seek help, but I will tell you what kind of help I received.

First of all, I tend to post few words on here as I get overwhelmed with excess "input" i my mind. This is why I am a survivor from (extended) childhood abuse and I discovered this 2 years ago thanks the Gods. Yes the book by Van der Kolk I read it and it was the trigger of most flasbacks and started my recovery process. My GD drove me to that book I read other books then and I am still reading.

My point is, I am unable to read all of them so I picked up a couple of quotes, but I am STRONGLY PROUD AND HAPPY FOR EACH OF US STRUGGLING WITH SUCCESS WITH PTSD, TRAUMA, ABUSE AND REPRESSED MEMORIES. All of thise comes from world degeneration operated by the jews.

I notice, this "trauma" problem is popping up on here more frequently and I see many people claiming bad mental state, that are possibly not even aware of the abuses suffered, but they show the signs (see the "Ask Satan" forum). I think it's a sign of "common effort" on here to both solve the personal problems, bringing solutions and discussions on here, and also reducing this abuse energy vortex in the Astral on which I believe the jews pick up energies to keep the vortex going and cause suffering.
As I have been wisely advised, this is not scape-goating the abusers, they are responsible even if they are Gentiles sometimes, and must be punished and justice enforces.

I have limited mental energies at now, but I am available on here in confronting PTSD and trauma/abuse as a form of cooperation, I can share my experiences if requested, I can be of support. As said I am limited now and tend to get easily overwhelmed due to my present mental "fights" for Soul freedom, as I think many Souls may get trapped in this abuse scam and loose some power until freed.

Back to the main topic, I can say years ago I was prescribed with anti-depressant drugs that I never wanted to use. I just wanted to take only one pill, because I was curious. That was one of the worst mental experiences in my life, I felt completely disconnected, messed up and physically tired, a sort of zombie. The mind is completely disconnected from suffering, but suffering still exists. My feeling was, putting this under the rug may cause severe hostile thoughtforms self-creation with unwanted emotions, when all of this involves a strong ans gifted mind.
Herbal treatments are useful and have few if any side effects, I know for a fact.
OK I am not a doctor, in some extreme cases drugs may be useful but they are abusively prescribed and too widly used. Have a look to hollywood crap where this orange pill box is always present and shown as a daily routine. The jews push on unnecessary medications.
First of all, I tend to post few words on here as I get overwhelmed with excess "input" i my mind. This is why I am a survivor from (extended) childhood abuse and I discovered this 2 years ago thanks the Gods. Yes the book by Van der Kolk I read it and it was the trigger of most flasbacks and started my recovery process. My GD drove me to that book I read other books then and I am still reading.

My point is, I am unable to read all of them so I picked up a couple of quotes, but I am STRONGLY PROUD AND HAPPY FOR EACH OF US STRUGGLING WITH SUCCESS WITH PTSD, TRAUMA, ABUSE AND REPRESSED MEMORIES. All of thise comes from world degeneration operated by the jews.

I notice, this "trauma" problem is popping up on here more frequently and I see many people claiming bad mental state, that are possibly not even aware of the abuses suffered, but they show the signs (see the "Ask Satan" forum). I think it's a sign of "common effort" on here to both solve the personal problems, bringing solutions and discussions on here, and also reducing this abuse energy vortex in the Astral on which I believe the jews pick up energies to keep the vortex going and cause suffering.
As I have been wisely advised, this is not scape-goating the abusers, they are responsible even if they are Gentiles sometimes, and must be punished and justice enforces.

I have limited mental energies at now, but I am available on here in confronting PTSD and trauma/abuse as a form of cooperation, I can share my experiences if requested, I can be of support. As said I am limited now and tend to get easily overwhelmed due to my present mental "fights" for Soul freedom, as I think many Souls may get trapped in this abuse scam and loose some power until freed.

Back to the main topic, I can say years ago I was prescribed with anti-depressant drugs that I never wanted to use. I just wanted to take only one pill, because I was curious. That was one of the worst mental experiences in my life, I felt completely disconnected, messed up and physically tired, a sort of zombie. The mind is completely disconnected from suffering, but suffering still exists. My feeling was, putting this under the rug may cause severe hostile thoughtforms self-creation with unwanted emotions, when all of this involves a strong ans gifted mind.
Herbal treatments are useful and have few if any side effects, I know for a fact.
OK I am not a doctor, in some extreme cases drugs may be useful but they are abusively prescribed and too widly used. Have a look to hollywood crap where this orange pill box is always present and shown as a daily routine. The jews push on unnecessary medications.
I hope that all that you don't talk to anyone about can be healed.

Gods help with that process, sometimes it can be very painful, sometimes it can be a kind of liberation.

And yes, there are many of us who have suffered from this kind of things but the good thing about it is that we are in the process of healing.

My best energies to you, may positivity come into your life in a good way, and may this dark night of the soul be short for you and may you reach the light of Satan :)
Disclaimer for the evil eyes watching this: That is not medical advice.

It is best to not do any of these unless the situation is actually do or die for you, ie, you cannot function in anyway, shape or form. Even then, your true focus should be meditation, therapy and true rehabilitation of the soul. Drugs of this nature are not like cold and flu medication, they can cause serious alterations to you over time and can have side effects for which one must be informed in prior. As with all drugs there are upsides and downsides, that one must know before they are doing this.

Depression, stress, fatigue, fear, trauma, all of these have to do with deeper psychological causes that must be addressed on their roots, with the human being developing out of the problems that are the root causes of these states. Meditation works these at the core. This is where the roots of the problems are, inside the soul, mind and spirit.

These can revolve around your social standing, your job, your life, your diet, past traumatic experiences, or other problems a person is actively facing. Nowadays people get "treated" even for having non widely accepted ideas and many are given powerful drugs which do not really address the underlying issues.

We should stand strongly against admitting uselessly anyone in these facilities for literally nothing as the Western "Medicine" preaches today. Numerous diseases that now one will get encouraged to get serious and heavy medication, were actually seen as preliminary problems one can defeat by proper focus, practice, or a good mindset, years ago. Nowadays the list of mental disorders and the ease of administering drugs is constantly increasing. A little stress does not mean you are a schizoid personality, yet both of these things tend as days go to be treated in a very indiscriminate manner.

Humanity must be helped in more fundamental ways. Sometimes you don't need Zoloft you need to actually talk to another human being and feel supported. None of these drugs come without drawbacks or downsides, whether they are used for medical purposes or with a so called recreational mindset.

Sometimes you are depressed because you are overweight or you don't go to the gym, having your confidence in shambles. Modern psychiatrists in overwhelming amounts do not emphasize holistic healing methods, they rush you to take the drugs which in some cases can only repress symptoms, while the real problems remain unaddressed.

There can exist other functional reasons which proper professionals should help people evaluate. There are also certain cases of severe mental disorders that only have the solution of drugs to be handled, but these are some very important cases and one even there should do the long-term work of actually loving themselves and discovering the causes of illnesses, not just slapping together drugs to cover the symptoms.

The true word for Psychology and Psycho-Therapy do come from the Ancient Greek word Psyche (Soul) and Therapy (to heal) or Psychiatry which includes the healing of (Iatros) or Doctor.

If the plan is not to heal you and help you regain actual control of your existence, you are likely not dealing with doctors or therapists in the real sense of the word.

True professionals in these fields are still pressed by the powers that be to both over-prescribe and also not guide patients to full holistic healing. One's best interest is not rush you to solve only the surface issues of these subjects but have to put the patients to look within to solve these issues. After a point in the West the use of these potent drugs are only used to sweep dangerous things under the rug, which can cause serious issues.

If one has to use these, they have to be on a plan to eventually regain control of their life and start gradually addressing the real causes, with the idea of having to move on eventually. There are 10% of very pressing cases where these things must be used to actually hold you together, where very powerful psycho issues must be utilized.

The JoS has strong warnings that these procedures must be done in accordance to what is the best thing for one's self and to not rush, cut cold turkey, or engage in other disharmonious methods that don't involve internal healing or disobedience to professionals is real, life threatening issues exist. But if these don't exist and one is just seeking for a quick way out, it's best to engage in holistic methods of healing.

Every patient has rights to choose best healing of themselves except of cases where professionals just have to force the situation such as situations that can lead to death or serious instability. Side effects of anti-depressants are many but generally they are not communicated, one can find many of these from others or online, or simply reading the papers in the drugs themselves. Making informed decisions is very important, same as finding actual therapists who care. Many don't care. If you are written off these things instantly without nobody asking you what is even going on, that is not a sign of a good professional in the field, they are dismissive of the internal causes.

Be very sensible, self loving, and seek out the most humane professionals, that would be the best way to approach this. You want to heal, not to depend on things that if cut, there can be many risks. The good plan for that normal psychiatrists and normal psychotherapists will say is that even these prescriptions are to be used as a part of solving these issues, not for escapism.

Responsibility from one's side as a patient and some bravery to encounter some issues, or patience from your behalf is also required. The soul and the mind heal when you decide this, not because you just take something.

Even more so, use of illegal drugs for these things is strongly prohibited not because we want to prohibit you, but for your own sake and so you can discover your true potential and internal power. Taking quick cheating routes to this will not help you anywhere. Hallucination is not to be equated with actual spiritual experience. Spiritual experience is received on the basis of sanity, practice, character development, and life progression that gets born from becoming a stronger being overall. The JoS's official stance is strongly anti-illegal drugs where these "drugs" are concerned.

I am not saying the above as medical advice as I am not an accredited modern psychiatrist. (Thank the Gods I am not). My comments should not be taken as replacement for medical advice.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Beautiful post.

I want to take the opportunity to share with you a brief history.

I had an anxiety problem commonly known as Obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the last year, during the rituals to our Lord Andras, it was solved FOREVER. Lord Andras healed me when I ask for his help, (almost crying because it was an illness that I had to face since my adolescence, and I was having an anxiety attack), and he showed me the roots of my problem, to make the necessary therapy, and that revelation set me free...
The knowledge about our psychological problems are the key. And the Gods are our true doctors. But we need to accept that we need help, and ask for help to others and to them. I remember that all started when I decided to share my problems about that horrible illness with my ex-girlfriend, that was the first step, because I never had talked with no one about it, and I know that Father Satan put her in my path to help me in many ways.
We need other ones, we need friends, we need a family, we need to be with someone else, and we are never alone... and that were the words that came to my mind when Lord Andras healed me: "You are not alone, and you will never be alone". I understood that the Gods will be with me forever.
I knew that the feeling of loneliness, and the accumulation of so many things in the form of a very sick emotional repression were the root of my problem, and that were occasioned, essentially by my very early relationship with my parents, and I could see it that night with soooo clarity, that I feel something very beautiful just remembering it... I almost crying right now...

Now I'm free of that, and I can say that the Gods healed me.

Thanks to Father Satan and the JoS for all.

In my opinion the only pyschiatric prescription drugs you need to be weary of are antipsychotics. They shut off the pineal gland in the brain which is responsible for occult powers.
In my opinion the only pyschiatric prescription drugs you need to be weary of are antipsychotics. They shut off the pineal gland in the brain which is responsible for occult powers.
Others can be detrimental to health as well. There are drugs equivalent to methamphetamine widely prescribed to school children and others who fit certain criteria. Then we have 'depression medicine' that forcefully modifies serotonin levels in the brain. One has to be careful with these. The brain is a very delicate organ and these substances are akin to hammering the brain.
Greetings, do you think it is wise to do the HPV vaccine?

Ever since the covid vacc got marketed after not being tested enough and hearing clear info from members that it can modify DNA in ways we're not told about, I've been wary about vaccines. Now the HPV one is kind of a must in my country and prompted to by all medics in related fields. There are certain ways to evade it. I'm aware it would be healthier to take it as long as it does what it should. What are your opinions on this?
Greetings, do you think it is wise to do the HPV vaccine?

Ever since the covid vacc got marketed after not being tested enough and hearing clear info from members that it can modify DNA in ways we're not told about, I've been wary about vaccines. Now the HPV one is kind of a must in my country and prompted to by all medics in related fields. There are certain ways to evade it. I'm aware it would be healthier to take it as long as it does what it should. What are your opinions on this?
No vaccine that is promoted by (((official sources))) such as big pharma or the WHO is good, there are always hidden interests and malicious intentions behind it.
No vaccine that is promoted by (((official sources))) such as big pharma or the WHO is good, there are always hidden interests and malicious intentions behind it.
In my country you're legally obliged to vaccinate your children against smallpox, measles etc. Which makes me think, I did have some of those illnesses even if I did get the vaccines when I was little.. What a scam.
In my country you're legally obliged to vaccinate your children against smallpox, measles etc. Which makes me think, I did have some of those illnesses even if I did get the vaccines when I was little.. What a scam.
I was referring specifically to the new vaccines that are appearing now, such as the HPV and flu vaccines, which are an obvious fraud and behind there are hidden interests.

Older vaccines such as Polio, Rubella, Smallpox were originally created to save lives but nowadays they add unnecessary additives and ingredients that are toxic and were not part of the vaccines.
Disclaimer for the evil eyes watching this: That is not medical advice.

It is best to not do any of these unless the situation is actually do or die for you, ie, you cannot function in anyway, shape or form. Even then, your true focus should be meditation, therapy and true rehabilitation of the soul. Drugs of this nature are not like cold and flu medication, they can cause serious alterations to you over time and can have side effects for which one must be informed in prior. As with all drugs there are upsides and downsides, that one must know before they are doing this.

Depression, stress, fatigue, fear, trauma, all of these have to do with deeper psychological causes that must be addressed on their roots, with the human being developing out of the problems that are the root causes of these states. Meditation works these at the core. This is where the roots of the problems are, inside the soul, mind and spirit.

These can revolve around your social standing, your job, your life, your diet, past traumatic experiences, or other problems a person is actively facing. Nowadays people get "treated" even for having non widely accepted ideas and many are given powerful drugs which do not really address the underlying issues.

We should stand strongly against admitting uselessly anyone in these facilities for literally nothing as the Western "Medicine" preaches today. Numerous diseases that now one will get encouraged to get serious and heavy medication, were actually seen as preliminary problems one can defeat by proper focus, practice, or a good mindset, years ago. Nowadays the list of mental disorders and the ease of administering drugs is constantly increasing. A little stress does not mean you are a schizoid personality, yet both of these things tend as days go to be treated in a very indiscriminate manner.

Humanity must be helped in more fundamental ways. Sometimes you don't need Zoloft you need to actually talk to another human being and feel supported. None of these drugs come without drawbacks or downsides, whether they are used for medical purposes or with a so called recreational mindset.

Sometimes you are depressed because you are overweight or you don't go to the gym, having your confidence in shambles. Modern psychiatrists in overwhelming amounts do not emphasize holistic healing methods, they rush you to take the drugs which in some cases can only repress symptoms, while the real problems remain unaddressed.

There can exist other functional reasons which proper professionals should help people evaluate. There are also certain cases of severe mental disorders that only have the solution of drugs to be handled, but these are some very important cases and one even there should do the long-term work of actually loving themselves and discovering the causes of illnesses, not just slapping together drugs to cover the symptoms.

The true word for Psychology and Psycho-Therapy do come from the Ancient Greek word Psyche (Soul) and Therapy (to heal) or Psychiatry which includes the healing of (Iatros) or Doctor.

If the plan is not to heal you and help you regain actual control of your existence, you are likely not dealing with doctors or therapists in the real sense of the word.

True professionals in these fields are still pressed by the powers that be to both over-prescribe and also not guide patients to full holistic healing. One's best interest is not rush you to solve only the surface issues of these subjects but have to put the patients to look within to solve these issues. After a point in the West the use of these potent drugs are only used to sweep dangerous things under the rug, which can cause serious issues.

If one has to use these, they have to be on a plan to eventually regain control of their life and start gradually addressing the real causes, with the idea of having to move on eventually. There are 10% of very pressing cases where these things must be used to actually hold you together, where very powerful psycho issues must be utilized.

The JoS has strong warnings that these procedures must be done in accordance to what is the best thing for one's self and to not rush, cut cold turkey, or engage in other disharmonious methods that don't involve internal healing or disobedience to professionals is real, life threatening issues exist. But if these don't exist and one is just seeking for a quick way out, it's best to engage in holistic methods of healing.

Every patient has rights to choose best healing of themselves except of cases where professionals just have to force the situation such as situations that can lead to death or serious instability. Side effects of anti-depressants are many but generally they are not communicated, one can find many of these from others or online, or simply reading the papers in the drugs themselves. Making informed decisions is very important, same as finding actual therapists who care. Many don't care. If you are written off these things instantly without nobody asking you what is even going on, that is not a sign of a good professional in the field, they are dismissive of the internal causes.

Be very sensible, self loving, and seek out the most humane professionals, that would be the best way to approach this. You want to heal, not to depend on things that if cut, there can be many risks. The good plan for that normal psychiatrists and normal psychotherapists will say is that even these prescriptions are to be used as a part of solving these issues, not for escapism.

Responsibility from one's side as a patient and some bravery to encounter some issues, or patience from your behalf is also required. The soul and the mind heal when you decide this, not because you just take something.

Even more so, use of illegal drugs for these things is strongly prohibited not because we want to prohibit you, but for your own sake and so you can discover your true potential and internal power. Taking quick cheating routes to this will not help you anywhere. Hallucination is not to be equated with actual spiritual experience. Spiritual experience is received on the basis of sanity, practice, character development, and life progression that gets born from becoming a stronger being overall. The JoS's official stance is strongly anti-illegal drugs where these "drugs" are concerned.

I am not saying the above as medical advice as I am not an accredited modern psychiatrist. (Thank the Gods I am not). My comments should not be taken as replacement for medical advice.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you this message! This is an area where I have extensive knowledge and experience. You have covered this superbly! Side effects are treated as new symptoms to be treated with more medications was common in my experience. You have to know yourself very well and be honest with yourself When any changes in your behavior occur. This is especially true of children who are taking these kind of meds. I'll stop there. I'll just say really take this message to heart and use good judgement before going down this path! Hail Satan! Hail The Gods! Hail You!🤘🖤💀😈
What about alcohol. Is it acceptable to consume a few beers every day?

I asked this question in another thread a while back. I ask again because answers are subject to change.
What about alcohol. Is it acceptable to consume a few beers every day?

I asked this question in another thread a while back. I ask again because answers are subject to change.

Honestly, no, but if you perform a freeing working, you will find it naturally easy to release. It shouldn't ever be thought of something being robbed from you. At the same time, we should be realistic that all patterns of behavior, including drinking beer, are subject to critique and advancement, although there are degrees of better and worse here.
well my story would be a little different. since my young teenage years i was a bad dope fiend everything from opioids to hallucinagens and meth the works did it all. found satanism when 18, left my opioid addiction the day i dedicated, however the others didnt stop, untill a psychotic break for me at the age of 19, then immediately stoppped all substance abuse, did my best through meditation etc etc for years till the age of 21, then nothing was helping me i sought proper medical advice, started antipsychotics lost my spirituality for a lil, been through the works on the couch psychotherapy, even court orders etc. long story short proper medical advice and a proper shrink not over prescribing me meds and doing it proper to get me into a more human routine etc etc. For me at least every medication change i would loose spirituality for at least 6 months then it would return and im a balanced individual. and in my early 30's i went fuck it and stopped my meds due to having a bad shrink who mismanaged me terribly, until i would then find a new shrink after 6 months. but i did relise the psychosis was permanent, due for that 6 months i would try to function on 3-5 hours broken sleep every third day over exercising to help me sleep eat well no drugs no booze etc. and would meditate on excess some days for 32 hours straight reminded me when i was 19 to the age of 21. for some medication is an answer, that why satanism is dead against hard substance abuse etc makes sense. just take it from me be wary of certain doctors etc, i never mentioned satanism, hence i first saw satan, with a blue aura, so codename captain blue, whenever talking to shrinks etc, as one doctor said, the voice/hallucination of captain blue hes nice keep him around. always kept my satanism guarded when talking to professionals. except one day i slipped and mention satan to one doctor, he put me on a court order and forced hospitilization and lol had to take 4 weeks off work, stuck in hospital, take your medication etc etc, been through the works.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
